Farida Pulansari - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Farida Pulansari
Persaingan bisnis yang semakin ketat juga berimbas pada semakin majunya perusahaan manufaktur di ... more Persaingan bisnis yang semakin ketat juga berimbas pada semakin majunya perusahaan manufaktur di Indonesia, sehingga memaksa para pemilik bisnis untuk mencari cara meningkatkan efisiensi di segala bidang, termasuk pengendalian persediaan. Banyaknya mate-rial yang digunakan mempengaruhi pengolahan produksi yang sedang berlangsung. Kelebihan persediaan juga merupakan pemborosan karena menimbulkan biaya penyimpanan dan biaya pemesanan bahan yang tinggi. Jika melihat permasalahan seperti di atas, penelitian ini berfokus pada pengendalian persediaan bahan baku pada perusahaan yang memiliki banyak pemasok bahan baku. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengontrol persediaan kayu mindi dan kayu mahoni pada perusahaan furniture berdasarkan metode Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) menggunakan rancangan Multi-Item Multi-Supplier, sehingga menghasilkan biaya total pengadaan bahan baku yang optimal. untuk perusahaan. Perencanaan metode EOQ di perusahaan akan dapat meminimalisasi terjadinya keku...
Dalam masa sekarang ini suatu perusahaan haruslah bisa mempersiapkan dirinya menjadi lebih baik. ... more Dalam masa sekarang ini suatu perusahaan haruslah bisa mempersiapkan dirinya menjadi lebih baik. Hal tersebut dikarenakan dalam era perdagangan maju seperti sekarang ini akan dapat mengakibatkan persaingan menjadi lebih ketat. Obyek penelitian ini adalah salah satu perusahaan penyedia tangki air di Sidoarjo. Perusahaan tersebut memiliki produk yang paling banyak diminati oleh konsumen, yakni tangki air stainless. Keunggulan dari produk tersebut adalah dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri berlebih pada air yang disimpannya. Namun dalam proses produksinya, sering kali dijumpai adanya persediaan bahan baku yang overstock. Hal tersebut dikarenakan oleh sistem perencanaan produksi yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan belum sesuai dengan demand yang ada. Maka, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan perancangan terhadap persediaan bahan baku tangki air stainless di perusahaan berupa jadwal produksi atau jadwal pemesanan dari masing-masing bahan baku. Keterbaruan dari penelitian ini adalah fok...
Perusahaan ini bergerak di bidang produksi mainan kayu. Dalam proses produksinya, perusahaan ker... more Perusahaan ini bergerak di bidang produksi mainan kayu. Dalam proses produksinya, perusahaan kerap kali mengalami kendala. Selama proses pemesanan, perusahaan mengalami permintaan yang fluktuatif. Dalam menghadapi fluktuasi tersebut perusahaan kurang mengantisipasi dengan baik. Alhasil, ketika permintaan melonjak tinggi sedangkan bahan baku yang dipesan belum kunjung datang, maka hal tersebut dapat berpotensi menyebabkan kehabisan persediaan (stockout). Jika hal ini terjadi berulang kali maka perusahaan akan kehilangan potensi keuntungan. Di lain sisi jika persediaan berlebih dan disimpan dalam waktu yang terlalu lama maka dapat membuat biaya persediaan menjadi membengkak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan pengendalian persediaan Kayu Pinus dengan permintaan yang fluktuatif di CV Putra Putri. Hasil perhitungan diperoleh dengan dengan total biaya persediaan minimum adalah dengan metode Continuous Review (Q) Lost Sales sebesar Rp. 1.230.366.286 dengan metode perusah...
Jurnal Manajemen Industri dan Logistik
Choosing the right suppliers is important for companies to provide raw materials for production i... more Choosing the right suppliers is important for companies to provide raw materials for production in the long run. The sustainability of production activities is tightly controlled by suppliers in the manufacturing industry. A company in Mojokerto that manufactures PVC pipes falls under the plastic pipe industry sector. Raw materials for PVC resins must be ensured through assessments of suppliers. This study was conducted to determine which resin supplier was the best based on predetermined criteria. Variable include: price, quality, delivery, quantity accuracy, and service. To determine the order of preference for resin suppliers, this study uses AHP, which gives the individual a probability score for each criterion, and TOPSIS, which gives the user an indication of which supplier to choose when selecting a resin. As a result of data processing, suppliers are ranked based on their preferences. The preference values for each supplier are: supplier 1, which is 0.927; supplier 2, which ...
