Fitri Yani - (original) (raw)
Papers by Fitri Yani
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Terapan
Forest areas that have the potential to be developed as production forests need to be protected b... more Forest areas that have the potential to be developed as production forests need to be protected because if they are not immediately protected by the government, there will be illegal logging, forest burning and other activities that will damage the forest itself. With the existence of a Production Forest Management Unit or abbreviated as KPHP, it is the government's effort to protect forests that have potential as production forests. However, in its management, it still has not maximized the existing potential so that it has not increased state revenue in the utilization of forest products so that a decision support system is needed to support or maximize government policies. In the decision support system for selecting the best village in the KPHP area, there are several criteria, namely the potential for NTFPs has a weight of 30%, the level of damage has a weight of 35%, forest farmer groups have a weight of 25% and environmental services have a weight of 10%. While the altern...
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is used to help people to make choice android internet ... more Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is used to help people to make choice android internet package. Data analysis method used AHP method is the approach used is based on the analysis of policies that aim to get the right and optimal decisions for people. Decision Support System designed to support all stages of decision making form identifying the problem, select relevan data and determine the approach used in decision making process, evaluate the selection of alternatives is supported by software Expert Choice 2000. Attributes of criteria among the other requirements, price and signals. Sample taken three(3) poeple and then fill out the questionnaire and the processed data into the software Expert Choice 2000. The result of data processing using software Expert Choice 2000 that the first rank is Telkomsel 23,9 %, second rank is XL 23,7%, third rank is Indosat 20,6%, fourth rank is Axis 16,2% and last rank is Three 15,7%.. Keywords: Analytical Hierarchy Process, Decision Sup...
Jurnal Sisfokom (Sistem Informasi dan Komputer)
Penilaian prestasi kerja sangat dibutuhkan karena bisa menjadi motivasi bagi para karyawan untuk ... more Penilaian prestasi kerja sangat dibutuhkan karena bisa menjadi motivasi bagi para karyawan untuk meningkatkan kinerja. Penilaian kinerja semestinya dilakukan secara berkala baik itu perbulan, per 3 bulan, persemester atau pertahun. Standar yang digunakan untuk melakukan penilaian kinerja disesuaikan dengan peraturan yang sudah ditetapkan oleh masing-masing perusahaan. Kriteria yang digunakan oleh peneliti dalam penilaian kinerja pada ISB Atma Luhur yaitu pendidikan dan pengajaran, penelitian, pengabdian kepada masyarakat serta perilaku kerja. Penelitian ini menggunakan gabungan metode SAW dan Borda. Pada metode SAW dilakukan pembobotan masing-masing kriteria, normalisasi dan mencari nilai preferensi masing-masing alternative. Sedangkan pada metode Borda dilakukan untuk menentukan peringkat masing-masing alternative. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu peringkat 1 yaitu A3 dengan bobot borda 1.5, peringkat 2 yaitu A2 dengan bobot borda 1.3, peringkat 3 yaitu A5 dengan bobot borda 1, peri...
Jurnal Komputer dan Informatika, 2021
Pendataan Alumni sebelumnya sudah ada tapi masih dilakukan secara tertulis dengan menggunakan ap... more Pendataan Alumni sebelumnya sudah ada tapi masih dilakukan secara tertulis dengan menggunakan aplikasi microsoft word oleh sebab itu sering mengalami kesalahan dalam proses pendataan alumni dan keterlambatan dalam pengarsipan dan susah mendapatkan informasi alumni serta untuk memberikan informasi mengenai lowongan sangat lama untuk memberitahukan . Dengan adanya Pembuatan Website ini akan mempermudah untuk melacak keberadaan alumni melalui jaringan internet dan memperoleh informasi pendataan alumni sangat cepat dalam memperoleh mengenai data alumni dan keberadaan tempat bekerja alumni tersebut. Adapun dalam penelitian ini akan dilakukan Implementasi website pengolahan alumni dan Informasi Lowongan dengan menampilkan data profil sekolah serta informasi yang berhubungan dengan keberadaan informasi alumni, informasi lowongan perkerjaaan serta pemberitahuan kegiatan yang akan diadakan disekolah khususnya kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan alumni yang akan ditampilkan dalam web site te...
Online learning media is one of the uses of technology in the form of software. During the COVID-... more Online learning media is one of the uses of technology in the form of software. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the government issued a policy for distance learning, so to facilitate the teaching and learning process between teachers and students who are in different places, online learning media are needed that can be used by educators or students. For this reason, researchers conducted research on online learning media. Alternatives used by researchers include google classroom, zoom free, google meeting free, and WhatsApp group. The criteria used by the researcher are easy to access, according to purpose, time limit for access, interactivity. The method used is the SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) method. This method is a method for calculating the weights of the criteria and alternatives so that the final weight of each alternative is obtained so that it is known which alternative has the highest value weight that can be recommended to decision makers. From the research results obta...
