Ferdinal Ferdinal - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Ferdinal Ferdinal
Pertanika journal of social science & humanities, Feb 5, 2024
Metaphors and cultural values are two related things. Cultural values are part of human identity,... more Metaphors and cultural values are two related things. Cultural values are part of human identity, and one of the ways to express them is through metaphor. Accordingly, this paper aims to study lexical metaphors concerning cultural values in Hamka's novel Di Bawah Lindungan Ka'bah. This study uses a quantitative and qualitative approach. The researchers used a quantitative approach to determine the distribution of lexical metaphors and a qualitative approach to examine the phenomenon of lexical metaphors. A total of 100 lexical metaphors from every page were collected as data for this study and analysed using the theory proposed by Newmark and Lakoff, and Johnson. Findings show that 14% of lexical metaphors are noun-noun comparisons, 32% are noun-verbs, 10% are noun-adjectives, 31% are verb-nouns, 6% are verb-adverbs, and 7% are comparisons of noun-adjectives. The metaphors contain the meaning of personification, hyperbole, and euphemism. Of the 100 lexical metaphors, 62% of the cultural values represent good values, whereas 38% represent bad values. Cultural values in various lexical metaphors are essential to educating and nurturing human legitimacy, especially in the era of Industry 4.0 and 5.0, where people must uphold human values.
Islamic values are strongly tied to Muslims' ability to live in this world and the Hereafter. As ... more Islamic values are strongly tied to Muslims' ability to live in this world and the Hereafter. As a result, continuous research on Islamic ideals is required. These ideals can serve as a guideline for Muslims in their daily lives. In this regard, this research investigates Islamic principles reflected through metaphorical expressions in a literary work. This research employs a qualitative approach, an in-depth examination of a phenomenon. This study's data was derived from metaphorical language containing Islamic ideals. The source of the data is Hamka's novel Di Bawah Lindungan Ka'bah. The Qur'an and Hadith are utilized to analyze Islamic principles, while metaphor theory is employed to study metaphorical terms. The study's findings indicate that this novel has the core values for hablun min Allah and hablun min al-nas. The value of hablun min Allah is firm faith ('aqidah) in Allah. Hablun min al-nas's main principles include the pursuit of trustworthiness, togetherness, affection, kindness, carefulness, and politeness, all leading to prosperity. In expressing and preaching Islamic ideals, metaphorical terms serve as a medium to describe a situation, underline a message, deliver values politely, and create aesthetic and artistic effects.
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA), Jun 25, 2023
Even though the concept of physics is very important in daily activities, the cave exploration ac... more Even though the concept of physics is very important in daily activities, the cave exploration activities (caver and or cave tourists) are not based on of physics concepts. In addition, the teachers do not realize that through caves and it exploration activities can be used to learn the physics concepts. This research aims to study the physics concepts in caving activities where it used to develop of physics edupark digital books for senior high school students. This is preliminary research that part of research and development method by using the Plomp model where the study consists of teacher, student, and material potential analysis. This study has been resulting that many concepts while cave exploration activities. It can be used to lean the physics concepts then developing an Edupark physics digital enrichment book as a demand of the Merdeka's Curriculum. The learning activities growth from the abilities of students who emphasize contextual learning where the students building meaningful understanding through learning and optimizing technology in learning.
Linguistika Kultura: Jurnal Linguistik Sastra Berdimensi Cultural Studies
This study discusses colonialism in Africa in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness. It aims to s... more This study discusses colonialism in Africa in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness. It aims to study readers' responses regarding colonialism in the novella. The research uses a reader's response approach applying David Bleich's theory and the postcolonial theory of literary criticism of Edward Said. The methods of collecting data include spreading questionnaires to local officials and library research. The investigation also uses thematic analysis, which identifies, analyzes, and interprets patterns of the data collected from the respondents. This research reveals that everyone has their own opinion and broad view of colonialism. In the readers' responses to Heart of Darkness, the readers show that they are against colonialism and judge this work as a work that describes colonialism.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2023
Many factors determine the quality and sustainability of agricultural products. In addition to so... more Many factors determine the quality and sustainability of agricultural products. In addition to soil fertility, seed, climate, and use of technology, cultural values are significant and decisive. This research aims to study agricultural productions and farming cultures reflected in Minangkabau metaphorical expressions. The study is conducted qualitatively in four districts of Solok West Sumatra. The research results show that cultural values in Minangkabau’s metaphorical expressions build good characters of the farmers in their farming activities. The values contained in various Minangkabau metaphorical expressions serve as a guide for producing uninterrupted and sustainable products, choosing agricultural land, and innovating and deriving a farming product into different food ingredients.
