Farina Pramanik - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Farina Pramanik
World Journal of Dentistry
ORIGINAL RESEARCH and exposure time (s). 11,12 Periapical planes have two types of exposure setti... more ORIGINAL RESEARCH and exposure time (s). 11,12 Periapical planes have two types of exposure settings, namely exposure settings automatic and manual advantages of exposure compared to exposure settings are that it produces high image contrast, a convenient and fast method when the exposure is not optimal. However, exposure settings can reduce overexposure in radiographic images, and exposure settings can adjust the energy generated by the machine X-rays, such as milliamperage and kilovoltage. 13,14 Research conducted by Pelekos et al. in 2019 stated that the accuracy of periapical radiographs in evaluating the peri-implant is influenced by bone thickness, exposure setting, and the experience level of the examiner. The selection exposure setting is essential to get a quality radiographic image. 15,16 Image quality is an important aspect of radiography if image quality can affect the results of the assessment or evaluation. 17
European Journal of Dentistry, Jan 30, 2023
Angiogenesis plays an important role in fracture healing with vascular endothelial growth factor ... more Angiogenesis plays an important role in fracture healing with vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) as the main protein involved. Micro-computed tomography (CT) angiography may be used to analyze this revascularization with several parameters such as number of branches, total volume, and diameter. This systematic review is aimed to assess available studies on the temporal pattern of vascular imaging on micro-CT angiographs, especially in terms of the number of branches, total volume, and diameter as well as the temporal pattern of VEGF mRNA expression as the molecular comparison during bone fracture healing. This review was conducted according to the PRISMA guidelines. Electronic database searches were performed using PubMed, ProQuest, ScienceDirect, EBSCOhost, Taylor & Francis Online, and hand searching. The search strategy and keywords were adjusted to each database using the Boolean operators and other available limit functions to identify most relevant articles based on our inclusion and exclusion criteria. Screening and filtration were done in several stages by removing the duplicates and analyzing each title, abstract, and full-text in all included entries. Data extraction was done for syntheses to summarize the temporal pattern of each parameter. A total of 28 articles were eligible and met all criteria, 11 articles were synthesized in its angiograph's analysis, 16 articles were synthesized in its VEGF mRNA expression analysis, and 1 article had both parameters analyzed. The overall temporal pattern of both three micro-CT angiographic parameters and VEGF mRNA expression was in line qualitatively. The number of branches, total volume, and diameter of the blood vessels in micro-CT angiography showed an exponential rise at week 2 and decline at week 3 of fracture healing, with the VEGF mRNA expression concurrently showing a consistent pattern in the phase.
Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology, 2015
Single odontogenic cysts are very well documented in the literature. Multiple odontogenickeratocy... more Single odontogenic cysts are very well documented in the literature. Multiple odontogenickeratocysts (OKCs) are principle features of nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (NBCCS; Gorlin syndrome). NBCCS is a genetic disorder transmitted by an autosomal dominant gene w expressivity, which is important to recognize when a patient has multiple OKCs. However, a case of multiple odontogenickeratocysts unassociated with any syndrome is reported here so as to add to the growing number of such cases in the literat possibility of this case being a partial expression of the Gorlin-Goltz syndrome is discussed.
International Journal of Dentistry
Objective. This research aimed to analyze the differences in bone density and bone morphometry by... more Objective. This research aimed to analyze the differences in bone density and bone morphometry by periapical implant radiography in the dental implant osseointegration stages. Methods. This experimental research uses 12 periapical radiographs of tibial bones from a New Zealand white rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). The analysis was performed on day 3, 14, and 28 of the osseointegration stages with density, trabecular thickness (Tb.Th.), trabecular separation (Tb.Sp.), and trabecular number (Tb.N.) as parameters. The implant used is a titanium alloy and coated by SA (sunblasted with alumina acid) of 4 mm in diameter and 7 mm in length. The radiographic assessment of the osseointegration process is obtained with the region of interest (ROI) segmentation results. Additionally, each ROI was analyzed for bone density and morphometry using the open-source ImageJ software with the BoneJ plugin. The significant difference was evaluated by analysis of variance (F-test) with p < 0.05 and no...
Padjadjaran Journal of Dental Researchers and Students
Ketajaman radiograf merupakan kemampuan suatu gambar radiograf memperlihatkan batas tegas objek, ... more Ketajaman radiograf merupakan kemampuan suatu gambar radiograf memperlihatkan batas tegas objek, sehingga memiliki bentuk dan detail yang jelas. Tidak tajam dan buramnya gambaran radiograf dapat menyebabkan diagnosis serta rencana perawatan menjadi kurang tepat, lesi karies tidak teridentifikasi dengan baik, menyulitkan evaluasi perkembangan gigi-geligi dan menyebabkan pasien terekspos radiasi berlebih, karena dibutuhkan pengulangan pengambilan gambar radiograf. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui gambaran nilai ketajaman radiograf panoramik di RSGM UNPAD. Metode: Jenis penelitian merupakan deskriptif dengan populasi yaitu data arsip radiograf panoramik di Instalasi Radiologi Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran selama bulan September-November 2019. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling dan diperoleh sebanyak 85 sampel. Analisis ketajaman dilakukan secara visual dengan melakukan pengamatan dan penilaian data radiograf panoramik Hasil: Sebanyak 62 radiograf panoramik (73%) memiliki ketajaman baik, 21 radiograf panoramik (25%) memiliki ketajaman sedang dan 2 radiograf panoramik (2%) memiliki ketajaman buruk. Simpulan: Radiograf panoramik di RSGM UNPAD memiliki gambaran nilai ketajaman baik.
