Fatma Meral HALİFEOĞLU - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Fatma Meral HALİFEOĞLU
Çukurova üniversitesi sosyal bilimler enstitüsü dergisi, Oct 9, 2023
Engineering Failure Analysis, 2018
Masonry towers and minarets are slender tall structures and highly vulnerable to strong ground mo... more Masonry towers and minarets are slender tall structures and highly vulnerable to strong ground motions due to their structural and material characteristics. The paper aims to investigate the effect of vertical ground motion on damage propagations of historical masonry slender tall rectangular stone minarets numerically. The Ulu Mosque minaret with height of 42.90 m constructed in 639 in Diyarbakır, Turkey, is selected as an application. Firstly, three dimensional solid and continuum finite element models of the minaret are obtained from the surveys. Since the foundation of the minaret is sitted on the hard soil, soil-structure interaction is not considered in the finite element model. The finite element model of the minaret is updated by modal analyses results and an empirical frequency formulation developed using the measurement results. Mechanical material properties of the masonry unit are determined using the properties of the stone and mortar used in the minaret. Concrete damaged plasticity (CDP) material model adjusted to masonry structures is considered in the nonlinear analyses. The acceleration records of horizontal (N-S) and vertical (V) components of May 1, 2003 Bingöl earthquake (Mw = 6.4), which was recorded in hard soil and occurred in the near region of Diyarbakır city, are chosen as a strong ground motion. Then, linear time history and nonlinear step by step seismic analyses of the minaret are implemented for only horizontal, and combined horizontal and vertical components of the earthquake. The time histories of displacements, minimum and maximum principal strains and stresses, and damage propagations on the minaret are compared for only horizontal, and combined horizontal and vertical load cases including self-weight. It can be stated that consideration of vertical ground motion component in combination with horizontal component affects damage percentages and propagations on slender tall rectangular stone minarets.
Kent Akademisi
Göbeklitepe kazıları, Şanlıurfa’nın tarihini M.Ö.11.000 yıl öncesine götürmektedir. Bu bakımdan b... more Göbeklitepe kazıları, Şanlıurfa’nın tarihini M.Ö.11.000 yıl öncesine götürmektedir. Bu bakımdan bu kentte birçok medeniyetin yaşadığı bilinmektedir. Kentte çok sayıda farklı döneme ait yapı bulunmaktadır. Kentin stratejik konumundan dolayı ticari bölgesi de çok gelişmiştir. Osmanlı Dönemindeki ticari alanların artması ve han, bedesten, ve tarihi çarşıların bulunduğu birçok sosyal ve ticari yapılar inşa edilmiştir. Şanlıurfa’da yer alan Gümrük Hanı, Sipahi Pazarı ve Şanlıurfa Bedesteni tarihi özelliği bulunan ticari yapılarındandır. Gümrük Hanı, bu yapılar arasında en büyüğüdür. Bu yapının güneyinde Bedesten, batısın Sipahi Pazarı bulunmaktadır. Üç yapının bağlantısını sağlayan geçiş kapıları bulunmaktadır. Bu kapılar, ticari yapılarda bağlantı ve akışın sürekliliğini oluşturmaktadır. Osmanlı geleneksel yapı tasarımında ortak mekân ya da yapılar arasında geçiş yapan bazı alan çözümleri bulunmaktadır. Sipahi Pazarı ile Bedesten dükkânlarının üzerindeki alan, Gümrük Hanında mahzen odas...
International Journal of Innovative Research in Education, Dec 29, 2017
<jats:p>To determine the reasons for choosing architecture as a second profession, this stu... more <jats:p>To determine the reasons for choosing architecture as a second profession, this study was initiated with students who already had another profession and continued their education in architecture or graduated from an architecture department. A survey study was conducted with these two groups of students to determine the factors that lead students to architecture as a second profession. This study presents the findings and evaluations on the reasons for choosing architecture as a second profession and whether the expectations are met. The study was designed as a two-stage study and conducted with 33 participants. The first stage investigated their reasons for choosing the first department from which they graduated and why this department did not meet their expectations. The second stage examined the participants' reasons for choosing architecture. Their professions after graduation and their satisfaction with the profession of architecture were also examined.
