Festi Yed - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Festi Yed

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Model Perangkat Penilaian Berbasis Deskripsi KKNI pada Pembelajaran Fisika FMIPA Universitas Negeri Padang

Telah dilakukan penelitian action research untuk mengimplementasikan Perangkat Penilaian Berbasis... more Telah dilakukan penelitian action research untuk mengimplementasikan Perangkat Penilaian Berbasis Deskripsi KKNI melalui model Learning Cycle 5E, yang terdiri dari tahap engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration, evaluation di Jurusan Fisika Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam tahun 2012 untuk mata kuliah komputer dalam pembelajaran Fisika. Kegiatan penelitian ini dilakukan empat siklus, siklus satu dan dua terdiri dari 3 kali pertemuan, siklus tiga dan empat terdiri dari 4 kali pertemuan. Setiap siklus terdiri dari empat langkah penelitian yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi. Instrumen penelitian terdiri dari lembar observasi, catatan lapangan, angket dan rubrik penilaian proses pembelajaran, penilaian sikap dan kinerja. Indikator penilaian sikap: Ingin tahu (A1), Percaya diri (A2), Tanggung jawab (A3), Disiplin (A4), Teliti (A5),Kerjasama (A6), Mendengarkan penjelasan (A7), Bertanya (A8), Menjawab (A9), Menanggapi (A10). Indikator penilaian kin...

Research paper thumbnail of A Preliminary Validation Study of Developing An Interactive Multimedia Modules in Physics Learning

Abstract—Some of skills required in the 21st century are critical thinking, Information Communica... more Abstract—Some of skills required in the 21st century are critical thinking, Information Communication Technology (ICT) literacy, and socio cultural interaction. Physics learning should be directed to develop these aspects. This paper describes a preliminary validation study of developing an interactive multimedia module that covering the 21st century skill. The method of this research is Research & Development. The subjects of this developing study were 10th grade student of senior high school in Padang, Indonesia.The data presented are the result of the define, designe, and valiadtion phase of pruduct. Based on questionnaire analysis show that students interested in learning physics using ICT reached 76.7%, but the fact that teacher have not been using teaching material based on ICT, Problem Based Learning (PBL) model is not maximized, the students' critical thinking skills are only 69.3% and the learning outcomes of students yet fully achieve the minimum completeness criteria. Based on the analysis of questionnaires and observation, generally seen that not maximal adherence to the learning process that impact on the learning outcomes of students. One way that can resolve these problems is using interactive multimedia modules in PBL model aided games. The validation of design show that interactive multimedia modules is valid. Keywords: Critical Thinking, Interactive Multimedia, Instructional Modules, Physics Learning, Problem Based Learning.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Efektifitas Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik Berbantuan PhET Interactive Simulations untuk Meningkatkan Creative Thinking Skills melalui Model Research Based Learning pada Materi Momentum dan Impuls

The purpose of this study was to describe the effectiveness of LKPD assisted by Phet Interactive ... more The purpose of this study was to describe the effectiveness of LKPD assisted by Phet Interactive Simulations in the Research Based Learning model to improve the Creative Thinking Skills of high school students. The research method used is descriptive method using quantitative data sheet LKPD effectiveness seen from students' Creative Thinking Skills. The results of the effectiveness of Creative Thinking Skills obtained 81.17% with the effective category.

Research paper thumbnail of Validitas Perangkat Pembelajaran Fisika Sma Berbasis Model Pembelajaran Generatif Dengan Pendekatan Open-Ended Problem Untuk Menstimulus Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Peserta Didik

Perangkat pembelajaran dibutuhkan sebagai sumber belajar agar kegiatan pembelajaran dapat memoti... more Perangkat pembelajaran dibutuhkan sebagai sumber belajar agar kegiatan pembelajaran dapat memotivasi peserta didik berpartisipasi aktif dalam pembelajaran serta mendukung terwujudnya kreativitas dan keterampilan berpikir kritis. Penggunaan model pembelajaran dan pendekatan yang efektif akan mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik. Dalam penelitian ini model pembelajaran generatif dan pendekatan open-ended problem dipandang mampu mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui validitas perangkat pembelajaran Fisika SMA berbasis model pembelajaran generatif dengan pendekatan open-ended problem untuk menstimulus keterampilan berpikir kritis peserta didik. Validitas dalam penelitian ini menggunakan validitas isi, konstruk dan bahasa. Perangkat pembelajaran akan dinyatakan valid jika hasil penilaian para pakar dan praktisi menyatakan bahwa isi dan format perangkat pembelajaran mendukung pembelajaran dan komponen dalam perangk...

Research paper thumbnail of The In-deep Study Problems Organizers Inclusive Education of Medium School in Learning Science in Padang

Journal of ICSAR, 2018

This study aims to identify where the occurrence of bottlenecks in the science learning process o... more This study aims to identify where the occurrence of bottlenecks in the science learning process of secondary school inclusive education providers for children with special needs (ABK), through deep study. Informants in this research are teachers who are involved in science learning in schools implementing inclusive education in Padang city. Data were collected by interview, observation and questionnaire method as the main method. Assistive methods in the form of documentation. Qualitative data analysis through 4 paths is data collection, data reduction, data display, draw a conclusion. The result of initial research of 102 schools SMA / MA / SMK in Padang city there are problems of interaction of six components of education process (curriculum, educator, learner, facilities and infrastructure, technology and learning media, assessment system). From 102 schools and there are 4 schools conducting inclusive education with 56 students spread in SMK Negeri 4 as many as 18 people, SMK Negeri 6 as many as 27 people, SMK Negeri 7 as many as 8 people, SMK Negeri 8 as many as 3 people. based on the problem which related to teachers, students, schools, communities, and government experienced problems in the implementation of inclusive education because ABK difficulty varies according to their needs. Science learning for ABK has not done well according to the needs, characteristics, and limits of ability possessed by children with special needs. The guidance model, not yet focused on non-adaptive behavior or deviant behavior before they conduct activities of individual learning activities program.

