Ermolenko Lyubov - (original) (raw)
Papers by Ermolenko Lyubov
The paper introduces into scientific use five anthropomorphic stone statues found in Early Iron A... more The paper introduces into scientific use five anthropomorphic stone statues found in Early Iron Age burial sites and barrows in Saryarka territory. Datings of these archaeological complexes by archaeological and radiocarbon methods allowed us to attribute the discussed statues to the period of the VII – V centuries B. C. Comparative analysis of the depictive peculiarities of the announced statues discovered features similar both to the known Saryarka statues of the Saka Period and to Scythian statues of the VII – V centuries B. C. Statues with a specific feature – hemispheric “clour” on the top of the head – were determined to present a type of the Saka Period sculpture.
Народы и религии Евразии, 2021
The article introduces the Aksai-1 complex of three “cult stones” (Aksai valley, Karaganda region... more The article introduces the Aksai-1 complex of three “cult stones” (Aksai valley, Karaganda region, Kazakhstan), which includes an ancient anthropomorphic statue featuring a human face image at the top of a monolith, and a deer stone of the common Eurasian type. An analysis of the positioning relative to each other of these objects suggests that they were mounted together only randomly. The statue of the Aksai-1 complex is analogous to one of the two other large anthropomorphic statues found in the Aksai valley. That other statue is located at the Aksai burial ground near the barrow with stone ridges). The authors question the direct connection between this statue and the barrow with the stone ridges. The third Aksai anthropomorphic statue referred to as “Akbikesh” stands out not only for its huge size and a peculiar stylization of the face image, but also for the presence of additional details – rings pecked on the sides of the head. The question of the cultural and chronological attribution of the Aksai anthropomorphic statues remains unresolved. Their belonging to the same artistic tradition is also unclear. It can be assumed that the “menhir-like” shape bring these statues closer to the “cult stones” of the Late Bronze Age. The latter tradition, according to A.Z. Baysenov, continued in the Early Iron Age. The likelihood of their coexistence with deer stones cannot be excluded, anyway, this is possible for the case of “Akbikesh”, whose composition combine a face image and rings similar to the common attribute of deer stones.
Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia, 2016
The article introduces a distinctive Old Turkic statue from Borili, discovered in the hills of Ul... more The article introduces a distinctive Old Turkic statue from Borili, discovered in the hills of Ulytau, Central Kazakhstan. It differs from other Old Turkic statues in that both arms are down, and the hands are on the weapons-a sword and a studded battleaxe, the latter replacing the traditional vessel. No exact matches of this sculpture are known. Only isolated traits (such as clothing style, weapons, and belt mountings) are paralleled by other Old Turkic specimens. Items shown on the Borili statue are similar to those relating to the Sogdian and Turkic traditions, and also those depicted in works of East Asian art from the time of the earliest states. Compositional features of the Borili statue could have been due to the sculptor's acquaintance with the art of the neighboring regions, primarily that of Sogdiana and China, the latter being spatially closest. The distinctive features of the Borili statue prompt us to examine its semantics in several ways relating to the visual and emotional aspects of the funerary rite. On the basis of the artistic and material parallels, the statue dates to the 7th or early 8th centuries.
Вестник Кемеровского государственного университета, 2020
Анализируется оригинальная композиция в медальоне бляхи IX–X вв. с реки Конда. Особое внимание уд... more Анализируется оригинальная композиция в медальоне бляхи IX–X вв. с реки Конда. Особое внимание уделяется деталям изображения, которые по-разному характеризуются исследователями. Автором выявлена специфическая зональность декора одежды женского персонажа, в котором, в частности, использованы мотивы чешуи и точки, довольно широко применявшиеся при воспроизведении волосяного покрова животных в иконографии изображений
на предметах торевтики и глазурованных керамических изделиях. В целом приведенные в статье аналогии демонстрируют параллелизм в орнаментации человеческой одежды, волосяного покрова животных и птичьего оперенья. Установленное соответствие зональности и мотивов декора женского платья элементам и структуре стилизованного оперенья орнитоморфных существ в восточной торевтике позволило заключить, что одежда, которую мужской персонаж пытается совлечь с женщины, символизирует «птичье» одеяние. Содержание сюжета изображения на кондинской бляхе истолковано
автором исходя из существовавшего в литературе и фольклоре средневекового Востока мотива завладения птичьей одеждой – предусловия брака с пери. Сделано предположение, что популярный в вербальном творчестве образ пери
был достаточно распространен и в творчестве визуальном, в частности в раннеисламском искусстве.
