Ferhat Özdemir - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Ferhat Özdemir
This study investigated the tensile properties and thermal behavior of virgin and hot press molde... more This study investigated the tensile properties and thermal behavior of virgin and hot press molded HDPE composites filled with different particle size and content of used beverage cartons which were the Tetra Pak® cartons. The mechanical properties of the composites were positively influenced by particle size of the used beverage carton, such that the smallest particle size gave the highest tensile strength and tensile modulus. The tensile strength of the specimens decreased with increasing filler content (40 to 70 wt%), while the tensile modulus rose. Furthermore, the filler size and its content affected the thermal behavior of the specimens. Calorimetry analysis of composite specimens showed that melting temperature and enthalpy values of virgin HDPE and recycled-HDPE decreased with increasing Tetra Pak® content. In all composite groups produced by adding Tetra Pak®, the degree of crystallinity decreased as a function of Tetra Pak® addition compared to the pure HDPE. Increasing pa...
Bioresources, Nov 23, 2021
Next-generation laminated wood composites were produced using waste poplar (Populus deltoides) ve... more Next-generation laminated wood composites were produced using waste poplar (Populus deltoides) veneer and polyvinyl acetate adhesive. Four experimental groups and one control group were created. Ten-layer laminated wood veneer samples were reinforced with natural rubber (Group A), linoleum (Group B), felt (Group C), and elastomeric sponge (Group D); these materials were used in the fifth adhesive layer (middle layer). The sound absorption coefficients of the control and experimental groups were tested via the impedance tube method, according to ASTM standard E1050 (2006). Attention was paid to the acoustic behavior at low frequencies (63 Hz to 250 Hz), mid frequencies (250 Hz to 2000 Hz), and high frequencies (2000 Hz to 6300 Hz). It was determined that the sound absorption coefficient of the experimental groups considerably increased. It can be suggested that the experimental groups be used as sound absorbing acoustic panels and the control group as sound reflective acoustic panels.
Energy and Buildings, 2011
Journal of Composite Materials, 2018
Cellulose nanowhiskers were prepared by acid hydrolysis of drumstick fruit fibers from Moringa ol... more Cellulose nanowhiskers were prepared by acid hydrolysis of drumstick fruit fibers from Moringa oleifera. It was incorporated into thermosetting epoxy matrix at various weight fractions (0.06, 0.12 or 0.18 wt%) to investigate their effect on the mechanical and thermal properties of resulting epoxy resin composite. Drumstick fruit nanofibers slightly increased the thermal stability of the prepared composites. The tensile modulus (31.4%) and bending modulus (38.2%) of the epoxy composites filled with 0.18 wt% cellulose nanowhiskers significantly increased in comparison with that of the neat cured epoxy resin. However, the tensile strength (48.7%) and bending strength (41.6%) of the composites significantly decreased as the 0.18 wt% nanowhiskers were added into the epoxy matrix. The nanowhiskers (0.18 wt%) can be efficiently used in the epoxy matrix to improve considerably the tensile and bending modulus of the composites as well as a slight increase in the thermal stability.
Turkish Journal of Forestry | Türkiye Ormancılık Dergisi, 2018
Bu çalışmada amaç, polipropilen esaslı odun plastik kompozit (OPK) malzeme üretiminde kullanılan ... more Bu çalışmada amaç, polipropilen esaslı odun plastik kompozit (OPK) malzeme üretiminde kullanılan sepiolit mineralinin termal özellikler ve ısı iletkenliği üzerine etkisinin araştırılması olacaktır. Çift vidalı ekstruder ile odun unu, polipropilen ve sepiolit minerali karışımından elde edilen peletler, öğütülmüş ve presleme işlemi yapılarak OPK levhalar üretilmiştir. Üretilen levhaların ısı iletkenliği özelliklerinin (ASTM C 1113-09) yanı sıra Termogravimetrik Analiz (TGA) ve Diferansiyel Taramalı Kalorimetri (DSC) gibi termal özellikleri belirlenmiştir. OPK malzemelerde yangın geciktirici olarak kullanılan sepiolit mineralinin eklenme miktarının artması ile termal ve ısı iletkenliği özelliklerinin geliştiği, kristalizasyon derecesinin ise azaldığı belirlenmiştir.