 Keywords: Profession search, architecture, Dicle University.</jats:p>
The Journal of International Social Research, 2021
ÖZET Tarihi çevreler; içindeki geleneksel, anıtsal ve tarihi yapılarla bir bütünlük oluşturan ala... more ÖZET Tarihi çevreler; içindeki geleneksel, anıtsal ve tarihi yapılarla bir bütünlük oluşturan alanlardır. Geçmişten günümüze ulaşan tarihi çevre ve yapılar, zaman içerisinde birçok kullanıcıya ve topluluğa ev sahipliği yapmış kültürel miraslardır. Kültürel mirasın korunması yaşatılması, geleceğe aktarılması ve sürdürülebilir olması bu yapıların korunması ile sağlanabilmektedir. Diyarbakır Cemil Paşa Konağı, kentin önemli ve büyük evlerinden biridir. Haremlik ve selamlık olarak iki ayrı bölüm olarak inşa edilmiştir. Yapının haremlik ve selamlık bölümleri iki katlı olup, toplam 42 odalıdır. Yapı 2010-2014 tarihinde restorasyonu yaptırılmış ve kent müzesine dönüştürülmüştür. Kent müzesi işlevi verilen yapıda öncelikle yapının röleve, restorasyon ve restitüsyon projeleri hazırlanmıştır. Hazırlanan projeler doğrultusunda yapıda kısmi müdahaleler yapılarak, kent müzesinin kullanımına uygun teknolojik çözümler üretilmiştir. Cemil Paşa Konağının kent müzesine dönüştürülmesi için yapılan projelendirilmelerde, ziyaretçilerin kullanımını kolaylaştıran çağdaş uygulamalar yapılmıştır. Engelli ve yaşlı ziyaretçilerin üst katlara ulaşımı sağlayan asansör eklenmiştir. Yıkılan merdivenler yenilenmiş, tüm tesisatlar yapı özgünlüğünü bozmayacak şekilde düzenlenmiştir. Yapının haremlik bölümünün güneydoğusunda, avlu cephesinin cam malzeme ile yapıldığı mekan kafeye dönüştürülmüştür. Bu çalışmada, Kent müzesine dönüştürülen, Cemil Paşa konağında yapılan çağdaş ek ve uygulamalar, yapılan alan çalışmasıyla irdelenerek, yapının mevcut durumu değerlendirilmiştir. Yapılan uygulamaların benzer yapılardaki restorasyon çalışmalarında uygulanabilir bir örnek olması, bu çalışmanın amaçlarından biri olmuştur
Journal of Applied Geophysics, Apr 1, 2022
Türk Doğa ve Fen Dergisi
The Four-Legged Minaret, which has an important place thanks to its building period and unique ar... more The Four-Legged Minaret, which has an important place thanks to its building period and unique architecture, is located in the southeastern part of the historical Suriçi region of Diyarbakır. This structure located outside the courtyard of Sheikh Mutahhar Mosque and inside the Dört Ayaklı Minare Street was built on a monolithic stone column from basalt material in a tetragon plan and is carried by four columns that are in cylindrical form. After 2015, partial damages occurred to the minaret. During the restoration works carried out between 2016-2019, these partial damages were tried to be repaired. But the condition of the ground was not instrumentally detected and investigated in these restoration works. In the present study, observational geological and instrumental geophysical studies were carried out on the Four-Legged Minaret and its surrounding area. The ground condition of the Four-Legged Minaret and the situation of its construction materials were determined by scannings ach...
Türk Doğa ve Fen Dergisi
Diyarbakır Great Mosque is a community building located in the district of Cami-i Kebir in the no... more Diyarbakır Great Mosque is a community building located in the district of Cami-i Kebir in the northwest of the traditional city area surrounded by walls. The building on Gazi Street opposite Hasan Pasha Han is inside the road, and the eastern entrance overlooks a square which very likely corresponds to the old forum of the city of Amida. Surrounded by the streets to the North and West, the South overlooks the traditional Sipahi Bazaar. Around the full court near the square of the building, in the south there are: Hanafis section, Shafis section, northern vestibule, Mesudiye Madrasa and its southern portico, a traditional house, and a lavatory. To the east, there is a library, which used to be apparently a timing room (muvakkithane) and an entrance to the East (Eastern Maksurah). To the west, in the Western portico (Western Maksurah), that also includes the Western entrance, there is a Qur'anic school. The octagonal and pointed pyramidal coned fountain, built during the Ottoman ...