The article analyzes an original composition in the medallion of the 9th–10th century plaque from the Konda River. Particular attention is paid to the details of the image which are interpreted by researchers ambiguously. The author reveals specific zoning in the decoration of the female character’s clothing which uses scale and dot motifs among others. These were quite widely used to reproduce the animal hair in the iconography of images on metalwork and glazed ceramic objects. In general, the analogies cited in the article demonstrate parallelism in the ornamentation of human clothing, animal hair, and bird plumage. The correlation was established between the zoning and decoration motifs of the female dress and the elements and structure of the stylised plumage of ornithomorphic creatures in Oriental toreutics. It allowed concluding that the clothes the male character trying to take off the woman symbolize “bird’s” vesture. The author interprets the subject content of the Konda plaque image on the basis of the capturing bird clothes motif, which existed in literature and folklore of the medieval Orient. This action was considered a precondition for marrying a peri. It is assumed that the image of peri, popular in verbal folklore, was quite common in visual art as well, in particular, in early Islamic art.
The article analyzes some standard hand positions (gestures) in the iconography of stone statues ... more The article analyzes some standard hand positions (gestures) in the iconography of stone statues – monuments of ancient and medieval nomads of the Eurasian steppes. The hand positions of the medieval statues are determined by the actions with objects (attributes). The iconography of Scythian sculpture is characterized by a variety of invariant hand positions. However, some of them can be either related to objects or independent of them. The author traces derivation of the hand positions related to objects from the gestures of free hands. The hand gestures of the ‘Sarmatian’ statues and those of the Saka period are independent of the objects depicted in them. It is suggested that the gesture of the late Scythian statues could serve as a prototype for that of the Baite type ‘Sarmatian’ statues. The paper reveals analogues of the gestures in question in the anthropomorphic sculpture of different periods and summarizes attempts to apply the ethological approach to the study of gestures depicted on statues.
The paper analyzes a peculiar attribute of the statues found in the territories which were contro... more The paper analyzes a peculiar attribute of the statues found in the territories which were controlled by Western Turks in the Early Middle Ages. It presents two bags (usually, round and rectangular ones) attached to the belt one over the other on the right side. Such complex attribute can hardly be found in East Turkic sculpture, while one can find similarities to it in the wall-paintings of several sites in Northern Tokharistan, Sogdiana and East Turkestan. A certain similarity between material culture objects identified in Western Turkic monuments of art and those of neighbouring civilizations could have been a result of cultural contacts and mutual influence taking place in the region of Central Asia.
The paper introduces into scientific use the data on the new painting sites in Saryarka discovere... more The paper introduces into scientific use the data on the new painting sites in Saryarka discovered in Aulie Mountain – the cave Aulie and the niche next to it. The authors present certain analogies to them among the petroglyphs and paintings dated from the Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age in the rock art sites of Kazakhstan mountain regions. The problem of distinguishing between traces of manmade red pigment and zones of ferruginization is discussed. The results of studying photographic documentation by the method of pigment maps are analyzed. Based on the analysis, it is assumed that there are three types of dyes in the cave and niche, apparently differing in chemical composition – natural pigment in zones of ferruginization and artificial pigments of different composition. The authors raise the question of artificial origin of the cave as a result of mining activities.
В статье обобщаются результаты пятилетнего исследования каменных изваяний раннего железного века ... more В статье обобщаются результаты пятилетнего исследования каменных изваяний раннего железного века (сакской эпохи), выявленных в Сарыарке и датируемых в пределах VII – V вв. до н. э. Характеризуются их изобразительные особенности и реалии, способ установки и проблемы изучения. Публикуется реестр изваяний сакской эпохи, включающий 19 экземпляров. Приводятся сведения об изваяниях, отнесённых исследователями к другим эпохам, которые обнаруживают элементы сходства с изваяниями раннего железного века.
