Ferenc Fülöp - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Ferenc Fülöp
Physical Review Letters, 2005
Electron spin resonance and ab initio electronic structure calculations show an intricate relatio... more Electron spin resonance and ab initio electronic structure calculations show an intricate relation between molecular rotation and chemical bonding in the dilute solid solution. The unpaired electron of C 59 N is delocalized over several C 60 molecules above 700 K, while at lower temperatures it remains localized within short range. The data suggest that below 350 K rigid C 59 N-C 60 heterodimers are formed in thermodynamic equilibrium with dissociated rotating molecules. The structural fluctuations between heterodimers and dissociated molecules are accompanied by simultaneous electron spin transfer between C 60 and C 59 N molecules. The calculation confirms that in the C 59 N-C 60 heterodimer the spin density resides mostly on the C 60 moiety, while it is almost entirely on C 59 N in the dissociated case.
ABSTRACT A projekt célja olyan szilárd testek elektron spin rezonancia vizsgálata, amelyekben az ... more ABSTRACT A projekt célja olyan szilárd testek elektron spin rezonancia vizsgálata, amelyekben az elektron-elektron korrelációk alapvetően fontosak. A vizsgált kuprát, szerves és fullerén vegyületek fémek, szupravezetők vagy a szupravezetéshez közel álló mágnesesen rendezett anyagok, amelyekben az elektron korrelációnak lényeges szerepe van. Megmértük és egy elméletet dolgoztunk ki a MgB2 szervetlen szupravezető vezetési elektron spin élettartamára, ami alapvető fizikai mennyiség. Befejeztük egy, a magas hőmérsékletű szupravezetéshez közel álló kuprát rendszer mágneses fázis diagramjának meghatározását. Az ET2Cu[N(CN)2]Cl réteges szerves gyenge ferromágnes rezonancia módusainak feltérképezésével egy régóta megfejthetetlen problémát oldottunk meg egy, a szupravezetés és mágnesség határán lévő anyagra. A Parmai Egyetem (Olaszország) és a Cambridge-i Egyetem (Nagy Britannia) kutatóival együttműködve megmutattuk, hogy a Li4C60 fullerén vegyület egy ionos vezető, amely alkalmazható lehet elektromos telepekben. Az eredményeket magas impaktú tudományos folyóiratokban közöltük. A munka két PhD tézis alapjául szolgált. Az ESR spektrumok fejlődése megújította az érdeklődést a módszer iránt. A nagy frekvenciás ESR spektrométert felújítottuk, új kvázi-optikai hidat, nagyteljesítméníű mm-hullámú forrást, mérőfejeket és egy rezgésmentes tartószerkezetet helyeztünk üzembe. Az érzékenységet egy nagyságrenddel megnöveltük. | The aim of the project was an electron spin resonance investigation of solids in which electron-electron correlations are of fundamental importance. The cuprate, organic and fullerene compounds investigated are metals, superconductors or magnetically ordered systems related to superconductivity in which electron correlations play an essential role. We measured and proposed a theory of the conduction electron spin life time in an inorganic superconductor, MgB2. We completed work on the magnetic phase diagram of a cuprate system close to high temperature superconductivity. The mapping of the magnetic resonance modes of a layered organic weak ferromagnet, ET2Cu(N(CN)2)Cl, solved a long standing problem of a material at the borderline of magnetic order and superconductivity. We showed, in collaboration with researchers at the University of Parma (Italy) and University of Cambridge (UK) that the fullerene compound, Li4C60 is a crystalline superionic conductor with possible applications in electrical batteries. Results were published in high impact scientific journals. The work served the basis for the completion of two PhD thesis. The recent progress of high frequencies ESR spectrometers has renewed interest in the method. The high frequency ESR spectrometer has been reconstructed, a new quasi optical bridge, a powerful mm-wave source, probe heads and a vibration free supporting structure were installed. As a result the sensitivity was increased by an order of magnitude.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2001
Solid solutions of C 59 N azafullerene in C 60 with concentrations up to 10" 4 were produced in a... more Solid solutions of C 59 N azafullerene in C 60 with concentrations up to 10" 4 were produced in an electric gas discharge tube and by a heat treatment of (C 59 N) 2 dissolved in pure C 60 . The results on materials produced by the two methods are identical. C 59 N is a stable monomeric substituent molecule in crystalline C 60 and may be heated to temperatures as high as 1300K. The concentration of ESR active neutral C 59 N molecules at ambient temperatures depends on temperature history. CP591, Electronic Properties of Molecular Nanostructures, edited by H. Kuzmany et al.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2001
Solid solutions of C 59 N azafullerene in C 60 with concentrations up to 10" 4 were produced in a... more Solid solutions of C 59 N azafullerene in C 60 with concentrations up to 10" 4 were produced in an electric gas discharge tube and by a heat treatment of (C 59 N) 2 dissolved in pure C 60 . The results on materials produced by the two methods are identical. C 59 N is a stable monomeric substituent molecule in crystalline C 60 and may be heated to temperatures as high as 1300K. The concentration of ESR active neutral C 59 N molecules at ambient temperatures depends on temperature history. CP591, Electronic Properties of Molecular Nanostructures, edited by H. Kuzmany et al.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2001
