Federico Cinquepalmi - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Federico Cinquepalmi
Quando nel 1973 l’economista Ernst Friedrich Schumacher pubblicò la sua raccolta di saggi dal tit... more Quando nel 1973 l’economista Ernst Friedrich Schumacher pubblicò la sua raccolta di saggi dal titolo appunto “Piccolo è bello ” il panorama economico ed industriale mondiale era assai lontano dalla situazione attuale. La criticità della produzione energetica legata alle fonti fossili si stava solamente preparando, e solamente sarebbe più tardi sfociata nella crisi energetica conseguente alla guerra dello Yom Kippur ed al blocco del canale di Suez del 1973 , aggravandosi successivamente nel 1979 con il blocco delle esportazioni di petrolio dall’Iran, conseguente alla rivoluzione komeinista ed alla fuga dell’ultimo Scià
Older people have never been so distant from younger generations as they are today: this seems to... more Older people have never been so distant from younger generations as they are today: this seems to be a contradiction for modern societies that claim to have technically and technologically reduced distances in all sectors and at all levels. In fact, the social and intergenerational gap has now become wider, and the consequences of such distances will affect the future model of society
The conference extends the problem to the issue of waste in general; toward the conclusion also i... more The conference extends the problem to the issue of waste in general; toward the conclusion also in light of the specific role played by the two Universities promoting the conference and considering the specific interests of the writer, it becomes necessary to focus on the construction segment. The issue pertains to the absence of an industrial approach to production in general and, on the other, a lack of culture that invests in the adoption of equal terms for the client, the productive enterprises, the sector operators, citizens and young people (university students above all). A production, that is somewhat deliberately blind, which speculates on the environment to save money and ends up polluting it and, in order to save money, it leaves waste everywhere, a tangible testimony of economic exploitation, but also of a lack of culture on everyone’s part. The issue is much more complex in the building sector, which not only traditionally suffers from delays when compared to any other ...
Il tema della casa eco-efficiente, ecologica o eco-sostenibile, attorno al quale il mondo della r... more Il tema della casa eco-efficiente, ecologica o eco-sostenibile, attorno al quale il mondo della ricerca ed il settore delle costruzioni hanno da tempo concentrato molto interesse, è oggi di stretta attualità in Italia. Le politiche energetiche europee stanno promuovendo la realizzazione di edifici a basso consumo energetico. Inoltre, si stanno sempre più affermando metodi di accreditamento e certificazione della sostenibilità ambientale delle costruzioni, incentivati anche dalle Regioni in appoggio alle proprie politiche. Alcuni raggruppamenti costituiti da università ed aziende specializza- te in edilizia sostenibile stanno sviluppando progetti di piccoli edifici che possano costituire un riferimento tipologico e costruttivo e che offrano la possibilità di monitorare le prestazioni fisico-tecniche dell’organismo al fine di verificarne la corrispondenza con i risultati teorici attesi e di determinarne la qualità ambientale e l’efficienza energetica. Si tratta di prototipi abitativi ...
Applicare agli insediamenti urbani un approccio me-tabolico significa considerare la città come u... more Applicare agli insediamenti urbani un approccio me-tabolico significa considerare la città come un orga-nismo vivente e quindi occuparsi del fenomeno dell'urban sprawl del XXI secolo, utilizzando le lo-giche e gli strumenti analitici normalmente applica-bili agli organismi viventi. L'approccio metabolico sembra essere un valido punto di partenza non solo per comprendere la complessità delle dinamiche ur-bane contemporanee, ma anche per intervenire effi-cacemente sulla riduzione degli impatti delle città. Il presente articolo si propone di tracciare un per-corso innovativo che combini i principi del Metabo-lismo Urbano con i risultati della valutazione dell'impronta ecologica, considerati quale guida ef-ficace per gli approcci futuri alle sfide urbane.Applying to urban settlements a metabolic approach, it means considering the city as a living organism and therefore addressing the phenomenon of XXI Century urban sprawl, using the logics and analytical tools usually applic...