The paper summarizes the results of five-year long studies of the Early Iron Age (the Saka Period) stone sculpture, found in Saryarka and dated by 7th – 5th centuries B. C. The authors characterize its depictive features and realia, modes of erecting and issues of its studying. The paper contains the list of Saka period statues, including 19 items. Besides, the authors give some information on the statues attributed by researchers to other periods but demonstrating similarities to the Early Iron Age statues.
В статье излагаются проблемы атрибуции изваяния из долины р. Жангабыл, в процессе более чем полув... more В статье излагаются проблемы атрибуции изваяния из долины р. Жангабыл, в процессе более чем полувекового изучения которого специалисты приходили к противоречивым заключениям о его датировке и культурной принадлежности. Анализируются новые детали, выявленные в 2015 г. при документировании изваяния в Музее казахских народных музыкальных инструментов (г. Алматы, Республика Казахстан). Сделан вывод о том, что жангабылское изваяние, созданное как оленный камень, было переоформлено в антропоморфное изваяние в сакскую эпоху. Рассмотрен вопрос о связи данного изваяния с курганом, возле которого оно было обнаружено.
The article presents the background of attribution problem of the statue from the River Zhangabyl valley: its more than half a century long research produced conflicting conclusions about its dating and cultural attribution. The authors analyze new details revealed in 2015, when documenting the statue in Kazakh Folk Musical Instruments Museum (Almaty, Kazakhstan). It is concluded that the Zhangabyl statue, created as a deer stone, was reshaped into an anthropomorphic sculpture in the Saka period. The paper also discussed the issue of relation between Zhangabyl statue and the barrow near which it was found.
Вводятся в научный оборот материалы исследования уникального погребального памятника РЖВ - курган... more Вводятся в научный оборот материалы исследования уникального погребального памятника РЖВ - кургана с изваянием. Безынвентарное скорченное погребение датировано радиоуглеродным методом 8 - 5 вв. до н.э.
Анализируются признаки, свидетельствующие о раскрашивании каменных изваяний средневековых кочевни... more Анализируются признаки, свидетельствующие о раскрашивании каменных изваяний средневековых кочевников
Публикуются материалы раскопок кыпчакского святилища "скрытого" типа с раскрашенным изваянием и о... more Публикуются материалы раскопок кыпчакского святилища "скрытого" типа с раскрашенным изваянием и обсуждается проблема первоначального вида средневековых кочевнических изваяний
Приведены пять каменных изваяний, найденных в Центральном Казахстане. Дата - 7-5 вв. до н.э. F... more Приведены пять каменных изваяний, найденных в Центральном Казахстане. Дата - 7-5 вв. до н.э.
Five stone sculptures found in Central Kazakhstan. Their date - 7-5 centuries BC.
УДК 902/904(058)"502" ББК Т4(2Рос5)2с.я54 А87 Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского сов... more УДК 902/904(058)"502" ББК Т4(2Рос5)2с.я54 А87 Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета ГОУ ВПО «Кемеровский государственный университет» Редакционная коллегия: докт. ист. наук Л. Н. Ермоленко (ответственный редактор), докт. ист. наук В. В. Бобров, докт. ист. наук О. С. Советова Археология Южной Сибири. К 80-летию Я. А. Шера. Вып. 25. -Кемерово: РИО КемГУ, 2011. -200 с., 4 с. цв. вкл. -ISBN 978-5-8353-1128-6
Books by Ermolenko Lyubov
Вещь в контексте погребального обряда / Artifact in the Contest of Funeral Rites. Proceedings of the International Conference / ed. by S.A. Yatsenko & E.V. Kupriyanova, Moscow: RSUH Publ., 2020 (in Russian), 2020
There you can read the Proceedings of the 4th archaeological conference devoted to the various as... more There you can read the Proceedings of the 4th archaeological conference devoted to the various aspects of necropolses studies and burial rituals. Fist conference was in Chelyabinsk in January 2915, second - in St-Petersburg in November 2016, third - in Ufa in November 2018. The collection present 25 articles of archaologists and specialist on religions' history from Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan.
