Fethi Calisir - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Fethi Calisir

Research paper thumbnail of The Relationships Among the Prominent Indices: HDI-GII-GCI

Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering, 2017

Several global indices have been used to classify and to analyze the states of countries. Compari... more Several global indices have been used to classify and to analyze the states of countries. Comparison can be performed not only based on country but also annually for each country. In this study, three prominent indices, the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI), the Global Innovation Index (GII) and the Human Development Index (HDI) were investigated to examine the relationships between them by employing the PLS-SEM method. According to the results, HDI has an influence on GII while GCI is affected by GII. The results also demonstrated that GII has a full mediating effect on the relationship between HDI and GCI. Moreover, findings indicated that countries should improve their innovativeness by taking human capital into consideration to gain competitive advantages.

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Research paper thumbnail of Radiologists’ Perspective on the Importance of Factors for MRI System Selection

Revealing user needs, which are usually dependent on qualitative methods, is a fundamental stage ... more Revealing user needs, which are usually dependent on qualitative methods, is a fundamental stage for medical technology selection and purchasing. The aim of this study is to determine weights of factors affecting magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system selection from the radiologists’ perspective. In order to solve the problem, an analytic hierarchy process (AHP)-based model is used. Factors that affect the MRI system selection from radiologists’ point of view include five main criteria and 19 sub-criteria that are indicated by experts. An online questionnaire containing demographic questions enables each expert to compare the relative priority of criteria with all the other criteria. According to the analysis of 39 experts (i.e., radiologists), brand- and patient comfort-related factors are the two most important factors affecting the MRI system selection. A real-world application is conducted to illustrate the utilization of the model. AHP contributes to developing an analytic and...

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Research paper thumbnail of The relative importance of factors influencing the surgeons’ choice between mastectomy and breast-conserving surgery for women with breast cancer

Health Care for Women International, 2021

The authors' aim is to provide breast surgeons' perspectives on the relative importance o... more The authors' aim is to provide breast surgeons' perspectives on the relative importance of the criteria for choosing an appropriate surgery method between mastectomy (total removal of a breast) and breast-conserving surgery (removal of a breast cancer tumor and some of the normal tissue that surrounds it) for women with breast cancer by using the multicriteria decision-making method (MCDM). The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), and Vise Kriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR) methods are utilized. A decision hierarchy is set with a goal, criteria, and alternatives. We developed our model based on three main criteria, tumor-related, patient-related, and post-operative process-related factors and nineteen sub-criteria, as well as two alternatives, mastectomy and breast-conserving surgery (BCS). An online questionnaire was sent to the breast surgeons; we showed that the most important criteria are post-operative process-related factors, especially the demand for esthetic appearance based on 39 breast surgeons. Conversely, the least significant criteria are tumor-related factors. Furthermore, breast-conserving surgery is selected as the most appropriate surgery method for breast cancer patients using the AHP, TOPSIS, and VIKOR.

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Research paper thumbnail of What Drives the Turkish Government’s Response to COVID-19 Pandemic—Daily Cases or Daily Deaths

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Research paper thumbnail of Uses and Gratifications of LinkedIn : An Exploratory Study

LinkedIn is one of the most popular social networking sites that is used for professional purpose... more LinkedIn is one of the most popular social networking sites that is used for professional purposes and it is the world’s largest professional network as well. The aim of this study is to explore the uses and gratifications of LinkedIn among users in Turkey. For this, a two-stage approach was used. In the first stage, a total of 45 open-ended questionnaires were collected and 33 closed-ended items were generated based on the results of the open-ended questions so that they could be used in the second stage. In the second stage, a total of 496 surveys were collected from LinkedIn users. Principal Component Analysis was used to extract the factors that identified the uses and gratifications of LinkedIn among members in Turkey. According to the results of PCA, seven factors were formed and labeled as self promotion, group activities, job and job affairs, finding old and new friends easily, follow up, profile viewer data, and professional networking.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Comprehensive Validated Model of Innovation and Performance: An Empirical Study of Turkish Companies

