Fatria Khairo - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Fatria Khairo

Research paper thumbnail of Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Notaris Berdasarkan Prinsip Based on Fault of Liability (Tanggung Jawab Berdasarkan Kesalahan)

Lex Stricta, Dec 22, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Yuridis Penyelesaian Sengketa Konsumen Pada Badan Penyelesaian Sengketa Konsumen (Studi Kasus Putusan BPSK Kota Lubuklinggau Nomor: 002/P.ARBITRASE/BPSK-LLG/IV/2021)

Lex Stricta, Dec 22, 2022

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Lex Stricta, Dec 22, 2022

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Research paper thumbnail of Business Disputes Settlement through Electronic Mediation

Advances in social science, education and humanities research, Dec 31, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Strengthening Indonesia's Cabinet System: Embracing the Zaken Cabinet

Journal of Law and Sustainable Development, Dec 6, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of Minister of Home Regulation (Permendagri) Number 114 of 2014 in Village Development Planning Management

International Journal of Science and Society, Oct 4, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Hukum Acara Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara


Research paper thumbnail of Hukum Acara Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara

Jakarta Rajawali Pers, 1992


Research paper thumbnail of Actio Pauliana Principle in Indonesian Business Law

Halu oleo law review, Mar 7, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Implementation Of The Contrarius Actus Principle In Revocation Of Land Certificate Without A Court

Pena Justisia: Media Komunikasi dan Kajian Hukum

Proof of ownership of land is a land certificate. Often in the issuance of land certificates, the... more Proof of ownership of land is a land certificate. Often in the issuance of land certificates, there are problems. Land certificates that have been issued usually cause problems and must be canceled. One of the causes of the revocation of land certificates is invalid data which contains administrative defects. The problem arises that often the Head of the Land Office is reluctant to cancel the land certificate and prefers the applicant for the revocation of the land certificate to file a lawsuit in court or through litigation. This was suggested by the Head of the Land Office because of his misunderstanding of the Contrarius Actus principle. The Contrarius Actus principle is a principle in administrative law where the State Administrative Officer who makes State Administrative Decisions is automatically authorized to change, replace, revoke and cancel the documents he has made. and juridical defects must be revoked by the Head of the Land Office without having to wait for a court dec...

Research paper thumbnail of Consumer Protection Policy for Conducting E-Commerce Transactions in Indonesia

Journal of governance : jurnal ilmu pemerintahan Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Apr 20, 2022

A few decades ago, the internet was only known to a handful of people who had an interest in the ... more A few decades ago, the internet was only known to a handful of people who had an interest in the world of technology, especially computers. However, with the increasing years and times, people's interest in the internet is growing rapidly, and the internet has even become an inseparable part of their lives. Now, the internet is not only for entertainment and information; it has even been used as a medium of business and trade known as Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce). E-commerce is buying and selling carried out via the internet, which can benefit consumers. Still, on the other hand, sometimes it is detrimental to consumers because they often do not get the protection that provides certainty in a dispute. In an ecommerce business transaction, which is a characteristic of business-to-business transactions where business actors conduct transactions with fellow entrepreneurs, business-to-consumer transactions are carried out by business actors with consumers themselves. The benefits of ecommerce transactions for consumers include that consumers can make transactions for 24 hours without leaving their houses and do not require transportation for selling costs. Consumer protection for e-commerce is regulated by Law Number 8 of 1999, concerning consumer protection for online transactions, or e-commerce. In the Trade Law, the regulated E-commerce trading system stipulates that every person or business entity that trades goods or services must provide complete and correct data and information.

Research paper thumbnail of Harnessing the Power of AI in Shaping Administrative Law Regulations

International Journal of Science and Society

The rapid and transformative advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have reached a pivotal ... more The rapid and transformative advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have reached a pivotal juncture, necessitating a re-evaluation of the regulatory frameworks in various sectors, including administrative law. This paper delves into the potential of AI in shaping administrative law regulations. While the inherent computational abilities of AI allow for processing vast amounts of data, providing real-time insights, and predicting administrative needs, they also introduce challenges related to ethics, transparency, and accountability. By analyzing global best practices and case studies, this paper highlights the dual-edged nature of AI, where on one side, it can aid in making more informed regulatory decisions, reduce bureaucratic inefficiencies, and improve citizen engagement. On the other side, unchecked use can lead to biases, opaque decision-making, and potential encroachments on individual rights. The paper concludes by proposing a balanced approach that harnesses the poten...