Jurnal SITECH : Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi, 2019
Peran sumber daya manusia (SDM) di Loka Monitor Spektrum Frekuensi Radio Pangkalpinang sangat ber... more Peran sumber daya manusia (SDM) di Loka Monitor Spektrum Frekuensi Radio Pangkalpinang sangat berpengaruh dalam menentukan serta menghasilkan sumber daya manusia yang dapat mendukung mutu serta kesuksesan suatu organisasi. Dalam menentukan karyawan sering terjadinya penilaian yang berdasarkan subjektifias dan nepotisme. Bila dibiarkan dalam jangka waktu yang panjang hal tersebut dapat mempengaruhi kinerja sebuah organisasi sehingga berakibat pada kegagalan organisasi dalam mencapai tujuan. Dalam hal ini penulis mengusulkan penerapan metode Profil Matching dalam pengembangan sistem penunjang keputusan sehingga karyawan diseleksi berdasarkan kriteria tes wawancara, tes tertulis, tes praktek yang terdiri dari Microsoft word dan excel dan tes keahlian. Hasil dari pengolahan data alternatif yaitu pelamar 1 dengan N.S 4.9, pelamar 2 dengan N.S 2.7, pelamar 3 dengan N.S 2.4, pelamar 4 dengan N.S 3.4, pelamar 5 dengan N.S 3.8, Sistem penunjang keputusan yang dibangun menggunakan Framework c...
Jurnal SIFO Mikroskil
Abstrak Untuk mendukung kinerja personal computer, perlu adanya sistem operasi.Sistem operasi men... more Abstrak Untuk mendukung kinerja personal computer, perlu adanya sistem operasi.Sistem operasi menjadi sangat penting karena tanpa adanya sistem operasi mampu melakukan kontrol atau pengawasan.Sedangkan wujud nyata dari sistem operasi adalah suatu perangkat lunak atau software.Sistem operasi mempunyai dua tugas utama yaitu mengelola seluruh sumber daya yang terdapat pada sistem komputer dan menyediakan sekumpulan layanan ke pemakai sehingga pemakai lebih mudah dan nyaman dalam menggunakan atau memanfaatkan sumber daya sistem computer. Penelitian ini memberikan beberapa kriteria yang dapat dijadikan rujukan untuk memilih yaitu biaya (30,8%), stabilitas sistem (19,4%), dukungan hardware (19,6%) dan fitur (30,1%). Dan alternatif terbaik yang memenuhi kriteria-kriteria tersebut menurut responden ahli yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini adalah MS Windows dengan bobot mencapai 28,9%.
Community Development Journal : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Asisten laboratorium yang baru terpilih cenderung belum memahami tugas dan tanggung jawabnya seba... more Asisten laboratorium yang baru terpilih cenderung belum memahami tugas dan tanggung jawabnya sebagai seorang asisten laboratorium sehingga ada tugas yang belum dilaksanakan akibatnya ada sebagian mahasiswa yang mengeluh mengenai peran asisten laboratorium. Dengan adanya kegiatan ini, diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dan keahlian asisten laboratorium agar dapat melaksanakan job desk nya berdasarkan keahlian yang dimiliki. Seorang asisten laboratorium sangat memerlukan bimbingan dari supervisor atau dari kepala laboratorium agar mereka semakin bisa meningkatkan kemampuannya serta melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya. Salah satu tugasnya adalah mempersiapkan ruang praktikum sebelum perkuliahan dimulai, dengan adanya tugas tersebut, otomatis mewajibkan asisten untuk dating lebih cepat dari jam perkuliahan sehingga jam perkuliahan tidak terganggu baik waktu mulai maupun waktu selesai. Asisten laboratorium juga bertugas membantu dosen dalam menjalankan praktikum, oleh karena it...
Jurnal PAI Raden Fatah
The covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia has had an impact on all fields, including education. As one o... more The covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia has had an impact on all fields, including education. As one of the ways to prevent the spread of civil-19 in the field of education in particular, the Minister of Education and Culture of Indonesia has issued circular letter Number 4 of 2020, regarding the implementation of learning during the covid-19 emergency which explains the learning process that is transferred to home or better known as online learning.The number of problems that arise as a result of online learning so that an offline learning system is implemented in the form of a learning home visit service which is implemented as an effort to solve students’ online learning problems during the current pandemic and continue to provide education directly but still by limiting associations and maintaining health protocols.This research uses qualitative research. With data, collection techniques are done by conducting observations, interviews, and documentation as supporting data. The analys...
