Fausto Franceschini - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Fausto Franceschini
Multiple recycle of transuranic (TRU) isotopes in thermal reactors results in a degradation of th... more Multiple recycle of transuranic (TRU) isotopes in thermal reactors results in a degradation of the Pu fissile quality with build-up of higher actinides (e.g., Am, Cm, Cf), some of which are thermal absorbers. These phenomena lead to increasing amounts of plutonium feed being required to sustain criticality and accordingly larger TRU content in the multi-recycled fuel inventory, ultimately resulting in a positive moderator temperature coefficient (MTC) and void reactivity coefficient (VC). Due to the favorable impact fostered by use of thorium on these coefficients, the feasibility of thorium-TRU multiple-recycle in reduced-moderation PWRs (RMPWRs) and BWRs (RBWRs) has been investigated using assembly and full-core models. Spatial separation of TRU from bred uranium (U3) is found to greatly improve neutronic performance. A large reduction in moderation is necessary to allow full actinide recycle. In a retrofit PWR design, a sufficient reduction of moderation may not be achievable without affecting the plant safety case, or penalizing operation. The harder neutron spectrum resulting from the reduced moderation reduces the control rod worth, which may make it difficult to achieve an adequate shutdown margin, while there is a neutronic incentive to use increased mechanical shim to maintain a negative MTC. It may therefore be desirable to increase the number of rod cluster control assemblies. Superior burn-up is achievable in a reduced-moderation BWR as a larger reduction in moderation is feasible, although the incineration rate is reduced relative to a PWR due to a higher conversion ratio.
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Nov 1, 2010
A thorium-based fuel cycle system can effectively burn the currently accumulated commercial used ... more A thorium-based fuel cycle system can effectively burn the currently accumulated commercial used nuclear fuel and move to a sustainable equilibrium where the actinide levels in the high level waste are low enough to yield a radiotoxicity after 300 years lower than that of the equivalent uranium ore. 3 Fuel cycle selected to satisfy waste objectives:-Thorium-based fuel Fuel/Cycle
This paper focuses on the challenges of implementing a thorium fuel cycle for recycle and transmu... more This paper focuses on the challenges of implementing a thorium fuel cycle for recycle and transmutation of long-lived actinide components from used nuclear fuel. A multi-stage reactor system is proposed; the first stage consists of current UO 2 once-through LWRs supplying transuranic isotopes that are continuously recycled and burned in second stage reactors in either a uranium (U) or thorium (Th) carrier. The second stage reactors considered for the analysis are Reduced Moderation Pressurized Water Reactors (RMPWRs), reconfigured from current PWR core designs, and Fast Reactors (FRs) with a burner core design. While both RMPWRs and FRs can in principle be employed, each reactor and associated technology has pros and cons. FRs have unmatched flexibility and transmutation efficiency. RMPWRs have higher fuel manufacturing and reprocessing requirements, but may represent a cheaper solution and the opportunity for a shorter time to licensing and deployment. All options require substantial developments in manufacturing, due to the high radiation field, and reprocessing, due to the very high actinide recovery ratio to elicit the claimed radiotoxicity reduction. Th reduces the number of transmutation reactors, and is required to enable a viable RMPWR design, but presents additional challenges on manufacturing and reprocessing. The tradeoff between the various options does not make the choice obvious. Moreover, without an overarching supporting policy in place, the costly and challenging technologies required inherently discourage industrialization of any transmutation scheme, regardless of the adoption of U or Th.
Annals of Nuclear Energy, Dec 1, 2013
The present paper compares the reactor physics and transmutation performance of sodium-cooled Fas... more The present paper compares the reactor physics and transmutation performance of sodium-cooled Fast Reactors (FRs) for TRansUranic (TRU) burning with thorium (Th) or uranium (U) as fertile materials. The 1000 MWt Toshiba-Westinghouse Advanced Recycling Reactor (ARR) conceptual core has been used as benchmark for the comparison. Both burner and breakeven configurations sustained or started with a TRU supply, and assuming full actinide homogeneous recycle strategy, have been developed. State-ofthe-art core physics tools have been employed to establish fuel inventory and reactor physics performances for equilibrium and transition cycles. Results show that Th fosters large improvements in the reactivity coefficients associated with coolant expansion and voiding, which enhances safety margins and, for a burner design, can be traded for maximizing the TRU burning rate. A trade-off of Th compared to U is the significantly larger fuel inventory required to achieve a breakeven design, which entails additional blankets at the detriment of core compactness as well as fuel manufacturing and separation requirements. The gamma field generated by the progeny of U-232 in the U bred from Th challenges fuel handling and manufacturing, but in case of full recycle, the high contents of Am and Cm in the transmutation fuel impose remote fuel operations regardless of the presence of U-232.
