Fernando Andrade - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Fernando Andrade
À tia Didi, pelo carinho e pela generosidade e por ter me acolhido em sua casa em Montes Claros p... more À tia Didi, pelo carinho e pela generosidade e por ter me acolhido em sua casa em Montes Claros para que eu pudesse realizar minha formação inicial. Aos meus pais, Wilson Ferreira e Eni Mendes, que, em meio a situações difíceis, acreditaram e sempre lutaram comigo em cada etapa da minha formação. Às minhas irmãs, Suiara e Stefânia, pelas palavras de encorajamento. Aos sobrinhos e afilhadas, Letícia, Ítalo, Yasmin, Jairo, Heitor, Ivy e Ana Lua, obrigado pelos sorrisos. À Gersiane Franciere, minha esposa, por ter me incentivado desde o início a enfrentar esta caminhada. Obrigado pela compreensão, preocupação e pela paciência que teve durante todo esse tempo. Finalmente, agradeço ao meu filho, Vicente Augusto, que chegou durante a construção deste trabalho. Obrigado pelo carinho, pelos beijos e pelos afagos nos momentos mais necessários. A todos, meu agradecimento sincero. RESUMO Esta pesquisa está vinculada à linha de pesquisa História e Historiografia da Educação do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação e tem como objetivo geral investigar a influência da Igreja Católica na educação em Porteirinha/MG, no período de 1937 a 1962. Sem perder de vista como a concepção de Igreja Sociedade Perfeita chegou e foi disseminada no norte de Minas Gerais e em Porteirinha, analisaremos a influência da Igreja junto à imprensa, à família e à política, importantes espaços nos quais se processa a educação informal. Para compreender a influência da Igreja na educação formal, elegemos como locus do estudo o Grupo Escolar João Alcântara, principal instituição educacional de Porteirinha. O recorte temporal engloba o período entre 1937, quando esse Grupo Escolar foi instalado, a 1962, em que se iniciou o Concílio Vaticano II e, consequentemente, o rompimento com a concepção Sociedade Perfeita. O recorte também coincide com o período de maior atuação do padre Julião Arroyo Gallo, figura central na pesquisa, à frente da Paróquia São Joaquim de Porteirinha. A tese defendida no trabalho é a de que o movimento de Romanização no norte de Minas Gerais, no período estudado, promoveu a disseminação da concepção de Igreja Sociedade Perfeita. Esta visão tridentina estimulou, mediante várias estratégias, a ampliação da influência da Igreja Católica na educação em Porteirinha. Deste modo, além de influenciar o espaço público de educação formal, o Catolicismo alcançou o domínio sobre a família, sobre a imprensa e sobre os grupos de poder local. Como método de investigação, propomos a pesquisa bibliográfica, realizada em livros, artigos de revistas científicas, dissertações e teses; e a pesquisa documental, que inclui a consulta e análise de diversos jornais locais e regionais, livros de atas de reuniões das professoras, boletins escolares, livros tombo de algumas paróquias do norte de Minas Gerais, álbum de fotografias, livros de atas das reuniões das associações religiosas da cidade de Porteirinha, documentos oficiais do Estado, como os livros de leis e decretos da Prefeitura de Porteirinha, bem como constituições, leis e decretos de Minas Gerais e do Governo Federal; os documentos da Igreja Católica como encíclicas e cartas pastorais fecham o corpus documental da pesquisa. Como conclusão, constatamos que a disseminação da concepção de Igreja Sociedade Perfeita, em Porteirinha, mediante o movimento de Romanização, aconteceu de forma mais efetiva a partir da criação da Paróquia São Joaquim, em 1941, e da chegada do padre Julião, que contribuiu para o desenvolvimento dos aspectos materiais e espirituais da nova paróquia. A fim de manter sua influência no campo político, a Igreja selou importantes pactos de colaboração com os donos do poder, arregimentou pessoas da sociedade em suas associações religiosas e utilizou a imprensa para influenciar comportamentos e condutas mediante a circulação de jornais, folhetins, livros etc. que disseminavam a doutrina católica e a moralização dos costumes. Essas ações fortaleceram o poder da Igreja sobre a família, sobre os espaços de escolarização e sobre a prática corporal. O Grupo Escolar valorizava e idealizava a dimensão moralizadora do ensino e da ênfase no Catolicismo na sociedade. Concluímos que a formação das crianças tinha como o eixo norteador os ensinamentos da Igreja Católica, e mesmo dentro do espaço público, era indispensável que o ensino e a organização da escola, como corpo docente e discente, programas, planejamento, calendário e projetos, fossem regidos pelo conservadorismo, sob a vigilância e bênçãos da Igreja Católica. Palavras-chave: Igreja Católica. Influência da Igreja no ensino. Grupo Escolar. Porteirinha/MG.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2000
