Fatma Nur OZEN - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Fatma Nur OZEN
Journal of Education and Training Studies, Jun 8, 2018
This research, examining the perception of classroom teacher candidates about the gender equality... more This research, examining the perception of classroom teacher candidates about the gender equality through the personal experiences of the teacher candidates, is a qualitative study. The phenomenological pattern was adopted. Data were collected in two stages: The participants were asked to provide written responses to the open-ended questions for clarifying which concepts are used for explaining the gender equality, which factors cause the gender inequality and how the equality will be ensured. Next, focus group discussion was carried to find the situations that the classroom teacher candidates encountered in their learning process. The results reveal that the role of men and women, generated by the cultures of different societies but the individuals should have equal rights and opportunities and every kind of discrimination about sex should be prevented. The causes of inequality: Socialization, social roles. The factors causes the inequality are the religious beliefs, prejudices, patriarchy. For the equality, it is necessary to raise awareness, the roles in the family should be rearranged and women employment should be supported. The results of the focus group discussion announced that biological gender was effective in choosing the profession: Men were more successful in professions working with numbers and producing some concrete products, while the women should be employed in professions that would guarantee the emotional and physical security. Women are successful in the management because of their maternal roles and they attach a great importance to details and organization. However, the governance, in other words, the power is the men's specialty.
European Journal of Educational Research, 2019
In Turkey, as in all countries of the world, education is regarded as the sole means of moderniza... more In Turkey, as in all countries of the world, education is regarded as the sole means of modernization, progress, civilization, productivity, and sustainability of all these things. The aim of the Turkish education system is to raise students with the national, moral and cultural values of the Turkish nation, to educate them as citizens of a social law state, and solve the existing or potential problems that may arise in the future. The most important document that shows how this aim will be achieved in the country is the curriculum. The purpose of this study is to reveal the frequency of the social issues included in the current curriculum at the elementary education level. Within the scope of the study, social issues presented by sociologists were established through e-Delphi panels, coded under seven titles by researchers, those who were thought to bring solutions to these problems were counted by descriptive analysis method in the specific aims, themes and achievements of the curriculum used at elementary level. Results show that curriculum adopted at the elementary education level include mostly issues related to individual life and individualization, socialization, democratic life and democratization while economic issues, and issues related to family, environment and urbanization are emphasized less. These findings are discussed with other research results.
Ogretmen adaylarinin dahil etme (inclusive) egitimine iliskin tutumlari, bu uygulamalara iliskin ... more Ogretmen adaylarinin dahil etme (inclusive) egitimine iliskin tutumlari, bu uygulamalara iliskin istekliliklerini ve uygulama becerilerini etkilemektedir (Buell, Hallam, Gamel-McCormick, Scheer, 1999; Akt: Berry, 2010). Bu nedenle bu arastirmanin amaci...
Arastirma, egitim orgutu (ilkokul, ortaokul) calisanlarinin algiladiklari orgutsel etik iklimin o... more Arastirma, egitim orgutu (ilkokul, ortaokul) calisanlarinin algiladiklari orgutsel etik iklimin ogretmenlerin etik disi davranislarina etkisinin incelendigi bir korelasyon calismasidir. Arastirma kapsaminda Diyarbakir ili merkez ilcelerindeki ilkogretim okullarinda gorev yapan ogretmenlerden veri toplanmistir. Arastirmada veriler “Orgutsel Etik Iklim Olcegi” ve “Etik Disi Davranislar Olcegi” ile toplanmistir. Arastirma sonuclari arastirmaya katilan ogretmenlerin gorusleri arasinda kidemleri, cinsiyetleri, kurumda calisan ogretmen sayisi ve kurumda calisma suresi degiskenlerine gore etik iklim ve etik disi davranis algilari arasinda istatistiksel olarak anlamli fark olmadigini gostermektedir. Orgutsel Etik Iklim Olceginin tum alt boyutlari ile Etik Disi Davranislar Olceginin tum alt boyutlari arasinda pozitif yonlu, cogunlukla orta duzeyde istatistiksel olarak anlamli iliskiler oldugu belirlenmistir. Verimli orgutsel etik iklim alt boyutunda en yuksek iliski ogretmenlerin ogretmenle...