Annals of Nuclear Energy, Mar 1, 2013
ABSTRACT Use of thorium in fast reactors has typically been considered as a secondary option, mai... more ABSTRACT Use of thorium in fast reactors has typically been considered as a secondary option, mainly thanks to a possible self-sustaining thorium cycle already in thermal reactors and due to the limited breeding capabilities compared to U–Pu in the fast neutron energy range. In recent years nuclear waste management has become more important, and the thorium option has been reconsidered for the claimed potential to burn transuranic waste and the lower build-up of hazardous isotopes in a closed cycle. To ascertain these claims and their limitations, the fuel cycle isotopic inventory, and associated waste radio-toxicity and decay heat, should be quantified and compared to the case of the uranium cycle using realistic core configurations, with complete recycle of all the actinides. Since the transition from uranium to thorium fuel cycles will likely involve a transuranic burning phase, this transition and the challenges that the evolving fuel actinide composition presents, for instance on reactor feedback parameters, should also be analyzed. In the present paper, these issues are investigated based on core physics analysis of the Lead-cooled Fast Reactor ELSY, performed with the fast reactor ERANOS code and the EQL3D procedure allowing full-core characterization of the equilibrium cycle and the transition cycles. In order to compute radio-toxicity and decay heat, EQL3D has been extended by developing a new module, which has been assessed against ORIGEN-S and is presented here. The capability of the EQL3D procedure to treat full-core 3D geometries allowed to explicitly account for aspects related to core dimensions and safety parameters in the analysis, giving a better insight into the pros and cons of the thorium option.
Multiple recycle of long-lived actinides has the potential to greatly reduce the required storage... more Multiple recycle of long-lived actinides has the potential to greatly reduce the required storage time for spent nuclear fuel or high level nuclear waste. This is generally thought to require fast reactors as most transuranic (TRU) isotopes have low fission probabilities in thermal reactors. Reduced-moderation LWRs are a potential alternative to fast reactors with reduced time to deployment as they are based on commercially mature LWR technology. Thorium (Th) fuel is neutronically advantageous for TRU multiple recycle in LWRs due to a large improvement in the void coefficient. If Th fuel is used in reduced-moderation LWRs, it appears neutronically feasible to achieve full actinide recycle while burning an external supply of TRU, with related potential improvements in waste management and fuel utilization. In this paper, the fuel cycle of TRU-bearing Th fuel is analysed for reduced-moderation PWRs and BWRs (RMPWRs and RBWRs). RMPWRs have the advantage of relatively rapid implementation and intrinsically low conversion ratios. However, it is challenging to simultaneously satisfy operational and fuel cycle constraints. An RBWR may potentially take longer to implement than an RMPWR due to more extensive changes from current BWR technology. However, the harder neutron spectrum can lead to favourable fuel cycle performance. A two-stage fuel cycle, where the first pass is Th-Pu MOX, is a technically reasonable implementation of either concept. The first stage of the fuel cycle can therefore be implemented at relatively low cost as a Pu disposal option, with a further policy option of full recycle in the medium term.
A trade-off study is performed to determine the impacts of various fuel forms on the core design ... more A trade-off study is performed to determine the impacts of various fuel forms on the core design and core physics characteristics of the sodium-cooled Toshiba- Westinghouse Advanced Recycling Reactor (ARR). The fuel forms include oxide, nitride, and metallic forms of U and Th. The ARR core configuration is redesigned with driver and blanket regions in order to achieve breakeven fissile breeding performance with the various fuel types. State-of-the-art core physics tools are used for the analyses. In addition, a quasi-static reactivity balance approach is used for a preliminary comparison of the inherent safety performances of the various fuel options. Thorium-fueled cores exhibit lower breeding ratios and require larger blankets compared to the U-fueled cores, which is detrimental to core compactness and increases reprocessing and manufacturing requirements. The Th cores also exhibit higher reactivity swings through each cycle, which penalizes reactivity control and increases the number of control rods required. On the other hand, using Th leads to drastic reductions in void and coolant expansion coefficients of reactivity, with the potential for enhancing inherent core safety. Among the U-fueled ARR cores, metallic and nitride fuels result in higher breeding ratios due to their higher heavy metal densities. On the other hand,more » oxide fuels provide a softer spectrum, which increases the Doppler effect and reduces the positive sodium void worth. A lower fuel temperature is obtained with the metallic and nitride fuels due to their higher thermal conductivities and compatibility with sodium bonds. This is especially beneficial from an inherent safety point of view since it facilitates the reactor cool-down during loss of power removal transients. The advantages in terms of inherent safety of nitride and metallic fuels are maintained when using Th fuel. However, there is a lower relative increase in heavy metal density and in breeding ratio going from oxide to metallic or nitride Th fuels relative to the U counterpart fuels. (authors)« less