LOGISTA - Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Pelatihan pembuatan bioetanol dari limbah kulit pisang dilakukan untuk membantu masyarakat dalam ... more Pelatihan pembuatan bioetanol dari limbah kulit pisang dilakukan untuk membantu masyarakat dalam memanfaatkan limbah rumah tangga. Ini dilakukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat akan bahan bakar alternatif. Masyarakat di berbagai tempat mengolah pisang menjadi aneka jenis makanan. Namun kulit pisang mereka buang sebagai limbah. Kegiatan ini merupakan sosialisasi tentang energi terbarukan dan praktek pembuatan energi dari kulit pisang terhadap sejumlah anggota masyarakat Nagari Kambang Barat, Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan, Provinsi Sumatra Barat. Dari pelatihan ini, masyarakat Nagari Kambang Barat dapat memanfaatkan limbah kulit pisang untuk diolah menjadi bioetanol secara maksimal. Hasil pelatihan menunjukkan bahwa mereka menganggap kegiatan ini bermanfaat dan menambah pengetahuan serta dapat mengubah pola pikir masyarakat mengenai limbah kulit pisang. Mereka bisa membuat bioetanol dari limbah kulit pisang yang ada di sekitar mereka. Kata kunci: energi alternatif, bioetanol, limbah k...
Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2023
Keberadaan gua umumnya hanya dimanfaatkan sebagai tempat wisata biasa atau bahkan belum dikembang... more Keberadaan gua umumnya hanya dimanfaatkan sebagai tempat wisata biasa atau bahkan belum dikembangkan menjadi obyek wisata. Dalam kajian ini, keberadaan gua tidak hanya dikembangkan sebagai tempat wisata biasa, namun dimanfaatkan sebagai wisata edukasi dan Pusat Kajian Ilmu Pengetahuan. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk sosialisasi pengembangan fungsi Gua Lowo, Watulimo, Trenggalek sebagai Pusat Kajian Ilmu Pengetahuan. Metode yang digunakan yaitu sosialisasi yang bekerjasama dengan mitra Pemda Kecamatan Watulimo, Trenggalek yang diikuti oleh 30 peserta. Proses evaluasi dilakukan dengan instrumen kuisioner dan Focus Group Discussion. Kegiatan dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini meliputi: pembuatan poster, buku perfectus, serta video yang berisi hasil penelitian sebelumnya, seperti peran gua dalam merekam perubahan iklim dan lingkungan dimasa lampau, perubahan arah medan magnet bumi, serta kejadian gempa dimasa lampau. Hasil kuesioner menunjukkan rata-rata 90% persen responden menyatakan sanga...
Stilistika: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra
Performers and Audiences in The Classical Bagurau Saluang Dendang Oral Literary Performance at Th... more Performers and Audiences in The Classical Bagurau Saluang Dendang Oral Literary Performance at The District of Lima KaumABSTRAKDalam perkembangannya pertunjukan sastra lisan bagurau saluang dendang dikolaborasikan dengan kesenian modern. Sehingga memunculkan berbagai genre seperti saluang dangdut, saluang remix, saluang orgen, dan saluang joget. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan keterlibatan penampil dan khalayak dalam pertunjukan sastra lisan bagurau saluang dendang klasik. Data pada artikel ini dikumpulkan dengan metode wawancara dan perekaman. Untuk pembahasannya digunakan strategi pembacaan dekonstruksi Derida. Artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa penampil dan khalayak berkolaborasi dalam mengemas pertunjukan sastra lisan bagurau saluang dendang klasik. Bentuk penampil dalam pertunjukan ini terdiri dari beberapa unsur yaitu; juru mudi, tukang dendang, dan tukang saluang. Ketiganya memiliki peran yang sama dalam menciptakan teks dan membangun suasana pertunjukan. Sementara, ...
