François Féron - (original) (raw)

Papers by François Féron

Research paper thumbnail of Culture of human nasal olfactory stem cells and their extracellular vesicles as advanced therapy medicinal products

The olfactory ecto-mesenchymal stem cell (OE-MSC) are mesenchymal stem cells originating from the... more The olfactory ecto-mesenchymal stem cell (OE-MSC) are mesenchymal stem cells originating from the lamina propria of the nasal mucosa. They have neurogenic and immune-modulatory properties and showed therapeutic potential in animal models of spinal cord trauma, hearing loss, Parkinsons’s disease, amnesia, and peripheral nerve injury.In this paper we designed a protocol that meet the requirements set by human health agencies to manufacture these stem cells for clinical applications.Once purified, OE-MSCs can be usedper seor expanded in order to get the extracellular vesicles (EV) they secrete. A protocol for the extraction of these vesicles was validated and the EV from the OE-MSC were functionally tested on anin vitromodel.Nasal mucosa biopsies from three donors were used to validate the manufacturing process of clinical grade OE-MSC. All stages were performed by expert staff of the cell therapy laboratory according to aseptic handling manipulations, requiring grade A laminar airflow...

Research paper thumbnail of L'Etat de L'Europe

Research paper thumbnail of Syngeneic Transplantation of Rat Olfactory Stem Cells in a Vein Conduit Improves Facial Movements and Reduces Synkinesis after Facial Nerve Injury

Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Immune Regulatory Properties Are a Common Feature Of Stem Cells

Blood, 2013

Allogeneic stem cell-based therapy is a promising tool for the treatment of a range of human dege... more Allogeneic stem cell-based therapy is a promising tool for the treatment of a range of human degenerative and inflammatory diseases. Many reports highlighted the immune modulatory properties of some stem cell (SC) types, such as mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs), but a comparative study with SCs of different origin, to assess whether immune regulation is a general SC property, is still lacking. To this aim, we applied highly standardized methods employed for MSC characterization to compare the immunological properties of bone marrow-MSCs, olfactory ecto-mesenchymal stem cells, leptomeningeal stem cells, and three different c-Kit-positive SC types, i.e. amniotic fluid SCs, cardiac SCs, and lung SCs. We found that all the analyzed human SCs share a common pattern of immunological features, in terms of expression of activation markers, modulatory activity towards immune effector cells, immunogenicity and molecular inhibitory pathways, with some SC type-related peculiarities. In addition...

Research paper thumbnail of A Patient-Specific Stem Cell Model to Investigate the Neurological Phenotype Observed in Ataxia-Telangiectasia

Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 2017

The molecular pathogenesis of ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) is not yet fully understood, and a vers... more The molecular pathogenesis of ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) is not yet fully understood, and a versatile cellular model is required for in vitro studies. The occurrence of continuous neurogenesis and easy access make the multipotent adult stem cells from the olfactory mucosa within the nasal cavity a potential cellular model. We describe an efficient method to establish neuron-like cells from olfactory mucosa biopsies derived from A-T patients for the purpose of studying the cellular and molecular aspects of this debilitating disease.

Research paper thumbnail of Nez, neurones et neurogenese. Analyse in vivo et in vitro des conditions permettant de reproduire le processus de neurogenese observe dans l'epithelium olfactif de rongeurs adultes

Http Www Theses Fr, 1995

Cette these a pour objet l'etude des facteurs qui influencent le processus de neurogenese per... more Cette these a pour objet l'etude des facteurs qui influencent le processus de neurogenese permanent observe dans l'epithelium olfactif des rongeurs. Basee pour l'essentiel sur des travaux realises avec des cultures de cellules prelevees chez l'animal adulte, elle decrit les resultats originaux suivants: les neurones olfactifs matures peuvent etre isoles de maniere tres pure grace a un marquage retrograde et l'utilisation d'un cytometre de flux. Les cellules basales peuvent etre selectionnees et multipliees en culture avec un milieu contenant de l'egf. Les cellules progenitrices sont capables de donner naissance in vitro a des neurones olfactifs apres avoir ete repiquees puis cultivees avec un milieu generalement utilise pour la culture de tissu nerveux. L'insuline et une temperature plus faible que celle du corps favorisent le processus de differenciation des cellules souches. Dans certaines conditions, en particulier lorsqu'elles sont greffees sur du tissu provenant du systeme nerveux central, les cellules nouvellement differenciees perdent une partie de leurs caracteristiques olfactives. L'egf est exprime par les cellules de soutien au cours du processus de regeneration de l'epithelium. La dopamine semble avoir un effet positif sur la stabilisation du caractere mature des neuro-recepteurs