Jurnal Sistem dan Manajemen Industri
The current industrial development is related to increasing global action and public awareness of... more The current industrial development is related to increasing global action and public awareness of environmental issues with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It makes the implementation of green supply chain management on Green Supplier Evaluation and Selection (GSES) more appreciated because it can affect the company's environmental performance. Companies that can improve their environmental performance will be able to increase their competitive advantage and have an impact on increasing revenue, market share, and a more positive green image of the company. Currently, there is no research about green supplier selection in the furniture industry, especially in Indonesia. So, it is necessary to research the industry because it hugely affects environmental performance. One of the companies engaged in the furniture industry is X company. They are selecting their suppliers only based on the ownership of the environmental certification of each supplier and the quality of the raw...
UPN Veteran Jawa Timur, 2018
Nusantara Science and Technology Proceedings, Nov 15, 2021
UPN Veteran Jawa Timur, 2020
- ABSTRAK PT. XYZ berdiri pada tahun 2015 merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang prasarana... more 3) ABSTRAK PT. XYZ berdiri pada tahun 2015 merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang prasarana lalu lintas yang memiliki produk berupa Tiang RPPJ (Rambu Pendahulu Petunjuk Jurusan). Pada lini produksi sering terjadi bottleneck pada proses pengelasan lantai tiang terhadap tiang utama sehingga mengakibatkan ada beberapa work station yang mengalami idle time yang signifikan dalam setiap proses produksi yang dilakukan. Penyelesaian masalah bottleneck menggunakan line balancing dengan membandingkan tiga metode yaitu Largest Candidate Rule, Killbridge and Western Method, dan Ranked Positional Weights yang akan dibandingkan. Masing-masing dari ketiga metode tersebut akan menghasilkan line efficiency, balance delay, dan smoothness index. Metode yang memiliki line efficiency tertinggi akan dipilih sebagai metode yang direkomendasikan. Jika terdapat dua metode yang memiliki hasil line efficiency sama besarnya maka metode yang direkomendasikan dilihat dari nilai smoothness index yang paling mendekati 0 dari kedua metode tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukan metode Ranked Positional Weights sebagai metode rekomendasi dengan line efficiency 90,27%, balance delay 9,72%, dan smoothnes index sebesar 19,56936
JATI UNIK : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik dan Manajemen Industri
The application of the Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) concept of water production of Region... more The application of the Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) concept of water production of Regional Drinking Water Company Region X is still not considered efficient, because the company's water production process still uses chemical compounds that have an impact on the environment. The purpose of this study is to measure the level of green supply chain performance in the production flow in PDAM Region X to increase efficiency and minimize environmental impacts. The Green SCOR method and AHP weighting were used in this study. Weighting of each KPI using the AHP method which is then measured the level of performance using the Green SCOR method and evaluation using the Traffic Light System method. The research was conducted at the government-owned Regional Drinking Water Company and focused on material efficiency and the use of environmentally friendly chemical compounds in the production process. The results of this study were from 16 KPIs, 3 of which were indicated in red (18.7...
Tekmapro : Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 2017
Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menentukan jumlah persediaan bahan baku yang optimal sehingga meminim... more Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menentukan jumlah persediaan bahan baku yang optimal sehingga meminimasi total biaya persediaan dan menentukan besarnya penghematan biaya persediaan bahan baku semen Dalam penelitian ini tedapat dua variable yaitu 1). Variabel Terikat adalah total biaya persediaan bahan baku semen. 2). Variabel Bebas antara lain: a.Data bill of material Semen, b.Data lead time kedatangan raw material, c. Data Supplier, d. Data Stock akhir raw material semen, e. Data Permintaan (Demand) dalam ton, f.Data Biaya-Biaya Persediaan, g Data Kapasitas Gudang, h.Data safety stock. Metode pengolahan data menggunakan metode usulan Lagrange Multiplier. adalah Membandingkan data dari dua kondisi dimana kondisi perusahaan dari segi kuantitas bahan baku dan total biaya persediaannya dengan metode usulan Lagrange Multiplier, antara lain: a. Menghitung Pemakaian Bahan Baku dalam Rupiah dari data perusahaan. b. Menghitung persentase biaya simpan. c. Menghitung dengan Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) masing-masing bahan baku. d. Menghitung dengan Lagrange Multiplier masing-masing bahan baku. Hasil Penelitian menggunakan metode Lagrange Multiplier diperoleh kuantitas optimal bahan baku sebesar 275.789,3 ton dengan nilai persediaan baru (Q*lagrange) sebesar Rp.35.472.001.620 memberikan minimasi total biaya persediaan sebesar Rp.240.548.980. Penghematan dengan konstrain biaya yang dihasilkan sebesar 15,31 %.