Solid solutions of C 59 N azafullerene in C 60 with concentrations up to 10" 4 were produced in a... more Solid solutions of C 59 N azafullerene in C 60 with concentrations up to 10" 4 were produced in an electric gas discharge tube and by a heat treatment of (C 59 N) 2 dissolved in pure C 60 . The results on materials produced by the two methods are identical. C 59 N is a stable monomeric substituent molecule in crystalline C 60 and may be heated to temperatures as high as 1300K. The concentration of ESR active neutral C 59 N molecules at ambient temperatures depends on temperature history. CP591, Electronic Properties of Molecular Nanostructures, edited by H. Kuzmany et al.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2001
We describe a simple way to produce large quantities of solid solutions of monomer CjgN in pure Q... more We describe a simple way to produce large quantities of solid solutions of monomer CjgN in pure QQ using an electric gas discharge tube. Typical concentrations are 10~5 to 10" 4 CsgN with respect to Q 0 . The 14 N and several 13 C hyperfme constants were measured by ESR. These are a sensitive test for electronic structure calculations of the monomer. As the temperature is raised towards the sc to fee structural transition at 261 K, the ESR spectrum motionally narrows and the activation energy for reorientation is measured. The rotational dynamics of the CsgN monomer between 130 and 600 K parallels that of QQ in the bulk thus interactions between CsgN and C 60 are surprisingly weak.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2001
We describe a simple way to produce large quantities of solid solutions of monomer CjgN in pure Q... more We describe a simple way to produce large quantities of solid solutions of monomer CjgN in pure QQ using an electric gas discharge tube. Typical concentrations are 10~5 to 10" 4 CsgN with respect to Q 0 . The 14 N and several 13 C hyperfme constants were measured by ESR. These are a sensitive test for electronic structure calculations of the monomer. As the temperature is raised towards the sc to fee structural transition at 261 K, the ESR spectrum motionally narrows and the activation energy for reorientation is measured. The rotational dynamics of the CsgN monomer between 130 and 600 K parallels that of QQ in the bulk thus interactions between CsgN and C 60 are surprisingly weak.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2001
We describe a simple way to produce large quantities of solid solutions of monomer CjgN in pure Q... more We describe a simple way to produce large quantities of solid solutions of monomer CjgN in pure QQ using an electric gas discharge tube. Typical concentrations are 10~5 to 10" 4 CsgN with respect to Q 0 . The 14 N and several 13 C hyperfme constants were measured by ESR. These are a sensitive test for electronic structure calculations of the monomer. As the temperature is raised towards the sc to fee structural transition at 261 K, the ESR spectrum motionally narrows and the activation energy for reorientation is measured. The rotational dynamics of the CsgN monomer between 130 and 600 K parallels that of QQ in the bulk thus interactions between CsgN and C 60 are surprisingly weak.
The Na + /Ca 2+ exchanger (NCX) may contribute to triggered activity and transmural dispersion of... more The Na + /Ca 2+ exchanger (NCX) may contribute to triggered activity and transmural dispersion of repolarization, which are substrates of torsades de pointes (TdP) type arrhythmias. This study examined the effects of selective inhibition of the NCX by SEA0400 on the occurrence of dofetilide-induced TdP. Experimental approach: Effects of SEA0400 (1 mmol·L -1 ) on dofetilide-induced TdP was studied in isolated, Langendorffperfused, atrioventricular (AV)-blocked rabbit hearts. To verify the relevance of the model, lidocaine (30 mmol·L -1 ) and verapamil (750 nmol·L -1 ) were also tested against dofetilide-induced TdP. Key results: Acute AV block caused a chaotic idioventricular rhythm and strikingly increased beat-to-beat variability of the RR and QT intervals. SEA0400 exaggerated the dofetilide-induced increase in the heart rate-corrected QT interval (QTc) and did not reduce the incidence of dofetilide-induced TdP [100% in the SEA0400 + dofetilide group vs. 75% in the dofetilide (100 nmol·L -1 ) control]. In the second set of experiments, verapamil further increased the dofetilide-induced QTc prolongation and neither verapamil nor lidocaine reduced the dofetilide-induced increase in the beat-to-beat variability of the QT interval. However, lidocaine decreased and verapamil prevented the development of dofetilide-induced TdP as compared with the dofetilide control (TdP incidence: 13%, 0% and 88% respectively). Conclusions and implications: Na + /Ca 2+ exchanger does not contribute to dofetilide-induced TdP, whereas Na + and Ca 2+ channel activity is involved in TdP genesis in isolated, AV-blocked rabbit hearts. Neither QTc prolongation nor an increase in the beat-to-beat variability of the QT interval is a sufficient prerequisite of TdP genesis in rabbit hearts. NCX inhibition and torsades de pointes 932 AS Farkas et al British Journal of Pharmacology (2009) 156 920-932
The Na + /Ca 2+ exchanger (NCX) may contribute to triggered activity and transmural dispersion of... more The Na + /Ca 2+ exchanger (NCX) may contribute to triggered activity and transmural dispersion of repolarization, which are substrates of torsades de pointes (TdP) type arrhythmias. This study examined the effects of selective inhibition of the NCX by SEA0400 on the occurrence of dofetilide-induced TdP. Experimental approach: Effects of SEA0400 (1 mmol·L -1 ) on dofetilide-induced TdP was studied in isolated, Langendorffperfused, atrioventricular (AV)-blocked rabbit hearts. To verify the relevance of the model, lidocaine (30 mmol·L -1 ) and verapamil (750 nmol·L -1 ) were also tested against dofetilide-induced TdP. Key results: Acute AV block caused a chaotic idioventricular rhythm and strikingly increased beat-to-beat variability of the RR and QT intervals. SEA0400 exaggerated the dofetilide-induced