Georg Fiedler - (original) (raw)

Papers by Georg Fiedler

Research paper thumbnail of Suicide and trauma: A case discussion

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 2012

In this paper we explore the relationship between trauma and suicidal thoughts and behaviour. Thi... more In this paper we explore the relationship between trauma and suicidal thoughts and behaviour. This exploration has a double perspective: a deeper understanding of trauma can illuminate the dynamics of suicidality; and the psychotherapeutic study of suicidal people increases our understanding of the impact of trauma. This discussion addresses three particular configurations: (a) the impact on the individual of the suicide of a close person; (b) the traumatic dimension of suicidal behaviour on the self; and (c) the impact of childhood traumatic experiences on the subsequent development of suicide. We describe the psychotherapy of a suicidal man, who had suffered many losses including that of his mother to suicide, as the basis for commentary by three discussants. The paper concludes that the approach linking trauma with suicide is a fruitful one and further study is recommended.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of German and Japanese general practitioners' awareness of suicide and attitudes toward patients with suicidal ideation

Acta medica Okayama, 2006

The authors designed a questionnaire to investigate the differences in German and Japanese genera... more The authors designed a questionnaire to investigate the differences in German and Japanese general practitioners? (GP) awareness of suicide and attitudes toward patients with suicidal ideation in their respective societies. The purpose of this study was to obtain insights leading to a better means of suicide prevention in primary care in Japan. The background for conducting the study was declining suicides in the past 20 years and the lower suicide rate in Germany compared with the present situation in Japan, where the number of suicides has in recent years continued to exceed 30,000, resulting in a suicide rate approximately 2 times higher than that in Germany. The questionnaire was randomly mailed to GPs in Okayama-Prefecture (western Japan) and Hamburg-State (northern Germany) and was collected in the same way. The patterns of answers were compared between the 2 countries, and the differences were statistically analyzed. Japanese GPs seem to have a lower will to prevent suicide i...

Research paper thumbnail of Notfall: akute Suizidalit�t � Seelen am Abgrund

Research paper thumbnail of Suizidalit�t im Alter

Pid Psychotherapie Im Dialog, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Suicide among children, youths and young adults

Research paper thumbnail of Suizide, Suizidversuche und Suizidalität in Deutschland Daten und Fakten

Research paper thumbnail of Suizide und Suizidversuche in Hamburg

Research paper thumbnail of Notfall: akute Suizidalität – Seelen am Abgrund

Research paper thumbnail of Suizide im Kindes- und Jugendalter

1 In sti tut für Rechts me di zin, Uni ver si täts kli nik, Ham burg-Ep pen dorf 2 The ra pie zen... more 1 In sti tut für Rechts me di zin, Uni ver si täts kli nik, Ham burg-Ep pen dorf 2 The ra pie zen trum für Sui zid ge fähr de te, Zent rum für Psy cho so zia le Me di zin, Uni ver si täts kli nik, Ham burg-Ep pen dorf Sui zi de im Kin desund Ju gend al ter Der Sui zid, ins be son de re bei Kin dern, Ju gend li chen und Her an wach sen den beschäf tigt die Mensch heit seit Jahr tau senden. So ver wun dert es nicht, dass vie le Phi lo so phen, Li te ra ten und Ver tre ter an derer Kunst rich tun gen die ses The ma in ihren Wer ken auf grei fen. Schon der grie chische Pries ter und Bio graph Plut arch von Chai ro neia (45-120 n.Chr.) schrieb: "die jun gen Mäd chen von Mi let hat ten über einen län ge ren Zeit raum hin weg ohne ersicht li chen Grund in großer Zahl ih rem Le ben durch Er hän gen ein Ende be rei tet. Kein Bit ten, kei ne Straf an dro hung von Eltern oder auch Ver lob ten hal fen. End lich wur de den Selbst mord hand lun gen dadurch ein Ende ge setzt, dass der Leichnam ei nes jun gen Mäd chens, das sich erhängt hat te, durch die Stadt ge schleift und an den Fü ßen öf fent lich auf ge hängt wurde und je des Mäd chen mit die ser Schan de be droht wur de, falls es Sui zid ver übe" . Aber auch in der deutsch spra chi gen Li te ratur der letz ten Jahr hun der te neh men sich be deu ten de Au to ren des The mas an. Denke man z. B. an den jun gen Wer ther von Jo hann Wolf gang von Goe the. Der Protago nist des Ro mans, dem 25-jäh ri gen Juris ten K.W. Je ru sa lem nach emp fun den, erschießt sich we gen der un glück li chen Liebe zu ei ner Frau. Den ke man wei ter hin an Erich Käst ners Ge dicht "Sal do mor ta le", in dem ein Mann, der nach ei nem Sui zid versuch ge ret tet wor den ist, die Ge sell schaft an klagt und sich nach der Ent las sung aus dem Kran ken haus aus dem vier ten Stockwerk stürzt oder an Sieg fried Lenz' Psy chogramm ei nes ju gend li chen Au ßen sei ters, Originalien Zusammenfassung · Abstract Rechtsmedizin 2005 · 15:211-217

