Erkki Komulainen - (original) (raw)

Papers by Erkki Komulainen

Research paper thumbnail of Contents Vol. 63, 2011

Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Research on Teaching and the Theory and Practice in Teacher Training. DPA Helsinki Investigations IV = Unterrichtsforschung und die Theorie und Praxis in der Lehrerausbildung. Papers presented at an International Symposium (Helsinki, October 2-3, 1980). Research Report 4

Research paper thumbnail of Multiple Intelligences Profiling Questionnaire

Research paper thumbnail of The significance of nonverbal performance in children with developmental language disorder

Child Neuropsychology, May 20, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Detection of non-native speech in a familiar language and in an unfamiliar language

Sky Journal of Linguistics, 2017

This study explores the question of whether native and non-native listeners, i.e. natives familia... more This study explores the question of whether native and non-native listeners, i.e. natives familiar with the language they are judging and non-natives who are not, manage to distinguish a foreign accent from a native accent in the speech of native speakers (NSs) and nonnative speakers (NNSs). Participants included 21 speakers (11 NSs and 10 NNSs who were native Turkish speakers) as well as two listener groups that consisted of 61 Finnish listeners (FLs), and 10 Turkish listeners (TLs) without Finnish experience. This study compares accent ratings by these two listener groups that evaluated the 21 spontaneous speech samples for foreign accent using a 9-point scale. The results showed a very significant difference between the listener groups for the NSs but no significant difference for the NNSs. The difference between the FL and the TL groups was because the FLs managed to distinguish the NSs from the NNSs, but otherwise these two listener groups exercised statistically similar rating...

Research paper thumbnail of Näkövammaisten nuorten psykososiaalista kehitystä tutkitaan

Hyvä mieli, hyvä terveys. Onko todella näin? Voiko psyykkinen hyvinvointi edistää fyysistä tervey... more Hyvä mieli, hyvä terveys. Onko todella näin? Voiko psyykkinen hyvinvointi edistää fyysistä terveyttä ja päinvastoin? Mikä on lopulta ihmisen mielen ja hänen ruumiinsa suhde? Missä mieli asuu?-Vaikeita kysymyksiä. Toiset meistä näkevät mielen irrallaan aivoista, toisille ei voi olla mieltä ilman aivoja. Keskustelumme polarisoituu "brainless mind" tai "mindless brain" käsitteisiin. Julkisuudessa on ihmetelty uusien masennuslääkkeiden käytön moninkertaistumista. Monet ovat huolissaan siitä, että ihmisen "luonnolliset" ongelmat medikalisoidaan. Käsitys "onnellisuuspillereistä" on alkanut elää julkisuudessa omaa todellisuuttaan, vaikka tutkimus ei ole voinutkaan osoittaa antidepressiivisten lääkkeiden aiheuttavan muuta kuin mielialan normalisoitumista, ei onnellisuutta eikä euforiaa. Jos vain harvat käyttäisivät tehokkaiksi havaittuja depression hoitomuotoja ja hekin vain suurimpaan hätäänsä, niin käsitys mielen ongelmien poikkeuksellisuudesta voisi jatkua meidän mielissämme. Kun sen sijaan hoidon tarve ja kysyntä osoittautuu suureksi, se uhkaa enemmistön käsityksiä terveydestä. Eikä vain terveydestä yleensä, vaan myös omasta terveydestä. Kansalaisten enemmistö luo helposti mustavalkoisia kuvia terveydestä. Mielenterveysongelmat joko erotetaan luonnollisista yhteyksistään ("mielisairaat pois kaduilta laitoksiin") tai samaistetaan liian pitkälle arkipäivän tapahtumiin ("se on vain depistä"). Edellinen vääristymä on klassinen ja perusinhimillinen. Ilahduttavaa asenteiden muutosta on kuitenkin ollut havaittavissa. Siedämme paremmin poikkeavuutta ja päästämme sen lähemmäksi itseämme, kun oma itsetuntomme ja tietopohjamme vahvistuu. Uusi huoli on syntymässä terveyskäsitysten ja erityisesti mielenterveyskäsitysten banalisoitumisesta siten, että alamme yksinkertaistaa monimutkaisia asioita. Vaikka pienilläkin panostuksilla voidaan saada suuria terveysvaikutuksia, niin silti kaikkea ei voida selittää lähes normaaliksi ja hoitaa hetkessä kuntoon. Vaikka terveys onkin tullut arvona yhä tärkeämmäksi, niin se ei saisi kuitenkaan käsitteenä pinnallistua. Kulttuurimme kaupallisuus ja julkisuus synnyttää paineita myös asiantuntijoihin aiheuttaen meissä samansuuntaisia pintailmiöitä. Yksinkertaisiin kysymyksiin on taipumus antaa yksinkertaisia vastauksia. Monimutkaisuus myy huonosti, sen sijaan yksinkertainen ja vaivaton menee helpommin kaupaksi. Oikotietä onneen ei useinkaan ole olemassa. Terveys on vaivan takana. Ruumiin ja mielen klassinen kahtiajako on omiaan ylläpitämään käsityksiä siitä, että psykologisiin syihin tulisi aina vastata myös psykologisin hoidoin, sosiaalisiin syihin sosiaalisin interventioin ja fyysisiin syihin somaattisella hoidolla. Todellisuudessa terveydessä ei ole psykologista, joka ei muuttuisi jossain määrin somaattiseksi eikä somaattistakaan, joka ei heijastuisi mielen maailmaan. Myös ympäristömme siirtyy meihin ja me ympäristöömme. Psyykkisestä tulee somaattista ja somaattisesta myös psyykkistä. Mieli ja ruumis keskustelevat aina keskenään. Terveys muokkautuu jatkuvasti prosessina, jossa erilaiset osajärjestelmät vaikuttavat toisiinsa etsien uutta ja parempaa tasapainoa. Tämän adaptaationäkemyksen mukaan terveyteen voidaan vaikuttaa myös terapeuttisesti monin tavoin, ei useinkaan vain primaarilta vaikuttavan syytekijän kautta. Lääketieteellisen tutkimuksen tehtävänä on tuottaa näyttöön perustuvaa tietoa siitä, millä todennäköisyydellä jokin interventio vaikuttaa ennusteeseen myönteisesti. Useimmiten mallittaminen noudattaa "black box"-periaatetta, jolloin kyllä kontrolloimme hoidon ja tiedämme vasteen, mutta emme ymmärrä emmekä hallitse yksityiskohtaisesti hoitovaikutusta välittävää prosessia. Näin on esimerkiksi silloin, kun hoidamme depressiota masennuslääkkeitä käyttäen. Voimme esittää vain hypoteeseja vaikuttavuuden mekanismeista. On sanottu, että moderni aivotutkimus tulee osoittamaan meille nopeasti huikaisevia yhteyksiä ruumiin ja mielen välillä. Mielen salaisuudet ja sen yhteydet ruumiiseemme ovat kuitenkin vasta hitusen verran avautumassa. Emme yksinkertaisesti vielä tiedä tarpeeksi, emmekä missään tapauksessa voi esiintyä mielen ja ruumiin kaikkivoipina hallitsijoina. Innostuksen lisäksi myös nöyrä asenne on siis edelleen tarpeen. Jos mieli ymmärretään biopsykososiaalisessa terveyskäsitteessä niiksi prosesseiksi ja toiminnoiksi, jotka edustavat tiedon, tunteiden ja merkityssisältöjen kokonaisuutta, on selvää, ettei ihmisen terveyttä voida ajatella irrallaan näistä toiminnoista. Ihmisen ainutlaatuisuus on kuitenkin siinä, että kukaan ei voi olla läpeensä terve tai sairas. Sairaan ruumiin tukena voi olla täysin terve mieli ja hauraan mielen omaava voi olla muutoin poikkeuksellisen terve. t Jouko Lönnqvist, KTL, Mielenterveyden ja alkoholitutkimuksen osasto RISKITEKIJÖIDEN VAIKUTUS SUOMESSA Käynnissä olevassa tutkimuksessa ta