Sertifikasi profesi sangat penting untuk mendukung keahlian atau profesi tertentu karena pada era... more Sertifikasi profesi sangat penting untuk mendukung keahlian atau profesi tertentu karena pada era MEA atau Asean Economic Community(AEC) dibutuhkan pekerja yang profesional di bidang masing-masing. Pada era MEA merupakan wadah yang sangat penting untuk kemajuan negara-negara ASEAN dalam mewujudkan kesejahteraan. Pekerja bisa dinyatakan kompeten dibidangnya apabila telah lulus sertifikasi profesi dengan dibuktikan adanya sertifikat.untuk itulah dibutuhkan workshop sertifikasi profesi dalam menghadapi MEA 2016. Pada workshop ini peserta diberikan materi tentang langkah-langkah mendapatkan sertifikasi dari BNSP. Para peserta juga sangat antusias dalam mengikuti kegiatan ini sehingga kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat dilakukan lagi. Kata kunci:sertifikasi profesi, MEA, BNS
Cendikia : Media Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan, 2021
This research was carried out to describe the Conjunctions in English and Bahasa Indonesia and al... more This research was carried out to describe the Conjunctions in English and Bahasa Indonesia and also suggest improving teaching grammar and speaking for which a library research was carried out to acquire the data. An available in the conclusion descriptive method was carried out to describe the findings. This research focused on the similarities and dissimilarities in the conjunctions in the two systems. The finding show that from the whole comparisson of function and position were exists this means that the application of subordinating conjunctions in speaking or writing is still in low rank.
Masyarakat Madani: Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Pengembangan Masyarakat, 2021
AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan dampak terjadinya pandemi Covid-19 yang terhada... more AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan dampak terjadinya pandemi Covid-19 yang terhadap ketidak stabilan ekonomi masyarakat terutama para pelaku UMKM. Aktivitas ekonomi memiliki dampak berupa penurunan omset penjualan. Peersoalan ini semakin di persulit dengan adanya himbauan pemerintah dalam menerapkan Pembatasan Sosial Bersekala Besar (PSBB. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dan informasi dilakukan dengan wawancara interaktif, observasi dan dokumentasi. Informan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 7 orang yang terdiri dari pemilik dan karyawan kafe. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh berbasis teori Neil Borden, mendeskripsikan bahwa upaya UMKM kafe kreatif dalam menghadapi Covid-19 masih perlu peningkatan dan lebih kreatif dalam berbagai aspek, terutama dalam bidang produk, pelayanan dan harga. Kata kunci: UMKM, Covid 19, Peningkatan ekonomi. This study aims to explain the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the economic in...
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2022
Crime prevention in Indonesia is usually carried out by law enforcers by using and implementing c... more Crime prevention in Indonesia is usually carried out by law enforcers by using and implementing criminal law regulations stipulated in the Criminal Code or based on laws and regulations outside the Criminal Code. This has been widely practiced in the scope of law enforcement, both in the police and in the judiciary. for assistive science in law enforcement or in responding to and uncovering legal cases that exist in the community often apply psychological aids in conducting examinations of cases at the police level and even at the court level where the judge will give his decision for a particular case. In particular, what is currently happening is that the punishments given are imprisonment, fines, confinement which is regulated in the provisions of the criminal law, namely the Criminal Code. What will be discussed is how the role of psychological action in efforts to overcome crime through psychological actions taken in the application of punishment, namely when a crime has occurred, whether psychological action can help in efforts to overcome crime. The problems in this study are: 1) what is the role of psychological action to combat crime prevention efforts? 2) How is the implementation of psychological measures in practice in some cases? This legal research belongs to the normative-empirical, using primary data and secondary data, namely by conducting library research and field research, library research, especially related books, laws and regulations, while field research is research conducted with direct observation (observation). and direct interviews with directly related samples. Conducted through psychological interviews and psychological tests, psychotherapy or counseling, creating therapy or training programs, and hypnosis therapy for criminal law reform in the future.
MUSHAF JOURNAL: Jurnal Ilmu Al Quran dan Hadis, 2022
The Qur'an is the word of God which is also a miracle that was revealed to the prophet Muhamm... more The Qur'an is the word of God which is also a miracle that was revealed to the prophet Muhammad in Arabic, which reached mankind by means of al-tawatur (directly from the Apostle to his people), which was then contained in the manuscripts. The holy book Al-Quran was revealed by Allah as a guide for mankind, especially for those who are pious. Understanding the instructions contained in the Qur'an needs to be supported by related sciences, for example: asbab an-nuzul, munasabah, makki and madani and so on. Among the many discussions of the Qur'anic sciences, one of them is about munasabah. Munasabah discusses the relationship between one letter or verse with another letter or verse, this is part of the Ulum Al-Qur'an. the scholars of the Qur'an include the science of munasabah, namely knowledge of the relationship, the relationship between verses and suras in the Qur'an as part of the Ulumul Qur'an. As part of the linguistics of the Qur'an, munasabah h...
