Erna Andriyanti - (original) (raw)
Papers by Erna Andriyanti
Linguistik Indonesia, Mar 3, 2021
This research explores the use of metaphor categories and its translation strategies using the th... more This research explores the use of metaphor categories and its translation strategies using the theory of Newmark (1988). The qualitative method was employed since the data were in the form of verbal data derived from novels. In the stage of collecting the data, an observational method followed by note-taking technique was applied. In this study, 151 data were considered to be metaphors in the Source Text (ST), while 90 data belong to Target Text (TT). A number of 61 data were converted into other forms (simile, sense, and even deletion). Of the six metaphor categories, four categories emerged in the texts. The other two categories-Adapte and Recent metaphorwere not used. The metaphor categories that are dominantly used in both texts is dead metaphor with 111 data (11,2%) in the ST, 70 data (7,8%) in the TT, while the strategy 'metaphor to metaphor' dominates over other strategies (81 data, 53,6%). Meanwhile, the least strategy employed was 'metaphor to simile with sense'. One strategy that was not used was 'metaphor to metaphor plus sense'. In addition, as the metaphor translation strategies were bound to the metaphor categories, the result poses that dead metaphor is most frequently translated by using the strategy of 'metaphor to metaphor'.
International journal of linguistics, literature and culture, Jul 7, 2023
Applied linguistics and educational linguistics are part of linguistics. Someone interested in st... more Applied linguistics and educational linguistics are part of linguistics. Someone interested in studying this science must be able to distinguish it and have a deep perspective. The purpose of this literature review is to investigate the differences, similarities, scope, and relationships between these two disciplines. This discussion is based on secondary sources and focuses on applied linguistics and educational linguistics, of course, as topics of discussion. This study was tested and debated for a result. Based on the findings, there are several patterns of differences, relationships, and issues between the two.
Acta Paedagogica Vilnensia
The present study was conducted to investigate Indonesian second/foreign language (L2) learners’ ... more The present study was conducted to investigate Indonesian second/foreign language (L2) learners’ self-rated CEFR-based listening proficiency (SR-CEFR-L) and the possible interaction with their attitudes towards teachers’ use of learners’ first language (L1), Indonesian, in English as L2 classes. 168 learners from non-English departments taking General English (GE) Levels 1, 2, and 3 participated in this survey study. Using the chi-square test of independence, this study found a significant difference among learners from different General English levels in their SR-CEFR-L, where the higher their GE levels the more likely they reported higher SR-CEFR-L. This study also found that generally, learners reported positive attitudes towards teachers’ use of L1 in English classes. This study further found no significant association between learners’ SR-CEFR-L and their attitudes towards teachers’ use of L1, suggesting that regardless of how highly they rated their listening proficiency, lear...
Dinamika Ilmu
The social semiotic analysis in this study aims to (1) reveal what multicultural values are found... more The social semiotic analysis in this study aims to (1) reveal what multicultural values are found in ELT textbooks for ninth-grade learners, (2) explain how the texts and the images in the analyzed textbooks present multicultural values, and (3) uncover how social semiotics dimensions can decode multicultural values. This study finds that among four multicultural values discovered in the textbooks, responsibility to the world community has the most frequent appearance while respect for human dignity and universal human rights has the least frequent appearance. Those values are presented denotatively and connotatively through texts, images, and texts-images. Based on the findings, textbook authors are recommended to include more content and add learning activities that facilitate discussions and reflections on multiculturalism. In addition, this research suggests that English teachers who use these textbooks add learning activities that enable students to discuss multicultural values...
This research aims to reveal (1) the negative politeness strategies, (2) the realizations of nega... more This research aims to reveal (1) the negative politeness strategies, (2) the realizations of negative politeness strategies, and (3) the factors affecting the choice of negative politeness strategies implemented by the main characters in The Duchess and The Young Victoria movies. This research adopted the negative politeness model proposed by Brown and Levinson (1987) as the main framework, interpreted qualitatively in which the researcher acts as the main instrument. The research procedure is divided into five stages, consisting of (1) observing the utterances taken from the movies' transcription; (2) identifying the characteristics of negative politeness strategies employed in those British movies according to the theory of Brown and Levinson (1987); (3) classifying and categorizing the data related to the negative politeness strategies; (4) analyzing the data in order to find the similarity and difference of those British movies; (5) drawing the conclusion of the research con...
English Linguistics, Literature, and Language Teaching in a Changing Era, 2019
Studies in English Language and Education
Politeness might lessen imposition in argumentative conversations which potentially result in con... more Politeness might lessen imposition in argumentative conversations which potentially result in conflict. However, different conventions on politeness among different cultures may cause problems for EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners who often transfer their native communication preferences to their target language usage. This article explores the (im)politeness employed by multilingual EFL learners in casual agreeing-disagreeing exchanges among peers. Using explanatory sequential mixed method design, students’ utterances in role plays were analyzed based on Leech’s (2014) politeness theory, Kakava’s (1993) disagreement strategies, as well as Locher’s (2004) mitigating strategies on disagreement. It is found that in conversations with people of equal status and power, the observance of politeness maxims is more apparent than the violation. It indicates that maintaining others’ faces is essential irrespective of age differences, even in arguing conversations. The more frequen...