increase in the heart rate-corrected QT interval (QTc) and did not reduce the incidence of dofetilide-induced TdP [100% in the SEA0400 + dofetilide group vs. 75% in the dofetilide (100 nmol·L -1 ) control]. In the second set of experiments, verapamil further increased the dofetilide-induced QTc prolongation and neither verapamil nor lidocaine reduced the dofetilide-induced increase in the beat-to-beat variability of the QT interval. However, lidocaine decreased and verapamil prevented the development of dofetilide-induced TdP as compared with the dofetilide control (TdP incidence: 13%, 0% and 88% respectively). Conclusions and implications: Na + /Ca 2+ exchanger does not contribute to dofetilide-induced TdP, whereas Na + and Ca 2+ channel activity is involved in TdP genesis in isolated, AV-blocked rabbit hearts. Neither QTc prolongation nor an increase in the beat-to-beat variability of the QT interval is a sufficient prerequisite of TdP genesis in rabbit hearts. NCX inhibition and torsades de pointes 932 AS Farkas et al British Journal of Pharmacology (2009) 156 920-932
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2009
The existence of intermolecular or intramolecular N...H-O or N-H...O hydrogen bonding in three se... more The existence of intermolecular or intramolecular N...H-O or N-H...O hydrogen bonding in three series (series 1, substituted 1-aminoalkyl-2-naphthols: R = H, Me, Et, Pr, i-Pr; series 2, substituted 1-alpha-aminobenzyl-2-naphthols: H, p-OMe, p-F, p-Cl, p-Br, p-NO2, p-Me; series 3, substituted 2-alpha-aminobenzyl-1-naphthols: R = H, p-Me, p-F, p-Br, p-OMe, m-NO(2), m-Br) are studied by NMR spectroscopy and computed at the DFT level of theory [B3LYP/6-311+G(d,p)]. The correct nature of the H-bond was assigned unequivocally both experimentally and computationally by potential energy scans rotating the involved dihedral angles. We investigated the effects of substituents on the strength of the H-bond by evaluating the corresponding hyperconjugative stabilization energy n(lonepair) --> sigma*(X-H) and Hammett substituent constant plots. By this means, steric and electronic substituent effects could be easily quantified and separated.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2009
The existence of intermolecular or intramolecular N...H-O or N-H...O hydrogen bonding in three se... more The existence of intermolecular or intramolecular N...H-O or N-H...O hydrogen bonding in three series (series 1, substituted 1-aminoalkyl-2-naphthols: R = H, Me, Et, Pr, i-Pr; series 2, substituted 1-alpha-aminobenzyl-2-naphthols: H, p-OMe, p-F, p-Cl, p-Br, p-NO2, p-Me; series 3, substituted 2-alpha-aminobenzyl-1-naphthols: R = H, p-Me, p-F, p-Br, p-OMe, m-NO(2), m-Br) are studied by NMR spectroscopy and computed at the DFT level of theory [B3LYP/6-311+G(d,p)]. The correct nature of the H-bond was assigned unequivocally both experimentally and computationally by potential energy scans rotating the involved dihedral angles. We investigated the effects of substituents on the strength of the H-bond by evaluating the corresponding hyperconjugative stabilization energy n(lonepair) --> sigma*(X-H) and Hammett substituent constant plots. By this means, steric and electronic substituent effects could be easily quantified and separated.
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2010
Vascular adhesion protein-1 (VAP-1) belongs to the semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidases (SSAOs)... more Vascular adhesion protein-1 (VAP-1) belongs to the semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidases (SSAOs) that convert amines into aldehydes. SSAOs are distinct from the mammalian monoamine oxidases (MAOs), but their substrate specificities are partly overlapping. VAP-1 has been proposed as a target for anti-inflammatory drug therapy because of its role in leukocyte adhesion to endothelium. Here, we describe the synthesis and in vitro activities of novel series of VAP-1 selective inhibitors. In addition, the molecular dynamics simulations performed for VAP-1 reveal that the movements of Met211, Ser496, and especially Leu469 can enlarge the ligand-binding pocket, allowing larger ligands than those seen in the crystal structures to bind. Combining the data from molecular dynamics simulations, docking, and in vitro measurements, the three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationship (3D QSAR) models for VAP-1 (q(2)(LOO): 0.636; r(2): 0.828) and MAOs (q(2)(LOO): 0.749, r(2): 0.840) were built and employed in the development of selective VAP-1 inhibitors.
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2010
Vascular adhesion protein-1 (VAP-1) belongs to the semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidases (SSAOs)... more Vascular adhesion protein-1 (VAP-1) belongs to the semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidases (SSAOs) that convert amines into aldehydes. SSAOs are distinct from the mammalian monoamine oxidases (MAOs), but their substrate specificities are partly overlapping. VAP-1 has been proposed as a target for anti-inflammatory drug therapy because of its role in leukocyte adhesion to endothelium. Here, we describe the synthesis and in vitro activities of novel series of VAP-1 selective inhibitors. In addition, the molecular dynamics simulations performed for VAP-1 reveal that the movements of Met211, Ser496, and especially Leu469 can enlarge the ligand-binding pocket, allowing larger ligands than those seen in the crystal structures to bind. Combining the data from molecular dynamics simulations, docking, and in vitro measurements, the three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationship (3D QSAR) models for VAP-1 (q(2)(LOO): 0.636; r(2): 0.828) and MAOs (q(2)(LOO): 0.749, r(2): 0.840) were built and employed in the development of selective VAP-1 inhibitors.