One of the advantages of logic programming is the fact that it offers many sources of implicit pa... more One of the advantages of logic programming is the fact that it offers many sources of implicit parallelism, such as and-parallelism and or-parallelism. Arguably, or-parallel systems, such as Aurora and Muse, have been the most successful parallel logic programming systems so far. Or-parallel systems rely on techniques such as Environment Copying to address the problem that branches being explored in parallel may need to assign different bindings for the same shared variable. Recent research has led to two new binding representation approaches that also support independent and-parallelism: the Sparse Binding Array and the Copy-On-Write binding models. In this paper, we investigate whether these newer models are practical alternatives to copying for or-parallelism. We based our work on YapOr, an or-parallel copying system using the YAP Prolog engine, so that the three alternative systems share schedulers and the underlying engine.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2002
Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics Series, 2010
Internal and emergency medicine, 2008
The topic of heart failure (HF) in the emergency department is today relevant, since there are ne... more The topic of heart failure (HF) in the emergency department is today relevant, since there are new serum markers and imaging techniques that may help in the diagnosis of this disease. Natriuretic peptides have now entered the flowchart for etiologic diagnosis in patients with acute dyspnea, when technical facilities are available. Recently, chest ultrasonography has been shown to be useful for the noninvasive assessment of extravascular lung water. Starting from this practical standpoint, we propose that simple chest ultrasonographic signs can provide a totally noninvasive characterization of pulmonary congestion in patients with HF.
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2011
Many natural and artificial structures can be represented as complex networks. Computing the freq... more Many natural and artificial structures can be represented as complex networks. Computing the frequency of all subgraphs of a certain size can give a very comprehensive structural characterization of these networks. This is known as the subgraph census problem, and it is also important as an intermediate step in the computation of other features of the network, such as network motifs. The subgraph census problem is computationally hard and most associated algorithms for it are sequential. Here we present several increasingly efficient parallel strategies for, culminating in a scalable and adaptive parallel algorithm. We applied our strategies to a representative set of biological networks and achieved almost linear speedups up to 128 processors, paving the way for making it possible to compute the census for bigger networks and larger subgraph sizes.
2010 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 2010
To maximize the power flow in a transmission grid while maintaining stability, unnatural power fl... more To maximize the power flow in a transmission grid while maintaining stability, unnatural power flows can be enforced by a Unified Power Flow Controller. Theoretically the control of active and reactive power flow can be without overshoot or cross coupling. Direct power control, based on instantaneous power theory, can apply the full potential of the power converter and achieve better
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2001
In the fields of data mining and machine learning the amount of data available for building class... more In the fields of data mining and machine learning the amount of data available for building classifiers is growing very fast. Therefore, there is a great need for algorithms that are capable of building classifiers from very-large datasets and, simultaneously, being computationally efficient and scalable. One possible solution is to employ parallelism to reduce the amount of time spent in building classifiers from very-large datasets and keeping the classification accuracy. This work first overviews some strategies for implementing decision tree construction algorithms in parallel based on techniques such as task parallelism, data parallelism and hybrid parallelism. We then describe a new parallel implementation of the C4.5 decision tree construction algorithm. Even though the implementation of the algorithm is still in final development phase, we present some experimental results that can be used to predict the expected behavior of the algorithm.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2003
We describe a reference implementation of a multi-threaded run-time system for a core programming... more We describe a reference implementation of a multi-threaded run-time system for a core programming language based on a process calculus. The core language features processes running in parallel and communicating through asynchronous messages as the fundamental abstractions. The programming style is fully declarative, focusing on the interaction patterns between processes. The parallelism, implicit in the syntax of the programs, is effectively extracted by the language compiler and explored by the run-time system.