Magistra Andalusia: Jurnal Ilmu Sastra
Artikel ini membahas “jejak” ekologi dalam Nyanyian Rakyat Lancang Kocik (NRLK) suku Sakai di Des... more Artikel ini membahas “jejak” ekologi dalam Nyanyian Rakyat Lancang Kocik (NRLK) suku Sakai di Desa Petani Kabupaten Bengkalis sebagai sebuah penuturan sastra lisan. NRLK ditinjau dari aspek teks dan konteksnya memiliki persoalan-persoalan yang berkenaan dengan ekologi. Tujuan dari kajian Artikel ini untuk menguraikan representasi alam, representasi penutur, mengungkap tanda-tanda alegori, tanda-tanda komunikasi ironis, serta melihat pesan moral dalam NRLK sehingga dihasilkan makna mendalam mengenai ekologi. Metode yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data secara observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi melalui teori hipersemiotika Yasraf Amir Piliang. Kajian ini menjadi sarana untuk mewujudkan kelestarian ekologi melalui sastra lisan milik suku Sakai .
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Gender, Culture and Society, ICGCS 2021, 30-31 August 2021, Padang, Indonesia, 2022
Local people, both male, and female contribute significantly to the development of tourism in the... more Local people, both male, and female contribute significantly to the development of tourism in their area. Their perception towards visitors will influence their behaviors towards literary tourism destinations, including those in West Sumatra. The article aims at, first, evaluating the visitation to Museum Rumah Kelahiran Buya HAMKA within five years (2015-2019), analyzing the attitudes and behaviors of the local people towards visitation, scrutinizing how the people deal with the visit's socio-culturally, and lastly, showing how the people perceive the visitation. The data on visitation were gathered from the museum archive. The information on local people's ungendered perceptions came from a questionnaire filled in by a sample of 30 people in Sungai Batang, West Sumatra, Indonesia. The descriptive survey technique was used to determine how the local people perceived the museum and its visitors. The results indicate that the yearly visits remain constant. However, the museum's monthly visits fluctuate and correlate with the visit times. The people generally support the museum's existence, the visitors, and the side effects of the visitation. Their answers indicate that they pay positive attitudes and behaviors towards the museum's activities because they helped improve their local economy.
Jurnal PkM Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Pencegahan penyebaran COVID-19 kepada masyarakat perlu dilakukan melalui edukasi protokol kesehat... more Pencegahan penyebaran COVID-19 kepada masyarakat perlu dilakukan melalui edukasi protokol kesehatan. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan sosialisasi pencegahan COVID-19 kepada masyarakat pra-sejahtera di Sawahan,
Buku MEMBACA DAN BERWISATA : Antologi Esai Wisata Sastra di Berbagai Negara ini adalah realisasi ... more Buku MEMBACA DAN BERWISATA : Antologi Esai Wisata Sastra di Berbagai Negara ini adalah realisasi komitmen dosen dan mahasiswa program studi Magister Ilmu Sastra Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Andalas Padang. Di dalamnya terkandung tulisan 8 orang mahasiswa yang mengambil mata kuliah Sastra dan Industri. Drs. Ferdinal, M.A., Ph.D, salah seorang dosen mata kuliah ini, mengajak mahasiswa berkarya melalui tulisan dari hasil tugas akhir mata kuliah. Buku ini diharapkan dapat memberikan konten yang lebih bervariasi baik dari segi karakter, isi, dan keluasanmaknanya
Buku SASTRA, PERJUANGAN, PERLAWANAN DAN PERUBAHAN: Sebuah Antologi Esai ini merupakan tulisan dar... more Buku SASTRA, PERJUANGAN, PERLAWANAN DAN PERUBAHAN: Sebuah Antologi Esai ini merupakan tulisan dari mahasiswa program studi Magister Ilmu Sastra Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Andalas Padang. Di dalamnya terkandung pandangan dan pemahaman 8 orang mahasiswa yang mengambil mata kuliah Sastra dan Revolusi. Buku ini diharapkan dapat memberikan konten yang lebih bervariasibaikdarisegikarakter,isi,dankeluasanmaknanya. 
Buku Antologi Esai Wisata Sastra Rumah Puisi Taufiq Ism... more Buku Antologi Esai Wisata Sastra Rumah Puisi Taufiq Ismail ini merupakan hasil dari tugas lapangan mahasiswa program studi Magister Ilmu Sastra Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Andalas Padang tahun 2019. Di dalamnya terkandung tulisan 9 orang mahasiswa yang mengambil mata kuliah Sastra dan Industri semester Genap tahun 2018/2019 dan 1 tulisan dosen. Salah seorang dosen yang mengampu mata kuliah ini, Drs. Ferdinal, M.A., Ph.D, menetapkan bahwa salah satu luaran akhir darimata kuliah ini adalah karya tulis dari hasil tugas akhir. Dalam buku ini, selain tulisan mahasiswa, terdapat pula karya dari dosen&...