The Journal of International Social Research, 2021
Historical environment; They are areas that form a unity with the traditional, monumental and his... more Historical environment; They are areas that form a unity with the traditional, monumental and historical buildings in it. Historical environments and structures that have survived from the past to the present are cultural heritages that have hosted many users and communities over time. The preservation of cultural heritage, its transfer to the future and its sustainability can be ensured by the protection of these structures. Diyarbakir Cemil Pasha Mansion is one of the important and big houses of the city. It was built as two separate sections as a haremlik and a selamlik. The harem and selamlik sections of the building have two floors and a total of 42 rooms. The building was restored in 2010-2014 and turned into a city museum. In the building, which was given the function of the city museum, first of all, the survey, restoration and restitution projects of the building were prepared. In line with the prepared projects, partial interventions were made in the building and technolog...
Uludağ University Journal of The Faculty of Engineering, Apr 1, 2006
Mardin iline bağlı bir ilçe olan Savur, özgün dokusunu günümüze kadar koruyan önemli bir tarihi y... more Mardin iline bağlı bir ilçe olan Savur, özgün dokusunu günümüze kadar koruyan önemli bir tarihi yerleşim merkezidir. Savur geleneksel kent dokusu, iki tepenin çevresindeki yerleşim alanlarından oluşmaktadır. Kalesi, topografyaya göre biçimlenmiş sokakları, dini yapıları, konakları ve evleri ile geleneksel yerleşim düzeninin özgün değerlerini yansıtmaktadır. Spontane olarak, organik bir dokuda gelişen kentin ana elemanları geleneksel evlerdir. Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi geleneksel mimarisinin genel özelliklerini gösteren Savur evleri; aile yapısı, ekonomik yapı, kültürel etkileşim, iklim, topografya, jeolojik yapı ve malzemenin etkisiyle biçimlenmiştir. Evlerin birçoğu, ilk sahiplerinin torunları tarafından kullanılmaktadır. Geleneksel yaşam ve kültürel yapı devam etmektedir. Geleneksel kent dokusu ve evleri; nüfus artışı, çarpık kentleşme, yanlış restorasyonlar, bakımsızlık ve ilgisizlikten dolayı özgün değerlerini günden güne yitirmektedir. İlçede çok sayıda geleneksel konut olmasına rağmen, çok az sayıda (12) tescilli konut vardır. Koruma Planı olmayan Savur'un, kültürel birikiminin çağdaş yöntemlerle araştırılması ve tespit edilmesi, çözülmesi gereken sorunların başında gelmektedir. Bu çalışma kapsamında, öncelikle Savur'daki tüm geleneksel konutlar tespit edilmiştir. Tespit edilen evler detaylı bir biçimde araştırılarak; Savur'un geleneksel kent dokusu, genel yerleşim özellikleri ile geleneksel evlerin mimari özellikleri; plan düzeni, plan tipleri, cephe düzeni, cephe elemanları ve yapısal sistem incelenmiştir.
Dicle Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, Jan 29, 2019
Cinema was introduced to Diyarbakır in 1920 s, and every age group of the city's people found som... more Cinema was introduced to Diyarbakır in 1920 s, and every age group of the city's people found something for themselves and became a cinema enthusiast. Therefore, the number of open or closed cinemas has increased rapidly in the city. The invention of television, the competition in the film industry and the rapid rise in land rental prices, which especially affected summer cinemas, led to a rapid decline in the number of historical cinemas.
Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2013
The ancient walls of Diyarbakir are the city's most important urban element, exhibiting an artist... more The ancient walls of Diyarbakir are the city's most important urban element, exhibiting an artistic grace through the arrangement of the towers, architectural values, dimensions, materials, and decorations. Diyarbakir is located at the crossroads of important trade routes, one connecting the Western World to the Far East and the other connecting North to South. Architecturally, its defensive walls and towers make it one of the most important surviving castles. In this study, the history, location, architectural and building properties of fortifications of Diyarbakir were explained and technical dimensioning typology studies on towers and city walls were submitted.
Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2022
Construction and Building Materials, 2020
Abstract In the current study, the structural damage that took place on the historical Diyarbakir... more Abstract In the current study, the structural damage that took place on the historical Diyarbakir City Walls province was investigated by performing nondestructive testing methods. This province has been included in the UNESCO Cultural Heritage List thanks to its city walls and Hevsel Gardens. The city walls in the Diyarbakir was built by masonry construction technique with using basalt stone like many other structures available in the city such as churches, mosques, guard towers, madrasahs, inns, etc. The Diyarbakir province has been home to many civilizations, cultures, and religions. Therefore, the traces from many different civilizations, cultures, and religions can be observed inside the city walls. Since the Diyarbakir City Walls were included in the UNESCO Cultural Heritage List, any investigation going to be conducting on the city walls should be either by observational methods or by nondestructive testing (NDT) techniques. For this reason, the determination of the structural performance of city walls was done by carrying out the NDT techniques such as crack opening, ultrasonic velocity and time, levelness, temperature-humidity measurement, and ground penetration radar tests. Monthly changes over the 1-year period were measured from the different places of Urfa Gate, which is one of four main gates of the city walls. The results indicated that both ultrasonic velocity and time were influenced by seasonal changes. The basalt stones having the cracks require to be urgently renewed since it was observed decreasing in the ultrasonic pulse velocity of the basalt stone. Nevertheless, no remarkable effect of temperature on the integrity of the city walls and no significant effect of seasonal changes on levelness were observed. Besides, it was noticed that the highest crack opening values were measured in the autumn season while the lowest values were measured during the summer months. In addition to all, the radar images verified that on the foundation and ground there were no settlements and damages.
International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 2020
Diyarbakir is a city that its history goes down 7000 BC.There are many historical buildings in th... more Diyarbakir is a city that its history goes down 7000 BC.There are many historical buildings in the traditional urban texture surrounded by walls. The Grand Mosque is one of these valuable buildings...
Journal of Water Resource and Hydraulic Engineering, 2016
Middle East Technical University Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, Dec 1, 2013
İnsanoğlunun yerleşim yeri olarak seçtiği her bölgedeki malzemenin, mimariyi biçimlendiren en öne... more İnsanoğlunun yerleşim yeri olarak seçtiği her bölgedeki malzemenin, mimariyi biçimlendiren en önemli etkenlerden biri olduğu yadsınamaz bir gerçektir. Farklı medeniyetlerin farklı kültür katmanlarıyla yoğrulan Anadolu, hem mimari hem de sosyal açıdan çeşitlilik gösteren bölgesel özelliklere sahiptir. Coğrafik ve iklimsel zenginliği ile de Anadolu, farklı yapı türlerinin oluşumunu sağlayan malzeme ve yapım tekniği konusunda önemli bir yapı sanatı yelpazesi sunmaktadır.
Mardin iline bagli bir ilce olan Savur, il merkezine 47 km. uzakliktadir. Yerlesim duzeni, mimari... more Mardin iline bagli bir ilce olan Savur, il merkezine 47 km. uzakliktadir. Yerlesim duzeni, mimarisi basta olmak uzere bircok yonden Mardin’le benzerlik gostermektedir (Yasayan Tarih Mardin, 2000). Ilcenin kent dokusu, karsilikli iki tepenin cevresindeki yerlesim alanindan olusmaktadir. Topografyaya gore bicimlenmis sokaklar, carsi, meydan, sosyal ve kamu yapilari, konaklar, evler geleneksel yerlesim duzeninin ozgun degerlerini yansitmaktadir. Bolgenin cografik ozellikleri ile asiret sistemine dayanan toplumsal yasam, kentin bicimlenmesindeki en onemli iki etmendir. Gunumuzde de varligini hissettiren bu etmenler, kentsel ve kulturel surekliligin ana dayanagidir. Geleneksel kent dokusu icindeki konaklar ve evler topografya, malzeme, yapim teknigi, kulturel degerler gibi bolgesel etkenlerin yaninda Turk – Islam aile yapisi, endustri oncesi sehrin nitelikleri gibi genel etkenlerin belirleyiciliginde olusmustur. Koklu bir gecmisi olan bugunku nufus, gunumuzde de varligini devam ettirerek...
