Eri Yanuar Akhmad Budi Sunaryo (original) (raw)
Papers by Eri Yanuar Akhmad Budi Sunaryo
Jurnal Keperawatan Klinis dan Komunitas
Background: E-learning method could develop student’s self-directed learning abilities, as its ad... more Background: E-learning method could develop student’s self-directed learning abilities, as its advantage. Self-directed learning (SDL) becomes essential in education since it encourages student to learning, skill development, and professional practice. Educators need to combine current learning process with information technology and e-learning to promote student readiness for SDL abilities.Objective: To describe self-directed learning readiness (SDLR) for nursing students during e-learning implementation in clinical rotation nurse professional program.Method: This was a descriptive-quantitative study with a cross-sectional design conducted at PSIK FK-KMK UGM. Total sampling was applied and included 102 respondents. They were nurse professional program students who were taking basic nursing practice and nursing management courses from August to December 2018. Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale (SDLRS) was used as data collection instrument which consisted of 40 items. Data was a...
Jurnal Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia (JPPNI)
ABSTRAKIntensive care unit (ICU) jantung merupakan unit dengan pasien yang rentan terhadap penula... more ABSTRAKIntensive care unit (ICU) jantung merupakan unit dengan pasien yang rentan terhadap penularan infeksi. Pengunjung yang tidak menerapkan kebersihan tangan menunjukkan pertumbuhan bakteri penyebab Hospital associated Infections (HAIs). Kurangnya pengetahuan dan persepsi pengunjung tentang kebersihan tangan menyebabkan tingkat kepatuhan kebersihan tangan yang rendah. Tujuan Penelitian: Mengetahui gambaran pengetahuan dan persepsi kebersihan tangan pengunjung serta hubungannya dengan karakteristik responden di ICU jantung RSUP Dr. Sardjito. Metode: Menggunakan desain analitik observasional dengan rancangan cross sectional. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 101 responden yang dikumpulkan dengan teknik consecutive sampling. Instrumen pada penelitian ini dibuat oleh peneliti berdasarkan panduan kebersihan tangan dari World Health Organization (WHO). Instrumen yang digunakan telah valid dan reliable. Data dianalisis secara univariat dan bivariat dengan uji chi-square. Hasil: Rata-rata skor pe...
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Tjut Nyak Dhien, 2023
Sunat ialah salah satu metode operasi yang mempunyai kerangka balik alibi agama yang kokoh, kunci... more Sunat ialah salah satu metode operasi yang mempunyai kerangka balik alibi agama yang kokoh, kuncinya merupakan Agama Islam bersumber pada anutan dari Rasul Ibrahim AS serta jadi peranan untuk pria. Di era endemi Covid-19 ini amat mempengaruhi pada jalannya aktivitas berkhitan sebab ketatnya aturan kesehatan. Regu Badan Dies Natalis Universitas Negara Malang bersama sebagian pihak lain ialah Poliklinik UM serta dewan khotbah surau Universitas Negeri Malang(BDM UM) buat membagikan dorongan sunat massal gratis untuk kanak-kanak dalam kegiatan abdi social dedikasi warga di era endemi ini yang cocok dengan aturan kesehatan. Misi dari terdapatnya aktivitas abdi social dedikasi warga sunat massal ini merupakan buat menyunatkan dengan cara massal para kanak-kanak mukmin yang hendak merambah umur baligh di area Malang, paling utama kanak-kanak yang kurang sanggup dengan cara ekonomi. Cara yang dicoba dalam aktivitas ini ialah dengan memberitahukan data aktivitas dedikasi warga melewati kunjungan langsung ke yayasan-yayasan di Malang, social sarana, serta agregasi anggaran melewati crowdfunding. Hasil aktivitas dedikasi warga ini ialah sudah dilaksanakannya sunat massal pada bertepatan pada 15 Oktober 2022
Jurnal Keperawatan Klinis dan Komunitas
Background: Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is a method to evaluate students’ nu... more Background: Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is a method to evaluate students’ nursing skills. OSCE uses checklist as an instrument to test hand washing and gloving skills. While reliability values of both checklists are vital aspect for the instrument, they have not been measured in PSIK FKKMK UGM.Objective: To identify the interrater reliability in the hand washing and gloving skills of OSCE checklists at PSIK FKKMK UGM.Method: This research used non-experimental descriptive quantitative research type with cross-sectional design. The respondents were 92 first-year students at PSIK FKKMK UGM participating in the OSCE examination. Assessment on students performance were conducted using hand washing and gloving checklists by two raters. The scores were analyzed using Kappa and percent agreement (PA).Result: Hand washing checklist had Kappa value of 0,146 (quite poor) and PA 80,40% (acceptable). Gloving checklist had Kappa value of 0,228 (poor) and PA 78,20% (acceptabl...