Proceedings of the International Conference of CELSciTech 2019 - Science and Technology track (ICCELST-ST 2019), 2019
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is an overall developmental disorder that causes delays in social ... more Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is an overall developmental disorder that causes delays in social skills, communication, and behavior in children, so it is very influential in academic and non-academic results. In this case some parents of children with ASD get difficulty to communicate and understand the wishes of their children, so parents cannot provide learning and therapy to their children outside the time of therapy. Most parents use instructional and therapeutic media aids that still use books and other aids, which are less effective in terms of cost, as well as learning to use books or pictures that are always in a state of silence (not moving, not active, and not changing the situation), and lack Multimedia applications that provide a variety of functions (communication, learning and therapy) in one application. Android-based mobile application as a tool for communication, learning and therapy was built so that children with ASD can express their desires and emotions easily, facilitate the learning process, and assist them in the therapy process. Based on the results of testing an android-based mobile application as a tool for communication, learning and therapy for ASD patients, 25 respondents consisting of parents, therapists, and teachers, showed that the application validity reached 82%, in this case the validity level of the application was in good criteria. Research shows that Augmentative and Alternative Communication can improve the quality of life of children diagnosed with ASD and non-verbal, by supporting and improving their communication.
ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui potensi temu mangga sebagai minuman fu... more ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui potensi temu mangga sebagai minuman fungsional ditinjau dari kualitas sensoris dan aktivitas antioksidan. Preparasi bahan dilakukan dengan pengeringan rimpang temu mangga (kadar air 12 + 2 %), kemudian dilakukan pembubukan dan dilakukan penyeragaman ukuran (80 mesh). Setelah itu, temu mangga diekstrak menggunakan air dengan perbandingan temu mangga banding air 1:10; 1:15; 1:20; 1:25; dan 1:30. Ekstrak air temu mangga kemudian diformulasi dengan flavoring agent jeruk lemon (5% ekstrak) dan pemanis gula kristal (10% ekstrak). Hasil formula minuman temu mangga diuji secara sensoris berupa uji kesukaan dan uji fungsionalitas berupa aktivitas antioksidan. Formula minuman fungsional temu mangga yang memiliki kualitas sensoris dan aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi adalah proporsi temu mangga dengan air 1:10. Kata Kunci : Curcuma, mangga , antioksidan, minuman, sensoris
Gangguan skizoafektif adalah kelainan mental yang ditandai dengan adanya gejala kombinai antara s... more Gangguan skizoafektif adalah kelainan mental yang ditandai dengan adanya gejala kombinai antara skizofrenia dan gangguan afektif yang menonjol pada saat yang bersamaan, atau dalam beberapa hari yang satu sesudah yang lain, dalam satu episode penyakit yang sama. Kategori skizoafektif tipe manik digunakan baik untuk episode skizoafektif tipe manik yang tunggal maupun untuk gangguan berulang dengan sebagian besar episode skizoafektif tipe manik. Afek harus meningkat secara menonjol atau ada peningkatan efek yang tak begitu menonjol dikombinasi dengan iritabilitas atau kegelisahan yang memuncak. Dalam episode yang sama harus jelas ada sedikitnya satu atau lebih gejala skizofrenia yang khas. Gangguan Skizoafektif Tipe Manik pada kasus ini yaitu perempuan berusia 28 tahun. Pasien ini mendapatkan terapi yang dilakukan dengan melibatkan keluarga, pengembangan kemampuan sosial dan rehabilitasi kognitif sedangkan pada farmakoterapi yaitu farmakoterapi pasien diberikan Risperidon 2x3 mg selama...
Fitri Yani. 14111310023. An Analysis of Teachers’ Teaching Strategies and Students’ Different Lea... more Fitri Yani. 14111310023. An Analysis of Teachers’ Teaching Strategies and Students’ Different Learning Styles in English Teaching-Learning Process (A Qualitative Research at MTs Ash-Shiddiqiyyah and MTs Arifin Billah Cirebon) As international language, English has important role in the world. English usually used by among people who comes from different countries to communicate each other. So, learning English becomes a demand in the world today. Because there are many things that related to the world including education uses English as a lingua franca. As stated by Broughton, et. al,(2003: 3) that “half the world’s scientific literature is written in English.” The English teaching and learning process will be successful if there is enough knowledge about the characteristic and behavior of students. Teacher, as a person who delivers the knowledge to the students should aware about their students’ learning styles. Moreover, strategy is one way that used to achieve the goal. In this c...