Research paper thumbnail of Consumer Protection Policy for Conducting E-Commerce Transactions in Indonesia

Journal of Governance

A few decades ago, the internet was only known to a handful of people who had an interest in the ... more A few decades ago, the internet was only known to a handful of people who had an interest in the world of technology, especially computers. However, with the increasing years and times, people's interest in the internet is growing rapidly, and the internet has even become an inseparable part of their lives. Now, the internet is not only for entertainment and information; it has even been used as a medium of business and trade known as Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce). E-commerce is buying and selling carried out via the internet, which can benefit consumers. Still, on the other hand, sometimes it is detrimental to consumers because they often do not get the protection that provides certainty in a dispute. In an ecommerce business transaction, which is a characteristic of business-to-business transactions where business actors conduct transactions with fellow entrepreneurs, business-to-consumer transactions are carried out by business actors with consumers themselves. The benefits of ecommerce transactions for consumers include that consumers can make transactions for 24 hours without leaving their houses and do not require transportation for selling costs. Consumer protection for e-commerce is regulated by Law Number 8 of 1999, concerning consumer protection for online transactions, or e-commerce. In the Trade Law, the regulated E-commerce trading system stipulates that every person or business entity that trades goods or services must provide complete and correct data and information.

Research paper thumbnail of Urgency of Separation of Powers in State Institutions to Defend Against Corruption in Indonesia

Lex Publica

The issue of abuse of authority is still a color of politics in every state institution, such as ... more The issue of abuse of authority is still a color of politics in every state institution, such as the ministry. Such as political member charges. There are ways for brainstorming for writers to contribute to the system as we know that Indonesia implements a system of power-sharing known as the Legislative, Executive and Judiciary. With its power distribution system, Indonesia tends to open space for corrupt behavior. The Urgency of the Separation of Power System in corruption in Indonesia aims to reduce the space that can be corrupted and to facilitate monitoring and evaluation of each performance. Abstrak Isu penyalahgunaan wewenang masih menjadi warna politik di setiap lembaga negara, seperti kementerian. Seperti biaya anggota politik. Ada cara untuk brainstorming bagi penulis untuk berkontribusi pada sistem. Seperti kita ketahui bahwa Indonesia menerapkan sistem pembagian kekuasaan yang dikenal dengan Legislatif, Eksekutif dan Yudikatif. Indonesia dengan sistem distribusi kekuasaa...

Research paper thumbnail of Jaminan Pelaksanaan Pemberian Hak-Hak Istri Pasca Perceraian

CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Jun 7, 2022

Dimana perkara perceraian yang dilakukan oleh pihak suami atau permohonan perceraian kepada Penga... more Dimana perkara perceraian yang dilakukan oleh pihak suami atau permohonan perceraian kepada Pengadilan Agama untuk diberikan putusan yang menyatakan bahwa hubungan suami istri diantara mereka telah putus dengan pertimbangan majlis hakim bahwa yang bersangkutan tidak dapat kembali untuk membentuk rumah tangga yang sakinah mawaddah dan rahmah. Oleh karena itu, muncullah permasalahan baru bahwa mantan suami tidak melaksanakan kewajibannya yaitu tidak memberikan hak istri yang telah diceraikannya seperti pemberian hak "iddah atau hak mut"ah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan, yaitu sumber datanya adalah studi kepustakaan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan normatif yuridis. Hasil dari penelitian bahwa dalam amar putusan majelis hakim ditambahkan kalimat "…yang dibayar sebelum tergugat mengambil akta cerai". Dengan demikian jaminan pelaksaan pemberian hak-hak perempuan pasca perceraian dapat terlaksana.