2009 Fifth IEEE International Conference on e-Science, 2009
Complex networks from domains like Biology or Sociology are present in many e-Science data sets. ... more Complex networks from domains like Biology or Sociology are present in many e-Science data sets. Dealing with networks can often form a workflow bottleneck as several related algorithms are computationally hard. One example is detecting characteristic patterns or "network motifs"-a problem involving subgraph mining and graph isomorphism. This paper provides a review and runtime comparison of current motif detection algorithms in the field. We present the strategies and the corresponding algorithms in pseudo-code yielding a framework for comparison. We categorize the algorithms outlining the main differences and advantages of each strategy. We finally implement all strategies in a common platform to allow a fair and objective efficiency comparison using a set of benchmark networks. We hope to inform the choice of strategy and critically discuss future improvements in motif detection.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1998
One important advantage of logic programming is that it allows the implicit exploitation of paral... more One important advantage of logic programming is that it allows the implicit exploitation of parallelism. Towards this goal, we suggest that or-parallelism can be efficiently exploited in tabling systems and propose two alternative approaches, Or-Parallelism within Tabling (OPT) and Tabling within Or-Parallelism (TOP). We concentrate on the fundamental concepts of an environment copying based model to implement the OPT approach and introduce the data structures and algorithms necessary to extend the YapOr Or-Parallel system, in order to obtain a parallel tabling system.
Software: Practice and Experience, 2003
This paper presents a new Web-based system, Mooshak, to handle programming contests. The system a... more This paper presents a new Web-based system, Mooshak, to handle programming contests. The system acts as a full contest manager as well as an automatic judge for programming contests. Mooshak innovates in a number of aspects: it has a scalable architecture that can be used from small single server contests to complex multi-site contests with simultaneous public online contests and redundancy; it has a robust data management system favoring simple procedures for storing, replicating, backing up data and failure recovery using persistent objects; it has automatic judging capabilities to assist human judges in the evaluation of programs; it has built-in safety measures to prevent users from interfering with the normal progress of contests. Mooshak is an open system implemented on the Linux operating system using the Apache HTTP server and the Tcl scripting language. This paper starts by describing the main features of the system and its architecture with reference to the automated judging, data management based on the replication of persistent objects over a network. Finally, we describe our experience using this system for managing two official programming contests.
Physical Review E, 2005
An anisotropic (dichroic) optical cavity containing a self-focusing Kerr medium is shown to displ... more An anisotropic (dichroic) optical cavity containing a self-focusing Kerr medium is shown to display a bifurcation between static-Ising-and moving-Bloch-domain walls, the so-called nonequilibrium Ising-Bloch transition (NIB). Bloch walls can show regular or irregular temporal behaviour, in particular, bursting and spiking. These phenomena are interpreted in terms of the spatio-temporal dynamics of the extended patterns connected by the wall, which display complex dynamical behaviour as well. Domain wall interaction, including the formation of bound states is also addressed.
Personality and Individual Differences, 1999
Psychometric characteristics of Eysenck's revised P scale were studied in a crosscultural researc... more Psychometric characteristics of Eysenck's revised P scale were studied in a crosscultural research. The Spanish version of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised (EPQ-R) was administered to a Spanish sample of 527 males and 583 females. Maximum-likelihood factor analyses of the item intercorrelations and Direct Oblimin rotations of the extracted factors were carried out separately for males and females. The results revealed four factors identified as psychoticism (P), extraversion (E), neuroticism (N) and dissimulation/conformity (L). Internal consistency and testretest reliability coefficients were satisfactory and very similar to the ones found in the original study. Skewness and kurtosis of the P scale distribution were closer to normal than on the original British revised P scale.