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2011
Vascular adhesion protein-1 (VAP-1) belongs to a family of amine oxidases. It plays a role in leu... more Vascular adhesion protein-1 (VAP-1) belongs to a family of amine oxidases. It plays a role in leukocyte trafficking and in amine compound metabolism. VAP-1 is linked to various diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, psoriasis, depression, diabetes, and obesity. Accordingly, selective inhibitors of VAP-1 could potentially be used to treat those diseases. In this study, eight novel VAP-1 hydrazine derivatives were synthesized and their VAP-1 and monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibition ability was determined in vitro. MD simulations of VAP-1 with these new molecules reveal that the VAP-1 ligand-binding pocket is flexible and capable of fitting substantially larger ligands than was previously believed. The increase in the size of the VAP-1 ligands, together with the methylation of the secondary nitrogen atom of the hydrazine moiety, improves the VAP-1 selectivity over MAO.
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2011
Vascular adhesion protein-1 (VAP-1) belongs to a family of amine oxidases. It plays a role in leu... more Vascular adhesion protein-1 (VAP-1) belongs to a family of amine oxidases. It plays a role in leukocyte trafficking and in amine compound metabolism. VAP-1 is linked to various diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, psoriasis, depression, diabetes, and obesity. Accordingly, selective inhibitors of VAP-1 could potentially be used to treat those diseases. In this study, eight novel VAP-1 hydrazine derivatives were synthesized and their VAP-1 and monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibition ability was determined in vitro. MD simulations of VAP-1 with these new molecules reveal that the VAP-1 ligand-binding pocket is flexible and capable of fitting substantially larger ligands than was previously believed. The increase in the size of the VAP-1 ligands, together with the methylation of the secondary nitrogen atom of the hydrazine moiety, improves the VAP-1 selectivity over MAO.
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2008
Endomorphins were subjected to a number of structural modifications in a search for their bioacti... more Endomorphins were subjected to a number of structural modifications in a search for their bioactive conformations. The alicyclic beta-amino acids cis-(1 S,2 R)ACPC/ACHC, cis-(1 R,2 S)ACPC/ACHC, trans-(1 S,2 S)ACPC/ACHC, and trans-(1 R,2 R)ACPC/ACHC were introduced into endomorphins to examine the conformational effects on the bioactivity. Use of a combination of receptor binding techniques, (1)H NMR, and molecular modeling allowed the conclusion that Pro (2) substitution by these residues causes changes in structure, proteolytic stability, and pharmacological activity. It seems that the size of the alicyclic beta-amino acids does not have marked influence on the receptor binding affinities and/or selectivities. Among the new analogues, the cis-(1 S,2 R)ACPC (2) and cis-(1 S,2 R)ACHC (2)-containing derivatives displayed the highest binding potencies and efficacies in receptor binding and ligand-stimulated [ (35)S]GTPgammaS functional experiments. Molecular dynamic simulations and (1)H NMR studies of the cis-ACPC/ACHC-containing analogues revealed that many conformations are accessible, though it is most likely that these peptides bind to the mu-opioid receptor in a compact, folded structure rather than extended.
ABSTRACT A projekt célja olyan szilárd testek elektron spin rezonancia vizsgálata, amelyekben az ... more ABSTRACT A projekt célja olyan szilárd testek elektron spin rezonancia vizsgálata, amelyekben az elektron-elektron korrelációk alapvetően fontosak. A vizsgált kuprát, szerves és fullerén vegyületek fémek, szupravezetők vagy a szupravezetéshez közel álló mágnesesen rendezett anyagok, amelyekben az elektron korrelációnak lényeges szerepe van. Megmértük és egy elméletet dolgoztunk ki a MgB2 szervetlen szupravezető vezetési elektron spin élettartamára, ami alapvető fizikai mennyiség. Befejeztük egy, a magas hőmérsékletű szupravezetéshez közel álló kuprát rendszer mágneses fázis diagramjának meghatározását. Az ET2Cu[N(CN)2]Cl réteges szerves gyenge ferromágnes rezonancia módusainak feltérképezésével egy régóta megfejthetetlen problémát oldottunk meg egy, a szupravezetés és mágnesség határán lévő anyagra. A Parmai Egyetem (Olaszország) és a Cambridge-i Egyetem (Nagy Britannia) kutatóival együttműködve megmutattuk, hogy a Li4C60 fullerén vegyület egy ionos vezető, amely alkalmazható lehet elektromos telepekben. Az eredményeket magas impaktú tudományos folyóiratokban közöltük. A munka két PhD tézis alapjául szolgált. Az ESR spektrumok fejlődése megújította az érdeklődést a módszer iránt. A nagy frekvenciás ESR spektrométert felújítottuk, új kvázi-optikai hidat, nagyteljesítméníű mm-hullámú forrást, mérőfejeket és egy rezgésmentes tartószerkezetet helyeztünk üzembe. Az érzékenységet egy nagyságrenddel megnöveltük. | The aim of the project was an electron spin resonance investigation of solids in which electron-electron correlations are of fundamental importance. The cuprate, organic and fullerene compounds investigated are metals, superconductors or magnetically ordered systems related to superconductivity in which electron correlations play an essential role. We measured and proposed a theory of the conduction electron spin life time in an inorganic superconductor, MgB2. We completed work on the magnetic phase diagram of a cuprate system close to high temperature superconductivity. The mapping of the magnetic resonance modes of a layered organic weak ferromagnet, ET2Cu(N(CN)2)Cl, solved a long standing problem of a material at the borderline of magnetic order and superconductivity. We showed, in collaboration with researchers at the University of Parma (Italy) and University of Cambridge (UK) that the fullerene compound, Li4C60 is a crystalline superionic conductor with possible applications in electrical batteries. Results were published in high impact scientific journals. The work served the basis for the completion of two PhD thesis. The recent progress of high frequencies ESR spectrometers has renewed interest in the method. The high frequency ESR spectrometer has been reconstructed, a new quasi optical bridge, a powerful mm-wave source, probe heads and a vibration free supporting structure were installed. As a result the sensitivity was increased by an order of magnitude.
