Francesco G Urbano - (original) (raw)


Papers by Francesco G Urbano

Research paper thumbnail of Bell's Palsy: A Narrative Account of the Illness, and A Short Presentation of the Disease

American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research, 2019

Abstract A detailed personal account of the illness and earlier narrative accounts by ... more Abstract
A detailed personal account of the illness and earlier narrative accounts by physicians, outline their impact on the current evidence-based knowledge of the disease

Research paper thumbnail of Bell's Palsy: A Narrative Account of the Illness, and A Short Presentation of the Disease

American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Su di un caso di Micobatteriosi cutanea da M. marinum

Research paper thumbnail of Condilomatosi acuminata del cavo orale in un soggetto HIV positivo

Research paper thumbnail of Pediculosi del pube: osservazioni del centro MTS di Firenze

Rivista di parassitologia

Research paper thumbnail of Larva migrans cutanea

Rivista di parassitologia

Research paper thumbnail of Su di un caso di tricoepitelioma desmoplastico

Research paper thumbnail of Su di un caso di cheratodermia palmare e plantare lineare-nummulare di Wachter

Research paper thumbnail of Risorse per la microbiologia in internet

Research paper thumbnail of Urbano F e Zuccati G: Su di un caso di porocheratosi attinica superficiale disseminata

Research paper thumbnail of Malattie Trasmesse Sessualmente

Research paper thumbnail of Su di un caso di acrodermatite papulosa di Gianotti-Crosti

Research paper thumbnail of Desmoplastic trichoepitelioma

Australasian Journal of Dermatology

Research paper thumbnail of Primary Tuberculous Chancre of the Penis

Research paper thumbnail of Malattie a trasmissione sessuale

Research paper thumbnail of Studio Virologico Mediante Polymerase Chain Reaction Sulle Attuali Ipotesi Etiologiche Della Pitiriasi Rosea DI Gibert

Research paper thumbnail of La Sanità Militare nella Grande Guerra

Research paper thumbnail of Infettivologia e medicina tropicale nella raccolta museale al Chiostro del Maglio, Firenze

Research paper thumbnail of Sanità Militare e missioni all’estero: excursus storico

[Research paper thumbnail of [Cancer incidence in the military: an update]](

Epidemiologia e prevenzione

An abnormally elevated rate of Hodgkin's lymphoma was reported in 2001 among Italian soldiers... more An abnormally elevated rate of Hodgkin's lymphoma was reported in 2001 among Italian soldiers in Bosnia and Kosovo since 1995: a surveillance system was therefore set up for the military community. Preliminary results for a longer period (1996-2007) have shown incidence rates lower than expected for all malignancies. No significant difference was registered between observed and expected cases of Hodkin's lymphoma: the excess of reported cases for this malignancy in 2001-2002 was probably due to a peak occurred in 2000 among the whole military; it is therefore unrelated to deployment in the Balkans, and probably represents a chance event. Moreover, a significant excess of thyroid cancer was reported among the whole military.The estimated number of incident cases, including those missed by the surveillance system, was not significantly higher than expected for all cancers; conversely, the estimated incidence rate of thyroid cancer was significantly increased; this excess, howe...

Research paper thumbnail of Bell's Palsy: A Narrative Account of the Illness, and A Short Presentation of the Disease

American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research, 2019

Abstract A detailed personal account of the illness and earlier narrative accounts by ... more Abstract
A detailed personal account of the illness and earlier narrative accounts by physicians, outline their impact on the current evidence-based knowledge of the disease

Research paper thumbnail of Bell's Palsy: A Narrative Account of the Illness, and A Short Presentation of the Disease

American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Su di un caso di Micobatteriosi cutanea da M. marinum

Research paper thumbnail of Condilomatosi acuminata del cavo orale in un soggetto HIV positivo

Research paper thumbnail of Pediculosi del pube: osservazioni del centro MTS di Firenze

Rivista di parassitologia

Research paper thumbnail of Larva migrans cutanea

Rivista di parassitologia

Research paper thumbnail of Su di un caso di tricoepitelioma desmoplastico

Research paper thumbnail of Su di un caso di cheratodermia palmare e plantare lineare-nummulare di Wachter

Research paper thumbnail of Risorse per la microbiologia in internet

Research paper thumbnail of Urbano F e Zuccati G: Su di un caso di porocheratosi attinica superficiale disseminata

Research paper thumbnail of Malattie Trasmesse Sessualmente

Research paper thumbnail of Su di un caso di acrodermatite papulosa di Gianotti-Crosti

Research paper thumbnail of Desmoplastic trichoepitelioma

Australasian Journal of Dermatology

Research paper thumbnail of Primary Tuberculous Chancre of the Penis

Research paper thumbnail of Malattie a trasmissione sessuale

Research paper thumbnail of Studio Virologico Mediante Polymerase Chain Reaction Sulle Attuali Ipotesi Etiologiche Della Pitiriasi Rosea DI Gibert

Research paper thumbnail of La Sanità Militare nella Grande Guerra

Research paper thumbnail of Infettivologia e medicina tropicale nella raccolta museale al Chiostro del Maglio, Firenze

Research paper thumbnail of Sanità Militare e missioni all’estero: excursus storico

[Research paper thumbnail of [Cancer incidence in the military: an update]](

Epidemiologia e prevenzione

An abnormally elevated rate of Hodgkin's lymphoma was reported in 2001 among Italian soldiers... more An abnormally elevated rate of Hodgkin's lymphoma was reported in 2001 among Italian soldiers in Bosnia and Kosovo since 1995: a surveillance system was therefore set up for the military community. Preliminary results for a longer period (1996-2007) have shown incidence rates lower than expected for all malignancies. No significant difference was registered between observed and expected cases of Hodkin's lymphoma: the excess of reported cases for this malignancy in 2001-2002 was probably due to a peak occurred in 2000 among the whole military; it is therefore unrelated to deployment in the Balkans, and probably represents a chance event. Moreover, a significant excess of thyroid cancer was reported among the whole military.The estimated number of incident cases, including those missed by the surveillance system, was not significantly higher than expected for all cancers; conversely, the estimated incidence rate of thyroid cancer was significantly increased; this excess, howe...

Research paper thumbnail of Crediti scientifici: panoramica internazionale

Research paper thumbnail of Le nuove emergenze: Il bioterrorismo

Research paper thumbnail of Gli obiettivi generali e specifici della formazione continua in microbiologia clinica; valutazione dei fabbisogni e contenuti dei programmi.

Research paper thumbnail of Cenno storico sulla vitiligine

Research paper thumbnail of L'emergenza peste nella Firenze Medicea

Research paper thumbnail of Nuove prospettive nell'approccio all'obbligatorietà delle vaccinazioni in ambito militare: un problema aperto

Research paper thumbnail of Gli ultimi colpi di coda del vaiolo

Research paper thumbnail of Il fenomeno SARS: aspetti scientifici e mediatici

Research paper thumbnail of La spedizione di Pasteur al Glacier des Bois

Research paper thumbnail of La pandemia 'Spagnola'

Research paper thumbnail of Una pagina nera nella storia delle Sanità Militari

Research paper thumbnail of L’Innovazione Tecnologica Del Servizio Sanitario Dell’Esercito Nelle Attivita’ Campali

Research paper thumbnail of Soprappeso, obesità e salute pubblica

Research paper thumbnail of La difesa dalle malattie infettive, core business della Sanità Militare

Research paper thumbnail of La Sanità militare nella prima guerra mondiale

Giornale di medicina militare

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 13. Case study - Italy

Research paper thumbnail of Contributo per una storia della dermatologia e della venereologia militare in Italia

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