Research paper thumbnail of Akibat Hukum Perkawinan Beda Agama Pasca Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 46/PUU-VIII/2010

Di Indonesia, perkawinan memang bukanlah sebuah persoalan yang rumit manakala pasangan memeluk ag... more Di Indonesia, perkawinan memang bukanlah sebuah persoalan yang rumit manakala pasangan memeluk agama yang sama, namun akan menjadi persoalan yang sangat rumit apabila kedua pasangan tersebut memeluk agama yang berbeda. Hal ini menjadi masalah karena dengan adanya perbedaan agama maka pelaksanaan perkawinan menjadi terhalang. Permasalahannya adalah bagaimana perkawinan berbeda agama menurut Undang-undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 dan apa akibat hukum dari perkawinan berbeda agama pasca Putusan MK Nomor 46/PUU-VIII/2010. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif, maksudnya adalah penelitian yang dilakukan dengan cara mengkaji peraturan perundang-undangan beserta peraturan lainnya yang relevan dengan permasalahan yang diteliti termasuk putusan MK yang dibahas. Adapun peraturan perundang-undangan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah peraturan perundang- undangan yang terdapat kaitannya dengan masalah perkawinan berbeda agama seperti Undang-undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 tentang pe...

Research paper thumbnail of Memahami Hukum Konstitusi Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Hukum acara peradilan tata usaha negara/ Khairo

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Insfektorat Dalam Pengawasan Internal Pada Pemerintah Daerah

Abstrak Tidak tercapainya tujuan pembangunan dan terjadinya penyimpangan terhadap tata kelolah pe... more Abstrak Tidak tercapainya tujuan pembangunan dan terjadinya penyimpangan terhadap tata kelolah pemerintahan yang dilakukan oleh Aparatur Negara menimbul kerugian negara yang disebabkan lemah sistem pengawasan dan pencegahan. Oleh karena itu diperlukan pengawasan yang resmi yang dilakukan oleh Lembaga Otonomi yang kuat, Sehingga kegiatan pemerintah daerah dapat tercapai dan tidak adanya penyimpangan. Penulisan dalam tulisan ini menggunakan metode normatifmenganalisis masalah pengawasan dan kelemahan serta hambatannya dari sisi aturan dan norma perundang-undang, serta buku yang berhubungan dengan pengawasan daerah. Pelaksanaan pengawasan yang dilakukan Inspektorat selaku Lembaga pengawas dan pencegahan internal terhadap pelaksanann dan tata kelolah pemerintah tidak mempunyai kekuatan yang kuat, walaupun hasil temuan dalam pengawasan itu terbukti adanya penyimpangan. Ini disebabkan Lembaga Pengawasan Daerah tidak mampu dan Independen dan selalu dibawah tekanan Kepala Daerah. Oleh keran...

Research paper thumbnail of Urgensi Pembatasan Kompetensi Absolut Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara Di Indonesia

Kompetensi Absolute dari peradilan tata usaha negara adalah untuk memeriksa, mengadili dan memutu... more Kompetensi Absolute dari peradilan tata usaha negara adalah untuk memeriksa, mengadili dan memutuskan sengketa yang timbul dalam bidang tata usaha negara antara seseorang atau badan hukum perdata dengan badan atau pejabat tata usaha negara akibat dikeluarkannya suatu keputusan tata usaha negara termasuk sengketa kepegawaian dan tidak dikeluarkannya suatu keputusan yang dimohonkan seseorang sampai batas waktu yang ditentukan dalam suatu peraturan perundang-undangan sedangkan hal itu telah merupakan kewajiban badan atau Pejabat Tata Usaha Negara yang bersangkutan. Model ideal konsep pembatasan ruang lingkup kompetensi Absolut PTUN di masa yang akan datang adalah dengan langsung melakukan Pembatasan Kompetensi Absolut TUN secara langsung yaitu pembatasan yang tidak memungkinkan sama sekali bagi PTUN untuk memeriksa dan memutus sengketa tersebut. Kata Kunci : Kompetensi Absolut, Peradilan TUN, Pejabat TUN Abstract: Absolute Competence of the state administrative court is to examine, adj...