The Open Dentistry Journal
Background Uncaria gambir or Gambier is one of plant that widely found in Indonesia. Gambier is l... more Background Uncaria gambir or Gambier is one of plant that widely found in Indonesia. Gambier is locally known as an antioxidant and antibacterial agent because it has high catechin content. Ethyl acetate extract of gambier leaves has been investigated to contain the highest catechin content than other extraction solvents. Fibroblasts are often used in biomaterial viability and toxicity tests because they have a highly reproducible growth rate and biological response. NIH-3T3 is commonly used as a substitute for human gingival fibroblasts. However, no study has been evaluated conducted to the cytotoxic activity of gambier extract on fibroblast cells. Objective The aim in this study is to evaluate whether the cytotoxic activity of gambier ethyl acetate extract (GEE) exerts on NIH-3T3 cell lines with MTT assay. Methods The group of cytotoxic activity of gambier extract was evaluated in three incubation periods. The cytotoxicity test was conducted using an ethyl acetate extract of gambi...
Jurnal Radiologi Dentomaksilofasial Indonesia (JRDI)
Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate the bone height and its width on panoramic radio... more Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate the bone height and its width on panoramic radiography prior to dental implant placement. Review: This study was carried out using scoping review methods. The referenced articles were published between 2010-2021 in English or Indonesian. The search was performed using PubMed and PMC database with keywords “(((Evaluation) AND (Presurgical)) AND (Dental Implant)) AND (Radiograph)) AND (Panoramic)” and Science Direct with keywords "presurgical evaluation dental implant in panoramic radiograph". Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Scoping Review (PRISMA-Scr) was utilized to perform the article finding process. It is found that the height of alveolar bone after being assessed by panoramic radiograph is between 7.95-23.42 mm while the alveolar bone width is between 7.04-10.41 mm. Conclusion: Panoramic radiograph can be performed to evaluate bone height and width before the dental implant placement pro...
Padjadjaran Journal of Dental Researchers and Students
Tulang hyoid terletak di anterior midline dari leher, berada dibawah mandibula serta terhubung de... more Tulang hyoid terletak di anterior midline dari leher, berada dibawah mandibula serta terhubung dengan kranium melalui perlekatan otot. Relasi skeletal yang terdiri dari kelas I, II, dan III memiliki variasi hubungan maksila dan mandibula terhadap basis kranium, sehingga dapat memengaruhi posisi dari tulang hyoid. Hal ini dapat ditinjau dari radiograf sefalometri dengan metode segitiga hyoid. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui posisi tulang hyoid berdasarkan relasi skeletal ditinjau dari radiograf sefalometri. Metode: Jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan populasi penelitian 65 radiograf sefalometri pasien berdasarkan relasi skeletal tahun 2018-2019 di Program Pendidikan Dokter Gigi Spesialis (PPDGS) Ortodonti FKG Unpad yang memiliki keterangan Analisis Steiner dan gambaran titik C3 (Servikal ke-3), H (Hyoid), dan RGn (Retrognati) terlihat jelas, serta tidak menggunakan alat ortodonti. Hasil: Posisi Tulang Hyoid berdasarkan Metode Segitiga Hyoid terdapat segitiga positif 68% pada relasi skeletal kelas I, 53,12 % pada relasi skeletal kelas II dan 62,5% pada relasi skeletal kelas III. Posisi tulang hyoid berdasarkan jarak H-C3 pada relasi skeletal kelas II didapatkan rerata jarak terkecil yaitu 34,51 mm. Simpulan: Posisi tulang hyoid pasien berdasarkan relasi skeletal bervariasi namun lebih banyak berada di atas garis C3-RGn dan membentuk segitiga positif serta untuk rerata jarak tulang H-C3 pada relasi skeletal kelas II memiliki rerata jarak terkecil dibandingkan pada relasi skeletal kelas I dan III.
Dentino Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi, Mar 27, 2019
Background: The internal structure of jaw lesions demonstrates different characteristics and dist... more Background: The internal structure of jaw lesions demonstrates different characteristics and distinctions. They may be varied in features such as the four variations of internal structure presented in ameloblastoma. Each type represents distinctive characteristics which depict the natures of respective lesion. Unquestionably required for lesion identification, internal structure becomes an essential radiographic aspect to differentiate the characteristic of a lesion. Several specific attributes of internal structure are utilized to distinguish each diagnosis. Thus, it is necessary to conduct specific assessment to discover the features of internal structure. Objective: To identify different radiographic features of internal structure in jaw lesions. Discussion: This article scrutinizes the internal structure of jaw lesions such as Pattern of Bones Destruction and Septation in Bone Lesions from several article reviews. A number of variances exist in the features of internal structure which later separate them from other lesions. The identification of cyst, benign and malignant tumor lesions may eventually be performed by using specific radiographic features of the lesions. Conclusion: Radiographic features of internal structure in jaw lesions illustrate particular hallmarks and traits which assist the identification of a lesion.
