Fatchur Rohman - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Fatchur Rohman
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan, Jan 14, 2020
Lumbung Inovasi: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Permasalahan pangan menjadi di masa depan sulit dihindari, banyaknya lahan pertanian menjadi laha... more Permasalahan pangan menjadi di masa depan sulit dihindari, banyaknya lahan pertanian menjadi lahan pemukiman, kawasan industri berpotensi menurunnya produksi lahan pertanian. Solusi untuk mengatasi krisis pangan adalah mengoptimalkan lahan pekarangan setiap rumah untuk lebih produktif. Permasalahannya adalah banyak lahan pekarangan yang belum dioptimalkan pemanfaatannya. Kondisi ini dapat yang menjadi alasan mengapa kegiatan pengabdian ini dilaksanakan. Adanya kegiatan ini diharapkan masyarakat lebih memahami bagaimana mengoptimalkan lahan pekarangan bernilai ekonomi sehingga dapat menjadi rintisan kawasan rumah pangan lestari. Kegiatan ini melibatkan 1 kelompok wanita tani yaitu KWT Tunas makmur. Kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan bulan Maret-Mei 2022. Kegiatan yang dilakukan dalam pengabdian kepada masyarakat yaitu sosialisasi materi, pendampingan dan monitoring dan evaluasi. Hasil kegiatan didapatkan bahwa terdapat 33 jenis tanaman yang dibudidayakan. Masyarakat memiliki pemahaman...
JPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia)
It was previously found that students have low in learning collaboration, which is the learning p... more It was previously found that students have low in learning collaboration, which is the learning process has not facilitated them to develop their skills. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the effects of project-based learning (PjBL), Predict-Observe-Explain (POE), and Predict-Observe-Explain based Project (POEP) on student collaboration skills in Biology education. The pretest-posttest non-equivalent control design was used and it involved 144 tenth grade students from Tarakan, Indonesia. This research was conducted from August to December 2020, while observation sheets was used to assess the student collaborations skills. The instrument used is the student collaboration skill observation sheet refers to Greenstein, 2012. The collaboration skills observation sheet has a score of 1-4 from each aspect. The aspects used are working productively, showing respect, compromise, and responsibility. Data collection in this study was carried out using WhatsApp, and Google Classroom as...
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2022
Collaboration skills are skills that students must possess to face the challenges of the 21st cen... more Collaboration skills are skills that students must possess to face the challenges of the 21st century. Collaboration skills do not only play a role in learning but are indispensable for solving life problems. The purpose of this study was to identify the collaboration skills of high school students in science learning. This non-experimental survey research involved 226 high school students. Data collection was carried out by observation with observation guidelines. The aspects of collaboration skills that we observe are work productively, demonstrate respect, compromise, and shared responsibility. The results showed that the highest level of productive collaboration skills in working at level 2 basic category was 55.71%. shown the highest award at level 2 basic category of 54.29%. The highest compromise was at level 1 for the novice category at 55.91%. the highest share responsibility at level 1 for the novice category of 51.43%. In general, collaboration skills in student learning need to be improved. Based on the results of this study, a learning model is needed that can empower students' collaboration skills.
Biosfer, 2018
The purpose of this research was to determine the effectiveness of the enrichment book of Conserv... more The purpose of this research was to determine the effectiveness of the enrichment book of Conservation Biology Lecture based on normalized gain assessment. The assessment of a lecture can be carried out in the learning process for one. Normalized gain on a class average can be used to make learning assessments. In this assessment, it is expected that the effectiveness of using books as learning media can be achieved by using the normalized gain values. The learning media in this research were printed enrichment books on molecular biology lecture. In this research, it was found that the average score of normalized gain (g) was 0.37 ± 0.03 (moderate). Thus, the results of the assessment show that the book media as a medium for learning material enrichment in the molecular biology lecture is quite effective.
Jurnal pendidikan biologi Indonesia, Nov 30, 2022
African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development
Herbs and spices have been used for many years as an important source of food ingredients. Recent... more Herbs and spices have been used for many years as an important source of food ingredients. Recently, herbs and spices have been used as the source of medicinal materials due to its rich-bioactive compounds content. However, the knowledge about the scientific background of these herbs and spices uses in the local community is based on limited data. This work aims to study the perspective of the Tabaru ethnic group toward the use of herbs and spices as an additional food source. This study was conducted between November and December, 2018 in Halmahera Island. The data and information about the use of herbs and spices were collected from 48 locals whose ages ranged between 40 and 89 years. The main occupation of respondents was farming of mainly nutmeg, clove, and coconut. The data were analyzed based on plant uses which included spices, food, and drug use. Data on plant species were analyzed using the Cultural Food Significance Index (CFSI) formula. The results showed that the Tabaru ...