Research paper thumbnail of Multiple intelligences: Can they be measured?

Psychological test and assessment modeling, 2013

AbstractThis paper is about issues relating to the assessment of multiple intelligences. The firs... more AbstractThis paper is about issues relating to the assessment of multiple intelligences. The first section introduces the authors' work on building measures of multiple intelligences and moral sensitivities. It also provides a conceptual definition of multiple intelligences based on Multiple Intelligences theory by Howard Gardner (1983). The second section discusses the context specificity of intelligences and alternative approaches to measuring multiple intelligences. The third section analyses the validity of self-evaluation instruments and provides a case example of building such an instrument. The paper ends with concluding remarks.Key words: Giftedness, multiple intelligences theory, MIPQ, CFA, Bayesian modeling(ProQuest: ... denotes formula omitted.)IntroductionIn this paper, we introduce our work on building measures of multiple intelligences and moral sensitivities based on the Multiple Intelligences theory of Howard Gardner (1983, 1993). We have developed several instru...

Research paper thumbnail of Käyttäytymistieteiden tilastomenetelmien jatkokurssi

Käyttäjälle Käsillä oleva esitys kattaa sellaiset keskeiset alueet, jotka yleensä kuuluvat käyttä... more Käyttäjälle Käsillä oleva esitys kattaa sellaiset keskeiset alueet, jotka yleensä kuuluvat käyttäytymistieteiden aineopintoihin. Perusseikat, kuten keski-ja hajontaluvut sekä erityisesti korrelaatio oletetaan tunnetuiksi. Ne on usein syytä kerrata. Tällainen oppiaines on esim. Komulainen & Karma (2001) "Tilastollisen kuvauksen perusteet käyttäytymistieteissä" 2. laitos, joka on saatavana Kasvatustieteen laitoksen sähköisistä oppimateriaaleista (kuten käsillä olevakin teksti). Ensimmäisen laitoksen esipuheeseen ei juuri ole täydennettävää. Harjoitusesimerkkien laskeminen laskurilla antaa konkreettisuutta ja auttaa ymmärtämään datan ja tunnuslukujen yhteyden. Hallinnan kannalta tämä on yhä varsin tärkeää. Tilastolliset analyysit suorittaa jokainen tutkija nykyisin omalla työpöydällään tietotekniikkaa hyödyntäen. Ensimmäisessä laitoksessa erotettiin kuvaava ja päättelevä aines varsin kategorisesti toisistaan. Näitä on nyt pyritty yhdistämään vaikka teoksen rakenne on säilytetty. Uudemmat sovellukset (esim. SEM-tekniikat, monitasomallit yms.) on edelleen rajattu käsittelyn ulkopuolelle. Ne kuuluvat syventäviin tai postgraduate -opintoihin. Materiaali ei ole sähköisen oppimisen mahdollisuuksia hyödyntävä. Sähköinen kanava toimii vain materiaalin levittämisen helpottajana. Otamme mielellämme palautetta ja teemme sen perusteella korjauksia tarpeen mukaan. Materiaalia saa käyttää vapaasti ei-kaupallisessa yliopistojen ja avoimen yliopiston opetuksessa.