Makassar Dental Journal (MDJ), Dec 13, 2021
Introduction: As someone ages, the bone quality may change and may be seen on mandibular bone. Th... more Introduction: As someone ages, the bone quality may change and may be seen on mandibular bone. The changes in mandibular bone quality may be assessed using a panoramic radiograph. The aim of this study was to describe mandibular bone quality and to know the correlation between age and mandibular bone quality on panoramic radiograph. Methods: Cross sectional correlation analysis; the population was panoramic radiograph archives of patients in Dental Radiology Installation RSGM Universitas Padjadjaran within the range of age 13-59 years old when the radiograph was taken so that obtained 48 samples. The mandibular bone quality was obtained with mandibular alveolar bone resorption index (MM ratio) method using EzPax-Plus software. Results: The highest average number of MM ratio was 2.384 and the lowest was 2.2856. The results showed correlation coefficient between age and MM ratio on right mandible calculated with Spearman's rank (rs) was-0.046 (p-value=0.757) and rs=-0.058 (p-value=0.697) between age and MM ratio on left mandible. Conclusion: There is no correlation between age and mandibular bone quality on panoramic radiographs in RSGM Unpad based on MM Ratio. Keywords: age, mandibular alveolar bone resorption index (MM ratio), mandibular bone quality, panoramic radiograph ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Seiring bertambahnya usia kualitas tulang dapat berubah, yang terlihat pada tulang mandibula. Perubahan kualitas tulang mandibula dapat dinilai dengan menggunakan radiografi panoramik. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mendeskripsikan kualitas tulang mandibula dan mengetahui hubungan usia dengan kualitas tulang mandibula pada radiografi panoramik. Metode: Analisis korelasi cross sectional; populasi adalah arsip radiografi panoramik pasien di Instalasi Radiologi Gigi RSGM Universitas Padjadjaran dengan rentang usia 13-59 tahun pada saat pengambilan radiografi sehingga diperoleh 48 sampel. Kualitas tulang mandibula diperoleh dengan metode mandibular alveolar bone resorption index (MM Ratio) menggunakan software EzPax-Plus. Hasil: Rerata jumlah rasio MM tertinggi adalah 2,384 dan terendah adalah 2,2856; menunjukkan koefisien korelasi antara usia dan Rasio MM pada mandibula kanan yang dihitung dengan rank Spearman (rs) adalah-0,046 (nilai p=0,757) dan rs=-0,058 (nilai p= 0,697) antara usia dan rasio MM pada mandibula kiri. Simpulan: Tidak ada hubungan antara usia dengan kualitas tulang mandibula pada radiografi panoramik di RSGM Unpad berdasarkan rasio MM. Kata kunci: usia, indeks resorpsi tulang alveolar mandibula (rasio MM), kualitas tulang mandibula, radiografi panoramik
Jurnal Radiologi Dentomaksilofasial Indonesia (JRDI)
Objectives: The chronic systemic inflammatory process of HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus) infect... more Objectives: The chronic systemic inflammatory process of HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus) infection in children leads B cell activity to accelerate the osteoclastogenesis process, which results in bone alterations. Long-term usage of highly active antiretroviral medication results in decreased bone quality in HIV patients (HAART). Digital panoramic images are useful for radiomorphometric analysis of the mandibular macrostructure. Mandibular bone is a bone quality analysis that is often performed. Materials and Methods: This study comprised 86 digital panoramic radiographs of pediatric HIV patients and healthy persons. Secondary data in the form of digitized conventional panoramic radiographs of 43 pediatric HIV patients and 43 healthy individuals without clinical symptoms of HIV disease were utilized as a reference. Results: Mandibular morphometry values by sex in children with HIV and healthy adults showed (MCI) p-value 0.009, (GMI) p-value 0.934, (GI) p-value 0.584, (Go-Co) p-val...
Jurnal Radiologi Dentomaksilofasial Indonesia (JRDI)
Objectives: The rate of mandibular anesthesia failures is higher than maxilla, where the highest ... more Objectives: The rate of mandibular anesthesia failures is higher than maxilla, where the highest percentage is the inferior alveolar nerve block. One alternative action in case of failure is a mental nerve block, located in the mental foramen. Thus, knowledge of the mental foramen anatomy is required to avoid failure in anesthesia. The study is to determine the vertical and horizontal position of the mental foramen, which refers to the crest of the alveolar bone, using panoramic radiographs. Materials and Methods: The type of research that is used is descriptive with a purposive sampling method. The object of research is panoramic radiographs of patients who are in Dentistry Radiology Installation of Dental Hospital Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung with a total sample of 352 panoramic radiographs. This research measured the vertical and horizontal distances between the mental foramen to the alveolar bone crest between 1st premolar teeth and 2nd premolar teeth. Results: The average v...
Backgrounds: Osteopososis is a systemic disease in which a decline in bone quality and increased ... more Backgrounds: Osteopososis is a systemic disease in which a decline in bone quality and increased levels FSH as a detector of osteoporosis. Examination for these abnormalities does with BMD examination. Panoramic radiography is one tool to detect this disease. Head of condyle is a sign that examined the panoramic radiography. Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess the resorption of the head condyle associated with FHS with suspected osteoporosis. Materials and methods: This study uses the analytic description. Samples derived from 10 panoramic radiographs. Analysis uses multiple regressions analysis, calculated by ANOVA test. Result: The results of this study found a positive correlation between the resorption of the head with the condyle with FHS levels. Beside that there is a correlation between BMD and resorption examination condyle head. Conclusion: In Patients suspected of osteoporosis than proved by BMD and levels FSH, panoramic radiographs especially when viewed from the...