The efforts to reduce fuel cycle cost have driven LWR fuel close to the licensed limit in fuel fi... more The efforts to reduce fuel cycle cost have driven LWR fuel close to the licensed limit in fuel fissile content, 5.0 wt% U-235 enrichment, and the acceptable duty on current Zr-based cladding. An increase in the fuel enrichment beyond the 5 wt% limit, while certainly possible, entails costly investment in infrastructure and licensing. As a possible way to offset some of these costs, the addition of small amounts of Erbia to the UO{sub 2} powder with >5 wt% U-235 has been proposed, so that its initial reactivity is reduced to that of licensed fuel and most modifications to the existing facilities and equipment could be avoided. This paper discusses the potentialities of such a fuel on the US market from a vendor's perspective. An analysis of the in-core behavior and fuel cycle performance of a typical 4-loop PWR with 18 and 24-month operating cycles has been conducted, with the aim of quantifying the potential economic advantage and other operational benefits of this concept. Subsequently, the implications on fuel manufacturing and storage are discussed. While this concept has certainly good potential, a compelling case for its short-term introduction as PWR fuel for the US market could not be determined. (authors)
The growing inventory of spent nuclear fuel generated in the current "open cycle" adopted in the ... more The growing inventory of spent nuclear fuel generated in the current "open cycle" adopted in the US can hamper the long term growth of nuclear energy. A proper strategy for closing the fuel cycle and generating "acceptable waste" should hence be a priority of the nuclear industry. While satisfactory technological solutions exist addressing portions of the overall problem, a fully integrated effective solution satisfying all public concerns has yet to be developed. Westinghouse is proposing a new approach, which involves redefining the specifics of the main components involved (fuel form, reactor type and reprocessing technique) so that the nuclear system overall generates wastes which are not perceived as a hazard by the public and with reduced requirements on their disposal. In a closed fuel cycle, the actinides in the spent fuel are typically recovered by reprocessing and recycled in a combination of reactors. Although the transmutation rate of actinides depends on the specific properties of the system adopted for transmutation (e.g. fast reactors, accelerator-driven systems etc), the final waste will be predominantly characterized by the reprocessing plants. The efficiency that can be achieved in the separation and recovery of some critical isotopes is a key to reduce the high-level waste radiotoxic content. This paper focuses on identifying these critical isotopes and their recovery ratio needed to produce an acceptable waste. Both the conventional uranium-based fuel cycle and a proposed alternative, the thorium-based fuel cycle are investigated.
It is desirable to devise a solution for the fuel cycle back-end that is acceptable from the soci... more It is desirable to devise a solution for the fuel cycle back-end that is acceptable from the society as well as technologically and economically viable. While satisfactory technological solutions exist, they only address portions of the overall problem. A fully integrated effective solution satisfying all public concerns has yet to be developed. In particular, we aim to establish a comprehensive requirements-driven approach. In this approach, requirements are defined for the high-level wastes with the intent not only to satisfy all technical constraints but also to make them "acceptable" to the public perception. Only then, the best mix of nuclear reactors, reprocessing and fuel forms is examined to determine an effective, viable overall system. One intended benefit of the proposed strategy is that there is no a priori bias for or against any specific nuclear system. In fact, a mix of several different systems will likely provide an optimum solution, promoting collaboration between the relevant industry and research entities in the fuel-cycle back-end activities.
In reduced-moderation LWRs, an external supply of TRU can incinerated by mixing it with a fertile... more In reduced-moderation LWRs, an external supply of TRU can incinerated by mixing it with a fertile isotope (238U or 232Th) and recycling all the actinides after each cycle. Performance is limited by coolant reactivity feedback - the moderator density coefficient (MDC) must be kept negative. The MDC is worse when more TRU is loaded, but TRU feed is also needed to maintain criticality. To assess the performance of this fuel cycle in different neutron spectra, three LWRs are considered: 'reference' PWRs and reduced-moderation PWRs and BWRs. The MDC of the equilibrium cycle is analysed by reactivity decomposition with perturbed coolant density by isotope and neutron energy. The results show that using 32Th as a fertile isotope yields superior performance to 238U. This is due essentially to the high resonance η of U bred from Th (U3), which increases the fissibility of the U3-TRU isotope vector in the Th-fueled system relative to the U-fueled system, and also improves the MDC in a sufficiently hard spectrum. Spatial separation of TRU and U3 in the Th-fueled system renders further improvement by hardening the neutron spectrum in the TRU and softening it in the U3. This improves the TRU η and increases the negative MDC contribution from reduced thermal fission in U3.