E3S Web of Conferences, 2021
This research employed a development model investigating offline and online demand functions in t... more This research employed a development model investigating offline and online demand functions in the dual-channel supply chain (DCSC) structure by Widodo He explains that the DCSC structure has a problem determining each channel’s prices and proposes a mathematical model approach between offline channels and online channels. The critical parameter is the relative ratio of customer acceptance on the online and the offline channels. Besides using the relative ratio of customer acceptance on the online and the offline channels, this research employed an additional variable, namely the elasticity of demand for quality and discount rate. Adding a new variable to the DCSC structure increases profit systems. This study aimed to investigate the best prices for offline and online channels to get optimal profits. Therefore, optimal prices were discovered for consumers and companies with the two sales structures running simultaneously. The model development profits showe that profits in both of...
Tekmapro : Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 2021
One of the important activities in business that can affect business competitiveness is the proce... more One of the important activities in business that can affect business competitiveness is the process of procuring goods or services. The existence of alternative suppliers is often the main problem for business owners. The problem arises when these suppliers have several quality differences in the criteria previously determined by the company. In these conditions the business owner must be able to choose the best supplier to supply goods or services needed by his business. CV. Rizki Jaya Abadi is a construction service company which has several branches. One way to ensure that customer demands are met is to ensure that the building materials used are of good quality or suitable for their purpose. One of the main building materials is cement. In solving these problems, the researchers used the Fuzzy Analythical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) method. This research shows that there are 5 main criteria in choosing cement suppliers, namely Price, Quality, Delivery, Response, and Service. From t...
Automotive community needs will grow rapidly. One of the tools that support the performance of a ... more Automotive community needs will grow rapidly. One of the tools that support the performance of a vehicle is a lubricating oil or more commonTy known as Oli. Various kinds oflu6ricating ozl brands marketed include Mesran Prima XP, Top 1 Syntetic motor oil, Pennzoil SAE, Active Castrol and Repsol Elite Competition. In this study thefocus is the lubricating oil or grease Mesran Prima XP. The problems faced by these oil products are perceived as declining sales of lubricating oil (grease) Mesran Prima XP, the research conducted by_ the method of Markov Chain, in tJie hope ofknowing the percentage of market share achieved by the oil Mesran Prima XP and determine strategies to increase the market share. Percentage ofknown research on the market share steady state conditions of each oil product in the region to the East Surabaya MESRAN PRIMA XP product for 25.99%; and SYNTETIC MOTOR Oil 7.93%; PENNZOIL SAE of 8.59%; CASTRQL ACTIVE is 53.51% and REPSOL ELITE COMPETITION 3.97%. Ke...
The rapid growth in internet technology and the innovations in smart devices has had its impact o... more The rapid growth in internet technology and the innovations in smart devices has had its impact on how businesses used to operate a decade ago to how consumers followed traditional shopping behavior when goods or services was required. The rise in internet users presents the opportunity of Electronic Commerce, the idea of providing and accessing goods and services using internet, such as selling goods and services, performing financial transactions and even booking an appointment. The two leading theories - perceived ease of use and usefulness have been employed in numerous information systems research studies to help understand consumer behavior in e-commerce environments. As the acceptance of e-commerce in Fiji is relatively low, this paper integrates the findings of previous researches with the perceived trust and perceived risk of consumers to provide a comprehensive framework of online shopping behavior based on the Technology Acceptance Model. To gain an in-depth understanding...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
At the last decade, some environmental problems become increased. For that reason many companies ... more At the last decade, some environmental problems become increased. For that reason many companies are currently attention to environmental issues. The concern not only in the production process but in the overall activities. This research use the Green Supply Chain Operation Reference (Green SCOR) method to evaluating the green supply chain performance in steel company. Key Performance Indicator divided into five categories i.e. plan, source, make, deliver and return. The result of Monitoring System Performance Indicators is 67.73 (average category). From SNORM value in Traffic Light System, the water used is the lowest. And the value is 38. This shows a lack of performance value and needs improvement.
The queue can see in anywhere, especially in public services. Goal of queue model is decreased tw... more The queue can see in anywhere, especially in public services. Goal of queue model is decreased two total cost, direct cost and in-direct cost. Direct cost come out from facility services and in-direct cost to come out from waiting time. Simulation methods be needed before we running model for existing, because can be decrease of cost. Summary from this research is The Gunung Anyar is be obtained λ = 79,0 s/people, μ = 38.2 s /people, Lq=152 people and utilization 100%. The KUD Rungkut Branch is be obtained λ = 36 s/ people, and the from locket 1, μ 1= 39.8 s/ people, Lq=324 people, and locket 2, μ 2= 47 s/ people, Lq= 118 people, utilization 52%. And the last Branch is Barata Jaya is λ =29 s/people, from locket 1 , μ 1 = 40.25 s/people, Lq=76 people; μ 2 = 39 s/people, Lq =84 people; μ 3 = 38 s/ people, Lq = 93 people, and utilization 63%. For KUD Rungkut Branch no more increment employee, but skills must be increase and the Barata Jaya Branch skills employee is not average so empl...