Dentino Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi, Sep 6, 2019
Padjadjaran Journal of Dental Researchers and Students, 2022
Perubahan bentuk, ukuran eminensia artikularis dan fossa glenoidalis selama masa pertumbuhan perl... more Perubahan bentuk, ukuran eminensia artikularis dan fossa glenoidalis selama masa pertumbuhan perlu diketahui karena berperan penting dalam pergerakan sendi temporomandibular, sehingga membantu menegakkan diagnosa ada tidaknya kelainan pada tumbuh kembang. Variasi serta perubahan dapat dilihat dan diukur melalui radiograf panoramik. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk meneliti bentuk dan inklinasi eminensia artikularis serta kedalaman fossa glenoidalis berdasarkan usia ditinjau dari radiograf panoramik. Metode: Jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan teknik pengambilan sampel purposive sampling. Jumlah sampel didapat dengan menggunakan rumus Slovin, sebanyak 60 radiograf panoramik pasien RSGM Unpad, bulan Januari-Mei 2018 dengan rentang usia 5-30 tahun dibagi kedalam tiga kelompok usia berdasarkan usia pertumbuhan komponen temporal. Bentuk eminensia, inklinasi eminensia dan kedalaman fossa diukur menggunakan software ImageJ. Data diolah menggunakan Microsoft Excel ® untuk mengetahui nilai minimum, maksimum, nilai rerata, dan standar deviasi. Hasil: Mayoritas bentuk eminensia artikularis pada tiap kelompok usia adalah sigmoid. Rerata inklinasi eminensia artikularis adalah 42°, rentang usia 5-10 tahun, 44° pada rentang usia 11-20 tahun, dan 58° pada rentang usia 21-30 tahun. Rerata kedalaman fossa glenoidalis adalah 4,62 mm pada rentang usia 5-10 tahun, 5,71 mm pada rentang usia 11-20 tahun, dan 7,52 mm pada rentang usia 21-30 tahun. Simpulan: Bentuk mayoritas eminensia artikularis selama masa pertumbuhan adalah sigmoid, serta inklinasi eminensia artikularis dan kedalaman fossa glenoidalis nilai reratanya semakin meningkat seiring dengan pertambahan usia selama masa pertumbuhan. Eminensia artikularis dan fossa glenoidalis mengalami fase pertumbuhan aktif pada rentang usia 5-10 tahun, berjalan lambat pada rentang usia 11-20 tahun, dan mengalami penyempurnaan serta perkembangan pada rentang usia 21-30 tahun. Kata kunci: sendi temporomandibular; eminensia artikularis; fossa glenoidalis; usia; radiograf panoramik Morphology and inclination of articular eminence and glenoid fossa depth based on age observed in panoramic radiograph ABSTRACT Introduction: Changes in the morphology and size of the articular eminence and the glenoid fossa during the growth period need to be known because it plays an essential role in the movement of the temporomandibular joint, thus helping to diagnose the presence or absence of abnormalities in the growth and development. These variations and changes can be seen and measured through panoramic radiographs. The purpose of this study was to examine the morphology and inclination of the articular eminence and the depth of the glenoid fossa based on age observed from a panoramic radiograph. Methods: This research was descriptive with a purposive sampling technique. The number of samples obtained using the Slovin formula, which resulted in 60 panoramic radiographs of the patients from Universitas Padjadjaran Dental Hospital (RSGM Unpad), during the period of January-May 2018, with an age range of 5-30 years, divided into three age groups based on the age of the temporal component growth. Eminence morphology and inclination, and fossa depth were measured using ImageJ software. The data were processed using Microsoft Excel® to determine the minimum, maximum, mean, and standard deviation values. Results: Most articular eminence morphology found in each age group were sigmoid. The mean articular eminence inclination in the age range of 5-10 years was 42°, 44° in the age range of 11-20 years, and 58° in the age range of 21-30 years. The mean of the glenoid fossa depth in the age range of 5-10 years was 4.62 mm, 5.71 mm in the age range of 11-20 years, and 7.52 mm in the age range of 21-30 years. Conclusions: Most articular eminence morphology during the growth period is sigmoid. The mean value of the articular eminence inclination and the glenoid fossa depth increases with age during the growth period. The articular eminence and glenoid fossa undergo an active growth phase in the age range of 5-10 years, progress slowly at the age range of 11-20 years, and undergo completion and development in the age range of 21-30 years.
Introduction: Abnormalities of the dental pulp can have several different diagnoses. Therefore, t... more Introduction: Abnormalities of the dental pulp can have several different diagnoses. Therefore, the dental pulp characteristics must be known in more detail and clear so that diagnosis be established more precisely and accurately. One characteristic of the pulp can be seen from the density value through the 3D Cone Beam Computed Tomography (3D CBCT). Methods: The study was conducted with a simple descriptive method. The population is all the data 3D CBCT of patients who visited the Univer-sitas Padjadjaran Dental Hospital (RSGM Unpad) in 2012. Samples of the research were 75 pulps with normal, inflammation, and necrosis conditions and calculate the average density value. Results: Density values for dental pulps in the normal teeth between 465-775 HU, the inflammation teeth between 243.5 to 396 HU, and necrosis teeth between-461.5 to-170 HU. Conclusion: There were differences in dental pulp density between the normal pulp, inflammation, and necrosis through 3D CBCT.
Jurnal Telekomunikasi dan Komputer, 2021
Many dental diseases are experienced by humans, one of which is dental caries, there are three ty... more Many dental diseases are experienced by humans, one of which is dental caries, there are three types of human dental caries, namely enamel caries, dentin caries and pulp caries. This study contains the detection of caries disease in human teeth using two-dimensional images and radiological results of x-ray periapical radiographs from a test image dataset that has a number of pixels between 374x288 to 672x514 pixels with an image resolution of 96 DPI. The original data of existing dental images was processed using Matlab language to obtain caries features through three stages of the processes: pre-processing stage which are stages of the preprocessing process that converts data from a two-dimensional color image (row/height, column/width) that is stored using three channels Red, Green and Blue (RGB), into a grayscale image with one channel, the process of extracting dental caries features by performing calculations caries area and calculate the distance of the caries area to the nerv...
Padjadjaran Journal of Dental Researchers and Students, 2021
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran, 2021
Pendahuluan: Salah satu terapi pada penanganan osteomielitis adalah sequestrectomy. Sequestrectom... more Pendahuluan: Salah satu terapi pada penanganan osteomielitis adalah sequestrectomy. Sequestrectomy merupakan suatu usaha penghilangan sekuester yang telah terbentuk melalui pembedahan dengan trauma minimal. Evaluasi pasca sequestrectomy dapat dilakukan menggunakan pemeriksaan radiografi panoramik. Radiograf panoramik dapat memperlihatkan gambaran tulang alveolar pasca sequestrectomy pada kasus osteomielitis, serta dapat menemukan kelainan lain yang bersifat asimtomatik seperti florid osseous dysplasia (FOD). Tujuan dari laporan kasus ini adalah untuk menjelaskan lebih lanjut mengenai gambaran radiografis panoramik pasca sequestrectomy kasus osteomielitis yang disertai temuan kelainan lain yang bersifat asimtomatik seperti FOD. Laporan kasus: Pasien datang dengan rujukan radiografi panoramik untuk evaluasi pasca sequestrectomy dengan diagnosis klinis osteomielitis supuratif kronis. Dari hasil foto panoramik didapatkan bahwa masih terdapat gambaran radiolusen dan gambaran radioopak si...