RINGKASAN Direktur Eksekutif Badan Pariwisata dan Perjalanan Dunia (WTTC), Gloria Guevara, dalam ... more RINGKASAN Direktur Eksekutif Badan Pariwisata dan Perjalanan Dunia (WTTC), Gloria Guevara, dalam perayaan Hari Pariwisata Dunia melaporkan bahwa sektor pariwisata menyumbang 10,4 % dari pertumbuhan dunia dan 313 jenis pekerjaan. WTTC menempatkan Indonesia pada peringkat 9 dalam rangking kekuatan dan performa pariwisata tahun 2018, diatas Thailand (12), Malaysia dan Filipina (13), Singapura (19) dan Vietnam (21) (CNN Indonesia, 3/10/2018). Hal tersebut menunjukkan besarnya potensi pariwisata Indonesia. Pemerintah Indonesia melakukan berbagai usaha untuk mengembangkan potensi pariwisata yang ada dengan mengeluarkan kebijakan yang menjadikan sektor pariwisata sebagai salah satu sektor penghasil devisa utama. Kebijakan ini diikuti oleh sejumlah kebijakan lainnya seperti meningkatkan ketangguhan pariwisata nasional, peningkatan sumberdaya manusia dan peningkatan kemitraan dan kerjasama lintas sektoral. Dalam rangka mendukung kebijakan pemerintah ini, kegiatan penelitian dan pengembangan ...
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Educational Development and Quality Assurance (ICED-QA 2021)
Carano Pustaka Universitas Andalas, Jun 14, 2020
Lingua Cultura, 2021
The research examined the life’s perspective of the author that was reflected in wabi sabi in the... more The research examined the life’s perspective of the author that was reflected in wabi sabi in the novel ‘Joseito’ by Dazai Osamu. The life of the Joseito character described by Dazai Osamu in the Joseito novel had individual values (honne), and Joseito desired to equate it with collective values (tatemae). However, Joseito could not unite the two contradictory values and accepted the contradiction. The method used was descriptive qualitative, with the sociology of literature approach and focused on the sociology of the author using the concept of wabi sabi. Data on wabi sabi were collected from reading Joseito’s novels. The research results find that Dazai Osamu sincerely accepts the contradictions in Japanese society because Dazai can place himself where he is. Dazai is willing to accept contradictions in Japanese society by understanding the meaning of wabi sabi. He learns to appreciate, accept what it is, and be grateful for the contradictions in society because these contradicti...
This research discusses the worldview of the author in the novel Sabariah with the approach of Lu... more This research discusses the worldview of the author in the novel Sabariah with the approach of Lucien Goldmann's genetic structuralism theory. Hamka's work was first published in 1928 with an Arabic-Minangkabau script. After being lost from circulation for decades in 2019, Gema Insani has republished the novel, still with the same time and atmosphere as 1928, but already in Indonesian. Researchers explore the genesis and world view of the author in the novel. The unique thing is that the Sabariah novel was previously published in kaba-style Arabic-Minangkabau script. Hamka's first novel is different from his later novels. They have followed the official spelling of the Dutch East Indies government. This research uses Lucien Goldmann's dialectical method that works reciprocally from part to whole. The novel Sabariah originates from the genesis of the bakaba tradition in Minangkabau which inspired the birth of the novel Sabariah, a phenomenon that often occurs at that ...
Literature and society are a way of looking at problems in society. Literature not only functions... more Literature and society are a way of looking at problems in society. Literature not only functions as entertainment, but it may also represent socio-political problems. Some literary works even carry more roles as both a reflection of such issues and a means of protest against them, including human rights violations. This paper examines how Indonesian literature has reflected human rights breaches, such as oppression in Indonesia during the New Order era. This qualitative research was conducted through direct documentation. The research revealed that the regime punished any individuals, groups, or institutions which tried to challenge its policy by the name of national stability. Some writers, such as Putu Wijaya, used anecdotes to protest against such oppression. He was a prolific Indonesian writer whose works often expose socio-political issues, such as human rights violations in Indonesia. His writings suggest his disagreement with such abuses. The three short stories investigated here "Sket," "Mulut," and "Rakyat" represent Putu Wijaya's dissent with the violence performed by the apparatus of the regime. Playing his role as a literary activist, Putu uses these stories to remind rights perpetrators that such cases as seen in the stories have taken place and might take place somewhere in Indonesia.