Physical Review Letters, 2005
Electron spin resonance and ab initio electronic structure calculations show an intricate relatio... more Electron spin resonance and ab initio electronic structure calculations show an intricate relation between molecular rotation and chemical bonding in the dilute solid solution. The unpaired electron of C 59 N is delocalized over several C 60 molecules above 700 K, while at lower temperatures it remains localized within short range. The data suggest that below 350 K rigid C 59 N-C 60 heterodimers are formed in thermodynamic equilibrium with dissociated rotating molecules. The structural fluctuations between heterodimers and dissociated molecules are accompanied by simultaneous electron spin transfer between C 60 and C 59 N molecules. The calculation confirms that in the C 59 N-C 60 heterodimer the spin density resides mostly on the C 60 moiety, while it is almost entirely on C 59 N in the dissociated case.
ABSTRACT A projekt célja olyan szilárd testek elektron spin rezonancia vizsgálata, amelyekben az ... more ABSTRACT A projekt célja olyan szilárd testek elektron spin rezonancia vizsgálata, amelyekben az elektron-elektron korrelációk alapvetően fontosak. A vizsgált kuprát, szerves és fullerén vegyületek fémek, szupravezetők vagy a szupravezetéshez közel álló mágnesesen rendezett anyagok, amelyekben az elektron korrelációnak lényeges szerepe van. Megmértük és egy elméletet dolgoztunk ki a MgB2 szervetlen szupravezető vezetési elektron spin élettartamára, ami alapvető fizikai mennyiség. Befejeztük egy, a magas hőmérsékletű szupravezetéshez közel álló kuprát rendszer mágneses fázis diagramjának meghatározását. Az ET2Cu[N(CN)2]Cl réteges szerves gyenge ferromágnes rezonancia módusainak feltérképezésével egy régóta megfejthetetlen problémát oldottunk meg egy, a szupravezetés és mágnesség határán lévő anyagra. A Parmai Egyetem (Olaszország) és a Cambridge-i Egyetem (Nagy Britannia) kutatóival együttműködve megmutattuk, hogy a Li4C60 fullerén vegyület egy ionos vezető, amely alkalmazható lehet elektromos telepekben. Az eredményeket magas impaktú tudományos folyóiratokban közöltük. A munka két PhD tézis alapjául szolgált. Az ESR spektrumok fejlődése megújította az érdeklődést a módszer iránt. A nagy frekvenciás ESR spektrométert felújítottuk, új kvázi-optikai hidat, nagyteljesítméníű mm-hullámú forrást, mérőfejeket és egy rezgésmentes tartószerkezetet helyeztünk üzembe. Az érzékenységet egy nagyságrenddel megnöveltük. | The aim of the project was an electron spin resonance investigation of solids in which electron-electron correlations are of fundamental importance. The cuprate, organic and fullerene compounds investigated are metals, superconductors or magnetically ordered systems related to superconductivity in which electron correlations play an essential role. We measured and proposed a theory of the conduction electron spin life time in an inorganic superconductor, MgB2. We completed work on the magnetic phase diagram of a cuprate system close to high temperature superconductivity. The mapping of the magnetic resonance modes of a layered organic weak ferromagnet, ET2Cu(N(CN)2)Cl, solved a long standing problem of a material at the borderline of magnetic order and superconductivity. We showed, in collaboration with researchers at the University of Parma (Italy) and University of Cambridge (UK) that the fullerene compound, Li4C60 is a crystalline superionic conductor with possible applications in electrical batteries. Results were published in high impact scientific journals. The work served the basis for the completion of two PhD thesis. The recent progress of high frequencies ESR spectrometers has renewed interest in the method. The high frequency ESR spectrometer has been reconstructed, a new quasi optical bridge, a powerful mm-wave source, probe heads and a vibration free supporting structure were installed. As a result the sensitivity was increased by an order of magnitude.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2001
Solid solutions of C 59 N azafullerene in C 60 with concentrations up to 10" 4 were produced in a... more Solid solutions of C 59 N azafullerene in C 60 with concentrations up to 10" 4 were produced in an electric gas discharge tube and by a heat treatment of (C 59 N) 2 dissolved in pure C 60 . The results on materials produced by the two methods are identical. C 59 N is a stable monomeric substituent molecule in crystalline C 60 and may be heated to temperatures as high as 1300K. The concentration of ESR active neutral C 59 N molecules at ambient temperatures depends on temperature history. CP591, Electronic Properties of Molecular Nanostructures, edited by H. Kuzmany et al.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2001
Solid solutions of C 59 N azafullerene in C 60 with concentrations up to 10" 4 were produced in a... more Solid solutions of C 59 N azafullerene in C 60 with concentrations up to 10" 4 were produced in an electric gas discharge tube and by a heat treatment of (C 59 N) 2 dissolved in pure C 60 . The results on materials produced by the two methods are identical. C 59 N is a stable monomeric substituent molecule in crystalline C 60 and may be heated to temperatures as high as 1300K. The concentration of ESR active neutral C 59 N molecules at ambient temperatures depends on temperature history. CP591, Electronic Properties of Molecular Nanostructures, edited by H. Kuzmany et al.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2001
Solid solutions of C 59 N azafullerene in C 60 with concentrations up to 10" 4 were produced in a... more Solid solutions of C 59 N azafullerene in C 60 with concentrations up to 10" 4 were produced in an electric gas discharge tube and by a heat treatment of (C 59 N) 2 dissolved in pure C 60 . The results on materials produced by the two methods are identical. C 59 N is a stable monomeric substituent molecule in crystalline C 60 and may be heated to temperatures as high as 1300K. The concentration of ESR active neutral C 59 N molecules at ambient temperatures depends on temperature history. CP591, Electronic Properties of Molecular Nanostructures, edited by H. Kuzmany et al.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2001