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Terapan
Forest areas that have the potential to be developed as production forests need to be protected b... more Forest areas that have the potential to be developed as production forests need to be protected because if they are not immediately protected by the government, there will be illegal logging, forest burning and other activities that will damage the forest itself. With the existence of a Production Forest Management Unit or abbreviated as KPHP, it is the government's effort to protect forests that have potential as production forests. However, in its management, it still has not maximized the existing potential so that it has not increased state revenue in the utilization of forest products so that a decision support system is needed to support or maximize government policies. In the decision support system for selecting the best village in the KPHP area, there are several criteria, namely the potential for NTFPs has a weight of 30%, the level of damage has a weight of 35%, forest farmer groups have a weight of 25% and environmental services have a weight of 10%. While the altern...
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is used to help people to make choice android internet ... more Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is used to help people to make choice android internet package. Data analysis method used AHP method is the approach used is based on the analysis of policies that aim to get the right and optimal decisions for people. Decision Support System designed to support all stages of decision making form identifying the problem, select relevan data and determine the approach used in decision making process, evaluate the selection of alternatives is supported by software Expert Choice 2000. Attributes of criteria among the other requirements, price and signals. Sample taken three(3) poeple and then fill out the questionnaire and the processed data into the software Expert Choice 2000. The result of data processing using software Expert Choice 2000 that the first rank is Telkomsel 23,9 %, second rank is XL 23,7%, third rank is Indosat 20,6%, fourth rank is Axis 16,2% and last rank is Three 15,7%.. Keywords: Analytical Hierarchy Process, Decision Sup...
Jurnal Sisfokom (Sistem Informasi dan Komputer)
Penilaian prestasi kerja sangat dibutuhkan karena bisa menjadi motivasi bagi para karyawan untuk ... more Penilaian prestasi kerja sangat dibutuhkan karena bisa menjadi motivasi bagi para karyawan untuk meningkatkan kinerja. Penilaian kinerja semestinya dilakukan secara berkala baik itu perbulan, per 3 bulan, persemester atau pertahun. Standar yang digunakan untuk melakukan penilaian kinerja disesuaikan dengan peraturan yang sudah ditetapkan oleh masing-masing perusahaan. Kriteria yang digunakan oleh peneliti dalam penilaian kinerja pada ISB Atma Luhur yaitu pendidikan dan pengajaran, penelitian, pengabdian kepada masyarakat serta perilaku kerja. Penelitian ini menggunakan gabungan metode SAW dan Borda. Pada metode SAW dilakukan pembobotan masing-masing kriteria, normalisasi dan mencari nilai preferensi masing-masing alternative. Sedangkan pada metode Borda dilakukan untuk menentukan peringkat masing-masing alternative. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu peringkat 1 yaitu A3 dengan bobot borda 1.5, peringkat 2 yaitu A2 dengan bobot borda 1.3, peringkat 3 yaitu A5 dengan bobot borda 1, peri...
Jurnal Komputer dan Informatika, 2021
Pendataan Alumni sebelumnya sudah ada tapi masih dilakukan secara tertulis dengan menggunakan ap... more Pendataan Alumni sebelumnya sudah ada tapi masih dilakukan secara tertulis dengan menggunakan aplikasi microsoft word oleh sebab itu sering mengalami kesalahan dalam proses pendataan alumni dan keterlambatan dalam pengarsipan dan susah mendapatkan informasi alumni serta untuk memberikan informasi mengenai lowongan sangat lama untuk memberitahukan . Dengan adanya Pembuatan Website ini akan mempermudah untuk melacak keberadaan alumni melalui jaringan internet dan memperoleh informasi pendataan alumni sangat cepat dalam memperoleh mengenai data alumni dan keberadaan tempat bekerja alumni tersebut. Adapun dalam penelitian ini akan dilakukan Implementasi website pengolahan alumni dan Informasi Lowongan dengan menampilkan data profil sekolah serta informasi yang berhubungan dengan keberadaan informasi alumni, informasi lowongan perkerjaaan serta pemberitahuan kegiatan yang akan diadakan disekolah khususnya kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan alumni yang akan ditampilkan dalam web site te...
Online learning media is one of the uses of technology in the form of software. During the COVID-... more Online learning media is one of the uses of technology in the form of software. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the government issued a policy for distance learning, so to facilitate the teaching and learning process between teachers and students who are in different places, online learning media are needed that can be used by educators or students. For this reason, researchers conducted research on online learning media. Alternatives used by researchers include google classroom, zoom free, google meeting free, and WhatsApp group. The criteria used by the researcher are easy to access, according to purpose, time limit for access, interactivity. The method used is the SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) method. This method is a method for calculating the weights of the criteria and alternatives so that the final weight of each alternative is obtained so that it is known which alternative has the highest value weight that can be recommended to decision makers. From the research results obta...