The paper introduces into scientific use five anthropomorphic stone statues found in Early Iron A... more The paper introduces into scientific use five anthropomorphic stone statues found in Early Iron Age burial sites and barrows in Saryarka territory. Datings of these archaeological complexes by archaeological and radiocarbon methods allowed us to attribute the discussed statues to the period of the VII – V centuries B. C. Comparative analysis of the depictive peculiarities of the announced statues discovered features similar both to the known Saryarka statues of the Saka Period and to Scythian statues of the VII – V centuries B. C. Statues with a specific feature – hemispheric “clour” on the top of the head – were determined to present a type of the Saka Period sculpture.
Народы и религии Евразии, 2021
The article introduces the Aksai-1 complex of three “cult stones” (Aksai valley, Karaganda region... more The article introduces the Aksai-1 complex of three “cult stones” (Aksai valley, Karaganda region, Kazakhstan), which includes an ancient anthropomorphic statue featuring a human face image at the top of a monolith, and a deer stone of the common Eurasian type. An analysis of the positioning relative to each other of these objects suggests that they were mounted together only randomly. The statue of the Aksai-1 complex is analogous to one of the two other large anthropomorphic statues found in the Aksai valley. That other statue is located at the Aksai burial ground near the barrow with stone ridges). The authors question the direct connection between this statue and the barrow with the stone ridges. The third Aksai anthropomorphic statue referred to as “Akbikesh” stands out not only for its huge size and a peculiar stylization of the face image, but also for the presence of additional details – rings pecked on the sides of the head. The question of the cultural and chronological attribution of the Aksai anthropomorphic statues remains unresolved. Their belonging to the same artistic tradition is also unclear. It can be assumed that the “menhir-like” shape bring these statues closer to the “cult stones” of the Late Bronze Age. The latter tradition, according to A.Z. Baysenov, continued in the Early Iron Age. The likelihood of their coexistence with deer stones cannot be excluded, anyway, this is possible for the case of “Akbikesh”, whose composition combine a face image and rings similar to the common attribute of deer stones.
Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia, 2016
The article introduces a distinctive Old Turkic statue from Borili, discovered in the hills of Ul... more The article introduces a distinctive Old Turkic statue from Borili, discovered in the hills of Ulytau, Central Kazakhstan. It differs from other Old Turkic statues in that both arms are down, and the hands are on the weapons-a sword and a studded battleaxe, the latter replacing the traditional vessel. No exact matches of this sculpture are known. Only isolated traits (such as clothing style, weapons, and belt mountings) are paralleled by other Old Turkic specimens. Items shown on the Borili statue are similar to those relating to the Sogdian and Turkic traditions, and also those depicted in works of East Asian art from the time of the earliest states. Compositional features of the Borili statue could have been due to the sculptor's acquaintance with the art of the neighboring regions, primarily that of Sogdiana and China, the latter being spatially closest. The distinctive features of the Borili statue prompt us to examine its semantics in several ways relating to the visual and emotional aspects of the funerary rite. On the basis of the artistic and material parallels, the statue dates to the 7th or early 8th centuries.
Вестник Кемеровского государственного университета, 2020
Анализируется оригинальная композиция в медальоне бляхи IX–X вв. с реки Конда. Особое внимание уд... more Анализируется оригинальная композиция в медальоне бляхи IX–X вв. с реки Конда. Особое внимание уделяется деталям изображения, которые по-разному характеризуются исследователями. Автором выявлена специфическая зональность декора одежды женского персонажа, в котором, в частности, использованы мотивы чешуи и точки, довольно широко применявшиеся при воспроизведении волосяного покрова животных в иконографии изображений
на предметах торевтики и глазурованных керамических изделиях. В целом приведенные в статье аналогии демонстрируют параллелизм в орнаментации человеческой одежды, волосяного покрова животных и птичьего оперенья. Установленное соответствие зональности и мотивов декора женского платья элементам и структуре стилизованного оперенья орнитоморфных существ в восточной торевтике позволило заключить, что одежда, которую мужской персонаж пытается совлечь с женщины, символизирует «птичье» одеяние. Содержание сюжета изображения на кондинской бляхе истолковано
автором исходя из существовавшего в литературе и фольклоре средневекового Востока мотива завладения птичьей одеждой – предусловия брака с пери. Сделано предположение, что популярный в вербальном творчестве образ пери
был достаточно распространен и в творчестве визуальном, в частности в раннеисламском искусстве.