Journal of Turkish Studies, 2018
olduklarını göstermektedir. Nitel araştırma bulgularına göre ise, sınıf öğretmenleri üstbilişsel ... more olduklarını göstermektedir. Nitel araştırma bulgularına göre ise, sınıf öğretmenleri üstbilişsel okuma stratejisi olarak okumaya hazırlık, okuma sırası, okuma sonrası ve okuduğunu değerlendirme boyunca sıklıkla soru sorma stratejisini kullanmaktadır. Sınıf öğretmenleri bu stratejiye ek olarak: Okumaya hazırlıkta ön bilgileri harekete geçirme, okuma sırasında akıcı okuma, okuma sonrası ve okuduğunu değerlendirme esnasında da özetleme yapma stratejilerini kullandırmaktadır.
Öğretmenlik mesleğinde etik, öğretmenlik mesleğini yerine getirirken öğrenciler, toplum ve aynı m... more Öğretmenlik mesleğinde etik, öğretmenlik mesleğini yerine getirirken öğrenciler, toplum ve aynı meslek grubundaki bireylerle olan ilişkilerinde uyulması gereken kurallar ve ilkeler bütünü, yerine getirilmesi gereken sorumluluklardır. Bu çalışmada, Giresun İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğüne bağlı ilkokullarda görev yapan sınıf öğretmenleri ile halen Giresun Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Temel Eğitim Bölümü Sınıf Öğretmenliği Anabilim Dalında öğrenimlerini sürdüren öğrenci sınıf öğretmenlerinin zamanla öğretmenlik meslek etiği algılarında ki değişme incelenmiştir. Araştırma nicel araştırma yöntemlerinden tarama türündedir. Verilerin toplanmasında aslı Manolova-Yalçın'a ait "Öğretmenlik Mesleği Etik İlkeler Ölçeği" izni dâhilinde kullanılmıştır. Ölçek, topluma, okula, mesleğe, meslektaşlara, öğrencilere ve velilere yönelik öğretmenlik mesleği etik ilkelerine ilişkin görüşleri içeren maddelerden oluşmaktadır. Araştırmada sınıf öğretmenlerinin öğretmenlik meslek etiğine ilişkin gö...
Bu araştırmanın amacı, Türkiye’de eğitim fakültelerinde öğrenim gören üniversite öğrencilerinin t... more Bu araştırmanın amacı, Türkiye’de eğitim fakültelerinde öğrenim gören üniversite öğrencilerinin toplumsal cinsiyeteşitliğine yönelik görüşlerinin belirlenmesi ve çeşitli değişkenler bakımından karşılaştırılmasıdır. Araştırmadanedensel karşılaştırma yöntemi kullanılmış ve katılımcılarının belirlenmesinde İstatistiki Bölge BirimleriSınıflamasının birinci düzeyi esas alınmıştır. Her bölgeden bir devlet üniversitesinin (toplam 12) örneklemkapsamına alındığı araştırmada veriler Gözütok, Toraman ve Acar-Erdol (2017) tarafından geliştirilmiş olanToplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği Ölçeği kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde Mann Whitney U Testi ve KruskalWallis Testi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçları, öğretmen adaylarının kadını erkeğe bağımlı kılan ve erkeği üstüngören anlayışlarının orta düzeyde olduğunu, sınıf düzeyi arttıkça görüşlerinin olumsuza yöneldiğini; toplumsalcinsiyetle ilişkili görüşlerinin okudukları bölüm, yaşadıkları bölge, ebeveynlerinin öğrenim düzeyi gibideğişkenle...
International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies
The period when education services were tried to be provided remotely due to the COVID-19 epidemi... more The period when education services were tried to be provided remotely due to the COVID-19 epidemic enabled teachers to be intertwined with technology-supported teaching platforms. The acquisition of the technology required to use the platform, adaptation of the existing teaching strategies, methods, and techniques to the platform, and the need to stay in touch with all stakeholders related to education in this process have led to new experiences for teachers and many challenging situations. During this process, it was predicted that teachers frequently use their cognitive flexibility, which enables them to think about different solutions and make functional changes for different or problematic situations. The research is a survey study. Data were collected from teachers with the Cognitive Flexibility Inventory and the Attitude Scale towards Compulsory Distance Education. Their validity and reliability were retested within this research's scope. The results of this study, in whic...