Racism is not only an internal issue of a country while discussing pluralistic society. The racis... more Racism is not only an internal issue of a country while discussing pluralistic society. The racism in the US must attain multitudes international attentions due to diversity of the people, including Asians with diverse races. The purposes of this study are to investigate how the ideology of racism is constructed through language and why the racism is occurred in pluralistic society of the US. The data for this study is two bilingual talks of Oliver Prass in KOMPAS TV. The CDA is adopted as tool to explore and discover racism ideology though language representation. The result on textual dimension with transitivity process depicts that racism ideology occurs in different forms to show effect of personal feeling and psychological effect from racist people toward the victims. In discursive dimension, to emphasize a hidden agenda of a discourse requires the speaker status and position during producing the language; for instance, as social activist, victims, and Indonesian. Then in socia...
Humaniora, 2015
This research entitled Pergeseran Budaya Sapaan dan Kekerabatan di Wilayah Kecamatan Kraton Yogya... more This research entitled Pergeseran Budaya Sapaan dan Kekerabatan di Wilayah Kecamatan Kraton Yogyakarta Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta “The shift of the address culture and kinship in the district of Yogyakarta Palace in Yogyakarta Special Territory” aims at describing the style of nominal address in the style of Javanese Language and Culture in Yogyakarta, the domain of kinship, the relationship between social status, age, social stratification toward the address forms and kinship, and the shift of address culture and kinship in the district of Yogyakarta Palace. This research is based on field survey and uses a descriptive qualitative method to describe the shift of the address culture and kinship from structural, semantic, and sociolinguistic perspective. The data are words and phrases related to the address forms and kinship which were collected from oral and written sources. The oral sources were taken through in-depth interviews with some informants around the district of Yogyakart...
Penelitian dilaksanakan melalui empat tahap, yaitu perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi... more Penelitian dilaksanakan melalui empat tahap, yaitu perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Data penelitian ini merupakan data kualitatif yang berupa catatan lapangan perkuliahan, hasil angket mahasiswa dan hasil tulisan mahasiswa di kelas Writing I. Analisis data mencakup empat tahap, yaitu: 1) mengumpulkan seluruh data dan membacanya, 2) mentabulasikan data tentang pendapat mahasaiswa, 3) mengkoreksi data yang berupa tulisan mahasiswa, dan 4) menginterpretasikan data. Hasil penelitian menghasilkan beberapa kesimpulan sebagai berikut: (1) Pendapat mahasiswa terhadap pemanfaatan fasilitas bahasa MS-Word untuk mendukung kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas Writing I rata-rata positif. Terkait dengan atmosfer akademik kelas menjadi lebih hidup, aktif d an menyenangkan. Proses belajar mengajar dilakukan secara interaktif dan berjalan dengan efektif dan efisien. Terkait dengan perubahan pada diri mahasiswa, sebagian besar dari mahasiswa menyatakan bahwa kemampuan mer eka dalam menulis menjadi lebih meningkat. Hal ini karena mereka bisa langsung mengetahui kesalahan spelling, punctuation dan grammar secara langsung dan bisa sekaligus mengetahui hal yang benar. Beberapa mahasiswa menyatakan bahwa mereka menjadi mandiri, termotivasi, terbiasa menulis dalam bahasa Inggris dan lebih mudah dalam mengembangkan gagasan. Dosen merasakan manfaat pengaplikasian fasilitas MS-Word karena bisa menghemat tenaga dan waktu, dan lebih bisa mengontrol kelas; (2) Pemanfaatan fasilitas MS-Word berpengaruh secara signifikan karena membuat keterampilan menulis mahasiswa dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris menjadi lebih meningkat, terutama dalam hal spelling, punctuation dan grammar. Minimum requirements bisa dilampaui oleh sebagian besar mahasiswa. Tidak ditemukan banyak kesalahan fatal dalam pekerjaan tulisan mahasiswa. Kesalahan yang perlu dikoreksi oleh dosen adalah pemilihan kata atau diksi. Diksi sebetulnya ada pada fasilitas style. Tetapi karena memang fasilitas ini belum dikuasai dengan baik oleh mahasiswa maka kesalahan tetap ada; (3) Beberapa kendala yang ditemukan dalam implementasi tindakan kelas untuk memanfaatkan fasilitas MS-Word di kelas Writing I bersifat teknis, yaitu jumlah mahasiswa repeaters yang relatif terlalu banyak sehingga pembelajaran menjadi kurang nyaman dan gangguan-gangguan dalam penggunaan komputer. Gangguan dalam penggunaan komputer seringkali bisa diatasi dengan cepat baik oleh dosen maupun oleh teknisi lab. Ada juga kendala yang bersifat akademik, yaitu kesulitan dalam mengaplikasikan fasilitas untuk pilihan style yang disebabkan oleh pengetahuan kebah asaan mahasiswa semester 1 yang masih terlalu dasar untuk memilih style.