Jurnal Keperawatan Klinis dan Komunitas
Background: Globally, people with diabetes mellitus are increasing in number, mostly type 2 diabe... more Background: Globally, people with diabetes mellitus are increasing in number, mostly type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). There is a specific diabetes management that could prevent severe complication. This diabetes management could be helped by using smartphone application.Objective: To identify the use of a smartphone application on blood glucose level and glycated haemoglobin management in T2DM.Methods: This study was a literature review. The database used in this study were Pubmed, Science Direct, and Cochrane. The literature inclusion criteria were written in English, published between 2008 and 2018, available in free full text, using T2DM as a sample, using smartphone or mobile phone as intervention, provided blood glucose levels and/or glycated haemoglobin as outcomes, and research paper. Books and seminar results were excluded. The study applied PRISMA guidelines to extract and synthesize data.Results: There were three papers that met the requirements as the result of systematic...
Jurnal Keperawatan Klinis dan Komunitas
Background: Cardiovascular disease is the cause of global death. A cardiovascular-diseases diagno... more Background: Cardiovascular disease is the cause of global death. A cardiovascular-diseases diagnosed person has a risk for non-lethal and lethal incidents, ranging from heart attack, stroke, and even death.Objective: This research was aimed to obtain an overview of the risk level of cardiovascular-disease in the working area of Mlati Community Health Center Sleman, Yogyakarta.Methods: A cross-sectional research was conducted in the working area of Mlati Community Health Center Sleman, Yogyakarta from September until October 2017. Samples were taken using a multistage cluster sampling technique with the overall subjects of 107 patients. Respondents were patients diagnosed with cardiovascular disease and aged from 40 to 79 years. The research employed WHO/ISH risk prediction chart for Indonesia (South-East Asia Region B). The prediction of cardiovascular risk level was obtained through interview concerning on demographic data, blood pressure, and cholesterol level. The results were an...
Jurnal Keperawatan Klinis dan Komunitas, 2021
ABSTRACTBackground: Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients are immunosuppressive and susceptible to i... more ABSTRACTBackground: Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients are immunosuppressive and susceptible to infection. Their visit toward ICU may increase pathogen contamination and infection transmission probability. One of the procedures to prevent infection transmission is hand hygiene. On the other hand, perception and knowledge among ICU visitors related to hand hygiene is still under-researched.Objective: Describing the hand hygiene perception and knowledge of ICU visitors at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Academic Hospital Yogyakarta.Methods: This research was a descriptive study using survey. Participants were 100 visitors at the UGM Academic Hospital who visited ICU on December 2019. Data were collected by using a questionnaire of visitors' perception and knowledge of hand hygiene that refers to World Health Organisation 2009 guidance. Univariate analysis was utilized to analyze the data.Results: Most of ICU visitors had good perception (61%) and good knowledge (53%). The best domain...
Background: Nurses responsibility for physical assessment has changed greatly over the years. Tra... more Background: Nurses responsibility for physical assessment has changed greatly over the years. Traditionally nurses had very limited responsibility for physical assessment and patient assessment was not considered to be part of the nursing role. As nurses' roles have become more sophisticated, patient assessment skills have become essential (McKenna et al. 2011). There have been no studies regarding the effect of an education session on nursing physical assessment using the airway, breathing, circulation, disability, exposure and equipment (ABCDE) approach in intensive care unit (ICU) settings. Methods: The research design for this study was quasi-experimental. The participants were all nurses working in the general ICU of Dr Sardjito Hospital in Special Region Yogyakarta, Indonesia (n=24). The intervention in this study was an education session regarding physical assessment utilising the ABCDE approach. Results: Analysis of the effect of an education session on ABCDE physical assessment revealed that all dependent variables had p < 0.05 (airway and disability, p = 0.001; breathing, circulation, exposure and equipment aspects, p < 0.0001), which suggests that the education session had a significant effect on ABCDE physical assessment in the ICU. Conclusions: Physical assessment with the ABCDE approach has been shown to provide a structured and systematic method in nursing physical assessment, and to influence nurses' actions regarding physical assessment in the ICU setting. This method also shows considerable promise and has the potential to contribute to improving the practice of assessment in various clinical settings.