Research paper thumbnail of Meta-analysis of authentic assessment instrument development to measure learning outcomes of learners SMA/MA

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020

This Meta-analysis aims to summarize the research results related to the development of authentic... more This Meta-analysis aims to summarize the research results related to the development of authentic assessment instruments in measuring the learning outcomes that have been done before. Based on the analysis from the background of several journals that have been selected, the biggest problem lies in the less active learning process from the communication to the assumption of the learners on the learning of physics that only study Count with definite results without knowing the usefulness of science in technology development. In addition, the teacher’s difficulties in creating, executing, and analyzing authentic assessments led to the teacher being more likely to assess cognitive aspect assessment and override other aspects of judgment. Based on the problem, one of them is to develop an authentic assessment instrument that able to measure learning outcomes according to the needs of learners. Summary of meta-analyses using a descriptive survey method. Based on the analysis done, the ass...

Research paper thumbnail of Meningkatkan Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Komputer Dalam Pembelajaran Fisika Melalui Implementasi Model Learning Cycle 5E (Engagement, Exploration, Explanation, Elaboration, Evaluation)

Eksakta, 2013

The purpose of this classroom action research is to incease thr learning outcomes, with implement... more The purpose of this classroom action research is to incease thr learning outcomes, with implementation Learning Cycle 5E ( Engagement, Exploration, Explanation, Elaboration, Evaluation), in this computer study in Physics FMIPA faculty 2012. This research conducted by four cycles, the first and second cycles conducted by three times meeting, the third and fourth cycles conducted by four times meeting. Every cycles conducted by four step research; Planning, Implementation, Observation, and Reflection. This instrument research conducted from observation, field-note, inquiry and learning assessment rubric, attitude and performance appraisal. The analysis technic data using descriptive analysis. The result research based on attitude appraisal got increase; Reponsibility (A3) 2.2%, meanwhile the social indicator generally got high increase, include; answering (A9) 22,8%, teamwork (A6) 9,4%, self confidence (A2) 8,7%, listening explaination (A7) 7.6% and accurate (A5) 5,5%. And for the performance appraisal, the highest average is the first cycles to the second cycles which is 27,7%, from the second cycles to the third cylces got decrease which is 17,1% and from the third to the fourth cycles got increase which is 21,6%. Keywords : Action research , 5E Learning Cycle, Asessment Rubric, Learning Outcomes

Research paper thumbnail of Increasing Student’s Attention in Physics Learning with Computer Interactive Enhancing Attention of Physics Student Learning of Interactive Computer Help with Instruction-Assisted

This study examines the increasing attention of student in learning using three variations of Phy... more This study examines the increasing attention of student in learning using three variations of Physics Assisted Learning Interactive Computer Program (PFBPKI) as Self Operated Instrument (SOI) , and PFBPKI as a medium, as well as learning without PFBPKI on three superior class-1, class-2 and regular class, through a quasi-experimental study factorial. The attention significantly increased from the three variations of learning , the three classes of treatment [F (2, 253) = 183.92 , p < 0.05] with the effect size of 59%, the difference class in attention was significant [F (2,253) = 8.39, p < 0.05] with effect size by 6 %, while the effect of the interaction between learning with classroom variation was also significant [F (2,253) = 8.39, p < 0.05] with effect size by 7 %. The analysis showed increased interest in learning variations contribution is much larger than the class differences and interactions. So the authors speculation that attention affects the learning process empirical can be proved. This study found the junior high school students are more interested in studying physics with PFBPKI operated by their selves, and giving much attention to the relatively high contribution to the regular classes, its mean that computerassisted learning contribute to increase the learning attention of all junior high school students.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Ipa Terpadu Gerak Benda Dan Makhluk Hidup Bermuatan Literasi Saintifik Untuk Siswa SMP Kelas VIII

Integrated science teaching is required in 2013 curriculum. As the reason is generally science fo... more Integrated science teaching is required in 2013 curriculum. As the reason is generally science found in daily life in integrated form. In this method, activity and experience which is accepted by students are very limited by their daily life. But integrated science teaching isn’t implemented well yet. As an alternative solution of this problem is to develop teaching material of integrated science by integrating scientific literacy. The objective of this research is to created the valid teaching material of integrated science in its preliminary product, and practice and effective in its implementation in scientific approach. As topic in this research is motion of object and living thing. Type of this research was research and development. Stages of this research consist of understanding the potency and problem, collecting the information, developing the preliminary of product, implementing the teaching material in limited field testing, and revising the teaching material based on res...

Research paper thumbnail of Mufit_2018_IOP_Conf._Ser.%3A_Mater._Sci._Eng._335_012072.pdf

The problems that often occur in the learning of physics is a matter of misconception and low und... more The problems that often occur in the learning of physics is a matter of misconception and low understanding of the concept. Misconceptions do not only happen to students, but also happen to college students and teachers. The existing learning model has not had much impact on improving conceptual understanding and remedial efforts of student misconception. This study aims to see the impact of cognitive-based learning model in improving conceptual understanding and remediating student misconceptions. The research method used is Design / Develop Research. The product developed is a cognitive conflict-based learning model along with its components. This article reports on product design results, validity tests, and practicality test. The study resulted in the design of cognitive conflict-based learning model with 4 learning syntaxes, namely (1) preconception activation, (2) presentation of cognitive conflict, (3) discovery of concepts & equations, (4) Reflection. The results of validity tests by some experts on aspects of content, didactic, appearance or language, indicate very valid criteria. Product trial results also show a very practical product to use. Based on pretest and posttest results, cognitive conflict-based learning models have a good impact on improving conceptual understanding and remediating misconceptions, especially in high-ability students.