Penelitian tindakan ini bertujuan untuk 1) mendeskripsikan upaya-upaya yang dilakukan untuk menin... more Penelitian tindakan ini bertujuan untuk 1) mendeskripsikan upaya-upaya yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan public speaking mahasiswa di kelas Speaking IV melalui metode symposium dan workshop, 2) mendeskripsikan tindakan-tindakan yang berhasil mendukung pembelajaran public speaking melalui pengimplementasian symposium dan workshop, dan 3) mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan kemampuan public speaking mahasiswa di kelas Speaking IV di akhir penerapan tindakan-tindakan dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini melibatkan mahasiswa Speaking IV kelas Sas 4G Program Studi Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris Jurusan PBI FBS UNY T.A. 2005/ 2006. Penelitian dilaksanakan melalui empat tahap, yaitu perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Data penelitian ini merupakan data kualitatif yang berupa transkrip wawancara dengan dosen kolaborator pengampu mata kuliah dan mahasiswa, catatan lapangan dan hasil angket mahasiswa. Analisis data mencakup empat tahap, yaitu: 1) mengumpulkan seluruh data dan membacanya, 2) mengkodekan data tersebut, 3) mem-bandingkan data, dan 4) menginterpretasikan data. Pengujian validitas hasil analisis menggunakan lima kriteria, yaitu validitas 1) demokratik, 2) hasil, 3) proses, 4) katalitik, dan 5) dialogis. Berdasarkan permasalahan yang ada di lapangan, ditempuh 5 upaya untuk meningkatkan public speaking skill mahasiswa, yaitu: 1) penciptaan suasana yang nyaman agar mahasiswa ter-tantang untuk berbicara di depan umum; 2) peningkatan keterlibatan mahasiswa dalam aktifitas kelas.; 3) peningkatan self-confidence mahasiswa; 4) pembiasaan penggunaan common expression dalam public speaking; dan 5) penjelasan bentuk dan format dalam public speaking. Tindakan-tindakan yang dinilai berhasil dan memberikan perubahan positif adalah 1) memperkenalkan ekspresi-ekspresi yang umum digunakan dan kesalahan-kesalahan umum dalam public speaking.; 2) menjelaskan mengenai berbagai bentuk dan format; 3)memberi peran/tanggung jawab agar semua mahasiswa aktif berbicara; 4) memberi contoh dan model; 5) memberi tugas kelompok; 6) memberi saran tentang penampilan dan mengingatkan mahasiswa untuk tampil optimal; 7) memindah setting belajar-mengajar; 8) mengundang mahasiswa lain dan native speaker; 9) merekam penampilan mahasiswa melalui foto dan kaset VHS. Kemampuan mahasiswa di akhir penelitian tindakan kelas bisa digambarkan dalam 3 kategori berikut: 1) memuaskan: 4 mahasiswa (20%) memiliki kemampuan yang sangat memadai, walau belum sebanding dengan native speakers dalam keakuratan dan pronunciation. Mereka berbicara lancar ketika melaksanakan tugas-tugas yang diberikan, yang didukung dengan kepercayaan diri yang tinggi. Para mahasiswa ini sangat bisa mengatasi situasi dan terlihat rileks dalam penampilan mereka; 2) bagus: 14 maha-siswa (70%) termasuk dalam kategori ini. Mereka berbicara lancar, walaupun kadangkala tidak akurat dalam struktur dan pronunciation. Rasa percaya diri mereka juga tinggi, hanya sayangnya pemakaian ekspresi kebahasaan kurang variatif; 3) cukup: 2 orang mahasiswa (10%) dinilai cukup dalam artian bisa melakukan tugas-tugas yang diberikan, cukup lancar, namun seringkali terlihat kurang percaya diri. Kosa kata mereka terbatas, namun mereka berusaha untuk berani tampil di muka umum. FBS, 2006 (PEND. BHS INGGRIS)
This research aims to improve the students‟ Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC) through ... more This research aims to improve the students‟ Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC) through cultural text-based intercultural teaching. It tried to answer the questions: (a) what cultural texts are used in this intercultural teaching, (b) how can the teaching of English with an intercultural perspective be created using cultural texts?, and (c) to what extent does intercultural teaching improve students‟ ICC? It was three-cycle classroom action research. The participants were 22 first semester students of Class K in Metallurgy Engineering and me as the English lecturer in that class. The data collected during the research were in the form of qualitative and quantitative data. I obtained the qualitative data through classroom observations and interviews, while the quantitative data through written tests and spoken tests. The qualitative data were analyzed by condensing the data, displaying them, drawing and verifying conclusions. Meanwhile, the quantitative data were analyzed us...