Çukurova üniversitesi sosyal bilimler enstitüsü dergisi, Oct 9, 2023
Engineering Failure Analysis, 2018
Masonry towers and minarets are slender tall structures and highly vulnerable to strong ground mo... more Masonry towers and minarets are slender tall structures and highly vulnerable to strong ground motions due to their structural and material characteristics. The paper aims to investigate the effect of vertical ground motion on damage propagations of historical masonry slender tall rectangular stone minarets numerically. The Ulu Mosque minaret with height of 42.90 m constructed in 639 in Diyarbakır, Turkey, is selected as an application. Firstly, three dimensional solid and continuum finite element models of the minaret are obtained from the surveys. Since the foundation of the minaret is sitted on the hard soil, soil-structure interaction is not considered in the finite element model. The finite element model of the minaret is updated by modal analyses results and an empirical frequency formulation developed using the measurement results. Mechanical material properties of the masonry unit are determined using the properties of the stone and mortar used in the minaret. Concrete damaged plasticity (CDP) material model adjusted to masonry structures is considered in the nonlinear analyses. The acceleration records of horizontal (N-S) and vertical (V) components of May 1, 2003 Bingöl earthquake (Mw = 6.4), which was recorded in hard soil and occurred in the near region of Diyarbakır city, are chosen as a strong ground motion. Then, linear time history and nonlinear step by step seismic analyses of the minaret are implemented for only horizontal, and combined horizontal and vertical components of the earthquake. The time histories of displacements, minimum and maximum principal strains and stresses, and damage propagations on the minaret are compared for only horizontal, and combined horizontal and vertical load cases including self-weight. It can be stated that consideration of vertical ground motion component in combination with horizontal component affects damage percentages and propagations on slender tall rectangular stone minarets.
Kent Akademisi
Göbeklitepe kazıları, Şanlıurfa’nın tarihini M.Ö.11.000 yıl öncesine götürmektedir. Bu bakımdan b... more Göbeklitepe kazıları, Şanlıurfa’nın tarihini M.Ö.11.000 yıl öncesine götürmektedir. Bu bakımdan bu kentte birçok medeniyetin yaşadığı bilinmektedir. Kentte çok sayıda farklı döneme ait yapı bulunmaktadır. Kentin stratejik konumundan dolayı ticari bölgesi de çok gelişmiştir. Osmanlı Dönemindeki ticari alanların artması ve han, bedesten, ve tarihi çarşıların bulunduğu birçok sosyal ve ticari yapılar inşa edilmiştir. Şanlıurfa’da yer alan Gümrük Hanı, Sipahi Pazarı ve Şanlıurfa Bedesteni tarihi özelliği bulunan ticari yapılarındandır. Gümrük Hanı, bu yapılar arasında en büyüğüdür. Bu yapının güneyinde Bedesten, batısın Sipahi Pazarı bulunmaktadır. Üç yapının bağlantısını sağlayan geçiş kapıları bulunmaktadır. Bu kapılar, ticari yapılarda bağlantı ve akışın sürekliliğini oluşturmaktadır. Osmanlı geleneksel yapı tasarımında ortak mekân ya da yapılar arasında geçiş yapan bazı alan çözümleri bulunmaktadır. Sipahi Pazarı ile Bedesten dükkânlarının üzerindeki alan, Gümrük Hanında mahzen odas...
International Journal of Innovative Research in Education, Dec 29, 2017
<jats:p>To determine the reasons for choosing architecture as a second profession, this stu... more <jats:p>To determine the reasons for choosing architecture as a second profession, this study was initiated with students who already had another profession and continued their education in architecture or graduated from an architecture department. A survey study was conducted with these two groups of students to determine the factors that lead students to architecture as a second profession. This study presents the findings and evaluations on the reasons for choosing architecture as a second profession and whether the expectations are met. The study was designed as a two-stage study and conducted with 33 participants. The first stage investigated their reasons for choosing the first department from which they graduated and why this department did not meet their expectations. The second stage examined the participants' reasons for choosing architecture. Their professions after graduation and their satisfaction with the profession of architecture were also examined.