World Journal of Dentistry
ORIGINAL RESEARCH and exposure time (s). 11,12 Periapical planes have two types of exposure setti... more ORIGINAL RESEARCH and exposure time (s). 11,12 Periapical planes have two types of exposure settings, namely exposure settings automatic and manual advantages of exposure compared to exposure settings are that it produces high image contrast, a convenient and fast method when the exposure is not optimal. However, exposure settings can reduce overexposure in radiographic images, and exposure settings can adjust the energy generated by the machine X-rays, such as milliamperage and kilovoltage. 13,14 Research conducted by Pelekos et al. in 2019 stated that the accuracy of periapical radiographs in evaluating the peri-implant is influenced by bone thickness, exposure setting, and the experience level of the examiner. The selection exposure setting is essential to get a quality radiographic image. 15,16 Image quality is an important aspect of radiography if image quality can affect the results of the assessment or evaluation. 17
European Journal of Dentistry, Jan 30, 2023
Angiogenesis plays an important role in fracture healing with vascular endothelial growth factor ... more Angiogenesis plays an important role in fracture healing with vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) as the main protein involved. Micro-computed tomography (CT) angiography may be used to analyze this revascularization with several parameters such as number of branches, total volume, and diameter. This systematic review is aimed to assess available studies on the temporal pattern of vascular imaging on micro-CT angiographs, especially in terms of the number of branches, total volume, and diameter as well as the temporal pattern of VEGF mRNA expression as the molecular comparison during bone fracture healing. This review was conducted according to the PRISMA guidelines. Electronic database searches were performed using PubMed, ProQuest, ScienceDirect, EBSCOhost, Taylor & Francis Online, and hand searching. The search strategy and keywords were adjusted to each database using the Boolean operators and other available limit functions to identify most relevant articles based on our inclusion and exclusion criteria. Screening and filtration were done in several stages by removing the duplicates and analyzing each title, abstract, and full-text in all included entries. Data extraction was done for syntheses to summarize the temporal pattern of each parameter. A total of 28 articles were eligible and met all criteria, 11 articles were synthesized in its angiograph's analysis, 16 articles were synthesized in its VEGF mRNA expression analysis, and 1 article had both parameters analyzed. The overall temporal pattern of both three micro-CT angiographic parameters and VEGF mRNA expression was in line qualitatively. The number of branches, total volume, and diameter of the blood vessels in micro-CT angiography showed an exponential rise at week 2 and decline at week 3 of fracture healing, with the VEGF mRNA expression concurrently showing a consistent pattern in the phase.
Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology, 2015
Single odontogenic cysts are very well documented in the literature. Multiple odontogenickeratocy... more Single odontogenic cysts are very well documented in the literature. Multiple odontogenickeratocysts (OKCs) are principle features of nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (NBCCS; Gorlin syndrome). NBCCS is a genetic disorder transmitted by an autosomal dominant gene w expressivity, which is important to recognize when a patient has multiple OKCs. However, a case of multiple odontogenickeratocysts unassociated with any syndrome is reported here so as to add to the growing number of such cases in the literat possibility of this case being a partial expression of the Gorlin-Goltz syndrome is discussed.
International Journal of Dentistry
Objective. This research aimed to analyze the differences in bone density and bone morphometry by... more Objective. This research aimed to analyze the differences in bone density and bone morphometry by periapical implant radiography in the dental implant osseointegration stages. Methods. This experimental research uses 12 periapical radiographs of tibial bones from a New Zealand white rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). The analysis was performed on day 3, 14, and 28 of the osseointegration stages with density, trabecular thickness (Tb.Th.), trabecular separation (Tb.Sp.), and trabecular number (Tb.N.) as parameters. The implant used is a titanium alloy and coated by SA (sunblasted with alumina acid) of 4 mm in diameter and 7 mm in length. The radiographic assessment of the osseointegration process is obtained with the region of interest (ROI) segmentation results. Additionally, each ROI was analyzed for bone density and morphometry using the open-source ImageJ software with the BoneJ plugin. The significant difference was evaluated by analysis of variance (F-test) with p < 0.05 and no...
Padjadjaran Journal of Dental Researchers and Students
Ketajaman radiograf merupakan kemampuan suatu gambar radiograf memperlihatkan batas tegas objek, ... more Ketajaman radiograf merupakan kemampuan suatu gambar radiograf memperlihatkan batas tegas objek, sehingga memiliki bentuk dan detail yang jelas. Tidak tajam dan buramnya gambaran radiograf dapat menyebabkan diagnosis serta rencana perawatan menjadi kurang tepat, lesi karies tidak teridentifikasi dengan baik, menyulitkan evaluasi perkembangan gigi-geligi dan menyebabkan pasien terekspos radiasi berlebih, karena dibutuhkan pengulangan pengambilan gambar radiograf. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui gambaran nilai ketajaman radiograf panoramik di RSGM UNPAD. Metode: Jenis penelitian merupakan deskriptif dengan populasi yaitu data arsip radiograf panoramik di Instalasi Radiologi Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran selama bulan September-November 2019. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling dan diperoleh sebanyak 85 sampel. Analisis ketajaman dilakukan secara visual dengan melakukan pengamatan dan penilaian data radiograf panoramik Hasil: Sebanyak 62 radiograf panoramik (73%) memiliki ketajaman baik, 21 radiograf panoramik (25%) memiliki ketajaman sedang dan 2 radiograf panoramik (2%) memiliki ketajaman buruk. Simpulan: Radiograf panoramik di RSGM UNPAD memiliki gambaran nilai ketajaman baik.