Research paper thumbnail of The Human Nose Offers a New Stem Cell Source for Bone Injuries

Stem Cells and Bone Tissue, 2013

[Research paper thumbnail of [Current cell therapy strategies for repairing the central nervous system]](

Revue neurologique, 2007

One of the chief contemporary goals of neurologists and neuroscientists is to find a way to overc... more One of the chief contemporary goals of neurologists and neuroscientists is to find a way to overcome the debilitating effects of brain diseases, especially neurodegenerative diseases. Since very few molecules have been found to be efficient in curing the patients and even halting the progression of the symptoms, cell therapy is now seen as an attractive alternative. Two therapeutic strategies are currently under investigation: i) the "substitution" strategy, based on grafts of cells capable of differentiating in the appropriate cells and restoring lost functions and ii) the "neuroprotective" or "conservative" strategy aiming to increase the resistance of spared cells to the toxicity of their environment and to reinforce the body's own mechanisms of healing. Twenty years ago, foetal neuroblasts were the first cells to be transplanted in the brains of patients with Parkinson's or Huntington disease. A phase II clinical trial is presently conducted...

Research paper thumbnail of Human Nasal Olfactory Stem Cell Transplantation Restore Learning and Memory Capacities of Mice in the Olfactory Tubing Maze

Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 1970

Research paper thumbnail of Neural biopsies from patients with schizophrenia: Testing the neurodevelopmental hypothesis In vitro

Schizophrenia Research, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of La réparation nerveuse périphérique : 30 siècles de recherche

Revue Neurologique, 2005

INTRODUCTION: Nerve injury compromises sensory and motor functions. Techniques of peripheral nerv... more INTRODUCTION: Nerve injury compromises sensory and motor functions. Techniques of peripheral nerve repair are based on our knowledge regarding regeneration. Microsurgical techniques introduced in the late 1950s and widely developed for the past 20 years have improved repairs. However, functional recovery following a peripheral mixed nerve injury is still incomplete. STATE OF ART: Good motor and sensory function after nerve injury depends on the reinnervation of the motor end plates and sensory receptors. Nerve regeneration does not begin if the cell body has not survived the initial injury or if it is unable to initiate regeneration. The regenerated axons must reach and reinnervate the appropriate target end-organs in a timely fashion. Recovery of motor function requires a critical number of motor axons reinnervating the muscle fibers. Sensory recovery is possible if the delay in reinnervation is short. Many additional factors influence the success of nerve repair or reconstruction. The timing of the repair, the level of injury, the extent of the zone of injury, the technical skill of the surgeon, and the method of repair and reconstruction contribute to the functional outcome after nerve injury. CONCLUSION: This review presents the recent advances in understanding of neural regeneration and their application to the management of primary repairs and nerve gaps.

Research paper thumbnail of Réparation du système nerveux central : les stratégies actuelles de thérapie cellulaire

Revue Neurologique, 2007


Research paper thumbnail of Decreased Expression of the Two D2 Dopamine Receptor Isoforms in Bromocriptine-Resistant Prolactinomas