 Keywords: Profession search, architecture, Dicle University.</jats:p>
The Journal of International Social Research, 2021
ÖZET Tarihi çevreler; içindeki geleneksel, anıtsal ve tarihi yapılarla bir bütünlük oluşturan ala... more ÖZET Tarihi çevreler; içindeki geleneksel, anıtsal ve tarihi yapılarla bir bütünlük oluşturan alanlardır. Geçmişten günümüze ulaşan tarihi çevre ve yapılar, zaman içerisinde birçok kullanıcıya ve topluluğa ev sahipliği yapmış kültürel miraslardır. Kültürel mirasın korunması yaşatılması, geleceğe aktarılması ve sürdürülebilir olması bu yapıların korunması ile sağlanabilmektedir. Diyarbakır Cemil Paşa Konağı, kentin önemli ve büyük evlerinden biridir. Haremlik ve selamlık olarak iki ayrı bölüm olarak inşa edilmiştir. Yapının haremlik ve selamlık bölümleri iki katlı olup, toplam 42 odalıdır. Yapı 2010-2014 tarihinde restorasyonu yaptırılmış ve kent müzesine dönüştürülmüştür. Kent müzesi işlevi verilen yapıda öncelikle yapının röleve, restorasyon ve restitüsyon projeleri hazırlanmıştır. Hazırlanan projeler doğrultusunda yapıda kısmi müdahaleler yapılarak, kent müzesinin kullanımına uygun teknolojik çözümler üretilmiştir. Cemil Paşa Konağının kent müzesine dönüştürülmesi için yapılan projelendirilmelerde, ziyaretçilerin kullanımını kolaylaştıran çağdaş uygulamalar yapılmıştır. Engelli ve yaşlı ziyaretçilerin üst katlara ulaşımı sağlayan asansör eklenmiştir. Yıkılan merdivenler yenilenmiş, tüm tesisatlar yapı özgünlüğünü bozmayacak şekilde düzenlenmiştir. Yapının haremlik bölümünün güneydoğusunda, avlu cephesinin cam malzeme ile yapıldığı mekan kafeye dönüştürülmüştür. Bu çalışmada, Kent müzesine dönüştürülen, Cemil Paşa konağında yapılan çağdaş ek ve uygulamalar, yapılan alan çalışmasıyla irdelenerek, yapının mevcut durumu değerlendirilmiştir. Yapılan uygulamaların benzer yapılardaki restorasyon çalışmalarında uygulanabilir bir örnek olması, bu çalışmanın amaçlarından biri olmuştur
Journal of Applied Geophysics, Apr 1, 2022
Türk Doğa ve Fen Dergisi
The Four-Legged Minaret, which has an important place thanks to its building period and unique ar... more The Four-Legged Minaret, which has an important place thanks to its building period and unique architecture, is located in the southeastern part of the historical Suriçi region of Diyarbakır. This structure located outside the courtyard of Sheikh Mutahhar Mosque and inside the Dört Ayaklı Minare Street was built on a monolithic stone column from basalt material in a tetragon plan and is carried by four columns that are in cylindrical form. After 2015, partial damages occurred to the minaret. During the restoration works carried out between 2016-2019, these partial damages were tried to be repaired. But the condition of the ground was not instrumentally detected and investigated in these restoration works. In the present study, observational geological and instrumental geophysical studies were carried out on the Four-Legged Minaret and its surrounding area. The ground condition of the Four-Legged Minaret and the situation of its construction materials were determined by scannings ach...
Türk Doğa ve Fen Dergisi
Diyarbakır Great Mosque is a community building located in the district of Cami-i Kebir in the no... more Diyarbakır Great Mosque is a community building located in the district of Cami-i Kebir in the northwest of the traditional city area surrounded by walls. The building on Gazi Street opposite Hasan Pasha Han is inside the road, and the eastern entrance overlooks a square which very likely corresponds to the old forum of the city of Amida. Surrounded by the streets to the North and West, the South overlooks the traditional Sipahi Bazaar. Around the full court near the square of the building, in the south there are: Hanafis section, Shafis section, northern vestibule, Mesudiye Madrasa and its southern portico, a traditional house, and a lavatory. To the east, there is a library, which used to be apparently a timing room (muvakkithane) and an entrance to the East (Eastern Maksurah). To the west, in the Western portico (Western Maksurah), that also includes the Western entrance, there is a Qur'anic school. The octagonal and pointed pyramidal coned fountain, built during the Ottoman ...
The Journal of International Social Research, 2021
Historical environment; They are areas that form a unity with the traditional, monumental and his... more Historical environment; They are areas that form a unity with the traditional, monumental and historical buildings in it. Historical environments and structures that have survived from the past to the present are cultural heritages that have hosted many users and communities over time. The preservation of cultural heritage, its transfer to the future and its sustainability can be ensured by the protection of these structures. Diyarbakir Cemil Pasha Mansion is one of the important and big houses of the city. It was built as two separate sections as a haremlik and a selamlik. The harem and selamlik sections of the building have two floors and a total of 42 rooms. The building was restored in 2010-2014 and turned into a city museum. In the building, which was given the function of the city museum, first of all, the survey, restoration and restitution projects of the building were prepared. In line with the prepared projects, partial interventions were made in the building and technolog...