Optics Communications, 1998
... Víctor Espinosa a , Fernando Silva b , Germán J. de Valcárcel b and Eugenio Roldán b. ... Amo... more ... Víctor Espinosa a , Fernando Silva b , Germán J. de Valcárcel b and Eugenio Roldán b. ... Among the factors influencing the laser stability that have been considered in detail are AC-Stark shifts [4, 8, 9], cavity mistuning [6, 8, 9], the presence of intermediate largely detuned atomic ...
Langmuir, 2001
The inhibition by an adsorbed nonionic surfactant (sorbitan monostearate) of electron transfer ac... more The inhibition by an adsorbed nonionic surfactant (sorbitan monostearate) of electron transfer across an aqueous/organic interface, between ferro-/ferricyanide and dimethyl (DiMFc) or decamethyl (DcMFc) ferrocene, is related to the fraction of the surface covered. However, the apparent surface geometry depends on the direction of electron transfer: the blocked interface behaves as an array of isolated microelectrodes for the oxidation of DiMFc or DcMFc and as a uniformly accessible surface for the reduction of DiMFc +. Interfacial capacitance and interfacial tension measurements gave the surface coverage of the surfactant, and scanning electrochemical microscopy approach curves yielded the overall reaction rate constant for ferrocene oxidation. Four-electrode voltammetry revealed the asymmetry of the interface geometry induced by surfactant adsorption. It is concluded that sorbitan monostearate forms patches on the interface, which the uncharged ferrocene derivative cannot penetrate. The packing density of surfactant molecules in the surface patches increased with increasing surface coverage. From the limiting current values for DiMFc oxidation obtained from cyclic voltammograms for near-complete coverage of surfactant, the diameter of the holes in the surfactant layer is calculated to be approximately 200 nm. In contrast, it seems that the oxidized, charged ferricenium can induce a local rearrangement of the adsorbed layer and hence diffuse freely through the layer.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2012
Many natural structures can be naturally represented by complex networks. Discovering network mot... more Many natural structures can be naturally represented by complex networks. Discovering network motifs, which are overrepresented patterns of inter-connections, is a computationally hard task related to graph isomorphism. Sequential methods are hindered by an exponential execution time growth when we increase the size of motifs and networks. In this article we study the opportunities for parallelism in existing methods and propose new parallel strategies that adapt and extend one of the most efficient serial methods known from the Fanmod tool. We propose both a master-worker strategy and one with distributed control, in which we employ a randomized receiver initiated methodology capable of providing dynamic load balancing during the whole computation process. Our strategies are capable of dealing both with exact and approximate network motif discovery. We implement and apply our algorithms to a set of representative networks and examine their scalability up to 128 processing cores. We obtain almost linear speedups, showcasing the efficiency of our proposed approach and are able to reach motif sizes that were not previously achievable using conventional serial algorithms.
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 1999
Summary: This paper presents the results obtained in Spain with The Interpersonal Adjective Scale... more Summary: This paper presents the results obtained in Spain with The Interpersonal Adjective Scales of J.S. Wiggins (1995) concerning the variables' structure. There are two Spanish versions of IAS, developed by two independent research groups who were not aware of each other's work. One of these versions was published as an assessment test in 1996. Results from the other group have remained unpublished to date. The set of results presented here compares three sources of data: the original American manual (from Wiggins and collaborators), the Spanish manual (already published), and the new IAS (our own research). Results can be considered satisfactory since, broadly speaking, the inner structure of the original instrument is well replicated in the Spanish version.
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, 2007
Electrochimica Acta, 1998
Electrochemical evidence of the surface reconstruction, induced thermally or potentially, was sou... more Electrochemical evidence of the surface reconstruction, induced thermally or potentially, was sought for ten gold single crystals with high Miller index faces, in order to assess the in¯uence of the nature and density of steps. Occurrence of thermally and electrochemically induced surface reconstruction was deduced for the following stepped faces: Au(755), Au(332), Au(533), Au(410), Au(771) and Au(331). The structure of the reconstructed surfaces seems to be dictated by the geometry of the terraces, while the extension of the phenomena is constrained by the density and orientation of steps. This study was conducted in the presence of the following oxoanions: perchlorate, nitrate, sulphate and phosphate, in order to rationalize the in¯uence of adsorption on the surface structure transitions. Results were interpreted in the light of the known reconstruction mechanisms for the gold low index faces.