Nuclear Technology, Feb 1, 2014
Multiple recycle of transuranic (TRU) isotopes in thermal reactors results in a degradation of th... more Multiple recycle of transuranic (TRU) isotopes in thermal reactors results in a degradation of the plutonium (Pu) fissile quality with buildup of higher actinides (e.g., Am, Cm, Cf), some of which are thermal absorbers. These phenomena lead to increasing amounts of Pu feed being required to sustain criticality and accordingly larger TRU content in the multirecycled fuel inventory, ultimately resulting in a positive moderator temperature coefficient (MTC) and void reactivity coefficient (VC). Because of the favorable impact fostered by use of thorium (Th) on these coefficients, the feasibility of Th-TRU multiple recycle in reduced-moderation (RM) pressurized water reactors (PWRs) and RM boiling water reactors (called RMPWRs and RBWRs, respectively) has been investigated. In this paper, Part II of two companion papers, the results of the single-assembly analyses of Part I are developed to investigate full-core feasibility. A large reduction in moderation is necessary to allow full actinide recycle. This increases the core pressure drop, which poses some thermal-hydraulic challenges, which are more pronounced if the design implementation is through retrofitting an existing PWR. For a given reactor cooling pump, the core flow rate is reduced. Despite this, it is possible to achieve feasible inlet and outlet temperatures and minimum departure from nucleate boiling ratio, for the reduction in moderation considered here. Reflood after loss-of-coolant accident is expected to be slower, which may lead to unacceptable peak clad temperatures and/or clad oxidation. Equilibrium cycles are presented for the RMPWR and RBWR, with a negative MTC and VC. However, the RMPWR may have positive reactivity when fully voided, and the hard spectrum makes it difficult to achieve an adequate shutdown margin, such that for the considered fuel designs, additional rod banks would be required.
Progress in Nuclear Energy, Sep 1, 2013
Nuclear Technology, Feb 1, 2014
Multiple recycle of transuranic (TRU) isotopes in thermal reactors results in a degradation of th... more Multiple recycle of transuranic (TRU) isotopes in thermal reactors results in a degradation of the plutonium (Pu) fissile quality with buildup of higher actinides (e.g., Am, Cm, Cf), some of which are thermal absorbers. These phenomena lead to increasing amounts of Pu feed being required to sustain criticality and accordingly larger TRU content in the multirecycled fuel inventory, ultimately resulting in a positive moderator temperature coefficient (MTC) and void reactivity coefficient (VC). Because of the favorable impact fostered by use of thorium (Th) on these coefficients, the feasibility of Th-TRU multiple recycle in reduced-moderation (RM) pressurized water reactors (PWRs) and RM boiling water reactors (called RMPWRs and RBWRs, respectively) has been investigated. In this paper, Part II of two companion papers, the results of the single-assembly analyses of Part I are developed to investigate full-core feasibility. A large reduction in moderation is necessary to allow full actinide recycle. This increases the core pressure drop, which poses some thermal-hydraulic challenges, which are more pronounced if the design implementation is through retrofitting an existing PWR. For a given reactor cooling pump, the core flow rate is reduced. Despite this, it is possible to achieve feasible inlet and outlet temperatures and minimum departure from nucleate boiling ratio, for the reduction in moderation considered here. Reflood after loss-of-coolant accident is expected to be slower, which may lead to unacceptable peak clad temperatures and/or clad oxidation. Equilibrium cycles are presented for the RMPWR and RBWR, with a negative MTC and VC. However, the RMPWR may have positive reactivity when fully voided, and the hard spectrum makes it difficult to achieve an adequate shutdown margin, such that for the considered fuel designs, additional rod banks would be required.
The objective of this work is to evaluate the Molten Salt Fast Reactor (MSFR) potential benefits ... more The objective of this work is to evaluate the Molten Salt Fast Reactor (MSFR) potential benefits in terms of transuranics (TRU) burning through a comparative analysis with a sodium-cooled FR. The comparison is based on TRU- and MA-burning rates, as well as on the in-core evolution of radiotoxicity and decay heat. Solubility issues limit the TRU-burning rate to 1/3 that achievable in traditional low-CR FRs (low-Conversion-Ratio Fast Reactors). The softer spectrum also determines notable radiotoxicity and decay heat of the equilibrium actinide inventory. On the other hand, the liquid fuel suggests the possibility of using a Pu-free feed composed only of Th and MA (Minor Actinides), thus maximizing the MA burning rate. This is generally not possible in traditional low-CR FRs due to safety deterioration and decay heat of reprocessed fuel. In addition, the high specific power and the lack of out-of-core cooling times foster a quick transition toward equilibrium, which improves the MSFR c...