We describe a simple way to produce large quantities of solid solutions of monomer CjgN in pure Q... more We describe a simple way to produce large quantities of solid solutions of monomer CjgN in pure QQ using an electric gas discharge tube. Typical concentrations are 10~5 to 10" 4 CsgN with respect to Q 0 . The 14 N and several 13 C hyperfme constants were measured by ESR. These are a sensitive test for electronic structure calculations of the monomer. As the temperature is raised towards the sc to fee structural transition at 261 K, the ESR spectrum motionally narrows and the activation energy for reorientation is measured. The rotational dynamics of the CsgN monomer between 130 and 600 K parallels that of QQ in the bulk thus interactions between CsgN and C 60 are surprisingly weak.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2001
We describe a simple way to produce large quantities of solid solutions of monomer CjgN in pure Q... more We describe a simple way to produce large quantities of solid solutions of monomer CjgN in pure QQ using an electric gas discharge tube. Typical concentrations are 10~5 to 10" 4 CsgN with respect to Q 0 . The 14 N and several 13 C hyperfme constants were measured by ESR. These are a sensitive test for electronic structure calculations of the monomer. As the temperature is raised towards the sc to fee structural transition at 261 K, the ESR spectrum motionally narrows and the activation energy for reorientation is measured. The rotational dynamics of the CsgN monomer between 130 and 600 K parallels that of QQ in the bulk thus interactions between CsgN and C 60 are surprisingly weak.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2001
We describe a simple way to produce large quantities of solid solutions of monomer CjgN in pure Q... more We describe a simple way to produce large quantities of solid solutions of monomer CjgN in pure QQ using an electric gas discharge tube. Typical concentrations are 10~5 to 10" 4 CsgN with respect to Q 0 . The 14 N and several 13 C hyperfme constants were measured by ESR. These are a sensitive test for electronic structure calculations of the monomer. As the temperature is raised towards the sc to fee structural transition at 261 K, the ESR spectrum motionally narrows and the activation energy for reorientation is measured. The rotational dynamics of the CsgN monomer between 130 and 600 K parallels that of QQ in the bulk thus interactions between CsgN and C 60 are surprisingly weak.
The Na + /Ca 2+ exchanger (NCX) may contribute to triggered activity and transmural dispersion of... more The Na + /Ca 2+ exchanger (NCX) may contribute to triggered activity and transmural dispersion of repolarization, which are substrates of torsades de pointes (TdP) type arrhythmias. This study examined the effects of selective inhibition of the NCX by SEA0400 on the occurrence of dofetilide-induced TdP. Experimental approach: Effects of SEA0400 (1 mmol·L -1 ) on dofetilide-induced TdP was studied in isolated, Langendorffperfused, atrioventricular (AV)-blocked rabbit hearts. To verify the relevance of the model, lidocaine (30 mmol·L -1 ) and verapamil (750 nmol·L -1 ) were also tested against dofetilide-induced TdP. Key results: Acute AV block caused a chaotic idioventricular rhythm and strikingly increased beat-to-beat variability of the RR and QT intervals. SEA0400 exaggerated the dofetilide-induced increase in the heart rate-corrected QT interval (QTc) and did not reduce the incidence of dofetilide-induced TdP [100% in the SEA0400 + dofetilide group vs. 75% in the dofetilide (100 nmol·L -1 ) control]. In the second set of experiments, verapamil further increased the dofetilide-induced QTc prolongation and neither verapamil nor lidocaine reduced the dofetilide-induced increase in the beat-to-beat variability of the QT interval. However, lidocaine decreased and verapamil prevented the development of dofetilide-induced TdP as compared with the dofetilide control (TdP incidence: 13%, 0% and 88% respectively). Conclusions and implications: Na + /Ca 2+ exchanger does not contribute to dofetilide-induced TdP, whereas Na + and Ca 2+ channel activity is involved in TdP genesis in isolated, AV-blocked rabbit hearts. Neither QTc prolongation nor an increase in the beat-to-beat variability of the QT interval is a sufficient prerequisite of TdP genesis in rabbit hearts. NCX inhibition and torsades de pointes 932 AS Farkas et al British Journal of Pharmacology (2009) 156 920-932
The Na + /Ca 2+ exchanger (NCX) may contribute to triggered activity and transmural dispersion of... more The Na + /Ca 2+ exchanger (NCX) may contribute to triggered activity and transmural dispersion of repolarization, which are substrates of torsades de pointes (TdP) type arrhythmias. This study examined the effects of selective inhibition of the NCX by SEA0400 on the occurrence of dofetilide-induced TdP. Experimental approach: Effects of SEA0400 (1 mmol·L -1 ) on dofetilide-induced TdP was studied in isolated, Langendorffperfused, atrioventricular (AV)-blocked rabbit hearts. To verify the relevance of the model, lidocaine (30 mmol·L -1 ) and verapamil (750 nmol·L -1 ) were also tested against dofetilide-induced TdP. Key results: Acute AV block caused a chaotic idioventricular rhythm and strikingly increased beat-to-beat variability of the RR and QT intervals. SEA0400 exaggerated the dofetilide-induced increase in the heart rate-corrected QT interval (QTc) and did not reduce the incidence of dofetilide-induced TdP [100% in the SEA0400 + dofetilide group vs. 75% in the dofetilide (100 nmol·L -1 ) control]. In the second set of experiments, verapamil further increased the dofetilide-induced QTc prolongation and neither verapamil nor lidocaine reduced the dofetilide-induced increase in the beat-to-beat variability of the QT interval. However, lidocaine decreased and verapamil prevented the development of dofetilide-induced TdP as compared with the dofetilide control (TdP incidence: 13%, 0% and 88% respectively). Conclusions and implications: Na + /Ca 2+ exchanger does not contribute to dofetilide-induced TdP, whereas Na + and Ca 2+ channel activity is involved in TdP genesis in isolated, AV-blocked rabbit hearts. Neither QTc prolongation nor an increase in the beat-to-beat variability of the QT interval is a sufficient prerequisite of TdP genesis in rabbit hearts. NCX inhibition and torsades de pointes 932 AS Farkas et al British Journal of Pharmacology (2009) 156 920-932