Jurnal SITECH : Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi, 2019
Peran sumber daya manusia (SDM) di Loka Monitor Spektrum Frekuensi Radio Pangkalpinang sangat ber... more Peran sumber daya manusia (SDM) di Loka Monitor Spektrum Frekuensi Radio Pangkalpinang sangat berpengaruh dalam menentukan serta menghasilkan sumber daya manusia yang dapat mendukung mutu serta kesuksesan suatu organisasi. Dalam menentukan karyawan sering terjadinya penilaian yang berdasarkan subjektifias dan nepotisme. Bila dibiarkan dalam jangka waktu yang panjang hal tersebut dapat mempengaruhi kinerja sebuah organisasi sehingga berakibat pada kegagalan organisasi dalam mencapai tujuan. Dalam hal ini penulis mengusulkan penerapan metode Profil Matching dalam pengembangan sistem penunjang keputusan sehingga karyawan diseleksi berdasarkan kriteria tes wawancara, tes tertulis, tes praktek yang terdiri dari Microsoft word dan excel dan tes keahlian. Hasil dari pengolahan data alternatif yaitu pelamar 1 dengan N.S 4.9, pelamar 2 dengan N.S 2.7, pelamar 3 dengan N.S 2.4, pelamar 4 dengan N.S 3.4, pelamar 5 dengan N.S 3.8, Sistem penunjang keputusan yang dibangun menggunakan Framework c...
Jurnal SIFO Mikroskil
Abstrak Untuk mendukung kinerja personal computer, perlu adanya sistem operasi.Sistem operasi men... more Abstrak Untuk mendukung kinerja personal computer, perlu adanya sistem operasi.Sistem operasi menjadi sangat penting karena tanpa adanya sistem operasi mampu melakukan kontrol atau pengawasan.Sedangkan wujud nyata dari sistem operasi adalah suatu perangkat lunak atau software.Sistem operasi mempunyai dua tugas utama yaitu mengelola seluruh sumber daya yang terdapat pada sistem komputer dan menyediakan sekumpulan layanan ke pemakai sehingga pemakai lebih mudah dan nyaman dalam menggunakan atau memanfaatkan sumber daya sistem computer. Penelitian ini memberikan beberapa kriteria yang dapat dijadikan rujukan untuk memilih yaitu biaya (30,8%), stabilitas sistem (19,4%), dukungan hardware (19,6%) dan fitur (30,1%). Dan alternatif terbaik yang memenuhi kriteria-kriteria tersebut menurut responden ahli yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini adalah MS Windows dengan bobot mencapai 28,9%.
Community Development Journal : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Asisten laboratorium yang baru terpilih cenderung belum memahami tugas dan tanggung jawabnya seba... more Asisten laboratorium yang baru terpilih cenderung belum memahami tugas dan tanggung jawabnya sebagai seorang asisten laboratorium sehingga ada tugas yang belum dilaksanakan akibatnya ada sebagian mahasiswa yang mengeluh mengenai peran asisten laboratorium. Dengan adanya kegiatan ini, diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dan keahlian asisten laboratorium agar dapat melaksanakan job desk nya berdasarkan keahlian yang dimiliki. Seorang asisten laboratorium sangat memerlukan bimbingan dari supervisor atau dari kepala laboratorium agar mereka semakin bisa meningkatkan kemampuannya serta melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya. Salah satu tugasnya adalah mempersiapkan ruang praktikum sebelum perkuliahan dimulai, dengan adanya tugas tersebut, otomatis mewajibkan asisten untuk dating lebih cepat dari jam perkuliahan sehingga jam perkuliahan tidak terganggu baik waktu mulai maupun waktu selesai. Asisten laboratorium juga bertugas membantu dosen dalam menjalankan praktikum, oleh karena it...
Jurnal PAI Raden Fatah
The covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia has had an impact on all fields, including education. As one o... more The covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia has had an impact on all fields, including education. As one of the ways to prevent the spread of civil-19 in the field of education in particular, the Minister of Education and Culture of Indonesia has issued circular letter Number 4 of 2020, regarding the implementation of learning during the covid-19 emergency which explains the learning process that is transferred to home or better known as online learning.The number of problems that arise as a result of online learning so that an offline learning system is implemented in the form of a learning home visit service which is implemented as an effort to solve students’ online learning problems during the current pandemic and continue to provide education directly but still by limiting associations and maintaining health protocols.This research uses qualitative research. With data, collection techniques are done by conducting observations, interviews, and documentation as supporting data. The analys...
