Felipe Ramirez Hinrichsen - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Videos by Felipe Ramirez Hinrichsen
Mirada sociopsicoanalítica acerca de la alteración del cuadro de las relaciones y del lazo social... more Mirada sociopsicoanalítica acerca de la alteración del cuadro de las relaciones y del lazo social en tiempos de pandemia y de confinamiento.
Revisión sociopsicoanalítica de los efectos traumáticos de la pandemia de COVID-19 y del confina... more Revisión sociopsicoanalítica de los efectos traumáticos de la pandemia de COVID-19 y del confinamiento en la construcción de la rutina y de las relaciones interpersonales, así como el efecto de éstas en el sentimiento del sí-mismo.
Papers by Felipe Ramirez Hinrichsen
Journal of Child Psychotherapy, 2020
Both American and English writers in the nineteenth century often used metaphors drawn from natur... more Both American and English writers in the nineteenth century often used metaphors drawn from nature in order to explore internal constructs such as subjectivity and gender in Leo Marx's terms, the "landscape of the psyche" (28). 1 During the 1840s, especially the idea of natural landscapes as metaphorical sites for the contestation of manliness began to be found in some American and English canonical writers' works such as Ralph Waldo Emerson's "The Poet" (1844) and Alfred Tennyson's In Memoriam (1849). 2 Despite the common interest in landscape in its connection to manliness, the difference between American and British writing in terms of their understanding of nature was obvious. While British writers paid more attention to "the garden or a peaceful rural countryside" (Lawrence 18), the wild frontier as a key topographical metaphor in the nineteenth-century American writing was associated with masculinity. The demand for constructing masculinity through the American landscape in the nineteenth century had two interrelated reasons. The wild American nature as a means for an ideological construction in the development of national identity signified "the nation's creative potential and moral superiority" (Cohen 73) over the effeminate civilization and the cultivated pastoral in Europe and Britain. As Paula Marantz Cohen
analitica This paper analyzes the play technique as a therapeutic intervention from a kleinian ps... more analitica This paper analyzes the play technique as a therapeutic intervention from a kleinian psychoanalytic approach. It considers the underlying fantasies of the psychological conflict, expressed by play symbols, as a variable that constitutes both the core of the evolution and the achievements of the psychotherapeutic process. In order to explain this, an analytic-oriented psychotherapy is detailed, which was developed through the play technique for a 5 years old girl who suffered separation anxiety. Methodologically this paper is a case study, qualitatively analyzed by a hermeneutic-interpretative approach. The symbols revealed issues that in turn were reflected in play activity phases. The discussion is divided into three areas -theoretical, technical and methodological, which aim to consider the symbolic production from an intersubjective context. The analysis of the symbols as indicators is proposed as a valid qualitative research methodology in psychoanalytic
analitica This paper analyzes the play technique as a therapeutic intervention from a kleinian ps... more analitica This paper analyzes the play technique as a therapeutic intervention from a kleinian psychoanalytic approach. It considers the underlying fantasies of the psychological conflict, expressed by play symbols, as a variable that constitutes both the core of the evolution and the achievements of the psychotherapeutic process. In order to explain this, an analytic-oriented psychotherapy is detailed, which was developed through the play technique for a 5 years old girl who suffered separation anxiety. Methodologically this paper is a case study, qualitatively analyzed by a hermeneutic-interpretative approach. The symbols revealed issues that in turn were reflected in play activity phases. The discussion is divided into three areas -theoretical, technical and methodological, which aim to consider the symbolic production from an intersubjective context. The analysis of the symbols as indicators is proposed as a valid qualitative research methodology in psychoanalytic
Summa Psicológica, 2013
Este artículo problematiza sobre las implicaciones biopolíticas y disciplinatorias de las líneas ... more Este artículo problematiza sobre las implicaciones biopolíticas y disciplinatorias de las líneas de acción de SENAME, propuestas para el período 2006-2010, respecto de la población infantil y adolescente. Abordando los conceptos de Infancia y Vida Desnuda del filósofo Giorgio Agamben, la función de la pericia psicológica desde Michel Foucault, y realizando una breve referencia histórica-arqueológica desde Gabriel Salazar, se reflexiona sobre la operación de captura subjetiva de niños y adolescentes vulnerados y potencialmente peligrosos. Con ello se cuestiona la aporía de un enfoque de protección de derechos que sin embargo lleva consigo un control social de la desviación normativa.