Multiple recycle of transuranic (TRU) isotopes in thermal reactors results in a degradation of th... more Multiple recycle of transuranic (TRU) isotopes in thermal reactors results in a degradation of the Pu fissile quality with build-up of higher actinides (e.g., Am, Cm, Cf), some of which are thermal absorbers. These phenomena lead to increasing amounts of plutonium feed being required to sustain criticality and accordingly larger TRU content in the multi-recycled fuel inventory, ultimately resulting in a positive moderator temperature coefficient (MTC) and void reactivity coefficient (VC). Due to the favorable impact fostered by use of thorium on these coefficients, the feasibility of thorium-TRU multiple-recycle in reduced-moderation PWRs (RMPWRs) and BWRs (RBWRs) has been investigated using assembly and full-core models. Spatial separation of TRU from bred uranium (U3) is found to greatly improve neutronic performance. A large reduction in moderation is necessary to allow full actinide recycle. In a retrofit PWR design, a sufficient reduction of moderation may not be achievable without affecting the plant safety case, or penalizing operation. The harder neutron spectrum resulting from the reduced moderation reduces the control rod worth, which may make it difficult to achieve an adequate shutdown margin, while there is a neutronic incentive to use increased mechanical shim to maintain a negative MTC. It may therefore be desirable to increase the number of rod cluster control assemblies. Superior burn-up is achievable in a reduced-moderation BWR as a larger reduction in moderation is feasible, although the incineration rate is reduced relative to a PWR due to a higher conversion ratio.
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Nov 1, 2010
A thorium-based fuel cycle system can effectively burn the currently accumulated commercial used ... more A thorium-based fuel cycle system can effectively burn the currently accumulated commercial used nuclear fuel and move to a sustainable equilibrium where the actinide levels in the high level waste are low enough to yield a radiotoxicity after 300 years lower than that of the equivalent uranium ore. 3 Fuel cycle selected to satisfy waste objectives:-Thorium-based fuel Fuel/Cycle
This paper focuses on the challenges of implementing a thorium fuel cycle for recycle and transmu... more This paper focuses on the challenges of implementing a thorium fuel cycle for recycle and transmutation of long-lived actinide components from used nuclear fuel. A multi-stage reactor system is proposed; the first stage consists of current UO 2 once-through LWRs supplying transuranic isotopes that are continuously recycled and burned in second stage reactors in either a uranium (U) or thorium (Th) carrier. The second stage reactors considered for the analysis are Reduced Moderation Pressurized Water Reactors (RMPWRs), reconfigured from current PWR core designs, and Fast Reactors (FRs) with a burner core design. While both RMPWRs and FRs can in principle be employed, each reactor and associated technology has pros and cons. FRs have unmatched flexibility and transmutation efficiency. RMPWRs have higher fuel manufacturing and reprocessing requirements, but may represent a cheaper solution and the opportunity for a shorter time to licensing and deployment. All options require substantial developments in manufacturing, due to the high radiation field, and reprocessing, due to the very high actinide recovery ratio to elicit the claimed radiotoxicity reduction. Th reduces the number of transmutation reactors, and is required to enable a viable RMPWR design, but presents additional challenges on manufacturing and reprocessing. The tradeoff between the various options does not make the choice obvious. Moreover, without an overarching supporting policy in place, the costly and challenging technologies required inherently discourage industrialization of any transmutation scheme, regardless of the adoption of U or Th.
Annals of Nuclear Energy, Dec 1, 2013
The present paper compares the reactor physics and transmutation performance of sodium-cooled Fas... more The present paper compares the reactor physics and transmutation performance of sodium-cooled Fast Reactors (FRs) for TRansUranic (TRU) burning with thorium (Th) or uranium (U) as fertile materials. The 1000 MWt Toshiba-Westinghouse Advanced Recycling Reactor (ARR) conceptual core has been used as benchmark for the comparison. Both burner and breakeven configurations sustained or started with a TRU supply, and assuming full actinide homogeneous recycle strategy, have been developed. State-ofthe-art core physics tools have been employed to establish fuel inventory and reactor physics performances for equilibrium and transition cycles. Results show that Th fosters large improvements in the reactivity coefficients associated with coolant expansion and voiding, which enhances safety margins and, for a burner design, can be traded for maximizing the TRU burning rate. A trade-off of Th compared to U is the significantly larger fuel inventory required to achieve a breakeven design, which entails additional blankets at the detriment of core compactness as well as fuel manufacturing and separation requirements. The gamma field generated by the progeny of U-232 in the U bred from Th challenges fuel handling and manufacturing, but in case of full recycle, the high contents of Am and Cm in the transmutation fuel impose remote fuel operations regardless of the presence of U-232.
