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Papers by Eric Beach

Research paper thumbnail of Performance of OMPS Nadir Profilers’ Sensor Data Records

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2021

The Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) Nadir Profilers (NPs) are advanced backscatter ultrav... more The Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) Nadir Profilers (NPs) are advanced backscatter ultraviolet (BUV) hyperspectral instruments that measure ozone profiles in the Earth atmosphere. The first NP sensor onboard the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (Suomi-NPP) satellite began its science observations on January 26, 2012, after its aperture door opened. The second OMPS NP, flying on the NOAA-20 satellite, opened its aperture door on January 8, 2018, starting science its data collection. The two NP sensors acquire Earth spectral images along their satellite flight path with a 16.7° wide swath, enabling weekly coverage of vertical ozone distribution in the Earth atmosphere. A successful thorough sensor calibration enables the NP sensors’ data records (SDRs) to meet measurement accuracy requirements. The largest error term in the albedo calibration came from the spectral wavelength calibration. This article provides SDRs accuracy analysis for both NP sensors and discusses i...

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Research paper thumbnail of Optimized Umkehr profile algorithm for ozone trend analyses

. The long-term record of Umkehr measurements from four NOAA Dobson spectrophotometers was reproc... more . The long-term record of Umkehr measurements from four NOAA Dobson spectrophotometers was reprocessed after updates to the instrument calibration procedures. In addition, a new data quality-control tool was developed for the Dobson automation software (WinDobson). This paper presents a comparison of Dobson Umkehr ozone profiles from NOAA ozone network stations (Boulder, OHP, MLO, Lauder) against several satellite records, including Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS; ver. 4.2), and combined SBUV and OMPS records (NASA AGG and NOAA COH). A subset of satellite data is selected to match Dobson Umkehr observations at each station spatially (distance less than 200 km) and temporally (within 24 hours). Umkehr Averaging Kernels (AKs) are applied to vertically smooth all overpass satellite profiles prior to comparisons. The station Umkehr record consists of several instrumental records, which have different optical characterizations, and thus instrument-specific stray light contributes to the data processing errors and creates step changes in the record. This work evaluates the overall quality of Umkehr long-term measurements at NOAA ground-based stations and assesses the impact of the instrumental changes on the stability of the Umkehr ozone profile record. This paper describes a method designed to correct biases and discontinuities in the retrieved Umkehr profile that originate from the Dobson calibration process, repair, or optical realignment of the instrument. The M2GMI and GMI CTM ozone profile model output matched to station location and date of observation is used to evaluate instrumental step changes in the Umkehr record. Homogenization of the Umkehr record and discussion of the apparent stray light error in retrieved ozone profiles are the focus of this paper. Homogenization of ground-based records is of great importance for studies of long-term ozone trends and climate change.

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation and Improvement of the Near-Real-Time Linear Fit SO₂ Retrievals From Suomi NPP Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

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Research paper thumbnail of Suomi-NPP OMPS Nadir Mapper’s Operational SDR Performance

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

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Research paper thumbnail of Validation of Ozone Measurements From the SBUV/2 and OMI Data Sets

Ozone is an important atmospheric constituent that shields the Earth's surface from harmful u... more Ozone is an important atmospheric constituent that shields the Earth's surface from harmful ultraviolet radiation and also plays a critical role in radiation forcing, thus affecting climate change. NOAA's second generation Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet Instruments (SBUV/2) employ the nadir-viewing backscattered ultraviolet technique to measure ozone concentration profiles in the atmosphere on a global scale. The Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) is an imaging spectrometer with daily global coverage that measures columns of gases like ozone, NO2, BrO, and SO2. A comparison of the ozone data sets from SBUV/2 and OMI is discussed for the period when data are available from those experiments. The study of consistency among the data sets of various instruments is important in developing confidence in those data records and in determining their value in trend analyses. In order to establish the validity of the ozone data records, one needs to show that different measurement techni...

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Research paper thumbnail of NPOESS preparatory project validation plans for the ozone mapping and profiler suite

2011 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2011

NOAA, through the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) program, in partnership with National Aeron... more NOAA, through the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) program, in partnership with National Aeronautical Space Administration (NASA), will launch the NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP) satellite, a risk reduction and data continuity mission, prior to the first operational JPSS launch. The JPSS program will execute the NPP Calibration and Validation (Cal/Val) program to ensure the data products comply with the requirements

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Research paper thumbnail of Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership: Verification and early operations for the Ozone Mapping and Profile Suite

2012 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2012

ABSTRACT A new suite of instruments to estimate atmospheric ozone by measuring scattered solar ir... more ABSTRACT A new suite of instruments to estimate atmospheric ozone by measuring scattered solar irradiance began operating in January 2012. The measurements will be used to continue existing records of atmospheric ozone profiles as part of the NOAA Joint Polar Satellite System. This paper presents preliminary evaluations of these new products.