Pertanika journal of social science & humanities, Feb 5, 2024
Metaphors and cultural values are two related things. Cultural values are part of human identity,... more Metaphors and cultural values are two related things. Cultural values are part of human identity, and one of the ways to express them is through metaphor. Accordingly, this paper aims to study lexical metaphors concerning cultural values in Hamka's novel Di Bawah Lindungan Ka'bah. This study uses a quantitative and qualitative approach. The researchers used a quantitative approach to determine the distribution of lexical metaphors and a qualitative approach to examine the phenomenon of lexical metaphors. A total of 100 lexical metaphors from every page were collected as data for this study and analysed using the theory proposed by Newmark and Lakoff, and Johnson. Findings show that 14% of lexical metaphors are noun-noun comparisons, 32% are noun-verbs, 10% are noun-adjectives, 31% are verb-nouns, 6% are verb-adverbs, and 7% are comparisons of noun-adjectives. The metaphors contain the meaning of personification, hyperbole, and euphemism. Of the 100 lexical metaphors, 62% of the cultural values represent good values, whereas 38% represent bad values. Cultural values in various lexical metaphors are essential to educating and nurturing human legitimacy, especially in the era of Industry 4.0 and 5.0, where people must uphold human values.
Islamic values are strongly tied to Muslims' ability to live in this world and the Hereafter. As ... more Islamic values are strongly tied to Muslims' ability to live in this world and the Hereafter. As a result, continuous research on Islamic ideals is required. These ideals can serve as a guideline for Muslims in their daily lives. In this regard, this research investigates Islamic principles reflected through metaphorical expressions in a literary work. This research employs a qualitative approach, an in-depth examination of a phenomenon. This study's data was derived from metaphorical language containing Islamic ideals. The source of the data is Hamka's novel Di Bawah Lindungan Ka'bah. The Qur'an and Hadith are utilized to analyze Islamic principles, while metaphor theory is employed to study metaphorical terms. The study's findings indicate that this novel has the core values for hablun min Allah and hablun min al-nas. The value of hablun min Allah is firm faith ('aqidah) in Allah. Hablun min al-nas's main principles include the pursuit of trustworthiness, togetherness, affection, kindness, carefulness, and politeness, all leading to prosperity. In expressing and preaching Islamic ideals, metaphorical terms serve as a medium to describe a situation, underline a message, deliver values politely, and create aesthetic and artistic effects.
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA), Jun 25, 2023
Even though the concept of physics is very important in daily activities, the cave exploration ac... more Even though the concept of physics is very important in daily activities, the cave exploration activities (caver and or cave tourists) are not based on of physics concepts. In addition, the teachers do not realize that through caves and it exploration activities can be used to learn the physics concepts. This research aims to study the physics concepts in caving activities where it used to develop of physics edupark digital books for senior high school students. This is preliminary research that part of research and development method by using the Plomp model where the study consists of teacher, student, and material potential analysis. This study has been resulting that many concepts while cave exploration activities. It can be used to lean the physics concepts then developing an Edupark physics digital enrichment book as a demand of the Merdeka's Curriculum. The learning activities growth from the abilities of students who emphasize contextual learning where the students building meaningful understanding through learning and optimizing technology in learning.
Linguistika Kultura: Jurnal Linguistik Sastra Berdimensi Cultural Studies
This study discusses colonialism in Africa in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness. It aims to s... more This study discusses colonialism in Africa in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness. It aims to study readers' responses regarding colonialism in the novella. The research uses a reader's response approach applying David Bleich's theory and the postcolonial theory of literary criticism of Edward Said. The methods of collecting data include spreading questionnaires to local officials and library research. The investigation also uses thematic analysis, which identifies, analyzes, and interprets patterns of the data collected from the respondents. This research reveals that everyone has their own opinion and broad view of colonialism. In the readers' responses to Heart of Darkness, the readers show that they are against colonialism and judge this work as a work that describes colonialism.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2023
Many factors determine the quality and sustainability of agricultural products. In addition to so... more Many factors determine the quality and sustainability of agricultural products. In addition to soil fertility, seed, climate, and use of technology, cultural values are significant and decisive. This research aims to study agricultural productions and farming cultures reflected in Minangkabau metaphorical expressions. The study is conducted qualitatively in four districts of Solok West Sumatra. The research results show that cultural values in Minangkabau’s metaphorical expressions build good characters of the farmers in their farming activities. The values contained in various Minangkabau metaphorical expressions serve as a guide for producing uninterrupted and sustainable products, choosing agricultural land, and innovating and deriving a farming product into different food ingredients.