Annals of Nuclear Energy, Mar 1, 2013
ABSTRACT Use of thorium in fast reactors has typically been considered as a secondary option, mai... more ABSTRACT Use of thorium in fast reactors has typically been considered as a secondary option, mainly thanks to a possible self-sustaining thorium cycle already in thermal reactors and due to the limited breeding capabilities compared to U–Pu in the fast neutron energy range. In recent years nuclear waste management has become more important, and the thorium option has been reconsidered for the claimed potential to burn transuranic waste and the lower build-up of hazardous isotopes in a closed cycle. To ascertain these claims and their limitations, the fuel cycle isotopic inventory, and associated waste radio-toxicity and decay heat, should be quantified and compared to the case of the uranium cycle using realistic core configurations, with complete recycle of all the actinides. Since the transition from uranium to thorium fuel cycles will likely involve a transuranic burning phase, this transition and the challenges that the evolving fuel actinide composition presents, for instance on reactor feedback parameters, should also be analyzed. In the present paper, these issues are investigated based on core physics analysis of the Lead-cooled Fast Reactor ELSY, performed with the fast reactor ERANOS code and the EQL3D procedure allowing full-core characterization of the equilibrium cycle and the transition cycles. In order to compute radio-toxicity and decay heat, EQL3D has been extended by developing a new module, which has been assessed against ORIGEN-S and is presented here. The capability of the EQL3D procedure to treat full-core 3D geometries allowed to explicitly account for aspects related to core dimensions and safety parameters in the analysis, giving a better insight into the pros and cons of the thorium option.
Multiple recycle of long-lived actinides has the potential to greatly reduce the required storage... more Multiple recycle of long-lived actinides has the potential to greatly reduce the required storage time for spent nuclear fuel or high level nuclear waste. This is generally thought to require fast reactors as most transuranic (TRU) isotopes have low fission probabilities in thermal reactors. Reduced-moderation LWRs are a potential alternative to fast reactors with reduced time to deployment as they are based on commercially mature LWR technology. Thorium (Th) fuel is neutronically advantageous for TRU multiple recycle in LWRs due to a large improvement in the void coefficient. If Th fuel is used in reduced-moderation LWRs, it appears neutronically feasible to achieve full actinide recycle while burning an external supply of TRU, with related potential improvements in waste management and fuel utilization. In this paper, the fuel cycle of TRU-bearing Th fuel is analysed for reduced-moderation PWRs and BWRs (RMPWRs and RBWRs). RMPWRs have the advantage of relatively rapid implementation and intrinsically low conversion ratios. However, it is challenging to simultaneously satisfy operational and fuel cycle constraints. An RBWR may potentially take longer to implement than an RMPWR due to more extensive changes from current BWR technology. However, the harder neutron spectrum can lead to favourable fuel cycle performance. A two-stage fuel cycle, where the first pass is Th-Pu MOX, is a technically reasonable implementation of either concept. The first stage of the fuel cycle can therefore be implemented at relatively low cost as a Pu disposal option, with a further policy option of full recycle in the medium term.
A trade-off study is performed to determine the impacts of various fuel forms on the core design ... more A trade-off study is performed to determine the impacts of various fuel forms on the core design and core physics characteristics of the sodium-cooled Toshiba- Westinghouse Advanced Recycling Reactor (ARR). The fuel forms include oxide, nitride, and metallic forms of U and Th. The ARR core configuration is redesigned with driver and blanket regions in order to achieve breakeven fissile breeding performance with the various fuel types. State-of-the-art core physics tools are used for the analyses. In addition, a quasi-static reactivity balance approach is used for a preliminary comparison of the inherent safety performances of the various fuel options. Thorium-fueled cores exhibit lower breeding ratios and require larger blankets compared to the U-fueled cores, which is detrimental to core compactness and increases reprocessing and manufacturing requirements. The Th cores also exhibit higher reactivity swings through each cycle, which penalizes reactivity control and increases the number of control rods required. On the other hand, using Th leads to drastic reductions in void and coolant expansion coefficients of reactivity, with the potential for enhancing inherent core safety. Among the U-fueled ARR cores, metallic and nitride fuels result in higher breeding ratios due to their higher heavy metal densities. On the other hand,more » oxide fuels provide a softer spectrum, which increases the Doppler effect and reduces the positive sodium void worth. A lower fuel temperature is obtained with the metallic and nitride fuels due to their higher thermal conductivities and compatibility with sodium bonds. This is especially beneficial from an inherent safety point of view since it facilitates the reactor cool-down during loss of power removal transients. The advantages in terms of inherent safety of nitride and metallic fuels are maintained when using Th fuel. However, there is a lower relative increase in heavy metal density and in breeding ratio going from oxide to metallic or nitride Th fuels relative to the U counterpart fuels. (authors)« less