Neuroendocrinology, 1994

Bromocriptine or other dopamine agonists are usually effective for the treatment of prolactin-sec... more Bromocriptine or other dopamine agonists are usually effective for the treatment of prolactin-secreting adenomas. Five to 18% of prolactinomas, however, do not respond to such therapy. We have shown previously that such resistance to bromocriptine correlates with reduced binding to the D2 receptor subtype of dopamine, the major PRL inhibiting factor. In the present work, we demonstrated that reduced binding actually corresponds to decreased expression of the gene coding for the D2 receptor in the pituitary from bromocriptine-resistant patients, as shown by 4-fold lower levels of the corresponding mRNAs compared to those coding for actin. The existence of two D2 receptor isoforms, D2S and D2L generated by alternative splicing, has been described in several tissues, including the pituitary. Both are negatively coupled to adenylyl cyclase and inhibit prolactin secretion, but, in addition, the shortest one (D2S) is more efficiently coupled to phospholipase C. Consequently, we also investigated whether expression of a particular D2 receptor isoform was preferentially affected in resistant adenomas. The proportion of messengers corresponding to the short receptor isoform (D2S) was lower in resistant compared to responsive adenomas: D2S/D2L = 0.74 +/- 0.08 and 1.00 +/- 0.07, respectively. In parallel, much lower levels of D2 receptor mRNAs were found in growth hormone-secreting adenomas, with a D2S/D2L ratio comparable to those of both normal human pituitary and bromocriptine-sensitive prolactinomas (1.05 +/- 0.11). Thus, resistance to bromocriptine therapy seems to involve defects in D2 dopamine receptor expression and possibly in posttranscriptional splicing.

Research paper thumbnail of Vitamin D2Potentiates Axon Regeneration

Journal of Neurotrauma, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of A-0035Vitamin D, a putative alternative to fk506 for repairing the nervous system

Journal of Hand Surgery: European Volume, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Comparative study of immune regulatory properties of stem cells derived from different tissues

Research paper thumbnail of Réparation médullaire et cellules gliales olfactives

Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of The impact of low prenatal vitamin D on brain development: Using an animal model to examine the vitamin D hypothesis of schizophrenia

Research paper thumbnail of Cell culture and gene expression analysis show cell cycle alterations in biopsied olfactory neuroepithelium from adults with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder

Research paper thumbnail of Transient prenatal and early life hypovitaminosis D induce permanent alterations in brain morphology, cell density and gene expression consistent with alterations observed in schizophrenia

Research paper thumbnail of Culture of human nasal olfactory stem cells and their extracellular vesicles as advanced therapy medicinal products

The olfactory ecto-mesenchymal stem cell (OE-MSC) are mesenchymal stem cells originating from the... more The olfactory ecto-mesenchymal stem cell (OE-MSC) are mesenchymal stem cells originating from the lamina propria of the nasal mucosa. They have neurogenic and immune-modulatory properties and showed therapeutic potential in animal models of spinal cord trauma, hearing loss, Parkinsons’s disease, amnesia, and peripheral nerve injury.In this paper we designed a protocol that meet the requirements set by human health agencies to manufacture these stem cells for clinical applications.Once purified, OE-MSCs can be usedper seor expanded in order to get the extracellular vesicles (EV) they secrete. A protocol for the extraction of these vesicles was validated and the EV from the OE-MSC were functionally tested on anin vitromodel.Nasal mucosa biopsies from three donors were used to validate the manufacturing process of clinical grade OE-MSC. All stages were performed by expert staff of the cell therapy laboratory according to aseptic handling manipulations, requiring grade A laminar airflow...

Research paper thumbnail of L'Etat de L'Europe

Research paper thumbnail of Syngeneic Transplantation of Rat Olfactory Stem Cells in a Vein Conduit Improves Facial Movements and Reduces Synkinesis after Facial Nerve Injury

Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Immune Regulatory Properties Are a Common Feature Of Stem Cells

Blood, 2013

Allogeneic stem cell-based therapy is a promising tool for the treatment of a range of human dege... more Allogeneic stem cell-based therapy is a promising tool for the treatment of a range of human degenerative and inflammatory diseases. Many reports highlighted the immune modulatory properties of some stem cell (SC) types, such as mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs), but a comparative study with SCs of different origin, to assess whether immune regulation is a general SC property, is still lacking. To this aim, we applied highly standardized methods employed for MSC characterization to compare the immunological properties of bone marrow-MSCs, olfactory ecto-mesenchymal stem cells, leptomeningeal stem cells, and three different c-Kit-positive SC types, i.e. amniotic fluid SCs, cardiac SCs, and lung SCs. We found that all the analyzed human SCs share a common pattern of immunological features, in terms of expression of activation markers, modulatory activity towards immune effector cells, immunogenicity and molecular inhibitory pathways, with some SC type-related peculiarities. In addition...