Research paper thumbnail of Suizidalität im Alter

Research paper thumbnail of Suicide and trauma: A case discussion

Http Dx Doi Org 10 1080 02668734 2011 652657, 2012

In this paper we explore the relationship between trauma and suicidal thoughts and behaviour. Thi... more In this paper we explore the relationship between trauma and suicidal thoughts and behaviour. This exploration has a double perspective: a deeper understanding of trauma can illuminate the dynamics of suicidality; and the psychotherapeutic study of suicidal people increases our understanding of the impact of trauma. This discussion addresses three particular configurations: (a) the impact on the individual of the suicide of a close person; (b) the traumatic dimension of suicidal behaviour on the self; and (c) the impact of childhood traumatic experiences on the subsequent development of suicide. We describe the psychotherapy of a suicidal man, who had suffered many losses including that of his mother to suicide, as the basis for commentary by three discussants. The paper concludes that the approach linking trauma with suicide is a fruitful one and further study is recommended.

Research paper thumbnail of Psychodynamic Ideal Types of Elderly Suicidal Persons Based on Counter Transference

Journal of Social Work Practice, 2006


Research paper thumbnail of Neue Beziehungsformen im Internet

Der Nervenarzt, 2002

ABSTRACT Kommunikation im Internet, insbesondere E-Mail-Kontakte, gewinnen in Beratung und Psycho... more ABSTRACT Kommunikation im Internet, insbesondere E-Mail-Kontakte, gewinnen in Beratung und Psychotherapie suizidaler Patienten, sowohl als E-Mail-Therapie als auch als zusätzliche Kommunikation in der Face-to-face-Psychotherapie zunehmend an Bedeutung. E-Mail-Kontakte können im Rahmen einer psychodynamischen Psychotherapie als Übertragungsangebot einer virtuellen Objektbeziehung verstanden werden. Anhand voon 2 Fallvignetten suizidalerPatienten wird die Bedeutung der E-Mail in der Anfangsphase einer Psychotherapie beispielhaft dargestellt. Das Konzept des virtuellen Objektes wird vorgestellt und seine Anwendung zum Verständnis dieser initialen Szenen diskutiert. Communication in the internet by email is gaining in significance in counseling and psychotherapy of suicidal patients as well as an additional communication in face-to-face psychotherapy. E-Mail contacts during psychodynamic psychotherapy are defined as a transference offer of a virtual object relation. In two case descriptions of suicidal patients, examples of making contact with psychotherapy on the internet are presented. The concept of the virtual object is explained and its application for understanding these initial scenes and phenomena is discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Sexualität suizidaler Älterer

Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Psychoanalytic and cognitive-behavior therapy of chronic depression: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Trials, 2012

Background: Despite limited effectiveness of short-term psychotherapy for chronic depression, the... more Background: Despite limited effectiveness of short-term psychotherapy for chronic depression, there is a lack of trials of long-term psychotherapy. Our study is the first to determine the effectiveness of controlled long-term psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral (CBT) treatments and to assess the effects of preferential vs. randomized assessment.

Research paper thumbnail of Studies of suicide of old people

Despite high suicide rates of old and very old persons, especially of men in western countries, t... more Despite high suicide rates of old and very old persons, especially of men in western countries, the proposal and the utilisation of psychotherapeutic treatment possibilities and facilities are still small. In front of this background in a 10 yrs. research strategy the intrapsychic dynamics and psychosocial terms of suicidal elderly are investigated. At first, based on 30 in-depth-interviews, with the method of “forming types by understanding” ideal types of suicidality in the elderly are built, concerning usage and the way of relating in the interview. In the next study step a semistructured interview was developed and evaluated. This interview is about the inner world and the psychosocial conditions of suicidal elderly. It was executed with 67 elderly persons (+60 yrs.) and rated by independent raters. In a third study step very old, multimorbid geriatric inpatients were examined. The ideal types of suicidal elderly who do not want to communicate their suicidality in a treatment re...

