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Papers by Foysal Ahmed

Research paper thumbnail of A novel approach to combine the hierarchical and iterative techniques for solving capacitated location-routing problem

Cogent Engineering, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Its Writing About Breast Cancer

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of climatic parameters on COVID-19 pandemic transmission

Understanding the correlation between climatic parameters and COVID-19 pandemic is important to c... more Understanding the correlation between climatic parameters and COVID-19 pandemic is important to control the COVID-19 transmission. In this study, correlation between climatic parameters and confirmed COVID-19 positive cases was done in Dhaka during COVID-19 lockdown periods. Rainfall (mm), Temperature (ºC), Relative humidity (%), Wind speed (km/h) have been considered as climatic parameters. Trend analysis of the climatic parameter and confirmed COVID-19 positive cases were done using Mann Kendall (M-K) analysis and magnitude of changes were determined using Sen's Slope method. Correlation coefficients were determined using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient method as normal distribution was not found among the parameters. Four timeframes have been considered namely on the day of tests, 3,7,14 days before the day of tests were considered to represent the incubation periods. The results found that relative humidity shows strong correlation (rs= 0.517, p 0.01) with confir...

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Research paper thumbnail of Parana J Sci Educ, v.6 n.5, 15-24, July 8, 2020, Masum.pdf

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Research paper thumbnail of YOLO-JD: A Deep Learning Network for Jute Diseases and Pests Detection from Images

Plants, 2022

Recently, disease prevention in jute plants has become an urgent topic as a result of the growing... more Recently, disease prevention in jute plants has become an urgent topic as a result of the growing demand for finer quality fiber. This research presents a deep learning network called YOLO-JD for detecting jute diseases from images. In the main architecture of YOLO-JD, we integrated three new modules such as Sand Clock Feature Extraction Module (SCFEM), Deep Sand Clock Feature Extraction Module (DSCFEM), and Spatial Pyramid Pooling Module (SPPM) to extract image features effectively. We also built a new large-scale image dataset for jute diseases and pests with ten classes. Compared with other state-of-the-art experiments, YOLO-JD has achieved the best detection accuracy, with an average mAP of 96.63%.

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Research paper thumbnail of UAV-Assisted Hybrid Scheme for Urban Road Safety Based on VANETs

Electronics, 2020

Traffic congestion control is becoming a popular field of research due to the rapid development o... more Traffic congestion control is becoming a popular field of research due to the rapid development of the automotive market. Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) have become the core research technology for numerous application possibilities related to road safety. Road congestions have been a serious issue of all time since the nodes have high mobility and transmission range is limited, resulting in an interruption of communication. One of the significant technical challenges faced in implementing VANET is the design of the routing protocol, providing adequate information and a reliable source for the destination. We proposed a novel mechanism unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-assisted ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) routing protocol (UAVa) for current-time traffic information accumulation and sharing to the entire traffic network and to control congestions before it happens. The UAV-assisted (UAVa) protocol is dedicated to urban environments, and its primary goal is to enhance the ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Flash Flood Early Warning System: Study of Effectiveness and Efficiency of Flash Flood Early Warning and Dissemination in

Foysal Ahmed, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Living with Salinity: Salinity impact, Disaster Trend, Shifting of Cropping Pattern and coping Strategies of Coastal Communities of Satkhira Upazila