Jurnal Ilmu Keluarga dan Konsumen, 2020
Pencapaian bahasa anak dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, salah satunya adalah pengasuhan orang tu... more Pencapaian bahasa anak dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, salah satunya adalah pengasuhan orang tua. Penelitian ini mengkaji pencapaian bahasa anak usia 2 tahun pada sebuah keluarga di Samirono, Yogyakarta yang diasuh oleh orang tua dan nenek dengan pola asuh permisif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan resiko pengasuhan permisif yang diterapkan orang tua dan nenek pada pencapaian bahasa anak. Penelitian ini menggunakan model kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara dan observasi. Informan dalam penelitian berjumlah empat orang yang dipilih menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan model Miles dan Hubberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peran nenek dalam pengasuhan lebih besar karena orang tua anak dalam penelitian ini mencari nafkah. Orang tua dan nenek kurang memberi stimulasi untuk perkembangan bahasa anak. Orang tua dan nenek juga membatasi anak untuk belajar berkomunikasi. Akibatnya, anak belum mampu untuk melakukan komunikasi sederhana dan baru dapat mengucapkan beberapa kata, seperti "emoh", "dah", "ma", "um", "a". Penelitian ini menggambarkan resiko dari penerapan pengasuhan permisif orang tua dan anak terhadap perkembangan bahasa anak. Kata kunci: komunikasi, pencapaian bahasa, pengasuhan permisif, pola asuh, stimulan
Proceedings of the 9th UNNES Virtual International Conference on English Language Teaching, Literature, and Translation, ELTLT 2020, 14-15 November 2020, Semarang, Indonesia, 2021
Modern Islamic boarding school has become one of the trends to study since it offers teaching Isl... more Modern Islamic boarding school has become one of the trends to study since it offers teaching Islamic subjects through bilingual programs: English and Arabic. Concerning the use of English program, either the teachers or students must use the language either inside or outside the classroom. To run the program, the teachers must be wellqualified for they must be both teachers in the classroom and supervisors in the bilingual dormitory. These demands create overloaded work for the teachers. Thus, this study aims to identify the impact of Islamic boarding school teachers' workload. A descriptive case study was employed in this study. Then, the data were obtained through the interview to bilingual English teachers and direct observation. The result shows that bilingual teachers' workloads negatively affected their teaching performance quality; they have limited time to do self-reflection and prepare a clear objective of the lesson and the expected outcome.
Humaniora, 2021
This research aimed to describe and interpret the characteristics of multicultural awareness of s... more This research aimed to describe and interpret the characteristics of multicultural awareness of seven international students studying tertiary education in the postgraduate studies department at Yogyakarta State University. When individuals moved to a place where more than one culture coexists, they were now part of a multicultural society. In this respect, one of the many reasons for the existence of multicultural societies was the student mobility phenomenon in which many students decided to live abroad to pursue their academic goals. Accordingly, these students faced new cultural situations, and there was no doubt that they needed to use their multicultural competencies. However, were they aware of their own multicultural competence? Had the way they conceptualized it ever helped them to achieve their professional goals? In the present research, such questions highlighted the relevance of focusing on the existing knowledge about multicultural competence of international students,...
Studies in English Language and Education, 2022
Major potential effects of abrupt changes in educational settings particularly for education stak... more Major potential effects of abrupt changes in educational settings particularly for education stakeholders such as teachers have been somewhat interesting to examine. This study examines how teachers of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in different schooling levels acclimatize their experiences due to the unanticipated Covid-19 outbreak, which forced them to pursue Online Distance Learning (ODL). Employing a phenomenological approach, eight teachers from various educational and psychometric backgrounds in three different provinces in Indonesia shared their experiences in coping with the changes. Before engaging in two semi-structured interviews, they were invited to complete an e-reflection to share their feelings, concerns, difficulties, and challenges. To get to the core of their experience, the data were scrutinized following an interpretive phenomenological analysis which includes an early focus on the lines of inquiry, central concerns and important themes, identification of ...
Studies in English Language and Education, 2022
It is inevitably believed that culture teaching is the pivotal feeling of integrating culture int... more It is inevitably believed that culture teaching is the pivotal feeling of integrating culture into the teaching of a language, including in the EFL setting. This study aims to explore the English teachers’ beliefs, attitudes, and the reflection of their beliefs and attitudes on the teaching syllabi. The sequential explanatory mix-methods design was applied in junior high schools in Ngawi. The data were obtained from 144 English teachers’ answers to a questionnaire and interviews with six teachers. Then, the data were analysed by using descriptive statistics, the independent sample T-test, and the Mann-Whitney test. The results indicated that the majority of junior high school English teachers believed in the importance of incorporating culture into their teaching of the language taught and students’ learning process. Moreover, both state and private junior high school English teachers showed similar beliefs and attitudes related to culture teaching. When they taught English, the cul...
KEMANUSIAAN The Asian Journal of Humanities, 2021
As an approach to multilingualism, the study of linguistic landscape (LL) in educational settings... more As an approach to multilingualism, the study of linguistic landscape (LL) in educational settings is still underexplored. LL study is significant to disclose various aspects of language existence and use. In the school context, it might reveal what and how languages are used among school members and their relevance to education. This article aims to examine the emerging themes of signs’ messages in school LL and the contribution of multimodal social semiotic elements to the signage social meanings. It studied 890 signs from five senior high schools in Yogyakarta, Indonesia and used a geosemiotic approach to analyse the verbal and visual texts. The findings reveal eight major themes of messages: (1) location or place direction, (2) morality and religion, (3) environment and energy, (4) school identity and information, (5) activities, (6) how to comport oneself, (7) science and knowledge and (8) rules, regulations and acts. The three main modes (language, image and colour) in the scho...