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2009
The existence of intermolecular or intramolecular N...H-O or N-H...O hydrogen bonding in three se... more The existence of intermolecular or intramolecular N...H-O or N-H...O hydrogen bonding in three series (series 1, substituted 1-aminoalkyl-2-naphthols: R = H, Me, Et, Pr, i-Pr; series 2, substituted 1-alpha-aminobenzyl-2-naphthols: H, p-OMe, p-F, p-Cl, p-Br, p-NO2, p-Me; series 3, substituted 2-alpha-aminobenzyl-1-naphthols: R = H, p-Me, p-F, p-Br, p-OMe, m-NO(2), m-Br) are studied by NMR spectroscopy and computed at the DFT level of theory [B3LYP/6-311+G(d,p)]. The correct nature of the H-bond was assigned unequivocally both experimentally and computationally by potential energy scans rotating the involved dihedral angles. We investigated the effects of substituents on the strength of the H-bond by evaluating the corresponding hyperconjugative stabilization energy n(lonepair) --> sigma*(X-H) and Hammett substituent constant plots. By this means, steric and electronic substituent effects could be easily quantified and separated.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2009
The existence of intermolecular or intramolecular N...H-O or N-H...O hydrogen bonding in three se... more The existence of intermolecular or intramolecular N...H-O or N-H...O hydrogen bonding in three series (series 1, substituted 1-aminoalkyl-2-naphthols: R = H, Me, Et, Pr, i-Pr; series 2, substituted 1-alpha-aminobenzyl-2-naphthols: H, p-OMe, p-F, p-Cl, p-Br, p-NO2, p-Me; series 3, substituted 2-alpha-aminobenzyl-1-naphthols: R = H, p-Me, p-F, p-Br, p-OMe, m-NO(2), m-Br) are studied by NMR spectroscopy and computed at the DFT level of theory [B3LYP/6-311+G(d,p)]. The correct nature of the H-bond was assigned unequivocally both experimentally and computationally by potential energy scans rotating the involved dihedral angles. We investigated the effects of substituents on the strength of the H-bond by evaluating the corresponding hyperconjugative stabilization energy n(lonepair) --> sigma*(X-H) and Hammett substituent constant plots. By this means, steric and electronic substituent effects could be easily quantified and separated.
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2010
Vascular adhesion protein-1 (VAP-1) belongs to the semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidases (SSAOs)... more Vascular adhesion protein-1 (VAP-1) belongs to the semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidases (SSAOs) that convert amines into aldehydes. SSAOs are distinct from the mammalian monoamine oxidases (MAOs), but their substrate specificities are partly overlapping. VAP-1 has been proposed as a target for anti-inflammatory drug therapy because of its role in leukocyte adhesion to endothelium. Here, we describe the synthesis and in vitro activities of novel series of VAP-1 selective inhibitors. In addition, the molecular dynamics simulations performed for VAP-1 reveal that the movements of Met211, Ser496, and especially Leu469 can enlarge the ligand-binding pocket, allowing larger ligands than those seen in the crystal structures to bind. Combining the data from molecular dynamics simulations, docking, and in vitro measurements, the three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationship (3D QSAR) models for VAP-1 (q(2)(LOO): 0.636; r(2): 0.828) and MAOs (q(2)(LOO): 0.749, r(2): 0.840) were built and employed in the development of selective VAP-1 inhibitors.
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2010
Vascular adhesion protein-1 (VAP-1) belongs to the semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidases (SSAOs)... more Vascular adhesion protein-1 (VAP-1) belongs to the semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidases (SSAOs) that convert amines into aldehydes. SSAOs are distinct from the mammalian monoamine oxidases (MAOs), but their substrate specificities are partly overlapping. VAP-1 has been proposed as a target for anti-inflammatory drug therapy because of its role in leukocyte adhesion to endothelium. Here, we describe the synthesis and in vitro activities of novel series of VAP-1 selective inhibitors. In addition, the molecular dynamics simulations performed for VAP-1 reveal that the movements of Met211, Ser496, and especially Leu469 can enlarge the ligand-binding pocket, allowing larger ligands than those seen in the crystal structures to bind. Combining the data from molecular dynamics simulations, docking, and in vitro measurements, the three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationship (3D QSAR) models for VAP-1 (q(2)(LOO): 0.636; r(2): 0.828) and MAOs (q(2)(LOO): 0.749, r(2): 0.840) were built and employed in the development of selective VAP-1 inhibitors.
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2011
Vascular adhesion protein-1 (VAP-1) belongs to a family of amine oxidases. It plays a role in leu... more Vascular adhesion protein-1 (VAP-1) belongs to a family of amine oxidases. It plays a role in leukocyte trafficking and in amine compound metabolism. VAP-1 is linked to various diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, psoriasis, depression, diabetes, and obesity. Accordingly, selective inhibitors of VAP-1 could potentially be used to treat those diseases. In this study, eight novel VAP-1 hydrazine derivatives were synthesized and their VAP-1 and monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibition ability was determined in vitro. MD simulations of VAP-1 with these new molecules reveal that the VAP-1 ligand-binding pocket is flexible and capable of fitting substantially larger ligands than was previously believed. The increase in the size of the VAP-1 ligands, together with the methylation of the secondary nitrogen atom of the hydrazine moiety, improves the VAP-1 selectivity over MAO.