Foysal Ahmed, 2018

Bangladesh is ranked as the world’s fifth-most disaster-prone country. Its topographic and geo-ph... more Bangladesh is ranked as the world’s fifth-most disaster-prone country. Its topographic and geo-physical location with a long coastal line has made it vulnerable to various natural hazards, particularly to extreme climate-induced disasters. Flooding, cyclones, tidal waves, and river erosion, etc. are the most common climatic hazards that affect millions of people every year in the country with varied scale. The lives and livelihood of the people of Bangladesh are heavily dependent on the natural environment, agriculture, and fishery. Coastal zones are always hazard-prone; especially saline water intrusion, tidal surge & cyclone are frequent.
We visited Shyamnagar Upazila of Shatkhira as a part of our field. As the study area is near Sundarbans and Bay of Bengal, it has a unique environmental setting; combining agricultural land, rivers, mangroves forests, and wetlands inhabiting people of different occupations (e.g. farmer, shrimp culture, day laborer, Natural Resource Collectors (NRCs)). Before 2009, the occupation of people was mainly agriculture-based in this area. However, after Aila, the intensity of salinity has increased which changed their occupation to Aquaculture, which has an adverse impact on climate. Therefore, the ecosystem of the area is degrading.
We were divided into 10 groups & each group was given a specific topic. Our topic was to find out the trend of disaster & adaptation strategies for saline water intrusion in the livelihood sector.
To know the trend of disaster & climate change-related adaptation in the coastal area is important in the disaster sector as it is related to the migration, well-being of the community & other factors.

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Research paper thumbnail of Violence Against Wives in Household: A Case Study in Rural Bangladesh

Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Urbanization and Environmental Problem: An Empirical Study In Sylhet City,Bangladesh

Urbanization is a growing phenomenon in Bangladesh. This paper examined the consequence of unplan... more Urbanization is a growing phenomenon in Bangladesh. This paper examined the consequence of unplanned urbanization on environment in Sylhet City Corporation in Bangladesh (SCC). A cross sectional study was conducted in Sylhet city and social survey and FGD method were applied to collect the primary data from the respondents. This study showed that rapid urbanization have created social, economic, environmental and cultural problem. The urbanization has different environmental impacts such as water supply problem, solid waste management, disposing waste system, water logging problem, traffic congestion and sound pollution. Among the negative social consequences of urbanization, increasing incidence of crime and traditional family function and relation has been changed. Urbanization has created extreme pressure on housing, unemployment, infrastructure problems and urban services like education, health, transportation, water, sanitation, electricity, fuel, garbage clearance, recreation ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A novel approach to combine the hierarchical and iterative techniques for solving capacitated location-routing problem

Cogent Engineering, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Its Writing About Breast Cancer

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of climatic parameters on COVID-19 pandemic transmission

Understanding the correlation between climatic parameters and COVID-19 pandemic is important to c... more Understanding the correlation between climatic parameters and COVID-19 pandemic is important to control the COVID-19 transmission. In this study, correlation between climatic parameters and confirmed COVID-19 positive cases was done in Dhaka during COVID-19 lockdown periods. Rainfall (mm), Temperature (ºC), Relative humidity (%), Wind speed (km/h) have been considered as climatic parameters. Trend analysis of the climatic parameter and confirmed COVID-19 positive cases were done using Mann Kendall (M-K) analysis and magnitude of changes were determined using Sen's Slope method. Correlation coefficients were determined using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient method as normal distribution was not found among the parameters. Four timeframes have been considered namely on the day of tests, 3,7,14 days before the day of tests were considered to represent the incubation periods. The results found that relative humidity shows strong correlation (rs= 0.517, p 0.01) with confir...

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Research paper thumbnail of Parana J Sci Educ, v.6 n.5, 15-24, July 8, 2020, Masum.pdf

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Research paper thumbnail of YOLO-JD: A Deep Learning Network for Jute Diseases and Pests Detection from Images

Plants, 2022

Recently, disease prevention in jute plants has become an urgent topic as a result of the growing... more Recently, disease prevention in jute plants has become an urgent topic as a result of the growing demand for finer quality fiber. This research presents a deep learning network called YOLO-JD for detecting jute diseases from images. In the main architecture of YOLO-JD, we integrated three new modules such as Sand Clock Feature Extraction Module (SCFEM), Deep Sand Clock Feature Extraction Module (DSCFEM), and Spatial Pyramid Pooling Module (SPPM) to extract image features effectively. We also built a new large-scale image dataset for jute diseases and pests with ten classes. Compared with other state-of-the-art experiments, YOLO-JD has achieved the best detection accuracy, with an average mAP of 96.63%.