Linguistik Indonesia, Mar 3, 2021
This research explores the use of metaphor categories and its translation strategies using the th... more This research explores the use of metaphor categories and its translation strategies using the theory of Newmark (1988). The qualitative method was employed since the data were in the form of verbal data derived from novels. In the stage of collecting the data, an observational method followed by note-taking technique was applied. In this study, 151 data were considered to be metaphors in the Source Text (ST), while 90 data belong to Target Text (TT). A number of 61 data were converted into other forms (simile, sense, and even deletion). Of the six metaphor categories, four categories emerged in the texts. The other two categories-Adapte and Recent metaphorwere not used. The metaphor categories that are dominantly used in both texts is dead metaphor with 111 data (11,2%) in the ST, 70 data (7,8%) in the TT, while the strategy 'metaphor to metaphor' dominates over other strategies (81 data, 53,6%). Meanwhile, the least strategy employed was 'metaphor to simile with sense'. One strategy that was not used was 'metaphor to metaphor plus sense'. In addition, as the metaphor translation strategies were bound to the metaphor categories, the result poses that dead metaphor is most frequently translated by using the strategy of 'metaphor to metaphor'.
International journal of linguistics, literature and culture, Jul 7, 2023
Applied linguistics and educational linguistics are part of linguistics. Someone interested in st... more Applied linguistics and educational linguistics are part of linguistics. Someone interested in studying this science must be able to distinguish it and have a deep perspective. The purpose of this literature review is to investigate the differences, similarities, scope, and relationships between these two disciplines. This discussion is based on secondary sources and focuses on applied linguistics and educational linguistics, of course, as topics of discussion. This study was tested and debated for a result. Based on the findings, there are several patterns of differences, relationships, and issues between the two.
Acta Paedagogica Vilnensia
The present study was conducted to investigate Indonesian second/foreign language (L2) learners’ ... more The present study was conducted to investigate Indonesian second/foreign language (L2) learners’ self-rated CEFR-based listening proficiency (SR-CEFR-L) and the possible interaction with their attitudes towards teachers’ use of learners’ first language (L1), Indonesian, in English as L2 classes. 168 learners from non-English departments taking General English (GE) Levels 1, 2, and 3 participated in this survey study. Using the chi-square test of independence, this study found a significant difference among learners from different General English levels in their SR-CEFR-L, where the higher their GE levels the more likely they reported higher SR-CEFR-L. This study also found that generally, learners reported positive attitudes towards teachers’ use of L1 in English classes. This study further found no significant association between learners’ SR-CEFR-L and their attitudes towards teachers’ use of L1, suggesting that regardless of how highly they rated their listening proficiency, lear...
Dinamika Ilmu
The social semiotic analysis in this study aims to (1) reveal what multicultural values are found... more The social semiotic analysis in this study aims to (1) reveal what multicultural values are found in ELT textbooks for ninth-grade learners, (2) explain how the texts and the images in the analyzed textbooks present multicultural values, and (3) uncover how social semiotics dimensions can decode multicultural values. This study finds that among four multicultural values discovered in the textbooks, responsibility to the world community has the most frequent appearance while respect for human dignity and universal human rights has the least frequent appearance. Those values are presented denotatively and connotatively through texts, images, and texts-images. Based on the findings, textbook authors are recommended to include more content and add learning activities that facilitate discussions and reflections on multiculturalism. In addition, this research suggests that English teachers who use these textbooks add learning activities that enable students to discuss multicultural values...
This research aims to reveal (1) the negative politeness strategies, (2) the realizations of nega... more This research aims to reveal (1) the negative politeness strategies, (2) the realizations of negative politeness strategies, and (3) the factors affecting the choice of negative politeness strategies implemented by the main characters in The Duchess and The Young Victoria movies. This research adopted the negative politeness model proposed by Brown and Levinson (1987) as the main framework, interpreted qualitatively in which the researcher acts as the main instrument. The research procedure is divided into five stages, consisting of (1) observing the utterances taken from the movies' transcription; (2) identifying the characteristics of negative politeness strategies employed in those British movies according to the theory of Brown and Levinson (1987); (3) classifying and categorizing the data related to the negative politeness strategies; (4) analyzing the data in order to find the similarity and difference of those British movies; (5) drawing the conclusion of the research con...
English Linguistics, Literature, and Language Teaching in a Changing Era, 2019
Studies in English Language and Education
Politeness might lessen imposition in argumentative conversations which potentially result in con... more Politeness might lessen imposition in argumentative conversations which potentially result in conflict. However, different conventions on politeness among different cultures may cause problems for EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners who often transfer their native communication preferences to their target language usage. This article explores the (im)politeness employed by multilingual EFL learners in casual agreeing-disagreeing exchanges among peers. Using explanatory sequential mixed method design, students’ utterances in role plays were analyzed based on Leech’s (2014) politeness theory, Kakava’s (1993) disagreement strategies, as well as Locher’s (2004) mitigating strategies on disagreement. It is found that in conversations with people of equal status and power, the observance of politeness maxims is more apparent than the violation. It indicates that maintaining others’ faces is essential irrespective of age differences, even in arguing conversations. The more frequen...
