Filiz Celik - (original) (raw)

Drafts by Filiz Celik


The Strangled Cry: The communication & experience of Trauma., 2013

Research paper thumbnail of The Alevi of Dersim: A psychosocial approach to the effects of the massacre, time and space FİLİZ ÇELİK

The Alevi of Dersim: A psychosocial approach to the effects of the massacre, time and space , 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Filiz celik A JOURNEY OF BECOMING SYSTEMIC PSYCOTHERAPIST: REFLECTIONS ON MY MIGRANT SELF MSc in Systemic and Family Psychotherapy


This action research is a first-person inquiry that focuses on my journey as a migrant to become ... more This action research is a first-person inquiry that focuses on my journey as a migrant to become a systemic psychotherapist. The content of this text will detail my reflections on my journey to qualify as a systemic psychotherapist and will pay specific attention to my migrant identity in my development as a systemic psychotherapist. First-person action research is a self-reflective practice that is grounded in a social constructivist paradigm by virtue of the latter making the relationship with the locus of knowledge as opposed to the individual (Gergen, 1994) and thus first-person action research provides a site for the researcher to investigate the therapeutic encounter from their own perspective.


Research paper thumbnail of Sığınmacı ve Mültecilerin Dile Dair Tecrübelerine Psikosoyal Bir Yaklaşim: Swansea Galler Örneği

Papers by Filiz Celik

Research paper thumbnail of Sığınmacı ve Mültecilerin Galler´e Yerleşme Sürecinde Dil İle İlgili Yaşadıkları Zorlukların İncelenmesi

Bu makalenin konusu siginmaci ve multecilerin dile dair tecrubeleridir. Bu konuyu ozel olarak Bir... more Bu makalenin konusu siginmaci ve multecilerin dile dair tecrubeleridir. Bu konuyu ozel olarak Birlesik Krallik’ta Galler ulkesinin Swansea kentinde siginmacilarin ve multecilerin yerel nufus ile hizmet saglanmasi ve toplum orgutleri ile olan iliskileri uzerinden inceler. Yerinden edilmis nufusun hareketliligi gerek gectigimiz yuzyilin gerekse bu yuzyilin belli basli olaylarindandir. Bununla baglantili olarak yerinden edilmis insanlarin cografik ve lisanin hakim oldugu sinirlari asmasi ile dile dair sorunlar temel unsur olarak ortaya cikmistir. Gocmenlerin ait olduklari etnik, dini, kulturel ve dil gruplarinin cesitliligi arttikca geldikleri ulkelerde hukumetlerin onlarin ihtiyaclarina cevap verecek kaynaklari daha da yetersizlesmistir. Birlesik Krallik’ta 1999 Gocmenlik Yasasinin uygulamaya sokulmasiyla daha onceleri nufus yogunluklari homojen ozellikler tasiyan bolgeler farkli kimliklerde gocmenlerin buralara yerlestirilmesi ile daha kozmopolit bir yapiya burunmuslerdir. Boylece...

Research paper thumbnail of The Alevi of Dersim: A Psychosocial Approach to the Effects of the Massacre, time and space

Research paper thumbnail of My Heart Loves in My Language

Research paper thumbnail of Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma: The Case of the Dersim Massacre 1937-38

Is this a Culture of Trauma? An Interdisciplinary Perspective, 2013

Destruction, loss of life and shelter are the consequences of all kinds of disasters. However, hu... more Destruction, loss of life and shelter are the consequences of all kinds of disasters. However, human-made disasters seem to leave more indelible marks on the affected societies. This is perhaps because human-made disasters affect not just lives, livelihoods and ways of life; they also impact on human dignity. Today, acts of collective violence such as genocide, ethnocide and massacres have become hot topics of debates regarding International Law and Human Right’s violations . Survivors continue to suffer from the consequences of pressure and stereotyping for decades after. Further, there is strong evidence to suggest that trauma can be transmitted to later generations. This paper, the first part of an ongoing a PhD thesis, examines the intergenerational transmission of trauma due to collective violence. Specifically, the 1937-8 Dersim Massacre resulted in not just tens of thousands of deaths and thousands of people internally displaced by government forces, but also in a lost generation of children. Ten semi-structured interviews were conducted with 2nd and 3rd generation survivors of the 1937-8 Dersim massacre living in Tunceli (Dersim). Key themes that emerged were the transmission of trauma to later generations through both overexposure to ancestral trauma and a conspiracy of silence.