LOGISTA - Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Pelatihan pembuatan bioetanol dari limbah kulit pisang dilakukan untuk membantu masyarakat dalam ... more Pelatihan pembuatan bioetanol dari limbah kulit pisang dilakukan untuk membantu masyarakat dalam memanfaatkan limbah rumah tangga. Ini dilakukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat akan bahan bakar alternatif. Masyarakat di berbagai tempat mengolah pisang menjadi aneka jenis makanan. Namun kulit pisang mereka buang sebagai limbah. Kegiatan ini merupakan sosialisasi tentang energi terbarukan dan praktek pembuatan energi dari kulit pisang terhadap sejumlah anggota masyarakat Nagari Kambang Barat, Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan, Provinsi Sumatra Barat. Dari pelatihan ini, masyarakat Nagari Kambang Barat dapat memanfaatkan limbah kulit pisang untuk diolah menjadi bioetanol secara maksimal. Hasil pelatihan menunjukkan bahwa mereka menganggap kegiatan ini bermanfaat dan menambah pengetahuan serta dapat mengubah pola pikir masyarakat mengenai limbah kulit pisang. Mereka bisa membuat bioetanol dari limbah kulit pisang yang ada di sekitar mereka. Kata kunci: energi alternatif, bioetanol, limbah k...
Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2023
Keberadaan gua umumnya hanya dimanfaatkan sebagai tempat wisata biasa atau bahkan belum dikembang... more Keberadaan gua umumnya hanya dimanfaatkan sebagai tempat wisata biasa atau bahkan belum dikembangkan menjadi obyek wisata. Dalam kajian ini, keberadaan gua tidak hanya dikembangkan sebagai tempat wisata biasa, namun dimanfaatkan sebagai wisata edukasi dan Pusat Kajian Ilmu Pengetahuan. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk sosialisasi pengembangan fungsi Gua Lowo, Watulimo, Trenggalek sebagai Pusat Kajian Ilmu Pengetahuan. Metode yang digunakan yaitu sosialisasi yang bekerjasama dengan mitra Pemda Kecamatan Watulimo, Trenggalek yang diikuti oleh 30 peserta. Proses evaluasi dilakukan dengan instrumen kuisioner dan Focus Group Discussion. Kegiatan dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini meliputi: pembuatan poster, buku perfectus, serta video yang berisi hasil penelitian sebelumnya, seperti peran gua dalam merekam perubahan iklim dan lingkungan dimasa lampau, perubahan arah medan magnet bumi, serta kejadian gempa dimasa lampau. Hasil kuesioner menunjukkan rata-rata 90% persen responden menyatakan sanga...
Stilistika: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra
Performers and Audiences in The Classical Bagurau Saluang Dendang Oral Literary Performance at Th... more Performers and Audiences in The Classical Bagurau Saluang Dendang Oral Literary Performance at The District of Lima KaumABSTRAKDalam perkembangannya pertunjukan sastra lisan bagurau saluang dendang dikolaborasikan dengan kesenian modern. Sehingga memunculkan berbagai genre seperti saluang dangdut, saluang remix, saluang orgen, dan saluang joget. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan keterlibatan penampil dan khalayak dalam pertunjukan sastra lisan bagurau saluang dendang klasik. Data pada artikel ini dikumpulkan dengan metode wawancara dan perekaman. Untuk pembahasannya digunakan strategi pembacaan dekonstruksi Derida. Artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa penampil dan khalayak berkolaborasi dalam mengemas pertunjukan sastra lisan bagurau saluang dendang klasik. Bentuk penampil dalam pertunjukan ini terdiri dari beberapa unsur yaitu; juru mudi, tukang dendang, dan tukang saluang. Ketiganya memiliki peran yang sama dalam menciptakan teks dan membangun suasana pertunjukan. Sementara, ...