Racism is not only an internal issue of a country while discussing pluralistic society. The racis... more Racism is not only an internal issue of a country while discussing pluralistic society. The racism in the US must attain multitudes international attentions due to diversity of the people, including Asians with diverse races. The purposes of this study are to investigate how the ideology of racism is constructed through language and why the racism is occurred in pluralistic society of the US. The data for this study is two bilingual talks of Oliver Prass in KOMPAS TV. The CDA is adopted as tool to explore and discover racism ideology though language representation. The result on textual dimension with transitivity process depicts that racism ideology occurs in different forms to show effect of personal feeling and psychological effect from racist people toward the victims. In discursive dimension, to emphasize a hidden agenda of a discourse requires the speaker status and position during producing the language; for instance, as social activist, victims, and Indonesian. Then in socia...
Humaniora, 2015
This research entitled Pergeseran Budaya Sapaan dan Kekerabatan di Wilayah Kecamatan Kraton Yogya... more This research entitled Pergeseran Budaya Sapaan dan Kekerabatan di Wilayah Kecamatan Kraton Yogyakarta Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta “The shift of the address culture and kinship in the district of Yogyakarta Palace in Yogyakarta Special Territory” aims at describing the style of nominal address in the style of Javanese Language and Culture in Yogyakarta, the domain of kinship, the relationship between social status, age, social stratification toward the address forms and kinship, and the shift of address culture and kinship in the district of Yogyakarta Palace. This research is based on field survey and uses a descriptive qualitative method to describe the shift of the address culture and kinship from structural, semantic, and sociolinguistic perspective. The data are words and phrases related to the address forms and kinship which were collected from oral and written sources. The oral sources were taken through in-depth interviews with some informants around the district of Yogyakart...
Penelitian dilaksanakan melalui empat tahap, yaitu perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi... more Penelitian dilaksanakan melalui empat tahap, yaitu perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Data penelitian ini merupakan data kualitatif yang berupa catatan lapangan perkuliahan, hasil angket mahasiswa dan hasil tulisan mahasiswa di kelas Writing I. Analisis data mencakup empat tahap, yaitu: 1) mengumpulkan seluruh data dan membacanya, 2) mentabulasikan data tentang pendapat mahasaiswa, 3) mengkoreksi data yang berupa tulisan mahasiswa, dan 4) menginterpretasikan data. Hasil penelitian menghasilkan beberapa kesimpulan sebagai berikut: (1) Pendapat mahasiswa terhadap pemanfaatan fasilitas bahasa MS-Word untuk mendukung kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas Writing I rata-rata positif. Terkait dengan atmosfer akademik kelas menjadi lebih hidup, aktif d an menyenangkan. Proses belajar mengajar dilakukan secara interaktif dan berjalan dengan efektif dan efisien. Terkait dengan perubahan pada diri mahasiswa, sebagian besar dari mahasiswa menyatakan bahwa kemampuan mer eka dalam menulis menjadi lebih meningkat. Hal ini karena mereka bisa langsung mengetahui kesalahan spelling, punctuation dan grammar secara langsung dan bisa sekaligus mengetahui hal yang benar. Beberapa mahasiswa menyatakan bahwa mereka menjadi mandiri, termotivasi, terbiasa menulis dalam bahasa Inggris dan lebih mudah dalam mengembangkan gagasan. Dosen merasakan manfaat pengaplikasian fasilitas MS-Word karena bisa menghemat tenaga dan waktu, dan lebih bisa mengontrol kelas; (2) Pemanfaatan fasilitas MS-Word berpengaruh secara signifikan karena membuat keterampilan menulis mahasiswa dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris menjadi lebih meningkat, terutama dalam hal spelling, punctuation dan grammar. Minimum requirements bisa dilampaui oleh sebagian besar mahasiswa. Tidak ditemukan banyak kesalahan fatal dalam pekerjaan tulisan mahasiswa. Kesalahan yang perlu dikoreksi oleh dosen adalah pemilihan kata atau diksi. Diksi sebetulnya ada pada fasilitas style. Tetapi karena memang fasilitas ini belum dikuasai dengan baik oleh mahasiswa maka kesalahan tetap ada; (3) Beberapa kendala yang ditemukan dalam implementasi tindakan kelas untuk memanfaatkan fasilitas MS-Word di kelas Writing I bersifat teknis, yaitu jumlah mahasiswa repeaters yang relatif terlalu banyak sehingga pembelajaran menjadi kurang nyaman dan gangguan-gangguan dalam penggunaan komputer. Gangguan dalam penggunaan komputer seringkali bisa diatasi dengan cepat baik oleh dosen maupun oleh teknisi lab. Ada juga kendala yang bersifat akademik, yaitu kesulitan dalam mengaplikasikan fasilitas untuk pilihan style yang disebabkan oleh pengetahuan kebah asaan mahasiswa semester 1 yang masih terlalu dasar untuk memilih style.