The article analyzes an original composition in the medallion of the 9th–10th century plaque from the Konda River. Particular attention is paid to the details of the image which are interpreted by researchers ambiguously. The author reveals specific zoning in the decoration of the female character’s clothing which uses scale and dot motifs among others. These were quite widely used to reproduce the animal hair in the iconography of images on metalwork and glazed ceramic objects. In general, the analogies cited in the article demonstrate parallelism in the ornamentation of human clothing, animal hair, and bird plumage. The correlation was established between the zoning and decoration motifs of the female dress and the elements and structure of the stylised plumage of ornithomorphic creatures in Oriental toreutics. It allowed concluding that the clothes the male character trying to take off the woman symbolize “bird’s” vesture. The author interprets the subject content of the Konda plaque image on the basis of the capturing bird clothes motif, which existed in literature and folklore of the medieval Orient. This action was considered a precondition for marrying a peri. It is assumed that the image of peri, popular in verbal folklore, was quite common in visual art as well, in particular, in early Islamic art.
The article analyzes some standard hand positions (gestures) in the iconography of stone statues ... more The article analyzes some standard hand positions (gestures) in the iconography of stone statues – monuments of ancient and medieval nomads of the Eurasian steppes. The hand positions of the medieval statues are determined by the actions with objects (attributes). The iconography of Scythian sculpture is characterized by a variety of invariant hand positions. However, some of them can be either related to objects or independent of them. The author traces derivation of the hand positions related to objects from the gestures of free hands. The hand gestures of the ‘Sarmatian’ statues and those of the Saka period are independent of the objects depicted in them. It is suggested that the gesture of the late Scythian statues could serve as a prototype for that of the Baite type ‘Sarmatian’ statues. The paper reveals analogues of the gestures in question in the anthropomorphic sculpture of different periods and summarizes attempts to apply the ethological approach to the study of gestures depicted on statues.
The paper analyzes a peculiar attribute of the statues found in the territories which were contro... more The paper analyzes a peculiar attribute of the statues found in the territories which were controlled by Western Turks in the Early Middle Ages. It presents two bags (usually, round and rectangular ones) attached to the belt one over the other on the right side. Such complex attribute can hardly be found in East Turkic sculpture, while one can find similarities to it in the wall-paintings of several sites in Northern Tokharistan, Sogdiana and East Turkestan. A certain similarity between material culture objects identified in Western Turkic monuments of art and those of neighbouring civilizations could have been a result of cultural contacts and mutual influence taking place in the region of Central Asia.
The paper introduces into scientific use the data on the new painting sites in Saryarka discovere... more The paper introduces into scientific use the data on the new painting sites in Saryarka discovered in Aulie Mountain – the cave Aulie and the niche next to it. The authors present certain analogies to them among the petroglyphs and paintings dated from the Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age in the rock art sites of Kazakhstan mountain regions. The problem of distinguishing between traces of manmade red pigment and zones of ferruginization is discussed. The results of studying photographic documentation by the method of pigment maps are analyzed. Based on the analysis, it is assumed that there are three types of dyes in the cave and niche, apparently differing in chemical composition – natural pigment in zones of ferruginization and artificial pigments of different composition. The authors raise the question of artificial origin of the cave as a result of mining activities.
В статье обобщаются результаты пятилетнего исследования каменных изваяний раннего железного века ... more В статье обобщаются результаты пятилетнего исследования каменных изваяний раннего железного века (сакской эпохи), выявленных в Сарыарке и датируемых в пределах VII – V вв. до н. э. Характеризуются их изобразительные особенности и реалии, способ установки и проблемы изучения. Публикуется реестр изваяний сакской эпохи, включающий 19 экземпляров. Приводятся сведения об изваяниях, отнесённых исследователями к другим эпохам, которые обнаруживают элементы сходства с изваяниями раннего железного века.