XYZ company is a company engaged in steel construction. This company produces steel construction ... more XYZ company is a company engaged in steel construction. This company produces steel construction with several classifications, namely Building Construction (structure) and Mining Construction (Conveyor and Tank). This problem is found in the production process area where the efficiency of the company is not optimal because of the bottleneck between workstations. To increase efficiency and reduce bottlenecks, companies use the Largest Candidate Rule (LCR); Killbridge and the Western Method (KWM); and the Ranked Positional Weights (RPW) Method. After comparing the three methods, LCR has the best results. Production line efficiency is 92.2%, balance delay is 7.8%, and the smoothness index is 14.6 with 11 operators.
Isu-isu lingkungan seperti global warming, waste, serta keterbatasan jumlah sumber daya alam menj... more Isu-isu lingkungan seperti global warming, waste, serta keterbatasan jumlah sumber daya alam menjadi pusat perhatian pada akhir dekade ini. Integrasi yang baik diantara komponen reverse logistics (factory, recycled center, collection center, disposal center, distribution center), pemerintah sebagai regulator dan konsumen akan dapat meminimasi permasalahan lingkungan yang ada. Reverse Logistics (RL) merupakan salah satu metode untuk mengantisipasi permasalahan lingkungan, meningkatkan keuntungan perusahaan dan menurunkan jumlah produk yang kembali (return). Dari disain model RL pada industri elektronika konsumsi dilakukan tiga proses penilaian yaitu: framework untuk menilai tingkat implementasi RL, Total Reverse Logistics Cost (TRLC) dan House of Reverse Logistics (HRL). Pada pengujian framework dilakukan pada tiga industri elektronika konsumsi yaitu PT.PCB, PT.SA dan PT.GMEI. Hasil dari perhitungan menunjukkan Level Developed (Level 3) untuk PT. PCB dan Level Managed (Level 2) untuk...
Abstraksi Dalam penelitian yang dilakukan di PT. X,Tbk area gudang secondary raw material es kri... more Abstraksi Dalam penelitian yang dilakukan di PT. X,Tbk area gudang secondary raw material es krim, peneliti melihat terdapat bottleneck pada proses pengiriman secondary raw material seperti wrapper, outter, kacang, dan stick dalam proses pengiriman ke ruang produksi. Sehingga membuat terkendalanya proses pengiriman secondary raw material tersebut. Variabel terbagi menjadi 2 macam yaitu variabel terikat dan variabel bebas. Untuk variabel terikat berupa waktu kedatangan material dan waktu pengiriman material. Untuk pengumpulan data terbagi menjadi 2 berupa data primer dan data sekunder. Data sekunder yaitu kegiatan pengiriman line material dan data kebutuhan macam-macam material. Pengolahan data dengan software Simul8 untuk rancangan model line pengiriman, Dari hasil proses running dan berdasarkan tabel rangkuman hasil simulasi diatas dapat diketahui bahwa rata-rata tingkat kegunaan (utilitas) untuk periode produksi bulan oktober 2013 dengan jumlah 2 line pengiriman secondary raw mat...
Proses bisnis merupakan perantara antara bisnis dengan teknologi informasi. Dengan adanya proses ... more Proses bisnis merupakan perantara antara bisnis dengan teknologi informasi. Dengan adanya proses bisnis yang baik, dukungan teknologi informasi terhadap bisnis akan semakin jelas dan tepat. Proses bisnis melibatkan berbagai pihak yang berkepentingan dan membutuhkan sumber daya. Pengelolaan proses bisnis yang tepat dapat meningkatkan kinerja organisasi secara keseluruhan. Pentingnya peran proses bisnis dalam suatu organisasi atau perusahaan yaitu berguna untuk menggerakkan bisnis menjadi semakin berkembang sangat cepat dan pesat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Business Process Management (BPM) yang memungkinkan perusahaan dapat memiliki cetak biru proses bisnis dan dapat menilai apakah proses bisnis yang sekarang berjalan sudah efektif dan efisien serta manajemen dapat melihat dengan detil dampak perubahan yang akan dilakukan baik dari sisi waktu dan biaya. Pada perhitungan simulasi proses saat ini yaitu prosedur standar pengendalian pelaksanaan pemasaran membutuhkan waktu 26.400 ...