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Research paper thumbnail of UAV-Assisted Hybrid Scheme for Urban Road Safety Based on VANETs

Electronics, 2020

Traffic congestion control is becoming a popular field of research due to the rapid development o... more Traffic congestion control is becoming a popular field of research due to the rapid development of the automotive market. Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) have become the core research technology for numerous application possibilities related to road safety. Road congestions have been a serious issue of all time since the nodes have high mobility and transmission range is limited, resulting in an interruption of communication. One of the significant technical challenges faced in implementing VANET is the design of the routing protocol, providing adequate information and a reliable source for the destination. We proposed a novel mechanism unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-assisted ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) routing protocol (UAVa) for current-time traffic information accumulation and sharing to the entire traffic network and to control congestions before it happens. The UAV-assisted (UAVa) protocol is dedicated to urban environments, and its primary goal is to enhance the ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Flash Flood Early Warning System: Study of Effectiveness and Efficiency of Flash Flood Early Warning and Dissemination in

Foysal Ahmed, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Living with Salinity: Salinity impact, Disaster Trend, Shifting of Cropping Pattern and coping Strategies of Coastal Communities of Satkhira Upazila

Foysal Ahmed, 2018

Bangladesh is ranked as the world’s fifth-most disaster-prone country. Its topographic and geo-ph... more Bangladesh is ranked as the world’s fifth-most disaster-prone country. Its topographic and geo-physical location with a long coastal line has made it vulnerable to various natural hazards, particularly to extreme climate-induced disasters. Flooding, cyclones, tidal waves, and river erosion, etc. are the most common climatic hazards that affect millions of people every year in the country with varied scale. The lives and livelihood of the people of Bangladesh are heavily dependent on the natural environment, agriculture, and fishery. Coastal zones are always hazard-prone; especially saline water intrusion, tidal surge & cyclone are frequent.
We visited Shyamnagar Upazila of Shatkhira as a part of our field. As the study area is near Sundarbans and Bay of Bengal, it has a unique environmental setting; combining agricultural land, rivers, mangroves forests, and wetlands inhabiting people of different occupations (e.g. farmer, shrimp culture, day laborer, Natural Resource Collectors (NRCs)). Before 2009, the occupation of people was mainly agriculture-based in this area. However, after Aila, the intensity of salinity has increased which changed their occupation to Aquaculture, which has an adverse impact on climate. Therefore, the ecosystem of the area is degrading.
We were divided into 10 groups & each group was given a specific topic. Our topic was to find out the trend of disaster & adaptation strategies for saline water intrusion in the livelihood sector.
To know the trend of disaster & climate change-related adaptation in the coastal area is important in the disaster sector as it is related to the migration, well-being of the community & other factors.

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Research paper thumbnail of Violence Against Wives in Household: A Case Study in Rural Bangladesh

Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Urbanization and Environmental Problem: An Empirical Study In Sylhet City,Bangladesh

Urbanization is a growing phenomenon in Bangladesh. This paper examined the consequence of unplan... more Urbanization is a growing phenomenon in Bangladesh. This paper examined the consequence of unplanned urbanization on environment in Sylhet City Corporation in Bangladesh (SCC). A cross sectional study was conducted in Sylhet city and social survey and FGD method were applied to collect the primary data from the respondents. This study showed that rapid urbanization have created social, economic, environmental and cultural problem. The urbanization has different environmental impacts such as water supply problem, solid waste management, disposing waste system, water logging problem, traffic congestion and sound pollution. Among the negative social consequences of urbanization, increasing incidence of crime and traditional family function and relation has been changed. Urbanization has created extreme pressure on housing, unemployment, infrastructure problems and urban services like education, health, transportation, water, sanitation, electricity, fuel, garbage clearance, recreation ...

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