Fadila Fadila - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Fadila Fadila
This study aims to find out about the implementation of counseling guidance services for handling... more This study aims to find out about the implementation of counseling guidance services for handling student delinquency at SMPN 19 Rejang Lebong. The research method used by the author is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach, namely by collecting data as it is from a symptom of a phenomenon that existed when the study was carried out. The data and data sources in this study are principals, Guidance and Counseling teachers and class IX (9) students totaling 30 students, through survey techniques. The research instruments used in this study are documentation, interviews and observations. Interviews were conducted with the principal and guidance and counseling teachers and observations were conducted by observing the state of the school environment and the existence of the school. Data analysis techniques are carried out by collecting data, grouping data, analyzing data and interpreting data that will be concluded into research results. The conclusion of this study is that th...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan betapa pentingnya layanan bimbingan konseling dimana... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan betapa pentingnya layanan bimbingan konseling dimana masalah yang akan muncul berada pada usia anak menginjak 17-20 tahun yaitu pada jalur Pendidikan kesetaraan. Biasanya faktor yang menjadi latar belakang ialah karena kemiskinan. Pengembangan Warga Belajar di Unit Bimbingan Sekolah tidak resmi sangat bervariasi, jadi tahapan dan tugas Perkembangan yang ingin dicapai oleh setiap warga Belajar memiliki perbedaan satu sama lain. Pendampingan dan perencanaan pelayanan selama ini Tidak banyak khusus di lembaga pendidikan nonformal. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk memberikan ide Mengembangkan rencana layanan pendampingan dan konsultasi internal lembaga pendidikan nonformal. pengembangan rencana bimbingan dan saran komprehensif berdasarkan analisis kebutuhan kelembagaan, pendidikan nonformal disusun berdasarkan rangkaian proses yang sistematis tersusun dari Perencanaan, desain, implementasi, evaluasi dan keberlanjutan yang harus dilak...
Konselor islami perlu dilakukan mengingat pentingnya pemberian layanan bimbingan dan konseling ya... more Konselor islami perlu dilakukan mengingat pentingnya pemberian layanan bimbingan dan konseling yang profesional, pemberian materi berupa tazkiyatun nafs diharapkan mampu memberikan bekal kepada calon konselor dalam pelaksanaan layanan bimbingan dan konseling yang profesional dan berlandaskan nilai-nilai dalam Islam. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian studi pustaka (Library Reseach). Studi pustaka ialah penelitian yang teknik pengumpulan datanya dilakukan di lapangan (perpustakaan) dengan didasarkan atas pembacaan-pembacaan terhadap beberapa literatur yang memiliki informasi serta memiliki relevansi dengan topik penelitian. proses pendidikan Islam disini adalah membawa siswa pada keadaan seimbang antara jasmani dan rokhani atau fisik dan psikis. Keseimbangan antara jasmani dan rokhani ini lebih menekankan kepada kecukupan pemenuhan keduanya. Kebutuhan fisik lebih kepada kebutuhan untuk bertahan hidup, makan, minum, pakaian, tempat tinggal dll. Sedangkan kebutuhan rokhani leb...
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
Digital literacy is closely related to the spread of Wasatiyah Islamic values, in modern times as... more Digital literacy is closely related to the spread of Wasatiyah Islamic values, in modern times as it is today, information obtained from internet networks, this is possible with digital literacy to help create the internalization of Wasatiyah Islam in each individual member of the Aisiyyah recitation congregation in Rejang Lebong Regency and become part of the individual. Because in creating wasatiyah Islam, it is hoped that it must start from within the individual itself. The purpose of this study was to determine the internalization of Wasathiyah Islamic values through digital literacy in the Aisiyyah Rejang Lebong congregation. This type of research is qualitative research, using analytical techniques. The data analysis technique used uses the analytical steps carried out in qualitative research according to Miles and Huberman, namely the data collection stage, the data reduction stage, the presentation stage, and the conclusion drawing stage. The results of this study are: First...