Research paper thumbnail of Family therapy and systemic practice

Seminars in the psychotherapies, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Non-professional interpreters in counselling for asylum seeking and refugee women Filiz Celik, Tom Cheesman

Torture Journal, 2018

Introduction: Non-professional interpreting warrants further study, particularly in environments ... more Introduction: Non-professional interpreting warrants further study, particularly in environments where professional interpreters are scarce. Method: The lead researcher (a qualified interpreter and counsellor) joined 32 group sessions as a participant observer, and 12 individual sessions as an observer. Additional data sources were 30 semi-structured interviews with counsellors, clients and interpreters, and two halfday forums organised for community interpreters to discuss their concerns. Results: The positive value of engaging non-professional interpreters is highlighted within the specific context of non-medical, community-based, holistic counselling. In this context, formal accuracy of translation is less important than empathy and trust. Non-professional interpreters may be more likely than professionals to share clients’ life experiences, and working with them in counselling has positive psychosocial value for all participants. This is because it entails inclusive, non-hierarc...

Research paper thumbnail of On Post-Structuralist Therapy and De-limiting Gender from Binary

Gender non-binary, gender variant or gender plural are the terms used to accommodate the populati... more Gender non-binary, gender variant or gender plural are the terms used to accommodate the population that associate their gender identity outside the male and female binaries of gender dichotomy. Current psychotherapy practices are evolving to accommodate non-traditional, non-determinist and non-oppressive new terminologies to work with a gender pluralistic worldview. The ontological and epistemological shift from positivist approach to therapeutic issues to post-structuralist shift brought language afore as the site of power and meaning. Family and systemic psychotherapy is a particular cohort in the world of psychotherapy that operates with a social constructivist, deconstructive and post-structuralist epistemology. Distanced from pre-determined notions of pathology and well-being family and systemic psychotherapists work with power and knowledge using the language as site that power and knowledge is both used and produced to introduce systemic changes. A cisgender therapist adopti...


The Strangled Cry: The communication & experience of Trauma., 2013

Research paper thumbnail of The Alevi of Dersim: A psychosocial approach to the effects of the massacre, time and space FİLİZ ÇELİK

The Alevi of Dersim: A psychosocial approach to the effects of the massacre, time and space , 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Filiz celik A JOURNEY OF BECOMING SYSTEMIC PSYCOTHERAPIST: REFLECTIONS ON MY MIGRANT SELF MSc in Systemic and Family Psychotherapy


This action research is a first-person inquiry that focuses on my journey as a migrant to become ... more This action research is a first-person inquiry that focuses on my journey as a migrant to become a systemic psychotherapist. The content of this text will detail my reflections on my journey to qualify as a systemic psychotherapist and will pay specific attention to my migrant identity in my development as a systemic psychotherapist. First-person action research is a self-reflective practice that is grounded in a social constructivist paradigm by virtue of the latter making the relationship with the locus of knowledge as opposed to the individual (Gergen, 1994) and thus first-person action research provides a site for the researcher to investigate the therapeutic encounter from their own perspective.


Research paper thumbnail of Sığınmacı ve Mültecilerin Dile Dair Tecrübelerine Psikosoyal Bir Yaklaşim: Swansea Galler Örneği

Research paper thumbnail of Sığınmacı ve Mültecilerin Galler´e Yerleşme Sürecinde Dil İle İlgili Yaşadıkları Zorlukların İncelenmesi