Research paper thumbnail of Research on Teaching and the Theory and Practice in Teacher Training. DPA Helsinki Investigations IV = Unterrichtsforschung und die Theorie und Praxis in der Lehrerausbildung. Papers presented at an International Symposium (Helsinki, October 2-3, 1980). Research Report 4

Research paper thumbnail of Suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, and psychological distress among intoxicated adolescents in the pediatric emergency department

Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 2017

Abstract Background: Studies have emphasized screening for psychiatric disorders, especially suic... more Abstract Background: Studies have emphasized screening for psychiatric disorders, especially suicide risk in emergency departments. Psychiatric disorders and experimentation with alcohol increase in adolescence and intoxications among patients challenge the staff in emergency departments. Aims: This study examined the degree of suicidal ideation (SI) and suicidal behavior in adolescents, and the extent to which they differed from non-suicidal patients in terms of alcohol use, psychological distress, self-esteem, and perceived social support. Methods: The study comprised 120 adolescents, a mean age of 14.2 years. Of them 60% were females. We collected data on the clinical characteristics and assessed the patient’s psychiatric status using self-report scales and analyzed blood samples for alcohol. A consulting psychiatrist interviewed each patient before discharge to evaluate potential SI or suicide attempt (SA) using structured and semi-structured scales. Results: Of the 120 patients 20% had SI or had made a SA. High psychological distress in girls, low blood alcohol levels (BALs), as well as low scores on self-esteem, on social support and on familial support were associated with patients with SI/SA. Logistic regression showed that the most significant variables with suicidal patients included low BAL and low self-esteem and high alcohol consumption. Psychological distress had a direct and mediational role in the suicidal patients. Conclusions: Adolescents referred to the pediatric emergency department with intoxication displaying high psychological distress and low self-esteem represent a high-risk group of teens. In this group, careful assessment of mental health status, screening for suicidal ideation, and SAs seems warranted.

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of some listener background factors and task type that contribute to degree of perceived accent ratings in L2 Finnish

AFinLA-e: Soveltavan kielitieteen tutkimuksia, 2018

This study evaluated the effect of some listener background factors—the listeners’ gender, age, e... more This study evaluated the effect of some listener background factors—the listeners’ gender, age, experience of teaching Finnish as a second language, frequency of contact with immigrants, and being a native of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area in Finland— and task type on their degree of perceived accent (DPA) ratings in L2 Finnish. The participants were 31 native-Finnish speakers and 40 nonnative speakers of Turkish origin who ranged in age from 7 to 66 as well as 61 Finnish listeners who evaluated the speech samples for a foreign accent using a 9-point scale. Three speech samples were administered (word pairs, the reading-aloud of sentences, and a spontaneous speech task). The results showed that no marked differences were observed, despite differences in the listeners’ gender, age, Finnish as a L2 teaching experience, frequency of contact with immigrants speaking Finnish as an L2 , and being a native of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. The results also showed that ratings of native de...

Research paper thumbnail of Cognitive Profiles of Finnish Preschool Children With Expressive and Receptive Language Impairment

Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 2018

Purpose The aim of this study was to compare the verbal and nonverbal cognitive profiles of child... more Purpose The aim of this study was to compare the verbal and nonverbal cognitive profiles of children with specific language impairment (SLI) with problems predominantly in expressive (SLI-E) or receptive (SLI-R) language skills. These diagnostic subgroups have not been compared before in psychological studies. Method Participants were preschool-age Finnish-speaking children with SLI diagnosed by a multidisciplinary team. Cognitive profile differences between the diagnostic subgroups and the relationship between verbal and nonverbal reasoning skills were evaluated. Results Performance was worse for the SLI-R subgroup than for the SLI-E subgroup not only in verbal reasoning and short-term memory but also in nonverbal reasoning, and several nonverbal subtests correlated significantly with the composite verbal index. However, weaknesses and strengths in the cognitive profiles of the subgroups were parallel. Conclusions Poor verbal comprehension and reasoning skills seem to be associated...

Research paper thumbnail of Low self-esteem and high psychological distress are common among depressed adolescents presenting to the Pediatric Emergency Department

Scandinavian Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology, 2017

Background Increasing psychiatric disorders and alcohol intoxication challenge the pediatric emer... more Background Increasing psychiatric disorders and alcohol intoxication challenge the pediatric emergency departments (PEDs) to which adolescents are referred owing to acute alcohol intoxication. Objective This study examined the degree to which adolescents presenting to PED with alcohol intoxication or deliberate self-harm report symptoms of depression and how they differed from non-depressed patients in terms of alcohol use, perceived social support, psychological distress, self-esteem, and suicidal thoughts. Methods In a sample of 138 adolescents, 12- to 16-years old (62% females), we assessed the patients’ psychiatric status using self-report scales and analyzed blood samples for alcohol. Before discharge, a consulting psychiatrist interviewed each patient to evaluate possible suicidality and organized aftercare when necessary. The mediating data-driven hypothesis was examined. Adolescents scoring ≥ 10 on the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) were deemed as screening positive for dep...