Prosiding Hapemas, Dec 1, 2020
Lembaga pemasyarakatan merupakan lembaga yang melaksanakan pembinaan narapidana dan anak didik pe... more Lembaga pemasyarakatan merupakan lembaga yang melaksanakan pembinaan narapidana dan anak didik pemasyarakatan, hak narapidana atau warga binaan selain mendapatkan pendidikan dan pelatihan juga berhak mendapatkan kesehatan dan makanan yang layak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk meningkatkan peran serta masyarakat dalam hal ini warga binaan lapas kelas 1 malang guna mendukung pembangunan petanian ramah lingkungan, selain itu untuk memberi solusi terkait lingkungan sehat di lembaga pemasyarakatan dengan memberikan ases pendidikan dan pelatihan agar menjadikan warga binaan lapas kelas 1 malang mandiri serta mengembangkan diri khususnya dalam mengelola sampah atau limbah menjadi pupuk organik cair yang dapat diimplementasikan pada pertanian ramah lingkungan. Metode yang digunakan penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan atau Action Research dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. terdiri atas siklus diagnosis (masalah), perencanaan tindakan, pelaksanaan tindakan, dan evaluasi tindakan. Keseluruhan siklus ini dilakukan berdasarkan konteks dan tujuan dari penelitian tindakan yang dilaksanakan. Tindakan pelatihan yang dilakukan berhasil menjadi solusi diagnosis permasalahan yang ada di lembaga pemasyarakatan kelas 1 Malang. Kegiatan pelatihan terkait pengolahan sampah menjadi pupuk organik cair sampai pada implementasi pembangunan pertanian ramah lingkungan.
International Journal of Education and Practice, 2022
Character education gets a lot of attention from stakeholders and educators to be developed; henc... more Character education gets a lot of attention from stakeholders and educators to be developed; hence, many models have been created to develop the affective domain. This study aimed to analyze the relationship and contribution of critical thinking skills and social skills with students’ character through the application of discovery models. The population of this study were high school students in Situbondo. The research sample was chosen from SMA Negeri 1 Besuki with the purposive sampling method. The research instrument to measure critical thinking skills was an essay test developed from Facione's critical thinking skills rubric. Social skills were measured using instruments adopted from Social Skills inventory. To examine students’ character, observation sheets were developed from six pillars of character element of the Josephson Institute. The validity and reliability of the instruments were performed before using them. The results of the validity calculation with product-mome...
Batik merupakan warisan budaya khas Indonesia yang memiliki daya tarik tinggi di kawasan lokal ma... more Batik merupakan warisan budaya khas Indonesia yang memiliki daya tarik tinggi di kawasan lokal maupun internasional. Batik jumputan adalah salah satu jenis batik yang mudah dibuat, memiliki banyak variasi teknik pembuatan, dan daya jualnya tinggi. Malang sebagai salah satu daerah tujuan wisata di Indonesia memiliki kesempatan besar untuk memanfaatkan batik jumputan menjadi komoditas di pusat oleh-oleh. Pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam pembuatan batik jumputan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan ekonomi masyarakat Malang, khusunya di daerah Lowokwaru. Upaya pelestarian melalui pelatihan perlu dilakukan untuk memberikan keterampilan membuat batik jumputan. Penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengambilan data meliputi observasi, dokumentasi, dan survei. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu PKK di Lowokwaru, Malang. Analisis data dilakukan dengan mengelompokkan data hasil observasi dan kajian literatur ke dalam domain-domain hingga dipe...
Journal of Mechanical, Civil and Industrial Engineering, 2021
Education during the pandemic experiences many obstacles that hinder all learning processes. Lear... more Education during the pandemic experiences many obstacles that hinder all learning processes. Learning in ecology courses, in particular, has problems because it has one of the activities students have to go to the environment to make observations. The environment referred to here is the Brantas River. Brantas River is the largest river in East Java. However, the river is polluted due to human activities around the river. This phenomenon is intended to be presented as a lesson material for students to be able to improve environmental attitudes. Augmented reality assistance is useful for moving the environment that will be the subject of student observation during virtual learning.