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
After going through the online teaching and learning process which was carried out at SMP Negeri ... more After going through the online teaching and learning process which was carried out at SMP Negeri L. Sidoharjo, students got used to studying at home and playing on cell phones until they forgot the teaching and learning process had been done face-to-face, so some children had problems studying at school, including not doing assignments school, lazy to study, often play online games, and skip school. Even from observations, some students received a summons, and their parents were called for not attending school without permission and not doing schoolwork. This study aims to determine the teaching and learning process after doing the online learning process, the effect of online learning on students' learning motivation, and the efforts of the supervising teacher in increasing student learning motivation. This type of research is descriptive and qualitative. Sources of data come from primary data and secondary data, the subjects in this study were the supervising teacher, homeroom...
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
The purpose of this study is to describe the professional needs of counselors in Rejang Lebong an... more The purpose of this study is to describe the professional needs of counselors in Rejang Lebong and to describe how the efforts of IAIN Curup in realizing the counselor profession are. This type of research is a qualitative research, using interview, observation and documentation analysis techniques. The results of this study indicate that first the Counselor Profession is urgently needed in Rejang Lebong because of environmental conditions that require a counselor profession and also the development of the industrial world resulting in the community needing a counselor profession. Due to the needs of great counselor of now day era, this study becomes a problem solver to find the great criteria which is needed for good counselor in the future. What is needed in Rejang Lebong is a counselor who has stable emotions, a counselor who can be used as an example, a counselor who has broad insight, a counselor who can be relied on, and has a solid personality of integrity. The two efforts of...
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2021
This research is motivated by the fact that the Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup is one o... more This research is motivated by the fact that the Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup is one of the tertiary institutions that provide academic and professional education, which is composed of the whole and unity of Islamic knowledge. IAIN Curup has many Academic and Professional education programs that match the interests, talents and potentials of the individual. From that level of education can determine a person's job or career. A person in general needs a job field to work and be successful in the job he is holding. In society at large, there are various types of work, but not all of the works that have been served are successful and happy as a life goal per their self-concept. At this time, work has a very big role in fulfilling the needs of human life, especially economic needs, free trade, and technological progress will increase competition or money that can be used to buy goods and services to meet the needs of daily life. This research is descriptive qualitative re...
Jurnal Konseling dan Pendidikan, 2020
This research is designed to expose the level of curiosity of students in learning in the aspects... more This research is designed to expose the level of curiosity of students in learning in the aspects of interest, novelty seeking, openness of experience, and exploration. In particular, we will measure the differences in curiosity assessed from the points of semester level and gender. The study involved 234 students in their third, fifth, and seventh semesters in nine study programs at the University. Data was collected from the curiosity questionnaire in learning, consisting of 48 items on the Likert scale with a reliability of 0.886. The results showed the level of curiosity of students in the aspects of interest, novelty seeking, and openness of experience to be in the medium category and in the exploration aspect, in the low category. On the other hand, students in the third semester a had higher curiosity in learning compared to students in semesters five and seven, while studies on the gender aspect did not find substantial differences in students' curiosity in learning.
Jurnal Konseling dan Pendidikan, 2020
According to the Directorate General of Corrections, more than 7,000 children perpetrate criminal... more According to the Directorate General of Corrections, more than 7,000 children perpetrate criminal offenses on a yearly basis. To reduce this crime rate, it is of great necessity to reinforce Religion, values, and morals (RNM) through appropriate counseling services to inmates child at the Rejang Lebong Class II A Curup Correctional Institution. The solution to the problem in this study is first, improving the condition of religion, the values, and morals of the child. Second, the type of counseling assignment in terms of Religion, Values, and Morals of the children faced with the law. Third, the condition of religion, the values and morals of the children who became upright after counseling services is given. This research is based on the grounded theory which has to do with building a theory through inductive studies. His observations are illustrated by the results of the 87% of inmates child themed test problem in ANM. He was given personal guidance for the development of religiou...
This study aimed to comprehend and explain the condition of street children's self-concept in... more This study aimed to comprehend and explain the condition of street children's self-concept in Rejang Lebong regency by focusing on Islamic-based counseling services. According to Baldwin and Holmes (in Calhoun and Acocella 1995), the determining factors of self-concept are parents, peers, communities, and learning process. This theory becomes the choice towards the question and purpose of this research. The other background is a factual matter, that in Rejang Lebong regency which has the areas of 1.515.76 Km 2 , there are massive populations of Moslem, 254 583 people. And has a fairly good kinship culturally. So that the street children should not exist in this country, but in fact, there are 617 children abandoned in this region. This research is mixed. Combining the methods of qualitative and quantitative approach by using experimental methods, and providing various counseling services through Islamic perspective required by street children and in accordance with their problem...