The Open Dentistry Journal
Background Uncaria gambir or Gambier is one of plant that widely found in Indonesia. Gambier is l... more Background Uncaria gambir or Gambier is one of plant that widely found in Indonesia. Gambier is locally known as an antioxidant and antibacterial agent because it has high catechin content. Ethyl acetate extract of gambier leaves has been investigated to contain the highest catechin content than other extraction solvents. Fibroblasts are often used in biomaterial viability and toxicity tests because they have a highly reproducible growth rate and biological response. NIH-3T3 is commonly used as a substitute for human gingival fibroblasts. However, no study has been evaluated conducted to the cytotoxic activity of gambier extract on fibroblast cells. Objective The aim in this study is to evaluate whether the cytotoxic activity of gambier ethyl acetate extract (GEE) exerts on NIH-3T3 cell lines with MTT assay. Methods The group of cytotoxic activity of gambier extract was evaluated in three incubation periods. The cytotoxicity test was conducted using an ethyl acetate extract of gambi...
Jurnal Radiologi Dentomaksilofasial Indonesia (JRDI)
Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate the bone height and its width on panoramic radio... more Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate the bone height and its width on panoramic radiography prior to dental implant placement. Review: This study was carried out using scoping review methods. The referenced articles were published between 2010-2021 in English or Indonesian. The search was performed using PubMed and PMC database with keywords “(((Evaluation) AND (Presurgical)) AND (Dental Implant)) AND (Radiograph)) AND (Panoramic)” and Science Direct with keywords "presurgical evaluation dental implant in panoramic radiograph". Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Scoping Review (PRISMA-Scr) was utilized to perform the article finding process. It is found that the height of alveolar bone after being assessed by panoramic radiograph is between 7.95-23.42 mm while the alveolar bone width is between 7.04-10.41 mm. Conclusion: Panoramic radiograph can be performed to evaluate bone height and width before the dental implant placement pro...
Padjadjaran Journal of Dental Researchers and Students
Tulang hyoid terletak di anterior midline dari leher, berada dibawah mandibula serta terhubung de... more Tulang hyoid terletak di anterior midline dari leher, berada dibawah mandibula serta terhubung dengan kranium melalui perlekatan otot. Relasi skeletal yang terdiri dari kelas I, II, dan III memiliki variasi hubungan maksila dan mandibula terhadap basis kranium, sehingga dapat memengaruhi posisi dari tulang hyoid. Hal ini dapat ditinjau dari radiograf sefalometri dengan metode segitiga hyoid. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui posisi tulang hyoid berdasarkan relasi skeletal ditinjau dari radiograf sefalometri. Metode: Jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan populasi penelitian 65 radiograf sefalometri pasien berdasarkan relasi skeletal tahun 2018-2019 di Program Pendidikan Dokter Gigi Spesialis (PPDGS) Ortodonti FKG Unpad yang memiliki keterangan Analisis Steiner dan gambaran titik C3 (Servikal ke-3), H (Hyoid), dan RGn (Retrognati) terlihat jelas, serta tidak menggunakan alat ortodonti. Hasil: Posisi Tulang Hyoid berdasarkan Metode Segitiga Hyoid terdapat segitiga positif 68% pada relasi skeletal kelas I, 53,12 % pada relasi skeletal kelas II dan 62,5% pada relasi skeletal kelas III. Posisi tulang hyoid berdasarkan jarak H-C3 pada relasi skeletal kelas II didapatkan rerata jarak terkecil yaitu 34,51 mm. Simpulan: Posisi tulang hyoid pasien berdasarkan relasi skeletal bervariasi namun lebih banyak berada di atas garis C3-RGn dan membentuk segitiga positif serta untuk rerata jarak tulang H-C3 pada relasi skeletal kelas II memiliki rerata jarak terkecil dibandingkan pada relasi skeletal kelas I dan III.
Dentino Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi, Mar 27, 2019
Background: The internal structure of jaw lesions demonstrates different characteristics and dist... more Background: The internal structure of jaw lesions demonstrates different characteristics and distinctions. They may be varied in features such as the four variations of internal structure presented in ameloblastoma. Each type represents distinctive characteristics which depict the natures of respective lesion. Unquestionably required for lesion identification, internal structure becomes an essential radiographic aspect to differentiate the characteristic of a lesion. Several specific attributes of internal structure are utilized to distinguish each diagnosis. Thus, it is necessary to conduct specific assessment to discover the features of internal structure. Objective: To identify different radiographic features of internal structure in jaw lesions. Discussion: This article scrutinizes the internal structure of jaw lesions such as Pattern of Bones Destruction and Septation in Bone Lesions from several article reviews. A number of variances exist in the features of internal structure which later separate them from other lesions. The identification of cyst, benign and malignant tumor lesions may eventually be performed by using specific radiographic features of the lesions. Conclusion: Radiographic features of internal structure in jaw lesions illustrate particular hallmarks and traits which assist the identification of a lesion.