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 2017
This study aimed at determining the effect of recycle materials usage for science practicum on st... more This study aimed at determining the effect of recycle materials usage for science practicum on students' basic science process skills of the Open University, Surakarta. Recycle materials are the term used for the obtained materials and equipment from the students’ environment by taking back the garbage or secondhand objects into goods or new products which have a benefit for practicum activities. Randomized posttest only control group design was applied in this study and involving 83 students which divided into experimental class and control class. Collected data were science process skills test and questionnaire. The results of this study obtained Kruskal Wallis test result of 0.000<0.05. So, there was effect of recycle materials usage for science practicum on students’ science process skills. Students also provided positive feedback on the use of recycle materials for science lab activities.
Prosiding Hapemas, Dec 1, 2020
Rendahnyapengetahuanterhadap jenis ular dapat berimplikasi kepadabanyaknya kasus mortilitas dikar... more Rendahnyapengetahuanterhadap jenis ular dapat berimplikasi kepadabanyaknya kasus mortilitas dikarenakan gigitan ular.Kebanyakan kasus terjadi karena akses terhadap pelayanan kesehatan yang buruk, kesulitan dalam persediaan anti-bisa, dan korban tidak mengetahui jenis ular yang menggigitnya sehingga para tenaga medis tidak bisa memberikan antibisa yang tepat.Oleh karena itu, kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan untuk mengedukasi kepada masyarakat mengenai keragaman jenis ular yang berbisa dan tidak berbisa serta cara penanganan pertama pada kasus gigitan ular didaerah yang berhimpitan dengan habitat ular melalui SMP Darul Faqih Indonesia. Dalam upaya menangani masalah tersebut dilakukan edukasi mengenaiJenis ular (berbisa dan tidak berbisa), konservasi dan peran ular didalam ekosistem, dan pertolongan pertama kepada korban gigitan ular. Partisipan dari kegiatan ini adalah murid kelas VIII sebanyak 25anak dan guru IPA.Hasil dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah meningkatnya ratarata pengetahuan murid (41.4%) mengenai peran ular dalam ekosistem serta cara mengidentifikasinya. Selain itu, panduan pertama bagi korban gigitan ular yang didasarkan pendekatan ilmiah juga menjadi pengetahuan yang penting bagi masyarakat umum. Setelah dilakukannya kegiatan ini, diharapkan para murid dan guru dapat menyalurkan pengetahuan yang didapatkan kepada keluarga, masyarakat disekitarnya.
The purpose of this study was to describe the effectiveness of insect community textbooks based o... more The purpose of this study was to describe the effectiveness of insect community textbooks based on problem-based learning on science literacy skills and environmental care attitudes of students. This study used a quantitative approach with the type of research used was pre-experimental design. the research design used was one-group pretest-posttest. The data were analyzed quantitatively using gain score and criteria determination. The results showed that the effectiveness of textbooks on students' science literacy obtained an n-gain score of 0.48 with a medium category and students' environmental care attitudes obtained an n-gain score of 0.28 with a low category. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the teaching book for insect communities based on problem-based learning is effective in improving students' science literacy skills and environmental care attitudes. Key words: Textbook, Problem Based Learning, Science Literacy, Environmental Care Att...
Journal of physics, Jun 1, 2020
Habits of mind are a great attitude obtained by the discipline of mind training as habits in acti... more Habits of mind are a great attitude obtained by the discipline of mind training as habits in action. The action is the consequence of habits of mind that assort cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Habits of mind are a new trend in education besides high order thinking skills. The purpose of this research is to discover the mind habits potential of Biology students in their first year of college. The method of this research was a survey that involved 67 Biology students in the first year of a university in Pontianak, Indonesia. The data collected by using a questionnaire that contained 44 questions about 16 indicators of mind habits by Costa and Kallick. The data analyzed by using descriptive methods. The findings show that the students’ mind habits are at a sufficient level, and there is no significant difference among 16 categories of habits of mind. Therefore, the freshmen of the Biology Department have good habits of mind potency with the highest percentage is flexibly thinking category (79,60), and the lowest is thinking and communicating with clarity and precision category (63,73). As a suggestion, students’ habits of mind as part of thinking skills need to improve through the learning process.