International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 2020

Organizations should maintain their innovation trajectories by developing products, processes, ma... more Organizations should maintain their innovation trajectories by developing products, processes, marketing, and organizational methods to achieve and sustain competitive advantage. However, by itself, creating value through innovation is not enough for companies: transforming these innovations into firm performance is also crucial. This study aims to validate the relationships among innovation and firm performance components and to explore the effect of innovation culture on innovation components and personnel performance. In our model, the innovation construct is comprised of innovation input, innovation process, and innovation output components, while firm performance construct includes four performance components such as financial, customer, market, and personnel performance. Moreover, this comprehensive model was proposed based on the literature, and structural equation modeling (SEM) was performed by employing data gained from 353 companies in Turkey to validate the model. Accord...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Moderating Effect of Indulgence on the Relationships Among Global Innovation Index Indicators

Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering, 2019

National level innovation has been studied prominently. Global indices are utilized while evaluat... more National level innovation has been studied prominently. Global indices are utilized while evaluating country level innovation. Global Innovation Index (GII) is one of the most commonly used indices in this context. Moreover, cultural dynamics also affect innovation level. Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions (HCD) is one of the outstanding guidelines on cultural dynamics of countries. In this study, infrastructure, institutions, and human capital and research are designated input indicators of GII while knowledge and technology output and creativity output are chosen output indicators of GII. Moreover, indulgence is considered as a moderator variable from HCD. Our main aim is to examine the relationships among global innovation index factors and investigate the moderating effect of indulgence on these relationships. For this purpose, we proposed a conceptual model to explore these relationships. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was employed in order to conduct path analysis with data from official web sites. The results show that all hypotheses related to GII factors are supported, and a moderating effect of indulgence is observed on some of the relationships. These findings indicate that countries with sufficient innovation input make the transformation to innovation outputs. Furthermore, innovation leaders should be aware of societies have more indulgent score moderate several relationships.

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Research paper thumbnail of Moderating effect of gender on the relationship between extraversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness and Facebook use

International Journal of Web Based Communities, 2018

This study aims to investigate the moderating effect of gender on the relationship between person... more This study aims to investigate the moderating effect of gender on the relationship between personality traits such as extraversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness and Facebook usage. A survey methodology was used to gather data and a total of 552 Turkish Facebook users participated in this study. Hierarchical regression analysis was used to test the moderation effect of gender on the relationship between extraversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness and Facebook usage. Our findings suggest that gender moderates the effect of neuroticism on the number of friends and photos, indicating that neurotic male users have more friends and more photos in their Facebook profile than emotionally stable male users. In addition, emotionally stable female users have more friends and more photos in their Facebook profile than neurotic female users. Additionally, neuroticism tends to be a more significant predictor of the number of friends and photos in male users than in females.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the relationship between high-involvement human resource practices and affective commitment within non-Western service context

International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Organizational Factors Affecting Individuals to Donate to NPOs in the Turkish Context

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 2020

While more and more people have been forced from their homes by natural disasters, wars, and viol... more While more and more people have been forced from their homes by natural disasters, wars, and violence, the citizens of the least developed countries are facing problems like famine, epidemics, and lack of education, chronically. Nonprofit organizations (NPOs) are challenging these situations with their limited sources. We aim to define the main organizational factors affecting individuals to donate to NPOs in the Turkish context. For this purpose, a theoretical model was developed by combining models of prominent studies in the literature, and structural equation modeling was performed by employing data gained via a survey on donors of Yeryüzü Doktorları (Doctors Worldwide Turkey) to validate the model. As a result, past donations, brand image, and familiarity positively affect intention to donate to NPOs, while there is not a significant relationship between typicality and intention to donate to NPOs in the Turkish context. Therefore, Turkish NPOs can evaluate their fund-raising and branding strategy and redesign their fund-raising processes by considering these findings.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Scale Development for Innovation Capability Measurement

Journal of Advanced Management Science, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of The mediating effect of the innovation process on the relationships among innovation components: an empirical study on Turkish companies