Jurnal Kesehatan, 2020
Kualitas hidup merupakan indikator utama bagi penyakit kardiovaskular. Penyakit kardiovaskular me... more Kualitas hidup merupakan indikator utama bagi penyakit kardiovaskular. Penyakit kardiovaskular mendominasi dan menjadi penyakit utama penyebab kematian di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi gambaran kualitas hidup pada pasien dengan penyakit kardiovaskular di Mlati, Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan desain cross-sectional. Penelitian dilakukan pada pasien dengan penyakit kardiovaskular yang berada di wilayah Puskesmas Mlati, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik multistage cluster sampling. Data diambil menggunakan kuesioner Medical Outcome Study 12-Item Short-Form Second-Version (MOS SF-12v2). Analisis data menggunakan tabel distribusi frekuensi terdiri dari rerata, standar deviasi dan frekuensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 107 responden yang berpartisipasi. Jumlah responden per-penyakit, hipertensi (n = 97), stroke (n = 13), gagal jantung (n = 12) dan penyakit jantung kor...
Journal of Community Empowerment for Health, 2019
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are chronic diseases that are not transmitted from person to per... more Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are chronic diseases that are not transmitted from person to person. Each year 41 million people die due to NCDs. From 1995 to 2007 (12 years), Indonesia has undergone an epidemiological transition in which deaths from NCDs increased, while deaths due to infectious diseases declined. Prevalence of NCDs in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) has also continued to increase in 2007-2013. We conducted research to obtain a description of body mass index, blood pressure, and random blood glucose in Jaten, Sinduadi, Mlati, Sleman, DIY as early screening for NCDs. This research was a retrospective study using data obtained from the records from a medical check-up done in a community service program on August 19, 2018. Data obtained included age, height, weight, blood pressure, and random blood glucose levels. A total of 96 people were screened. Most (72.9%) participants were adults (aged ≥ 20 years to ≤ 59 years). Results of the screening showed that 43% ...
Jurnal Keperawatan Klinis dan Komunitas
Background: E-learning method could develop student’s self-directed learning abilities, as its ad... more Background: E-learning method could develop student’s self-directed learning abilities, as its advantage. Self-directed learning (SDL) becomes essential in education since it encourages student to learning, skill development, and professional practice. Educators need to combine current learning process with information technology and e-learning to promote student readiness for SDL abilities.Objective: To describe self-directed learning readiness (SDLR) for nursing students during e-learning implementation in clinical rotation nurse professional program.Method: This was a descriptive-quantitative study with a cross-sectional design conducted at PSIK FK-KMK UGM. Total sampling was applied and included 102 respondents. They were nurse professional program students who were taking basic nursing practice and nursing management courses from August to December 2018. Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale (SDLRS) was used as data collection instrument which consisted of 40 items. Data was a...
Jurnal Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia (JPPNI)
ABSTRAKIntensive care unit (ICU) jantung merupakan unit dengan pasien yang rentan terhadap penula... more ABSTRAKIntensive care unit (ICU) jantung merupakan unit dengan pasien yang rentan terhadap penularan infeksi. Pengunjung yang tidak menerapkan kebersihan tangan menunjukkan pertumbuhan bakteri penyebab Hospital associated Infections (HAIs). Kurangnya pengetahuan dan persepsi pengunjung tentang kebersihan tangan menyebabkan tingkat kepatuhan kebersihan tangan yang rendah. Tujuan Penelitian: Mengetahui gambaran pengetahuan dan persepsi kebersihan tangan pengunjung serta hubungannya dengan karakteristik responden di ICU jantung RSUP Dr. Sardjito. Metode: Menggunakan desain analitik observasional dengan rancangan cross sectional. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 101 responden yang dikumpulkan dengan teknik consecutive sampling. Instrumen pada penelitian ini dibuat oleh peneliti berdasarkan panduan kebersihan tangan dari World Health Organization (WHO). Instrumen yang digunakan telah valid dan reliable. Data dianalisis secara univariat dan bivariat dengan uji chi-square. Hasil: Rata-rata skor pe...