Research paper thumbnail of Dewi_2018_IOP_Conf._Ser.%3A_Mater._Sci._Eng._335_012071 (1).pdf

This research aims to study and collect data comprehensively, new and actual about science litera... more This research aims to study and collect data comprehensively, new and actual about science literacy to improve the ability of educators in implementing the 2013 Curriculum at Junior High School Padang Pariaman District. The specific benefit of this research is to give description and to know the problem of science literacy problem in interaction among teacher, curriculum, facilities and infrastructure, evaluation, learning technology and students. This study uses explorative in deep study approach, studying and collecting data comprehensively from the interaction of education process components (curriculum, educator, learner, facilities and infrastructure, learning media technology, and evaluation) that influence the science literacy. This research was conducted in the districts of Padang Pariaman consisting of 17 subdistricts and 84 junior high schools managed by the government and private. The sample of this research is science teachers of Padang PariamanDistrict with sampling technique is stratified random sampling. The instrument used in this study is a questionnaire to the respondents. Research questionnaire data are processed by percentage techniques (quantitative). The results of this study explain that the understanding of science teachers in Padang Pariaman District towards the implementation of 2013 Curriculum is still lacking. The science teachers of Padang Pariaman District have not understood the scientific approach and the effectiveness of 2013 Curriculum in shaping the character of the students. To improve the understanding of the implementation of Curriculum 2013, it is necessary to strengthen the literacy toward science teachers at the Junior High School level in Padang Pariaman District.

Research paper thumbnail of Yerimadesi_2018_IOP_Conf._Ser.%3A_Mater._Sci._Eng._335_012097.pdf

This Research and Development(R&D) aims to produce guided discovery learning based module on topi... more This Research and Development(R&D) aims to produce guided discovery learning based module on topic of acid-base and determine its validity and practicality in learning. Module development used Four D (4-D) model (define, design, develop and disseminate).This research was performed until development stage. Research's instruments were validity and practicality questionnaires. Module was validated by five experts (three chemistry lecturers of Universitas Negeri Padang and two chemistry teachers of SMAN 9 Padang). Practicality test was done by two chemistry teachers and 30 students of SMAN 9 Padang. Kappa Cohen's was used to analyze validity and practicality. The average moment kappa was 0.86 for validity and those for practicality were 0.85 by teachers and 0.76 by students revealing high category. It can be concluded that validity and practicality was proven for high school chemistry learning.

Research paper thumbnail of Andromeda_2018_IOP_Conf._Ser.%3A_Mater._Sci._Eng._335_012099.pdf

Explore the concept of "light" and its interaction with matter: an inquiry-based science educatio... more Explore the concept of "light" and its interaction with matter: an inquiry-based science education project in primary school P Varela and M F Costa -This content was downloaded from IP address on 24/04Abstract. This Research & Development study aims to produce a valid and practical experiment integrated guided inquiry based module on topic of colloidal chemistry. 4D instructional design model was selected in this study. Limited trial of the product was conducted at SMAN 7 Padang. Instruments used were validity and practicality questionnaires. Validity and practicality data were analyzed using Kappa moment. Analysis of the data shows that Kappa moment for validity was 0.88 indicating a very high degree of validity. Kappa moments for the practicality from students and teachers were 0.89 and 0.95 respectively iindicating high degree of practicality. Analysis on the module filled in by students shows that 91.37% students could correctly answer critical thinking, exercise, prelab,postlabandworksheet questions asked in the module. These findings indicate that the integrated guided inquiry based module on topic of colloidal chemistrywas valid and practical for chemistry learning in senior high school

Research paper thumbnail of Alberida_2018_IOP_Conf._Ser.%3A_Mater._Sci._Eng._335_012084.pdf

This research aims to develop problem solving model for science learning in junior high school. T... more This research aims to develop problem solving model for science learning in junior high school. The learning model was developed using the ADDIE model. An analysis phase includes curriculum analysis, analysis of students of SMP Kota Padang, analysis of SMP science teachers, learning analysis, as well as the literature review. The design phase includes product planning a science-learning problem-solving model, which consists of syntax, reaction principle, social system, support system, instructional impact and support. Implementation of problem-solving model in science learning to improve students' science process skills. The development stage consists of three steps: a) designing a prototype, b) performing a formative evaluation and c) a prototype revision. Implementation stage is done through a limited trial. A limited trial was conducted on 24 and 26 August 2015 in Class VII 2 SMPN 12 Padang. The evaluation phase was conducted in the form of experiments at SMPN 1 Padang, SMPN 12 Padang and SMP National Padang. Based on the development research done, the syntax model problem solving for science learning at junior high school consists of the introduction, observation, initial problems, data collection, data organization, data analysis/generalization, and communicating.

Research paper thumbnail of Asrizal_2018_IOP_Conf._Ser.%3A_Mater._Sci._Eng._335_012067.pdf

Educational graduates should have good competencies to compete in the 21 st century. Integrated l... more Educational graduates should have good competencies to compete in the 21 st century. Integrated learning is a good way to develop competence of students in this century. Besides that, literacy skills are very important for students to get success in their learning and daily life. For this reason, integrated science learning and literacy skills are important in 2013 curriculum. However, integrated science learning and integration of literacy in learning can't be implemented well. Solution of this problem is to develop adaptive contextual learning model by integrating digital age literacy. The purpose of the research is to determine the effectiveness of adaptive contextual learning model to improve competence of grade VIII students in junior high school. This research is a part of the research and development or R&D. Research design which used in limited field testing was before and after treatment. The research instruments consist of three parts namely test sheet of learning outcome for assessing knowledge competence, observation sheet for assessing attitudes, and performance sheet for assessing skills of students. Data of student's competence were analyzed by three kinds of analysis, namely descriptive statistics, normality test and homogeneity test, and paired comparison test. From the data analysis result, it can be stated that the implementation of adaptive contextual learning model of integrated science by integrating digital age literacy is effective to improve the knowledge, attitude, and literacy skills competences of grade VIII students in junior high school at 95% confidence level.