Research paper thumbnail of A Patient-Specific Stem Cell Model to Investigate the Neurological Phenotype Observed in Ataxia-Telangiectasia

Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 2017

The molecular pathogenesis of ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) is not yet fully understood, and a vers... more The molecular pathogenesis of ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) is not yet fully understood, and a versatile cellular model is required for in vitro studies. The occurrence of continuous neurogenesis and easy access make the multipotent adult stem cells from the olfactory mucosa within the nasal cavity a potential cellular model. We describe an efficient method to establish neuron-like cells from olfactory mucosa biopsies derived from A-T patients for the purpose of studying the cellular and molecular aspects of this debilitating disease.

Research paper thumbnail of Nez, neurones et neurogenese. Analyse in vivo et in vitro des conditions permettant de reproduire le processus de neurogenese observe dans l'epithelium olfactif de rongeurs adultes

Http Www Theses Fr, 1995

Cette these a pour objet l'etude des facteurs qui influencent le processus de neurogenese per... more Cette these a pour objet l'etude des facteurs qui influencent le processus de neurogenese permanent observe dans l'epithelium olfactif des rongeurs. Basee pour l'essentiel sur des travaux realises avec des cultures de cellules prelevees chez l'animal adulte, elle decrit les resultats originaux suivants: les neurones olfactifs matures peuvent etre isoles de maniere tres pure grace a un marquage retrograde et l'utilisation d'un cytometre de flux. Les cellules basales peuvent etre selectionnees et multipliees en culture avec un milieu contenant de l'egf. Les cellules progenitrices sont capables de donner naissance in vitro a des neurones olfactifs apres avoir ete repiquees puis cultivees avec un milieu generalement utilise pour la culture de tissu nerveux. L'insuline et une temperature plus faible que celle du corps favorisent le processus de differenciation des cellules souches. Dans certaines conditions, en particulier lorsqu'elles sont greffees sur du tissu provenant du systeme nerveux central, les cellules nouvellement differenciees perdent une partie de leurs caracteristiques olfactives. L'egf est exprime par les cellules de soutien au cours du processus de regeneration de l'epithelium. La dopamine semble avoir un effet positif sur la stabilisation du caractere mature des neuro-recepteurs

Research paper thumbnail of The Human Nose Offers a New Stem Cell Source for Bone Injuries

Stem Cells and Bone Tissue, 2013

[Research paper thumbnail of [Current cell therapy strategies for repairing the central nervous system]](

Revue neurologique, 2007

One of the chief contemporary goals of neurologists and neuroscientists is to find a way to overc... more One of the chief contemporary goals of neurologists and neuroscientists is to find a way to overcome the debilitating effects of brain diseases, especially neurodegenerative diseases. Since very few molecules have been found to be efficient in curing the patients and even halting the progression of the symptoms, cell therapy is now seen as an attractive alternative. Two therapeutic strategies are currently under investigation: i) the "substitution" strategy, based on grafts of cells capable of differentiating in the appropriate cells and restoring lost functions and ii) the "neuroprotective" or "conservative" strategy aiming to increase the resistance of spared cells to the toxicity of their environment and to reinforce the body's own mechanisms of healing. Twenty years ago, foetal neuroblasts were the first cells to be transplanted in the brains of patients with Parkinson's or Huntington disease. A phase II clinical trial is presently conducted...