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Tjut Nyak Dhien, 2023
Sunat ialah salah satu metode operasi yang mempunyai kerangka balik alibi agama yang kokoh, kunci... more Sunat ialah salah satu metode operasi yang mempunyai kerangka balik alibi agama yang kokoh, kuncinya merupakan Agama Islam bersumber pada anutan dari Rasul Ibrahim AS serta jadi peranan untuk pria. Di era endemi Covid-19 ini amat mempengaruhi pada jalannya aktivitas berkhitan sebab ketatnya aturan kesehatan. Regu Badan Dies Natalis Universitas Negara Malang bersama sebagian pihak lain ialah Poliklinik UM serta dewan khotbah surau Universitas Negeri Malang(BDM UM) buat membagikan dorongan sunat massal gratis untuk kanak-kanak dalam kegiatan abdi social dedikasi warga di era endemi ini yang cocok dengan aturan kesehatan. Misi dari terdapatnya aktivitas abdi social dedikasi warga sunat massal ini merupakan buat menyunatkan dengan cara massal para kanak-kanak mukmin yang hendak merambah umur baligh di area Malang, paling utama kanak-kanak yang kurang sanggup dengan cara ekonomi. Cara yang dicoba dalam aktivitas ini ialah dengan memberitahukan data aktivitas dedikasi warga melewati kunjungan langsung ke yayasan-yayasan di Malang, social sarana, serta agregasi anggaran melewati crowdfunding. Hasil aktivitas dedikasi warga ini ialah sudah dilaksanakannya sunat massal pada bertepatan pada 15 Oktober 2022
Jurnal Keperawatan Klinis dan Komunitas
Background: Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is a method to evaluate students’ nu... more Background: Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is a method to evaluate students’ nursing skills. OSCE uses checklist as an instrument to test hand washing and gloving skills. While reliability values of both checklists are vital aspect for the instrument, they have not been measured in PSIK FKKMK UGM.Objective: To identify the interrater reliability in the hand washing and gloving skills of OSCE checklists at PSIK FKKMK UGM.Method: This research used non-experimental descriptive quantitative research type with cross-sectional design. The respondents were 92 first-year students at PSIK FKKMK UGM participating in the OSCE examination. Assessment on students performance were conducted using hand washing and gloving checklists by two raters. The scores were analyzed using Kappa and percent agreement (PA).Result: Hand washing checklist had Kappa value of 0,146 (quite poor) and PA 80,40% (acceptable). Gloving checklist had Kappa value of 0,228 (poor) and PA 78,20% (acceptabl...
Jurnal Keperawatan Klinis dan Komunitas
Background: Globally, people with diabetes mellitus are increasing in number, mostly type 2 diabe... more Background: Globally, people with diabetes mellitus are increasing in number, mostly type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). There is a specific diabetes management that could prevent severe complication. This diabetes management could be helped by using smartphone application.Objective: To identify the use of a smartphone application on blood glucose level and glycated haemoglobin management in T2DM.Methods: This study was a literature review. The database used in this study were Pubmed, Science Direct, and Cochrane. The literature inclusion criteria were written in English, published between 2008 and 2018, available in free full text, using T2DM as a sample, using smartphone or mobile phone as intervention, provided blood glucose levels and/or glycated haemoglobin as outcomes, and research paper. Books and seminar results were excluded. The study applied PRISMA guidelines to extract and synthesize data.Results: There were three papers that met the requirements as the result of systematic...
Jurnal Keperawatan Klinis dan Komunitas
Background: Cardiovascular disease is the cause of global death. A cardiovascular-diseases diagno... more Background: Cardiovascular disease is the cause of global death. A cardiovascular-diseases diagnosed person has a risk for non-lethal and lethal incidents, ranging from heart attack, stroke, and even death.Objective: This research was aimed to obtain an overview of the risk level of cardiovascular-disease in the working area of Mlati Community Health Center Sleman, Yogyakarta.Methods: A cross-sectional research was conducted in the working area of Mlati Community Health Center Sleman, Yogyakarta from September until October 2017. Samples were taken using a multistage cluster sampling technique with the overall subjects of 107 patients. Respondents were patients diagnosed with cardiovascular disease and aged from 40 to 79 years. The research employed WHO/ISH risk prediction chart for Indonesia (South-East Asia Region B). The prediction of cardiovascular risk level was obtained through interview concerning on demographic data, blood pressure, and cholesterol level. The results were an...