BioResources, 2021
Next-generation laminated wood composites were produced using waste poplar (Populus deltoides) ve... more Next-generation laminated wood composites were produced using waste poplar (Populus deltoides) veneer and polyvinyl acetate adhesive. Four experimental groups and one control group were created. Ten-layer laminated wood veneer samples were reinforced with natural rubber (Group A), linoleum (Group B), felt (Group C), and elastomeric sponge (Group D); these materials were used in the fifth adhesive layer (middle layer). The sound absorption coefficients of the control and experimental groups were tested via the impedance tube method, according to ASTM standard E1050 (2006). Attention was paid to the acoustic behavior at low frequencies (63 Hz to 250 Hz), mid frequencies (250 Hz to 2000 Hz), and high frequencies (2000 Hz to 6300 Hz). It was determined that the sound absorption coefficient of the experimental groups considerably increased. It can be suggested that the experimental groups be used as sound absorbing acoustic panels and the control group as sound reflective acoustic panels.
The objective of this study is to determine the effects of some fire retardants on physical and m... more The objective of this study is to determine the effects of some fire retardants on physical and mechanical properties of the resin-impregnated paper covered high density fiberboard (HDF) panels. Fire retardants (FR) in a powder form (borax (BX), boric acid (BA), ammonium polyphosphate (APP) and alpha-x (AX) powders were used at 3%, 6% and 9%. HDF panels were produced (400x400x6.5mm). Surfaces of HDF panels were coated with resin-impregnated papers. The physical and mechanical properties of panels were investigated. The results showed that FR the addition diminished the thickness swelling (TS) and water absorption (WA) values of the panels. In addition, they also reduced the modulus of rapture (MOR), modulus of elasticity (MOE), and internal bond (IB) strengths. It was found that concentration and type of FR chemicals significantly affected the physical and mechanical properties of resin-impregnated paper covered HDF panels.
Özet: : Bu çalışmada, yanmayı geciktirici bazı kimyasal maddeler değişik oranlarda lif ile muamel... more Özet: : Bu çalışmada, yanmayı geciktirici bazı kimyasal maddeler değişik oranlarda lif ile muamele edilmiş ve yüksek yoğunluklu liflevha (HDF) üretilmiştir. Hammadde olarak %50 kayın ve %50 sarıçam lifleri kullanılmıştır. Liflerin içine tam kuru lif miktarına oranla %3, %6, %9 oranlarında toz halinde boraks, borik asit, amonyum polifosfat ve alfa-x kimyasalları ilave edilerek HDF levhalar elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen yüksek yoğunluklu lif levhanın ısı iletkenliği ve limit oksijen indeksi (LOI) değerleri belirlenmiştir. Yanmayı geciktirici kimyasal maddelerin ısı iletkenliği ve limit oksijen miktarını artırdığı ancak kimyasal madde türü ve konsantrasyon oranına göre farklı etki yaptıkları tespit edilmiştir. Isı iletkenliği için en iyi sonuç %9' luk borik asit (0.2815 W/m o K) ile sağlanırken LOI testi için en iyi sonuçlar %6 ve %9' luk amonyum polifosfat (%45) için elde edilmiştir. Abstract: In this study, Fire Retardant (FR) chemicals with different proportions were added in...