Penelitian tindakan ini bertujuan untuk 1) mendeskripsikan upaya-upaya yang dilakukan untuk menin... more Penelitian tindakan ini bertujuan untuk 1) mendeskripsikan upaya-upaya yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan public speaking mahasiswa di kelas Speaking IV melalui metode symposium dan workshop, 2) mendeskripsikan tindakan-tindakan yang berhasil mendukung pembelajaran public speaking melalui pengimplementasian symposium dan workshop, dan 3) mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan kemampuan public speaking mahasiswa di kelas Speaking IV di akhir penerapan tindakan-tindakan dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini melibatkan mahasiswa Speaking IV kelas Sas 4G Program Studi Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris Jurusan PBI FBS UNY T.A. 2005/ 2006. Penelitian dilaksanakan melalui empat tahap, yaitu perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Data penelitian ini merupakan data kualitatif yang berupa transkrip wawancara dengan dosen kolaborator pengampu mata kuliah dan mahasiswa, catatan lapangan dan hasil angket mahasiswa. Analisis data mencakup empat tahap, yaitu: 1) mengumpulkan seluruh data dan membacanya, 2) mengkodekan data tersebut, 3) mem-bandingkan data, dan 4) menginterpretasikan data. Pengujian validitas hasil analisis menggunakan lima kriteria, yaitu validitas 1) demokratik, 2) hasil, 3) proses, 4) katalitik, dan 5) dialogis. Berdasarkan permasalahan yang ada di lapangan, ditempuh 5 upaya untuk meningkatkan public speaking skill mahasiswa, yaitu: 1) penciptaan suasana yang nyaman agar mahasiswa ter-tantang untuk berbicara di depan umum; 2) peningkatan keterlibatan mahasiswa dalam aktifitas kelas.; 3) peningkatan self-confidence mahasiswa; 4) pembiasaan penggunaan common expression dalam public speaking; dan 5) penjelasan bentuk dan format dalam public speaking. Tindakan-tindakan yang dinilai berhasil dan memberikan perubahan positif adalah 1) memperkenalkan ekspresi-ekspresi yang umum digunakan dan kesalahan-kesalahan umum dalam public speaking.; 2) menjelaskan mengenai berbagai bentuk dan format; 3)memberi peran/tanggung jawab agar semua mahasiswa aktif berbicara; 4) memberi contoh dan model; 5) memberi tugas kelompok; 6) memberi saran tentang penampilan dan mengingatkan mahasiswa untuk tampil optimal; 7) memindah setting belajar-mengajar; 8) mengundang mahasiswa lain dan native speaker; 9) merekam penampilan mahasiswa melalui foto dan kaset VHS. Kemampuan mahasiswa di akhir penelitian tindakan kelas bisa digambarkan dalam 3 kategori berikut: 1) memuaskan: 4 mahasiswa (20%) memiliki kemampuan yang sangat memadai, walau belum sebanding dengan native speakers dalam keakuratan dan pronunciation. Mereka berbicara lancar ketika melaksanakan tugas-tugas yang diberikan, yang didukung dengan kepercayaan diri yang tinggi. Para mahasiswa ini sangat bisa mengatasi situasi dan terlihat rileks dalam penampilan mereka; 2) bagus: 14 maha-siswa (70%) termasuk dalam kategori ini. Mereka berbicara lancar, walaupun kadangkala tidak akurat dalam struktur dan pronunciation. Rasa percaya diri mereka juga tinggi, hanya sayangnya pemakaian ekspresi kebahasaan kurang variatif; 3) cukup: 2 orang mahasiswa (10%) dinilai cukup dalam artian bisa melakukan tugas-tugas yang diberikan, cukup lancar, namun seringkali terlihat kurang percaya diri. Kosa kata mereka terbatas, namun mereka berusaha untuk berani tampil di muka umum. FBS, 2006 (PEND. BHS INGGRIS)
This research aims to improve the students‟ Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC) through ... more This research aims to improve the students‟ Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC) through cultural text-based intercultural teaching. It tried to answer the questions: (a) what cultural texts are used in this intercultural teaching, (b) how can the teaching of English with an intercultural perspective be created using cultural texts?, and (c) to what extent does intercultural teaching improve students‟ ICC? It was three-cycle classroom action research. The participants were 22 first semester students of Class K in Metallurgy Engineering and me as the English lecturer in that class. The data collected during the research were in the form of qualitative and quantitative data. I obtained the qualitative data through classroom observations and interviews, while the quantitative data through written tests and spoken tests. The qualitative data were analyzed by condensing the data, displaying them, drawing and verifying conclusions. Meanwhile, the quantitative data were analyzed us...