Research paper thumbnail of A_Preliminary 2017.pdf

Some of skills required in the 21st century are critical thinking, Information Communication Tech... more Some of skills required in the 21st century are critical thinking, Information Communication Technology (ICT) literacy, and socio cultural interaction. Physics learning should be directed to develop these aspects. This paper describes a preliminary validation study of developing an interactive multimedia module that covering the 21st century skill. The method of this research is Research & Development. The subjects of this developing study were 10th grade student of senior high school in Padang, Indonesia.The data presented are the result of the define, designe, and valiadtion phase of pruduct. Based on questionnaire analysis show that students interested in learning physics using ICT reached 76.7%, but the fact that teacher have not been using teaching material based on ICT, Problem Based Learning (PBL) model is not maximized, the students' critical thinking skills are only 69.3% and the learning outcomes of students yet fully achieve the minimum completeness criteria. Based on the analysis of questionnaires and observation, generally seen that not maximal adherence to the learning process that impact on the learning outcomes of students. One way that can resolve these problems is using interactive multimedia modules in PBL model aided games. The validation of design show that interactive multimedia modules is valid.

Research paper thumbnail of Festiyed_2018_IOP_Conf._Ser.%3A_Mater._Sci._Eng._335_012068.pdf

The purpose of this study is to enhance the problem solving and self-management abilities of stud... more The purpose of this study is to enhance the problem solving and self-management abilities of student teachers through individual and group authentic task. Preliminary results showed that the learning outcomes in high category, nevertheless problem solving and selfmanagement abilities are still low and average categories (scattered at interval 65 40   N ). Initiative to improve this condition is needed. Action research is the alternative solution for that condition through planning, acting, evaluating, and reflecting. This study is allowed in 4 cycles. The acting step result with integrated discuss method, case study, and presentation including self-assessment for individual and group. This method was effective to enhance problem solving and self-management abilities. The final learning outcomes seen from the correlation between student self-assessment and lecture-assessment (r=0.19). Its means there are unidirectional relationship between the result of self-assessment and lecture-assessment. The Conclusion of the research was effective to enhance problem solving and self-management ability.


The aim of this study was to investigate the improvement of the students’ attention after using t... more The aim of this study was to investigate the improvement of the students’
attention after using there different methods of HICAI-SOI, HICAI-Media, and
with out CAI three exell-1, exell-2 and regularly class.The research method
was Quasi-experiment. The sample of the research were 90 persons from
class VIII Junior High School Students 7 Padang, that was selected randomly.
Prior knowledge of student as bilinear covariant is obtained through cognitive
domain test and attention score of learning is collected through questionnaire.
The validity and reability of both instrument were tested, and the coefficient
0,83 and 0,92. Result of examination applies bilinear covariant analyst
technique (ANACOVA) factorial 3x3x1, successfully controls initial ability equal
to 67%. Attention of student learning increases in signifikan from study
trivariable, to three treatment classes [F(2, 253)=183,92, p<0,05] with effect
size equal to 59%, difference of class to attention also highly significant [
F(2,253)=8,39, p<0,05] with effect size equal to 6%, medium of interaction
influence between various studies with class also highly signifikan
[F(2,253)=8,39, p<0,05] with effect size equal to 7%.Result of analysis shows
the contribution of various study to increase attention of far bigger than
difference of class and interaction. Therefore, the conjecture of the writer that
the attention influences learning process in provable emperical. This research
showed that the student Junior High School Students is more interested to
study physics with HICAI-SOI. Its gives more impact on the students’ attention
at regular class, It is concluded that the use of HICAI can improve the
attention of Junior High School Students.
Keywords: Attention, Computer Assisted Instruction.

Conference Presentations by Festi Yed

Research paper thumbnail of The In-deep Study Problems Organizers Inclusive Education of Medium School in Learning Science in Padang

Journal of ICSAR, 2018

Abstract: This study aims to identify where the occurrence of bottlenecks in the science learning... more Abstract: This study aims to identify where the occurrence of bottlenecks in the science learning process of secondary school inclusive education providers for children with special needs (ABK), through deep study. Informants in this research are teachers who are involved in science learning in schools implementing inclusive education in Padang city. Data were collected by interview, observation and questionnaire method as the main method. Assistive methods in the form of documentation. Qualitative data analysis through 4 paths is data collection, data reduction, data display, draw a conclusion. The result of initial research of 102 schools SMA / MA / SMK in Padang city there are problems of interaction of six components of education process (curriculum, educator, learner, facilities and infrastructure, technology and learning media, assessment system). From 102 schools and there are 4 schools conducting inclusive education with 56 students spread in SMK Negeri 4 as many as 18 people, SMK Negeri 6 as many as 27 people, SMK Negeri 7 as many as 8 people, SMK Negeri 8 as many as 3 people. based on the problem which related to teachers, students, schools, communities, and government experienced problems in the implementation of inclusive education because ABK difficulty varies according to their needs. Science learning for ABK has not done well according to the needs, characteristics, and limits of ability possessed by children with special needs. The guidance model, not yet focused on non-adaptive behavior or deviant behavior before they conduct activities of individual learning activities program.
Keywords: deep study, learning science, children with special needs, inclusive education