Research paper thumbnail of Socioeconomic status as a cause and consequence of psychosomatic symptoms from adolescence to adulthood

Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 2005

Few follow-up studies have investigated psychosomatic health and socioeconomic status (SES) and a... more Few follow-up studies have investigated psychosomatic health and socioeconomic status (SES) and associations between them at different life stages. The aim of this study was to investigate differences in psychosomatic symptoms by SES in adolescence, early adulthood and adulthood and to examine whether lower SES leads to higher levels of symptoms (social causation) or higher levels of symptoms to lower SES (health selection) or both. All 16-year-old ninth-grade school pupils of one Finnish city completed questionnaires at school. Subjects were followed up using postal questionnaires when aged 22 and 32 years. Females reported significantly higher scores of psychosomatic symptoms than males at 16, 22 and 32 years of age. Higher rates of psychosomatic symptoms were found among females of manual class origin at 16 years. In addition, at 22 years, both females and males with only comprehensive school education and, at 32 years, those who worked in manual jobs had higher scores of symptoms. When low SES both as a cause and consequence of symptoms was investigated, the findings supported both these paths among females and more the health selection among males. In both genders, especially the path from psychosomatic symptoms in adolescence to lower education in early adulthood was strong. The results highlight the need of greater consideration of psychosomatic symptoms, particularly in adolescence, in later socioeconomic outcomes.

Research paper thumbnail of Emergence of penicillin resistance among Fusobacterium nucleatum populations of commensal oral flora during early childhood

Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 2002

Penicillin resistance due to β-lactamase production is surprisingly common among oral bacteria in... more Penicillin resistance due to β-lactamase production is surprisingly common among oral bacteria in childhood. Fusobacterium nucleatum, a Gram-negative anaerobic bacillus, is a member of the developing oral commensal flora. As part of the investigation on the emergence of oral bacterial resistance, the aim of the present study was to examine longitudinally the penicillin resistance among salivary F. nucleatum populations as related to age, day care attendance and sibling history, and exposure to antimicrobial agents. Altogether 1492 F. nucleatum isolates from saliva of 44 healthy infants followed at a study clinic at 2, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months of age were tested for β-lactamase production. Furthermore, the 276 β-lactamase-positive isolates were examined for their in vitro susceptibility to penicillin G by the NCCLS-approved agar dilution method. Statistical analysis of the associations between penicillin-resistant isolates and infants' age, day care attendance, number of siblings and their ear infections, and exposure to antimicrobial agents was performed by SPSS Windows Version 10. The prevalence of infants harbouring β-lactamase-producing F. nucleatum strains increased from 2% to 49% during the follow-up time. In nearly all cases β-lactamase-producing F. nucleatum isolates were found simultaneously with β-lactamase-negative isolates. Most β-lactamase-producing isolates (80%) showed an MIC of ≥8 mg/L. In conclusion, the prevalence of infants harbouring penicillin-resistant F. nucleatum due to β-lactamase production increased with age and usage of antimicrobial agents during the first year of life.

Research paper thumbnail of Health, lifestyle, family and school factors in adolescence: predicting adult educational level

Educational Research, 2006

Background Education fundamentally shapes an individual's life chances and social status... more Background Education fundamentally shapes an individual's life chances and social status. Duration and level of education are associated with people's incomes, socio-economic status, living standard, lifestyle and the respect and esteem they enjoy. Failure to fulfil educational ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pain in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis—A Family Matter

Children's Health Care, 2011

Children's Health Care, 40:34–52, 2011 Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC ISSN: 027... more Children's Health Care, 40:34–52, 2011 Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC ISSN: 0273-9615 print/1532-6888 online DOI: 10.1080/02739615.2011.537937 ... Hanna Vuorimaa Department of Pediatric Rheumatology, Rheumatism Foundation Hospital, Heinola, Finland

Research paper thumbnail of Parents and children as agents of disease management in JIA

Child: Care, Health and Development, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Students' approaches to learning and their experiences of the teaching–learning environment in different disciplines

British Journal of Educational Psychology, 2010

BackgroundThere is evidence of disciplinary variation in students' approaches to learning. Fu... more BackgroundThere is evidence of disciplinary variation in students' approaches to learning. Furthermore, previous research has shown that students' approaches are related to their perceptions of the learning environment.AimThe overall objective of the study was to analyse combinations of approaches to learning among undergraduates in different disciplines. More precisely, the aim was to cluster students on the basis of their scores on different items measuring approaches to learning, and to explore the relationship between the clusters and both the disciplines of the students and their perceptions of the teaching–learning environment.SampleA total of 2,509 students participated in the study.MethodsThe students were asked to complete an on‐line questionnaire, which was a revised version of the Experience of Teaching and Learning Questionnaire. It included items covering approaches to learning and perceptions of the teaching–learning environment.ResultsThe students were classif...