International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, 2019

Firms must develop and improve their innovation capabilities to gain competitive advantage. There... more Firms must develop and improve their innovation capabilities to gain competitive advantage. There are many innovation models including components and their relationships in the literature. This study evaluates, based on a system approach, an innovation model with three basic components: innovation input, innovation process, and innovation output. The main objective of this study is to show the relationships among the innovation components. Structural equation modelling was performed to test the relationships by employing data from 309 companies in Turkey. Results show the innovation input components affect positively the innovation process. Moreover, the innovation process has a positive influence on the innovation output. It also mediates the relationship between the innovation input components and the innovation output. This model can be evaluated by innovation leaders to gain an overview of their firm's innovation path and used by researchers to compare it with other innovation models.

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Research paper thumbnail of What is more important to internet banking website users: usability or functionality

International Journal of Business Information Systems, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Selecting an MRI System: A Multi Criteria Decision Making Model for MRI Technicians

International Journal of Business Analytics, 2018

This article describes how magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems play a crucial role in radiol... more This article describes how magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems play a crucial role in radiology, specifically in the diagnosis of diseases and management of patient treatment. The objective of this article is to present MRI technicians' perspective on the relative importance of the required factors when selecting and purchasing an MRI system. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) methodology was used to determine the relative priorities for different criteria along with the consistency of responses. A set of criteria for MRI system were identified based on the literature and interviews with experts (i.e., MRI technicians), and organized into a rational hierarchical framework consisting of the five main criteria and nineteen sub-criteria. An online survey including demographic questions was conducted to identify the relative weights of these criteria. Survey responses from 87 technicians indicate that brand is found to be the most important criteria, followed by patient comfort, ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Publication Trends in Supply Chain Management in the Fashion Industry

Business Models and ICT Technologies for the Fashion Supply Chain, 2017

The main objective of this research is to conduct a scientometric analysis of supply chain manage... more The main objective of this research is to conduct a scientometric analysis of supply chain management in fashion- industry literature. The data were gathered from Web of Science database. “Fashion Industry” and “Supply Chain Management” were used as keywords to perform this research. Without narrowing down the time bounds, this search identified 123 publications related to supply chain management in the fashion industry were published up to that date. Though there have been annual ups and downs in the number of publications, the annual number of publications increased from one in 2000 to 18 in 2015. The most productive year was 2014 with 23 papers. Articles were the most popular documentation style with 94 papers, and the other documentation types were conferences, reviews, patents and editorial papers, in descending order. Moreover, 91% of publications were written in English, and China was found to be the most productive country. Concerning research areas, there was a wide range of fields, while the most trendy research area was engineering with 26%. Furthermore, the source titles spanned 79 various sources. At the top was the International Journal of Production Topics with 13 publications, while 47 different sources titles contained only one publication each. This research offers an insight into fashion-industry literature, specifically on supply chain management. The statistics gathered from Web of Science might enlighten researchers, who want to publish a document in this area, about their publication options.

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Research paper thumbnail of Competitive strategies, innovation, and firm performance: an empirical study in a developing economy environment

Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 2016

ABSTRACT This paper studies the relationships between competitive strategies, innovation, and fir... more ABSTRACT This paper studies the relationships between competitive strategies, innovation, and firm performance within the context of Turkish manufacturing companies. The data were collected from top management of the firms via Computer Assistant Telephone Interviewing method. One hundred and forty manufacturing firms operating in various sectors including textile, automotive supply, computer and electronics provide the basis for this empirical research. In order to test our model, we employ structural equation modelling using partial least squares. The results show that competitive strategies such as cost-leadership and differentiation can lead to innovation, which, in turn, increase firm performance. Managers implement cost-leadership and differentiation strategies to take part in competitive market conditions; however, they should put additional importance on innovation that plays a significant role as a bridge between competitive strategies and firm performance.