Kastamonu Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi
Bu çalışmada, kayın odunu kaplamaları üzerinde yaşlandırma işlemi uygulanarak, yaşlandırmanın yüz... more Bu çalışmada, kayın odunu kaplamaları üzerinde yaşlandırma işlemi uygulanarak, yaşlandırmanın yüzey pürüzlülüğü üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Kayın kaplamalardan hazırlanan numuneler öncelikle iklimlendirme kabininde klimatize edildikten sonra yaşlandırma işlemine maruz bırakılmıştır. Yaşlandırma işlemi uygulanan numunelerin yüzey pürüzlülük değerleri ISO 4287 standartlarına göre Marsurf M300 cihazı ile ölçülmüştür. Test örneklerinin Ra, Rz ve Rmax değerleri belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen verilere göre yaşlandırma işlem süresinin artması ile yüzey pürüzlülük değerlerinin arttığı belirlenmiştir.
BioResources, 2013
The effects of the amounts of flour from the red pepper (Capsicum annuum) fruit stem (RPFS), toge... more The effects of the amounts of flour from the red pepper (Capsicum annuum) fruit stem (RPFS), together with coupling agent (CA), on the mechanical and physical properties of polypropylene (PP)-based composites were investigated. Pellets manufactured through single screw extruders were injection molded into composite samples. Density, mechanical property, and dimensional stability of manufactured composites were determined according to ASTM standards. Results were analyzed using central composite design (CCD). Statistical analyses showed that filler loading significantly affected the density, as well as mechanical and physical properties of thermoplastic composites. Density of the composites was increased with filler loading but not affected by coupling agent amounts. In the case of mechanical properties, tensile modulus, flexural strength, and flexural modulus were improved with increasing filler loading while the tensile strengths, elongation at break, and impact strength of the samples were decreased. The tensile strength of the thermoplastic composites was positively affected by CA contents, but other mechanical properties were not affected as much. In the case of physical properties, thickness swelling and water absorption of the composites were increased with increasing weight percent of RPFS flour. However, these properties were not significantly changed by CA addition. Overall results revealed that RPFS flour could be potentially suitable raw materials for thermoplastic composites.
Turkish Journal of Forestry | Türkiye Ormancılık Dergisi
Bu çalışmanın amacı, çeşitli biyokütle atıklarının ahşap esaslı kompozit yapı malzeme üretimine d... more Bu çalışmanın amacı, çeşitli biyokütle atıklarının ahşap esaslı kompozit yapı malzeme üretimine doğrudan kazanımlarının sağlanmasıdır. Böylelikle mobilya sektörünün milli kaynaklarımız olan ormanlarımız üzerindeki yükün azaltılması amaçlanmıştır. Ek olarak masif ürünler yerine alternatifleri olan ahşap esaslı kompozit türlerinin zenginleştirilmesi hedeflenmiştir. Bu amaçla; muz kabuğu başta olmak üzere, gliserin, mısır nişastası, biber sapı (100 mesh) ve kızılçam odun unu (60 mesh) kullanılarak hazırlanan 16 farklı biyoplastik numunesi üretilmiştir. Daha sonra, hazırlanan bu örneklerin asidik ve bazik ortamdaki çözünmeleri incelenmiştir ve ASTM D 792 standartlarına uygun olarak yoğunluk değerleri tespit edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre; asidik ortamdaki en düşük ve en yüksek çözünme değerleri % 6.7 ve % 61.9 olup sırasıyla G14O8 ve G7O2 numunelerine aittir. Bazik ortamda ise sırasıyla, % 14.3 ile G7O8 ve % 35.7 çözünme değeri ile G7B1 numunesi belirlenmiştir. Üretilen biyoplastik kompozitler arasında yoğunluğu en yüksek olan 2.29 g/cm 3 değeri ile G7O8 numunesi, en düşük ise 1.03 g/cm 3 ile G7B7 ve G14B7 numunelerinin olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
Bu calismanin amaci orta yogunluklu levhanin (MDF) yuzey puruzlulugu uzerine isil islemin etkisin... more Bu calismanin amaci orta yogunluklu levhanin (MDF) yuzey puruzlulugu uzerine isil islemin etkisini arastirmaktir. Ticari olarak uretilen MDF levhalar 170 oC 190 oC ve 210 oC de kurutma firininda isil islem uygulanmistir. Isil islemin her bir sicaklik parametresi icin 15, 30 ve 45 dakika belirlenmistir. Levhalarin yuzey puruzlulugu testleri ISO 4287’ ye gore olculmustur. Test orneklerinin ortalama puruzluluk (Ra), on nokta puruzluluk ortalama degeri (Rz) ve en buyuk puruzluluk degeri (Rmax) Marsurf M300 cihazi ile igne taramali yontem ile olculmustur. Sicaklik ve surenin artmasi ile MDF levhalarinin yuzey puruzlulugunun iyilestigi tespit edilmistir. 210 oC ve 45 dakika isil islem gormus levhalar Ra 3.28, Rz 21.20 ve Rmax 25.69 μm degerleri ile en puruzsuz yuzeye sahip olduklari saptandi. Sonuclar, sicakligin ve surenin artmasi ile MDF levhalarin yuzey puruzlulugunun olumlu etkilendigini ortaya cikarmistir.