Existing research shows that emergency remote teaching (ERT), which has become mandatory with the... more Existing research shows that emergency remote teaching (ERT), which has become mandatory with the COVID-19 Pandemic, has unique aspects and provides differentiating experiences for teachers and learners. This research aims to develop a scale to measure the attitudes of the teaching staff working in higher education towards ERT; besides the validity and reliability proofs, to make a sample application with the developed scale. For this purpose, the validity and reliability proofs of the Emergency Remote Teaching Attitude Scale (ERTAS) according to the classical test and Item Response Theories were determined in line with the data collected from 878 teaching staff working in the state and foundation universities throughout Turkey. ERTAS has three sub-dimensions measuring Affective, Behavioral, and Cognitive dimensions with a total of 22 items. According to the literature, the fit indexes of the scale sub-dimensions obtained from Confirmatory Factor Analysis are acceptable. It was determined that the attitudes measured by the sub-dimensions of ERTAS according to gender, seniority, and their interaction did not change. Some suggestions have been made regarding the use of ERTAS
Ahi evran üniversitesi kırşehir eğitim fakültesi dergisi, May 1, 2019
International Journal of Progressive Education, 2021
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, emergency remote teaching in higher education institutions across T... more Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, emergency remote teaching in higher education institutions across Turkey in 2020 has become mandatory as of March. Emergency remote teaching practices added new applications for most of the instructors such as virtual classroom, online teaching, distance evaluation; those revealed different opinions based on experience on the positive and negative aspects and quality of the applications. This research was conducted to evaluate all these experiences held at a state university with a distance education center and a distance education database system but having only limited experiences on online courses before the emergency remote teaching in Turkey. The data set of the study was composed of the opinions of a group of instructors who participated in the distance teaching process for the first time and the official correspondence and reports made to organize, manage and evaluate the process during the first period of emergency remote teaching. The research is a qualitative case study where data obtained from different data sets are analyzed comparatively, inductively, and deductively. The results of the research show that within the scope of emergency remote teaching, the regulations regarding the application content in different faculties of the university should be differentiated, and this can be partially met during the emergency distance education process. In the context of effective and efficient use of the emergency remote teaching process, positive/negative situations have been experienced in terms of adapting to the database used in the teaching process, adapting existing teaching approaches, measuring and evaluating learning outcomes, and ensuring the participation of students in all these. Although instructors generally consider distance education as more student-centered practices and find the opportunities, it will provide positive in this context, but the effect of compulsory emergency remote teaching on learning outcomes was uncertain. Some suggestions are presented for the efficacy, effectiveness, and efficiency of the implementation.
Bu kitabın basım, yayım ve satış hakları Pegem Akademi Yay. Eğt. Dan. Hizm. Tic. A.Ş.ye aittir. A... more Bu kitabın basım, yayım ve satış hakları Pegem Akademi Yay. Eğt. Dan. Hizm. Tic. A.Ş.ye aittir. Anılan kuruluşun izni alınmadan kitabın tümü ya da bölümleri, kapak tasarımı; mekanik, elektronik, fotokopi, manyetik kayıt ya da başka yöntemlerle çoğaltılamaz, basılamaz, dağıtılamaz. Bu kitap T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı bandrolü ile satılmaktadır. Okuyucularımızın bandrolü olmayan kitaplar hakkında yayınevimize bilgi vermesini ve bandrolsüz yayınları satın almamasını diliyoruz.
Journal of Education and Training Studies, 2018
Employees want to benefit from more sources of the organization to achieve their own goals in the... more Employees want to benefit from more sources of the organization to achieve their own goals in the direction of individual desires, which made them rivals in the sharing of income, responsibility, and promotion regarding the organization; thus, in organizations, political processes began to appear. Perceptions of what is considered ethically correct and how ethical issues are addressed within an organization constitutes the ethical climate of the organization. According to social psychology, behaviors of the individual are the function of the psychological environment perceived by the individual in which he or she is living or working. In that case, positively or negatively perceived organizational ethical climate has the possibility of reducing or increasing unethical behavior under the influence of organizational policy perception. In other words, corruption behavior, which means an employee's using public resources or power for his/her own interests, is likely to be affected b...