À tia Didi, pelo carinho e pela generosidade e por ter me acolhido em sua casa em Montes Claros p... more À tia Didi, pelo carinho e pela generosidade e por ter me acolhido em sua casa em Montes Claros para que eu pudesse realizar minha formação inicial. Aos meus pais, Wilson Ferreira e Eni Mendes, que, em meio a situações difíceis, acreditaram e sempre lutaram comigo em cada etapa da minha formação. Às minhas irmãs, Suiara e Stefânia, pelas palavras de encorajamento. Aos sobrinhos e afilhadas, Letícia, Ítalo, Yasmin, Jairo, Heitor, Ivy e Ana Lua, obrigado pelos sorrisos. À Gersiane Franciere, minha esposa, por ter me incentivado desde o início a enfrentar esta caminhada. Obrigado pela compreensão, preocupação e pela paciência que teve durante todo esse tempo. Finalmente, agradeço ao meu filho, Vicente Augusto, que chegou durante a construção deste trabalho. Obrigado pelo carinho, pelos beijos e pelos afagos nos momentos mais necessários. A todos, meu agradecimento sincero. RESUMO Esta pesquisa está vinculada à linha de pesquisa História e Historiografia da Educação do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação e tem como objetivo geral investigar a influência da Igreja Católica na educação em Porteirinha/MG, no período de 1937 a 1962. Sem perder de vista como a concepção de Igreja Sociedade Perfeita chegou e foi disseminada no norte de Minas Gerais e em Porteirinha, analisaremos a influência da Igreja junto à imprensa, à família e à política, importantes espaços nos quais se processa a educação informal. Para compreender a influência da Igreja na educação formal, elegemos como locus do estudo o Grupo Escolar João Alcântara, principal instituição educacional de Porteirinha. O recorte temporal engloba o período entre 1937, quando esse Grupo Escolar foi instalado, a 1962, em que se iniciou o Concílio Vaticano II e, consequentemente, o rompimento com a concepção Sociedade Perfeita. O recorte também coincide com o período de maior atuação do padre Julião Arroyo Gallo, figura central na pesquisa, à frente da Paróquia São Joaquim de Porteirinha. A tese defendida no trabalho é a de que o movimento de Romanização no norte de Minas Gerais, no período estudado, promoveu a disseminação da concepção de Igreja Sociedade Perfeita. Esta visão tridentina estimulou, mediante várias estratégias, a ampliação da influência da Igreja Católica na educação em Porteirinha. Deste modo, além de influenciar o espaço público de educação formal, o Catolicismo alcançou o domínio sobre a família, sobre a imprensa e sobre os grupos de poder local. Como método de investigação, propomos a pesquisa bibliográfica, realizada em livros, artigos de revistas científicas, dissertações e teses; e a pesquisa documental, que inclui a consulta e análise de diversos jornais locais e regionais, livros de atas de reuniões das professoras, boletins escolares, livros tombo de algumas paróquias do norte de Minas Gerais, álbum de fotografias, livros de atas das reuniões das associações religiosas da cidade de Porteirinha, documentos oficiais do Estado, como os livros de leis e decretos da Prefeitura de Porteirinha, bem como constituições, leis e decretos de Minas Gerais e do Governo Federal; os documentos da Igreja Católica como encíclicas e cartas pastorais fecham o corpus documental da pesquisa. Como conclusão, constatamos que a disseminação da concepção de Igreja Sociedade Perfeita, em Porteirinha, mediante o movimento de Romanização, aconteceu de forma mais efetiva a partir da criação da Paróquia São Joaquim, em 1941, e da chegada do padre Julião, que contribuiu para o desenvolvimento dos aspectos materiais e espirituais da nova paróquia. A fim de manter sua influência no campo político, a Igreja selou importantes pactos de colaboração com os donos do poder, arregimentou pessoas da sociedade em suas associações religiosas e utilizou a imprensa para influenciar comportamentos e condutas mediante a circulação de jornais, folhetins, livros etc. que disseminavam a doutrina católica e a moralização dos costumes. Essas ações fortaleceram o poder da Igreja sobre a família, sobre os espaços de escolarização e sobre a prática corporal. O Grupo Escolar valorizava e idealizava a dimensão moralizadora do ensino e da ênfase no Catolicismo na sociedade. Concluímos que a formação das crianças tinha como o eixo norteador os ensinamentos da Igreja Católica, e mesmo dentro do espaço público, era indispensável que o ensino e a organização da escola, como corpo docente e discente, programas, planejamento, calendário e projetos, fossem regidos pelo conservadorismo, sob a vigilância e bênçãos da Igreja Católica. Palavras-chave: Igreja Católica. Influência da Igreja no ensino. Grupo Escolar. Porteirinha/MG.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2000