The efforts to reduce fuel cycle cost have driven LWR fuel close to the licensed limit in fuel fi... more The efforts to reduce fuel cycle cost have driven LWR fuel close to the licensed limit in fuel fissile content, 5.0 wt% U-235 enrichment, and the acceptable duty on current Zr-based cladding. An increase in the fuel enrichment beyond the 5 wt% limit, while certainly possible, entails costly investment in infrastructure and licensing. As a possible way to offset some of these costs, the addition of small amounts of Erbia to the UO{sub 2} powder with >5 wt% U-235 has been proposed, so that its initial reactivity is reduced to that of licensed fuel and most modifications to the existing facilities and equipment could be avoided. This paper discusses the potentialities of such a fuel on the US market from a vendor's perspective. An analysis of the in-core behavior and fuel cycle performance of a typical 4-loop PWR with 18 and 24-month operating cycles has been conducted, with the aim of quantifying the potential economic advantage and other operational benefits of this concept. Subsequently, the implications on fuel manufacturing and storage are discussed. While this concept has certainly good potential, a compelling case for its short-term introduction as PWR fuel for the US market could not be determined. (authors)
The growing inventory of spent nuclear fuel generated in the current "open cycle" adopted in the ... more The growing inventory of spent nuclear fuel generated in the current "open cycle" adopted in the US can hamper the long term growth of nuclear energy. A proper strategy for closing the fuel cycle and generating "acceptable waste" should hence be a priority of the nuclear industry. While satisfactory technological solutions exist addressing portions of the overall problem, a fully integrated effective solution satisfying all public concerns has yet to be developed. Westinghouse is proposing a new approach, which involves redefining the specifics of the main components involved (fuel form, reactor type and reprocessing technique) so that the nuclear system overall generates wastes which are not perceived as a hazard by the public and with reduced requirements on their disposal. In a closed fuel cycle, the actinides in the spent fuel are typically recovered by reprocessing and recycled in a combination of reactors. Although the transmutation rate of actinides depends on the specific properties of the system adopted for transmutation (e.g. fast reactors, accelerator-driven systems etc), the final waste will be predominantly characterized by the reprocessing plants. The efficiency that can be achieved in the separation and recovery of some critical isotopes is a key to reduce the high-level waste radiotoxic content. This paper focuses on identifying these critical isotopes and their recovery ratio needed to produce an acceptable waste. Both the conventional uranium-based fuel cycle and a proposed alternative, the thorium-based fuel cycle are investigated.
It is desirable to devise a solution for the fuel cycle back-end that is acceptable from the soci... more It is desirable to devise a solution for the fuel cycle back-end that is acceptable from the society as well as technologically and economically viable. While satisfactory technological solutions exist, they only address portions of the overall problem. A fully integrated effective solution satisfying all public concerns has yet to be developed. In particular, we aim to establish a comprehensive requirements-driven approach. In this approach, requirements are defined for the high-level wastes with the intent not only to satisfy all technical constraints but also to make them "acceptable" to the public perception. Only then, the best mix of nuclear reactors, reprocessing and fuel forms is examined to determine an effective, viable overall system. One intended benefit of the proposed strategy is that there is no a priori bias for or against any specific nuclear system. In fact, a mix of several different systems will likely provide an optimum solution, promoting collaboration between the relevant industry and research entities in the fuel-cycle back-end activities.
In reduced-moderation LWRs, an external supply of TRU can incinerated by mixing it with a fertile... more In reduced-moderation LWRs, an external supply of TRU can incinerated by mixing it with a fertile isotope (238U or 232Th) and recycling all the actinides after each cycle. Performance is limited by coolant reactivity feedback - the moderator density coefficient (MDC) must be kept negative. The MDC is worse when more TRU is loaded, but TRU feed is also needed to maintain criticality. To assess the performance of this fuel cycle in different neutron spectra, three LWRs are considered: 'reference' PWRs and reduced-moderation PWRs and BWRs. The MDC of the equilibrium cycle is analysed by reactivity decomposition with perturbed coolant density by isotope and neutron energy. The results show that using 32Th as a fertile isotope yields superior performance to 238U. This is due essentially to the high resonance η of U bred from Th (U3), which increases the fissibility of the U3-TRU isotope vector in the Th-fueled system relative to the U-fueled system, and also improves the MDC in a sufficiently hard spectrum. Spatial separation of TRU and U3 in the Th-fueled system renders further improvement by hardening the neutron spectrum in the TRU and softening it in the U3. This improves the TRU η and increases the negative MDC contribution from reduced thermal fission in U3.
