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Research paper thumbnail of Relationship between thoracic kyphosis angle, dyspnea perception, and disease-specific health status in patients with COPD

Journal of Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation

Purpose: This study was carried out to examine the relationship between thoracic kyphosis angle, ... more Purpose: This study was carried out to examine the relationship between thoracic kyphosis angle, dyspnea perception, and disease-specific health status in patients with COPD and thus to reveal the postural effect.Methods: A total of 105 patients (68.10±8.59 years, FEV1:47.59±21.50%) diagnosed with COPD were included in the study. The thoracic kyphosis angle was evaluated using the Spinal Mouse® device and the dyspnea perception with the Modified Medical Research Council (MMRC) Dyspnea Scale. For the disease-specific health status, the COPD Assessment Test (CAT) and the Clinical COPD Questionnaire (CCQ) were used. The patients were separated into three groups according to the thoracic kyphosis angle as Group 1: 20°-50°, Group 2: 51°-60°, and Group 3: 61°-90° and groups were compared.Results: While a significant positive relationship at a low level was observed between the thoracic kyphosis angle and the dyspnea perception (rho=0.23, p=0.02), no relationship was determined with the di...

Research paper thumbnail of Unilateral total diz protezi bel ağrısı nedeni midir?

Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı unilateral TDP (Total Diz Protezi) ile belağrısı arasındaki ilişkinin b... more Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı unilateral TDP (Total Diz Protezi) ile belağrısı arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenmesidir. Yöntemler: Çalışmayaunilateral TDP operasyonu geçirmiş ve rehabilitasyon programınıtamamlamış; yaş ortalaması 64±6,96 yıl (min:52, maks:77), Vücut Kitleİndeksi (VKİ) 30,54±4,99 kg/m2 (min:21,65, maks: 43,70) olan 26 kadınhasta dahil edildi. Hastaların bel ağrıları Oswestry Bel Özürlülük Anketikullanılarak değerlendirildi. TDP’ nin yük dağılımına etkisini araştırmakiçin yürüme analizi (pudralı zeminde) yapıldı. Sonuçlar: Oswestry BelÖzürlülük Anketi puanları ortalama 23,38±16,58 (2-52) olarak bulundu.Yürüyüş analizinde opere taraf adım uzunluğu ortalama 28,23±7,99cm (13-45,5), non-opere taraf adım uzunluğu ortalama 27,88±10,27cm (9-54), opere taraf adım genişliği ortalama 11,26±3,45 cm (5-18), non-opere taraf adım genişliği ise 11,01±3,42 cm (4,5-18,5)olarak bulundu. Oswestry Bel Özürlülük Anketi puanları ile opere adımuzunluğu arasında orta düzeyde negatif bir ilişki bulu...

Research paper thumbnail of Sigara içen genç yetişkin bireylerde dispne ve yorgunluk algısı

Süleyman demirel üniversitesi sağlık bilimleri dergisi, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of The Investigation of Correlation between Body Composition and Physical Activity in University Students

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Down Sendromlu Çocuklarin Günlük Yaşamdaki Fonksiyonel Düzeyinin Ve Yaşinin Annelerin Yaşam Kalitesine Etkisi

Güncel Pediatri, 2020

GIRIŞ ve AMAC: Bu calisma, Down sendromlu cocuklarin gunluk yasamdaki islevsel duzeyinin ve yasin... more GIRIŞ ve AMAC: Bu calisma, Down sendromlu cocuklarin gunluk yasamdaki islevsel duzeyinin ve yasinin, annelerin yasam kalitesi uzerine etkisini incelemek amaciyla planlanmistir. YONTEM ve GERECLER: Calismaya, yas ortalamasi 7,9±3,5 yil olan Down sendromlu 37 cocuk alindi. Cocuklarin islevsel bagimsizlik duzeyi, Islevsel Bagimsizlik Olcegi ile, annelerin yasam kalitesi Kisa Form-36 ile degerlendirildi. Islevsel Bagimsizlik Olcegi toplam puani 36-90 arasinda olanlar, gozlem gerektiren Down sendromu grubu (n=18) ve 91-126 arasinda olanlar bagimsiz Down sendromu grubu (n=19) olarak iki gruba ayrildi. Istatistiksel incelemede Mann-Whitney U testi ve Spearman korelasyon testi kullanildi. BULGULAR: Gozlem gerektiren Down sendromlu cocuklarin toplam Islevsel Bagimsizlik Olcegi puanlari 73,7±15,4 iken, bagimsiz Down sendromu grubundaki cocuklarin puanlari 106,7±11,6 bulundu. Her iki grup acisindan ailelerin Kisa Form-36 zihinsel, fiziksel ve toplam puanlari sirasiyla, gozleme ihtiyac duyanlar...

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of functional independence level and age's on the quality of life ofmother's with Down syndrome children

Current Pediatric Research, 2017

Objective: This study was investigate the effect of level of functional independence and ages on ... more Objective: This study was investigate the effect of level of functional independence and ages on the quality of life of the mothers in children with Down Syndrome. Methods: Thirty seven Down syndrome children (7.9 ± 3.5 years) were included in this study. Functional independent level of children were evaluated by using Functional Independence Measure, mothers quality of life were evaluated by using Short Form-36. Down syndrome children were classified according their Functional Independence Measure total score into two groups; need observation (36-90 scores) (n=19) and independent (91-126 scores) (n=18) groups. Results: Functional Independence Measure total scores of children in need obsevation group and children in independent group were 73.7 ± 15.4, 106.7 ± 11.6, respectively. Sort Form-36 Physical, Sort Form-36 Mental and Sort Form-36 Total scores of children in need obsevation group were 53.1 ± 25.1, 49.6 ± 14.9 and 102.7 ± 37.4 and children in independent group scores were 68.3...

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Functional Independence Level and Age on the Quality of Life of Mothers with Down Syndrome Children

Güncel Pediatri, 2020

ÖZ GİRİŞ ve AMAÇ: Bu çalışma, Down sendromlu çocukların günlük yaşamdaki işlevsel düzeyinin ve ya... more ÖZ GİRİŞ ve AMAÇ: Bu çalışma, Down sendromlu çocukların günlük yaşamdaki işlevsel düzeyinin ve yaşının, annelerin yaşam kalitesi üzerine etkisini incelemek amacıyla planlanmıştır. YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: Çalışmaya, yaş ortalaması 7,9±3,5 yıl olan Down sendromlu 37 çocuk alındı. Çocukların işlevsel bağımsızlık düzeyi, İşlevsel Bağımsızlık Ölçeği ile, annelerin yaşam kalitesi Kısa Form-36 ile değerlendirildi. İşlevsel Bağımsızlık Ölçeği toplam puanı 36-90 arasında olanlar, gözlem gerektiren Down sendromu grubu (n=18) ve 91-126 arasında olanlar bağımsız Down sendromu grubu (n=19) olarak iki gruba ayrıldı. İstatistiksel incelemede Mann-Whitney U testi ve Spearman korelasyon testi kullanıldı. BULGULAR: Gözlem gerektiren Down sendromlu çocukların toplam İşlevsel Bağımsızlık Ölçeği puanları 73,7±15,4 iken, bağımsız Down sendromu grubundaki çocukların puanları 106,7±11,6 bulundu. Her iki grup açısından ailelerin Kısa Form-36 zihinsel, fiziksel ve toplam puanları sırasıyla, gözleme ihtiyaç duyanların; 49,6±14,

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of Effectiveness of High-Intensity Functional Exercise on Older Adults: A Systematic Review

Objective: The aim of this systematic review was to investigate the effectiveness of HIFE on phys... more Objective: The aim of this systematic review was to investigate the effectiveness of HIFE on physiologic and psychological functions in older adults aged ≥65 years. Methods: This systematic review was designed according to the PEDro scale. PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus databases were used for the systematic searching. Total 1340 studies were identified. The full texts of these studies were examined in respect of the study inclusion and exclusion criteria, and finally 9 studies met the criteria and were included for evaluation. Results: Physical functions and psychosocial functions were evaluated via questionnaires and tests. According to results of the included studies HIFE was effective in respect of the evaluated parameters. Conclusion: As a result of this systematic review HIFE is effective on physical functions and hemodynamic responses but the effect on psychosocial functions are controversially, at the same time there were no reports of negative effects.

Research paper thumbnail of The Validity of Balance Evaluation of Patients with Orthopaedic Knee Problems using Nintendo Wii®?

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - International, 2017

Objectives: In recent years, the Nintendo Wii ® (NW) has been widely used in the field of healthc... more Objectives: In recent years, the Nintendo Wii ® (NW) has been widely used in the field of healthcare. There are studies in literature which have used the closed source encoded software of NW in the evaluation of balance. However, the availability of this software is limited in clinical practice. Therefore, in this study it was aimed to examine the relationship between the results of NW balance evaluation made without closed source encoded software with the results of the Kinesthetic Ability Trainer ® (KAT) and the Single Leg Stance Test (SLST). Materials and Methods: The study included 33 volunteers aged 23.85±4.62 years with a chronic orthopaedic knee joint pathology. The balance of the participants was evaluated with NW, KAT and SLST. Results: A significant correlation at a low level was seen in only 1 parameter between the balance results of NW and KAT (p<0.05). No signficant correlation was observed in the other parameters. A significant relationship was determined between the double foot NW area, the mediolateral (ML) width, affected side ML width and weight-bearing asymmetry (WBA) parameters and the SLST results (p<0.05) at a weak-moderate level (r=-0.38, r=-0.50, r=-0.36, r=-0.38). Conclusion: In conclusion, NW can be used instead of subjectve tests such as SLST. However, KAT uses a complex evaluation algorithm and provides more sensitive results. Therefore, to be able to increase the sensitivity of the NW balance evaluation system, standardised evaluation procedures should be developed.

Research paper thumbnail of Glenohumeral İnternal Rotasyon Defi̇si̇ti̇ Olan Bi̇reylerde Posteri̇or Kapsül Germe Egzersi̇zi̇ni̇n Anlik Etki̇si̇ni̇n İncelenmesi̇

Türk Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi, 2019

Amac: Bu calisma, saglikli bireylerde de gorulebilecek glenohumeral internal rotasyon defisiti (G... more Amac: Bu calisma, saglikli bireylerde de gorulebilecek glenohumeral internal rotasyon defisiti (GIRD) sonrasi verilen posterior kapsul germe egzersizinin eklem pozisyon hissine ve hareket acikliklarina olan anlik etkisini incelemek amaci ile yapilmistir. Yontem: Calismaya gonyometrik olcumler sonucunda GIRD belirlenen, dahil edilme kriterlerine uyan ve gonullu olan 28 saglikli birey dahil edilmistir. Bireylerin GIRD tespit edilen omuz eklemi calisma grubu, defisitin olmadigi omuz eklemi ise kontrol grubu olarak belirlenmistir. Eklem pozisyon hissinin olcumu icin lazer pointer kullanilarak aci tekrarlama testi yapilmis ve omuz ekleminin hareket acikliklari gonyometre ile olculmustur. Her iki omuz ekleminde de olcumler yapildiktan sonra defisit belirlenen ekstremite icin posterior kapsul germe egzersizi gosterilmistir. Egzersiz tamamlandiktan sonra olcumler her iki omuz ekleminde de tekrarlanmistir. Sonuclar: Calismamizin sonucunda; calisma grubunda eklem pozisyon hissinde anlik olarak anlamli degisiklik bulunmazken ( P =0.28), internal rotasyon ( P =0.00), eksternal rotasyon ( P =0.021) ve horizontal adduksiyon ( P =0.003) hareket acikliklarinda anlik olarak anlamli degisiklik gozlenmistir. Tartisma: Glenohumeral internal rotasyon defisiti saglikli bireylerde de gorulebilen bir durumdur. Posterior kapsul germe egzersizi anlik olarak glenohumeral internal rotasyon defisitini azaltmakta ancak eklem pozisyon hissine etki etmemektedir. Gelecek calismalarda, uzun donem etkilerine de bakilabilir.

Research paper thumbnail of Determination of effecting factors self-esteem and self-efficacy levels of school of health students

Yuksekogretim Dergisi, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Defining the Factors Affecting Adults’ Subjective Well-Being Levels

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of the Effects of Nicotine Dependence Levels on Quality of Life and Depressive Symptoms

Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy, 2014

Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of nicotine dependence levels on ... more Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of nicotine dependence levels on quality of life and depressive symptoms. Material and Method: The study initially comprised 85 individuals who smoked. Twelve subjects were excluded because of missing data and other reasons, so the study was completed with 73 subjects with a mean age of 33.55 ± 11.09 years. The Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND), Nottingham Health Profile (NHP) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) were used to assess the levels of nicotine dependence, quality of life and depression symptoms, respectively. The subjects were divided into three groups according to nicotine dependence levels and were classified as mild, moderate and severe nicotine dependence. The resulting data were analyzed with Kruskal-Wallis test. Results: Three groups were created according to nicotine dependence levels and there were 22 subjects in the mild group, 30 in the moderate group and 21 in the severe group. According to mild, moderate and severe nicotine dependence levels, NHP scores were 65.

Research paper thumbnail of Research using finite element method of biomechanical behaviours of human femur model under the different loads

The Journal of Engineering and Fundamentals, 2014

In this study, analysed using finite element method (FEM) of biomechanical behaviours of human fe... more In this study, analysed using finite element method (FEM) of biomechanical behaviours of human femur model under the different loads. Geomagic and Soldiworks program were used for 3D model human of femur model, and Ansysworkbench was used for finite element analysis (FEA). Compression, tension, bending and torsional loading were applied to 3D human femur model. Femur bone was exhibited that the best stabile behavior under the torsional loading. The reason is due to the bone structure. In contrary to this situation, the femur model under the bending loading type has lowest safety factor due to high stress and deformation. Therefore, type of loading on the femur is crucial for surgical procedure and rehabilitation approaches.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of Patients with Different Pathologies in Terms of Shoulder Protraction and Scapular Asymmetry

Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 2013

The aim of this study was to compare cases with different shoulder and cervical pathologies in te... more The aim of this study was to compare cases with different shoulder and cervical pathologies in terms of shoulder protraction and scapular asymmetry. [Methods] A total of 216 patients, aged between 30-70 years, were included, 108 of which were in the patient group (subacromial impingement, rotator cuff problems, adhesive capsulitis, disc herniations) and 108 of which were in the control group. The control group consisted of cases with no prior neck and shoulder problems or pain. Pain was evaluated using the visual analogue scale (VAS); the asymmetry of scapula was evaluated using the Lateral Scapular Slide Test (LSST) with two additional positions; and the protraction of the scapula was evaluated using the shoulder protraction test. [Results] According to the data obtained, the affected side scapular asymmetry and protraction in the patient group were significantly greater than in the control group. When the patient groups were compared in terms of different pathologies, there were no differences between scapular asymmetry and shoulder protraction. [Conclusion] In conclusion, the pathologies of the neck and shoulder were found to cause scapular asymmetry and shoulder protraction. However, patients with different pathologies had similar scapular asymmetry and shoulder protraction.

Research paper thumbnail of Determining the Pain-Affecting Factors of University Students with Nonspecific Low Back Pain

Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 2013

This study was conducted on university students with nonspecific low back pain in order to determ... more This study was conducted on university students with nonspecific low back pain in order to determine the independent variables that affect their pain. [Methods] A total of 514 students were included in this study. Pain was evaluated using a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). A special form was prepared in order to evaluate the following independent variables: gender, weight, height, Body Mass Index (BMI), working periods sitting straight (television, computer, seminar, etc.), working periods bending at a table (reading, writing, etc.), using lumbar support while sitting, the mean duration of pain within the last one year, type of pain, time of the pain, faculty, class, physical activity habits and smoking. The collected data were evaluated using the CHAID (Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detection) analysis method. [Results] The working hours bending at a table, physical activity, height, weight, BMI and educational departments were found not to affect the severity of the pain. The pain severity was affected by the duration of pain complaints within the last one year, the duration of working staying upright, smoking, classes, usage of lumbar support and age variables. [Conclusions] The results of this study show that nonspecific low back pain of university students is affected by many factors such as smoking, class, age, using a computer and lumbar support.

Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of Matrix Rhythm Therapy and Conventional Massage in Young Females and Comparison of Their Acute Effects on Circulation

The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2013

Objectives: To examine and compare the effects of massage and matrix rhythm therapy in young wome... more Objectives: To examine and compare the effects of massage and matrix rhythm therapy in young women on the peripheral blood circulation. Design: Randomized, double-blind, controlled trial. Setting: Pamukkale University in Denizli, Turkey. Patients: Fifteen healthy women age 19-23 years. Intervention: Matrix rhythm therapy was applied to the left lower extremity for a single 30-minute session. At least 1 week later, massage was applied to the left lower extremity for 30 minutes in a single session. The same physiotherapist applied both sessions. Outcome measures: The blood velocity (cm/s), artery diameter (mm), and blood flow (ml/min) of the popliteal and the posterior tibial arteries were measured with color Doppler ultrasonography. All images were evaluated by the same radiologist. Results: After matrix rhythm therapy and massage application, blood velocity, artery diameter, and blood flow in arteries increased. However, matrix rhythm therapy caused a more prominent increase in the amount of blood flow in the popliteal and in the posterior tibial artery than did massage. After matrix rhythm therapy application, the average increases in the blood flow rates in the popliteal and the posterior tibial arteries were 25.29%-16.55% and 34.33%-15.66%, respectively; after the massage, the increases were 17.84%-17.23% and 16.07%-10.28%, respectively. Conclusion: Matrix rhythm therapy and massage increased peripheral blood flow in young women. Matrix rhythm therapy method resulted in more prominent increases.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of the biomechanical effects of pertrochanteric fixator and dynamic hip screw on an intertrochanteric femoral fracture using the finite element method

The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 2014

Background This study was conducted to examine and compare the pertrochanteric fixator (PTF) and ... more Background This study was conducted to examine and compare the pertrochanteric fixator (PTF) and dynamic hip screw (DHS). Methods AnsysWorkbench, a commercial finite element based program, was used to investigate the biomechanical parameters of femoral fractures and implants. The human femoral model was scanned and a femoral intertrochanteric fracture was created. Von Mises stress, von Mises strain, and shear and deformation forces on the upper and lower parts of the fracture line; and the von Mises stress, von Mises strain parameters of the screws and implant bodies during axial loading were calculated and compared. Results It was determined that the magnitude of displacement forces along the fracture line was lower in PTF. Regarding the von Mises stress and von Mises strain values on the implant bodies, the DHS body had higher levels compared with the PTF body.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of parallel or convergent proximal schanz screw placement of pertrochanteric fixator in intertrochanteric fracture model

Mechanical Sciences, 2017

Intertrochanteric femoral fractures are serious traumas among elderly patients. In these patients... more Intertrochanteric femoral fractures are serious traumas among elderly patients. In these patients, external fixator is a preferable method for the fixation of fractures. Therefore, this study was planned to compare the parallel and convergent proximal schanz screw placement of pertrochanteric fixator in the intertrochanteric femoral fractures with respect to biomechanical forces that stabilize the fracture line and to present their clinical importance. A commercial finite element based program, AnsysWorkbench was used to investigate the biomechanical parameters of the femoral intertrochanteric fractures and different placement of implants. The von Mises stress, von Mises strain and shear stress on the proximal and distal surface of the fracture line were lower in the convergent pertrochanteric fixator. Proximal schanz screws in convergent configuration pertrochanteric fixator had greater stress and strain values than proximal schanz screws in parallel configuration pertrochanteric fixator. The distance between the proximal schanz screws on the fracture line was measured as 12 mm in convergent configuration pertrochanteric fixator, and as 3.5 mm in parallel configuration pertrochanteric fixator. The angle between the proximal schanz screws in the convergent configuration was measured as 12.88 •. The effect of convergent and parallel configuration pertrochanteric fixators on axial loading demonstrated that convergent configuration pertrochanteric fixator was safer in this respect.

Research paper thumbnail of Relationship between fear avoidance beliefs and burnout syndrome in patients with lumbar disc herniation

Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 2016

OBJECTIVES: Lumbar disc herniation leads to disability by restricting of patients' lives and redu... more OBJECTIVES: Lumbar disc herniation leads to disability by restricting of patients' lives and reducing their quality of life. This situation causes a decrease in motivation of patients by triggering depressive mood. Therefore, the aim of the study was investigation of correlation between fear avoidance beliefs and burnout syndrome in patients with lumbar disc herniation. METHODS: Totally forty-seven patients (24 male and 23 female patients) diagnosed lumbar disc herniation was included in this study. Maslach II Burnout Inventory (MBI) and Fear Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire (FABQ) for determining of levels of burnout and fear avoidance level were used, respectively. RESULTS: It was observed that MBI and FABQ scores of the patients were 50.78 ± 10.07 and 36.61 ± 13.91, respectively. Moderate level correlation was found between FABQ and MBI total scores (r = 0.49, p = 0.00). CONCLUSIONS: Fear avoidance beliefs of patients with chronic back pain can affect level of burnout syndrome. Therefore, symptoms of burnout syndrome and fear avoidance beliefs of patients should be considered in evaluation and treatment process.

Research paper thumbnail of Relationship between thoracic kyphosis angle, dyspnea perception, and disease-specific health status in patients with COPD

Journal of Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation

Purpose: This study was carried out to examine the relationship between thoracic kyphosis angle, ... more Purpose: This study was carried out to examine the relationship between thoracic kyphosis angle, dyspnea perception, and disease-specific health status in patients with COPD and thus to reveal the postural effect.Methods: A total of 105 patients (68.10±8.59 years, FEV1:47.59±21.50%) diagnosed with COPD were included in the study. The thoracic kyphosis angle was evaluated using the Spinal Mouse® device and the dyspnea perception with the Modified Medical Research Council (MMRC) Dyspnea Scale. For the disease-specific health status, the COPD Assessment Test (CAT) and the Clinical COPD Questionnaire (CCQ) were used. The patients were separated into three groups according to the thoracic kyphosis angle as Group 1: 20°-50°, Group 2: 51°-60°, and Group 3: 61°-90° and groups were compared.Results: While a significant positive relationship at a low level was observed between the thoracic kyphosis angle and the dyspnea perception (rho=0.23, p=0.02), no relationship was determined with the di...

Research paper thumbnail of Unilateral total diz protezi bel ağrısı nedeni midir?

Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı unilateral TDP (Total Diz Protezi) ile belağrısı arasındaki ilişkinin b... more Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı unilateral TDP (Total Diz Protezi) ile belağrısı arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenmesidir. Yöntemler: Çalışmayaunilateral TDP operasyonu geçirmiş ve rehabilitasyon programınıtamamlamış; yaş ortalaması 64±6,96 yıl (min:52, maks:77), Vücut Kitleİndeksi (VKİ) 30,54±4,99 kg/m2 (min:21,65, maks: 43,70) olan 26 kadınhasta dahil edildi. Hastaların bel ağrıları Oswestry Bel Özürlülük Anketikullanılarak değerlendirildi. TDP’ nin yük dağılımına etkisini araştırmakiçin yürüme analizi (pudralı zeminde) yapıldı. Sonuçlar: Oswestry BelÖzürlülük Anketi puanları ortalama 23,38±16,58 (2-52) olarak bulundu.Yürüyüş analizinde opere taraf adım uzunluğu ortalama 28,23±7,99cm (13-45,5), non-opere taraf adım uzunluğu ortalama 27,88±10,27cm (9-54), opere taraf adım genişliği ortalama 11,26±3,45 cm (5-18), non-opere taraf adım genişliği ise 11,01±3,42 cm (4,5-18,5)olarak bulundu. Oswestry Bel Özürlülük Anketi puanları ile opere adımuzunluğu arasında orta düzeyde negatif bir ilişki bulu...

Research paper thumbnail of Sigara içen genç yetişkin bireylerde dispne ve yorgunluk algısı

Süleyman demirel üniversitesi sağlık bilimleri dergisi, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of The Investigation of Correlation between Body Composition and Physical Activity in University Students

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Down Sendromlu Çocuklarin Günlük Yaşamdaki Fonksiyonel Düzeyinin Ve Yaşinin Annelerin Yaşam Kalitesine Etkisi

Güncel Pediatri, 2020

GIRIŞ ve AMAC: Bu calisma, Down sendromlu cocuklarin gunluk yasamdaki islevsel duzeyinin ve yasin... more GIRIŞ ve AMAC: Bu calisma, Down sendromlu cocuklarin gunluk yasamdaki islevsel duzeyinin ve yasinin, annelerin yasam kalitesi uzerine etkisini incelemek amaciyla planlanmistir. YONTEM ve GERECLER: Calismaya, yas ortalamasi 7,9±3,5 yil olan Down sendromlu 37 cocuk alindi. Cocuklarin islevsel bagimsizlik duzeyi, Islevsel Bagimsizlik Olcegi ile, annelerin yasam kalitesi Kisa Form-36 ile degerlendirildi. Islevsel Bagimsizlik Olcegi toplam puani 36-90 arasinda olanlar, gozlem gerektiren Down sendromu grubu (n=18) ve 91-126 arasinda olanlar bagimsiz Down sendromu grubu (n=19) olarak iki gruba ayrildi. Istatistiksel incelemede Mann-Whitney U testi ve Spearman korelasyon testi kullanildi. BULGULAR: Gozlem gerektiren Down sendromlu cocuklarin toplam Islevsel Bagimsizlik Olcegi puanlari 73,7±15,4 iken, bagimsiz Down sendromu grubundaki cocuklarin puanlari 106,7±11,6 bulundu. Her iki grup acisindan ailelerin Kisa Form-36 zihinsel, fiziksel ve toplam puanlari sirasiyla, gozleme ihtiyac duyanlar...

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of functional independence level and age's on the quality of life ofmother's with Down syndrome children

Current Pediatric Research, 2017

Objective: This study was investigate the effect of level of functional independence and ages on ... more Objective: This study was investigate the effect of level of functional independence and ages on the quality of life of the mothers in children with Down Syndrome. Methods: Thirty seven Down syndrome children (7.9 ± 3.5 years) were included in this study. Functional independent level of children were evaluated by using Functional Independence Measure, mothers quality of life were evaluated by using Short Form-36. Down syndrome children were classified according their Functional Independence Measure total score into two groups; need observation (36-90 scores) (n=19) and independent (91-126 scores) (n=18) groups. Results: Functional Independence Measure total scores of children in need obsevation group and children in independent group were 73.7 ± 15.4, 106.7 ± 11.6, respectively. Sort Form-36 Physical, Sort Form-36 Mental and Sort Form-36 Total scores of children in need obsevation group were 53.1 ± 25.1, 49.6 ± 14.9 and 102.7 ± 37.4 and children in independent group scores were 68.3...

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Functional Independence Level and Age on the Quality of Life of Mothers with Down Syndrome Children

Güncel Pediatri, 2020

ÖZ GİRİŞ ve AMAÇ: Bu çalışma, Down sendromlu çocukların günlük yaşamdaki işlevsel düzeyinin ve ya... more ÖZ GİRİŞ ve AMAÇ: Bu çalışma, Down sendromlu çocukların günlük yaşamdaki işlevsel düzeyinin ve yaşının, annelerin yaşam kalitesi üzerine etkisini incelemek amacıyla planlanmıştır. YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: Çalışmaya, yaş ortalaması 7,9±3,5 yıl olan Down sendromlu 37 çocuk alındı. Çocukların işlevsel bağımsızlık düzeyi, İşlevsel Bağımsızlık Ölçeği ile, annelerin yaşam kalitesi Kısa Form-36 ile değerlendirildi. İşlevsel Bağımsızlık Ölçeği toplam puanı 36-90 arasında olanlar, gözlem gerektiren Down sendromu grubu (n=18) ve 91-126 arasında olanlar bağımsız Down sendromu grubu (n=19) olarak iki gruba ayrıldı. İstatistiksel incelemede Mann-Whitney U testi ve Spearman korelasyon testi kullanıldı. BULGULAR: Gözlem gerektiren Down sendromlu çocukların toplam İşlevsel Bağımsızlık Ölçeği puanları 73,7±15,4 iken, bağımsız Down sendromu grubundaki çocukların puanları 106,7±11,6 bulundu. Her iki grup açısından ailelerin Kısa Form-36 zihinsel, fiziksel ve toplam puanları sırasıyla, gözleme ihtiyaç duyanların; 49,6±14,

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of Effectiveness of High-Intensity Functional Exercise on Older Adults: A Systematic Review

Objective: The aim of this systematic review was to investigate the effectiveness of HIFE on phys... more Objective: The aim of this systematic review was to investigate the effectiveness of HIFE on physiologic and psychological functions in older adults aged ≥65 years. Methods: This systematic review was designed according to the PEDro scale. PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus databases were used for the systematic searching. Total 1340 studies were identified. The full texts of these studies were examined in respect of the study inclusion and exclusion criteria, and finally 9 studies met the criteria and were included for evaluation. Results: Physical functions and psychosocial functions were evaluated via questionnaires and tests. According to results of the included studies HIFE was effective in respect of the evaluated parameters. Conclusion: As a result of this systematic review HIFE is effective on physical functions and hemodynamic responses but the effect on psychosocial functions are controversially, at the same time there were no reports of negative effects.

Research paper thumbnail of The Validity of Balance Evaluation of Patients with Orthopaedic Knee Problems using Nintendo Wii®?

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - International, 2017

Objectives: In recent years, the Nintendo Wii ® (NW) has been widely used in the field of healthc... more Objectives: In recent years, the Nintendo Wii ® (NW) has been widely used in the field of healthcare. There are studies in literature which have used the closed source encoded software of NW in the evaluation of balance. However, the availability of this software is limited in clinical practice. Therefore, in this study it was aimed to examine the relationship between the results of NW balance evaluation made without closed source encoded software with the results of the Kinesthetic Ability Trainer ® (KAT) and the Single Leg Stance Test (SLST). Materials and Methods: The study included 33 volunteers aged 23.85±4.62 years with a chronic orthopaedic knee joint pathology. The balance of the participants was evaluated with NW, KAT and SLST. Results: A significant correlation at a low level was seen in only 1 parameter between the balance results of NW and KAT (p<0.05). No signficant correlation was observed in the other parameters. A significant relationship was determined between the double foot NW area, the mediolateral (ML) width, affected side ML width and weight-bearing asymmetry (WBA) parameters and the SLST results (p<0.05) at a weak-moderate level (r=-0.38, r=-0.50, r=-0.36, r=-0.38). Conclusion: In conclusion, NW can be used instead of subjectve tests such as SLST. However, KAT uses a complex evaluation algorithm and provides more sensitive results. Therefore, to be able to increase the sensitivity of the NW balance evaluation system, standardised evaluation procedures should be developed.

Research paper thumbnail of Glenohumeral İnternal Rotasyon Defi̇si̇ti̇ Olan Bi̇reylerde Posteri̇or Kapsül Germe Egzersi̇zi̇ni̇n Anlik Etki̇si̇ni̇n İncelenmesi̇

Türk Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi, 2019

Amac: Bu calisma, saglikli bireylerde de gorulebilecek glenohumeral internal rotasyon defisiti (G... more Amac: Bu calisma, saglikli bireylerde de gorulebilecek glenohumeral internal rotasyon defisiti (GIRD) sonrasi verilen posterior kapsul germe egzersizinin eklem pozisyon hissine ve hareket acikliklarina olan anlik etkisini incelemek amaci ile yapilmistir. Yontem: Calismaya gonyometrik olcumler sonucunda GIRD belirlenen, dahil edilme kriterlerine uyan ve gonullu olan 28 saglikli birey dahil edilmistir. Bireylerin GIRD tespit edilen omuz eklemi calisma grubu, defisitin olmadigi omuz eklemi ise kontrol grubu olarak belirlenmistir. Eklem pozisyon hissinin olcumu icin lazer pointer kullanilarak aci tekrarlama testi yapilmis ve omuz ekleminin hareket acikliklari gonyometre ile olculmustur. Her iki omuz ekleminde de olcumler yapildiktan sonra defisit belirlenen ekstremite icin posterior kapsul germe egzersizi gosterilmistir. Egzersiz tamamlandiktan sonra olcumler her iki omuz ekleminde de tekrarlanmistir. Sonuclar: Calismamizin sonucunda; calisma grubunda eklem pozisyon hissinde anlik olarak anlamli degisiklik bulunmazken ( P =0.28), internal rotasyon ( P =0.00), eksternal rotasyon ( P =0.021) ve horizontal adduksiyon ( P =0.003) hareket acikliklarinda anlik olarak anlamli degisiklik gozlenmistir. Tartisma: Glenohumeral internal rotasyon defisiti saglikli bireylerde de gorulebilen bir durumdur. Posterior kapsul germe egzersizi anlik olarak glenohumeral internal rotasyon defisitini azaltmakta ancak eklem pozisyon hissine etki etmemektedir. Gelecek calismalarda, uzun donem etkilerine de bakilabilir.

Research paper thumbnail of Determination of effecting factors self-esteem and self-efficacy levels of school of health students

Yuksekogretim Dergisi, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Defining the Factors Affecting Adults’ Subjective Well-Being Levels

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of the Effects of Nicotine Dependence Levels on Quality of Life and Depressive Symptoms

Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy, 2014

Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of nicotine dependence levels on ... more Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of nicotine dependence levels on quality of life and depressive symptoms. Material and Method: The study initially comprised 85 individuals who smoked. Twelve subjects were excluded because of missing data and other reasons, so the study was completed with 73 subjects with a mean age of 33.55 ± 11.09 years. The Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND), Nottingham Health Profile (NHP) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) were used to assess the levels of nicotine dependence, quality of life and depression symptoms, respectively. The subjects were divided into three groups according to nicotine dependence levels and were classified as mild, moderate and severe nicotine dependence. The resulting data were analyzed with Kruskal-Wallis test. Results: Three groups were created according to nicotine dependence levels and there were 22 subjects in the mild group, 30 in the moderate group and 21 in the severe group. According to mild, moderate and severe nicotine dependence levels, NHP scores were 65.

Research paper thumbnail of Research using finite element method of biomechanical behaviours of human femur model under the different loads

The Journal of Engineering and Fundamentals, 2014

In this study, analysed using finite element method (FEM) of biomechanical behaviours of human fe... more In this study, analysed using finite element method (FEM) of biomechanical behaviours of human femur model under the different loads. Geomagic and Soldiworks program were used for 3D model human of femur model, and Ansysworkbench was used for finite element analysis (FEA). Compression, tension, bending and torsional loading were applied to 3D human femur model. Femur bone was exhibited that the best stabile behavior under the torsional loading. The reason is due to the bone structure. In contrary to this situation, the femur model under the bending loading type has lowest safety factor due to high stress and deformation. Therefore, type of loading on the femur is crucial for surgical procedure and rehabilitation approaches.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of Patients with Different Pathologies in Terms of Shoulder Protraction and Scapular Asymmetry

Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 2013

The aim of this study was to compare cases with different shoulder and cervical pathologies in te... more The aim of this study was to compare cases with different shoulder and cervical pathologies in terms of shoulder protraction and scapular asymmetry. [Methods] A total of 216 patients, aged between 30-70 years, were included, 108 of which were in the patient group (subacromial impingement, rotator cuff problems, adhesive capsulitis, disc herniations) and 108 of which were in the control group. The control group consisted of cases with no prior neck and shoulder problems or pain. Pain was evaluated using the visual analogue scale (VAS); the asymmetry of scapula was evaluated using the Lateral Scapular Slide Test (LSST) with two additional positions; and the protraction of the scapula was evaluated using the shoulder protraction test. [Results] According to the data obtained, the affected side scapular asymmetry and protraction in the patient group were significantly greater than in the control group. When the patient groups were compared in terms of different pathologies, there were no differences between scapular asymmetry and shoulder protraction. [Conclusion] In conclusion, the pathologies of the neck and shoulder were found to cause scapular asymmetry and shoulder protraction. However, patients with different pathologies had similar scapular asymmetry and shoulder protraction.

Research paper thumbnail of Determining the Pain-Affecting Factors of University Students with Nonspecific Low Back Pain

Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 2013

This study was conducted on university students with nonspecific low back pain in order to determ... more This study was conducted on university students with nonspecific low back pain in order to determine the independent variables that affect their pain. [Methods] A total of 514 students were included in this study. Pain was evaluated using a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). A special form was prepared in order to evaluate the following independent variables: gender, weight, height, Body Mass Index (BMI), working periods sitting straight (television, computer, seminar, etc.), working periods bending at a table (reading, writing, etc.), using lumbar support while sitting, the mean duration of pain within the last one year, type of pain, time of the pain, faculty, class, physical activity habits and smoking. The collected data were evaluated using the CHAID (Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detection) analysis method. [Results] The working hours bending at a table, physical activity, height, weight, BMI and educational departments were found not to affect the severity of the pain. The pain severity was affected by the duration of pain complaints within the last one year, the duration of working staying upright, smoking, classes, usage of lumbar support and age variables. [Conclusions] The results of this study show that nonspecific low back pain of university students is affected by many factors such as smoking, class, age, using a computer and lumbar support.

Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of Matrix Rhythm Therapy and Conventional Massage in Young Females and Comparison of Their Acute Effects on Circulation

The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2013

Objectives: To examine and compare the effects of massage and matrix rhythm therapy in young wome... more Objectives: To examine and compare the effects of massage and matrix rhythm therapy in young women on the peripheral blood circulation. Design: Randomized, double-blind, controlled trial. Setting: Pamukkale University in Denizli, Turkey. Patients: Fifteen healthy women age 19-23 years. Intervention: Matrix rhythm therapy was applied to the left lower extremity for a single 30-minute session. At least 1 week later, massage was applied to the left lower extremity for 30 minutes in a single session. The same physiotherapist applied both sessions. Outcome measures: The blood velocity (cm/s), artery diameter (mm), and blood flow (ml/min) of the popliteal and the posterior tibial arteries were measured with color Doppler ultrasonography. All images were evaluated by the same radiologist. Results: After matrix rhythm therapy and massage application, blood velocity, artery diameter, and blood flow in arteries increased. However, matrix rhythm therapy caused a more prominent increase in the amount of blood flow in the popliteal and in the posterior tibial artery than did massage. After matrix rhythm therapy application, the average increases in the blood flow rates in the popliteal and the posterior tibial arteries were 25.29%-16.55% and 34.33%-15.66%, respectively; after the massage, the increases were 17.84%-17.23% and 16.07%-10.28%, respectively. Conclusion: Matrix rhythm therapy and massage increased peripheral blood flow in young women. Matrix rhythm therapy method resulted in more prominent increases.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of the biomechanical effects of pertrochanteric fixator and dynamic hip screw on an intertrochanteric femoral fracture using the finite element method

The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 2014

Background This study was conducted to examine and compare the pertrochanteric fixator (PTF) and ... more Background This study was conducted to examine and compare the pertrochanteric fixator (PTF) and dynamic hip screw (DHS). Methods AnsysWorkbench, a commercial finite element based program, was used to investigate the biomechanical parameters of femoral fractures and implants. The human femoral model was scanned and a femoral intertrochanteric fracture was created. Von Mises stress, von Mises strain, and shear and deformation forces on the upper and lower parts of the fracture line; and the von Mises stress, von Mises strain parameters of the screws and implant bodies during axial loading were calculated and compared. Results It was determined that the magnitude of displacement forces along the fracture line was lower in PTF. Regarding the von Mises stress and von Mises strain values on the implant bodies, the DHS body had higher levels compared with the PTF body.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of parallel or convergent proximal schanz screw placement of pertrochanteric fixator in intertrochanteric fracture model

Mechanical Sciences, 2017

Intertrochanteric femoral fractures are serious traumas among elderly patients. In these patients... more Intertrochanteric femoral fractures are serious traumas among elderly patients. In these patients, external fixator is a preferable method for the fixation of fractures. Therefore, this study was planned to compare the parallel and convergent proximal schanz screw placement of pertrochanteric fixator in the intertrochanteric femoral fractures with respect to biomechanical forces that stabilize the fracture line and to present their clinical importance. A commercial finite element based program, AnsysWorkbench was used to investigate the biomechanical parameters of the femoral intertrochanteric fractures and different placement of implants. The von Mises stress, von Mises strain and shear stress on the proximal and distal surface of the fracture line were lower in the convergent pertrochanteric fixator. Proximal schanz screws in convergent configuration pertrochanteric fixator had greater stress and strain values than proximal schanz screws in parallel configuration pertrochanteric fixator. The distance between the proximal schanz screws on the fracture line was measured as 12 mm in convergent configuration pertrochanteric fixator, and as 3.5 mm in parallel configuration pertrochanteric fixator. The angle between the proximal schanz screws in the convergent configuration was measured as 12.88 •. The effect of convergent and parallel configuration pertrochanteric fixators on axial loading demonstrated that convergent configuration pertrochanteric fixator was safer in this respect.

Research paper thumbnail of Relationship between fear avoidance beliefs and burnout syndrome in patients with lumbar disc herniation

Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 2016

OBJECTIVES: Lumbar disc herniation leads to disability by restricting of patients' lives and redu... more OBJECTIVES: Lumbar disc herniation leads to disability by restricting of patients' lives and reducing their quality of life. This situation causes a decrease in motivation of patients by triggering depressive mood. Therefore, the aim of the study was investigation of correlation between fear avoidance beliefs and burnout syndrome in patients with lumbar disc herniation. METHODS: Totally forty-seven patients (24 male and 23 female patients) diagnosed lumbar disc herniation was included in this study. Maslach II Burnout Inventory (MBI) and Fear Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire (FABQ) for determining of levels of burnout and fear avoidance level were used, respectively. RESULTS: It was observed that MBI and FABQ scores of the patients were 50.78 ± 10.07 and 36.61 ± 13.91, respectively. Moderate level correlation was found between FABQ and MBI total scores (r = 0.49, p = 0.00). CONCLUSIONS: Fear avoidance beliefs of patients with chronic back pain can affect level of burnout syndrome. Therefore, symptoms of burnout syndrome and fear avoidance beliefs of patients should be considered in evaluation and treatment process.