Eva Gulløv - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Eva Gulløv

Research paper thumbnail of Children's Places

Routledge eBooks, Apr 15, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Samfundets børn

Aarhus University Press eBooks, Apr 13, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Kindergartens in Denmark – Reflections on Continuity and Change

Palgrave Macmillan UK eBooks, 2012

The Danish model of childcare differs from that of most other European countries, as the market, ... more The Danish model of childcare differs from that of most other European countries, as the market, the educational system and the family play less influential roles in the care of preschool children. Consistent with other welfare regimes based on a strong public sector and a high level of taxation, early childcare institutions in Denmark are characterized by a pronounced public engagement and funding, and a strong principle of universalism and social education. Daycare institutions are meant to be integrative with the aim of overcoming social boundaries and classes, and this purpose defines the curriculum. Rather than more subject-oriented learning or school preparation, the educational content stresses inclusion, social behaviour and forms of communication.

Research paper thumbnail of Engaging siblingships

Childhood, Nov 7, 2014

Inspired by sociological and anthropological family studies, our point of departure is that there... more Inspired by sociological and anthropological family studies, our point of departure is that there is neither a given nor an unequivocal prototype of sibling relationships. On the basis of qualitative interviews, dialogues and filmed observations of everyday life, we investigate how children and young people in contemporary Denmark engage emotionally in sibling relationships. It emerges that siblingships inevitably involve frictions in various forms. In the article, we analyse the impact frictions have on social relations and discuss how such dynamics in sibling relationships both reflect and influence family constitutions and dynamics.

Research paper thumbnail of Welfare and Self Care: Institutionalized Visions for a Good Life in Danish Day-care Centres

Anthropology In Action, 2011

Using the case of early childcare institutions in contemporary Denmark, the aim of the article is... more Using the case of early childcare institutions in contemporary Denmark, the aim of the article is to show that welfare entails visions of living that are made manifest through the requirements of everyday institutional practices. The main argument is that welfare institutions are designed not only to take care of people's basic needs but also to enable them to fare well in accordance with the dominant norms of society. This is particularly evident in the case of children. Children are objects of intense normative att ention and are invested in as no other social group in order to ensure their enculturation. Therefore, studying the collective investments in children, for example by paying att ention to the institutional arrangements set up for them, off ers insight into dominant cultural priorities and hoped-for outcomes.

Research paper thumbnail of Den tidlige civilisering

Aarhus University Press eBooks, Apr 13, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Indledning

Aarhus University Press eBooks, Apr 13, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Kulturanalyse gennem barndomsforskning

Tidsskrift for professionsstudier, Oct 21, 2019

Hensigten med artiklen er at rette opmaerksomheden mod de indsigter om kultur og samfund, som bar... more Hensigten med artiklen er at rette opmaerksomheden mod de indsigter om kultur og samfund, som barndomsforskningen giver. Gennem eksempler fra studier af børneinstitutioner peges der på, hvordan sådanne undersøgelser ikke bare giver viden om børns liv og barndommens aktuelle betingelser, men også giver indblik i centrale kulturelle vaerdier og fremtidsforestillinger såvel som i sociale skillelinjer og reproduktionsdynamikker i samfundet mere generelt. Baggrund Tidsskrift for Professionsstudier har givet mig det opdrag at omarbejde og forkorte den forelaesning, som jeg holdt på DPU, Aarhus Universitet, den 25. januar 2019 i forbindelse med min tiltraedelse som professor MSO. I artiklen her har jeg prioriteret de afsnit, der handler om barndomsforskningens bidrag til vores viden om samfundets sammenhaenge. Den fulde version ligger på tidsskriftets hjemmeside. Introduktion Hensigten med artiklen er at vise, hvordan forskning i børn og barndom helt grundlaeggende er kulturanalyse. Gennem undersøgelser af børns hverdag såvel som de rammer, de handler i, får vi indsigt i betydningsfulde kulturelle opfattelser og vaerdier, ligesom vi får indblik i social orden, hierarkier, skillelinjer og forandringer. Børn er gennem opvaeksten helt afhaengige af voksne i deres vej til at blive uafhaengige (Elias 1998). I alle samfund er denne proces ladet med normer for, hvad børn skal kunne hvornår, hvem de må omgås, hvor

Research paper thumbnail of Making children ‘social’: Civilising institutions in the Danish welfare state

Human Figurations, Feb 1, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Siblings – Practical and Sensitive Relations

Siblings-Practical and Sensitive Relations is based on a research project, (Ex)Changeable Sibling... more Siblings-Practical and Sensitive Relations is based on a research project, (Ex)Changeable Siblingships, conducted at the Department of Education, Aarhus University. The Egmont Foundation financed the project, and we would like to thank them not only for providing financial support but also for a highly constructive collaboration. The Danish edition was published in 2014. It was based on empirical material collected throughout 2011 and 2012. It involves close to 100 children and their parents as well as selected professionals who work with children. Thanks to all our informants. We would also like to thank our advisory board which includes representatives from relevant institutions and organisations: Bente

Research paper thumbnail of Society’s Children

Pluto Press eBooks, Sep 7, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Bevægelige søskendeskaber: børn og unges fortællinger