Magistra Andalusia: Jurnal Ilmu Sastra
Artikel ini membahas “jejak” ekologi dalam Nyanyian Rakyat Lancang Kocik (NRLK) suku Sakai di Des... more Artikel ini membahas “jejak” ekologi dalam Nyanyian Rakyat Lancang Kocik (NRLK) suku Sakai di Desa Petani Kabupaten Bengkalis sebagai sebuah penuturan sastra lisan. NRLK ditinjau dari aspek teks dan konteksnya memiliki persoalan-persoalan yang berkenaan dengan ekologi. Tujuan dari kajian Artikel ini untuk menguraikan representasi alam, representasi penutur, mengungkap tanda-tanda alegori, tanda-tanda komunikasi ironis, serta melihat pesan moral dalam NRLK sehingga dihasilkan makna mendalam mengenai ekologi. Metode yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data secara observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi melalui teori hipersemiotika Yasraf Amir Piliang. Kajian ini menjadi sarana untuk mewujudkan kelestarian ekologi melalui sastra lisan milik suku Sakai .
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Gender, Culture and Society, ICGCS 2021, 30-31 August 2021, Padang, Indonesia, 2022
Local people, both male, and female contribute significantly to the development of tourism in the... more Local people, both male, and female contribute significantly to the development of tourism in their area. Their perception towards visitors will influence their behaviors towards literary tourism destinations, including those in West Sumatra. The article aims at, first, evaluating the visitation to Museum Rumah Kelahiran Buya HAMKA within five years (2015-2019), analyzing the attitudes and behaviors of the local people towards visitation, scrutinizing how the people deal with the visit's socio-culturally, and lastly, showing how the people perceive the visitation. The data on visitation were gathered from the museum archive. The information on local people's ungendered perceptions came from a questionnaire filled in by a sample of 30 people in Sungai Batang, West Sumatra, Indonesia. The descriptive survey technique was used to determine how the local people perceived the museum and its visitors. The results indicate that the yearly visits remain constant. However, the museum's monthly visits fluctuate and correlate with the visit times. The people generally support the museum's existence, the visitors, and the side effects of the visitation. Their answers indicate that they pay positive attitudes and behaviors towards the museum's activities because they helped improve their local economy.
Jurnal PkM Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Pencegahan penyebaran COVID-19 kepada masyarakat perlu dilakukan melalui edukasi protokol kesehat... more Pencegahan penyebaran COVID-19 kepada masyarakat perlu dilakukan melalui edukasi protokol kesehatan. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan sosialisasi pencegahan COVID-19 kepada masyarakat pra-sejahtera di Sawahan,
Buku MEMBACA DAN BERWISATA : Antologi Esai Wisata Sastra di Berbagai Negara ini adalah realisasi ... more Buku MEMBACA DAN BERWISATA : Antologi Esai Wisata Sastra di Berbagai Negara ini adalah realisasi komitmen dosen dan mahasiswa program studi Magister Ilmu Sastra Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Andalas Padang. Di dalamnya terkandung tulisan 8 orang mahasiswa yang mengambil mata kuliah Sastra dan Industri. Drs. Ferdinal, M.A., Ph.D, salah seorang dosen mata kuliah ini, mengajak mahasiswa berkarya melalui tulisan dari hasil tugas akhir mata kuliah. Buku ini diharapkan dapat memberikan konten yang lebih bervariasi baik dari segi karakter, isi, dan keluasanmaknanya
Buku SASTRA, PERJUANGAN, PERLAWANAN DAN PERUBAHAN: Sebuah Antologi Esai ini merupakan tulisan dar... more Buku SASTRA, PERJUANGAN, PERLAWANAN DAN PERUBAHAN: Sebuah Antologi Esai ini merupakan tulisan dari mahasiswa program studi Magister Ilmu Sastra Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Andalas Padang. Di dalamnya terkandung pandangan dan pemahaman 8 orang mahasiswa yang mengambil mata kuliah Sastra dan Revolusi. Buku ini diharapkan dapat memberikan konten yang lebih bervariasibaikdarisegikarakter,isi,dankeluasanmaknanya. 
Buku Antologi Esai Wisata Sastra Rumah Puisi Taufiq Ism... more Buku Antologi Esai Wisata Sastra Rumah Puisi Taufiq Ismail ini merupakan hasil dari tugas lapangan mahasiswa program studi Magister Ilmu Sastra Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Andalas Padang tahun 2019. Di dalamnya terkandung tulisan 9 orang mahasiswa yang mengambil mata kuliah Sastra dan Industri semester Genap tahun 2018/2019 dan 1 tulisan dosen. Salah seorang dosen yang mengampu mata kuliah ini, Drs. Ferdinal, M.A., Ph.D, menetapkan bahwa salah satu luaran akhir darimata kuliah ini adalah karya tulis dari hasil tugas akhir. Dalam buku ini, selain tulisan mahasiswa, terdapat pula karya dari dosen&...