in June 2018 European Commission celebrate the twenties anniversary of European space adventure. ... more in June 2018 European Commission celebrate the twenties anniversary of European space adventure. Since the “Baveno Manifesto” signed in 1998, several regulatory acts established an innovative legislative framework for shaping a more secure future to European citizens. The systematization of Member States and European Space and Earth Observations capacities, along with an innovative ICT approach and resources resulted in the creation of a new advanced technological tool, applicative platforms and operational services for environmental, urban and land management. A special focus of the program is the realization of the “Urban Atlas” presently the most interesting digital library of satellite images dedicate to European cities, even if most of urban managers, both engineers and architects knows very little about the immense potentiality of that tool
the fortune of the majority of ancient cities has a lot to do with the peculiarity of their geogr... more the fortune of the majority of ancient cities has a lot to do with the peculiarity of their geographical positions: rivers, hills, islands and natural resources always played a fundamental role in shaping destiny of urban settlements. The Tiber River flows for about 400 km, descending from the Apennines in central Italy, reaching the low and sandy coastline of the Tyrrhenian Sea. About 30 km from the seashores, lies the Tiber Island, inextricably related to the foundation of Rome. Few cities share the destiny of Rome, where territorial and geomorphological features, combined with primitive but effective technologies have contributed to such fortune, grounding the development of Western civilization
In order to address both primary and secondary consequences of an increasing ageing population, o... more In order to address both primary and secondary consequences of an increasing ageing population, our societies are called today to adopt a completely new mind-set. Studies and policy exercises carried out at national and international level, seem to address the issue of Ageing societies from unilateral sector-based perspectives. Even the health sector, generally considered as having the most wide-ranging approach, runs the risk of providing only an incomplete picture compared to the complexity of the problem. Concentrating on single issues instead of looking at the problem as a whole, could lead to the kind of perverse incentives that have slowed down the implementation of a very ambitious exercise, such as the Millennium Development Goals, set by the United Nations General Assembly in 2000
l'impegno internazionale e nazionale del Governo italiano “post 2010” in materia di Biodivers... more l'impegno internazionale e nazionale del Governo italiano “post 2010” in materia di Biodiversità è stato sancito nell'aprile del 2009 durante i lavori del G8 Ambiente di Siracusa e successivamente anche nell'ambito del G8 Leader dell'Aquila (luglio 2009) attraverso l'inserimento del tema Biodiversità e il "riconoscimento della Carta di Siracusa come strumento efficace per promuovere una strategia di lungo termine per la conservazione della biodiversità" nella Dichiarazione "Leadership responsabile per un futuro sostenibile" (www.g8italia2009.it). Questo importante appuntamento ha permesso all'Italia di condividere con i Capi di Stato e di Governo di 20 Nazioni una nuova visione per le politiche internazionali e nazionali post 2010. La chiave interpretativa del G8 di Siracusa è stata la diffusione delle tecnologie a basso contenuto di carbonio per consentire ai Paesi emergenti e ai Paesi sottosviluppati uno sviluppo ecosostenibile che possa...
2017 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2017 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe), 2017
Cities are 'living' organisms that born, grow, change rapidly and age (Pagani, Chiesa 201... more Cities are 'living' organisms that born, grow, change rapidly and age (Pagani, Chiesa 2016); they are increasingly complex systems linked to changing demographic, economic and environmental changes. Urban complexity therefore requires planning capable of rapidly providing suitable responses to the constantly evolving human needs. The Big Data revolution offers an active innovative approach to building processes and urban and territorial planners, making them able to face the fluidity of contemporary urban spaces and the urgent challenges related to sustainable development. This essay is part of this debate by offering a survey on how Big Data relate to human activities and the built environment and by producing a qualitative change, supporting on the one hand planning and on the other hand a regenerative impact on the development of urban settlements.