One of the advantages of logic programming is the fact that it offers many sources of implicit pa... more One of the advantages of logic programming is the fact that it offers many sources of implicit parallelism, such as and-parallelism and or-parallelism. Arguably, or-parallel systems, such as Aurora and Muse, have been the most successful parallel logic programming systems so far. Or-parallel systems rely on techniques such as Environment Copying to address the problem that branches being explored in parallel may need to assign different bindings for the same shared variable. Recent research has led to two new binding representation approaches that also support independent and-parallelism: the Sparse Binding Array and the Copy-On-Write binding models. In this paper, we investigate whether these newer models are practical alternatives to copying for or-parallelism. We based our work on YapOr, an or-parallel copying system using the YAP Prolog engine, so that the three alternative systems share schedulers and the underlying engine.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2002
Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics Series, 2010
Internal and emergency medicine, 2008
The topic of heart failure (HF) in the emergency department is today relevant, since there are ne... more The topic of heart failure (HF) in the emergency department is today relevant, since there are new serum markers and imaging techniques that may help in the diagnosis of this disease. Natriuretic peptides have now entered the flowchart for etiologic diagnosis in patients with acute dyspnea, when technical facilities are available. Recently, chest ultrasonography has been shown to be useful for the noninvasive assessment of extravascular lung water. Starting from this practical standpoint, we propose that simple chest ultrasonographic signs can provide a totally noninvasive characterization of pulmonary congestion in patients with HF.
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2011
Many natural and artificial structures can be represented as complex networks. Computing the freq... more Many natural and artificial structures can be represented as complex networks. Computing the frequency of all subgraphs of a certain size can give a very comprehensive structural characterization of these networks. This is known as the subgraph census problem, and it is also important as an intermediate step in the computation of other features of the network, such as network motifs. The subgraph census problem is computationally hard and most associated algorithms for it are sequential. Here we present several increasingly efficient parallel strategies for, culminating in a scalable and adaptive parallel algorithm. We applied our strategies to a representative set of biological networks and achieved almost linear speedups up to 128 processors, paving the way for making it possible to compute the census for bigger networks and larger subgraph sizes.
2010 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 2010
To maximize the power flow in a transmission grid while maintaining stability, unnatural power fl... more To maximize the power flow in a transmission grid while maintaining stability, unnatural power flows can be enforced by a Unified Power Flow Controller. Theoretically the control of active and reactive power flow can be without overshoot or cross coupling. Direct power control, based on instantaneous power theory, can apply the full potential of the power converter and achieve better
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2001
In the fields of data mining and machine learning the amount of data available for building class... more In the fields of data mining and machine learning the amount of data available for building classifiers is growing very fast. Therefore, there is a great need for algorithms that are capable of building classifiers from very-large datasets and, simultaneously, being computationally efficient and scalable. One possible solution is to employ parallelism to reduce the amount of time spent in building classifiers from very-large datasets and keeping the classification accuracy. This work first overviews some strategies for implementing decision tree construction algorithms in parallel based on techniques such as task parallelism, data parallelism and hybrid parallelism. We then describe a new parallel implementation of the C4.5 decision tree construction algorithm. Even though the implementation of the algorithm is still in final development phase, we present some experimental results that can be used to predict the expected behavior of the algorithm.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2003
We describe a reference implementation of a multi-threaded run-time system for a core programming... more We describe a reference implementation of a multi-threaded run-time system for a core programming language based on a process calculus. The core language features processes running in parallel and communicating through asynchronous messages as the fundamental abstractions. The programming style is fully declarative, focusing on the interaction patterns between processes. The parallelism, implicit in the syntax of the programs, is effectively extracted by the language compiler and explored by the run-time system.