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Research paper thumbnail of Intellectual Capital Efficiency: The Case of Football Clubs

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of The mediating effect of rewarding on the relationship between employee involvement and job satisfaction

Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of The effects of text structure and prior knowledge of the learner on computer-based learning

Computers in Human Behavior, Mar 1, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Determinants of Engineering Faculty Members’ Integration of Electronic Communication in Teaching

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Research paper thumbnail of The Relationships Among the Prominent Indices: HDI-GII-GCI

Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering, 2017

Several global indices have been used to classify and to analyze the states of countries. Compari... more Several global indices have been used to classify and to analyze the states of countries. Comparison can be performed not only based on country but also annually for each country. In this study, three prominent indices, the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI), the Global Innovation Index (GII) and the Human Development Index (HDI) were investigated to examine the relationships between them by employing the PLS-SEM method. According to the results, HDI has an influence on GII while GCI is affected by GII. The results also demonstrated that GII has a full mediating effect on the relationship between HDI and GCI. Moreover, findings indicated that countries should improve their innovativeness by taking human capital into consideration to gain competitive advantages.

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Research paper thumbnail of Radiologists’ Perspective on the Importance of Factors for MRI System Selection

Revealing user needs, which are usually dependent on qualitative methods, is a fundamental stage ... more Revealing user needs, which are usually dependent on qualitative methods, is a fundamental stage for medical technology selection and purchasing. The aim of this study is to determine weights of factors affecting magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system selection from the radiologists’ perspective. In order to solve the problem, an analytic hierarchy process (AHP)-based model is used. Factors that affect the MRI system selection from radiologists’ point of view include five main criteria and 19 sub-criteria that are indicated by experts. An online questionnaire containing demographic questions enables each expert to compare the relative priority of criteria with all the other criteria. According to the analysis of 39 experts (i.e., radiologists), brand- and patient comfort-related factors are the two most important factors affecting the MRI system selection. A real-world application is conducted to illustrate the utilization of the model. AHP contributes to developing an analytic and...

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Research paper thumbnail of The relative importance of factors influencing the surgeons’ choice between mastectomy and breast-conserving surgery for women with breast cancer

Health Care for Women International, 2021

The authors' aim is to provide breast surgeons' perspectives on the relative importance o... more The authors' aim is to provide breast surgeons' perspectives on the relative importance of the criteria for choosing an appropriate surgery method between mastectomy (total removal of a breast) and breast-conserving surgery (removal of a breast cancer tumor and some of the normal tissue that surrounds it) for women with breast cancer by using the multicriteria decision-making method (MCDM). The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), and Vise Kriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR) methods are utilized. A decision hierarchy is set with a goal, criteria, and alternatives. We developed our model based on three main criteria, tumor-related, patient-related, and post-operative process-related factors and nineteen sub-criteria, as well as two alternatives, mastectomy and breast-conserving surgery (BCS). An online questionnaire was sent to the breast surgeons; we showed that the most important criteria are post-operative process-related factors, especially the demand for esthetic appearance based on 39 breast surgeons. Conversely, the least significant criteria are tumor-related factors. Furthermore, breast-conserving surgery is selected as the most appropriate surgery method for breast cancer patients using the AHP, TOPSIS, and VIKOR.

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Research paper thumbnail of What Drives the Turkish Government’s Response to COVID-19 Pandemic—Daily Cases or Daily Deaths

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Research paper thumbnail of Uses and Gratifications of LinkedIn : An Exploratory Study

LinkedIn is one of the most popular social networking sites that is used for professional purpose... more LinkedIn is one of the most popular social networking sites that is used for professional purposes and it is the world’s largest professional network as well. The aim of this study is to explore the uses and gratifications of LinkedIn among users in Turkey. For this, a two-stage approach was used. In the first stage, a total of 45 open-ended questionnaires were collected and 33 closed-ended items were generated based on the results of the open-ended questions so that they could be used in the second stage. In the second stage, a total of 496 surveys were collected from LinkedIn users. Principal Component Analysis was used to extract the factors that identified the uses and gratifications of LinkedIn among members in Turkey. According to the results of PCA, seven factors were formed and labeled as self promotion, group activities, job and job affairs, finding old and new friends easily, follow up, profile viewer data, and professional networking.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Comprehensive Validated Model of Innovation and Performance: An Empirical Study of Turkish Companies