Italian preliminary position paper Moving forward an Ageing Society: Bridging the Distances [ 2 ]... more Italian preliminary position paper Moving forward an Ageing Society: Bridging the Distances [ 2 ] Italian Preliminary Position Paper Roma 31 maggio 2013 Moving forward an Ageing Society: Bridging the Distances [ 3 ] Italian Preliminary Position Paper Roma 31 maggio 2013 Preliminary remarks The present national exercise on the Ageing society builds on the chapter of the OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2012 entitled "Science and technology perspectives on an ageing society". The aim of this document was to "…bring the science and technology (S&T) dimension of ageing, health and disability into sharper focus and stimulate interest in further thinking". The mentioned chapter was based, among other things, on the outcomes of the OECD/APEC workshop held in Tokyo in 2012 focusing on smart technologies and their role in meeting the challenges of ageing societies. The demographic analysis presented by the OECD in the above-mentioned document proposes a very challenging scenario, especially for Italy where the share of the population aged 65 or more is expected to reach 30% by 2050, while the share of the group over 80 years of age is expected to reach around 15% of total population. This "grey" revolution will affect virtually every aspect of our societies, our economies and our lives and requires a profound and comprehensive policy change in all strategic sectors, with a completely new perspective and innovative approach towards possible solutions and/or mitigation strategies. The Italian Ministry for Education, Universities and Research-in line with its constitutional mandate to set out short, medium and long term research policy guidelines, and in its capacity as Italian Government representative in the OECD Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy (CSTP)-called upon the Italian institutional and scientific community to join forces, in order to meet the cross-cutting challenge of an Ageing society. A large number of Italian government institutions and research groups are actively engaged on ageing issues, although with a sector-based approach. However, it is clearly emerging from the various analyses on a national and international scale, that approaching the problem from a single perspective, even the most comprehensive one such as the "health-related" issue, might prove ineffective to meet the complexity of the challenge ahead. During the 102 nd CSTP meeting held at the OECD headquarters in Paris, in March 2013, the lively debate on ageing, among national delegations, confirmed the widely shared need for a completely new and integrated approach, whereby the demographic and social issues take on board the most advanced technologies and instruments. The debate was particularly relevant for countries such as Germany, Japan, South Korea and Italy, where ageing population is clearly projected to grow steadily. The OECD, given its capacity to address both scientific and economic issues and its independent and intergovernmental nature, is currently the most appropriate international environment to advance this issue and promote the adoption of an increasingly systemic and cross-cutting approach to the breadth of issues involved in ageing. This should allow us to move beyond a sector-based approach which has slowed down the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), a process set in motion by the UN general assembly in 2000. Italy is moving in this direction and the present document represents a first relevant step towards a possible role for Italy to become one of the global hubs for investigating the multiple aspects of ageing societies and outlining possible solutions.
Most of the ancient cities link their initial fortune to the uniqueness of their geographical pos... more Most of the ancient cities link their initial fortune to the uniqueness of their geographical position: rivers, hills, islands and natural resources are playing a fundamental role in the game of shaping a powerful future for any urban settlement. However, very few cities share the astonishing destiny of the City of Rome, where all those factors, together with the powerful boost of its citizen’s determination and their primitive but effective technologies, have contributed to design the fate of that urban area, establishing the basis of western civilization and giving a fundamental contribution of all humankind.
L’Italia è un Paese che grazie alle sue caratteristiche fisiche, geografiche e storiche contiene,... more L’Italia è un Paese che grazie alle sue caratteristiche fisiche, geografiche e storiche contiene, a tutti i li- velli, da quello genetico a quello ecosistemico e paesaggistico, un elevato valore di Biodiversità. Diversi studi su flora, fauna e vegetazione sono stati compiuti sul territorio nazionale dalle nostre Università ed Istituti di ricerca, raggiungendo nel corso degli anni livelli di eccellenza di valenza internazionale. Con questa consapevolezza, dalla fine degli anni ’90, la Direzione per la Protezione della Natura del Ministero dell’Ambiente ha intrapreso un percorso costante e lungimirante finalizzato alla sistematizzazione delle numerose fonti di dati che a vario titolo (accademico, agenziale, pubblico, privato, locale e centrale) esistevano sul territorio. Obiettivo di questo percorso è quello di conoscere, documentare e tutelare sia dal punto di vista quantitativo sia qualitativo il valore della Biodiversità italiana
Archivaria, 2010
Il progetto descritto si inserisce nella linea di uno studio che il Dipartimento di Fisica Tecnic... more Il progetto descritto si inserisce nella linea di uno studio che il Dipartimento di Fisica Tecnica della “Sapienza” Università di Roma ha realizzato nell’ambito di una convenzione di Ricerca con il Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare, finalizzata all’elaborazione di linee guida e sperimentazioni per una gestione sostenibile delle attività umane nell’ambito del Sistema Nazionale delle Aree Protette
Building Information Modelling (BIM) in Design, Construction and Operations III, Dec 18, 2019
The traditional workflows used to define construction costs are characterized by a series of comm... more The traditional workflows used to define construction costs are characterized by a series of common criticalities due to physiological inefficiencies of analogical or not-completely-digital processes. These include the waste of man-hours due to continuous requests for clarification by the computer scientist, or the transmission of partial or unverified information by the design team, or even inaccurate and approximate measurements based on 2D drawings. This can lead to lower levels of reliability of cost estimations with consequent design risks and the need for variants in progress, exceeding the project budget or the expected timeframe. The BIM approach can mitigate these risks, but it is necessary to define a planned and robust method that supports the consistency between the items of calculation and the elements of the model. This method needs to be based on a structured breakdown of the building and the activities necessary to the project, according to a clearly planned methodology. Therefore, it is necessary to define an approach capable of generating digital workflows and automatically updating quantities (especially in the event of changes to the project), as well as to ensure the correspondence between modelled elements and computation items, in order to have a consistent workflow and make immediate and clear the updating of information on each project document. The paper is oriented to the definition of a structure for cost planning process, which uses the experimentation of computer tools aimed at extracting the quantities directly from the model, allowing the automatic update in case of changes, through the use of a PBS (project breakdown structure), shared with the entire design team, and using a code system associated with the elements of the model, the calculation, but also to specialist reports, detailed graphics and schedules.