Eğitim bilimine giriş, 2016
Journal of Education and Training Studies, Jun 8, 2018
This research, examining the perception of classroom teacher candidates about the gender equality... more This research, examining the perception of classroom teacher candidates about the gender equality through the personal experiences of the teacher candidates, is a qualitative study. The phenomenological pattern was adopted. Data were collected in two stages: The participants were asked to provide written responses to the open-ended questions for clarifying which concepts are used for explaining the gender equality, which factors cause the gender inequality and how the equality will be ensured. Next, focus group discussion was carried to find the situations that the classroom teacher candidates encountered in their learning process. The results reveal that the role of men and women, generated by the cultures of different societies but the individuals should have equal rights and opportunities and every kind of discrimination about sex should be prevented. The causes of inequality: Socialization, social roles. The factors causes the inequality are the religious beliefs, prejudices, patriarchy. For the equality, it is necessary to raise awareness, the roles in the family should be rearranged and women employment should be supported. The results of the focus group discussion announced that biological gender was effective in choosing the profession: Men were more successful in professions working with numbers and producing some concrete products, while the women should be employed in professions that would guarantee the emotional and physical security. Women are successful in the management because of their maternal roles and they attach a great importance to details and organization. However, the governance, in other words, the power is the men's specialty.
European Journal of Educational Research, 2019
In Turkey, as in all countries of the world, education is regarded as the sole means of moderniza... more In Turkey, as in all countries of the world, education is regarded as the sole means of modernization, progress, civilization, productivity, and sustainability of all these things. The aim of the Turkish education system is to raise students with the national, moral and cultural values of the Turkish nation, to educate them as citizens of a social law state, and solve the existing or potential problems that may arise in the future. The most important document that shows how this aim will be achieved in the country is the curriculum. The purpose of this study is to reveal the frequency of the social issues included in the current curriculum at the elementary education level. Within the scope of the study, social issues presented by sociologists were established through e-Delphi panels, coded under seven titles by researchers, those who were thought to bring solutions to these problems were counted by descriptive analysis method in the specific aims, themes and achievements of the curriculum used at elementary level. Results show that curriculum adopted at the elementary education level include mostly issues related to individual life and individualization, socialization, democratic life and democratization while economic issues, and issues related to family, environment and urbanization are emphasized less. These findings are discussed with other research results.
Ogretmen adaylarinin dahil etme (inclusive) egitimine iliskin tutumlari, bu uygulamalara iliskin ... more Ogretmen adaylarinin dahil etme (inclusive) egitimine iliskin tutumlari, bu uygulamalara iliskin istekliliklerini ve uygulama becerilerini etkilemektedir (Buell, Hallam, Gamel-McCormick, Scheer, 1999; Akt: Berry, 2010). Bu nedenle bu arastirmanin amaci...
Arastirma, egitim orgutu (ilkokul, ortaokul) calisanlarinin algiladiklari orgutsel etik iklimin o... more Arastirma, egitim orgutu (ilkokul, ortaokul) calisanlarinin algiladiklari orgutsel etik iklimin ogretmenlerin etik disi davranislarina etkisinin incelendigi bir korelasyon calismasidir. Arastirma kapsaminda Diyarbakir ili merkez ilcelerindeki ilkogretim okullarinda gorev yapan ogretmenlerden veri toplanmistir. Arastirmada veriler “Orgutsel Etik Iklim Olcegi” ve “Etik Disi Davranislar Olcegi” ile toplanmistir. Arastirma sonuclari arastirmaya katilan ogretmenlerin gorusleri arasinda kidemleri, cinsiyetleri, kurumda calisan ogretmen sayisi ve kurumda calisma suresi degiskenlerine gore etik iklim ve etik disi davranis algilari arasinda istatistiksel olarak anlamli fark olmadigini gostermektedir. Orgutsel Etik Iklim Olceginin tum alt boyutlari ile Etik Disi Davranislar Olceginin tum alt boyutlari arasinda pozitif yonlu, cogunlukla orta duzeyde istatistiksel olarak anlamli iliskiler oldugu belirlenmistir. Verimli orgutsel etik iklim alt boyutunda en yuksek iliski ogretmenlerin ogretmenle...