Research paper thumbnail of Suicide and trauma: A case discussion

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 2012

In this paper we explore the relationship between trauma and suicidal thoughts and behaviour. Thi... more In this paper we explore the relationship between trauma and suicidal thoughts and behaviour. This exploration has a double perspective: a deeper understanding of trauma can illuminate the dynamics of suicidality; and the psychotherapeutic study of suicidal people increases our understanding of the impact of trauma. This discussion addresses three particular configurations: (a) the impact on the individual of the suicide of a close person; (b) the traumatic dimension of suicidal behaviour on the self; and (c) the impact of childhood traumatic experiences on the subsequent development of suicide. We describe the psychotherapy of a suicidal man, who had suffered many losses including that of his mother to suicide, as the basis for commentary by three discussants. The paper concludes that the approach linking trauma with suicide is a fruitful one and further study is recommended.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of German and Japanese general practitioners' awareness of suicide and attitudes toward patients with suicidal ideation

Acta medica Okayama, 2006

The authors designed a questionnaire to investigate the differences in German and Japanese genera... more The authors designed a questionnaire to investigate the differences in German and Japanese general practitioners? (GP) awareness of suicide and attitudes toward patients with suicidal ideation in their respective societies. The purpose of this study was to obtain insights leading to a better means of suicide prevention in primary care in Japan. The background for conducting the study was declining suicides in the past 20 years and the lower suicide rate in Germany compared with the present situation in Japan, where the number of suicides has in recent years continued to exceed 30,000, resulting in a suicide rate approximately 2 times higher than that in Germany. The questionnaire was randomly mailed to GPs in Okayama-Prefecture (western Japan) and Hamburg-State (northern Germany) and was collected in the same way. The patterns of answers were compared between the 2 countries, and the differences were statistically analyzed. Japanese GPs seem to have a lower will to prevent suicide i...

Research paper thumbnail of Notfall: akute Suizidalit�t � Seelen am Abgrund

Research paper thumbnail of Suizidalit�t im Alter

Pid Psychotherapie Im Dialog, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Suicide among children, youths and young adults

Research paper thumbnail of Suizide, Suizidversuche und Suizidalität in Deutschland Daten und Fakten

Research paper thumbnail of Suizide und Suizidversuche in Hamburg

Research paper thumbnail of Notfall: akute Suizidalität – Seelen am Abgrund

Research paper thumbnail of Suizide im Kindes- und Jugendalter

1 In sti tut für Rechts me di zin, Uni ver si täts kli nik, Ham burg-Ep pen dorf 2 The ra pie zen... more 1 In sti tut für Rechts me di zin, Uni ver si täts kli nik, Ham burg-Ep pen dorf 2 The ra pie zen trum für Sui zid ge fähr de te, Zent rum für Psy cho so zia le Me di zin, Uni ver si täts kli nik, Ham burg-Ep pen dorf Sui zi de im Kin desund Ju gend al ter Der Sui zid, ins be son de re bei Kin dern, Ju gend li chen und Her an wach sen den beschäf tigt die Mensch heit seit Jahr tau senden. So ver wun dert es nicht, dass vie le Phi lo so phen, Li te ra ten und Ver tre ter an derer Kunst rich tun gen die ses The ma in ihren Wer ken auf grei fen. Schon der grie chische Pries ter und Bio graph Plut arch von Chai ro neia (45-120 n.Chr.) schrieb: "die jun gen Mäd chen von Mi let hat ten über einen län ge ren Zeit raum hin weg ohne ersicht li chen Grund in großer Zahl ih rem Le ben durch Er hän gen ein Ende be rei tet. Kein Bit ten, kei ne Straf an dro hung von Eltern oder auch Ver lob ten hal fen. End lich wur de den Selbst mord hand lun gen dadurch ein Ende ge setzt, dass der Leichnam ei nes jun gen Mäd chens, das sich erhängt hat te, durch die Stadt ge schleift und an den Fü ßen öf fent lich auf ge hängt wurde und je des Mäd chen mit die ser Schan de be droht wur de, falls es Sui zid ver übe" . Aber auch in der deutsch spra chi gen Li te ratur der letz ten Jahr hun der te neh men sich be deu ten de Au to ren des The mas an. Denke man z. B. an den jun gen Wer ther von Jo hann Wolf gang von Goe the. Der Protago nist des Ro mans, dem 25-jäh ri gen Juris ten K.W. Je ru sa lem nach emp fun den, erschießt sich we gen der un glück li chen Liebe zu ei ner Frau. Den ke man wei ter hin an Erich Käst ners Ge dicht "Sal do mor ta le", in dem ein Mann, der nach ei nem Sui zid versuch ge ret tet wor den ist, die Ge sell schaft an klagt und sich nach der Ent las sung aus dem Kran ken haus aus dem vier ten Stockwerk stürzt oder an Sieg fried Lenz' Psy chogramm ei nes ju gend li chen Au ßen sei ters, Originalien Zusammenfassung · Abstract Rechtsmedizin 2005 · 15:211-217