International journal of humanities, social sciences and education, 2019
This research is a descriptive study to determine the profile of teaching materials and the abili... more This research is a descriptive study to determine the profile of teaching materials and the ability of pre-service teacher to convey the results of the placement at the University of Puangrimaggalatung (UNIPRIMA) Sengkang in environmental biology subjects. The study's population consisted of undergraduate pre-service teacher in the third semester of the 2016/2017 academic year and lecturer of environmental biology subjects. The sampling technique was carried out by targeted sampling so that 37 subjects were used. Techniques for collecting interviews and observations. The tool, which was used in the form of interview guidelines to find out the profile of the teaching materials used, reported the practice assessment of practicerelated reports to determine the ability to communicate the results of laboratory report. The data were analyzed descriptively. Based on the results of the study of teaching materials used in the matter, it needs to be developed/produced again and still needs to be done through the development of research and context teaching materials. The ability of pre-service teacher to communicate the results of the work placement in lab reports is still considered sufficient and needs to be improved again, especially with regard to the accuracy of the analysis of data findings and the relevance of the theory in the analysis of experimental data.
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan, Jul 1, 2016
Biology 21st century is the integration and reintegration of sub disciplines of biology, and the ... more Biology 21st century is the integration and reintegration of sub disciplines of biology, and the integration with other disciplines to address social problems. This research aims to determine the application of Blended-Problem Based Learning, student activities, and student response in learning of biology. This research is a survey with a qualitative descriptive approach. The results showed that the positive of student activities in learning is satisfactory, while the student response to learning is good. Based on the findings, it was concluded that the Blended-Problem Based Learning can be applied and was accepted as a model in learning.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Sep 1, 2021
This study aims to examine the potential of the process oriented guided inquiry learning (POGIL) ... more This study aims to examine the potential of the process oriented guided inquiry learning (POGIL) model in empowering students' critical thinking skills in learning. This research is a library research on relevant theories and research results. The results showed that so far learning has not taught critical thinking in class. Critical thinking skills is a basic skill that can help students analyze arguments, make conclusions using reasoning, assess or evaluate, and make decisions or solve problems. Through POGIL, students actively think critically at each stage of their learning. The POGIL stages are orientation, exploration, concept formation, application, and closure.
Proceeding Biology Education Conference: Biology, Science, Enviromental, and Learning, Nov 1, 2016
Tanaman cengkeh Afo induk dari Pulau Ternate memiliki kapang endofit yang perlu diidentifikasi te... more Tanaman cengkeh Afo induk dari Pulau Ternate memiliki kapang endofit yang perlu diidentifikasi terlebih dahulu jenis-jenisnya sehingga dapat dieksplorasi kemanfaatannnya melalui penelitian lebih lanjut dari masing-masing jenis kapang yang terisolasi dan teridentifikasi tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan isolasi dan identifikasi morfologi kapang endofit yang hidup di dalam tanaman cengkeh Afo dari Pulau Ternate. Isolasi kapang endofit dilakukan dengan media Potato Dextrose Agar. Identifikasi dilakukan dengan metode slide culture dengan media Czapex Agar. Hasil penelitian ini berhasil mengidentifikasi 8 spesies kapang endofit, yaitu Rhizoctonia sp, Diplococcium sp, Geotricum candidum, Aspergillus nidulans, Eurotium repens, Eupenicillium javanicum, dan Penicillium frequentans.
Medicinal Plants - International Journal of Phytomedicines and Related Industries, 2016
The world population, especially in developing countries, depends on medicinal plants for basic h... more The world population, especially in developing countries, depends on medicinal plants for basic health treatment. In Indonesia, 55.3% people uses traditional herb for their health treatment and 95.6% admits that traditional herb used is valuable for their health. Obelo Dalam (Togutil) ethnic group is one of remote ethnic groups in Indonesia practicing traditional medicinal treatment using medicinal plants. Until now, there is no specific identification on the medicinal plants used by the ethnic group. Information on medicinal plants used by nomadic and sedentary communities of Tobelo Dalam (Togutil) was collected through direct contact semi-structured interview with key informants and group discussion. Determination of main informants was conducted using purposive sampling technique and snowball sampling was used to determine the key informants. Result of study revealed that the nomadic community of Tobelo Dalam (Togutil) ethnic group used 36 species of medicinal plants that belonged to 22 families for medicinal treatment to maintain their basic health; whereas, the sedentary community of the group use 57 species of medicinal plants that belonged to 35 families.