2009 Fifth IEEE International Conference on e-Science, 2009
Complex networks from domains like Biology or Sociology are present in many e-Science data sets. ... more Complex networks from domains like Biology or Sociology are present in many e-Science data sets. Dealing with networks can often form a workflow bottleneck as several related algorithms are computationally hard. One example is detecting characteristic patterns or "network motifs"-a problem involving subgraph mining and graph isomorphism. This paper provides a review and runtime comparison of current motif detection algorithms in the field. We present the strategies and the corresponding algorithms in pseudo-code yielding a framework for comparison. We categorize the algorithms outlining the main differences and advantages of each strategy. We finally implement all strategies in a common platform to allow a fair and objective efficiency comparison using a set of benchmark networks. We hope to inform the choice of strategy and critically discuss future improvements in motif detection.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1998
One important advantage of logic programming is that it allows the implicit exploitation of paral... more One important advantage of logic programming is that it allows the implicit exploitation of parallelism. Towards this goal, we suggest that or-parallelism can be efficiently exploited in tabling systems and propose two alternative approaches, Or-Parallelism within Tabling (OPT) and Tabling within Or-Parallelism (TOP). We concentrate on the fundamental concepts of an environment copying based model to implement the OPT approach and introduce the data structures and algorithms necessary to extend the YapOr Or-Parallel system, in order to obtain a parallel tabling system.
Software: Practice and Experience, 2003
This paper presents a new Web-based system, Mooshak, to handle programming contests. The system a... more This paper presents a new Web-based system, Mooshak, to handle programming contests. The system acts as a full contest manager as well as an automatic judge for programming contests. Mooshak innovates in a number of aspects: it has a scalable architecture that can be used from small single server contests to complex multi-site contests with simultaneous public online contests and redundancy; it has a robust data management system favoring simple procedures for storing, replicating, backing up data and failure recovery using persistent objects; it has automatic judging capabilities to assist human judges in the evaluation of programs; it has built-in safety measures to prevent users from interfering with the normal progress of contests. Mooshak is an open system implemented on the Linux operating system using the Apache HTTP server and the Tcl scripting language. This paper starts by describing the main features of the system and its architecture with reference to the automated judging, data management based on the replication of persistent objects over a network. Finally, we describe our experience using this system for managing two official programming contests.
Physical Review E, 2005
An anisotropic (dichroic) optical cavity containing a self-focusing Kerr medium is shown to displ... more An anisotropic (dichroic) optical cavity containing a self-focusing Kerr medium is shown to display a bifurcation between static-Ising-and moving-Bloch-domain walls, the so-called nonequilibrium Ising-Bloch transition (NIB). Bloch walls can show regular or irregular temporal behaviour, in particular, bursting and spiking. These phenomena are interpreted in terms of the spatio-temporal dynamics of the extended patterns connected by the wall, which display complex dynamical behaviour as well. Domain wall interaction, including the formation of bound states is also addressed.
Personality and Individual Differences, 1999
Psychometric characteristics of Eysenck's revised P scale were studied in a crosscultural researc... more Psychometric characteristics of Eysenck's revised P scale were studied in a crosscultural research. The Spanish version of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised (EPQ-R) was administered to a Spanish sample of 527 males and 583 females. Maximum-likelihood factor analyses of the item intercorrelations and Direct Oblimin rotations of the extracted factors were carried out separately for males and females. The results revealed four factors identified as psychoticism (P), extraversion (E), neuroticism (N) and dissimulation/conformity (L). Internal consistency and testretest reliability coefficients were satisfactory and very similar to the ones found in the original study. Skewness and kurtosis of the P scale distribution were closer to normal than on the original British revised P scale.
Optics Communications, 1998
... Víctor Espinosa a , Fernando Silva b , Germán J. de Valcárcel b and Eugenio Roldán b. ... Amo... more ... Víctor Espinosa a , Fernando Silva b , Germán J. de Valcárcel b and Eugenio Roldán b. ... Among the factors influencing the laser stability that have been considered in detail are AC-Stark shifts [4, 8, 9], cavity mistuning [6, 8, 9], the presence of intermediate largely detuned atomic ...