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2011
Vascular adhesion protein-1 (VAP-1) belongs to a family of amine oxidases. It plays a role in leu... more Vascular adhesion protein-1 (VAP-1) belongs to a family of amine oxidases. It plays a role in leukocyte trafficking and in amine compound metabolism. VAP-1 is linked to various diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, psoriasis, depression, diabetes, and obesity. Accordingly, selective inhibitors of VAP-1 could potentially be used to treat those diseases. In this study, eight novel VAP-1 hydrazine derivatives were synthesized and their VAP-1 and monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibition ability was determined in vitro. MD simulations of VAP-1 with these new molecules reveal that the VAP-1 ligand-binding pocket is flexible and capable of fitting substantially larger ligands than was previously believed. The increase in the size of the VAP-1 ligands, together with the methylation of the secondary nitrogen atom of the hydrazine moiety, improves the VAP-1 selectivity over MAO.
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2008
Endomorphins were subjected to a number of structural modifications in a search for their bioacti... more Endomorphins were subjected to a number of structural modifications in a search for their bioactive conformations. The alicyclic beta-amino acids cis-(1 S,2 R)ACPC/ACHC, cis-(1 R,2 S)ACPC/ACHC, trans-(1 S,2 S)ACPC/ACHC, and trans-(1 R,2 R)ACPC/ACHC were introduced into endomorphins to examine the conformational effects on the bioactivity. Use of a combination of receptor binding techniques, (1)H NMR, and molecular modeling allowed the conclusion that Pro (2) substitution by these residues causes changes in structure, proteolytic stability, and pharmacological activity. It seems that the size of the alicyclic beta-amino acids does not have marked influence on the receptor binding affinities and/or selectivities. Among the new analogues, the cis-(1 S,2 R)ACPC (2) and cis-(1 S,2 R)ACHC (2)-containing derivatives displayed the highest binding potencies and efficacies in receptor binding and ligand-stimulated [ (35)S]GTPgammaS functional experiments. Molecular dynamic simulations and (1)H NMR studies of the cis-ACPC/ACHC-containing analogues revealed that many conformations are accessible, though it is most likely that these peptides bind to the mu-opioid receptor in a compact, folded structure rather than extended.
ABSTRACT A projekt célja olyan szilárd testek elektron spin rezonancia vizsgálata, amelyekben az ... more ABSTRACT A projekt célja olyan szilárd testek elektron spin rezonancia vizsgálata, amelyekben az elektron-elektron korrelációk alapvetően fontosak. A vizsgált kuprát, szerves és fullerén vegyületek fémek, szupravezetők vagy a szupravezetéshez közel álló mágnesesen rendezett anyagok, amelyekben az elektron korrelációnak lényeges szerepe van. Megmértük és egy elméletet dolgoztunk ki a MgB2 szervetlen szupravezető vezetési elektron spin élettartamára, ami alapvető fizikai mennyiség. Befejeztük egy, a magas hőmérsékletű szupravezetéshez közel álló kuprát rendszer mágneses fázis diagramjának meghatározását. Az ET2Cu[N(CN)2]Cl réteges szerves gyenge ferromágnes rezonancia módusainak feltérképezésével egy régóta megfejthetetlen problémát oldottunk meg egy, a szupravezetés és mágnesség határán lévő anyagra. A Parmai Egyetem (Olaszország) és a Cambridge-i Egyetem (Nagy Britannia) kutatóival együttműködve megmutattuk, hogy a Li4C60 fullerén vegyület egy ionos vezető, amely alkalmazható lehet elektromos telepekben. Az eredményeket magas impaktú tudományos folyóiratokban közöltük. A munka két PhD tézis alapjául szolgált. Az ESR spektrumok fejlődése megújította az érdeklődést a módszer iránt. A nagy frekvenciás ESR spektrométert felújítottuk, új kvázi-optikai hidat, nagyteljesítméníű mm-hullámú forrást, mérőfejeket és egy rezgésmentes tartószerkezetet helyeztünk üzembe. Az érzékenységet egy nagyságrenddel megnöveltük. | The aim of the project was an electron spin resonance investigation of solids in which electron-electron correlations are of fundamental importance. The cuprate, organic and fullerene compounds investigated are metals, superconductors or magnetically ordered systems related to superconductivity in which electron correlations play an essential role. We measured and proposed a theory of the conduction electron spin life time in an inorganic superconductor, MgB2. We completed work on the magnetic phase diagram of a cuprate system close to high temperature superconductivity. The mapping of the magnetic resonance modes of a layered organic weak ferromagnet, ET2Cu(N(CN)2)Cl, solved a long standing problem of a material at the borderline of magnetic order and superconductivity. We showed, in collaboration with researchers at the University of Parma (Italy) and University of Cambridge (UK) that the fullerene compound, Li4C60 is a crystalline superionic conductor with possible applications in electrical batteries. Results were published in high impact scientific journals. The work served the basis for the completion of two PhD thesis. The recent progress of high frequencies ESR spectrometers has renewed interest in the method. The high frequency ESR spectrometer has been reconstructed, a new quasi optical bridge, a powerful mm-wave source, probe heads and a vibration free supporting structure were installed. As a result the sensitivity was increased by an order of magnitude.