RINGKASAN Direktur Eksekutif Badan Pariwisata dan Perjalanan Dunia (WTTC), Gloria Guevara, dalam ... more RINGKASAN Direktur Eksekutif Badan Pariwisata dan Perjalanan Dunia (WTTC), Gloria Guevara, dalam perayaan Hari Pariwisata Dunia melaporkan bahwa sektor pariwisata menyumbang 10,4 % dari pertumbuhan dunia dan 313 jenis pekerjaan. WTTC menempatkan Indonesia pada peringkat 9 dalam rangking kekuatan dan performa pariwisata tahun 2018, diatas Thailand (12), Malaysia dan Filipina (13), Singapura (19) dan Vietnam (21) (CNN Indonesia, 3/10/2018). Hal tersebut menunjukkan besarnya potensi pariwisata Indonesia. Pemerintah Indonesia melakukan berbagai usaha untuk mengembangkan potensi pariwisata yang ada dengan mengeluarkan kebijakan yang menjadikan sektor pariwisata sebagai salah satu sektor penghasil devisa utama. Kebijakan ini diikuti oleh sejumlah kebijakan lainnya seperti meningkatkan ketangguhan pariwisata nasional, peningkatan sumberdaya manusia dan peningkatan kemitraan dan kerjasama lintas sektoral. Dalam rangka mendukung kebijakan pemerintah ini, kegiatan penelitian dan pengembangan ...
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Educational Development and Quality Assurance (ICED-QA 2021)
Carano Pustaka Universitas Andalas, Jun 14, 2020
Lingua Cultura, 2021
The research examined the life’s perspective of the author that was reflected in wabi sabi in the... more The research examined the life’s perspective of the author that was reflected in wabi sabi in the novel ‘Joseito’ by Dazai Osamu. The life of the Joseito character described by Dazai Osamu in the Joseito novel had individual values (honne), and Joseito desired to equate it with collective values (tatemae). However, Joseito could not unite the two contradictory values and accepted the contradiction. The method used was descriptive qualitative, with the sociology of literature approach and focused on the sociology of the author using the concept of wabi sabi. Data on wabi sabi were collected from reading Joseito’s novels. The research results find that Dazai Osamu sincerely accepts the contradictions in Japanese society because Dazai can place himself where he is. Dazai is willing to accept contradictions in Japanese society by understanding the meaning of wabi sabi. He learns to appreciate, accept what it is, and be grateful for the contradictions in society because these contradicti...
This research discusses the worldview of the author in the novel Sabariah with the approach of Lu... more This research discusses the worldview of the author in the novel Sabariah with the approach of Lucien Goldmann's genetic structuralism theory. Hamka's work was first published in 1928 with an Arabic-Minangkabau script. After being lost from circulation for decades in 2019, Gema Insani has republished the novel, still with the same time and atmosphere as 1928, but already in Indonesian. Researchers explore the genesis and world view of the author in the novel. The unique thing is that the Sabariah novel was previously published in kaba-style Arabic-Minangkabau script. Hamka's first novel is different from his later novels. They have followed the official spelling of the Dutch East Indies government. This research uses Lucien Goldmann's dialectical method that works reciprocally from part to whole. The novel Sabariah originates from the genesis of the bakaba tradition in Minangkabau which inspired the birth of the novel Sabariah, a phenomenon that often occurs at that ...
Literature and society are a way of looking at problems in society. Literature not only functions... more Literature and society are a way of looking at problems in society. Literature not only functions as entertainment, but it may also represent socio-political problems. Some literary works even carry more roles as both a reflection of such issues and a means of protest against them, including human rights violations. This paper examines how Indonesian literature has reflected human rights breaches, such as oppression in Indonesia during the New Order era. This qualitative research was conducted through direct documentation. The research revealed that the regime punished any individuals, groups, or institutions which tried to challenge its policy by the name of national stability. Some writers, such as Putu Wijaya, used anecdotes to protest against such oppression. He was a prolific Indonesian writer whose works often expose socio-political issues, such as human rights violations in Indonesia. His writings suggest his disagreement with such abuses. The three short stories investigated here "Sket," "Mulut," and "Rakyat" represent Putu Wijaya's dissent with the violence performed by the apparatus of the regime. Playing his role as a literary activist, Putu uses these stories to remind rights perpetrators that such cases as seen in the stories have taken place and might take place somewhere in Indonesia.