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis and Validation of the Reprocessed NOAA-11 and NOAA-16 SBUV/2 Total and Profile Ozone Data Sets

We have reprocessed the NOAA-11 (1989 - March 2001) and NOAA-16 (October 2000 - present) SBUV/2 t... more We have reprocessed the NOAA-11 (1989 - March 2001) and NOAA-16 (October 2000 - present) SBUV/2 total and profile ozone data using improved calibration and an improved algorithm. The SBUV/2 data record from NOAA-11 and -16 continues the Nimbus-7 SBUV data record that began in 1978. The newly developed Version 8 algorithm has latitudinally and seasonally varying ozone and temperature climatology, an improved forward model, corrections for aerosol contamination, an inverse model that uses measurements at ten wavelengths (273 - 331 nm). We determined the accuracy of the reprocessed total and profile ozone by performing external comparisons to ground-based and satellite-based observations. We validated the total ozone data sets by comparing them with ozone estimates from a network of Dobson spectrometers and ozone estimates from TOMS instruments during their overlap with the SBUV/2 instruments on NOAA-11 and NOAA-16. We validated the ozone profile data sets by comparing them with POAM-I...

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Research paper thumbnail of Validation of Ozone Measurements From the SBUV/2 and OMI Data Sets

Ozone is an important atmospheric constituent that shields the Earth's surface from harmful u... more Ozone is an important atmospheric constituent that shields the Earth's surface from harmful ultraviolet radiation and also plays a critical role in radiation forcing, thus affecting climate change. NOAA's second generation Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet Instruments (SBUV/2) employ the nadir-viewing backscattered ultraviolet technique to measure ozone concentration profiles in the atmosphere on a global scale. The Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) is an imaging spectrometer with daily global coverage that measures columns of gases like ozone, NO2, BrO, and SO2. A comparison of the ozone data sets from SBUV/2 and OMI is discussed for the period when data are available from those experiments. The study of consistency among the data sets of various instruments is important in developing confidence in those data records and in determining their value in trend analyses. In order to establish the validity of the ozone data records, one needs to show that different measurement techni...

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Research paper thumbnail of Enhanced operational methods in the NOAA Umkehr ground-based network for the future OMPS validation

This work evaluates the quality of stratospheric and tropospheric ozone information derived from ... more This work evaluates the quality of stratospheric and tropospheric ozone information derived from the ground- based Dobson and Brewer measurements. The updated and homogenized SBUV/2 V8 ozone profile time series is evaluated for internal consistency and potential drifts between different satellites. Long-term records from well-maintained Dobson Umkehr stations are used for assessment of the SBUV time series. The Umkehr technique

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Research paper thumbnail of Computing differential air mass factor lookup tables using DISORT radiative transfer model

2011 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2011

NOAA/NESDIS is implementing its own data processing for MetOP-A/GOME-2 observation. The retrieval... more NOAA/NESDIS is implementing its own data processing for MetOP-A/GOME-2 observation. The retrieval method used for Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and Bromine monoxide (BrO) is the heritage EOS/OMI differential optical absorption spectroscopic (DOAS) method. To covert the slant column density (SCD) to the vertical column density (VCD) a differential air mass factor (dAmf) lookup table (LUT) is necessary. For the practical need,

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Research paper thumbnail of Performance of the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) products

Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Vertical Structure of the Anomalous 2002 Antarctic Ozone Hole

Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 2005

... In the late 1980s and 1990s, the size of the Southern Hemisphere springtime ozone hole, as ob... more ... In the late 1980s and 1990s, the size of the Southern Hemisphere springtime ozone hole, as observed by the SBUV/2 instruments on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA's) Nimbus-7 and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA's ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A cohesive total ozone data set from the SBUV(/2) satellite system

Journal of Geophysical Research, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Measurements and products from the Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SBUV/2) and Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) instruments

International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2009

This paper presents an overview of the state of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrati... more This paper presents an overview of the state of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) satellite ozone programme including assessments of the current Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SBUV/2) and the future Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) instruments and products. It provides evaluation of the quality of the NOAA Polar-orbiting Operational Satellites (POES) SBUV/2 measurements and the Version 8 algorithm

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Research paper thumbnail of Capacitor having a dielectric layer including a group 17 element