Jurnal Ilmu Keluarga dan Konsumen, 2020
Pencapaian bahasa anak dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, salah satunya adalah pengasuhan orang tu... more Pencapaian bahasa anak dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, salah satunya adalah pengasuhan orang tua. Penelitian ini mengkaji pencapaian bahasa anak usia 2 tahun pada sebuah keluarga di Samirono, Yogyakarta yang diasuh oleh orang tua dan nenek dengan pola asuh permisif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan resiko pengasuhan permisif yang diterapkan orang tua dan nenek pada pencapaian bahasa anak. Penelitian ini menggunakan model kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara dan observasi. Informan dalam penelitian berjumlah empat orang yang dipilih menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan model Miles dan Hubberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peran nenek dalam pengasuhan lebih besar karena orang tua anak dalam penelitian ini mencari nafkah. Orang tua dan nenek kurang memberi stimulasi untuk perkembangan bahasa anak. Orang tua dan nenek juga membatasi anak untuk belajar berkomunikasi. Akibatnya, anak belum mampu untuk melakukan komunikasi sederhana dan baru dapat mengucapkan beberapa kata, seperti "emoh", "dah", "ma", "um", "a". Penelitian ini menggambarkan resiko dari penerapan pengasuhan permisif orang tua dan anak terhadap perkembangan bahasa anak. Kata kunci: komunikasi, pencapaian bahasa, pengasuhan permisif, pola asuh, stimulan
Proceedings of the 9th UNNES Virtual International Conference on English Language Teaching, Literature, and Translation, ELTLT 2020, 14-15 November 2020, Semarang, Indonesia, 2021
Modern Islamic boarding school has become one of the trends to study since it offers teaching Isl... more Modern Islamic boarding school has become one of the trends to study since it offers teaching Islamic subjects through bilingual programs: English and Arabic. Concerning the use of English program, either the teachers or students must use the language either inside or outside the classroom. To run the program, the teachers must be wellqualified for they must be both teachers in the classroom and supervisors in the bilingual dormitory. These demands create overloaded work for the teachers. Thus, this study aims to identify the impact of Islamic boarding school teachers' workload. A descriptive case study was employed in this study. Then, the data were obtained through the interview to bilingual English teachers and direct observation. The result shows that bilingual teachers' workloads negatively affected their teaching performance quality; they have limited time to do self-reflection and prepare a clear objective of the lesson and the expected outcome.
Humaniora, 2021
This research aimed to describe and interpret the characteristics of multicultural awareness of s... more This research aimed to describe and interpret the characteristics of multicultural awareness of seven international students studying tertiary education in the postgraduate studies department at Yogyakarta State University. When individuals moved to a place where more than one culture coexists, they were now part of a multicultural society. In this respect, one of the many reasons for the existence of multicultural societies was the student mobility phenomenon in which many students decided to live abroad to pursue their academic goals. Accordingly, these students faced new cultural situations, and there was no doubt that they needed to use their multicultural competencies. However, were they aware of their own multicultural competence? Had the way they conceptualized it ever helped them to achieve their professional goals? In the present research, such questions highlighted the relevance of focusing on the existing knowledge about multicultural competence of international students,...
Studies in English Language and Education, 2022
Major potential effects of abrupt changes in educational settings particularly for education stak... more Major potential effects of abrupt changes in educational settings particularly for education stakeholders such as teachers have been somewhat interesting to examine. This study examines how teachers of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in different schooling levels acclimatize their experiences due to the unanticipated Covid-19 outbreak, which forced them to pursue Online Distance Learning (ODL). Employing a phenomenological approach, eight teachers from various educational and psychometric backgrounds in three different provinces in Indonesia shared their experiences in coping with the changes. Before engaging in two semi-structured interviews, they were invited to complete an e-reflection to share their feelings, concerns, difficulties, and challenges. To get to the core of their experience, the data were scrutinized following an interpretive phenomenological analysis which includes an early focus on the lines of inquiry, central concerns and important themes, identification of ...
Studies in English Language and Education, 2022
It is inevitably believed that culture teaching is the pivotal feeling of integrating culture int... more It is inevitably believed that culture teaching is the pivotal feeling of integrating culture into the teaching of a language, including in the EFL setting. This study aims to explore the English teachers’ beliefs, attitudes, and the reflection of their beliefs and attitudes on the teaching syllabi. The sequential explanatory mix-methods design was applied in junior high schools in Ngawi. The data were obtained from 144 English teachers’ answers to a questionnaire and interviews with six teachers. Then, the data were analysed by using descriptive statistics, the independent sample T-test, and the Mann-Whitney test. The results indicated that the majority of junior high school English teachers believed in the importance of incorporating culture into their teaching of the language taught and students’ learning process. Moreover, both state and private junior high school English teachers showed similar beliefs and attitudes related to culture teaching. When they taught English, the cul...
KEMANUSIAAN The Asian Journal of Humanities, 2021
As an approach to multilingualism, the study of linguistic landscape (LL) in educational settings... more As an approach to multilingualism, the study of linguistic landscape (LL) in educational settings is still underexplored. LL study is significant to disclose various aspects of language existence and use. In the school context, it might reveal what and how languages are used among school members and their relevance to education. This article aims to examine the emerging themes of signs’ messages in school LL and the contribution of multimodal social semiotic elements to the signage social meanings. It studied 890 signs from five senior high schools in Yogyakarta, Indonesia and used a geosemiotic approach to analyse the verbal and visual texts. The findings reveal eight major themes of messages: (1) location or place direction, (2) morality and religion, (3) environment and energy, (4) school identity and information, (5) activities, (6) how to comport oneself, (7) science and knowledge and (8) rules, regulations and acts. The three main modes (language, image and colour) in the scho...