Jurnal Keperawatan Klinis dan Komunitas, 2021
ABSTRACTBackground: Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients are immunosuppressive and susceptible to i... more ABSTRACTBackground: Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients are immunosuppressive and susceptible to infection. Their visit toward ICU may increase pathogen contamination and infection transmission probability. One of the procedures to prevent infection transmission is hand hygiene. On the other hand, perception and knowledge among ICU visitors related to hand hygiene is still under-researched.Objective: Describing the hand hygiene perception and knowledge of ICU visitors at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Academic Hospital Yogyakarta.Methods: This research was a descriptive study using survey. Participants were 100 visitors at the UGM Academic Hospital who visited ICU on December 2019. Data were collected by using a questionnaire of visitors' perception and knowledge of hand hygiene that refers to World Health Organisation 2009 guidance. Univariate analysis was utilized to analyze the data.Results: Most of ICU visitors had good perception (61%) and good knowledge (53%). The best domain...
Background: Nurses responsibility for physical assessment has changed greatly over the years. Tra... more Background: Nurses responsibility for physical assessment has changed greatly over the years. Traditionally nurses had very limited responsibility for physical assessment and patient assessment was not considered to be part of the nursing role. As nurses' roles have become more sophisticated, patient assessment skills have become essential (McKenna et al. 2011). There have been no studies regarding the effect of an education session on nursing physical assessment using the airway, breathing, circulation, disability, exposure and equipment (ABCDE) approach in intensive care unit (ICU) settings. Methods: The research design for this study was quasi-experimental. The participants were all nurses working in the general ICU of Dr Sardjito Hospital in Special Region Yogyakarta, Indonesia (n=24). The intervention in this study was an education session regarding physical assessment utilising the ABCDE approach. Results: Analysis of the effect of an education session on ABCDE physical assessment revealed that all dependent variables had p < 0.05 (airway and disability, p = 0.001; breathing, circulation, exposure and equipment aspects, p < 0.0001), which suggests that the education session had a significant effect on ABCDE physical assessment in the ICU. Conclusions: Physical assessment with the ABCDE approach has been shown to provide a structured and systematic method in nursing physical assessment, and to influence nurses' actions regarding physical assessment in the ICU setting. This method also shows considerable promise and has the potential to contribute to improving the practice of assessment in various clinical settings.
Jurnal Kesehatan, 2020
Kualitas hidup merupakan indikator utama bagi penyakit kardiovaskular. Penyakit kardiovaskular me... more Kualitas hidup merupakan indikator utama bagi penyakit kardiovaskular. Penyakit kardiovaskular mendominasi dan menjadi penyakit utama penyebab kematian di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi gambaran kualitas hidup pada pasien dengan penyakit kardiovaskular di Mlati, Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan desain cross-sectional. Penelitian dilakukan pada pasien dengan penyakit kardiovaskular yang berada di wilayah Puskesmas Mlati, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik multistage cluster sampling. Data diambil menggunakan kuesioner Medical Outcome Study 12-Item Short-Form Second-Version (MOS SF-12v2). Analisis data menggunakan tabel distribusi frekuensi terdiri dari rerata, standar deviasi dan frekuensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 107 responden yang berpartisipasi. Jumlah responden per-penyakit, hipertensi (n = 97), stroke (n = 13), gagal jantung (n = 12) dan penyakit jantung kor...
Journal of Community Empowerment for Health, 2019
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are chronic diseases that are not transmitted from person to per... more Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are chronic diseases that are not transmitted from person to person. Each year 41 million people die due to NCDs. From 1995 to 2007 (12 years), Indonesia has undergone an epidemiological transition in which deaths from NCDs increased, while deaths due to infectious diseases declined. Prevalence of NCDs in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) has also continued to increase in 2007-2013. We conducted research to obtain a description of body mass index, blood pressure, and random blood glucose in Jaten, Sinduadi, Mlati, Sleman, DIY as early screening for NCDs. This research was a retrospective study using data obtained from the records from a medical check-up done in a community service program on August 19, 2018. Data obtained included age, height, weight, blood pressure, and random blood glucose levels. A total of 96 people were screened. Most (72.9%) participants were adults (aged ≥ 20 years to ≤ 59 years). Results of the screening showed that 43% ...