Research paper thumbnail of Civilisering og distinktioner. Med Norbert Elias i skole og børnehave

Tidsskrift for professionsstudier, Aug 24, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Civilisering

Aarhus University Press eBooks, Apr 13, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Diskussionen om opdragelse

Forskning i pædagogers profession og uddannelse, Nov 8, 2018

Tema: Paedagogik og Familie Resumé Artiklen diskuterer den aktuelle debat om opdragelse og viser,... more Tema: Paedagogik og Familie Resumé Artiklen diskuterer den aktuelle debat om opdragelse og viser, hvordan den må forstås i lyset af nogle historiske aendringer i synet på børn og opvaekst. Med inspiration fra fi gurationssociologien vises det, hvordan der har vaeret en udvikling fra et mere hierarkisk syn på relationen mellem børn og voksne til en jaevnbyrdig og uformel generationel omgangsform med en mere barnesensitiv opdragelsesform. Denne opdragelsesform er imidlertid under skarp kritik, fordi den ikke passer saerlig godt med vilkårene i daginstitutioner og skoler. Artiklens viser, hvordan det er denne diskrepans mellem idealer for børn og praktiske vilkår i institutionerne, der har givet anledning til usikkerhed og den aktuelle debat om, hvad der er de rigtige opdragelsesvaerdier, og hvilken rolle og ansvar foraeldre har.

Research paper thumbnail of Forord

Aarhus University Press eBooks, Jan 17, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Civilising the Youngest

Pluto Press eBooks, Sep 7, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Civilising Institutions

Pluto Press eBooks, Sep 7, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Følelseshåndtering i et socialhistorisk perspektiv

Dansk sociologi, Nov 5, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring divisions What to be learned from observing young children’s social preferences

Ethnography and Education, Dec 21, 2020

ABSTRACT This article concerns young children’s social preferences in early childcare in Denmark.... more ABSTRACT This article concerns young children’s social preferences in early childcare in Denmark. Based on detailed and long-term ethnographic observations, the analysis shows how children’s choices of playmates are patterned in ways that reflect their various social and cultural experiences in and out of the institutional settings. In general, children seem to prefer to be with others who share and acknowledge the same kinds of knowledge, experiences, and references and this leads to a pattern of rather distinct social interest-groups. The article explores why such lines of divisions are to be found in an institutional context designed to overcome social inequality and prevent social fragmentation. Furthermore, it argues that systematic ethnographic observations not only can help to understand what matters in early childcare for different persons, but also examine the social processes behind preferences and priorities and how they resonate with social divisions of broader society.

Research paper thumbnail of Children's Places

Routledge eBooks, Apr 15, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Samfundets børn

Aarhus University Press eBooks, Apr 13, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Kindergartens in Denmark – Reflections on Continuity and Change

Palgrave Macmillan UK eBooks, 2012

The Danish model of childcare differs from that of most other European countries, as the market, ... more The Danish model of childcare differs from that of most other European countries, as the market, the educational system and the family play less influential roles in the care of preschool children. Consistent with other welfare regimes based on a strong public sector and a high level of taxation, early childcare institutions in Denmark are characterized by a pronounced public engagement and funding, and a strong principle of universalism and social education. Daycare institutions are meant to be integrative with the aim of overcoming social boundaries and classes, and this purpose defines the curriculum. Rather than more subject-oriented learning or school preparation, the educational content stresses inclusion, social behaviour and forms of communication.

Research paper thumbnail of Engaging siblingships

Childhood, Nov 7, 2014

Inspired by sociological and anthropological family studies, our point of departure is that there... more Inspired by sociological and anthropological family studies, our point of departure is that there is neither a given nor an unequivocal prototype of sibling relationships. On the basis of qualitative interviews, dialogues and filmed observations of everyday life, we investigate how children and young people in contemporary Denmark engage emotionally in sibling relationships. It emerges that siblingships inevitably involve frictions in various forms. In the article, we analyse the impact frictions have on social relations and discuss how such dynamics in sibling relationships both reflect and influence family constitutions and dynamics.

Research paper thumbnail of Welfare and Self Care: Institutionalized Visions for a Good Life in Danish Day-care Centres

Anthropology In Action, 2011

Using the case of early childcare institutions in contemporary Denmark, the aim of the article is... more Using the case of early childcare institutions in contemporary Denmark, the aim of the article is to show that welfare entails visions of living that are made manifest through the requirements of everyday institutional practices. The main argument is that welfare institutions are designed not only to take care of people's basic needs but also to enable them to fare well in accordance with the dominant norms of society. This is particularly evident in the case of children. Children are objects of intense normative att ention and are invested in as no other social group in order to ensure their enculturation. Therefore, studying the collective investments in children, for example by paying att ention to the institutional arrangements set up for them, off ers insight into dominant cultural priorities and hoped-for outcomes.