Research paper thumbnail of Suizidalität im Alter

Research paper thumbnail of Suicide and trauma: A case discussion

Http Dx Doi Org 10 1080 02668734 2011 652657, 2012

In this paper we explore the relationship between trauma and suicidal thoughts and behaviour. Thi... more In this paper we explore the relationship between trauma and suicidal thoughts and behaviour. This exploration has a double perspective: a deeper understanding of trauma can illuminate the dynamics of suicidality; and the psychotherapeutic study of suicidal people increases our understanding of the impact of trauma. This discussion addresses three particular configurations: (a) the impact on the individual of the suicide of a close person; (b) the traumatic dimension of suicidal behaviour on the self; and (c) the impact of childhood traumatic experiences on the subsequent development of suicide. We describe the psychotherapy of a suicidal man, who had suffered many losses including that of his mother to suicide, as the basis for commentary by three discussants. The paper concludes that the approach linking trauma with suicide is a fruitful one and further study is recommended.

Research paper thumbnail of Psychodynamic Ideal Types of Elderly Suicidal Persons Based on Counter Transference

Journal of Social Work Practice, 2006


Research paper thumbnail of Neue Beziehungsformen im Internet

Der Nervenarzt, 2002

ABSTRACT Kommunikation im Internet, insbesondere E-Mail-Kontakte, gewinnen in Beratung und Psycho... more ABSTRACT Kommunikation im Internet, insbesondere E-Mail-Kontakte, gewinnen in Beratung und Psychotherapie suizidaler Patienten, sowohl als E-Mail-Therapie als auch als zusätzliche Kommunikation in der Face-to-face-Psychotherapie zunehmend an Bedeutung. E-Mail-Kontakte können im Rahmen einer psychodynamischen Psychotherapie als Übertragungsangebot einer virtuellen Objektbeziehung verstanden werden. Anhand voon 2 Fallvignetten suizidalerPatienten wird die Bedeutung der E-Mail in der Anfangsphase einer Psychotherapie beispielhaft dargestellt. Das Konzept des virtuellen Objektes wird vorgestellt und seine Anwendung zum Verständnis dieser initialen Szenen diskutiert. Communication in the internet by email is gaining in significance in counseling and psychotherapy of suicidal patients as well as an additional communication in face-to-face psychotherapy. E-Mail contacts during psychodynamic psychotherapy are defined as a transference offer of a virtual object relation. In two case descriptions of suicidal patients, examples of making contact with psychotherapy on the internet are presented. The concept of the virtual object is explained and its application for understanding these initial scenes and phenomena is discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Sexualität suizidaler Älterer

Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Psychoanalytic and cognitive-behavior therapy of chronic depression: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Trials, 2012

Background: Despite limited effectiveness of short-term psychotherapy for chronic depression, the... more Background: Despite limited effectiveness of short-term psychotherapy for chronic depression, there is a lack of trials of long-term psychotherapy. Our study is the first to determine the effectiveness of controlled long-term psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral (CBT) treatments and to assess the effects of preferential vs. randomized assessment.

Research paper thumbnail of Studies of suicide of old people

Despite high suicide rates of old and very old persons, especially of men in western countries, t... more Despite high suicide rates of old and very old persons, especially of men in western countries, the proposal and the utilisation of psychotherapeutic treatment possibilities and facilities are still small. In front of this background in a 10 yrs. research strategy the intrapsychic dynamics and psychosocial terms of suicidal elderly are investigated. At first, based on 30 in-depth-interviews, with the method of “forming types by understanding” ideal types of suicidality in the elderly are built, concerning usage and the way of relating in the interview. In the next study step a semistructured interview was developed and evaluated. This interview is about the inner world and the psychosocial conditions of suicidal elderly. It was executed with 67 elderly persons (+60 yrs.) and rated by independent raters. In a third study step very old, multimorbid geriatric inpatients were examined. The ideal types of suicidal elderly who do not want to communicate their suicidality in a treatment re...