Research paper thumbnail of Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Notaris Berdasarkan Prinsip Based on Fault of Liability (Tanggung Jawab Berdasarkan Kesalahan)

Lex Stricta, Dec 22, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Yuridis Penyelesaian Sengketa Konsumen Pada Badan Penyelesaian Sengketa Konsumen (Studi Kasus Putusan BPSK Kota Lubuklinggau Nomor: 002/P.ARBITRASE/BPSK-LLG/IV/2021)

Lex Stricta, Dec 22, 2022

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Lex Stricta, Dec 22, 2022

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Research paper thumbnail of Business Disputes Settlement through Electronic Mediation

Advances in social science, education and humanities research, Dec 31, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Strengthening Indonesia's Cabinet System: Embracing the Zaken Cabinet

Journal of Law and Sustainable Development, Dec 6, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of Minister of Home Regulation (Permendagri) Number 114 of 2014 in Village Development Planning Management

International Journal of Science and Society, Oct 4, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Hukum Acara Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara


Research paper thumbnail of Hukum Acara Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara

Jakarta Rajawali Pers, 1992


Research paper thumbnail of Actio Pauliana Principle in Indonesian Business Law

Halu oleo law review, Mar 7, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Implementation Of The Contrarius Actus Principle In Revocation Of Land Certificate Without A Court

Pena Justisia: Media Komunikasi dan Kajian Hukum

Proof of ownership of land is a land certificate. Often in the issuance of land certificates, the... more Proof of ownership of land is a land certificate. Often in the issuance of land certificates, there are problems. Land certificates that have been issued usually cause problems and must be canceled. One of the causes of the revocation of land certificates is invalid data which contains administrative defects. The problem arises that often the Head of the Land Office is reluctant to cancel the land certificate and prefers the applicant for the revocation of the land certificate to file a lawsuit in court or through litigation. This was suggested by the Head of the Land Office because of his misunderstanding of the Contrarius Actus principle. The Contrarius Actus principle is a principle in administrative law where the State Administrative Officer who makes State Administrative Decisions is automatically authorized to change, replace, revoke and cancel the documents he has made. and juridical defects must be revoked by the Head of the Land Office without having to wait for a court dec...

Research paper thumbnail of Consumer Protection Policy for Conducting E-Commerce Transactions in Indonesia

Journal of governance : jurnal ilmu pemerintahan Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Apr 20, 2022

A few decades ago, the internet was only known to a handful of people who had an interest in the ... more A few decades ago, the internet was only known to a handful of people who had an interest in the world of technology, especially computers. However, with the increasing years and times, people's interest in the internet is growing rapidly, and the internet has even become an inseparable part of their lives. Now, the internet is not only for entertainment and information; it has even been used as a medium of business and trade known as Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce). E-commerce is buying and selling carried out via the internet, which can benefit consumers. Still, on the other hand, sometimes it is detrimental to consumers because they often do not get the protection that provides certainty in a dispute. In an ecommerce business transaction, which is a characteristic of business-to-business transactions where business actors conduct transactions with fellow entrepreneurs, business-to-consumer transactions are carried out by business actors with consumers themselves. The benefits of ecommerce transactions for consumers include that consumers can make transactions for 24 hours without leaving their houses and do not require transportation for selling costs. Consumer protection for e-commerce is regulated by Law Number 8 of 1999, concerning consumer protection for online transactions, or e-commerce. In the Trade Law, the regulated E-commerce trading system stipulates that every person or business entity that trades goods or services must provide complete and correct data and information.

Research paper thumbnail of Harnessing the Power of AI in Shaping Administrative Law Regulations

International Journal of Science and Society

The rapid and transformative advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have reached a pivotal ... more The rapid and transformative advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have reached a pivotal juncture, necessitating a re-evaluation of the regulatory frameworks in various sectors, including administrative law. This paper delves into the potential of AI in shaping administrative law regulations. While the inherent computational abilities of AI allow for processing vast amounts of data, providing real-time insights, and predicting administrative needs, they also introduce challenges related to ethics, transparency, and accountability. By analyzing global best practices and case studies, this paper highlights the dual-edged nature of AI, where on one side, it can aid in making more informed regulatory decisions, reduce bureaucratic inefficiencies, and improve citizen engagement. On the other side, unchecked use can lead to biases, opaque decision-making, and potential encroachments on individual rights. The paper concludes by proposing a balanced approach that harnesses the poten...