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Model Perangkat Penilaian Berbasis Deskripsi KKNI pada Pembelajaran Fisika FMIPA Universitas Negeri Padang

Telah dilakukan penelitian action research untuk mengimplementasikan Perangkat Penilaian Berbasis... more Telah dilakukan penelitian action research untuk mengimplementasikan Perangkat Penilaian Berbasis Deskripsi KKNI melalui model Learning Cycle 5E, yang terdiri dari tahap engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration, evaluation di Jurusan Fisika Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam tahun 2012 untuk mata kuliah komputer dalam pembelajaran Fisika. Kegiatan penelitian ini dilakukan empat siklus, siklus satu dan dua terdiri dari 3 kali pertemuan, siklus tiga dan empat terdiri dari 4 kali pertemuan. Setiap siklus terdiri dari empat langkah penelitian yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi. Instrumen penelitian terdiri dari lembar observasi, catatan lapangan, angket dan rubrik penilaian proses pembelajaran, penilaian sikap dan kinerja. Indikator penilaian sikap: Ingin tahu (A1), Percaya diri (A2), Tanggung jawab (A3), Disiplin (A4), Teliti (A5),Kerjasama (A6), Mendengarkan penjelasan (A7), Bertanya (A8), Menjawab (A9), Menanggapi (A10). Indikator penilaian kin...

Research paper thumbnail of A Preliminary Validation Study of Developing An Interactive Multimedia Modules in Physics Learning

Abstract—Some of skills required in the 21st century are critical thinking, Information Communica... more Abstract—Some of skills required in the 21st century are critical thinking, Information Communication Technology (ICT) literacy, and socio cultural interaction. Physics learning should be directed to develop these aspects. This paper describes a preliminary validation study of developing an interactive multimedia module that covering the 21st century skill. The method of this research is Research &amp; Development. The subjects of this developing study were 10th grade student of senior high school in Padang, Indonesia.The data presented are the result of the define, designe, and valiadtion phase of pruduct. Based on questionnaire analysis show that students interested in learning physics using ICT reached 76.7%, but the fact that teacher have not been using teaching material based on ICT, Problem Based Learning (PBL) model is not maximized, the students&#39; critical thinking skills are only 69.3% and the learning outcomes of students yet fully achieve the minimum completeness criteria. Based on the analysis of questionnaires and observation, generally seen that not maximal adherence to the learning process that impact on the learning outcomes of students. One way that can resolve these problems is using interactive multimedia modules in PBL model aided games. The validation of design show that interactive multimedia modules is valid. Keywords: Critical Thinking, Interactive Multimedia, Instructional Modules, Physics Learning, Problem Based Learning.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Efektifitas Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik Berbantuan PhET Interactive Simulations untuk Meningkatkan Creative Thinking Skills melalui Model Research Based Learning pada Materi Momentum dan Impuls

The purpose of this study was to describe the effectiveness of LKPD assisted by Phet Interactive ... more The purpose of this study was to describe the effectiveness of LKPD assisted by Phet Interactive Simulations in the Research Based Learning model to improve the Creative Thinking Skills of high school students. The research method used is descriptive method using quantitative data sheet LKPD effectiveness seen from students' Creative Thinking Skills. The results of the effectiveness of Creative Thinking Skills obtained 81.17% with the effective category.

Research paper thumbnail of Validitas Perangkat Pembelajaran Fisika Sma Berbasis Model Pembelajaran Generatif Dengan Pendekatan Open-Ended Problem Untuk Menstimulus Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Peserta Didik

Perangkat pembelajaran dibutuhkan sebagai sumber belajar agar kegiatan pembelajaran dapat memoti... more Perangkat pembelajaran dibutuhkan sebagai sumber belajar agar kegiatan pembelajaran dapat memotivasi peserta didik berpartisipasi aktif dalam pembelajaran serta mendukung terwujudnya kreativitas dan keterampilan berpikir kritis. Penggunaan model pembelajaran dan pendekatan yang efektif akan mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik. Dalam penelitian ini model pembelajaran generatif dan pendekatan open-ended problem dipandang mampu mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui validitas perangkat pembelajaran Fisika SMA berbasis model pembelajaran generatif dengan pendekatan open-ended problem untuk menstimulus keterampilan berpikir kritis peserta didik. Validitas dalam penelitian ini menggunakan validitas isi, konstruk dan bahasa. Perangkat pembelajaran akan dinyatakan valid jika hasil penilaian para pakar dan praktisi menyatakan bahwa isi dan format perangkat pembelajaran mendukung pembelajaran dan komponen dalam perangk...

Research paper thumbnail of The In-deep Study Problems Organizers Inclusive Education of Medium School in Learning Science in Padang

Journal of ICSAR, 2018

This study aims to identify where the occurrence of bottlenecks in the science learning process o... more This study aims to identify where the occurrence of bottlenecks in the science learning process of secondary school inclusive education providers for children with special needs (ABK), through deep study. Informants in this research are teachers who are involved in science learning in schools implementing inclusive education in Padang city. Data were collected by interview, observation and questionnaire method as the main method. Assistive methods in the form of documentation. Qualitative data analysis through 4 paths is data collection, data reduction, data display, draw a conclusion. The result of initial research of 102 schools SMA / MA / SMK in Padang city there are problems of interaction of six components of education process (curriculum, educator, learner, facilities and infrastructure, technology and learning media, assessment system). From 102 schools and there are 4 schools conducting inclusive education with 56 students spread in SMK Negeri 4 as many as 18 people, SMK Negeri 6 as many as 27 people, SMK Negeri 7 as many as 8 people, SMK Negeri 8 as many as 3 people. based on the problem which related to teachers, students, schools, communities, and government experienced problems in the implementation of inclusive education because ABK difficulty varies according to their needs. Science learning for ABK has not done well according to the needs, characteristics, and limits of ability possessed by children with special needs. The guidance model, not yet focused on non-adaptive behavior or deviant behavior before they conduct activities of individual learning activities program.