La conservazione della biodiversità e l’uso sostenibile delle risorse garantiscono il corretto fu... more La conservazione della biodiversità e l’uso sostenibile delle risorse garantiscono il corretto funzionamento degli ecosistemi così come la fornitura dei loro servizi, che sono le basi essenziali della vita e dell’economia umane. La società moderna e l’economia sono, infatti, legate in modo sistemico all'uso delle risorse naturali e dei sistemi produttivi. In particolare, questa stretta dipendenza si manifesta con le attività agricole e forestali, oltre che con le attività collegate ai trasporti, al turismo e alla crescita urbana.I benefici diretti e indiretti della biodiversità si riflettono in servizi riguardanti i prodotti (cibo, principi farmaceutici, materie prime, acqua), la regolazione (controllo climatico, protezione dagli eventi estremi), il supporto (produzione di ossigeno, formazione del suolo) e gli interessi culturali (aumento delle conoscenze, valore estetico, relazioni sociali). Realizzare un bilancio ottimale tra tutela della biodiversità, valorizzazione delle ris...
Quando nel 1973 l’economista Ernst Friedrich Schumacher pubblicò la sua raccolta di saggi dal tit... more Quando nel 1973 l’economista Ernst Friedrich Schumacher pubblicò la sua raccolta di saggi dal titolo appunto “Piccolo è bello ” il panorama economico ed industriale mondiale era assai lontano dalla situazione attuale. La criticità della produzione energetica legata alle fonti fossili si stava solamente preparando, e solamente sarebbe più tardi sfociata nella crisi energetica conseguente alla guerra dello Yom Kippur ed al blocco del canale di Suez del 1973 , aggravandosi successivamente nel 1979 con il blocco delle esportazioni di petrolio dall’Iran, conseguente alla rivoluzione komeinista ed alla fuga dell’ultimo Scià
Older people have never been so distant from younger generations as they are today: this seems to... more Older people have never been so distant from younger generations as they are today: this seems to be a contradiction for modern societies that claim to have technically and technologically reduced distances in all sectors and at all levels. In fact, the social and intergenerational gap has now become wider, and the consequences of such distances will affect the future model of society
The conference extends the problem to the issue of waste in general; toward the conclusion also i... more The conference extends the problem to the issue of waste in general; toward the conclusion also in light of the specific role played by the two Universities promoting the conference and considering the specific interests of the writer, it becomes necessary to focus on the construction segment. The issue pertains to the absence of an industrial approach to production in general and, on the other, a lack of culture that invests in the adoption of equal terms for the client, the productive enterprises, the sector operators, citizens and young people (university students above all). A production, that is somewhat deliberately blind, which speculates on the environment to save money and ends up polluting it and, in order to save money, it leaves waste everywhere, a tangible testimony of economic exploitation, but also of a lack of culture on everyone’s part. The issue is much more complex in the building sector, which not only traditionally suffers from delays when compared to any other ...