Journal of Turkish Studies, 2018
olduklarını göstermektedir. Nitel araştırma bulgularına göre ise, sınıf öğretmenleri üstbilişsel ... more olduklarını göstermektedir. Nitel araştırma bulgularına göre ise, sınıf öğretmenleri üstbilişsel okuma stratejisi olarak okumaya hazırlık, okuma sırası, okuma sonrası ve okuduğunu değerlendirme boyunca sıklıkla soru sorma stratejisini kullanmaktadır. Sınıf öğretmenleri bu stratejiye ek olarak: Okumaya hazırlıkta ön bilgileri harekete geçirme, okuma sırasında akıcı okuma, okuma sonrası ve okuduğunu değerlendirme esnasında da özetleme yapma stratejilerini kullandırmaktadır.
Öğretmenlik mesleğinde etik, öğretmenlik mesleğini yerine getirirken öğrenciler, toplum ve aynı m... more Öğretmenlik mesleğinde etik, öğretmenlik mesleğini yerine getirirken öğrenciler, toplum ve aynı meslek grubundaki bireylerle olan ilişkilerinde uyulması gereken kurallar ve ilkeler bütünü, yerine getirilmesi gereken sorumluluklardır. Bu çalışmada, Giresun İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğüne bağlı ilkokullarda görev yapan sınıf öğretmenleri ile halen Giresun Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Temel Eğitim Bölümü Sınıf Öğretmenliği Anabilim Dalında öğrenimlerini sürdüren öğrenci sınıf öğretmenlerinin zamanla öğretmenlik meslek etiği algılarında ki değişme incelenmiştir. Araştırma nicel araştırma yöntemlerinden tarama türündedir. Verilerin toplanmasında aslı Manolova-Yalçın'a ait "Öğretmenlik Mesleği Etik İlkeler Ölçeği" izni dâhilinde kullanılmıştır. Ölçek, topluma, okula, mesleğe, meslektaşlara, öğrencilere ve velilere yönelik öğretmenlik mesleği etik ilkelerine ilişkin görüşleri içeren maddelerden oluşmaktadır. Araştırmada sınıf öğretmenlerinin öğretmenlik meslek etiğine ilişkin gö...
Bu araştırmanın amacı, Türkiye’de eğitim fakültelerinde öğrenim gören üniversite öğrencilerinin t... more Bu araştırmanın amacı, Türkiye’de eğitim fakültelerinde öğrenim gören üniversite öğrencilerinin toplumsal cinsiyeteşitliğine yönelik görüşlerinin belirlenmesi ve çeşitli değişkenler bakımından karşılaştırılmasıdır. Araştırmadanedensel karşılaştırma yöntemi kullanılmış ve katılımcılarının belirlenmesinde İstatistiki Bölge BirimleriSınıflamasının birinci düzeyi esas alınmıştır. Her bölgeden bir devlet üniversitesinin (toplam 12) örneklemkapsamına alındığı araştırmada veriler Gözütok, Toraman ve Acar-Erdol (2017) tarafından geliştirilmiş olanToplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği Ölçeği kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde Mann Whitney U Testi ve KruskalWallis Testi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçları, öğretmen adaylarının kadını erkeğe bağımlı kılan ve erkeği üstüngören anlayışlarının orta düzeyde olduğunu, sınıf düzeyi arttıkça görüşlerinin olumsuza yöneldiğini; toplumsalcinsiyetle ilişkili görüşlerinin okudukları bölüm, yaşadıkları bölge, ebeveynlerinin öğrenim düzeyi gibideğişkenle...
International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies
The period when education services were tried to be provided remotely due to the COVID-19 epidemi... more The period when education services were tried to be provided remotely due to the COVID-19 epidemic enabled teachers to be intertwined with technology-supported teaching platforms. The acquisition of the technology required to use the platform, adaptation of the existing teaching strategies, methods, and techniques to the platform, and the need to stay in touch with all stakeholders related to education in this process have led to new experiences for teachers and many challenging situations. During this process, it was predicted that teachers frequently use their cognitive flexibility, which enables them to think about different solutions and make functional changes for different or problematic situations. The research is a survey study. Data were collected from teachers with the Cognitive Flexibility Inventory and the Attitude Scale towards Compulsory Distance Education. Their validity and reliability were retested within this research's scope. The results of this study, in whic...