Mahasiswa dipandang cukup dewasa untuk dapat mengatur kehidupannya sendiri dalam mengelola hidupn... more Mahasiswa dipandang cukup dewasa untuk dapat mengatur kehidupannya sendiri dalam mengelola hidupnya dan dituntut untuk lebih banyak belajar sendiri, mencari dan menemukan sumber-sumber belajar dan buku- buku sumber sendiri, mengkaji dan memperdalam bahan perkuliahan sendiri tanpa banyak diatur, diawasi dan dikendalikan oleh dosen-dosennya, pandangan tersebut kadang kala tidak berjalan dengan mulus. Pelayanan bimbingan konseling di perguruan tinggi merupakan wadah yang menyelenggarakan kegiatan pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling kepada mahasiswa, warga kampu. Hasil analisis data membuktikan bahwa tingkat kebutuhan mahasiswa jurusan Tarbiyah termasuk dalam kategori sangat butuh dalam memanfaatkan pelayanan konseling skor tertinggi terdapat pada layanan orientasi dan layanan bimbingan kelompok yaitu mencapai 50-51% Sedangkan tingkat perbedaaan kebutuhan menunjukkan Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terungkap bahwa terdapat perbedaankebutuhan mahasiswa jurusan Tarbiyah dalam memanfaatkan p...
Tadris: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Tarbiyah, 2021
This study aimed to see the effect of an integrated Islamic learning model that combines general ... more This study aimed to see the effect of an integrated Islamic learning model that combines general education, religious education, and skills into one Islamic learning model for children in Class II Correctional Institutions. This research employed the qualitative-descriptive approach. The subjects of this study were 21 children in conflict with the law in Class IIA Curup Correctional Institution. The data were collected using a questionnaire, interviews, and documentation with data triangulation analysis techniques. The integrated Islamic learning model combines five activities tailored to the needs of the children in conflict with the law in class IIA Curup Correctional Institution. The five activities were carried out with the help of correctional institution’s stakeholders, religious figures who taught fiqh of worship, teachers of general subjects, police officers who taught civic education, teachers who taught soft skills to make pots, and counselors who conducted individual and ...
This study aims to examine how the concept description Up the Streets Age Child and A... more This study aims to examine how the concept description Up the Streets Age Child and Adolescent why the concept of self can be created. This research approach is mixed namely quantitative and qualitative, sample number 36 street children in Rejang Lebong regency. Sampling techniques using purposive sampling method. Instrument used to analyze the self-concept of street children by using questionnaires and interviews. The results of the study half of street children Rejang Lebong regency feel confident become street children, feel more responsible, feel more appreciated and feel independent. find the courage to face any conditions for forged by the various conditions that passed over in the street and had to be alert through the remains suspicious with people outside their community. Street children feel that they have to attract the pity of others and look Lusu, but street children are not in school can not chant, deceitful, communicate disrespectful and prone act of crimi...
Islamic Counseling: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam, 2019
The article is the result of actions taken in research to improve the WPKNS ABH. The method used ... more The article is the result of actions taken in research to improve the WPKNS ABH. The method used in this paper is descriptive analysis, by presenting the results of the study and analyzing the results obtained in the study. The WPKNS ABH is giving donations to Curup Class II Lapas. By coordinating with the Lapas and Stakeholders, in the form of Islamic material, general education material, soft skills, national knowledge and insights, providing counseling services and holding an Islamic Competition. The results of the study and actions showed the insight, knowledge, skills, values and attitudes of the ABH in Class II A Curup Prison, before and after the action: ABH insights increased by 52.5% from the total score before the action amounted to 28 (35%) increased to a total of 75 (87.5%) after the action. ABH's knowledge increased by 41.25%, the overall total score before carrying out the actions amounted to 62 (38.75%) increased to 128 (80%) after the action. ABH's skills exp...