Nuclear Technology, Feb 1, 2014
Multiple recycle of transuranic (TRU) isotopes in thermal reactors results in a degradation of th... more Multiple recycle of transuranic (TRU) isotopes in thermal reactors results in a degradation of the plutonium (Pu) fissile quality with buildup of higher actinides (e.g., Am, Cm, Cf), some of which are thermal absorbers. These phenomena lead to increasing amounts of Pu feed being required to sustain criticality and accordingly larger TRU content in the multirecycled fuel inventory, ultimately resulting in a positive moderator temperature coefficient (MTC) and void reactivity coefficient (VC). Because of the favorable impact fostered by use of thorium (Th) on these coefficients, the feasibility of Th-TRU multiple recycle in reduced-moderation (RM) pressurized water reactors (PWRs) and RM boiling water reactors (called RMPWRs and RBWRs, respectively) has been investigated. In this paper, Part II of two companion papers, the results of the single-assembly analyses of Part I are developed to investigate full-core feasibility. A large reduction in moderation is necessary to allow full actinide recycle. This increases the core pressure drop, which poses some thermal-hydraulic challenges, which are more pronounced if the design implementation is through retrofitting an existing PWR. For a given reactor cooling pump, the core flow rate is reduced. Despite this, it is possible to achieve feasible inlet and outlet temperatures and minimum departure from nucleate boiling ratio, for the reduction in moderation considered here. Reflood after loss-of-coolant accident is expected to be slower, which may lead to unacceptable peak clad temperatures and/or clad oxidation. Equilibrium cycles are presented for the RMPWR and RBWR, with a negative MTC and VC. However, the RMPWR may have positive reactivity when fully voided, and the hard spectrum makes it difficult to achieve an adequate shutdown margin, such that for the considered fuel designs, additional rod banks would be required.
Progress in Nuclear Energy, Sep 1, 2013
Nuclear Technology, Feb 1, 2014
Multiple recycle of transuranic (TRU) isotopes in thermal reactors results in a degradation of th... more Multiple recycle of transuranic (TRU) isotopes in thermal reactors results in a degradation of the plutonium (Pu) fissile quality with buildup of higher actinides (e.g., Am, Cm, Cf), some of which are thermal absorbers. These phenomena lead to increasing amounts of Pu feed being required to sustain criticality and accordingly larger TRU content in the multirecycled fuel inventory, ultimately resulting in a positive moderator temperature coefficient (MTC) and void reactivity coefficient (VC). Because of the favorable impact fostered by use of thorium (Th) on these coefficients, the feasibility of Th-TRU multiple recycle in reduced-moderation (RM) pressurized water reactors (PWRs) and RM boiling water reactors (called RMPWRs and RBWRs, respectively) has been investigated. In this paper, Part II of two companion papers, the results of the single-assembly analyses of Part I are developed to investigate full-core feasibility. A large reduction in moderation is necessary to allow full actinide recycle. This increases the core pressure drop, which poses some thermal-hydraulic challenges, which are more pronounced if the design implementation is through retrofitting an existing PWR. For a given reactor cooling pump, the core flow rate is reduced. Despite this, it is possible to achieve feasible inlet and outlet temperatures and minimum departure from nucleate boiling ratio, for the reduction in moderation considered here. Reflood after loss-of-coolant accident is expected to be slower, which may lead to unacceptable peak clad temperatures and/or clad oxidation. Equilibrium cycles are presented for the RMPWR and RBWR, with a negative MTC and VC. However, the RMPWR may have positive reactivity when fully voided, and the hard spectrum makes it difficult to achieve an adequate shutdown margin, such that for the considered fuel designs, additional rod banks would be required.
The objective of this work is to evaluate the Molten Salt Fast Reactor (MSFR) potential benefits ... more The objective of this work is to evaluate the Molten Salt Fast Reactor (MSFR) potential benefits in terms of transuranics (TRU) burning through a comparative analysis with a sodium-cooled FR. The comparison is based on TRU- and MA-burning rates, as well as on the in-core evolution of radiotoxicity and decay heat. Solubility issues limit the TRU-burning rate to 1/3 that achievable in traditional low-CR FRs (low-Conversion-Ratio Fast Reactors). The softer spectrum also determines notable radiotoxicity and decay heat of the equilibrium actinide inventory. On the other hand, the liquid fuel suggests the possibility of using a Pu-free feed composed only of Th and MA (Minor Actinides), thus maximizing the MA burning rate. This is generally not possible in traditional low-CR FRs due to safety deterioration and decay heat of reprocessed fuel. In addition, the high specific power and the lack of out-of-core cooling times foster a quick transition toward equilibrium, which improves the MSFR c...