Sertifikasi profesi sangat penting untuk mendukung keahlian atau profesi tertentu karena pada era... more Sertifikasi profesi sangat penting untuk mendukung keahlian atau profesi tertentu karena pada era MEA atau Asean Economic Community(AEC) dibutuhkan pekerja yang profesional di bidang masing-masing. Pada era MEA merupakan wadah yang sangat penting untuk kemajuan negara-negara ASEAN dalam mewujudkan kesejahteraan. Pekerja bisa dinyatakan kompeten dibidangnya apabila telah lulus sertifikasi profesi dengan dibuktikan adanya sertifikat.untuk itulah dibutuhkan workshop sertifikasi profesi dalam menghadapi MEA 2016. Pada workshop ini peserta diberikan materi tentang langkah-langkah mendapatkan sertifikasi dari BNSP. Para peserta juga sangat antusias dalam mengikuti kegiatan ini sehingga kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat dilakukan lagi. Kata kunci:sertifikasi profesi, MEA, BNS
Cendikia : Media Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan, 2021
This research was carried out to describe the Conjunctions in English and Bahasa Indonesia and al... more This research was carried out to describe the Conjunctions in English and Bahasa Indonesia and also suggest improving teaching grammar and speaking for which a library research was carried out to acquire the data. An available in the conclusion descriptive method was carried out to describe the findings. This research focused on the similarities and dissimilarities in the conjunctions in the two systems. The finding show that from the whole comparisson of function and position were exists this means that the application of subordinating conjunctions in speaking or writing is still in low rank.
Masyarakat Madani: Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Pengembangan Masyarakat, 2021
AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan dampak terjadinya pandemi Covid-19 yang terhada... more AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan dampak terjadinya pandemi Covid-19 yang terhadap ketidak stabilan ekonomi masyarakat terutama para pelaku UMKM. Aktivitas ekonomi memiliki dampak berupa penurunan omset penjualan. Peersoalan ini semakin di persulit dengan adanya himbauan pemerintah dalam menerapkan Pembatasan Sosial Bersekala Besar (PSBB. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dan informasi dilakukan dengan wawancara interaktif, observasi dan dokumentasi. Informan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 7 orang yang terdiri dari pemilik dan karyawan kafe. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh berbasis teori Neil Borden, mendeskripsikan bahwa upaya UMKM kafe kreatif dalam menghadapi Covid-19 masih perlu peningkatan dan lebih kreatif dalam berbagai aspek, terutama dalam bidang produk, pelayanan dan harga. Kata kunci: UMKM, Covid 19, Peningkatan ekonomi. This study aims to explain the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the economic in...
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2022
Crime prevention in Indonesia is usually carried out by law enforcers by using and implementing c... more Crime prevention in Indonesia is usually carried out by law enforcers by using and implementing criminal law regulations stipulated in the Criminal Code or based on laws and regulations outside the Criminal Code. This has been widely practiced in the scope of law enforcement, both in the police and in the judiciary. for assistive science in law enforcement or in responding to and uncovering legal cases that exist in the community often apply psychological aids in conducting examinations of cases at the police level and even at the court level where the judge will give his decision for a particular case. In particular, what is currently happening is that the punishments given are imprisonment, fines, confinement which is regulated in the provisions of the criminal law, namely the Criminal Code. What will be discussed is how the role of psychological action in efforts to overcome crime through psychological actions taken in the application of punishment, namely when a crime has occurred, whether psychological action can help in efforts to overcome crime. The problems in this study are: 1) what is the role of psychological action to combat crime prevention efforts? 2) How is the implementation of psychological measures in practice in some cases? This legal research belongs to the normative-empirical, using primary data and secondary data, namely by conducting library research and field research, library research, especially related books, laws and regulations, while field research is research conducted with direct observation (observation). and direct interviews with directly related samples. Conducted through psychological interviews and psychological tests, psychotherapy or counseling, creating therapy or training programs, and hypnosis therapy for criminal law reform in the future.
MUSHAF JOURNAL: Jurnal Ilmu Al Quran dan Hadis, 2022
The Qur'an is the word of God which is also a miracle that was revealed to the prophet Muhamm... more The Qur'an is the word of God which is also a miracle that was revealed to the prophet Muhammad in Arabic, which reached mankind by means of al-tawatur (directly from the Apostle to his people), which was then contained in the manuscripts. The holy book Al-Quran was revealed by Allah as a guide for mankind, especially for those who are pious. Understanding the instructions contained in the Qur'an needs to be supported by related sciences, for example: asbab an-nuzul, munasabah, makki and madani and so on. Among the many discussions of the Qur'anic sciences, one of them is about munasabah. Munasabah discusses the relationship between one letter or verse with another letter or verse, this is part of the Ulum Al-Qur'an. the scholars of the Qur'an include the science of munasabah, namely knowledge of the relationship, the relationship between verses and suras in the Qur'an as part of the Ulumul Qur'an. As part of the linguistics of the Qur'an, munasabah h...