Uludağ University Journal of The Faculty of Engineering, Apr 1, 2006
Mardin iline bağlı bir ilçe olan Savur, özgün dokusunu günümüze kadar koruyan önemli bir tarihi y... more Mardin iline bağlı bir ilçe olan Savur, özgün dokusunu günümüze kadar koruyan önemli bir tarihi yerleşim merkezidir. Savur geleneksel kent dokusu, iki tepenin çevresindeki yerleşim alanlarından oluşmaktadır. Kalesi, topografyaya göre biçimlenmiş sokakları, dini yapıları, konakları ve evleri ile geleneksel yerleşim düzeninin özgün değerlerini yansıtmaktadır. Spontane olarak, organik bir dokuda gelişen kentin ana elemanları geleneksel evlerdir. Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi geleneksel mimarisinin genel özelliklerini gösteren Savur evleri; aile yapısı, ekonomik yapı, kültürel etkileşim, iklim, topografya, jeolojik yapı ve malzemenin etkisiyle biçimlenmiştir. Evlerin birçoğu, ilk sahiplerinin torunları tarafından kullanılmaktadır. Geleneksel yaşam ve kültürel yapı devam etmektedir. Geleneksel kent dokusu ve evleri; nüfus artışı, çarpık kentleşme, yanlış restorasyonlar, bakımsızlık ve ilgisizlikten dolayı özgün değerlerini günden güne yitirmektedir. İlçede çok sayıda geleneksel konut olmasına rağmen, çok az sayıda (12) tescilli konut vardır. Koruma Planı olmayan Savur'un, kültürel birikiminin çağdaş yöntemlerle araştırılması ve tespit edilmesi, çözülmesi gereken sorunların başında gelmektedir. Bu çalışma kapsamında, öncelikle Savur'daki tüm geleneksel konutlar tespit edilmiştir. Tespit edilen evler detaylı bir biçimde araştırılarak; Savur'un geleneksel kent dokusu, genel yerleşim özellikleri ile geleneksel evlerin mimari özellikleri; plan düzeni, plan tipleri, cephe düzeni, cephe elemanları ve yapısal sistem incelenmiştir.
Dicle Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, Jan 29, 2019
Cinema was introduced to Diyarbakır in 1920 s, and every age group of the city's people found som... more Cinema was introduced to Diyarbakır in 1920 s, and every age group of the city's people found something for themselves and became a cinema enthusiast. Therefore, the number of open or closed cinemas has increased rapidly in the city. The invention of television, the competition in the film industry and the rapid rise in land rental prices, which especially affected summer cinemas, led to a rapid decline in the number of historical cinemas.
Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2013
The ancient walls of Diyarbakir are the city's most important urban element, exhibiting an artist... more The ancient walls of Diyarbakir are the city's most important urban element, exhibiting an artistic grace through the arrangement of the towers, architectural values, dimensions, materials, and decorations. Diyarbakir is located at the crossroads of important trade routes, one connecting the Western World to the Far East and the other connecting North to South. Architecturally, its defensive walls and towers make it one of the most important surviving castles. In this study, the history, location, architectural and building properties of fortifications of Diyarbakir were explained and technical dimensioning typology studies on towers and city walls were submitted.
Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2022
Construction and Building Materials, 2020
Abstract In the current study, the structural damage that took place on the historical Diyarbakir... more Abstract In the current study, the structural damage that took place on the historical Diyarbakir City Walls province was investigated by performing nondestructive testing methods. This province has been included in the UNESCO Cultural Heritage List thanks to its city walls and Hevsel Gardens. The city walls in the Diyarbakir was built by masonry construction technique with using basalt stone like many other structures available in the city such as churches, mosques, guard towers, madrasahs, inns, etc. The Diyarbakir province has been home to many civilizations, cultures, and religions. Therefore, the traces from many different civilizations, cultures, and religions can be observed inside the city walls. Since the Diyarbakir City Walls were included in the UNESCO Cultural Heritage List, any investigation going to be conducting on the city walls should be either by observational methods or by nondestructive testing (NDT) techniques. For this reason, the determination of the structural performance of city walls was done by carrying out the NDT techniques such as crack opening, ultrasonic velocity and time, levelness, temperature-humidity measurement, and ground penetration radar tests. Monthly changes over the 1-year period were measured from the different places of Urfa Gate, which is one of four main gates of the city walls. The results indicated that both ultrasonic velocity and time were influenced by seasonal changes. The basalt stones having the cracks require to be urgently renewed since it was observed decreasing in the ultrasonic pulse velocity of the basalt stone. Nevertheless, no remarkable effect of temperature on the integrity of the city walls and no significant effect of seasonal changes on levelness were observed. Besides, it was noticed that the highest crack opening values were measured in the autumn season while the lowest values were measured during the summer months. In addition to all, the radar images verified that on the foundation and ground there were no settlements and damages.