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Research paper thumbnail of A Capacitor Having a Dielectric Layer Including a Group 17 Element and a Method of Manufacture Therefor

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Research paper thumbnail of NPOESS preparatory project validation plans for the ozone mapping and profiler suite

2011 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2011

NOAA, through the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) program, in partnership with National Aeron... more NOAA, through the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) program, in partnership with National Aeronautical Space Administration (NASA), will launch the NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP) satellite, a risk reduction and data continuity mission, prior to the first operational JPSS launch. The JPSS program will execute the NPP Calibration and Validation (Cal/Val) program to ensure the data products comply with the requirements

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Research paper thumbnail of Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership: Verification and early operations for the Ozone Mapping and Profile Suite

2012 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2012

ABSTRACT A new suite of instruments to estimate atmospheric ozone by measuring scattered solar ir... more ABSTRACT A new suite of instruments to estimate atmospheric ozone by measuring scattered solar irradiance began operating in January 2012. The measurements will be used to continue existing records of atmospheric ozone profiles as part of the NOAA Joint Polar Satellite System. This paper presents preliminary evaluations of these new products.

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis and Validation of the Reprocessed NOAA-11 and NOAA-16 SBUV/2 Total and Profile Ozone Data Sets

We have reprocessed the NOAA-11 (1989 - March 2001) and NOAA-16 (October 2000 - present) SBUV/2 t... more We have reprocessed the NOAA-11 (1989 - March 2001) and NOAA-16 (October 2000 - present) SBUV/2 total and profile ozone data using improved calibration and an improved algorithm. The SBUV/2 data record from NOAA-11 and -16 continues the Nimbus-7 SBUV data record that began in 1978. The newly developed Version 8 algorithm has latitudinally and seasonally varying ozone and temperature climatology, an improved forward model, corrections for aerosol contamination, an inverse model that uses measurements at ten wavelengths (273 - 331 nm). We determined the accuracy of the reprocessed total and profile ozone by performing external comparisons to ground-based and satellite-based observations. We validated the total ozone data sets by comparing them with ozone estimates from a network of Dobson spectrometers and ozone estimates from TOMS instruments during their overlap with the SBUV/2 instruments on NOAA-11 and NOAA-16. We validated the ozone profile data sets by comparing them with POAM-I...

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Research paper thumbnail of Performance of OMPS Nadir Profilers’ Sensor Data Records

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2021

The Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) Nadir Profilers (NPs) are advanced backscatter ultrav... more The Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) Nadir Profilers (NPs) are advanced backscatter ultraviolet (BUV) hyperspectral instruments that measure ozone profiles in the Earth atmosphere. The first NP sensor onboard the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (Suomi-NPP) satellite began its science observations on January 26, 2012, after its aperture door opened. The second OMPS NP, flying on the NOAA-20 satellite, opened its aperture door on January 8, 2018, starting science its data collection. The two NP sensors acquire Earth spectral images along their satellite flight path with a 16.7° wide swath, enabling weekly coverage of vertical ozone distribution in the Earth atmosphere. A successful thorough sensor calibration enables the NP sensors’ data records (SDRs) to meet measurement accuracy requirements. The largest error term in the albedo calibration came from the spectral wavelength calibration. This article provides SDRs accuracy analysis for both NP sensors and discusses i...

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Research paper thumbnail of Optimized Umkehr profile algorithm for ozone trend analyses

. The long-term record of Umkehr measurements from four NOAA Dobson spectrophotometers was reproc... more . The long-term record of Umkehr measurements from four NOAA Dobson spectrophotometers was reprocessed after updates to the instrument calibration procedures. In addition, a new data quality-control tool was developed for the Dobson automation software (WinDobson). This paper presents a comparison of Dobson Umkehr ozone profiles from NOAA ozone network stations (Boulder, OHP, MLO, Lauder) against several satellite records, including Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS; ver. 4.2), and combined SBUV and OMPS records (NASA AGG and NOAA COH). A subset of satellite data is selected to match Dobson Umkehr observations at each station spatially (distance less than 200 km) and temporally (within 24 hours). Umkehr Averaging Kernels (AKs) are applied to vertically smooth all overpass satellite profiles prior to comparisons. The station Umkehr record consists of several instrumental records, which have different optical characterizations, and thus instrument-specific stray light contributes to the data processing errors and creates step changes in the record. This work evaluates the overall quality of Umkehr long-term measurements at NOAA ground-based stations and assesses the impact of the instrumental changes on the stability of the Umkehr ozone profile record. This paper describes a method designed to correct biases and discontinuities in the retrieved Umkehr profile that originate from the Dobson calibration process, repair, or optical realignment of the instrument. The M2GMI and GMI CTM ozone profile model output matched to station location and date of observation is used to evaluate instrumental step changes in the Umkehr record. Homogenization of the Umkehr record and discussion of the apparent stray light error in retrieved ozone profiles are the focus of this paper. Homogenization of ground-based records is of great importance for studies of long-term ozone trends and climate change.