Il tema della casa eco-efficiente, ecologica o eco-sostenibile, attorno al quale il mondo della r... more Il tema della casa eco-efficiente, ecologica o eco-sostenibile, attorno al quale il mondo della ricerca ed il settore delle costruzioni hanno da tempo concentrato molto interesse, è oggi di stretta attualità in Italia. Le politiche energetiche europee stanno promuovendo la realizzazione di edifici a basso consumo energetico. Inoltre, si stanno sempre più affermando metodi di accreditamento e certificazione della sostenibilità ambientale delle costruzioni, incentivati anche dalle Regioni in appoggio alle proprie politiche. Alcuni raggruppamenti costituiti da università ed aziende specializza- te in edilizia sostenibile stanno sviluppando progetti di piccoli edifici che possano costituire un riferimento tipologico e costruttivo e che offrano la possibilità di monitorare le prestazioni fisico-tecniche dell’organismo al fine di verificarne la corrispondenza con i risultati teorici attesi e di determinarne la qualità ambientale e l’efficienza energetica. Si tratta di prototipi abitativi ...
Applicare agli insediamenti urbani un approccio me-tabolico significa considerare la città come u... more Applicare agli insediamenti urbani un approccio me-tabolico significa considerare la città come un orga-nismo vivente e quindi occuparsi del fenomeno dell'urban sprawl del XXI secolo, utilizzando le lo-giche e gli strumenti analitici normalmente applica-bili agli organismi viventi. L'approccio metabolico sembra essere un valido punto di partenza non solo per comprendere la complessità delle dinamiche ur-bane contemporanee, ma anche per intervenire effi-cacemente sulla riduzione degli impatti delle città. Il presente articolo si propone di tracciare un per-corso innovativo che combini i principi del Metabo-lismo Urbano con i risultati della valutazione dell'impronta ecologica, considerati quale guida ef-ficace per gli approcci futuri alle sfide urbane.Applying to urban settlements a metabolic approach, it means considering the city as a living organism and therefore addressing the phenomenon of XXI Century urban sprawl, using the logics and analytical tools usually applic...
in June 2018 European Commission celebrate the twenties anniversary of European space adventure. ... more in June 2018 European Commission celebrate the twenties anniversary of European space adventure. Since the “Baveno Manifesto” signed in 1998, several regulatory acts established an innovative legislative framework for shaping a more secure future to European citizens. The systematization of Member States and European Space and Earth Observations capacities, along with an innovative ICT approach and resources resulted in the creation of a new advanced technological tool, applicative platforms and operational services for environmental, urban and land management. A special focus of the program is the realization of the “Urban Atlas” presently the most interesting digital library of satellite images dedicate to European cities, even if most of urban managers, both engineers and architects knows very little about the immense potentiality of that tool
the fortune of the majority of ancient cities has a lot to do with the peculiarity of their geogr... more the fortune of the majority of ancient cities has a lot to do with the peculiarity of their geographical positions: rivers, hills, islands and natural resources always played a fundamental role in shaping destiny of urban settlements. The Tiber River flows for about 400 km, descending from the Apennines in central Italy, reaching the low and sandy coastline of the Tyrrhenian Sea. About 30 km from the seashores, lies the Tiber Island, inextricably related to the foundation of Rome. Few cities share the destiny of Rome, where territorial and geomorphological features, combined with primitive but effective technologies have contributed to such fortune, grounding the development of Western civilization
In order to address both primary and secondary consequences of an increasing ageing population, o... more In order to address both primary and secondary consequences of an increasing ageing population, our societies are called today to adopt a completely new mind-set. Studies and policy exercises carried out at national and international level, seem to address the issue of Ageing societies from unilateral sector-based perspectives. Even the health sector, generally considered as having the most wide-ranging approach, runs the risk of providing only an incomplete picture compared to the complexity of the problem. Concentrating on single issues instead of looking at the problem as a whole, could lead to the kind of perverse incentives that have slowed down the implementation of a very ambitious exercise, such as the Millennium Development Goals, set by the United Nations General Assembly in 2000
l'impegno internazionale e nazionale del Governo italiano “post 2010” in materia di Biodivers... more l'impegno internazionale e nazionale del Governo italiano “post 2010” in materia di Biodiversità è stato sancito nell'aprile del 2009 durante i lavori del G8 Ambiente di Siracusa e successivamente anche nell'ambito del G8 Leader dell'Aquila (luglio 2009) attraverso l'inserimento del tema Biodiversità e il "riconoscimento della Carta di Siracusa come strumento efficace per promuovere una strategia di lungo termine per la conservazione della biodiversità" nella Dichiarazione "Leadership responsabile per un futuro sostenibile" (www.g8italia2009.it). Questo importante appuntamento ha permesso all'Italia di condividere con i Capi di Stato e di Governo di 20 Nazioni una nuova visione per le politiche internazionali e nazionali post 2010. La chiave interpretativa del G8 di Siracusa è stata la diffusione delle tecnologie a basso contenuto di carbonio per consentire ai Paesi emergenti e ai Paesi sottosviluppati uno sviluppo ecosostenibile che possa...