Research paper thumbnail of On the problems of variable construction from Flanders' interaction matrix with special emphasis on the stochastic nature of classroom communication

Publikationsansicht. 2734468. On the problems of variable construction from Flanders' intera... more Publikationsansicht. 2734468. On the problems of variable construction from Flanders' interaction matrix with special emphasis on the stochastic nature of classroom communication /--ErkkiKomulainen. (1973). Komulainen, Erkki. Abstract. Thesis--University of Helsinki.. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Contents Vol. 63, 2011

Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Research on Teaching and the Theory and Practice in Teacher Training. DPA Helsinki Investigations IV = Unterrichtsforschung und die Theorie und Praxis in der Lehrerausbildung. Papers presented at an International Symposium (Helsinki, October 2-3, 1980). Research Report 4

Research paper thumbnail of Multiple Intelligences Profiling Questionnaire

Research paper thumbnail of The significance of nonverbal performance in children with developmental language disorder

Child Neuropsychology, May 20, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Detection of non-native speech in a familiar language and in an unfamiliar language

Sky Journal of Linguistics, 2017

This study explores the question of whether native and non-native listeners, i.e. natives familia... more This study explores the question of whether native and non-native listeners, i.e. natives familiar with the language they are judging and non-natives who are not, manage to distinguish a foreign accent from a native accent in the speech of native speakers (NSs) and nonnative speakers (NNSs). Participants included 21 speakers (11 NSs and 10 NNSs who were native Turkish speakers) as well as two listener groups that consisted of 61 Finnish listeners (FLs), and 10 Turkish listeners (TLs) without Finnish experience. This study compares accent ratings by these two listener groups that evaluated the 21 spontaneous speech samples for foreign accent using a 9-point scale. The results showed a very significant difference between the listener groups for the NSs but no significant difference for the NNSs. The difference between the FL and the TL groups was because the FLs managed to distinguish the NSs from the NNSs, but otherwise these two listener groups exercised statistically similar rating...

Research paper thumbnail of Näkövammaisten nuorten psykososiaalista kehitystä tutkitaan

Hyvä mieli, hyvä terveys. Onko todella näin? Voiko psyykkinen hyvinvointi edistää fyysistä tervey... more Hyvä mieli, hyvä terveys. Onko todella näin? Voiko psyykkinen hyvinvointi edistää fyysistä terveyttä ja päinvastoin? Mikä on lopulta ihmisen mielen ja hänen ruumiinsa suhde? Missä mieli asuu?-Vaikeita kysymyksiä. Toiset meistä näkevät mielen irrallaan aivoista, toisille ei voi olla mieltä ilman aivoja. Keskustelumme polarisoituu "brainless mind" tai "mindless brain" käsitteisiin. Julkisuudessa on ihmetelty uusien masennuslääkkeiden käytön moninkertaistumista. Monet ovat huolissaan siitä, että ihmisen "luonnolliset" ongelmat medikalisoidaan. Käsitys "onnellisuuspillereistä" on alkanut elää julkisuudessa omaa todellisuuttaan, vaikka tutkimus ei ole voinutkaan osoittaa antidepressiivisten lääkkeiden aiheuttavan muuta kuin mielialan normalisoitumista, ei onnellisuutta eikä euforiaa. Jos vain harvat käyttäisivät tehokkaiksi havaittuja depression hoitomuotoja ja hekin vain suurimpaan hätäänsä, niin käsitys mielen ongelmien poikkeuksellisuudesta voisi jatkua meidän mielissämme. Kun sen sijaan hoidon tarve ja kysyntä osoittautuu suureksi, se uhkaa enemmistön käsityksiä terveydestä. Eikä vain terveydestä yleensä, vaan myös omasta terveydestä. Kansalaisten enemmistö luo helposti mustavalkoisia kuvia terveydestä. Mielenterveysongelmat joko erotetaan luonnollisista yhteyksistään ("mielisairaat pois kaduilta laitoksiin") tai samaistetaan liian pitkälle arkipäivän tapahtumiin ("se on vain depistä"). Edellinen vääristymä on klassinen ja perusinhimillinen. Ilahduttavaa asenteiden muutosta on kuitenkin ollut havaittavissa. Siedämme paremmin poikkeavuutta ja päästämme sen lähemmäksi itseämme, kun oma itsetuntomme ja tietopohjamme vahvistuu. Uusi huoli on syntymässä terveyskäsitysten ja erityisesti mielenterveyskäsitysten banalisoitumisesta siten, että alamme yksinkertaistaa monimutkaisia asioita. Vaikka pienilläkin panostuksilla voidaan saada suuria terveysvaikutuksia, niin silti kaikkea ei voida selittää lähes normaaliksi ja hoitaa hetkessä kuntoon. Vaikka terveys onkin tullut arvona yhä tärkeämmäksi, niin se ei saisi kuitenkaan käsitteenä pinnallistua. Kulttuurimme kaupallisuus ja julkisuus synnyttää paineita myös asiantuntijoihin aiheuttaen meissä samansuuntaisia pintailmiöitä. Yksinkertaisiin kysymyksiin on taipumus antaa yksinkertaisia vastauksia. Monimutkaisuus myy huonosti, sen sijaan yksinkertainen ja vaivaton menee helpommin kaupaksi. Oikotietä onneen ei useinkaan ole olemassa. Terveys on vaivan takana. Ruumiin ja mielen klassinen kahtiajako on omiaan ylläpitämään käsityksiä siitä, että psykologisiin syihin tulisi aina vastata myös psykologisin hoidoin, sosiaalisiin syihin sosiaalisin interventioin ja fyysisiin syihin somaattisella hoidolla. Todellisuudessa terveydessä ei ole psykologista, joka ei muuttuisi jossain määrin somaattiseksi eikä somaattistakaan, joka ei heijastuisi mielen maailmaan. Myös ympäristömme siirtyy meihin ja me ympäristöömme. Psyykkisestä tulee somaattista ja somaattisesta myös psyykkistä. Mieli ja ruumis keskustelevat aina keskenään. Terveys muokkautuu jatkuvasti prosessina, jossa erilaiset osajärjestelmät vaikuttavat toisiinsa etsien uutta ja parempaa tasapainoa. Tämän adaptaationäkemyksen mukaan terveyteen voidaan vaikuttaa myös terapeuttisesti monin tavoin, ei useinkaan vain primaarilta vaikuttavan syytekijän kautta. Lääketieteellisen tutkimuksen tehtävänä on tuottaa näyttöön perustuvaa tietoa siitä, millä todennäköisyydellä jokin interventio vaikuttaa ennusteeseen myönteisesti. Useimmiten mallittaminen noudattaa "black box"-periaatetta, jolloin kyllä kontrolloimme hoidon ja tiedämme vasteen, mutta emme ymmärrä emmekä hallitse yksityiskohtaisesti hoitovaikutusta välittävää prosessia. Näin on esimerkiksi silloin, kun hoidamme depressiota masennuslääkkeitä käyttäen. Voimme esittää vain hypoteeseja vaikuttavuuden mekanismeista. On sanottu, että moderni aivotutkimus tulee osoittamaan meille nopeasti huikaisevia yhteyksiä ruumiin ja mielen välillä. Mielen salaisuudet ja sen yhteydet ruumiiseemme ovat kuitenkin vasta hitusen verran avautumassa. Emme yksinkertaisesti vielä tiedä tarpeeksi, emmekä missään tapauksessa voi esiintyä mielen ja ruumiin kaikkivoipina hallitsijoina. Innostuksen lisäksi myös nöyrä asenne on siis edelleen tarpeen. Jos mieli ymmärretään biopsykososiaalisessa terveyskäsitteessä niiksi prosesseiksi ja toiminnoiksi, jotka edustavat tiedon, tunteiden ja merkityssisältöjen kokonaisuutta, on selvää, ettei ihmisen terveyttä voida ajatella irrallaan näistä toiminnoista. Ihmisen ainutlaatuisuus on kuitenkin siinä, että kukaan ei voi olla läpeensä terve tai sairas. Sairaan ruumiin tukena voi olla täysin terve mieli ja hauraan mielen omaava voi olla muutoin poikkeuksellisen terve. t Jouko Lönnqvist, KTL, Mielenterveyden ja alkoholitutkimuksen osasto RISKITEKIJÖIDEN VAIKUTUS SUOMESSA Käynnissä olevassa tutkimuksessa ta