Research paper thumbnail of Den tidlige civilisering

Aarhus University Press eBooks, Apr 13, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Indledning

Aarhus University Press eBooks, Apr 13, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Kulturanalyse gennem barndomsforskning

Tidsskrift for professionsstudier, Oct 21, 2019

Hensigten med artiklen er at rette opmaerksomheden mod de indsigter om kultur og samfund, som bar... more Hensigten med artiklen er at rette opmaerksomheden mod de indsigter om kultur og samfund, som barndomsforskningen giver. Gennem eksempler fra studier af børneinstitutioner peges der på, hvordan sådanne undersøgelser ikke bare giver viden om børns liv og barndommens aktuelle betingelser, men også giver indblik i centrale kulturelle vaerdier og fremtidsforestillinger såvel som i sociale skillelinjer og reproduktionsdynamikker i samfundet mere generelt. Baggrund Tidsskrift for Professionsstudier har givet mig det opdrag at omarbejde og forkorte den forelaesning, som jeg holdt på DPU, Aarhus Universitet, den 25. januar 2019 i forbindelse med min tiltraedelse som professor MSO. I artiklen her har jeg prioriteret de afsnit, der handler om barndomsforskningens bidrag til vores viden om samfundets sammenhaenge. Den fulde version ligger på tidsskriftets hjemmeside. Introduktion Hensigten med artiklen er at vise, hvordan forskning i børn og barndom helt grundlaeggende er kulturanalyse. Gennem undersøgelser af børns hverdag såvel som de rammer, de handler i, får vi indsigt i betydningsfulde kulturelle opfattelser og vaerdier, ligesom vi får indblik i social orden, hierarkier, skillelinjer og forandringer. Børn er gennem opvaeksten helt afhaengige af voksne i deres vej til at blive uafhaengige (Elias 1998). I alle samfund er denne proces ladet med normer for, hvad børn skal kunne hvornår, hvem de må omgås, hvor

Research paper thumbnail of Making children ‘social’: Civilising institutions in the Danish welfare state

Human Figurations, Feb 1, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Siblings – Practical and Sensitive Relations

Siblings-Practical and Sensitive Relations is based on a research project, (Ex)Changeable Sibling... more Siblings-Practical and Sensitive Relations is based on a research project, (Ex)Changeable Siblingships, conducted at the Department of Education, Aarhus University. The Egmont Foundation financed the project, and we would like to thank them not only for providing financial support but also for a highly constructive collaboration. The Danish edition was published in 2014. It was based on empirical material collected throughout 2011 and 2012. It involves close to 100 children and their parents as well as selected professionals who work with children. Thanks to all our informants. We would also like to thank our advisory board which includes representatives from relevant institutions and organisations: Bente

Research paper thumbnail of Society’s Children

Pluto Press eBooks, Sep 7, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Bevægelige søskendeskaber: børn og unges fortællinger

Research paper thumbnail of Civilisering og distinktioner. Med Norbert Elias i skole og børnehave

Tidsskrift for professionsstudier, Aug 24, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Civilisering

Aarhus University Press eBooks, Apr 13, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Diskussionen om opdragelse

Forskning i pædagogers profession og uddannelse, Nov 8, 2018

Tema: Paedagogik og Familie Resumé Artiklen diskuterer den aktuelle debat om opdragelse og viser,... more Tema: Paedagogik og Familie Resumé Artiklen diskuterer den aktuelle debat om opdragelse og viser, hvordan den må forstås i lyset af nogle historiske aendringer i synet på børn og opvaekst. Med inspiration fra fi gurationssociologien vises det, hvordan der har vaeret en udvikling fra et mere hierarkisk syn på relationen mellem børn og voksne til en jaevnbyrdig og uformel generationel omgangsform med en mere barnesensitiv opdragelsesform. Denne opdragelsesform er imidlertid under skarp kritik, fordi den ikke passer saerlig godt med vilkårene i daginstitutioner og skoler. Artiklens viser, hvordan det er denne diskrepans mellem idealer for børn og praktiske vilkår i institutionerne, der har givet anledning til usikkerhed og den aktuelle debat om, hvad der er de rigtige opdragelsesvaerdier, og hvilken rolle og ansvar foraeldre har.

Research paper thumbnail of Forord

Aarhus University Press eBooks, Jan 17, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Civilising the Youngest

Pluto Press eBooks, Sep 7, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Civilising Institutions

Pluto Press eBooks, Sep 7, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Følelseshåndtering i et socialhistorisk perspektiv

Dansk sociologi, Nov 5, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring divisions What to be learned from observing young children’s social preferences

Ethnography and Education, Dec 21, 2020

ABSTRACT This article concerns young children’s social preferences in early childcare in Denmark.... more ABSTRACT This article concerns young children’s social preferences in early childcare in Denmark. Based on detailed and long-term ethnographic observations, the analysis shows how children’s choices of playmates are patterned in ways that reflect their various social and cultural experiences in and out of the institutional settings. In general, children seem to prefer to be with others who share and acknowledge the same kinds of knowledge, experiences, and references and this leads to a pattern of rather distinct social interest-groups. The article explores why such lines of divisions are to be found in an institutional context designed to overcome social inequality and prevent social fragmentation. Furthermore, it argues that systematic ethnographic observations not only can help to understand what matters in early childcare for different persons, but also examine the social processes behind preferences and priorities and how they resonate with social divisions of broader society.