2017 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2017 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe), 2017
Cities are 'living' organisms that born, grow, change rapidly and age (Pagani, Chiesa 201... more Cities are 'living' organisms that born, grow, change rapidly and age (Pagani, Chiesa 2016); they are increasingly complex systems linked to changing demographic, economic and environmental changes. Urban complexity therefore requires planning capable of rapidly providing suitable responses to the constantly evolving human needs. The Big Data revolution offers an active innovative approach to building processes and urban and territorial planners, making them able to face the fluidity of contemporary urban spaces and the urgent challenges related to sustainable development. This essay is part of this debate by offering a survey on how Big Data relate to human activities and the built environment and by producing a qualitative change, supporting on the one hand planning and on the other hand a regenerative impact on the development of urban settlements.
Italian preliminary position paper Moving forward an Ageing Society: Bridging the Distances [ 2 ]... more Italian preliminary position paper Moving forward an Ageing Society: Bridging the Distances [ 2 ] Italian Preliminary Position Paper Roma 31 maggio 2013 Moving forward an Ageing Society: Bridging the Distances [ 3 ] Italian Preliminary Position Paper Roma 31 maggio 2013 Preliminary remarks The present national exercise on the Ageing society builds on the chapter of the OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2012 entitled "Science and technology perspectives on an ageing society". The aim of this document was to "…bring the science and technology (S&T) dimension of ageing, health and disability into sharper focus and stimulate interest in further thinking". The mentioned chapter was based, among other things, on the outcomes of the OECD/APEC workshop held in Tokyo in 2012 focusing on smart technologies and their role in meeting the challenges of ageing societies. The demographic analysis presented by the OECD in the above-mentioned document proposes a very challenging scenario, especially for Italy where the share of the population aged 65 or more is expected to reach 30% by 2050, while the share of the group over 80 years of age is expected to reach around 15% of total population. This "grey" revolution will affect virtually every aspect of our societies, our economies and our lives and requires a profound and comprehensive policy change in all strategic sectors, with a completely new perspective and innovative approach towards possible solutions and/or mitigation strategies. The Italian Ministry for Education, Universities and Research-in line with its constitutional mandate to set out short, medium and long term research policy guidelines, and in its capacity as Italian Government representative in the OECD Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy (CSTP)-called upon the Italian institutional and scientific community to join forces, in order to meet the cross-cutting challenge of an Ageing society. A large number of Italian government institutions and research groups are actively engaged on ageing issues, although with a sector-based approach. However, it is clearly emerging from the various analyses on a national and international scale, that approaching the problem from a single perspective, even the most comprehensive one such as the "health-related" issue, might prove ineffective to meet the complexity of the challenge ahead. During the 102 nd CSTP meeting held at the OECD headquarters in Paris, in March 2013, the lively debate on ageing, among national delegations, confirmed the widely shared need for a completely new and integrated approach, whereby the demographic and social issues take on board the most advanced technologies and instruments. The debate was particularly relevant for countries such as Germany, Japan, South Korea and Italy, where ageing population is clearly projected to grow steadily. The OECD, given its capacity to address both scientific and economic issues and its independent and intergovernmental nature, is currently the most appropriate international environment to advance this issue and promote the adoption of an increasingly systemic and cross-cutting approach to the breadth of issues involved in ageing. This should allow us to move beyond a sector-based approach which has slowed down the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), a process set in motion by the UN general assembly in 2000. Italy is moving in this direction and the present document represents a first relevant step towards a possible role for Italy to become one of the global hubs for investigating the multiple aspects of ageing societies and outlining possible solutions.