Research paper thumbnail of Consumer Protection Policy for Conducting E-Commerce Transactions in Indonesia

Journal of Governance

A few decades ago, the internet was only known to a handful of people who had an interest in the ... more A few decades ago, the internet was only known to a handful of people who had an interest in the world of technology, especially computers. However, with the increasing years and times, people's interest in the internet is growing rapidly, and the internet has even become an inseparable part of their lives. Now, the internet is not only for entertainment and information; it has even been used as a medium of business and trade known as Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce). E-commerce is buying and selling carried out via the internet, which can benefit consumers. Still, on the other hand, sometimes it is detrimental to consumers because they often do not get the protection that provides certainty in a dispute. In an ecommerce business transaction, which is a characteristic of business-to-business transactions where business actors conduct transactions with fellow entrepreneurs, business-to-consumer transactions are carried out by business actors with consumers themselves. The benefits of ecommerce transactions for consumers include that consumers can make transactions for 24 hours without leaving their houses and do not require transportation for selling costs. Consumer protection for e-commerce is regulated by Law Number 8 of 1999, concerning consumer protection for online transactions, or e-commerce. In the Trade Law, the regulated E-commerce trading system stipulates that every person or business entity that trades goods or services must provide complete and correct data and information.

Research paper thumbnail of Urgency of Separation of Powers in State Institutions to Defend Against Corruption in Indonesia

Lex Publica

The issue of abuse of authority is still a color of politics in every state institution, such as ... more The issue of abuse of authority is still a color of politics in every state institution, such as the ministry. Such as political member charges. There are ways for brainstorming for writers to contribute to the system as we know that Indonesia implements a system of power-sharing known as the Legislative, Executive and Judiciary. With its power distribution system, Indonesia tends to open space for corrupt behavior. The Urgency of the Separation of Power System in corruption in Indonesia aims to reduce the space that can be corrupted and to facilitate monitoring and evaluation of each performance. Abstrak Isu penyalahgunaan wewenang masih menjadi warna politik di setiap lembaga negara, seperti kementerian. Seperti biaya anggota politik. Ada cara untuk brainstorming bagi penulis untuk berkontribusi pada sistem. Seperti kita ketahui bahwa Indonesia menerapkan sistem pembagian kekuasaan yang dikenal dengan Legislatif, Eksekutif dan Yudikatif. Indonesia dengan sistem distribusi kekuasaa...

Research paper thumbnail of Jaminan Pelaksanaan Pemberian Hak-Hak Istri Pasca Perceraian

CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Jun 7, 2022

Dimana perkara perceraian yang dilakukan oleh pihak suami atau permohonan perceraian kepada Penga... more Dimana perkara perceraian yang dilakukan oleh pihak suami atau permohonan perceraian kepada Pengadilan Agama untuk diberikan putusan yang menyatakan bahwa hubungan suami istri diantara mereka telah putus dengan pertimbangan majlis hakim bahwa yang bersangkutan tidak dapat kembali untuk membentuk rumah tangga yang sakinah mawaddah dan rahmah. Oleh karena itu, muncullah permasalahan baru bahwa mantan suami tidak melaksanakan kewajibannya yaitu tidak memberikan hak istri yang telah diceraikannya seperti pemberian hak "iddah atau hak mut"ah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan, yaitu sumber datanya adalah studi kepustakaan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan normatif yuridis. Hasil dari penelitian bahwa dalam amar putusan majelis hakim ditambahkan kalimat "…yang dibayar sebelum tergugat mengambil akta cerai". Dengan demikian jaminan pelaksaan pemberian hak-hak perempuan pasca perceraian dapat terlaksana.