Research paper thumbnail of Meta-analysis of authentic assessment instrument development to measure learning outcomes of learners SMA/MA

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020

This Meta-analysis aims to summarize the research results related to the development of authentic... more This Meta-analysis aims to summarize the research results related to the development of authentic assessment instruments in measuring the learning outcomes that have been done before. Based on the analysis from the background of several journals that have been selected, the biggest problem lies in the less active learning process from the communication to the assumption of the learners on the learning of physics that only study Count with definite results without knowing the usefulness of science in technology development. In addition, the teacher’s difficulties in creating, executing, and analyzing authentic assessments led to the teacher being more likely to assess cognitive aspect assessment and override other aspects of judgment. Based on the problem, one of them is to develop an authentic assessment instrument that able to measure learning outcomes according to the needs of learners. Summary of meta-analyses using a descriptive survey method. Based on the analysis done, the ass...

Research paper thumbnail of Meningkatkan Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Komputer Dalam Pembelajaran Fisika Melalui Implementasi Model Learning Cycle 5E (Engagement, Exploration, Explanation, Elaboration, Evaluation)

Eksakta, 2013

The purpose of this classroom action research is to incease thr learning outcomes, with implement... more The purpose of this classroom action research is to incease thr learning outcomes, with implementation Learning Cycle 5E ( Engagement, Exploration, Explanation, Elaboration, Evaluation), in this computer study in Physics FMIPA faculty 2012. This research conducted by four cycles, the first and second cycles conducted by three times meeting, the third and fourth cycles conducted by four times meeting. Every cycles conducted by four step research; Planning, Implementation, Observation, and Reflection. This instrument research conducted from observation, field-note, inquiry and learning assessment rubric, attitude and performance appraisal. The analysis technic data using descriptive analysis. The result research based on attitude appraisal got increase; Reponsibility (A3) 2.2%, meanwhile the social indicator generally got high increase, include; answering (A9) 22,8%, teamwork (A6) 9,4%, self confidence (A2) 8,7%, listening explaination (A7) 7.6% and accurate (A5) 5,5%. And for the performance appraisal, the highest average is the first cycles to the second cycles which is 27,7%, from the second cycles to the third cylces got decrease which is 17,1% and from the third to the fourth cycles got increase which is 21,6%. Keywords : Action research , 5E Learning Cycle, Asessment Rubric, Learning Outcomes

Research paper thumbnail of Increasing Student’s Attention in Physics Learning with Computer Interactive Enhancing Attention of Physics Student Learning of Interactive Computer Help with Instruction-Assisted

This study examines the increasing attention of student in learning using three variations of Phy... more This study examines the increasing attention of student in learning using three variations of Physics Assisted Learning Interactive Computer Program (PFBPKI) as Self Operated Instrument (SOI) , and PFBPKI as a medium, as well as learning without PFBPKI on three superior class-1, class-2 and regular class, through a quasi-experimental study factorial. The attention significantly increased from the three variations of learning , the three classes of treatment [F (2, 253) = 183.92 , p < 0.05] with the effect size of 59%, the difference class in attention was significant [F (2,253) = 8.39, p < 0.05] with effect size by 6 %, while the effect of the interaction between learning with classroom variation was also significant [F (2,253) = 8.39, p < 0.05] with effect size by 7 %. The analysis showed increased interest in learning variations contribution is much larger than the class differences and interactions. So the authors speculation that attention affects the learning process empirical can be proved. This study found the junior high school students are more interested in studying physics with PFBPKI operated by their selves, and giving much attention to the relatively high contribution to the regular classes, its mean that computerassisted learning contribute to increase the learning attention of all junior high school students.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Ipa Terpadu Gerak Benda Dan Makhluk Hidup Bermuatan Literasi Saintifik Untuk Siswa SMP Kelas VIII

Integrated science teaching is required in 2013 curriculum. As the reason is generally science fo... more Integrated science teaching is required in 2013 curriculum. As the reason is generally science found in daily life in integrated form. In this method, activity and experience which is accepted by students are very limited by their daily life. But integrated science teaching isn’t implemented well yet. As an alternative solution of this problem is to develop teaching material of integrated science by integrating scientific literacy. The objective of this research is to created the valid teaching material of integrated science in its preliminary product, and practice and effective in its implementation in scientific approach. As topic in this research is motion of object and living thing. Type of this research was research and development. Stages of this research consist of understanding the potency and problem, collecting the information, developing the preliminary of product, implementing the teaching material in limited field testing, and revising the teaching material based on res...

Research paper thumbnail of Mufit_2018_IOP_Conf._Ser.%3A_Mater._Sci._Eng._335_012072.pdf

The problems that often occur in the learning of physics is a matter of misconception and low und... more The problems that often occur in the learning of physics is a matter of misconception and low understanding of the concept. Misconceptions do not only happen to students, but also happen to college students and teachers. The existing learning model has not had much impact on improving conceptual understanding and remedial efforts of student misconception. This study aims to see the impact of cognitive-based learning model in improving conceptual understanding and remediating student misconceptions. The research method used is Design / Develop Research. The product developed is a cognitive conflict-based learning model along with its components. This article reports on product design results, validity tests, and practicality test. The study resulted in the design of cognitive conflict-based learning model with 4 learning syntaxes, namely (1) preconception activation, (2) presentation of cognitive conflict, (3) discovery of concepts & equations, (4) Reflection. The results of validity tests by some experts on aspects of content, didactic, appearance or language, indicate very valid criteria. Product trial results also show a very practical product to use. Based on pretest and posttest results, cognitive conflict-based learning models have a good impact on improving conceptual understanding and remediating misconceptions, especially in high-ability students.