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan, Jan 14, 2020
Lumbung Inovasi: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Permasalahan pangan menjadi di masa depan sulit dihindari, banyaknya lahan pertanian menjadi laha... more Permasalahan pangan menjadi di masa depan sulit dihindari, banyaknya lahan pertanian menjadi lahan pemukiman, kawasan industri berpotensi menurunnya produksi lahan pertanian. Solusi untuk mengatasi krisis pangan adalah mengoptimalkan lahan pekarangan setiap rumah untuk lebih produktif. Permasalahannya adalah banyak lahan pekarangan yang belum dioptimalkan pemanfaatannya. Kondisi ini dapat yang menjadi alasan mengapa kegiatan pengabdian ini dilaksanakan. Adanya kegiatan ini diharapkan masyarakat lebih memahami bagaimana mengoptimalkan lahan pekarangan bernilai ekonomi sehingga dapat menjadi rintisan kawasan rumah pangan lestari. Kegiatan ini melibatkan 1 kelompok wanita tani yaitu KWT Tunas makmur. Kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan bulan Maret-Mei 2022. Kegiatan yang dilakukan dalam pengabdian kepada masyarakat yaitu sosialisasi materi, pendampingan dan monitoring dan evaluasi. Hasil kegiatan didapatkan bahwa terdapat 33 jenis tanaman yang dibudidayakan. Masyarakat memiliki pemahaman...
JPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia)
It was previously found that students have low in learning collaboration, which is the learning p... more It was previously found that students have low in learning collaboration, which is the learning process has not facilitated them to develop their skills. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the effects of project-based learning (PjBL), Predict-Observe-Explain (POE), and Predict-Observe-Explain based Project (POEP) on student collaboration skills in Biology education. The pretest-posttest non-equivalent control design was used and it involved 144 tenth grade students from Tarakan, Indonesia. This research was conducted from August to December 2020, while observation sheets was used to assess the student collaborations skills. The instrument used is the student collaboration skill observation sheet refers to Greenstein, 2012. The collaboration skills observation sheet has a score of 1-4 from each aspect. The aspects used are working productively, showing respect, compromise, and responsibility. Data collection in this study was carried out using WhatsApp, and Google Classroom as...
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2022
Collaboration skills are skills that students must possess to face the challenges of the 21st cen... more Collaboration skills are skills that students must possess to face the challenges of the 21st century. Collaboration skills do not only play a role in learning but are indispensable for solving life problems. The purpose of this study was to identify the collaboration skills of high school students in science learning. This non-experimental survey research involved 226 high school students. Data collection was carried out by observation with observation guidelines. The aspects of collaboration skills that we observe are work productively, demonstrate respect, compromise, and shared responsibility. The results showed that the highest level of productive collaboration skills in working at level 2 basic category was 55.71%. shown the highest award at level 2 basic category of 54.29%. The highest compromise was at level 1 for the novice category at 55.91%. the highest share responsibility at level 1 for the novice category of 51.43%. In general, collaboration skills in student learning need to be improved. Based on the results of this study, a learning model is needed that can empower students' collaboration skills.
Biosfer, 2018
The purpose of this research was to determine the effectiveness of the enrichment book of Conserv... more The purpose of this research was to determine the effectiveness of the enrichment book of Conservation Biology Lecture based on normalized gain assessment. The assessment of a lecture can be carried out in the learning process for one. Normalized gain on a class average can be used to make learning assessments. In this assessment, it is expected that the effectiveness of using books as learning media can be achieved by using the normalized gain values. The learning media in this research were printed enrichment books on molecular biology lecture. In this research, it was found that the average score of normalized gain (g) was 0.37 ± 0.03 (moderate). Thus, the results of the assessment show that the book media as a medium for learning material enrichment in the molecular biology lecture is quite effective.
Jurnal pendidikan biologi Indonesia, Nov 30, 2022
African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development
Herbs and spices have been used for many years as an important source of food ingredients. Recent... more Herbs and spices have been used for many years as an important source of food ingredients. Recently, herbs and spices have been used as the source of medicinal materials due to its rich-bioactive compounds content. However, the knowledge about the scientific background of these herbs and spices uses in the local community is based on limited data. This work aims to study the perspective of the Tabaru ethnic group toward the use of herbs and spices as an additional food source. This study was conducted between November and December, 2018 in Halmahera Island. The data and information about the use of herbs and spices were collected from 48 locals whose ages ranged between 40 and 89 years. The main occupation of respondents was farming of mainly nutmeg, clove, and coconut. The data were analyzed based on plant uses which included spices, food, and drug use. Data on plant species were analyzed using the Cultural Food Significance Index (CFSI) formula. The results showed that the Tabaru ...