Turkish Journal of Forestry, 2013
In this study, Fire Retardant (FR) chemicals with different proportions were added into fibers an... more In this study, Fire Retardant (FR) chemicals with different proportions were added into fibers and high density fiberboards (HDF) were produced using fibers from Scots pine and beech (50:50). HDF panels containing 3%, 6%, and 9% borax, boric acid, ammonium polyphosphate and alpha-x chemicals powders were manufactured. Limiting oxygen index (LOI) and thermal conductivity properties of HDF panels were determined. FR chemicals improved the LOI and thermal conductivity. However, this improvement was affected by the type and the concentration of the FR chemicals used. The best thermal conductivity result was obtained with 9% boric acid concentrations (0.2815 W/moK) while the best LOI results were obtained from 6% and 9% ammonium polyphosphate concentrations (45%). Keywords: HDF, Borax, Boric acid, Thermal conductivity, LOI
Wood Material Science & Engineering, 2021
This study investigated the tensile properties and thermal behavior of virgin and hot press molde... more This study investigated the tensile properties and thermal behavior of virgin and hot press molded HDPE composites filled with different particle size and content of used beverage cartons which were the Tetra Pak® cartons. The mechanical properties of the composites were positively influenced by particle size of the used beverage carton, such that the smallest particle size gave the highest tensile strength and tensile modulus. The tensile strength of the specimens decreased with increasing filler content (40 to 70 wt%), while the tensile modulus rose. Furthermore, the filler size and its content affected the thermal behavior of the specimens. Calorimetry analysis of composite specimens showed that melting temperature and enthalpy values of virgin HDPE and recycled-HDPE decreased with increasing Tetra Pak® content. In all composite groups produced by adding Tetra Pak®, the degree of crystallinity decreased as a function of Tetra Pak® addition compared to the pure HDPE. Increasing pa...
Bioresources, Nov 23, 2021
Next-generation laminated wood composites were produced using waste poplar (Populus deltoides) ve... more Next-generation laminated wood composites were produced using waste poplar (Populus deltoides) veneer and polyvinyl acetate adhesive. Four experimental groups and one control group were created. Ten-layer laminated wood veneer samples were reinforced with natural rubber (Group A), linoleum (Group B), felt (Group C), and elastomeric sponge (Group D); these materials were used in the fifth adhesive layer (middle layer). The sound absorption coefficients of the control and experimental groups were tested via the impedance tube method, according to ASTM standard E1050 (2006). Attention was paid to the acoustic behavior at low frequencies (63 Hz to 250 Hz), mid frequencies (250 Hz to 2000 Hz), and high frequencies (2000 Hz to 6300 Hz). It was determined that the sound absorption coefficient of the experimental groups considerably increased. It can be suggested that the experimental groups be used as sound absorbing acoustic panels and the control group as sound reflective acoustic panels.