Langmuir, 2001
The inhibition by an adsorbed nonionic surfactant (sorbitan monostearate) of electron transfer ac... more The inhibition by an adsorbed nonionic surfactant (sorbitan monostearate) of electron transfer across an aqueous/organic interface, between ferro-/ferricyanide and dimethyl (DiMFc) or decamethyl (DcMFc) ferrocene, is related to the fraction of the surface covered. However, the apparent surface geometry depends on the direction of electron transfer: the blocked interface behaves as an array of isolated microelectrodes for the oxidation of DiMFc or DcMFc and as a uniformly accessible surface for the reduction of DiMFc +. Interfacial capacitance and interfacial tension measurements gave the surface coverage of the surfactant, and scanning electrochemical microscopy approach curves yielded the overall reaction rate constant for ferrocene oxidation. Four-electrode voltammetry revealed the asymmetry of the interface geometry induced by surfactant adsorption. It is concluded that sorbitan monostearate forms patches on the interface, which the uncharged ferrocene derivative cannot penetrate. The packing density of surfactant molecules in the surface patches increased with increasing surface coverage. From the limiting current values for DiMFc oxidation obtained from cyclic voltammograms for near-complete coverage of surfactant, the diameter of the holes in the surfactant layer is calculated to be approximately 200 nm. In contrast, it seems that the oxidized, charged ferricenium can induce a local rearrangement of the adsorbed layer and hence diffuse freely through the layer.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2012
Many natural structures can be naturally represented by complex networks. Discovering network mot... more Many natural structures can be naturally represented by complex networks. Discovering network motifs, which are overrepresented patterns of inter-connections, is a computationally hard task related to graph isomorphism. Sequential methods are hindered by an exponential execution time growth when we increase the size of motifs and networks. In this article we study the opportunities for parallelism in existing methods and propose new parallel strategies that adapt and extend one of the most efficient serial methods known from the Fanmod tool. We propose both a master-worker strategy and one with distributed control, in which we employ a randomized receiver initiated methodology capable of providing dynamic load balancing during the whole computation process. Our strategies are capable of dealing both with exact and approximate network motif discovery. We implement and apply our algorithms to a set of representative networks and examine their scalability up to 128 processing cores. We obtain almost linear speedups, showcasing the efficiency of our proposed approach and are able to reach motif sizes that were not previously achievable using conventional serial algorithms.
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 1999
Summary: This paper presents the results obtained in Spain with The Interpersonal Adjective Scale... more Summary: This paper presents the results obtained in Spain with The Interpersonal Adjective Scales of J.S. Wiggins (1995) concerning the variables' structure. There are two Spanish versions of IAS, developed by two independent research groups who were not aware of each other's work. One of these versions was published as an assessment test in 1996. Results from the other group have remained unpublished to date. The set of results presented here compares three sources of data: the original American manual (from Wiggins and collaborators), the Spanish manual (already published), and the new IAS (our own research). Results can be considered satisfactory since, broadly speaking, the inner structure of the original instrument is well replicated in the Spanish version.
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, 2007
Electrochimica Acta, 1998
Electrochemical evidence of the surface reconstruction, induced thermally or potentially, was sou... more Electrochemical evidence of the surface reconstruction, induced thermally or potentially, was sought for ten gold single crystals with high Miller index faces, in order to assess the in¯uence of the nature and density of steps. Occurrence of thermally and electrochemically induced surface reconstruction was deduced for the following stepped faces: Au(755), Au(332), Au(533), Au(410), Au(771) and Au(331). The structure of the reconstructed surfaces seems to be dictated by the geometry of the terraces, while the extension of the phenomena is constrained by the density and orientation of steps. This study was conducted in the presence of the following oxoanions: perchlorate, nitrate, sulphate and phosphate, in order to rationalize the in¯uence of adsorption on the surface structure transitions. Results were interpreted in the light of the known reconstruction mechanisms for the gold low index faces.