Prosiding Hapemas, Dec 1, 2020
Lembaga pemasyarakatan merupakan lembaga yang melaksanakan pembinaan narapidana dan anak didik pe... more Lembaga pemasyarakatan merupakan lembaga yang melaksanakan pembinaan narapidana dan anak didik pemasyarakatan, hak narapidana atau warga binaan selain mendapatkan pendidikan dan pelatihan juga berhak mendapatkan kesehatan dan makanan yang layak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk meningkatkan peran serta masyarakat dalam hal ini warga binaan lapas kelas 1 malang guna mendukung pembangunan petanian ramah lingkungan, selain itu untuk memberi solusi terkait lingkungan sehat di lembaga pemasyarakatan dengan memberikan ases pendidikan dan pelatihan agar menjadikan warga binaan lapas kelas 1 malang mandiri serta mengembangkan diri khususnya dalam mengelola sampah atau limbah menjadi pupuk organik cair yang dapat diimplementasikan pada pertanian ramah lingkungan. Metode yang digunakan penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan atau Action Research dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. terdiri atas siklus diagnosis (masalah), perencanaan tindakan, pelaksanaan tindakan, dan evaluasi tindakan. Keseluruhan siklus ini dilakukan berdasarkan konteks dan tujuan dari penelitian tindakan yang dilaksanakan. Tindakan pelatihan yang dilakukan berhasil menjadi solusi diagnosis permasalahan yang ada di lembaga pemasyarakatan kelas 1 Malang. Kegiatan pelatihan terkait pengolahan sampah menjadi pupuk organik cair sampai pada implementasi pembangunan pertanian ramah lingkungan.
International Journal of Education and Practice, 2022
Character education gets a lot of attention from stakeholders and educators to be developed; henc... more Character education gets a lot of attention from stakeholders and educators to be developed; hence, many models have been created to develop the affective domain. This study aimed to analyze the relationship and contribution of critical thinking skills and social skills with students’ character through the application of discovery models. The population of this study were high school students in Situbondo. The research sample was chosen from SMA Negeri 1 Besuki with the purposive sampling method. The research instrument to measure critical thinking skills was an essay test developed from Facione's critical thinking skills rubric. Social skills were measured using instruments adopted from Social Skills inventory. To examine students’ character, observation sheets were developed from six pillars of character element of the Josephson Institute. The validity and reliability of the instruments were performed before using them. The results of the validity calculation with product-mome...
Batik merupakan warisan budaya khas Indonesia yang memiliki daya tarik tinggi di kawasan lokal ma... more Batik merupakan warisan budaya khas Indonesia yang memiliki daya tarik tinggi di kawasan lokal maupun internasional. Batik jumputan adalah salah satu jenis batik yang mudah dibuat, memiliki banyak variasi teknik pembuatan, dan daya jualnya tinggi. Malang sebagai salah satu daerah tujuan wisata di Indonesia memiliki kesempatan besar untuk memanfaatkan batik jumputan menjadi komoditas di pusat oleh-oleh. Pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam pembuatan batik jumputan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan ekonomi masyarakat Malang, khusunya di daerah Lowokwaru. Upaya pelestarian melalui pelatihan perlu dilakukan untuk memberikan keterampilan membuat batik jumputan. Penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengambilan data meliputi observasi, dokumentasi, dan survei. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu PKK di Lowokwaru, Malang. Analisis data dilakukan dengan mengelompokkan data hasil observasi dan kajian literatur ke dalam domain-domain hingga dipe...
Journal of Mechanical, Civil and Industrial Engineering, 2021
Education during the pandemic experiences many obstacles that hinder all learning processes. Lear... more Education during the pandemic experiences many obstacles that hinder all learning processes. Learning in ecology courses, in particular, has problems because it has one of the activities students have to go to the environment to make observations. The environment referred to here is the Brantas River. Brantas River is the largest river in East Java. However, the river is polluted due to human activities around the river. This phenomenon is intended to be presented as a lesson material for students to be able to improve environmental attitudes. Augmented reality assistance is useful for moving the environment that will be the subject of student observation during virtual learning.