The paper summarizes the results of five-year long studies of the Early Iron Age (the Saka Period) stone sculpture, found in Saryarka and dated by 7th – 5th centuries B. C. The authors characterize its depictive features and realia, modes of erecting and issues of its studying. The paper contains the list of Saka period statues, including 19 items. Besides, the authors give some information on the statues attributed by researchers to other periods but demonstrating similarities to the Early Iron Age statues.
В статье излагаются проблемы атрибуции изваяния из долины р. Жангабыл, в процессе более чем полув... more В статье излагаются проблемы атрибуции изваяния из долины р. Жангабыл, в процессе более чем полувекового изучения которого специалисты приходили к противоречивым заключениям о его датировке и культурной принадлежности. Анализируются новые детали, выявленные в 2015 г. при документировании изваяния в Музее казахских народных музыкальных инструментов (г. Алматы, Республика Казахстан). Сделан вывод о том, что жангабылское изваяние, созданное как оленный камень, было переоформлено в антропоморфное изваяние в сакскую эпоху. Рассмотрен вопрос о связи данного изваяния с курганом, возле которого оно было обнаружено.
The article presents the background of attribution problem of the statue from the River Zhangabyl valley: its more than half a century long research produced conflicting conclusions about its dating and cultural attribution. The authors analyze new details revealed in 2015, when documenting the statue in Kazakh Folk Musical Instruments Museum (Almaty, Kazakhstan). It is concluded that the Zhangabyl statue, created as a deer stone, was reshaped into an anthropomorphic sculpture in the Saka period. The paper also discussed the issue of relation between Zhangabyl statue and the barrow near which it was found.
Вводятся в научный оборот материалы исследования уникального погребального памятника РЖВ - курган... more Вводятся в научный оборот материалы исследования уникального погребального памятника РЖВ - кургана с изваянием. Безынвентарное скорченное погребение датировано радиоуглеродным методом 8 - 5 вв. до н.э.
Анализируются признаки, свидетельствующие о раскрашивании каменных изваяний средневековых кочевни... more Анализируются признаки, свидетельствующие о раскрашивании каменных изваяний средневековых кочевников
Публикуются материалы раскопок кыпчакского святилища "скрытого" типа с раскрашенным изваянием и о... more Публикуются материалы раскопок кыпчакского святилища "скрытого" типа с раскрашенным изваянием и обсуждается проблема первоначального вида средневековых кочевнических изваяний
Приведены пять каменных изваяний, найденных в Центральном Казахстане. Дата - 7-5 вв. до н.э. F... more Приведены пять каменных изваяний, найденных в Центральном Казахстане. Дата - 7-5 вв. до н.э.
Five stone sculptures found in Central Kazakhstan. Their date - 7-5 centuries BC.
УДК 902/904(058)"502" ББК Т4(2Рос5)2с.я54 А87 Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского сов... more УДК 902/904(058)"502" ББК Т4(2Рос5)2с.я54 А87 Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета ГОУ ВПО «Кемеровский государственный университет» Редакционная коллегия: докт. ист. наук Л. Н. Ермоленко (ответственный редактор), докт. ист. наук В. В. Бобров, докт. ист. наук О. С. Советова Археология Южной Сибири. К 80-летию Я. А. Шера. Вып. 25. -Кемерово: РИО КемГУ, 2011. -200 с., 4 с. цв. вкл. -ISBN 978-5-8353-1128-6
Вещь в контексте погребального обряда / Artifact in the Contest of Funeral Rites. Proceedings of the International Conference / ed. by S.A. Yatsenko & E.V. Kupriyanova, Moscow: RSUH Publ., 2020 (in Russian), 2020
There you can read the Proceedings of the 4th archaeological conference devoted to the various as... more There you can read the Proceedings of the 4th archaeological conference devoted to the various aspects of necropolses studies and burial rituals. Fist conference was in Chelyabinsk in January 2915, second - in St-Petersburg in November 2016, third - in Ufa in November 2018. The collection present 25 articles of archaologists and specialist on religions' history from Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan.