F. Pingue - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by F. Pingue

Research paper thumbnail of Il primo rilievo laser scanner terrestre della Solfatara (Napoli-2009)

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Research paper thumbnail of Fluid migration is the source of deformation at Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy)

Campi Flegrei, a densely populated volcanic caldera immediately west of Naples (Southern Italy), ... more Campi Flegrei, a densely populated volcanic caldera immediately west of Naples (Southern Italy), has been the site of significant unrest for the past 2000 years. The caldera floor of Campi Flegrei rose 1.7 m between 1968 and 1972, and subsided 0.22 m between 1972 and 1974. From 1982 to 1984 the caldera floor rose 1.8 m, then subsided again at

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Research paper thumbnail of Il primo rilievo laser scanner terrestre della Solfatara (Napoli-2009)

... a scansione terrestre (TLS) sono ormai largamente diffusi ed utilizzati nelle più diverseappl... more ... a scansione terrestre (TLS) sono ormai largamente diffusi ed utilizzati nelle più diverseapplicazioni. ... più potente del modello ILRIS-3D ha delle precise specifiche tecniche fornite dai ... che il passo di campionamento può essere aumentato per ridurre i tempi di acquisizione senza ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Bayesian inversion of 1994-1998 vertical displacements at Mt Etna: evidence for magma intrusion

Geophysical Journal International, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Il Primo Rilievo Laser Scanner Terrestre Della Solfatara (Napoli, 2009)

... a scansione terrestre (TLS) sono ormai largamente diffusi ed utilizzati nelle più diverseappl... more ... a scansione terrestre (TLS) sono ormai largamente diffusi ed utilizzati nelle più diverseapplicazioni. ... più potente del modello ILRIS-3D ha delle precise specifiche tecniche fornite dai ... che il passo di campionamento può essere aumentato per ridurre i tempi di acquisizione senza ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Multiscaling in earthquakes diffusion

Geophysical Research Letters, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Independent component analysis as a tool for ground deformation analysis

Geophysical Journal International, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Monitoring and deformation analysis in Neapolitan volcanic area (southern Italy)

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Research paper thumbnail of Ground displacements across the Pernicana Fault (Mt. Etna, Italy): a tectonic structure linked to volcanic activity

The Pernicana fault is a tectonic fault located on Mt. Etna (Sicily). Movements along this struct... more The Pernicana fault is a tectonic fault located on Mt. Etna (Sicily). Movements along this structure have been monitored by a levelling network of the Osservatorio Vesuviano for the last 22 years. The last measurements date back October 2002, few days after a magnitude 3.7 earthquake (September 22) occurred on this fault. Interestingly, the last eruption of Mt. Etna (October

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Research paper thumbnail of Geodetic Measurements and Modelling at Neapolitan Volcanoes(Southern Italy): Somma-Vesuvius and Campi Flegrei

We show the recent results about geodetic observations and modelling at two very explosive and de... more We show the recent results about geodetic observations and modelling at two very explosive and densely populated volcanoes in Southern Italy, namely Somma-Vesuvius and Campi Flegrei caldera. The two areas, characterised by the highest volcanic risk in the World because of the density of population and exposed value, are among the best monitored ones in the World. Geodetic monitoring at

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Research paper thumbnail of Interdisciplinary study of critical evolution to pre-eruptive and eruptive processes at Campi Flegrei active caldera

The knowledge of pre-eruptive and eruptive mechanisms of Campi Flegrei active volcanic field is e... more The knowledge of pre-eruptive and eruptive mechanisms of Campi Flegrei active volcanic field is essential in order to project monitoring systems and to recognize possible precursors of an eruption. We present the results of petrological studies on a series of samples spanning the whole Campi Flegrei volcanic history and of high pressure /temperature experiments conducted on the studied natural samples

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Research paper thumbnail of Earthquake dynamics during unrest episodes at Campi Flegrei Caldera (Italy): A comparison with Rabaul (New Guinea)

Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A: Solid Earth and Geodesy, 1999


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Research paper thumbnail of Source parameters of earthquakes in the Strait of Messina, Italy, during this century

Tectonophysics, 1989

... A., 1909. Livellazione geometrica di precisione eseguita dall'Istituto Geografico Milita... more ... A., 1909. Livellazione geometrica di precisione eseguita dall'Istituto Geografico Militare sulla costa orien-tale d lia Sicilia, da Messina a Catania, a Gesso ed a Faro Peloro e sulla costa occidentale d lia Calabria da Gioa Tauro a Melito di Porto Salvo, per incarico del Ministre dell ...

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Research paper thumbnail of RTK DGPS Tecnique Applied to Campi Flegrei Caldera (Southern Italy) Monitoring

The Campi Flegrei District (Naples - Italy) includes the volcanic areas of the Campi Flegrei and ... more The Campi Flegrei District (Naples - Italy) includes the volcanic areas of the Campi Flegrei and the islands of Ischia and Procida. The Campi Flegrei are characterized from a caldera 35,000 years old (eruption Campanian Ignimbrite) by which numerous volcanic monogenic apparatus developed inside. The last eruption of this caldera rose again in 1538 and carried to the origin of

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Research paper thumbnail of Z. Martinec, ME Everett and J. Velımský: Time-domain, spectral finite approach to transient 2-D geomagnetic induction in a spherical heterogeneous Earth G. Plenier, P. Camps, RS Coe and M. Perrin: Absolute palaeoin-tensity of Oligocene (28–30 Ma) lava flows from the Kerguelen

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Research paper thumbnail of Monitoring ground deformations at active Neapolitan volcanoes

The Neapolitan volcanic area, located in the south sector of the Campanian plain, includes three ... more The Neapolitan volcanic area, located in the south sector of the Campanian plain, includes three active volcanoes: Somma-Vesuvio, Campi Flegrei Caldera, and Ischia Islands. Somma-Vesuvio (last eruption occurred in 1944) is characterized by a low level seismic and ground deformation activity; Campi Flegrei Caldera (last eruption occurred in 1538) is characterized by slow deformation and several bradyiseismic events. During the

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of GPS ionospheric signals in the Campi Flegrei volcanic area

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Research paper thumbnail of Ground displacements (1999-2007) in the Neapolitan volcanic area by means of tide-gauge measurements

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Research paper thumbnail of Sistema integrato di monitoraggio geodetico dell’area vulcanica attiva napoletana: reti permanenti e rilevamenti periodici

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Research paper thumbnail of Il primo rilievo laser scanner terrestre della Solfatara (Napoli-2009)

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Research paper thumbnail of Fluid migration is the source of deformation at Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy)

Campi Flegrei, a densely populated volcanic caldera immediately west of Naples (Southern Italy), ... more Campi Flegrei, a densely populated volcanic caldera immediately west of Naples (Southern Italy), has been the site of significant unrest for the past 2000 years. The caldera floor of Campi Flegrei rose 1.7 m between 1968 and 1972, and subsided 0.22 m between 1972 and 1974. From 1982 to 1984 the caldera floor rose 1.8 m, then subsided again at

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Research paper thumbnail of Il primo rilievo laser scanner terrestre della Solfatara (Napoli-2009)

... a scansione terrestre (TLS) sono ormai largamente diffusi ed utilizzati nelle più diverseappl... more ... a scansione terrestre (TLS) sono ormai largamente diffusi ed utilizzati nelle più diverseapplicazioni. ... più potente del modello ILRIS-3D ha delle precise specifiche tecniche fornite dai ... che il passo di campionamento può essere aumentato per ridurre i tempi di acquisizione senza ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Bayesian inversion of 1994-1998 vertical displacements at Mt Etna: evidence for magma intrusion

Geophysical Journal International, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Il Primo Rilievo Laser Scanner Terrestre Della Solfatara (Napoli, 2009)

... a scansione terrestre (TLS) sono ormai largamente diffusi ed utilizzati nelle più diverseappl... more ... a scansione terrestre (TLS) sono ormai largamente diffusi ed utilizzati nelle più diverseapplicazioni. ... più potente del modello ILRIS-3D ha delle precise specifiche tecniche fornite dai ... che il passo di campionamento può essere aumentato per ridurre i tempi di acquisizione senza ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Multiscaling in earthquakes diffusion

Geophysical Research Letters, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Independent component analysis as a tool for ground deformation analysis

Geophysical Journal International, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Monitoring and deformation analysis in Neapolitan volcanic area (southern Italy)

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Research paper thumbnail of Ground displacements across the Pernicana Fault (Mt. Etna, Italy): a tectonic structure linked to volcanic activity