Persaingan bisnis yang semakin ketat juga berimbas pada semakin majunya perusahaan manufaktur di ... more Persaingan bisnis yang semakin ketat juga berimbas pada semakin majunya perusahaan manufaktur di Indonesia, sehingga memaksa para pemilik bisnis untuk mencari cara meningkatkan efisiensi di segala bidang, termasuk pengendalian persediaan. Banyaknya mate-rial yang digunakan mempengaruhi pengolahan produksi yang sedang berlangsung. Kelebihan persediaan juga merupakan pemborosan karena menimbulkan biaya penyimpanan dan biaya pemesanan bahan yang tinggi. Jika melihat permasalahan seperti di atas, penelitian ini berfokus pada pengendalian persediaan bahan baku pada perusahaan yang memiliki banyak pemasok bahan baku. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengontrol persediaan kayu mindi dan kayu mahoni pada perusahaan furniture berdasarkan metode Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) menggunakan rancangan Multi-Item Multi-Supplier, sehingga menghasilkan biaya total pengadaan bahan baku yang optimal. untuk perusahaan. Perencanaan metode EOQ di perusahaan akan dapat meminimalisasi terjadinya keku...
Dalam masa sekarang ini suatu perusahaan haruslah bisa mempersiapkan dirinya menjadi lebih baik. ... more Dalam masa sekarang ini suatu perusahaan haruslah bisa mempersiapkan dirinya menjadi lebih baik. Hal tersebut dikarenakan dalam era perdagangan maju seperti sekarang ini akan dapat mengakibatkan persaingan menjadi lebih ketat. Obyek penelitian ini adalah salah satu perusahaan penyedia tangki air di Sidoarjo. Perusahaan tersebut memiliki produk yang paling banyak diminati oleh konsumen, yakni tangki air stainless. Keunggulan dari produk tersebut adalah dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri berlebih pada air yang disimpannya. Namun dalam proses produksinya, sering kali dijumpai adanya persediaan bahan baku yang overstock. Hal tersebut dikarenakan oleh sistem perencanaan produksi yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan belum sesuai dengan demand yang ada. Maka, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan perancangan terhadap persediaan bahan baku tangki air stainless di perusahaan berupa jadwal produksi atau jadwal pemesanan dari masing-masing bahan baku. Keterbaruan dari penelitian ini adalah fok...
Perusahaan ini bergerak di bidang produksi mainan kayu. Dalam proses produksinya, perusahaan ker... more Perusahaan ini bergerak di bidang produksi mainan kayu. Dalam proses produksinya, perusahaan kerap kali mengalami kendala. Selama proses pemesanan, perusahaan mengalami permintaan yang fluktuatif. Dalam menghadapi fluktuasi tersebut perusahaan kurang mengantisipasi dengan baik. Alhasil, ketika permintaan melonjak tinggi sedangkan bahan baku yang dipesan belum kunjung datang, maka hal tersebut dapat berpotensi menyebabkan kehabisan persediaan (stockout). Jika hal ini terjadi berulang kali maka perusahaan akan kehilangan potensi keuntungan. Di lain sisi jika persediaan berlebih dan disimpan dalam waktu yang terlalu lama maka dapat membuat biaya persediaan menjadi membengkak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan pengendalian persediaan Kayu Pinus dengan permintaan yang fluktuatif di CV Putra Putri. Hasil perhitungan diperoleh dengan dengan total biaya persediaan minimum adalah dengan metode Continuous Review (Q) Lost Sales sebesar Rp. 1.230.366.286 dengan metode perusah...
Jurnal Manajemen Industri dan Logistik
Choosing the right suppliers is important for companies to provide raw materials for production i... more Choosing the right suppliers is important for companies to provide raw materials for production in the long run. The sustainability of production activities is tightly controlled by suppliers in the manufacturing industry. A company in Mojokerto that manufactures PVC pipes falls under the plastic pipe industry sector. Raw materials for PVC resins must be ensured through assessments of suppliers. This study was conducted to determine which resin supplier was the best based on predetermined criteria. Variable include: price, quality, delivery, quantity accuracy, and service. To determine the order of preference for resin suppliers, this study uses AHP, which gives the individual a probability score for each criterion, and TOPSIS, which gives the user an indication of which supplier to choose when selecting a resin. As a result of data processing, suppliers are ranked based on their preferences. The preference values for each supplier are: supplier 1, which is 0.927; supplier 2, which ...