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation and Improvement of the Near-Real-Time Linear Fit SO₂ Retrievals From Suomi NPP Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

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Research paper thumbnail of Suomi-NPP OMPS Nadir Mapper’s Operational SDR Performance

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

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Research paper thumbnail of Validation of Ozone Measurements From the SBUV/2 and OMI Data Sets

Ozone is an important atmospheric constituent that shields the Earth's surface from harmful u... more Ozone is an important atmospheric constituent that shields the Earth's surface from harmful ultraviolet radiation and also plays a critical role in radiation forcing, thus affecting climate change. NOAA's second generation Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet Instruments (SBUV/2) employ the nadir-viewing backscattered ultraviolet technique to measure ozone concentration profiles in the atmosphere on a global scale. The Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) is an imaging spectrometer with daily global coverage that measures columns of gases like ozone, NO2, BrO, and SO2. A comparison of the ozone data sets from SBUV/2 and OMI is discussed for the period when data are available from those experiments. The study of consistency among the data sets of various instruments is important in developing confidence in those data records and in determining their value in trend analyses. In order to establish the validity of the ozone data records, one needs to show that different measurement techni...

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Research paper thumbnail of NPOESS preparatory project validation plans for the ozone mapping and profiler suite

2011 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2011

NOAA, through the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) program, in partnership with National Aeron... more NOAA, through the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) program, in partnership with National Aeronautical Space Administration (NASA), will launch the NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP) satellite, a risk reduction and data continuity mission, prior to the first operational JPSS launch. The JPSS program will execute the NPP Calibration and Validation (Cal/Val) program to ensure the data products comply with the requirements

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Research paper thumbnail of Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership: Verification and early operations for the Ozone Mapping and Profile Suite

2012 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2012

ABSTRACT A new suite of instruments to estimate atmospheric ozone by measuring scattered solar ir... more ABSTRACT A new suite of instruments to estimate atmospheric ozone by measuring scattered solar irradiance began operating in January 2012. The measurements will be used to continue existing records of atmospheric ozone profiles as part of the NOAA Joint Polar Satellite System. This paper presents preliminary evaluations of these new products.

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis and Validation of the Reprocessed NOAA-11 and NOAA-16 SBUV/2 Total and Profile Ozone Data Sets

We have reprocessed the NOAA-11 (1989 - March 2001) and NOAA-16 (October 2000 - present) SBUV/2 t... more We have reprocessed the NOAA-11 (1989 - March 2001) and NOAA-16 (October 2000 - present) SBUV/2 total and profile ozone data using improved calibration and an improved algorithm. The SBUV/2 data record from NOAA-11 and -16 continues the Nimbus-7 SBUV data record that began in 1978. The newly developed Version 8 algorithm has latitudinally and seasonally varying ozone and temperature climatology, an improved forward model, corrections for aerosol contamination, an inverse model that uses measurements at ten wavelengths (273 - 331 nm). We determined the accuracy of the reprocessed total and profile ozone by performing external comparisons to ground-based and satellite-based observations. We validated the total ozone data sets by comparing them with ozone estimates from a network of Dobson spectrometers and ozone estimates from TOMS instruments during their overlap with the SBUV/2 instruments on NOAA-11 and NOAA-16. We validated the ozone profile data sets by comparing them with POAM-I...

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Research paper thumbnail of Validation of Ozone Measurements From the SBUV/2 and OMI Data Sets

Ozone is an important atmospheric constituent that shields the Earth's surface from harmful u... more Ozone is an important atmospheric constituent that shields the Earth's surface from harmful ultraviolet radiation and also plays a critical role in radiation forcing, thus affecting climate change. NOAA's second generation Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet Instruments (SBUV/2) employ the nadir-viewing backscattered ultraviolet technique to measure ozone concentration profiles in the atmosphere on a global scale. The Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) is an imaging spectrometer with daily global coverage that measures columns of gases like ozone, NO2, BrO, and SO2. A comparison of the ozone data sets from SBUV/2 and OMI is discussed for the period when data are available from those experiments. The study of consistency among the data sets of various instruments is important in developing confidence in those data records and in determining their value in trend analyses. In order to establish the validity of the ozone data records, one needs to show that different measurement techni...