Research paper thumbnail of Dewi_2018_IOP_Conf._Ser.%3A_Mater._Sci._Eng._335_012071 (1).pdf

This research aims to study and collect data comprehensively, new and actual about science litera... more This research aims to study and collect data comprehensively, new and actual about science literacy to improve the ability of educators in implementing the 2013 Curriculum at Junior High School Padang Pariaman District. The specific benefit of this research is to give description and to know the problem of science literacy problem in interaction among teacher, curriculum, facilities and infrastructure, evaluation, learning technology and students. This study uses explorative in deep study approach, studying and collecting data comprehensively from the interaction of education process components (curriculum, educator, learner, facilities and infrastructure, learning media technology, and evaluation) that influence the science literacy. This research was conducted in the districts of Padang Pariaman consisting of 17 subdistricts and 84 junior high schools managed by the government and private. The sample of this research is science teachers of Padang PariamanDistrict with sampling technique is stratified random sampling. The instrument used in this study is a questionnaire to the respondents. Research questionnaire data are processed by percentage techniques (quantitative). The results of this study explain that the understanding of science teachers in Padang Pariaman District towards the implementation of 2013 Curriculum is still lacking. The science teachers of Padang Pariaman District have not understood the scientific approach and the effectiveness of 2013 Curriculum in shaping the character of the students. To improve the understanding of the implementation of Curriculum 2013, it is necessary to strengthen the literacy toward science teachers at the Junior High School level in Padang Pariaman District.

Research paper thumbnail of Yerimadesi_2018_IOP_Conf._Ser.%3A_Mater._Sci._Eng._335_012097.pdf

This Research and Development(R&D) aims to produce guided discovery learning based module on topi... more This Research and Development(R&D) aims to produce guided discovery learning based module on topic of acid-base and determine its validity and practicality in learning. Module development used Four D (4-D) model (define, design, develop and disseminate).This research was performed until development stage. Research's instruments were validity and practicality questionnaires. Module was validated by five experts (three chemistry lecturers of Universitas Negeri Padang and two chemistry teachers of SMAN 9 Padang). Practicality test was done by two chemistry teachers and 30 students of SMAN 9 Padang. Kappa Cohen's was used to analyze validity and practicality. The average moment kappa was 0.86 for validity and those for practicality were 0.85 by teachers and 0.76 by students revealing high category. It can be concluded that validity and practicality was proven for high school chemistry learning.

Research paper thumbnail of Andromeda_2018_IOP_Conf._Ser.%3A_Mater._Sci._Eng._335_012099.pdf

Explore the concept of "light" and its interaction with matter: an inquiry-based science educatio... more Explore the concept of "light" and its interaction with matter: an inquiry-based science education project in primary school P Varela and M F Costa -This content was downloaded from IP address on 24/04Abstract. This Research & Development study aims to produce a valid and practical experiment integrated guided inquiry based module on topic of colloidal chemistry. 4D instructional design model was selected in this study. Limited trial of the product was conducted at SMAN 7 Padang. Instruments used were validity and practicality questionnaires. Validity and practicality data were analyzed using Kappa moment. Analysis of the data shows that Kappa moment for validity was 0.88 indicating a very high degree of validity. Kappa moments for the practicality from students and teachers were 0.89 and 0.95 respectively iindicating high degree of practicality. Analysis on the module filled in by students shows that 91.37% students could correctly answer critical thinking, exercise, prelab,postlabandworksheet questions asked in the module. These findings indicate that the integrated guided inquiry based module on topic of colloidal chemistrywas valid and practical for chemistry learning in senior high school

Research paper thumbnail of Alberida_2018_IOP_Conf._Ser.%3A_Mater._Sci._Eng._335_012084.pdf

This research aims to develop problem solving model for science learning in junior high school. T... more This research aims to develop problem solving model for science learning in junior high school. The learning model was developed using the ADDIE model. An analysis phase includes curriculum analysis, analysis of students of SMP Kota Padang, analysis of SMP science teachers, learning analysis, as well as the literature review. The design phase includes product planning a science-learning problem-solving model, which consists of syntax, reaction principle, social system, support system, instructional impact and support. Implementation of problem-solving model in science learning to improve students' science process skills. The development stage consists of three steps: a) designing a prototype, b) performing a formative evaluation and c) a prototype revision. Implementation stage is done through a limited trial. A limited trial was conducted on 24 and 26 August 2015 in Class VII 2 SMPN 12 Padang. The evaluation phase was conducted in the form of experiments at SMPN 1 Padang, SMPN 12 Padang and SMP National Padang. Based on the development research done, the syntax model problem solving for science learning at junior high school consists of the introduction, observation, initial problems, data collection, data organization, data analysis/generalization, and communicating.

Research paper thumbnail of Asrizal_2018_IOP_Conf._Ser.%3A_Mater._Sci._Eng._335_012067.pdf

Educational graduates should have good competencies to compete in the 21 st century. Integrated l... more Educational graduates should have good competencies to compete in the 21 st century. Integrated learning is a good way to develop competence of students in this century. Besides that, literacy skills are very important for students to get success in their learning and daily life. For this reason, integrated science learning and literacy skills are important in 2013 curriculum. However, integrated science learning and integration of literacy in learning can't be implemented well. Solution of this problem is to develop adaptive contextual learning model by integrating digital age literacy. The purpose of the research is to determine the effectiveness of adaptive contextual learning model to improve competence of grade VIII students in junior high school. This research is a part of the research and development or R&D. Research design which used in limited field testing was before and after treatment. The research instruments consist of three parts namely test sheet of learning outcome for assessing knowledge competence, observation sheet for assessing attitudes, and performance sheet for assessing skills of students. Data of student's competence were analyzed by three kinds of analysis, namely descriptive statistics, normality test and homogeneity test, and paired comparison test. From the data analysis result, it can be stated that the implementation of adaptive contextual learning model of integrated science by integrating digital age literacy is effective to improve the knowledge, attitude, and literacy skills competences of grade VIII students in junior high school at 95% confidence level.