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 2017
This study aimed at determining the effect of recycle materials usage for science practicum on st... more This study aimed at determining the effect of recycle materials usage for science practicum on students' basic science process skills of the Open University, Surakarta. Recycle materials are the term used for the obtained materials and equipment from the students’ environment by taking back the garbage or secondhand objects into goods or new products which have a benefit for practicum activities. Randomized posttest only control group design was applied in this study and involving 83 students which divided into experimental class and control class. Collected data were science process skills test and questionnaire. The results of this study obtained Kruskal Wallis test result of 0.000<0.05. So, there was effect of recycle materials usage for science practicum on students’ science process skills. Students also provided positive feedback on the use of recycle materials for science lab activities.
Prosiding Hapemas, Dec 1, 2020
Rendahnyapengetahuanterhadap jenis ular dapat berimplikasi kepadabanyaknya kasus mortilitas dikar... more Rendahnyapengetahuanterhadap jenis ular dapat berimplikasi kepadabanyaknya kasus mortilitas dikarenakan gigitan ular.Kebanyakan kasus terjadi karena akses terhadap pelayanan kesehatan yang buruk, kesulitan dalam persediaan anti-bisa, dan korban tidak mengetahui jenis ular yang menggigitnya sehingga para tenaga medis tidak bisa memberikan antibisa yang tepat.Oleh karena itu, kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan untuk mengedukasi kepada masyarakat mengenai keragaman jenis ular yang berbisa dan tidak berbisa serta cara penanganan pertama pada kasus gigitan ular didaerah yang berhimpitan dengan habitat ular melalui SMP Darul Faqih Indonesia. Dalam upaya menangani masalah tersebut dilakukan edukasi mengenaiJenis ular (berbisa dan tidak berbisa), konservasi dan peran ular didalam ekosistem, dan pertolongan pertama kepada korban gigitan ular. Partisipan dari kegiatan ini adalah murid kelas VIII sebanyak 25anak dan guru IPA.Hasil dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah meningkatnya ratarata pengetahuan murid (41.4%) mengenai peran ular dalam ekosistem serta cara mengidentifikasinya. Selain itu, panduan pertama bagi korban gigitan ular yang didasarkan pendekatan ilmiah juga menjadi pengetahuan yang penting bagi masyarakat umum. Setelah dilakukannya kegiatan ini, diharapkan para murid dan guru dapat menyalurkan pengetahuan yang didapatkan kepada keluarga, masyarakat disekitarnya.
The purpose of this study was to describe the effectiveness of insect community textbooks based o... more The purpose of this study was to describe the effectiveness of insect community textbooks based on problem-based learning on science literacy skills and environmental care attitudes of students. This study used a quantitative approach with the type of research used was pre-experimental design. the research design used was one-group pretest-posttest. The data were analyzed quantitatively using gain score and criteria determination. The results showed that the effectiveness of textbooks on students' science literacy obtained an n-gain score of 0.48 with a medium category and students' environmental care attitudes obtained an n-gain score of 0.28 with a low category. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the teaching book for insect communities based on problem-based learning is effective in improving students' science literacy skills and environmental care attitudes. Key words: Textbook, Problem Based Learning, Science Literacy, Environmental Care Att...
Journal of physics, Jun 1, 2020
Habits of mind are a great attitude obtained by the discipline of mind training as habits in acti... more Habits of mind are a great attitude obtained by the discipline of mind training as habits in action. The action is the consequence of habits of mind that assort cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Habits of mind are a new trend in education besides high order thinking skills. The purpose of this research is to discover the mind habits potential of Biology students in their first year of college. The method of this research was a survey that involved 67 Biology students in the first year of a university in Pontianak, Indonesia. The data collected by using a questionnaire that contained 44 questions about 16 indicators of mind habits by Costa and Kallick. The data analyzed by using descriptive methods. The findings show that the students’ mind habits are at a sufficient level, and there is no significant difference among 16 categories of habits of mind. Therefore, the freshmen of the Biology Department have good habits of mind potency with the highest percentage is flexibly thinking category (79,60), and the lowest is thinking and communicating with clarity and precision category (63,73). As a suggestion, students’ habits of mind as part of thinking skills need to improve through the learning process.