Child Psychotherapy Journal, 2020
At a time when psychoanalytic psychotherapists are struggling worldwide to provide ongoing psycho... more At a time when psychoanalytic psychotherapists are struggling worldwide to provide ongoing psychotherapy to children and adolescents during the current pandemic, this paper provides three vignettes, which focus on the impact of the pandemic and of providing psychotherapy online. These vignettes elaborate on contributions made to ‘Town Hall’ meetings of the Canadian Association of Psychoanalytic Child Therapists. We describe some of what we have learned in our efforts to provide online therapy during this disjointed time. We conclude by reflecting on the crucial importance of peer groups meeting together to contain our own pandemic anxieties, to maintain the therapeutic frame in online treatment, and to be supportive of the internal psychic frames of our patients, all of which have been battered during the pandemic.
Resumen este artículo aborda la dimensión subjetiva de la infracción de ley adolescente mediante ... more Resumen este artículo aborda la dimensión subjetiva de la infracción de ley adolescente mediante un análisis que ofrece una perspectiva diferente al enfoque jurídico o psiquiátrico. Considera la relación del adolescente con la Ley desde una perspectiva psicoanalítica freudo-lacaniana. Dentro de los resultados, distingue dos tipos de transgresión adolescente: desacato a la norma parental e infracción a la ley. estableciendo dos planos de la legalidad, jurídico y simbólicocultural, se formulan dos tipos de infracción: el acto, irrupción pulsional asociada a la ausencia paterna como referente normativo, y la metáfora, que implica la solidaridad con los valores parentales/familiares. se concluye sugiriendo un modelo de diagnóstico y abordaje en función de los agentes normativos que condicionan la apertura adolescente al espacio sociocultural, el otro parental y el estado.
Fantasies and play symbols as indicators of the therapeutic process: a case study Felipe Ramírez ... more Fantasies and play symbols as indicators of the therapeutic process: a case study Felipe Ramírez Hinrichsen 1 Analiza la intervención terapéutica de la técnica del juego desde el enfoque psicoanalítico kleiniano.
Este artículo problematiza sobre las implicaciones biopolíticas y disciplinatorias de las líneas ... more Este artículo problematiza sobre las implicaciones biopolíticas y disciplinatorias de las líneas de acción de SENAME, propuestas para el período 2006-2010, respecto de la población infantil y adolescente.
Talks by Felipe Ramirez Hinrichsen
Mirada sociopsicoanalítica acerca de la alteración del cuadro de las relaciones y del lazo social... more Mirada sociopsicoanalítica acerca de la alteración del cuadro de las relaciones y del lazo social en tiempos de pandemia y de confinamiento.
Revisión sociopsicoanalítica de los efectos traumáticos de la pandemia de COVID-19 y del confina... more Revisión sociopsicoanalítica de los efectos traumáticos de la pandemia de COVID-19 y del confinamiento en la construcción de la rutina y de las relaciones interpersonales, así como el efecto de éstas en el sentimiento del sí-mismo.
Journal of Child Psychotherapy, 2020
Both American and English writers in the nineteenth century often used metaphors drawn from natur... more Both American and English writers in the nineteenth century often used metaphors drawn from nature in order to explore internal constructs such as subjectivity and gender in Leo Marx's terms, the "landscape of the psyche" (28). 1 During the 1840s, especially the idea of natural landscapes as metaphorical sites for the contestation of manliness began to be found in some American and English canonical writers' works such as Ralph Waldo Emerson's "The Poet" (1844) and Alfred Tennyson's In Memoriam (1849). 2 Despite the common interest in landscape in its connection to manliness, the difference between American and British writing in terms of their understanding of nature was obvious. While British writers paid more attention to "the garden or a peaceful rural countryside" (Lawrence 18), the wild frontier as a key topographical metaphor in the nineteenth-century American writing was associated with masculinity. The demand for constructing masculinity through the American landscape in the nineteenth century had two interrelated reasons. The wild American nature as a means for an ideological construction in the development of national identity signified "the nation's creative potential and moral superiority" (Cohen 73) over the effeminate civilization and the cultivated pastoral in Europe and Britain. As Paula Marantz Cohen