Proceedings of the International Conference of CELSciTech 2019 - Science and Technology track (ICCELST-ST 2019), 2019
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is an overall developmental disorder that causes delays in social ... more Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is an overall developmental disorder that causes delays in social skills, communication, and behavior in children, so it is very influential in academic and non-academic results. In this case some parents of children with ASD get difficulty to communicate and understand the wishes of their children, so parents cannot provide learning and therapy to their children outside the time of therapy. Most parents use instructional and therapeutic media aids that still use books and other aids, which are less effective in terms of cost, as well as learning to use books or pictures that are always in a state of silence (not moving, not active, and not changing the situation), and lack Multimedia applications that provide a variety of functions (communication, learning and therapy) in one application. Android-based mobile application as a tool for communication, learning and therapy was built so that children with ASD can express their desires and emotions easily, facilitate the learning process, and assist them in the therapy process. Based on the results of testing an android-based mobile application as a tool for communication, learning and therapy for ASD patients, 25 respondents consisting of parents, therapists, and teachers, showed that the application validity reached 82%, in this case the validity level of the application was in good criteria. Research shows that Augmentative and Alternative Communication can improve the quality of life of children diagnosed with ASD and non-verbal, by supporting and improving their communication.
ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui potensi temu mangga sebagai minuman fu... more ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui potensi temu mangga sebagai minuman fungsional ditinjau dari kualitas sensoris dan aktivitas antioksidan. Preparasi bahan dilakukan dengan pengeringan rimpang temu mangga (kadar air 12 + 2 %), kemudian dilakukan pembubukan dan dilakukan penyeragaman ukuran (80 mesh). Setelah itu, temu mangga diekstrak menggunakan air dengan perbandingan temu mangga banding air 1:10; 1:15; 1:20; 1:25; dan 1:30. Ekstrak air temu mangga kemudian diformulasi dengan flavoring agent jeruk lemon (5% ekstrak) dan pemanis gula kristal (10% ekstrak). Hasil formula minuman temu mangga diuji secara sensoris berupa uji kesukaan dan uji fungsionalitas berupa aktivitas antioksidan. Formula minuman fungsional temu mangga yang memiliki kualitas sensoris dan aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi adalah proporsi temu mangga dengan air 1:10. Kata Kunci : Curcuma, mangga , antioksidan, minuman, sensoris
Gangguan skizoafektif adalah kelainan mental yang ditandai dengan adanya gejala kombinai antara s... more Gangguan skizoafektif adalah kelainan mental yang ditandai dengan adanya gejala kombinai antara skizofrenia dan gangguan afektif yang menonjol pada saat yang bersamaan, atau dalam beberapa hari yang satu sesudah yang lain, dalam satu episode penyakit yang sama. Kategori skizoafektif tipe manik digunakan baik untuk episode skizoafektif tipe manik yang tunggal maupun untuk gangguan berulang dengan sebagian besar episode skizoafektif tipe manik. Afek harus meningkat secara menonjol atau ada peningkatan efek yang tak begitu menonjol dikombinasi dengan iritabilitas atau kegelisahan yang memuncak. Dalam episode yang sama harus jelas ada sedikitnya satu atau lebih gejala skizofrenia yang khas. Gangguan Skizoafektif Tipe Manik pada kasus ini yaitu perempuan berusia 28 tahun. Pasien ini mendapatkan terapi yang dilakukan dengan melibatkan keluarga, pengembangan kemampuan sosial dan rehabilitasi kognitif sedangkan pada farmakoterapi yaitu farmakoterapi pasien diberikan Risperidon 2x3 mg selama...
Fitri Yani. 14111310023. An Analysis of Teachers’ Teaching Strategies and Students’ Different Lea... more Fitri Yani. 14111310023. An Analysis of Teachers’ Teaching Strategies and Students’ Different Learning Styles in English Teaching-Learning Process (A Qualitative Research at MTs Ash-Shiddiqiyyah and MTs Arifin Billah Cirebon) As international language, English has important role in the world. English usually used by among people who comes from different countries to communicate each other. So, learning English becomes a demand in the world today. Because there are many things that related to the world including education uses English as a lingua franca. As stated by Broughton, et. al,(2003: 3) that “half the world’s scientific literature is written in English.” The English teaching and learning process will be successful if there is enough knowledge about the characteristic and behavior of students. Teacher, as a person who delivers the knowledge to the students should aware about their students’ learning styles. Moreover, strategy is one way that used to achieve the goal. In this c...