This study aims to find out about the implementation of counseling guidance services for handling... more This study aims to find out about the implementation of counseling guidance services for handling student delinquency at SMPN 19 Rejang Lebong. The research method used by the author is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach, namely by collecting data as it is from a symptom of a phenomenon that existed when the study was carried out. The data and data sources in this study are principals, Guidance and Counseling teachers and class IX (9) students totaling 30 students, through survey techniques. The research instruments used in this study are documentation, interviews and observations. Interviews were conducted with the principal and guidance and counseling teachers and observations were conducted by observing the state of the school environment and the existence of the school. Data analysis techniques are carried out by collecting data, grouping data, analyzing data and interpreting data that will be concluded into research results. The conclusion of this study is that th...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan betapa pentingnya layanan bimbingan konseling dimana... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan betapa pentingnya layanan bimbingan konseling dimana masalah yang akan muncul berada pada usia anak menginjak 17-20 tahun yaitu pada jalur Pendidikan kesetaraan. Biasanya faktor yang menjadi latar belakang ialah karena kemiskinan. Pengembangan Warga Belajar di Unit Bimbingan Sekolah tidak resmi sangat bervariasi, jadi tahapan dan tugas Perkembangan yang ingin dicapai oleh setiap warga Belajar memiliki perbedaan satu sama lain. Pendampingan dan perencanaan pelayanan selama ini Tidak banyak khusus di lembaga pendidikan nonformal. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk memberikan ide Mengembangkan rencana layanan pendampingan dan konsultasi internal lembaga pendidikan nonformal. pengembangan rencana bimbingan dan saran komprehensif berdasarkan analisis kebutuhan kelembagaan, pendidikan nonformal disusun berdasarkan rangkaian proses yang sistematis tersusun dari Perencanaan, desain, implementasi, evaluasi dan keberlanjutan yang harus dilak...
Konselor islami perlu dilakukan mengingat pentingnya pemberian layanan bimbingan dan konseling ya... more Konselor islami perlu dilakukan mengingat pentingnya pemberian layanan bimbingan dan konseling yang profesional, pemberian materi berupa tazkiyatun nafs diharapkan mampu memberikan bekal kepada calon konselor dalam pelaksanaan layanan bimbingan dan konseling yang profesional dan berlandaskan nilai-nilai dalam Islam. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian studi pustaka (Library Reseach). Studi pustaka ialah penelitian yang teknik pengumpulan datanya dilakukan di lapangan (perpustakaan) dengan didasarkan atas pembacaan-pembacaan terhadap beberapa literatur yang memiliki informasi serta memiliki relevansi dengan topik penelitian. proses pendidikan Islam disini adalah membawa siswa pada keadaan seimbang antara jasmani dan rokhani atau fisik dan psikis. Keseimbangan antara jasmani dan rokhani ini lebih menekankan kepada kecukupan pemenuhan keduanya. Kebutuhan fisik lebih kepada kebutuhan untuk bertahan hidup, makan, minum, pakaian, tempat tinggal dll. Sedangkan kebutuhan rokhani leb...
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
Digital literacy is closely related to the spread of Wasatiyah Islamic values, in modern times as... more Digital literacy is closely related to the spread of Wasatiyah Islamic values, in modern times as it is today, information obtained from internet networks, this is possible with digital literacy to help create the internalization of Wasatiyah Islam in each individual member of the Aisiyyah recitation congregation in Rejang Lebong Regency and become part of the individual. Because in creating wasatiyah Islam, it is hoped that it must start from within the individual itself. The purpose of this study was to determine the internalization of Wasathiyah Islamic values through digital literacy in the Aisiyyah Rejang Lebong congregation. This type of research is qualitative research, using analytical techniques. The data analysis technique used uses the analytical steps carried out in qualitative research according to Miles and Huberman, namely the data collection stage, the data reduction stage, the presentation stage, and the conclusion drawing stage. The results of this study are: First...