Research paper thumbnail of Akibat Hukum Perkawinan Beda Agama Pasca Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 46/PUU-VIII/2010

Di Indonesia, perkawinan memang bukanlah sebuah persoalan yang rumit manakala pasangan memeluk ag... more Di Indonesia, perkawinan memang bukanlah sebuah persoalan yang rumit manakala pasangan memeluk agama yang sama, namun akan menjadi persoalan yang sangat rumit apabila kedua pasangan tersebut memeluk agama yang berbeda. Hal ini menjadi masalah karena dengan adanya perbedaan agama maka pelaksanaan perkawinan menjadi terhalang. Permasalahannya adalah bagaimana perkawinan berbeda agama menurut Undang-undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 dan apa akibat hukum dari perkawinan berbeda agama pasca Putusan MK Nomor 46/PUU-VIII/2010. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif, maksudnya adalah penelitian yang dilakukan dengan cara mengkaji peraturan perundang-undangan beserta peraturan lainnya yang relevan dengan permasalahan yang diteliti termasuk putusan MK yang dibahas. Adapun peraturan perundang-undangan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah peraturan perundang- undangan yang terdapat kaitannya dengan masalah perkawinan berbeda agama seperti Undang-undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 tentang pe...

Research paper thumbnail of Memahami Hukum Konstitusi Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Hukum acara peradilan tata usaha negara/ Khairo

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Insfektorat Dalam Pengawasan Internal Pada Pemerintah Daerah

Abstrak Tidak tercapainya tujuan pembangunan dan terjadinya penyimpangan terhadap tata kelolah pe... more Abstrak Tidak tercapainya tujuan pembangunan dan terjadinya penyimpangan terhadap tata kelolah pemerintahan yang dilakukan oleh Aparatur Negara menimbul kerugian negara yang disebabkan lemah sistem pengawasan dan pencegahan. Oleh karena itu diperlukan pengawasan yang resmi yang dilakukan oleh Lembaga Otonomi yang kuat, Sehingga kegiatan pemerintah daerah dapat tercapai dan tidak adanya penyimpangan. Penulisan dalam tulisan ini menggunakan metode normatifmenganalisis masalah pengawasan dan kelemahan serta hambatannya dari sisi aturan dan norma perundang-undang, serta buku yang berhubungan dengan pengawasan daerah. Pelaksanaan pengawasan yang dilakukan Inspektorat selaku Lembaga pengawas dan pencegahan internal terhadap pelaksanann dan tata kelolah pemerintah tidak mempunyai kekuatan yang kuat, walaupun hasil temuan dalam pengawasan itu terbukti adanya penyimpangan. Ini disebabkan Lembaga Pengawasan Daerah tidak mampu dan Independen dan selalu dibawah tekanan Kepala Daerah. Oleh keran...

Research paper thumbnail of Urgensi Pembatasan Kompetensi Absolut Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara Di Indonesia

Kompetensi Absolute dari peradilan tata usaha negara adalah untuk memeriksa, mengadili dan memutu... more Kompetensi Absolute dari peradilan tata usaha negara adalah untuk memeriksa, mengadili dan memutuskan sengketa yang timbul dalam bidang tata usaha negara antara seseorang atau badan hukum perdata dengan badan atau pejabat tata usaha negara akibat dikeluarkannya suatu keputusan tata usaha negara termasuk sengketa kepegawaian dan tidak dikeluarkannya suatu keputusan yang dimohonkan seseorang sampai batas waktu yang ditentukan dalam suatu peraturan perundang-undangan sedangkan hal itu telah merupakan kewajiban badan atau Pejabat Tata Usaha Negara yang bersangkutan. Model ideal konsep pembatasan ruang lingkup kompetensi Absolut PTUN di masa yang akan datang adalah dengan langsung melakukan Pembatasan Kompetensi Absolut TUN secara langsung yaitu pembatasan yang tidak memungkinkan sama sekali bagi PTUN untuk memeriksa dan memutus sengketa tersebut. Kata Kunci : Kompetensi Absolut, Peradilan TUN, Pejabat TUN Abstract: Absolute Competence of the state administrative court is to examine, adj...