Research paper thumbnail of Multiple intelligences: Can they be measured?

Psychological test and assessment modeling, 2013

AbstractThis paper is about issues relating to the assessment of multiple intelligences. The firs... more AbstractThis paper is about issues relating to the assessment of multiple intelligences. The first section introduces the authors' work on building measures of multiple intelligences and moral sensitivities. It also provides a conceptual definition of multiple intelligences based on Multiple Intelligences theory by Howard Gardner (1983). The second section discusses the context specificity of intelligences and alternative approaches to measuring multiple intelligences. The third section analyses the validity of self-evaluation instruments and provides a case example of building such an instrument. The paper ends with concluding remarks.Key words: Giftedness, multiple intelligences theory, MIPQ, CFA, Bayesian modeling(ProQuest: ... denotes formula omitted.)IntroductionIn this paper, we introduce our work on building measures of multiple intelligences and moral sensitivities based on the Multiple Intelligences theory of Howard Gardner (1983, 1993). We have developed several instru...

Research paper thumbnail of Käyttäytymistieteiden tilastomenetelmien jatkokurssi

Käyttäjälle Käsillä oleva esitys kattaa sellaiset keskeiset alueet, jotka yleensä kuuluvat käyttä... more Käyttäjälle Käsillä oleva esitys kattaa sellaiset keskeiset alueet, jotka yleensä kuuluvat käyttäytymistieteiden aineopintoihin. Perusseikat, kuten keski-ja hajontaluvut sekä erityisesti korrelaatio oletetaan tunnetuiksi. Ne on usein syytä kerrata. Tällainen oppiaines on esim. Komulainen & Karma (2001) "Tilastollisen kuvauksen perusteet käyttäytymistieteissä" 2. laitos, joka on saatavana Kasvatustieteen laitoksen sähköisistä oppimateriaaleista (kuten käsillä olevakin teksti). Ensimmäisen laitoksen esipuheeseen ei juuri ole täydennettävää. Harjoitusesimerkkien laskeminen laskurilla antaa konkreettisuutta ja auttaa ymmärtämään datan ja tunnuslukujen yhteyden. Hallinnan kannalta tämä on yhä varsin tärkeää. Tilastolliset analyysit suorittaa jokainen tutkija nykyisin omalla työpöydällään tietotekniikkaa hyödyntäen. Ensimmäisessä laitoksessa erotettiin kuvaava ja päättelevä aines varsin kategorisesti toisistaan. Näitä on nyt pyritty yhdistämään vaikka teoksen rakenne on säilytetty. Uudemmat sovellukset (esim. SEM-tekniikat, monitasomallit yms.) on edelleen rajattu käsittelyn ulkopuolelle. Ne kuuluvat syventäviin tai postgraduate -opintoihin. Materiaali ei ole sähköisen oppimisen mahdollisuuksia hyödyntävä. Sähköinen kanava toimii vain materiaalin levittämisen helpottajana. Otamme mielellämme palautetta ja teemme sen perusteella korjauksia tarpeen mukaan. Materiaalia saa käyttää vapaasti ei-kaupallisessa yliopistojen ja avoimen yliopiston opetuksessa.