Research paper thumbnail of Human Nasal Olfactory Stem Cell Transplantation Restore Learning and Memory Capacities of Mice in the Olfactory Tubing Maze

Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 1970

Research paper thumbnail of Neural biopsies from patients with schizophrenia: Testing the neurodevelopmental hypothesis In vitro

Schizophrenia Research, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of La réparation nerveuse périphérique : 30 siècles de recherche

Revue Neurologique, 2005

INTRODUCTION: Nerve injury compromises sensory and motor functions. Techniques of peripheral nerv... more INTRODUCTION: Nerve injury compromises sensory and motor functions. Techniques of peripheral nerve repair are based on our knowledge regarding regeneration. Microsurgical techniques introduced in the late 1950s and widely developed for the past 20 years have improved repairs. However, functional recovery following a peripheral mixed nerve injury is still incomplete. STATE OF ART: Good motor and sensory function after nerve injury depends on the reinnervation of the motor end plates and sensory receptors. Nerve regeneration does not begin if the cell body has not survived the initial injury or if it is unable to initiate regeneration. The regenerated axons must reach and reinnervate the appropriate target end-organs in a timely fashion. Recovery of motor function requires a critical number of motor axons reinnervating the muscle fibers. Sensory recovery is possible if the delay in reinnervation is short. Many additional factors influence the success of nerve repair or reconstruction. The timing of the repair, the level of injury, the extent of the zone of injury, the technical skill of the surgeon, and the method of repair and reconstruction contribute to the functional outcome after nerve injury. CONCLUSION: This review presents the recent advances in understanding of neural regeneration and their application to the management of primary repairs and nerve gaps.

Research paper thumbnail of Réparation du système nerveux central : les stratégies actuelles de thérapie cellulaire

Revue Neurologique, 2007


Research paper thumbnail of Decreased Expression of the Two D2 Dopamine Receptor Isoforms in Bromocriptine-Resistant Prolactinomas

Neuroendocrinology, 1994

Bromocriptine or other dopamine agonists are usually effective for the treatment of prolactin-sec... more Bromocriptine or other dopamine agonists are usually effective for the treatment of prolactin-secreting adenomas. Five to 18% of prolactinomas, however, do not respond to such therapy. We have shown previously that such resistance to bromocriptine correlates with reduced binding to the D2 receptor subtype of dopamine, the major PRL inhibiting factor. In the present work, we demonstrated that reduced binding actually corresponds to decreased expression of the gene coding for the D2 receptor in the pituitary from bromocriptine-resistant patients, as shown by 4-fold lower levels of the corresponding mRNAs compared to those coding for actin. The existence of two D2 receptor isoforms, D2S and D2L generated by alternative splicing, has been described in several tissues, including the pituitary. Both are negatively coupled to adenylyl cyclase and inhibit prolactin secretion, but, in addition, the shortest one (D2S) is more efficiently coupled to phospholipase C. Consequently, we also investigated whether expression of a particular D2 receptor isoform was preferentially affected in resistant adenomas. The proportion of messengers corresponding to the short receptor isoform (D2S) was lower in resistant compared to responsive adenomas: D2S/D2L = 0.74 +/- 0.08 and 1.00 +/- 0.07, respectively. In parallel, much lower levels of D2 receptor mRNAs were found in growth hormone-secreting adenomas, with a D2S/D2L ratio comparable to those of both normal human pituitary and bromocriptine-sensitive prolactinomas (1.05 +/- 0.11). Thus, resistance to bromocriptine therapy seems to involve defects in D2 dopamine receptor expression and possibly in posttranscriptional splicing.

Research paper thumbnail of Vitamin D2Potentiates Axon Regeneration

Journal of Neurotrauma, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of A-0035Vitamin D, a putative alternative to fk506 for repairing the nervous system

Journal of Hand Surgery: European Volume, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Comparative study of immune regulatory properties of stem cells derived from different tissues

Research paper thumbnail of Réparation médullaire et cellules gliales olfactives

Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of The impact of low prenatal vitamin D on brain development: Using an animal model to examine the vitamin D hypothesis of schizophrenia

Research paper thumbnail of Cell culture and gene expression analysis show cell cycle alterations in biopsied olfactory neuroepithelium from adults with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder

Research paper thumbnail of Transient prenatal and early life hypovitaminosis D induce permanent alterations in brain morphology, cell density and gene expression consistent with alterations observed in schizophrenia