Jurnal Sistem dan Manajemen Industri
The current industrial development is related to increasing global action and public awareness of... more The current industrial development is related to increasing global action and public awareness of environmental issues with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It makes the implementation of green supply chain management on Green Supplier Evaluation and Selection (GSES) more appreciated because it can affect the company's environmental performance. Companies that can improve their environmental performance will be able to increase their competitive advantage and have an impact on increasing revenue, market share, and a more positive green image of the company. Currently, there is no research about green supplier selection in the furniture industry, especially in Indonesia. So, it is necessary to research the industry because it hugely affects environmental performance. One of the companies engaged in the furniture industry is X company. They are selecting their suppliers only based on the ownership of the environmental certification of each supplier and the quality of the raw...
UPN Veteran Jawa Timur, 2018
Nusantara Science and Technology Proceedings, Nov 15, 2021
UPN Veteran Jawa Timur, 2020
- ABSTRAK PT. XYZ berdiri pada tahun 2015 merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang prasarana... more 3) ABSTRAK PT. XYZ berdiri pada tahun 2015 merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang prasarana lalu lintas yang memiliki produk berupa Tiang RPPJ (Rambu Pendahulu Petunjuk Jurusan). Pada lini produksi sering terjadi bottleneck pada proses pengelasan lantai tiang terhadap tiang utama sehingga mengakibatkan ada beberapa work station yang mengalami idle time yang signifikan dalam setiap proses produksi yang dilakukan. Penyelesaian masalah bottleneck menggunakan line balancing dengan membandingkan tiga metode yaitu Largest Candidate Rule, Killbridge and Western Method, dan Ranked Positional Weights yang akan dibandingkan. Masing-masing dari ketiga metode tersebut akan menghasilkan line efficiency, balance delay, dan smoothness index. Metode yang memiliki line efficiency tertinggi akan dipilih sebagai metode yang direkomendasikan. Jika terdapat dua metode yang memiliki hasil line efficiency sama besarnya maka metode yang direkomendasikan dilihat dari nilai smoothness index yang paling mendekati 0 dari kedua metode tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukan metode Ranked Positional Weights sebagai metode rekomendasi dengan line efficiency 90,27%, balance delay 9,72%, dan smoothnes index sebesar 19,56936
JATI UNIK : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik dan Manajemen Industri
The application of the Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) concept of water production of Region... more The application of the Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) concept of water production of Regional Drinking Water Company Region X is still not considered efficient, because the company's water production process still uses chemical compounds that have an impact on the environment. The purpose of this study is to measure the level of green supply chain performance in the production flow in PDAM Region X to increase efficiency and minimize environmental impacts. The Green SCOR method and AHP weighting were used in this study. Weighting of each KPI using the AHP method which is then measured the level of performance using the Green SCOR method and evaluation using the Traffic Light System method. The research was conducted at the government-owned Regional Drinking Water Company and focused on material efficiency and the use of environmentally friendly chemical compounds in the production process. The results of this study were from 16 KPIs, 3 of which were indicated in red (18.7...
Tekmapro : Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 2017
Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menentukan jumlah persediaan bahan baku yang optimal sehingga meminim... more Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menentukan jumlah persediaan bahan baku yang optimal sehingga meminimasi total biaya persediaan dan menentukan besarnya penghematan biaya persediaan bahan baku semen Dalam penelitian ini tedapat dua variable yaitu 1). Variabel Terikat adalah total biaya persediaan bahan baku semen. 2). Variabel Bebas antara lain: a.Data bill of material Semen, b.Data lead time kedatangan raw material, c. Data Supplier, d. Data Stock akhir raw material semen, e. Data Permintaan (Demand) dalam ton, f.Data Biaya-Biaya Persediaan, g Data Kapasitas Gudang, h.Data safety stock. Metode pengolahan data menggunakan metode usulan Lagrange Multiplier. adalah Membandingkan data dari dua kondisi dimana kondisi perusahaan dari segi kuantitas bahan baku dan total biaya persediaannya dengan metode usulan Lagrange Multiplier, antara lain: a. Menghitung Pemakaian Bahan Baku dalam Rupiah dari data perusahaan. b. Menghitung persentase biaya simpan. c. Menghitung dengan Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) masing-masing bahan baku. d. Menghitung dengan Lagrange Multiplier masing-masing bahan baku. Hasil Penelitian menggunakan metode Lagrange Multiplier diperoleh kuantitas optimal bahan baku sebesar 275.789,3 ton dengan nilai persediaan baru (Q*lagrange) sebesar Rp.35.472.001.620 memberikan minimasi total biaya persediaan sebesar Rp.240.548.980. Penghematan dengan konstrain biaya yang dihasilkan sebesar 15,31 %.