Makassar Dental Journal (MDJ), Dec 13, 2021
Introduction: As someone ages, the bone quality may change and may be seen on mandibular bone. Th... more Introduction: As someone ages, the bone quality may change and may be seen on mandibular bone. The changes in mandibular bone quality may be assessed using a panoramic radiograph. The aim of this study was to describe mandibular bone quality and to know the correlation between age and mandibular bone quality on panoramic radiograph. Methods: Cross sectional correlation analysis; the population was panoramic radiograph archives of patients in Dental Radiology Installation RSGM Universitas Padjadjaran within the range of age 13-59 years old when the radiograph was taken so that obtained 48 samples. The mandibular bone quality was obtained with mandibular alveolar bone resorption index (MM ratio) method using EzPax-Plus software. Results: The highest average number of MM ratio was 2.384 and the lowest was 2.2856. The results showed correlation coefficient between age and MM ratio on right mandible calculated with Spearman's rank (rs) was-0.046 (p-value=0.757) and rs=-0.058 (p-value=0.697) between age and MM ratio on left mandible. Conclusion: There is no correlation between age and mandibular bone quality on panoramic radiographs in RSGM Unpad based on MM Ratio. Keywords: age, mandibular alveolar bone resorption index (MM ratio), mandibular bone quality, panoramic radiograph ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Seiring bertambahnya usia kualitas tulang dapat berubah, yang terlihat pada tulang mandibula. Perubahan kualitas tulang mandibula dapat dinilai dengan menggunakan radiografi panoramik. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mendeskripsikan kualitas tulang mandibula dan mengetahui hubungan usia dengan kualitas tulang mandibula pada radiografi panoramik. Metode: Analisis korelasi cross sectional; populasi adalah arsip radiografi panoramik pasien di Instalasi Radiologi Gigi RSGM Universitas Padjadjaran dengan rentang usia 13-59 tahun pada saat pengambilan radiografi sehingga diperoleh 48 sampel. Kualitas tulang mandibula diperoleh dengan metode mandibular alveolar bone resorption index (MM Ratio) menggunakan software EzPax-Plus. Hasil: Rerata jumlah rasio MM tertinggi adalah 2,384 dan terendah adalah 2,2856; menunjukkan koefisien korelasi antara usia dan Rasio MM pada mandibula kanan yang dihitung dengan rank Spearman (rs) adalah-0,046 (nilai p=0,757) dan rs=-0,058 (nilai p= 0,697) antara usia dan rasio MM pada mandibula kiri. Simpulan: Tidak ada hubungan antara usia dengan kualitas tulang mandibula pada radiografi panoramik di RSGM Unpad berdasarkan rasio MM. Kata kunci: usia, indeks resorpsi tulang alveolar mandibula (rasio MM), kualitas tulang mandibula, radiografi panoramik
Jurnal Radiologi Dentomaksilofasial Indonesia (JRDI)
Objectives: The chronic systemic inflammatory process of HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus) infect... more Objectives: The chronic systemic inflammatory process of HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus) infection in children leads B cell activity to accelerate the osteoclastogenesis process, which results in bone alterations. Long-term usage of highly active antiretroviral medication results in decreased bone quality in HIV patients (HAART). Digital panoramic images are useful for radiomorphometric analysis of the mandibular macrostructure. Mandibular bone is a bone quality analysis that is often performed. Materials and Methods: This study comprised 86 digital panoramic radiographs of pediatric HIV patients and healthy persons. Secondary data in the form of digitized conventional panoramic radiographs of 43 pediatric HIV patients and 43 healthy individuals without clinical symptoms of HIV disease were utilized as a reference. Results: Mandibular morphometry values by sex in children with HIV and healthy adults showed (MCI) p-value 0.009, (GMI) p-value 0.934, (GI) p-value 0.584, (Go-Co) p-val...
Jurnal Radiologi Dentomaksilofasial Indonesia (JRDI)
Objectives: The rate of mandibular anesthesia failures is higher than maxilla, where the highest ... more Objectives: The rate of mandibular anesthesia failures is higher than maxilla, where the highest percentage is the inferior alveolar nerve block. One alternative action in case of failure is a mental nerve block, located in the mental foramen. Thus, knowledge of the mental foramen anatomy is required to avoid failure in anesthesia. The study is to determine the vertical and horizontal position of the mental foramen, which refers to the crest of the alveolar bone, using panoramic radiographs. Materials and Methods: The type of research that is used is descriptive with a purposive sampling method. The object of research is panoramic radiographs of patients who are in Dentistry Radiology Installation of Dental Hospital Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung with a total sample of 352 panoramic radiographs. This research measured the vertical and horizontal distances between the mental foramen to the alveolar bone crest between 1st premolar teeth and 2nd premolar teeth. Results: The average v...
Backgrounds: Osteopososis is a systemic disease in which a decline in bone quality and increased ... more Backgrounds: Osteopososis is a systemic disease in which a decline in bone quality and increased levels FSH as a detector of osteoporosis. Examination for these abnormalities does with BMD examination. Panoramic radiography is one tool to detect this disease. Head of condyle is a sign that examined the panoramic radiography. Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess the resorption of the head condyle associated with FHS with suspected osteoporosis. Materials and methods: This study uses the analytic description. Samples derived from 10 panoramic radiographs. Analysis uses multiple regressions analysis, calculated by ANOVA test. Result: The results of this study found a positive correlation between the resorption of the head with the condyle with FHS levels. Beside that there is a correlation between BMD and resorption examination condyle head. Conclusion: In Patients suspected of osteoporosis than proved by BMD and levels FSH, panoramic radiographs especially when viewed from the...