International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 2020

Organizations should maintain their innovation trajectories by developing products, processes, ma... more Organizations should maintain their innovation trajectories by developing products, processes, marketing, and organizational methods to achieve and sustain competitive advantage. However, by itself, creating value through innovation is not enough for companies: transforming these innovations into firm performance is also crucial. This study aims to validate the relationships among innovation and firm performance components and to explore the effect of innovation culture on innovation components and personnel performance. In our model, the innovation construct is comprised of innovation input, innovation process, and innovation output components, while firm performance construct includes four performance components such as financial, customer, market, and personnel performance. Moreover, this comprehensive model was proposed based on the literature, and structural equation modeling (SEM) was performed by employing data gained from 353 companies in Turkey to validate the model. Accord...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Moderating Effect of Indulgence on the Relationships Among Global Innovation Index Indicators

Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering, 2019

National level innovation has been studied prominently. Global indices are utilized while evaluat... more National level innovation has been studied prominently. Global indices are utilized while evaluating country level innovation. Global Innovation Index (GII) is one of the most commonly used indices in this context. Moreover, cultural dynamics also affect innovation level. Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions (HCD) is one of the outstanding guidelines on cultural dynamics of countries. In this study, infrastructure, institutions, and human capital and research are designated input indicators of GII while knowledge and technology output and creativity output are chosen output indicators of GII. Moreover, indulgence is considered as a moderator variable from HCD. Our main aim is to examine the relationships among global innovation index factors and investigate the moderating effect of indulgence on these relationships. For this purpose, we proposed a conceptual model to explore these relationships. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was employed in order to conduct path analysis with data from official web sites. The results show that all hypotheses related to GII factors are supported, and a moderating effect of indulgence is observed on some of the relationships. These findings indicate that countries with sufficient innovation input make the transformation to innovation outputs. Furthermore, innovation leaders should be aware of societies have more indulgent score moderate several relationships.

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Research paper thumbnail of Moderating effect of gender on the relationship between extraversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness and Facebook use

International Journal of Web Based Communities, 2018

This study aims to investigate the moderating effect of gender on the relationship between person... more This study aims to investigate the moderating effect of gender on the relationship between personality traits such as extraversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness and Facebook usage. A survey methodology was used to gather data and a total of 552 Turkish Facebook users participated in this study. Hierarchical regression analysis was used to test the moderation effect of gender on the relationship between extraversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness and Facebook usage. Our findings suggest that gender moderates the effect of neuroticism on the number of friends and photos, indicating that neurotic male users have more friends and more photos in their Facebook profile than emotionally stable male users. In addition, emotionally stable female users have more friends and more photos in their Facebook profile than neurotic female users. Additionally, neuroticism tends to be a more significant predictor of the number of friends and photos in male users than in females.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the relationship between high-involvement human resource practices and affective commitment within non-Western service context

International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Organizational Factors Affecting Individuals to Donate to NPOs in the Turkish Context

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 2020

While more and more people have been forced from their homes by natural disasters, wars, and viol... more While more and more people have been forced from their homes by natural disasters, wars, and violence, the citizens of the least developed countries are facing problems like famine, epidemics, and lack of education, chronically. Nonprofit organizations (NPOs) are challenging these situations with their limited sources. We aim to define the main organizational factors affecting individuals to donate to NPOs in the Turkish context. For this purpose, a theoretical model was developed by combining models of prominent studies in the literature, and structural equation modeling was performed by employing data gained via a survey on donors of Yeryüzü Doktorları (Doctors Worldwide Turkey) to validate the model. As a result, past donations, brand image, and familiarity positively affect intention to donate to NPOs, while there is not a significant relationship between typicality and intention to donate to NPOs in the Turkish context. Therefore, Turkish NPOs can evaluate their fund-raising and branding strategy and redesign their fund-raising processes by considering these findings.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Scale Development for Innovation Capability Measurement

Journal of Advanced Management Science, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of The mediating effect of the innovation process on the relationships among innovation components: an empirical study on Turkish companies

International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, 2019

Firms must develop and improve their innovation capabilities to gain competitive advantage. There... more Firms must develop and improve their innovation capabilities to gain competitive advantage. There are many innovation models including components and their relationships in the literature. This study evaluates, based on a system approach, an innovation model with three basic components: innovation input, innovation process, and innovation output. The main objective of this study is to show the relationships among the innovation components. Structural equation modelling was performed to test the relationships by employing data from 309 companies in Turkey. Results show the innovation input components affect positively the innovation process. Moreover, the innovation process has a positive influence on the innovation output. It also mediates the relationship between the innovation input components and the innovation output. This model can be evaluated by innovation leaders to gain an overview of their firm's innovation path and used by researchers to compare it with other innovation models.