Bu makalenin konusu siginmaci ve multecilerin dile dair tecrubeleridir. Bu konuyu ozel olarak Bir... more Bu makalenin konusu siginmaci ve multecilerin dile dair tecrubeleridir. Bu konuyu ozel olarak Birlesik Krallik’ta Galler ulkesinin Swansea kentinde siginmacilarin ve multecilerin yerel nufus ile hizmet saglanmasi ve toplum orgutleri ile olan iliskileri uzerinden inceler. Yerinden edilmis nufusun hareketliligi gerek gectigimiz yuzyilin gerekse bu yuzyilin belli basli olaylarindandir. Bununla baglantili olarak yerinden edilmis insanlarin cografik ve lisanin hakim oldugu sinirlari asmasi ile dile dair sorunlar temel unsur olarak ortaya cikmistir. Gocmenlerin ait olduklari etnik, dini, kulturel ve dil gruplarinin cesitliligi arttikca geldikleri ulkelerde hukumetlerin onlarin ihtiyaclarina cevap verecek kaynaklari daha da yetersizlesmistir. Birlesik Krallik’ta 1999 Gocmenlik Yasasinin uygulamaya sokulmasiyla daha onceleri nufus yogunluklari homojen ozellikler tasiyan bolgeler farkli kimliklerde gocmenlerin buralara yerlestirilmesi ile daha kozmopolit bir yapiya burunmuslerdir. Boylece...

Research paper thumbnail of The Alevi of Dersim: A Psychosocial Approach to the Effects of the Massacre, time and space

Research paper thumbnail of My Heart Loves in My Language

Research paper thumbnail of Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma: The Case of the Dersim Massacre 1937-38

Is this a Culture of Trauma? An Interdisciplinary Perspective, 2013

Destruction, loss of life and shelter are the consequences of all kinds of disasters. However, hu... more Destruction, loss of life and shelter are the consequences of all kinds of disasters. However, human-made disasters seem to leave more indelible marks on the affected societies. This is perhaps because human-made disasters affect not just lives, livelihoods and ways of life; they also impact on human dignity. Today, acts of collective violence such as genocide, ethnocide and massacres have become hot topics of debates regarding International Law and Human Right’s violations . Survivors continue to suffer from the consequences of pressure and stereotyping for decades after. Further, there is strong evidence to suggest that trauma can be transmitted to later generations. This paper, the first part of an ongoing a PhD thesis, examines the intergenerational transmission of trauma due to collective violence. Specifically, the 1937-8 Dersim Massacre resulted in not just tens of thousands of deaths and thousands of people internally displaced by government forces, but also in a lost generation of children. Ten semi-structured interviews were conducted with 2nd and 3rd generation survivors of the 1937-8 Dersim massacre living in Tunceli (Dersim). Key themes that emerged were the transmission of trauma to later generations through both overexposure to ancestral trauma and a conspiracy of silence.

Research paper thumbnail of Family therapy and systemic practice

Seminars in the psychotherapies, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Non-professional interpreters in counselling for asylum seeking and refugee women Filiz Celik, Tom Cheesman

Torture Journal, 2018

Introduction: Non-professional interpreting warrants further study, particularly in environments ... more Introduction: Non-professional interpreting warrants further study, particularly in environments where professional interpreters are scarce. Method: The lead researcher (a qualified interpreter and counsellor) joined 32 group sessions as a participant observer, and 12 individual sessions as an observer. Additional data sources were 30 semi-structured interviews with counsellors, clients and interpreters, and two halfday forums organised for community interpreters to discuss their concerns. Results: The positive value of engaging non-professional interpreters is highlighted within the specific context of non-medical, community-based, holistic counselling. In this context, formal accuracy of translation is less important than empathy and trust. Non-professional interpreters may be more likely than professionals to share clients’ life experiences, and working with them in counselling has positive psychosocial value for all participants. This is because it entails inclusive, non-hierarc...

Research paper thumbnail of On Post-Structuralist Therapy and De-limiting Gender from Binary

Gender non-binary, gender variant or gender plural are the terms used to accommodate the populati... more Gender non-binary, gender variant or gender plural are the terms used to accommodate the population that associate their gender identity outside the male and female binaries of gender dichotomy. Current psychotherapy practices are evolving to accommodate non-traditional, non-determinist and non-oppressive new terminologies to work with a gender pluralistic worldview. The ontological and epistemological shift from positivist approach to therapeutic issues to post-structuralist shift brought language afore as the site of power and meaning. Family and systemic psychotherapy is a particular cohort in the world of psychotherapy that operates with a social constructivist, deconstructive and post-structuralist epistemology. Distanced from pre-determined notions of pathology and well-being family and systemic psychotherapists work with power and knowledge using the language as site that power and knowledge is both used and produced to introduce systemic changes. A cisgender therapist adopti...