Energy and Buildings, 2011
Journal of Composite Materials, 2018
Cellulose nanowhiskers were prepared by acid hydrolysis of drumstick fruit fibers from Moringa ol... more Cellulose nanowhiskers were prepared by acid hydrolysis of drumstick fruit fibers from Moringa oleifera. It was incorporated into thermosetting epoxy matrix at various weight fractions (0.06, 0.12 or 0.18 wt%) to investigate their effect on the mechanical and thermal properties of resulting epoxy resin composite. Drumstick fruit nanofibers slightly increased the thermal stability of the prepared composites. The tensile modulus (31.4%) and bending modulus (38.2%) of the epoxy composites filled with 0.18 wt% cellulose nanowhiskers significantly increased in comparison with that of the neat cured epoxy resin. However, the tensile strength (48.7%) and bending strength (41.6%) of the composites significantly decreased as the 0.18 wt% nanowhiskers were added into the epoxy matrix. The nanowhiskers (0.18 wt%) can be efficiently used in the epoxy matrix to improve considerably the tensile and bending modulus of the composites as well as a slight increase in the thermal stability.
Turkish Journal of Forestry | Türkiye Ormancılık Dergisi, 2018
Bu çalışmada amaç, polipropilen esaslı odun plastik kompozit (OPK) malzeme üretiminde kullanılan ... more Bu çalışmada amaç, polipropilen esaslı odun plastik kompozit (OPK) malzeme üretiminde kullanılan sepiolit mineralinin termal özellikler ve ısı iletkenliği üzerine etkisinin araştırılması olacaktır. Çift vidalı ekstruder ile odun unu, polipropilen ve sepiolit minerali karışımından elde edilen peletler, öğütülmüş ve presleme işlemi yapılarak OPK levhalar üretilmiştir. Üretilen levhaların ısı iletkenliği özelliklerinin (ASTM C 1113-09) yanı sıra Termogravimetrik Analiz (TGA) ve Diferansiyel Taramalı Kalorimetri (DSC) gibi termal özellikleri belirlenmiştir. OPK malzemelerde yangın geciktirici olarak kullanılan sepiolit mineralinin eklenme miktarının artması ile termal ve ısı iletkenliği özelliklerinin geliştiği, kristalizasyon derecesinin ise azaldığı belirlenmiştir.
BioResources, 2021
Next-generation laminated wood composites were produced using waste poplar (Populus deltoides) ve... more Next-generation laminated wood composites were produced using waste poplar (Populus deltoides) veneer and polyvinyl acetate adhesive. Four experimental groups and one control group were created. Ten-layer laminated wood veneer samples were reinforced with natural rubber (Group A), linoleum (Group B), felt (Group C), and elastomeric sponge (Group D); these materials were used in the fifth adhesive layer (middle layer). The sound absorption coefficients of the control and experimental groups were tested via the impedance tube method, according to ASTM standard E1050 (2006). Attention was paid to the acoustic behavior at low frequencies (63 Hz to 250 Hz), mid frequencies (250 Hz to 2000 Hz), and high frequencies (2000 Hz to 6300 Hz). It was determined that the sound absorption coefficient of the experimental groups considerably increased. It can be suggested that the experimental groups be used as sound absorbing acoustic panels and the control group as sound reflective acoustic panels.
The objective of this study is to determine the effects of some fire retardants on physical and m... more The objective of this study is to determine the effects of some fire retardants on physical and mechanical properties of the resin-impregnated paper covered high density fiberboard (HDF) panels. Fire retardants (FR) in a powder form (borax (BX), boric acid (BA), ammonium polyphosphate (APP) and alpha-x (AX) powders were used at 3%, 6% and 9%. HDF panels were produced (400x400x6.5mm). Surfaces of HDF panels were coated with resin-impregnated papers. The physical and mechanical properties of panels were investigated. The results showed that FR the addition diminished the thickness swelling (TS) and water absorption (WA) values of the panels. In addition, they also reduced the modulus of rapture (MOR), modulus of elasticity (MOE), and internal bond (IB) strengths. It was found that concentration and type of FR chemicals significantly affected the physical and mechanical properties of resin-impregnated paper covered HDF panels.