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Research paper thumbnail of What is more important to internet banking website users: usability or functionality

International Journal of Business Information Systems, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Selecting an MRI System: A Multi Criteria Decision Making Model for MRI Technicians

International Journal of Business Analytics, 2018

This article describes how magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems play a crucial role in radiol... more This article describes how magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems play a crucial role in radiology, specifically in the diagnosis of diseases and management of patient treatment. The objective of this article is to present MRI technicians' perspective on the relative importance of the required factors when selecting and purchasing an MRI system. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) methodology was used to determine the relative priorities for different criteria along with the consistency of responses. A set of criteria for MRI system were identified based on the literature and interviews with experts (i.e., MRI technicians), and organized into a rational hierarchical framework consisting of the five main criteria and nineteen sub-criteria. An online survey including demographic questions was conducted to identify the relative weights of these criteria. Survey responses from 87 technicians indicate that brand is found to be the most important criteria, followed by patient comfort, ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Publication Trends in Supply Chain Management in the Fashion Industry

Business Models and ICT Technologies for the Fashion Supply Chain, 2017

The main objective of this research is to conduct a scientometric analysis of supply chain manage... more The main objective of this research is to conduct a scientometric analysis of supply chain management in fashion- industry literature. The data were gathered from Web of Science database. “Fashion Industry” and “Supply Chain Management” were used as keywords to perform this research. Without narrowing down the time bounds, this search identified 123 publications related to supply chain management in the fashion industry were published up to that date. Though there have been annual ups and downs in the number of publications, the annual number of publications increased from one in 2000 to 18 in 2015. The most productive year was 2014 with 23 papers. Articles were the most popular documentation style with 94 papers, and the other documentation types were conferences, reviews, patents and editorial papers, in descending order. Moreover, 91% of publications were written in English, and China was found to be the most productive country. Concerning research areas, there was a wide range of fields, while the most trendy research area was engineering with 26%. Furthermore, the source titles spanned 79 various sources. At the top was the International Journal of Production Topics with 13 publications, while 47 different sources titles contained only one publication each. This research offers an insight into fashion-industry literature, specifically on supply chain management. The statistics gathered from Web of Science might enlighten researchers, who want to publish a document in this area, about their publication options.

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Research paper thumbnail of Competitive strategies, innovation, and firm performance: an empirical study in a developing economy environment

Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 2016

ABSTRACT This paper studies the relationships between competitive strategies, innovation, and fir... more ABSTRACT This paper studies the relationships between competitive strategies, innovation, and firm performance within the context of Turkish manufacturing companies. The data were collected from top management of the firms via Computer Assistant Telephone Interviewing method. One hundred and forty manufacturing firms operating in various sectors including textile, automotive supply, computer and electronics provide the basis for this empirical research. In order to test our model, we employ structural equation modelling using partial least squares. The results show that competitive strategies such as cost-leadership and differentiation can lead to innovation, which, in turn, increase firm performance. Managers implement cost-leadership and differentiation strategies to take part in competitive market conditions; however, they should put additional importance on innovation that plays a significant role as a bridge between competitive strategies and firm performance.

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Research paper thumbnail of Intellectual Capital Efficiency: The Case of Football Clubs

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of The mediating effect of rewarding on the relationship between employee involvement and job satisfaction

Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of The effects of text structure and prior knowledge of the learner on computer-based learning

Computers in Human Behavior, Mar 1, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Determinants of Engineering Faculty Members’ Integration of Electronic Communication in Teaching

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