Research paper thumbnail of Research on Teaching and the Theory and Practice in Teacher Training. DPA Helsinki Investigations IV = Unterrichtsforschung und die Theorie und Praxis in der Lehrerausbildung. Papers presented at an International Symposium (Helsinki, October 2-3, 1980). Research Report 4

Research paper thumbnail of Suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, and psychological distress among intoxicated adolescents in the pediatric emergency department

Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 2017

Abstract Background: Studies have emphasized screening for psychiatric disorders, especially suic... more Abstract Background: Studies have emphasized screening for psychiatric disorders, especially suicide risk in emergency departments. Psychiatric disorders and experimentation with alcohol increase in adolescence and intoxications among patients challenge the staff in emergency departments. Aims: This study examined the degree of suicidal ideation (SI) and suicidal behavior in adolescents, and the extent to which they differed from non-suicidal patients in terms of alcohol use, psychological distress, self-esteem, and perceived social support. Methods: The study comprised 120 adolescents, a mean age of 14.2 years. Of them 60% were females. We collected data on the clinical characteristics and assessed the patient’s psychiatric status using self-report scales and analyzed blood samples for alcohol. A consulting psychiatrist interviewed each patient before discharge to evaluate potential SI or suicide attempt (SA) using structured and semi-structured scales. Results: Of the 120 patients 20% had SI or had made a SA. High psychological distress in girls, low blood alcohol levels (BALs), as well as low scores on self-esteem, on social support and on familial support were associated with patients with SI/SA. Logistic regression showed that the most significant variables with suicidal patients included low BAL and low self-esteem and high alcohol consumption. Psychological distress had a direct and mediational role in the suicidal patients. Conclusions: Adolescents referred to the pediatric emergency department with intoxication displaying high psychological distress and low self-esteem represent a high-risk group of teens. In this group, careful assessment of mental health status, screening for suicidal ideation, and SAs seems warranted.

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of some listener background factors and task type that contribute to degree of perceived accent ratings in L2 Finnish

AFinLA-e: Soveltavan kielitieteen tutkimuksia, 2018

This study evaluated the effect of some listener background factors—the listeners’ gender, age, e... more This study evaluated the effect of some listener background factors—the listeners’ gender, age, experience of teaching Finnish as a second language, frequency of contact with immigrants, and being a native of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area in Finland— and task type on their degree of perceived accent (DPA) ratings in L2 Finnish. The participants were 31 native-Finnish speakers and 40 nonnative speakers of Turkish origin who ranged in age from 7 to 66 as well as 61 Finnish listeners who evaluated the speech samples for a foreign accent using a 9-point scale. Three speech samples were administered (word pairs, the reading-aloud of sentences, and a spontaneous speech task). The results showed that no marked differences were observed, despite differences in the listeners’ gender, age, Finnish as a L2 teaching experience, frequency of contact with immigrants speaking Finnish as an L2 , and being a native of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. The results also showed that ratings of native de...

Research paper thumbnail of Cognitive Profiles of Finnish Preschool Children With Expressive and Receptive Language Impairment

Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 2018

Purpose The aim of this study was to compare the verbal and nonverbal cognitive profiles of child... more Purpose The aim of this study was to compare the verbal and nonverbal cognitive profiles of children with specific language impairment (SLI) with problems predominantly in expressive (SLI-E) or receptive (SLI-R) language skills. These diagnostic subgroups have not been compared before in psychological studies. Method Participants were preschool-age Finnish-speaking children with SLI diagnosed by a multidisciplinary team. Cognitive profile differences between the diagnostic subgroups and the relationship between verbal and nonverbal reasoning skills were evaluated. Results Performance was worse for the SLI-R subgroup than for the SLI-E subgroup not only in verbal reasoning and short-term memory but also in nonverbal reasoning, and several nonverbal subtests correlated significantly with the composite verbal index. However, weaknesses and strengths in the cognitive profiles of the subgroups were parallel. Conclusions Poor verbal comprehension and reasoning skills seem to be associated...

Research paper thumbnail of Low self-esteem and high psychological distress are common among depressed adolescents presenting to the Pediatric Emergency Department

Scandinavian Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology, 2017

Background Increasing psychiatric disorders and alcohol intoxication challenge the pediatric emer... more Background Increasing psychiatric disorders and alcohol intoxication challenge the pediatric emergency departments (PEDs) to which adolescents are referred owing to acute alcohol intoxication. Objective This study examined the degree to which adolescents presenting to PED with alcohol intoxication or deliberate self-harm report symptoms of depression and how they differed from non-depressed patients in terms of alcohol use, perceived social support, psychological distress, self-esteem, and suicidal thoughts. Methods In a sample of 138 adolescents, 12- to 16-years old (62% females), we assessed the patients’ psychiatric status using self-report scales and analyzed blood samples for alcohol. Before discharge, a consulting psychiatrist interviewed each patient to evaluate possible suicidality and organized aftercare when necessary. The mediating data-driven hypothesis was examined. Adolescents scoring ≥ 10 on the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) were deemed as screening positive for dep...