Özet: : Bu çalışmada, yanmayı geciktirici bazı kimyasal maddeler değişik oranlarda lif ile muamel... more Özet: : Bu çalışmada, yanmayı geciktirici bazı kimyasal maddeler değişik oranlarda lif ile muamele edilmiş ve yüksek yoğunluklu liflevha (HDF) üretilmiştir. Hammadde olarak %50 kayın ve %50 sarıçam lifleri kullanılmıştır. Liflerin içine tam kuru lif miktarına oranla %3, %6, %9 oranlarında toz halinde boraks, borik asit, amonyum polifosfat ve alfa-x kimyasalları ilave edilerek HDF levhalar elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen yüksek yoğunluklu lif levhanın ısı iletkenliği ve limit oksijen indeksi (LOI) değerleri belirlenmiştir. Yanmayı geciktirici kimyasal maddelerin ısı iletkenliği ve limit oksijen miktarını artırdığı ancak kimyasal madde türü ve konsantrasyon oranına göre farklı etki yaptıkları tespit edilmiştir. Isı iletkenliği için en iyi sonuç %9' luk borik asit (0.2815 W/m o K) ile sağlanırken LOI testi için en iyi sonuçlar %6 ve %9' luk amonyum polifosfat (%45) için elde edilmiştir. Abstract: In this study, Fire Retardant (FR) chemicals with different proportions were added in...
Kastamonu Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi
Bu çalışmada, kayın odunu kaplamaları üzerinde yaşlandırma işlemi uygulanarak, yaşlandırmanın yüz... more Bu çalışmada, kayın odunu kaplamaları üzerinde yaşlandırma işlemi uygulanarak, yaşlandırmanın yüzey pürüzlülüğü üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Kayın kaplamalardan hazırlanan numuneler öncelikle iklimlendirme kabininde klimatize edildikten sonra yaşlandırma işlemine maruz bırakılmıştır. Yaşlandırma işlemi uygulanan numunelerin yüzey pürüzlülük değerleri ISO 4287 standartlarına göre Marsurf M300 cihazı ile ölçülmüştür. Test örneklerinin Ra, Rz ve Rmax değerleri belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen verilere göre yaşlandırma işlem süresinin artması ile yüzey pürüzlülük değerlerinin arttığı belirlenmiştir.
BioResources, 2013
The effects of the amounts of flour from the red pepper (Capsicum annuum) fruit stem (RPFS), toge... more The effects of the amounts of flour from the red pepper (Capsicum annuum) fruit stem (RPFS), together with coupling agent (CA), on the mechanical and physical properties of polypropylene (PP)-based composites were investigated. Pellets manufactured through single screw extruders were injection molded into composite samples. Density, mechanical property, and dimensional stability of manufactured composites were determined according to ASTM standards. Results were analyzed using central composite design (CCD). Statistical analyses showed that filler loading significantly affected the density, as well as mechanical and physical properties of thermoplastic composites. Density of the composites was increased with filler loading but not affected by coupling agent amounts. In the case of mechanical properties, tensile modulus, flexural strength, and flexural modulus were improved with increasing filler loading while the tensile strengths, elongation at break, and impact strength of the samples were decreased. The tensile strength of the thermoplastic composites was positively affected by CA contents, but other mechanical properties were not affected as much. In the case of physical properties, thickness swelling and water absorption of the composites were increased with increasing weight percent of RPFS flour. However, these properties were not significantly changed by CA addition. Overall results revealed that RPFS flour could be potentially suitable raw materials for thermoplastic composites.