E3S Web of Conferences, 2021
This research employed a development model investigating offline and online demand functions in t... more This research employed a development model investigating offline and online demand functions in the dual-channel supply chain (DCSC) structure by Widodo He explains that the DCSC structure has a problem determining each channel’s prices and proposes a mathematical model approach between offline channels and online channels. The critical parameter is the relative ratio of customer acceptance on the online and the offline channels. Besides using the relative ratio of customer acceptance on the online and the offline channels, this research employed an additional variable, namely the elasticity of demand for quality and discount rate. Adding a new variable to the DCSC structure increases profit systems. This study aimed to investigate the best prices for offline and online channels to get optimal profits. Therefore, optimal prices were discovered for consumers and companies with the two sales structures running simultaneously. The model development profits showe that profits in both of...
Tekmapro : Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 2021
One of the important activities in business that can affect business competitiveness is the proce... more One of the important activities in business that can affect business competitiveness is the process of procuring goods or services. The existence of alternative suppliers is often the main problem for business owners. The problem arises when these suppliers have several quality differences in the criteria previously determined by the company. In these conditions the business owner must be able to choose the best supplier to supply goods or services needed by his business. CV. Rizki Jaya Abadi is a construction service company which has several branches. One way to ensure that customer demands are met is to ensure that the building materials used are of good quality or suitable for their purpose. One of the main building materials is cement. In solving these problems, the researchers used the Fuzzy Analythical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) method. This research shows that there are 5 main criteria in choosing cement suppliers, namely Price, Quality, Delivery, Response, and Service. From t...
Automotive community needs will grow rapidly. One of the tools that support the performance of a ... more Automotive community needs will grow rapidly. One of the tools that support the performance of a vehicle is a lubricating oil or more commonTy known as Oli. Various kinds oflu6ricating ozl brands marketed include Mesran Prima XP, Top 1 Syntetic motor oil, Pennzoil SAE, Active Castrol and Repsol Elite Competition. In this study thefocus is the lubricating oil or grease Mesran Prima XP. The problems faced by these oil products are perceived as declining sales of lubricating oil (grease) Mesran Prima XP, the research conducted by_ the method of Markov Chain, in tJie hope ofknowing the percentage of market share achieved by the oil Mesran Prima XP and determine strategies to increase the market share. Percentage ofknown research on the market share steady state conditions of each oil product in the region to the East Surabaya MESRAN PRIMA XP product for 25.99%; and SYNTETIC MOTOR Oil 7.93%; PENNZOIL SAE of 8.59%; CASTRQL ACTIVE is 53.51% and REPSOL ELITE COMPETITION 3.97%. Ke...
The rapid growth in internet technology and the innovations in smart devices has had its impact o... more The rapid growth in internet technology and the innovations in smart devices has had its impact on how businesses used to operate a decade ago to how consumers followed traditional shopping behavior when goods or services was required. The rise in internet users presents the opportunity of Electronic Commerce, the idea of providing and accessing goods and services using internet, such as selling goods and services, performing financial transactions and even booking an appointment. The two leading theories - perceived ease of use and usefulness have been employed in numerous information systems research studies to help understand consumer behavior in e-commerce environments. As the acceptance of e-commerce in Fiji is relatively low, this paper integrates the findings of previous researches with the perceived trust and perceived risk of consumers to provide a comprehensive framework of online shopping behavior based on the Technology Acceptance Model. To gain an in-depth understanding...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
At the last decade, some environmental problems become increased. For that reason many companies ... more At the last decade, some environmental problems become increased. For that reason many companies are currently attention to environmental issues. The concern not only in the production process but in the overall activities. This research use the Green Supply Chain Operation Reference (Green SCOR) method to evaluating the green supply chain performance in steel company. Key Performance Indicator divided into five categories i.e. plan, source, make, deliver and return. The result of Monitoring System Performance Indicators is 67.73 (average category). From SNORM value in Traffic Light System, the water used is the lowest. And the value is 38. This shows a lack of performance value and needs improvement.
The queue can see in anywhere, especially in public services. Goal of queue model is decreased tw... more The queue can see in anywhere, especially in public services. Goal of queue model is decreased two total cost, direct cost and in-direct cost. Direct cost come out from facility services and in-direct cost to come out from waiting time. Simulation methods be needed before we running model for existing, because can be decrease of cost. Summary from this research is The Gunung Anyar is be obtained λ = 79,0 s/people, μ = 38.2 s /people, Lq=152 people and utilization 100%. The KUD Rungkut Branch is be obtained λ = 36 s/ people, and the from locket 1, μ 1= 39.8 s/ people, Lq=324 people, and locket 2, μ 2= 47 s/ people, Lq= 118 people, utilization 52%. And the last Branch is Barata Jaya is λ =29 s/people, from locket 1 , μ 1 = 40.25 s/people, Lq=76 people; μ 2 = 39 s/people, Lq =84 people; μ 3 = 38 s/ people, Lq = 93 people, and utilization 63%. For KUD Rungkut Branch no more increment employee, but skills must be increase and the Barata Jaya Branch skills employee is not average so empl...