Existing research shows that emergency remote teaching (ERT), which has become mandatory with the... more Existing research shows that emergency remote teaching (ERT), which has become mandatory with the COVID-19 Pandemic, has unique aspects and provides differentiating experiences for teachers and learners. This research aims to develop a scale to measure the attitudes of the teaching staff working in higher education towards ERT; besides the validity and reliability proofs, to make a sample application with the developed scale. For this purpose, the validity and reliability proofs of the Emergency Remote Teaching Attitude Scale (ERTAS) according to the classical test and Item Response Theories were determined in line with the data collected from 878 teaching staff working in the state and foundation universities throughout Turkey. ERTAS has three sub-dimensions measuring Affective, Behavioral, and Cognitive dimensions with a total of 22 items. According to the literature, the fit indexes of the scale sub-dimensions obtained from Confirmatory Factor Analysis are acceptable. It was determined that the attitudes measured by the sub-dimensions of ERTAS according to gender, seniority, and their interaction did not change. Some suggestions have been made regarding the use of ERTAS
Ahi evran üniversitesi kırşehir eğitim fakültesi dergisi, May 1, 2019
International Journal of Progressive Education, 2021
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, emergency remote teaching in higher education institutions across T... more Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, emergency remote teaching in higher education institutions across Turkey in 2020 has become mandatory as of March. Emergency remote teaching practices added new applications for most of the instructors such as virtual classroom, online teaching, distance evaluation; those revealed different opinions based on experience on the positive and negative aspects and quality of the applications. This research was conducted to evaluate all these experiences held at a state university with a distance education center and a distance education database system but having only limited experiences on online courses before the emergency remote teaching in Turkey. The data set of the study was composed of the opinions of a group of instructors who participated in the distance teaching process for the first time and the official correspondence and reports made to organize, manage and evaluate the process during the first period of emergency remote teaching. The research is a qualitative case study where data obtained from different data sets are analyzed comparatively, inductively, and deductively. The results of the research show that within the scope of emergency remote teaching, the regulations regarding the application content in different faculties of the university should be differentiated, and this can be partially met during the emergency distance education process. In the context of effective and efficient use of the emergency remote teaching process, positive/negative situations have been experienced in terms of adapting to the database used in the teaching process, adapting existing teaching approaches, measuring and evaluating learning outcomes, and ensuring the participation of students in all these. Although instructors generally consider distance education as more student-centered practices and find the opportunities, it will provide positive in this context, but the effect of compulsory emergency remote teaching on learning outcomes was uncertain. Some suggestions are presented for the efficacy, effectiveness, and efficiency of the implementation.
Bu kitabın basım, yayım ve satış hakları Pegem Akademi Yay. Eğt. Dan. Hizm. Tic. A.Ş.ye aittir. A... more Bu kitabın basım, yayım ve satış hakları Pegem Akademi Yay. Eğt. Dan. Hizm. Tic. A.Ş.ye aittir. Anılan kuruluşun izni alınmadan kitabın tümü ya da bölümleri, kapak tasarımı; mekanik, elektronik, fotokopi, manyetik kayıt ya da başka yöntemlerle çoğaltılamaz, basılamaz, dağıtılamaz. Bu kitap T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı bandrolü ile satılmaktadır. Okuyucularımızın bandrolü olmayan kitaplar hakkında yayınevimize bilgi vermesini ve bandrolsüz yayınları satın almamasını diliyoruz.
Journal of Education and Training Studies, 2018
Employees want to benefit from more sources of the organization to achieve their own goals in the... more Employees want to benefit from more sources of the organization to achieve their own goals in the direction of individual desires, which made them rivals in the sharing of income, responsibility, and promotion regarding the organization; thus, in organizations, political processes began to appear. Perceptions of what is considered ethically correct and how ethical issues are addressed within an organization constitutes the ethical climate of the organization. According to social psychology, behaviors of the individual are the function of the psychological environment perceived by the individual in which he or she is living or working. In that case, positively or negatively perceived organizational ethical climate has the possibility of reducing or increasing unethical behavior under the influence of organizational policy perception. In other words, corruption behavior, which means an employee's using public resources or power for his/her own interests, is likely to be affected b...
Eğitim bilimine giriş, 2016