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
After going through the online teaching and learning process which was carried out at SMP Negeri ... more After going through the online teaching and learning process which was carried out at SMP Negeri L. Sidoharjo, students got used to studying at home and playing on cell phones until they forgot the teaching and learning process had been done face-to-face, so some children had problems studying at school, including not doing assignments school, lazy to study, often play online games, and skip school. Even from observations, some students received a summons, and their parents were called for not attending school without permission and not doing schoolwork. This study aims to determine the teaching and learning process after doing the online learning process, the effect of online learning on students' learning motivation, and the efforts of the supervising teacher in increasing student learning motivation. This type of research is descriptive and qualitative. Sources of data come from primary data and secondary data, the subjects in this study were the supervising teacher, homeroom...
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
The purpose of this study is to describe the professional needs of counselors in Rejang Lebong an... more The purpose of this study is to describe the professional needs of counselors in Rejang Lebong and to describe how the efforts of IAIN Curup in realizing the counselor profession are. This type of research is a qualitative research, using interview, observation and documentation analysis techniques. The results of this study indicate that first the Counselor Profession is urgently needed in Rejang Lebong because of environmental conditions that require a counselor profession and also the development of the industrial world resulting in the community needing a counselor profession. Due to the needs of great counselor of now day era, this study becomes a problem solver to find the great criteria which is needed for good counselor in the future. What is needed in Rejang Lebong is a counselor who has stable emotions, a counselor who can be used as an example, a counselor who has broad insight, a counselor who can be relied on, and has a solid personality of integrity. The two efforts of...
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2021
This research is motivated by the fact that the Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup is one o... more This research is motivated by the fact that the Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup is one of the tertiary institutions that provide academic and professional education, which is composed of the whole and unity of Islamic knowledge. IAIN Curup has many Academic and Professional education programs that match the interests, talents and potentials of the individual. From that level of education can determine a person's job or career. A person in general needs a job field to work and be successful in the job he is holding. In society at large, there are various types of work, but not all of the works that have been served are successful and happy as a life goal per their self-concept. At this time, work has a very big role in fulfilling the needs of human life, especially economic needs, free trade, and technological progress will increase competition or money that can be used to buy goods and services to meet the needs of daily life. This research is descriptive qualitative re...
Jurnal Konseling dan Pendidikan, 2020
This research is designed to expose the level of curiosity of students in learning in the aspects... more This research is designed to expose the level of curiosity of students in learning in the aspects of interest, novelty seeking, openness of experience, and exploration. In particular, we will measure the differences in curiosity assessed from the points of semester level and gender. The study involved 234 students in their third, fifth, and seventh semesters in nine study programs at the University. Data was collected from the curiosity questionnaire in learning, consisting of 48 items on the Likert scale with a reliability of 0.886. The results showed the level of curiosity of students in the aspects of interest, novelty seeking, and openness of experience to be in the medium category and in the exploration aspect, in the low category. On the other hand, students in the third semester a had higher curiosity in learning compared to students in semesters five and seven, while studies on the gender aspect did not find substantial differences in students' curiosity in learning.
Jurnal Konseling dan Pendidikan, 2020
According to the Directorate General of Corrections, more than 7,000 children perpetrate criminal... more According to the Directorate General of Corrections, more than 7,000 children perpetrate criminal offenses on a yearly basis. To reduce this crime rate, it is of great necessity to reinforce Religion, values, and morals (RNM) through appropriate counseling services to inmates child at the Rejang Lebong Class II A Curup Correctional Institution. The solution to the problem in this study is first, improving the condition of religion, the values, and morals of the child. Second, the type of counseling assignment in terms of Religion, Values, and Morals of the children faced with the law. Third, the condition of religion, the values and morals of the children who became upright after counseling services is given. This research is based on the grounded theory which has to do with building a theory through inductive studies. His observations are illustrated by the results of the 87% of inmates child themed test problem in ANM. He was given personal guidance for the development of religiou...
This study aimed to comprehend and explain the condition of street children's self-concept in... more This study aimed to comprehend and explain the condition of street children's self-concept in Rejang Lebong regency by focusing on Islamic-based counseling services. According to Baldwin and Holmes (in Calhoun and Acocella 1995), the determining factors of self-concept are parents, peers, communities, and learning process. This theory becomes the choice towards the question and purpose of this research. The other background is a factual matter, that in Rejang Lebong regency which has the areas of 1.515.76 Km 2 , there are massive populations of Moslem, 254 583 people. And has a fairly good kinship culturally. So that the street children should not exist in this country, but in fact, there are 617 children abandoned in this region. This research is mixed. Combining the methods of qualitative and quantitative approach by using experimental methods, and providing various counseling services through Islamic perspective required by street children and in accordance with their problem...