Research paper thumbnail of Socioeconomic status as a cause and consequence of psychosomatic symptoms from adolescence to adulthood

Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 2005

Few follow-up studies have investigated psychosomatic health and socioeconomic status (SES) and a... more Few follow-up studies have investigated psychosomatic health and socioeconomic status (SES) and associations between them at different life stages. The aim of this study was to investigate differences in psychosomatic symptoms by SES in adolescence, early adulthood and adulthood and to examine whether lower SES leads to higher levels of symptoms (social causation) or higher levels of symptoms to lower SES (health selection) or both. All 16-year-old ninth-grade school pupils of one Finnish city completed questionnaires at school. Subjects were followed up using postal questionnaires when aged 22 and 32 years. Females reported significantly higher scores of psychosomatic symptoms than males at 16, 22 and 32 years of age. Higher rates of psychosomatic symptoms were found among females of manual class origin at 16 years. In addition, at 22 years, both females and males with only comprehensive school education and, at 32 years, those who worked in manual jobs had higher scores of symptoms. When low SES both as a cause and consequence of symptoms was investigated, the findings supported both these paths among females and more the health selection among males. In both genders, especially the path from psychosomatic symptoms in adolescence to lower education in early adulthood was strong. The results highlight the need of greater consideration of psychosomatic symptoms, particularly in adolescence, in later socioeconomic outcomes.

Research paper thumbnail of Emergence of penicillin resistance among Fusobacterium nucleatum populations of commensal oral flora during early childhood

Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 2002

Penicillin resistance due to β-lactamase production is surprisingly common among oral bacteria in... more Penicillin resistance due to β-lactamase production is surprisingly common among oral bacteria in childhood. Fusobacterium nucleatum, a Gram-negative anaerobic bacillus, is a member of the developing oral commensal flora. As part of the investigation on the emergence of oral bacterial resistance, the aim of the present study was to examine longitudinally the penicillin resistance among salivary F. nucleatum populations as related to age, day care attendance and sibling history, and exposure to antimicrobial agents. Altogether 1492 F. nucleatum isolates from saliva of 44 healthy infants followed at a study clinic at 2, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months of age were tested for β-lactamase production. Furthermore, the 276 β-lactamase-positive isolates were examined for their in vitro susceptibility to penicillin G by the NCCLS-approved agar dilution method. Statistical analysis of the associations between penicillin-resistant isolates and infants' age, day care attendance, number of siblings and their ear infections, and exposure to antimicrobial agents was performed by SPSS Windows Version 10. The prevalence of infants harbouring β-lactamase-producing F. nucleatum strains increased from 2% to 49% during the follow-up time. In nearly all cases β-lactamase-producing F. nucleatum isolates were found simultaneously with β-lactamase-negative isolates. Most β-lactamase-producing isolates (80%) showed an MIC of ≥8 mg/L. In conclusion, the prevalence of infants harbouring penicillin-resistant F. nucleatum due to β-lactamase production increased with age and usage of antimicrobial agents during the first year of life.

Research paper thumbnail of Health, lifestyle, family and school factors in adolescence: predicting adult educational level

Educational Research, 2006

Background Education fundamentally shapes an individual's life chances and social status... more Background Education fundamentally shapes an individual's life chances and social status. Duration and level of education are associated with people's incomes, socio-economic status, living standard, lifestyle and the respect and esteem they enjoy. Failure to fulfil educational ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pain in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis—A Family Matter

Children's Health Care, 2011

Children's Health Care, 40:34–52, 2011 Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC ISSN: 027... more Children's Health Care, 40:34–52, 2011 Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC ISSN: 0273-9615 print/1532-6888 online DOI: 10.1080/02739615.2011.537937 ... Hanna Vuorimaa Department of Pediatric Rheumatology, Rheumatism Foundation Hospital, Heinola, Finland

Research paper thumbnail of Parents and children as agents of disease management in JIA

Child: Care, Health and Development, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Students' approaches to learning and their experiences of the teaching–learning environment in different disciplines

British Journal of Educational Psychology, 2010

BackgroundThere is evidence of disciplinary variation in students' approaches to learning. Fu... more BackgroundThere is evidence of disciplinary variation in students' approaches to learning. Furthermore, previous research has shown that students' approaches are related to their perceptions of the learning environment.AimThe overall objective of the study was to analyse combinations of approaches to learning among undergraduates in different disciplines. More precisely, the aim was to cluster students on the basis of their scores on different items measuring approaches to learning, and to explore the relationship between the clusters and both the disciplines of the students and their perceptions of the teaching–learning environment.SampleA total of 2,509 students participated in the study.MethodsThe students were asked to complete an on‐line questionnaire, which was a revised version of the Experience of Teaching and Learning Questionnaire. It included items covering approaches to learning and perceptions of the teaching–learning environment.ResultsThe students were classif...

Research paper thumbnail of On the problems of variable construction from Flanders' interaction matrix with special emphasis on the stochastic nature of classroom communication

Publikationsansicht. 2734468. On the problems of variable construction from Flanders' intera... more Publikationsansicht. 2734468. On the problems of variable construction from Flanders' interaction matrix with special emphasis on the stochastic nature of classroom communication /--ErkkiKomulainen. (1973). Komulainen, Erkki. Abstract. Thesis--University of Helsinki.. ...