analitica This paper analyzes the play technique as a therapeutic intervention from a kleinian ps... more analitica This paper analyzes the play technique as a therapeutic intervention from a kleinian psychoanalytic approach. It considers the underlying fantasies of the psychological conflict, expressed by play symbols, as a variable that constitutes both the core of the evolution and the achievements of the psychotherapeutic process. In order to explain this, an analytic-oriented psychotherapy is detailed, which was developed through the play technique for a 5 years old girl who suffered separation anxiety. Methodologically this paper is a case study, qualitatively analyzed by a hermeneutic-interpretative approach. The symbols revealed issues that in turn were reflected in play activity phases. The discussion is divided into three areas -theoretical, technical and methodological, which aim to consider the symbolic production from an intersubjective context. The analysis of the symbols as indicators is proposed as a valid qualitative research methodology in psychoanalytic
analitica This paper analyzes the play technique as a therapeutic intervention from a kleinian ps... more analitica This paper analyzes the play technique as a therapeutic intervention from a kleinian psychoanalytic approach. It considers the underlying fantasies of the psychological conflict, expressed by play symbols, as a variable that constitutes both the core of the evolution and the achievements of the psychotherapeutic process. In order to explain this, an analytic-oriented psychotherapy is detailed, which was developed through the play technique for a 5 years old girl who suffered separation anxiety. Methodologically this paper is a case study, qualitatively analyzed by a hermeneutic-interpretative approach. The symbols revealed issues that in turn were reflected in play activity phases. The discussion is divided into three areas -theoretical, technical and methodological, which aim to consider the symbolic production from an intersubjective context. The analysis of the symbols as indicators is proposed as a valid qualitative research methodology in psychoanalytic
Summa Psicológica, 2013
Este artículo problematiza sobre las implicaciones biopolíticas y disciplinatorias de las líneas ... more Este artículo problematiza sobre las implicaciones biopolíticas y disciplinatorias de las líneas de acción de SENAME, propuestas para el período 2006-2010, respecto de la población infantil y adolescente. Abordando los conceptos de Infancia y Vida Desnuda del filósofo Giorgio Agamben, la función de la pericia psicológica desde Michel Foucault, y realizando una breve referencia histórica-arqueológica desde Gabriel Salazar, se reflexiona sobre la operación de captura subjetiva de niños y adolescentes vulnerados y potencialmente peligrosos. Con ello se cuestiona la aporía de un enfoque de protección de derechos que sin embargo lleva consigo un control social de la desviación normativa.
Child Psychotherapy Journal, 2020
At a time when psychoanalytic psychotherapists are struggling worldwide to provide ongoing psycho... more At a time when psychoanalytic psychotherapists are struggling worldwide to provide ongoing psychotherapy to children and adolescents during the current pandemic, this paper provides three vignettes, which focus on the impact of the pandemic and of providing psychotherapy online. These vignettes elaborate on contributions made to ‘Town Hall’ meetings of the Canadian Association of Psychoanalytic Child Therapists. We describe some of what we have learned in our efforts to provide online therapy during this disjointed time. We conclude by reflecting on the crucial importance of peer groups meeting together to contain our own pandemic anxieties, to maintain the therapeutic frame in online treatment, and to be supportive of the internal psychic frames of our patients, all of which have been battered during the pandemic.
Resumen este artículo aborda la dimensión subjetiva de la infracción de ley adolescente mediante ... more Resumen este artículo aborda la dimensión subjetiva de la infracción de ley adolescente mediante un análisis que ofrece una perspectiva diferente al enfoque jurídico o psiquiátrico. Considera la relación del adolescente con la Ley desde una perspectiva psicoanalítica freudo-lacaniana. Dentro de los resultados, distingue dos tipos de transgresión adolescente: desacato a la norma parental e infracción a la ley. estableciendo dos planos de la legalidad, jurídico y simbólicocultural, se formulan dos tipos de infracción: el acto, irrupción pulsional asociada a la ausencia paterna como referente normativo, y la metáfora, que implica la solidaridad con los valores parentales/familiares. se concluye sugiriendo un modelo de diagnóstico y abordaje en función de los agentes normativos que condicionan la apertura adolescente al espacio sociocultural, el otro parental y el estado.
Fantasies and play symbols as indicators of the therapeutic process: a case study Felipe Ramírez ... more Fantasies and play symbols as indicators of the therapeutic process: a case study Felipe Ramírez Hinrichsen 1 Analiza la intervención terapéutica de la técnica del juego desde el enfoque psicoanalítico kleiniano.
Este artículo problematiza sobre las implicaciones biopolíticas y disciplinatorias de las líneas ... more Este artículo problematiza sobre las implicaciones biopolíticas y disciplinatorias de las líneas de acción de SENAME, propuestas para el período 2006-2010, respecto de la población infantil y adolescente.