Mahasiswa dipandang cukup dewasa untuk dapat mengatur kehidupannya sendiri dalam mengelola hidupn... more Mahasiswa dipandang cukup dewasa untuk dapat mengatur kehidupannya sendiri dalam mengelola hidupnya dan dituntut untuk lebih banyak belajar sendiri, mencari dan menemukan sumber-sumber belajar dan buku- buku sumber sendiri, mengkaji dan memperdalam bahan perkuliahan sendiri tanpa banyak diatur, diawasi dan dikendalikan oleh dosen-dosennya, pandangan tersebut kadang kala tidak berjalan dengan mulus. Pelayanan bimbingan konseling di perguruan tinggi merupakan wadah yang menyelenggarakan kegiatan pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling kepada mahasiswa, warga kampu. Hasil analisis data membuktikan bahwa tingkat kebutuhan mahasiswa jurusan Tarbiyah termasuk dalam kategori sangat butuh dalam memanfaatkan pelayanan konseling skor tertinggi terdapat pada layanan orientasi dan layanan bimbingan kelompok yaitu mencapai 50-51% Sedangkan tingkat perbedaaan kebutuhan menunjukkan Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terungkap bahwa terdapat perbedaankebutuhan mahasiswa jurusan Tarbiyah dalam memanfaatkan p...
Tadris: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Tarbiyah, 2021
This study aimed to see the effect of an integrated Islamic learning model that combines general ... more This study aimed to see the effect of an integrated Islamic learning model that combines general education, religious education, and skills into one Islamic learning model for children in Class II Correctional Institutions. This research employed the qualitative-descriptive approach. The subjects of this study were 21 children in conflict with the law in Class IIA Curup Correctional Institution. The data were collected using a questionnaire, interviews, and documentation with data triangulation analysis techniques. The integrated Islamic learning model combines five activities tailored to the needs of the children in conflict with the law in class IIA Curup Correctional Institution. The five activities were carried out with the help of correctional institution’s stakeholders, religious figures who taught fiqh of worship, teachers of general subjects, police officers who taught civic education, teachers who taught soft skills to make pots, and counselors who conducted individual and ...
This study aims to examine how the concept description Up the Streets Age Child and A... more This study aims to examine how the concept description Up the Streets Age Child and Adolescent why the concept of self can be created. This research approach is mixed namely quantitative and qualitative, sample number 36 street children in Rejang Lebong regency. Sampling techniques using purposive sampling method. Instrument used to analyze the self-concept of street children by using questionnaires and interviews. The results of the study half of street children Rejang Lebong regency feel confident become street children, feel more responsible, feel more appreciated and feel independent. find the courage to face any conditions for forged by the various conditions that passed over in the street and had to be alert through the remains suspicious with people outside their community. Street children feel that they have to attract the pity of others and look Lusu, but street children are not in school can not chant, deceitful, communicate disrespectful and prone act of crimi...
Islamic Counseling: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam, 2019
The article is the result of actions taken in research to improve the WPKNS ABH. The method used ... more The article is the result of actions taken in research to improve the WPKNS ABH. The method used in this paper is descriptive analysis, by presenting the results of the study and analyzing the results obtained in the study. The WPKNS ABH is giving donations to Curup Class II Lapas. By coordinating with the Lapas and Stakeholders, in the form of Islamic material, general education material, soft skills, national knowledge and insights, providing counseling services and holding an Islamic Competition. The results of the study and actions showed the insight, knowledge, skills, values and attitudes of the ABH in Class II A Curup Prison, before and after the action: ABH insights increased by 52.5% from the total score before the action amounted to 28 (35%) increased to a total of 75 (87.5%) after the action. ABH's knowledge increased by 41.25%, the overall total score before carrying out the actions amounted to 62 (38.75%) increased to 128 (80%) after the action. ABH's skills exp...