International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 2020
Diyarbakir is a city that its history goes down 7000 BC.There are many historical buildings in th... more Diyarbakir is a city that its history goes down 7000 BC.There are many historical buildings in the traditional urban texture surrounded by walls. The Grand Mosque is one of these valuable buildings...
Journal of Water Resource and Hydraulic Engineering, 2016
Middle East Technical University Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, Dec 1, 2013
İnsanoğlunun yerleşim yeri olarak seçtiği her bölgedeki malzemenin, mimariyi biçimlendiren en öne... more İnsanoğlunun yerleşim yeri olarak seçtiği her bölgedeki malzemenin, mimariyi biçimlendiren en önemli etkenlerden biri olduğu yadsınamaz bir gerçektir. Farklı medeniyetlerin farklı kültür katmanlarıyla yoğrulan Anadolu, hem mimari hem de sosyal açıdan çeşitlilik gösteren bölgesel özelliklere sahiptir. Coğrafik ve iklimsel zenginliği ile de Anadolu, farklı yapı türlerinin oluşumunu sağlayan malzeme ve yapım tekniği konusunda önemli bir yapı sanatı yelpazesi sunmaktadır.
Mardin iline bagli bir ilce olan Savur, il merkezine 47 km. uzakliktadir. Yerlesim duzeni, mimari... more Mardin iline bagli bir ilce olan Savur, il merkezine 47 km. uzakliktadir. Yerlesim duzeni, mimarisi basta olmak uzere bircok yonden Mardin’le benzerlik gostermektedir (Yasayan Tarih Mardin, 2000). Ilcenin kent dokusu, karsilikli iki tepenin cevresindeki yerlesim alanindan olusmaktadir. Topografyaya gore bicimlenmis sokaklar, carsi, meydan, sosyal ve kamu yapilari, konaklar, evler geleneksel yerlesim duzeninin ozgun degerlerini yansitmaktadir. Bolgenin cografik ozellikleri ile asiret sistemine dayanan toplumsal yasam, kentin bicimlenmesindeki en onemli iki etmendir. Gunumuzde de varligini hissettiren bu etmenler, kentsel ve kulturel surekliligin ana dayanagidir. Geleneksel kent dokusu icindeki konaklar ve evler topografya, malzeme, yapim teknigi, kulturel degerler gibi bolgesel etkenlerin yaninda Turk – Islam aile yapisi, endustri oncesi sehrin nitelikleri gibi genel etkenlerin belirleyiciliginde olusmustur. Koklu bir gecmisi olan bugunku nufus, gunumuzde de varligini devam ettirerek...
ASMOSIA XIII-13th International Conference of the Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones of Antiquity, 2022
Perpira, a registered bridge that spans the banks of Batman Stream- Turkey, was most probably con... more Perpira, a registered bridge that spans the banks of Batman Stream- Turkey, was most probably constructed during the Late Roman/Early Byzantine period. The bridge was demolished for an unknown reason and at an unknown period. Only a few portions of the bridge (the foundations and the piers) remain today. The bridge has not been repaired since it was discovered, according to reports. As a result, the structure’s remaining portions, particularly the cut stone blocks, are original and provide valuable information about the period’s construction processes and material selection. In this study, it is aimed to assess the provenance, petrographic and physicomechanical characterization of the stones used in the construction of the bridge. In order to achieve this, samples were collected from the downstream and the upstream sections of the piers. In addition to the bridge, samples were collected from the possible quarries in the vicinity. Stable isotope analyses were carried out on seven samples to petrographically characterize the stones used in the bridge and to determine their provenances. The findings indicate that the stones used in the downstream and upstream sections are significantly different both in petrographic and physicomechanical aspects. Stable isotope analyses, on the other hand, reveal that the stones used in the structure originated from nearby quarries.