XYZ company is a company engaged in steel construction. This company produces steel construction ... more XYZ company is a company engaged in steel construction. This company produces steel construction with several classifications, namely Building Construction (structure) and Mining Construction (Conveyor and Tank). This problem is found in the production process area where the efficiency of the company is not optimal because of the bottleneck between workstations. To increase efficiency and reduce bottlenecks, companies use the Largest Candidate Rule (LCR); Killbridge and the Western Method (KWM); and the Ranked Positional Weights (RPW) Method. After comparing the three methods, LCR has the best results. Production line efficiency is 92.2%, balance delay is 7.8%, and the smoothness index is 14.6 with 11 operators.
Isu-isu lingkungan seperti global warming, waste, serta keterbatasan jumlah sumber daya alam menj... more Isu-isu lingkungan seperti global warming, waste, serta keterbatasan jumlah sumber daya alam menjadi pusat perhatian pada akhir dekade ini. Integrasi yang baik diantara komponen reverse logistics (factory, recycled center, collection center, disposal center, distribution center), pemerintah sebagai regulator dan konsumen akan dapat meminimasi permasalahan lingkungan yang ada. Reverse Logistics (RL) merupakan salah satu metode untuk mengantisipasi permasalahan lingkungan, meningkatkan keuntungan perusahaan dan menurunkan jumlah produk yang kembali (return). Dari disain model RL pada industri elektronika konsumsi dilakukan tiga proses penilaian yaitu: framework untuk menilai tingkat implementasi RL, Total Reverse Logistics Cost (TRLC) dan House of Reverse Logistics (HRL). Pada pengujian framework dilakukan pada tiga industri elektronika konsumsi yaitu PT.PCB, PT.SA dan PT.GMEI. Hasil dari perhitungan menunjukkan Level Developed (Level 3) untuk PT. PCB dan Level Managed (Level 2) untuk...
Abstraksi Dalam penelitian yang dilakukan di PT. X,Tbk area gudang secondary raw material es kri... more Abstraksi Dalam penelitian yang dilakukan di PT. X,Tbk area gudang secondary raw material es krim, peneliti melihat terdapat bottleneck pada proses pengiriman secondary raw material seperti wrapper, outter, kacang, dan stick dalam proses pengiriman ke ruang produksi. Sehingga membuat terkendalanya proses pengiriman secondary raw material tersebut. Variabel terbagi menjadi 2 macam yaitu variabel terikat dan variabel bebas. Untuk variabel terikat berupa waktu kedatangan material dan waktu pengiriman material. Untuk pengumpulan data terbagi menjadi 2 berupa data primer dan data sekunder. Data sekunder yaitu kegiatan pengiriman line material dan data kebutuhan macam-macam material. Pengolahan data dengan software Simul8 untuk rancangan model line pengiriman, Dari hasil proses running dan berdasarkan tabel rangkuman hasil simulasi diatas dapat diketahui bahwa rata-rata tingkat kegunaan (utilitas) untuk periode produksi bulan oktober 2013 dengan jumlah 2 line pengiriman secondary raw mat...
Proses bisnis merupakan perantara antara bisnis dengan teknologi informasi. Dengan adanya proses ... more Proses bisnis merupakan perantara antara bisnis dengan teknologi informasi. Dengan adanya proses bisnis yang baik, dukungan teknologi informasi terhadap bisnis akan semakin jelas dan tepat. Proses bisnis melibatkan berbagai pihak yang berkepentingan dan membutuhkan sumber daya. Pengelolaan proses bisnis yang tepat dapat meningkatkan kinerja organisasi secara keseluruhan. Pentingnya peran proses bisnis dalam suatu organisasi atau perusahaan yaitu berguna untuk menggerakkan bisnis menjadi semakin berkembang sangat cepat dan pesat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Business Process Management (BPM) yang memungkinkan perusahaan dapat memiliki cetak biru proses bisnis dan dapat menilai apakah proses bisnis yang sekarang berjalan sudah efektif dan efisien serta manajemen dapat melihat dengan detil dampak perubahan yang akan dilakukan baik dari sisi waktu dan biaya. Pada perhitungan simulasi proses saat ini yaitu prosedur standar pengendalian pelaksanaan pemasaran membutuhkan waktu 26.400 ...