Dentino Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi, Sep 6, 2019
Padjadjaran Journal of Dental Researchers and Students, 2022
Perubahan bentuk, ukuran eminensia artikularis dan fossa glenoidalis selama masa pertumbuhan perl... more Perubahan bentuk, ukuran eminensia artikularis dan fossa glenoidalis selama masa pertumbuhan perlu diketahui karena berperan penting dalam pergerakan sendi temporomandibular, sehingga membantu menegakkan diagnosa ada tidaknya kelainan pada tumbuh kembang. Variasi serta perubahan dapat dilihat dan diukur melalui radiograf panoramik. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk meneliti bentuk dan inklinasi eminensia artikularis serta kedalaman fossa glenoidalis berdasarkan usia ditinjau dari radiograf panoramik. Metode: Jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan teknik pengambilan sampel purposive sampling. Jumlah sampel didapat dengan menggunakan rumus Slovin, sebanyak 60 radiograf panoramik pasien RSGM Unpad, bulan Januari-Mei 2018 dengan rentang usia 5-30 tahun dibagi kedalam tiga kelompok usia berdasarkan usia pertumbuhan komponen temporal. Bentuk eminensia, inklinasi eminensia dan kedalaman fossa diukur menggunakan software ImageJ. Data diolah menggunakan Microsoft Excel ® untuk mengetahui nilai minimum, maksimum, nilai rerata, dan standar deviasi. Hasil: Mayoritas bentuk eminensia artikularis pada tiap kelompok usia adalah sigmoid. Rerata inklinasi eminensia artikularis adalah 42°, rentang usia 5-10 tahun, 44° pada rentang usia 11-20 tahun, dan 58° pada rentang usia 21-30 tahun. Rerata kedalaman fossa glenoidalis adalah 4,62 mm pada rentang usia 5-10 tahun, 5,71 mm pada rentang usia 11-20 tahun, dan 7,52 mm pada rentang usia 21-30 tahun. Simpulan: Bentuk mayoritas eminensia artikularis selama masa pertumbuhan adalah sigmoid, serta inklinasi eminensia artikularis dan kedalaman fossa glenoidalis nilai reratanya semakin meningkat seiring dengan pertambahan usia selama masa pertumbuhan. Eminensia artikularis dan fossa glenoidalis mengalami fase pertumbuhan aktif pada rentang usia 5-10 tahun, berjalan lambat pada rentang usia 11-20 tahun, dan mengalami penyempurnaan serta perkembangan pada rentang usia 21-30 tahun. Kata kunci: sendi temporomandibular; eminensia artikularis; fossa glenoidalis; usia; radiograf panoramik Morphology and inclination of articular eminence and glenoid fossa depth based on age observed in panoramic radiograph ABSTRACT Introduction: Changes in the morphology and size of the articular eminence and the glenoid fossa during the growth period need to be known because it plays an essential role in the movement of the temporomandibular joint, thus helping to diagnose the presence or absence of abnormalities in the growth and development. These variations and changes can be seen and measured through panoramic radiographs. The purpose of this study was to examine the morphology and inclination of the articular eminence and the depth of the glenoid fossa based on age observed from a panoramic radiograph. Methods: This research was descriptive with a purposive sampling technique. The number of samples obtained using the Slovin formula, which resulted in 60 panoramic radiographs of the patients from Universitas Padjadjaran Dental Hospital (RSGM Unpad), during the period of January-May 2018, with an age range of 5-30 years, divided into three age groups based on the age of the temporal component growth. Eminence morphology and inclination, and fossa depth were measured using ImageJ software. The data were processed using Microsoft Excel® to determine the minimum, maximum, mean, and standard deviation values. Results: Most articular eminence morphology found in each age group were sigmoid. The mean articular eminence inclination in the age range of 5-10 years was 42°, 44° in the age range of 11-20 years, and 58° in the age range of 21-30 years. The mean of the glenoid fossa depth in the age range of 5-10 years was 4.62 mm, 5.71 mm in the age range of 11-20 years, and 7.52 mm in the age range of 21-30 years. Conclusions: Most articular eminence morphology during the growth period is sigmoid. The mean value of the articular eminence inclination and the glenoid fossa depth increases with age during the growth period. The articular eminence and glenoid fossa undergo an active growth phase in the age range of 5-10 years, progress slowly at the age range of 11-20 years, and undergo completion and development in the age range of 21-30 years.
Introduction: Abnormalities of the dental pulp can have several different diagnoses. Therefore, t... more Introduction: Abnormalities of the dental pulp can have several different diagnoses. Therefore, the dental pulp characteristics must be known in more detail and clear so that diagnosis be established more precisely and accurately. One characteristic of the pulp can be seen from the density value through the 3D Cone Beam Computed Tomography (3D CBCT). Methods: The study was conducted with a simple descriptive method. The population is all the data 3D CBCT of patients who visited the Univer-sitas Padjadjaran Dental Hospital (RSGM Unpad) in 2012. Samples of the research were 75 pulps with normal, inflammation, and necrosis conditions and calculate the average density value. Results: Density values for dental pulps in the normal teeth between 465-775 HU, the inflammation teeth between 243.5 to 396 HU, and necrosis teeth between-461.5 to-170 HU. Conclusion: There were differences in dental pulp density between the normal pulp, inflammation, and necrosis through 3D CBCT.
Jurnal Telekomunikasi dan Komputer, 2021
Many dental diseases are experienced by humans, one of which is dental caries, there are three ty... more Many dental diseases are experienced by humans, one of which is dental caries, there are three types of human dental caries, namely enamel caries, dentin caries and pulp caries. This study contains the detection of caries disease in human teeth using two-dimensional images and radiological results of x-ray periapical radiographs from a test image dataset that has a number of pixels between 374x288 to 672x514 pixels with an image resolution of 96 DPI. The original data of existing dental images was processed using Matlab language to obtain caries features through three stages of the processes: pre-processing stage which are stages of the preprocessing process that converts data from a two-dimensional color image (row/height, column/width) that is stored using three channels Red, Green and Blue (RGB), into a grayscale image with one channel, the process of extracting dental caries features by performing calculations caries area and calculate the distance of the caries area to the nerv...
Padjadjaran Journal of Dental Researchers and Students, 2021
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran, 2021
Pendahuluan: Salah satu terapi pada penanganan osteomielitis adalah sequestrectomy. Sequestrectom... more Pendahuluan: Salah satu terapi pada penanganan osteomielitis adalah sequestrectomy. Sequestrectomy merupakan suatu usaha penghilangan sekuester yang telah terbentuk melalui pembedahan dengan trauma minimal. Evaluasi pasca sequestrectomy dapat dilakukan menggunakan pemeriksaan radiografi panoramik. Radiograf panoramik dapat memperlihatkan gambaran tulang alveolar pasca sequestrectomy pada kasus osteomielitis, serta dapat menemukan kelainan lain yang bersifat asimtomatik seperti florid osseous dysplasia (FOD). Tujuan dari laporan kasus ini adalah untuk menjelaskan lebih lanjut mengenai gambaran radiografis panoramik pasca sequestrectomy kasus osteomielitis yang disertai temuan kelainan lain yang bersifat asimtomatik seperti FOD. Laporan kasus: Pasien datang dengan rujukan radiografi panoramik untuk evaluasi pasca sequestrectomy dengan diagnosis klinis osteomielitis supuratif kronis. Dari hasil foto panoramik didapatkan bahwa masih terdapat gambaran radiolusen dan gambaran radioopak si...