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Research paper thumbnail of Enhanced operational methods in the NOAA Umkehr ground-based network for the future OMPS validation

This work evaluates the quality of stratospheric and tropospheric ozone information derived from ... more This work evaluates the quality of stratospheric and tropospheric ozone information derived from the ground- based Dobson and Brewer measurements. The updated and homogenized SBUV/2 V8 ozone profile time series is evaluated for internal consistency and potential drifts between different satellites. Long-term records from well-maintained Dobson Umkehr stations are used for assessment of the SBUV time series. The Umkehr technique

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Research paper thumbnail of Computing differential air mass factor lookup tables using DISORT radiative transfer model

2011 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2011

NOAA/NESDIS is implementing its own data processing for MetOP-A/GOME-2 observation. The retrieval... more NOAA/NESDIS is implementing its own data processing for MetOP-A/GOME-2 observation. The retrieval method used for Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and Bromine monoxide (BrO) is the heritage EOS/OMI differential optical absorption spectroscopic (DOAS) method. To covert the slant column density (SCD) to the vertical column density (VCD) a differential air mass factor (dAmf) lookup table (LUT) is necessary. For the practical need,

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Research paper thumbnail of Performance of the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) products

Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Vertical Structure of the Anomalous 2002 Antarctic Ozone Hole

Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 2005

... In the late 1980s and 1990s, the size of the Southern Hemisphere springtime ozone hole, as ob... more ... In the late 1980s and 1990s, the size of the Southern Hemisphere springtime ozone hole, as observed by the SBUV/2 instruments on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA's) Nimbus-7 and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA's ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A cohesive total ozone data set from the SBUV(/2) satellite system

Journal of Geophysical Research, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Measurements and products from the Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SBUV/2) and Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) instruments

International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2009

This paper presents an overview of the state of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrati... more This paper presents an overview of the state of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) satellite ozone programme including assessments of the current Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SBUV/2) and the future Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) instruments and products. It provides evaluation of the quality of the NOAA Polar-orbiting Operational Satellites (POES) SBUV/2 measurements and the Version 8 algorithm

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Research paper thumbnail of Capacitor having a dielectric layer including a group 17 element

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Research paper thumbnail of A Capacitor Having a Dielectric Layer Including a Group 17 Element and a Method of Manufacture Therefor

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Research paper thumbnail of NPOESS preparatory project validation plans for the ozone mapping and profiler suite

2011 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2011

NOAA, through the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) program, in partnership with National Aeron... more NOAA, through the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) program, in partnership with National Aeronautical Space Administration (NASA), will launch the NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP) satellite, a risk reduction and data continuity mission, prior to the first operational JPSS launch. The JPSS program will execute the NPP Calibration and Validation (Cal/Val) program to ensure the data products comply with the requirements

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Research paper thumbnail of Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership: Verification and early operations for the Ozone Mapping and Profile Suite

2012 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2012

ABSTRACT A new suite of instruments to estimate atmospheric ozone by measuring scattered solar ir... more ABSTRACT A new suite of instruments to estimate atmospheric ozone by measuring scattered solar irradiance began operating in January 2012. The measurements will be used to continue existing records of atmospheric ozone profiles as part of the NOAA Joint Polar Satellite System. This paper presents preliminary evaluations of these new products.

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis and Validation of the Reprocessed NOAA-11 and NOAA-16 SBUV/2 Total and Profile Ozone Data Sets

We have reprocessed the NOAA-11 (1989 - March 2001) and NOAA-16 (October 2000 - present) SBUV/2 t... more We have reprocessed the NOAA-11 (1989 - March 2001) and NOAA-16 (October 2000 - present) SBUV/2 total and profile ozone data using improved calibration and an improved algorithm. The SBUV/2 data record from NOAA-11 and -16 continues the Nimbus-7 SBUV data record that began in 1978. The newly developed Version 8 algorithm has latitudinally and seasonally varying ozone and temperature climatology, an improved forward model, corrections for aerosol contamination, an inverse model that uses measurements at ten wavelengths (273 - 331 nm). We determined the accuracy of the reprocessed total and profile ozone by performing external comparisons to ground-based and satellite-based observations. We validated the total ozone data sets by comparing them with ozone estimates from a network of Dobson spectrometers and ozone estimates from TOMS instruments during their overlap with the SBUV/2 instruments on NOAA-11 and NOAA-16. We validated the ozone profile data sets by comparing them with POAM-I...

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