Research paper thumbnail of A_Preliminary 2017.pdf

Some of skills required in the 21st century are critical thinking, Information Communication Tech... more Some of skills required in the 21st century are critical thinking, Information Communication Technology (ICT) literacy, and socio cultural interaction. Physics learning should be directed to develop these aspects. This paper describes a preliminary validation study of developing an interactive multimedia module that covering the 21st century skill. The method of this research is Research & Development. The subjects of this developing study were 10th grade student of senior high school in Padang, Indonesia.The data presented are the result of the define, designe, and valiadtion phase of pruduct. Based on questionnaire analysis show that students interested in learning physics using ICT reached 76.7%, but the fact that teacher have not been using teaching material based on ICT, Problem Based Learning (PBL) model is not maximized, the students' critical thinking skills are only 69.3% and the learning outcomes of students yet fully achieve the minimum completeness criteria. Based on the analysis of questionnaires and observation, generally seen that not maximal adherence to the learning process that impact on the learning outcomes of students. One way that can resolve these problems is using interactive multimedia modules in PBL model aided games. The validation of design show that interactive multimedia modules is valid.

Research paper thumbnail of Festiyed_2018_IOP_Conf._Ser.%3A_Mater._Sci._Eng._335_012068.pdf

The purpose of this study is to enhance the problem solving and self-management abilities of stud... more The purpose of this study is to enhance the problem solving and self-management abilities of student teachers through individual and group authentic task. Preliminary results showed that the learning outcomes in high category, nevertheless problem solving and selfmanagement abilities are still low and average categories (scattered at interval 65 40   N ). Initiative to improve this condition is needed. Action research is the alternative solution for that condition through planning, acting, evaluating, and reflecting. This study is allowed in 4 cycles. The acting step result with integrated discuss method, case study, and presentation including self-assessment for individual and group. This method was effective to enhance problem solving and self-management abilities. The final learning outcomes seen from the correlation between student self-assessment and lecture-assessment (r=0.19). Its means there are unidirectional relationship between the result of self-assessment and lecture-assessment. The Conclusion of the research was effective to enhance problem solving and self-management ability.


The aim of this study was to investigate the improvement of the students’ attention after using t... more The aim of this study was to investigate the improvement of the students’
attention after using there different methods of HICAI-SOI, HICAI-Media, and
with out CAI three exell-1, exell-2 and regularly class.The research method
was Quasi-experiment. The sample of the research were 90 persons from
class VIII Junior High School Students 7 Padang, that was selected randomly.
Prior knowledge of student as bilinear covariant is obtained through cognitive
domain test and attention score of learning is collected through questionnaire.
The validity and reability of both instrument were tested, and the coefficient
0,83 and 0,92. Result of examination applies bilinear covariant analyst
technique (ANACOVA) factorial 3x3x1, successfully controls initial ability equal
to 67%. Attention of student learning increases in signifikan from study
trivariable, to three treatment classes [F(2, 253)=183,92, p<0,05] with effect
size equal to 59%, difference of class to attention also highly significant [
F(2,253)=8,39, p<0,05] with effect size equal to 6%, medium of interaction
influence between various studies with class also highly signifikan
[F(2,253)=8,39, p<0,05] with effect size equal to 7%.Result of analysis shows
the contribution of various study to increase attention of far bigger than
difference of class and interaction. Therefore, the conjecture of the writer that
the attention influences learning process in provable emperical. This research
showed that the student Junior High School Students is more interested to
study physics with HICAI-SOI. Its gives more impact on the students’ attention
at regular class, It is concluded that the use of HICAI can improve the
attention of Junior High School Students.
Keywords: Attention, Computer Assisted Instruction.

Research paper thumbnail of The In-deep Study Problems Organizers Inclusive Education of Medium School in Learning Science in Padang

Journal of ICSAR, 2018

Abstract: This study aims to identify where the occurrence of bottlenecks in the science learning... more Abstract: This study aims to identify where the occurrence of bottlenecks in the science learning process of secondary school inclusive education providers for children with special needs (ABK), through deep study. Informants in this research are teachers who are involved in science learning in schools implementing inclusive education in Padang city. Data were collected by interview, observation and questionnaire method as the main method. Assistive methods in the form of documentation. Qualitative data analysis through 4 paths is data collection, data reduction, data display, draw a conclusion. The result of initial research of 102 schools SMA / MA / SMK in Padang city there are problems of interaction of six components of education process (curriculum, educator, learner, facilities and infrastructure, technology and learning media, assessment system). From 102 schools and there are 4 schools conducting inclusive education with 56 students spread in SMK Negeri 4 as many as 18 people, SMK Negeri 6 as many as 27 people, SMK Negeri 7 as many as 8 people, SMK Negeri 8 as many as 3 people. based on the problem which related to teachers, students, schools, communities, and government experienced problems in the implementation of inclusive education because ABK difficulty varies according to their needs. Science learning for ABK has not done well according to the needs, characteristics, and limits of ability possessed by children with special needs. The guidance model, not yet focused on non-adaptive behavior or deviant behavior before they conduct activities of individual learning activities program.
Keywords: deep study, learning science, children with special needs, inclusive education