International journal of humanities, social sciences and education, 2019
This research is a descriptive study to determine the profile of teaching materials and the abili... more This research is a descriptive study to determine the profile of teaching materials and the ability of pre-service teacher to convey the results of the placement at the University of Puangrimaggalatung (UNIPRIMA) Sengkang in environmental biology subjects. The study's population consisted of undergraduate pre-service teacher in the third semester of the 2016/2017 academic year and lecturer of environmental biology subjects. The sampling technique was carried out by targeted sampling so that 37 subjects were used. Techniques for collecting interviews and observations. The tool, which was used in the form of interview guidelines to find out the profile of the teaching materials used, reported the practice assessment of practicerelated reports to determine the ability to communicate the results of laboratory report. The data were analyzed descriptively. Based on the results of the study of teaching materials used in the matter, it needs to be developed/produced again and still needs to be done through the development of research and context teaching materials. The ability of pre-service teacher to communicate the results of the work placement in lab reports is still considered sufficient and needs to be improved again, especially with regard to the accuracy of the analysis of data findings and the relevance of the theory in the analysis of experimental data.
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan, Jul 1, 2016
Biology 21st century is the integration and reintegration of sub disciplines of biology, and the ... more Biology 21st century is the integration and reintegration of sub disciplines of biology, and the integration with other disciplines to address social problems. This research aims to determine the application of Blended-Problem Based Learning, student activities, and student response in learning of biology. This research is a survey with a qualitative descriptive approach. The results showed that the positive of student activities in learning is satisfactory, while the student response to learning is good. Based on the findings, it was concluded that the Blended-Problem Based Learning can be applied and was accepted as a model in learning.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Sep 1, 2021
This study aims to examine the potential of the process oriented guided inquiry learning (POGIL) ... more This study aims to examine the potential of the process oriented guided inquiry learning (POGIL) model in empowering students' critical thinking skills in learning. This research is a library research on relevant theories and research results. The results showed that so far learning has not taught critical thinking in class. Critical thinking skills is a basic skill that can help students analyze arguments, make conclusions using reasoning, assess or evaluate, and make decisions or solve problems. Through POGIL, students actively think critically at each stage of their learning. The POGIL stages are orientation, exploration, concept formation, application, and closure.
Proceeding Biology Education Conference: Biology, Science, Enviromental, and Learning, Nov 1, 2016
Tanaman cengkeh Afo induk dari Pulau Ternate memiliki kapang endofit yang perlu diidentifikasi te... more Tanaman cengkeh Afo induk dari Pulau Ternate memiliki kapang endofit yang perlu diidentifikasi terlebih dahulu jenis-jenisnya sehingga dapat dieksplorasi kemanfaatannnya melalui penelitian lebih lanjut dari masing-masing jenis kapang yang terisolasi dan teridentifikasi tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan isolasi dan identifikasi morfologi kapang endofit yang hidup di dalam tanaman cengkeh Afo dari Pulau Ternate. Isolasi kapang endofit dilakukan dengan media Potato Dextrose Agar. Identifikasi dilakukan dengan metode slide culture dengan media Czapex Agar. Hasil penelitian ini berhasil mengidentifikasi 8 spesies kapang endofit, yaitu Rhizoctonia sp, Diplococcium sp, Geotricum candidum, Aspergillus nidulans, Eurotium repens, Eupenicillium javanicum, dan Penicillium frequentans.
Medicinal Plants - International Journal of Phytomedicines and Related Industries, 2016
The world population, especially in developing countries, depends on medicinal plants for basic h... more The world population, especially in developing countries, depends on medicinal plants for basic health treatment. In Indonesia, 55.3% people uses traditional herb for their health treatment and 95.6% admits that traditional herb used is valuable for their health. Obelo Dalam (Togutil) ethnic group is one of remote ethnic groups in Indonesia practicing traditional medicinal treatment using medicinal plants. Until now, there is no specific identification on the medicinal plants used by the ethnic group. Information on medicinal plants used by nomadic and sedentary communities of Tobelo Dalam (Togutil) was collected through direct contact semi-structured interview with key informants and group discussion. Determination of main informants was conducted using purposive sampling technique and snowball sampling was used to determine the key informants. Result of study revealed that the nomadic community of Tobelo Dalam (Togutil) ethnic group used 36 species of medicinal plants that belonged to 22 families for medicinal treatment to maintain their basic health; whereas, the sedentary community of the group use 57 species of medicinal plants that belonged to 35 families.