Most of the ancient cities link their initial fortune to the uniqueness of their geographical pos... more Most of the ancient cities link their initial fortune to the uniqueness of their geographical position: rivers, hills, islands and natural resources are playing a fundamental role in the game of shaping a powerful future for any urban settlement. However, very few cities share the astonishing destiny of the City of Rome, where all those factors, together with the powerful boost of its citizen’s determination and their primitive but effective technologies, have contributed to design the fate of that urban area, establishing the basis of western civilization and giving a fundamental contribution of all humankind.
L’Italia è un Paese che grazie alle sue caratteristiche fisiche, geografiche e storiche contiene,... more L’Italia è un Paese che grazie alle sue caratteristiche fisiche, geografiche e storiche contiene, a tutti i li- velli, da quello genetico a quello ecosistemico e paesaggistico, un elevato valore di Biodiversità. Diversi studi su flora, fauna e vegetazione sono stati compiuti sul territorio nazionale dalle nostre Università ed Istituti di ricerca, raggiungendo nel corso degli anni livelli di eccellenza di valenza internazionale. Con questa consapevolezza, dalla fine degli anni ’90, la Direzione per la Protezione della Natura del Ministero dell’Ambiente ha intrapreso un percorso costante e lungimirante finalizzato alla sistematizzazione delle numerose fonti di dati che a vario titolo (accademico, agenziale, pubblico, privato, locale e centrale) esistevano sul territorio. Obiettivo di questo percorso è quello di conoscere, documentare e tutelare sia dal punto di vista quantitativo sia qualitativo il valore della Biodiversità italiana
Archivaria, 2010
Il progetto descritto si inserisce nella linea di uno studio che il Dipartimento di Fisica Tecnic... more Il progetto descritto si inserisce nella linea di uno studio che il Dipartimento di Fisica Tecnica della “Sapienza” Università di Roma ha realizzato nell’ambito di una convenzione di Ricerca con il Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare, finalizzata all’elaborazione di linee guida e sperimentazioni per una gestione sostenibile delle attività umane nell’ambito del Sistema Nazionale delle Aree Protette
Building Information Modelling (BIM) in Design, Construction and Operations III, Dec 18, 2019
The traditional workflows used to define construction costs are characterized by a series of comm... more The traditional workflows used to define construction costs are characterized by a series of common criticalities due to physiological inefficiencies of analogical or not-completely-digital processes. These include the waste of man-hours due to continuous requests for clarification by the computer scientist, or the transmission of partial or unverified information by the design team, or even inaccurate and approximate measurements based on 2D drawings. This can lead to lower levels of reliability of cost estimations with consequent design risks and the need for variants in progress, exceeding the project budget or the expected timeframe. The BIM approach can mitigate these risks, but it is necessary to define a planned and robust method that supports the consistency between the items of calculation and the elements of the model. This method needs to be based on a structured breakdown of the building and the activities necessary to the project, according to a clearly planned methodology. Therefore, it is necessary to define an approach capable of generating digital workflows and automatically updating quantities (especially in the event of changes to the project), as well as to ensure the correspondence between modelled elements and computation items, in order to have a consistent workflow and make immediate and clear the updating of information on each project document. The paper is oriented to the definition of a structure for cost planning process, which uses the experimentation of computer tools aimed at extracting the quantities directly from the model, allowing the automatic update in case of changes, through the use of a PBS (project breakdown structure), shared with the entire design team, and using a code system associated with the elements of the model, the calculation, but also to specialist reports, detailed graphics and schedules.
La conservazione della biodiversità e l’uso sostenibile delle risorse garantiscono il corretto fu... more La conservazione della biodiversità e l’uso sostenibile delle risorse garantiscono il corretto funzionamento degli ecosistemi così come la fornitura dei loro servizi, che sono le basi essenziali della vita e dell’economia umane. La società moderna e l’economia sono, infatti, legate in modo sistemico all'uso delle risorse naturali e dei sistemi produttivi. In particolare, questa stretta dipendenza si manifesta con le attività agricole e forestali, oltre che con le attività collegate ai trasporti, al turismo e alla crescita urbana.I benefici diretti e indiretti della biodiversità si riflettono in servizi riguardanti i prodotti (cibo, principi farmaceutici, materie prime, acqua), la regolazione (controllo climatico, protezione dagli eventi estremi), il supporto (produzione di ossigeno, formazione del suolo) e gli interessi culturali (aumento delle conoscenze, valore estetico, relazioni sociali). Realizzare un bilancio ottimale tra tutela della biodiversità, valorizzazione delle ris...