Turkish Journal of Forestry | Türkiye Ormancılık Dergisi
Bu çalışmanın amacı, çeşitli biyokütle atıklarının ahşap esaslı kompozit yapı malzeme üretimine d... more Bu çalışmanın amacı, çeşitli biyokütle atıklarının ahşap esaslı kompozit yapı malzeme üretimine doğrudan kazanımlarının sağlanmasıdır. Böylelikle mobilya sektörünün milli kaynaklarımız olan ormanlarımız üzerindeki yükün azaltılması amaçlanmıştır. Ek olarak masif ürünler yerine alternatifleri olan ahşap esaslı kompozit türlerinin zenginleştirilmesi hedeflenmiştir. Bu amaçla; muz kabuğu başta olmak üzere, gliserin, mısır nişastası, biber sapı (100 mesh) ve kızılçam odun unu (60 mesh) kullanılarak hazırlanan 16 farklı biyoplastik numunesi üretilmiştir. Daha sonra, hazırlanan bu örneklerin asidik ve bazik ortamdaki çözünmeleri incelenmiştir ve ASTM D 792 standartlarına uygun olarak yoğunluk değerleri tespit edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre; asidik ortamdaki en düşük ve en yüksek çözünme değerleri % 6.7 ve % 61.9 olup sırasıyla G14O8 ve G7O2 numunelerine aittir. Bazik ortamda ise sırasıyla, % 14.3 ile G7O8 ve % 35.7 çözünme değeri ile G7B1 numunesi belirlenmiştir. Üretilen biyoplastik kompozitler arasında yoğunluğu en yüksek olan 2.29 g/cm 3 değeri ile G7O8 numunesi, en düşük ise 1.03 g/cm 3 ile G7B7 ve G14B7 numunelerinin olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
Bu calismanin amaci orta yogunluklu levhanin (MDF) yuzey puruzlulugu uzerine isil islemin etkisin... more Bu calismanin amaci orta yogunluklu levhanin (MDF) yuzey puruzlulugu uzerine isil islemin etkisini arastirmaktir. Ticari olarak uretilen MDF levhalar 170 oC 190 oC ve 210 oC de kurutma firininda isil islem uygulanmistir. Isil islemin her bir sicaklik parametresi icin 15, 30 ve 45 dakika belirlenmistir. Levhalarin yuzey puruzlulugu testleri ISO 4287’ ye gore olculmustur. Test orneklerinin ortalama puruzluluk (Ra), on nokta puruzluluk ortalama degeri (Rz) ve en buyuk puruzluluk degeri (Rmax) Marsurf M300 cihazi ile igne taramali yontem ile olculmustur. Sicaklik ve surenin artmasi ile MDF levhalarinin yuzey puruzlulugunun iyilestigi tespit edilmistir. 210 oC ve 45 dakika isil islem gormus levhalar Ra 3.28, Rz 21.20 ve Rmax 25.69 μm degerleri ile en puruzsuz yuzeye sahip olduklari saptandi. Sonuclar, sicakligin ve surenin artmasi ile MDF levhalarin yuzey puruzlulugunun olumlu etkilendigini ortaya cikarmistir.
Turkish Journal of Forestry, 2013
In this study, Fire Retardant (FR) chemicals with different proportions were added into fibers an... more In this study, Fire Retardant (FR) chemicals with different proportions were added into fibers and high density fiberboards (HDF) were produced using fibers from Scots pine and beech (50:50). HDF panels containing 3%, 6%, and 9% borax, boric acid, ammonium polyphosphate and alpha-x chemicals powders were manufactured. Limiting oxygen index (LOI) and thermal conductivity properties of HDF panels were determined. FR chemicals improved the LOI and thermal conductivity. However, this improvement was affected by the type and the concentration of the FR chemicals used. The best thermal conductivity result was obtained with 9% boric acid concentrations (0.2815 W/moK) while the best LOI results were obtained from 6% and 9% ammonium polyphosphate concentrations (45%). Keywords: HDF, Borax, Boric acid, Thermal conductivity, LOI
Wood Material Science & Engineering, 2021