The Pernicana fault is a tectonic fault located on Mt. Etna (Sicily). Movements along this struct... more The Pernicana fault is a tectonic fault located on Mt. Etna (Sicily). Movements along this structure have been monitored by a levelling network of the Osservatorio Vesuviano for the last 22 years. The last measurements date back October 2002, few days after a magnitude 3.7 earthquake (September 22) occurred on this fault. Interestingly, the last eruption of Mt. Etna (October

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Research paper thumbnail of Geodetic Measurements and Modelling at Neapolitan Volcanoes(Southern Italy): Somma-Vesuvius and Campi Flegrei

We show the recent results about geodetic observations and modelling at two very explosive and de... more We show the recent results about geodetic observations and modelling at two very explosive and densely populated volcanoes in Southern Italy, namely Somma-Vesuvius and Campi Flegrei caldera. The two areas, characterised by the highest volcanic risk in the World because of the density of population and exposed value, are among the best monitored ones in the World. Geodetic monitoring at

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Research paper thumbnail of Interdisciplinary study of critical evolution to pre-eruptive and eruptive processes at Campi Flegrei active caldera

The knowledge of pre-eruptive and eruptive mechanisms of Campi Flegrei active volcanic field is e... more The knowledge of pre-eruptive and eruptive mechanisms of Campi Flegrei active volcanic field is essential in order to project monitoring systems and to recognize possible precursors of an eruption. We present the results of petrological studies on a series of samples spanning the whole Campi Flegrei volcanic history and of high pressure /temperature experiments conducted on the studied natural samples

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Research paper thumbnail of Earthquake dynamics during unrest episodes at Campi Flegrei Caldera (Italy): A comparison with Rabaul (New Guinea)

Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A: Solid Earth and Geodesy, 1999


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Research paper thumbnail of Source parameters of earthquakes in the Strait of Messina, Italy, during this century

Tectonophysics, 1989

... A., 1909. Livellazione geometrica di precisione eseguita dall'Istituto Geografico Milita... more ... A., 1909. Livellazione geometrica di precisione eseguita dall'Istituto Geografico Militare sulla costa orien-tale d lia Sicilia, da Messina a Catania, a Gesso ed a Faro Peloro e sulla costa occidentale d lia Calabria da Gioa Tauro a Melito di Porto Salvo, per incarico del Ministre dell ...

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Research paper thumbnail of RTK DGPS Tecnique Applied to Campi Flegrei Caldera (Southern Italy) Monitoring

The Campi Flegrei District (Naples - Italy) includes the volcanic areas of the Campi Flegrei and ... more The Campi Flegrei District (Naples - Italy) includes the volcanic areas of the Campi Flegrei and the islands of Ischia and Procida. The Campi Flegrei are characterized from a caldera 35,000 years old (eruption Campanian Ignimbrite) by which numerous volcanic monogenic apparatus developed inside. The last eruption of this caldera rose again in 1538 and carried to the origin of

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Research paper thumbnail of Z. Martinec, ME Everett and J. Velımský: Time-domain, spectral finite approach to transient 2-D geomagnetic induction in a spherical heterogeneous Earth G. Plenier, P. Camps, RS Coe and M. Perrin: Absolute palaeoin-tensity of Oligocene (28–30 Ma) lava flows from the Kerguelen

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Research paper thumbnail of Monitoring ground deformations at active Neapolitan volcanoes

The Neapolitan volcanic area, located in the south sector of the Campanian plain, includes three ... more The Neapolitan volcanic area, located in the south sector of the Campanian plain, includes three active volcanoes: Somma-Vesuvio, Campi Flegrei Caldera, and Ischia Islands. Somma-Vesuvio (last eruption occurred in 1944) is characterized by a low level seismic and ground deformation activity; Campi Flegrei Caldera (last eruption occurred in 1538) is characterized by slow deformation and several bradyiseismic events. During the

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of GPS ionospheric signals in the Campi Flegrei volcanic area

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Research paper thumbnail of Ground displacements (1999-2007) in the Neapolitan volcanic area by means of tide-gauge measurements

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Research paper thumbnail of Sistema integrato di monitoraggio geodetico dell’area vulcanica attiva napoletana: reti permanenti e rilevamenti periodici

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