Frank Mark - (original) (raw)


Papers by Frank Mark

Research paper thumbnail of Plastics Recovery from Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment in Non-Ferrous Metal Processes

Research paper thumbnail of Polyurethane Energy Recovery and Feedstock Recycling Technology A Summary Overview of Latest European Technologies

The implementation of the European waste sector regulations: packaging, automotive and electrical... more The implementation of the European waste sector regulations: packaging, automotive and electrical and electronic goods with specific targets for recycling and energy recovery warrant a summary overview of current installed and developing technologies for plastics in general and more specific for Polyurethane (PU). The quotas are very demanding and extremely ambitious with respect to the mile stones at 2006 and 2015. In addition landfill phase out regulations put additional pressure on the owners of PU waste to find a home. There is a great lack of energy recovery capacities due to a phase out of landfill in most central European countries by the 2005 to 2007 time frame. Total capacity of WtE facilities in Europe is about 47 Million t in 2002. This is only 20 % of total municipal solid and other similar waste. The solution to bridge the gap between waste supply and waste treatment capacity is linked to the low cost approach building mechanical sorting plants and mechanical biological...

Research paper thumbnail of Kraftstoffeinsparungen und Altfahrzeugverordnung — Konflikt


Mit der Erfullung der in der Deutsche Altautoverordnung und der End of Life (ELV) EU-Direktive /1... more Mit der Erfullung der in der Deutsche Altautoverordnung und der End of Life (ELV) EU-Direktive /1/ festgelegte Quoten wird bis zum Jahr 2006 beziehu gsweise 2015 angestrebt, das Altauto effizient zu nutzen. Auserdem wird bis zum Jahr 2008 die Reduktion des Treibstoff-bedarfs auf 140 g CO2/km fur de Flotte verbrauch gefordert /2/. Auf welche Weise beei flussen nun Klebstoffe die zuku ftige grostech technischen Verfahren zum stoffliche Recycling? Die Ergebnisse einer kurzlich durchgefuhrten Studie geben Aufschluss.

Research paper thumbnail of Process for stabilizing chlorinated polyethylene against degradation

Research paper thumbnail of Recovery of used plastics from E+E: The impact and consequences of the New European WEEE Directive

Kunststoffe Plast Europe, 2002

The upcoming European WEEE Directive (Waste of Electrical and Electronics Equipment Directive) an... more The upcoming European WEEE Directive (Waste of Electrical and Electronics Equipment Directive) and its transposal to national laws will entail new technical requirements for plastics manufacturers and processing plants and establish new yardsticks. In the future economical recycling principles will be guidelines for research, development, design, production and recovery of products in the E+E sector.

Research paper thumbnail of Synergies in Co-combustion of Biomass and Plastics-rich Solid Recovered Fuels

Vgb Powertech, 2008

The interest in using biomass as fuel has strongly increased. The available resources of wood fue... more The interest in using biomass as fuel has strongly increased. The available resources of wood fuels in Europe are not sufficient to meet the demand, and this pushes the market prices of wood even higher. The availability of biomass is often locally limited. At these conditions, the co-combustion of low priced plastic rich solid recovered fuel (SRF) and biomass is an attractive option to improve the economy of energy conversion in boilers that can technically use SRF and meet the environmental requirements without large investments.

Research paper thumbnail of Method for preparing organic esters from halocarbons and alkali metal carboxylates

Research paper thumbnail of Removal of residual acid from chlorinated polymers

Research paper thumbnail of Drying and removing residual acid from halogenated polymer resins

Research paper thumbnail of Energy Recovery from Automotive Shredder Residue through Co-combustion with Municipal Solid Waste

Research paper thumbnail of Energy and Material Recovery by Co-Combustion of Weee and MSW

Co-combustion tests of high Br WEEE polymers showed that 60 - 80 % of Br enter the gas phase. At ... more Co-combustion tests of high Br WEEE polymers showed that 60 - 80 % of Br enter the gas phase. At high Br loads Br2 was formed and a reducing agent had to be added to the alkaline scrubber for good removal efficiency. From the effluents of the wet scrubbers up to > 99 % of the Br in the raw gas can be recovered. Br promoted the volatilisation of heavy metals during fuel bed burnout. The halogen in- ventory did not influence the PXDD/F level in the raw gas. The share of Br containing congeners in- creased with increasing Br/Cl ratio.

Research paper thumbnail of Optimization of Instrument Panels to Assist Recycling Quota - Dismantling/Mechanical Recycling vs. ASR Treatment/Chemical Recycling

SAE Technical Paper Series, 2001

Research paper thumbnail of Vehicle Weight Reduction through Bonding Materials – An External Cost Analysis – Cost Efficiency of Bonding Materials in Light Weight Construction

SAE Technical Paper Series, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Energy recovery in the sustainable recycling of plastics from end-of-life electrical and electronic products

Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, 2005., 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Environmentally Sound Energy Recovery from Automotive Shredder Residue: European Overview of Co-Combustion Using Modern Mass Burn Facilities

SAE Technical Paper Series, 1999

Research paper thumbnail of Recycling amp; Recovery Options for PU Seating Material: A Joint Study of ISOPA /Euro-Moulders

SAE Technical Paper Series, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of End-of-life Vehicles Recovery and Recycling Polyurethane Seat Cushion Recycling Options Analysis

SAE Technical Paper Series, 2004

Research paper thumbnail of Destruction of the flame retardant hexabromocyclododecane in a full-scale municipal solid waste incinerator

Waste management & research : the journal of the International Solid Wastes and Public Cleansing Association, ISWA, 2015

Hexabromocyclododecane containing polystyrene foam obtained from the building and construction ma... more Hexabromocyclododecane containing polystyrene foam obtained from the building and construction market has been co-incinerated in a full-scale waste incineration plant. The co-feeding of 1 and 2 wt% of polystyrene foam had no influence on the operation of the plant. The bromine content increased the raw gas hydrogen bromide concentration slightly. The air emission, including that of dioxins and bromine, was not altered and so was the quality of the solid residues. The hexabromocyclododecane concentrations in the solid residues were almost identical, regardless of whether or not and how much polystyrene foam was added. The obtained destruction efficiency was >99.999% independent of the amount of added polystyrene foam. This finding indicates a virtually total destruction of hexabromocyclododecane.

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Plastics in Automotive Shredder Residue (ASR): Characterization and Environmental Assessment

SAE Technical Paper Series, 1999

Research paper thumbnail of Thermal treatment of electrical and electronic waste plastics

Waste Management and Research, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Plastics Recovery from Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment in Non-Ferrous Metal Processes

Research paper thumbnail of Polyurethane Energy Recovery and Feedstock Recycling Technology A Summary Overview of Latest European Technologies

The implementation of the European waste sector regulations: packaging, automotive and electrical... more The implementation of the European waste sector regulations: packaging, automotive and electrical and electronic goods with specific targets for recycling and energy recovery warrant a summary overview of current installed and developing technologies for plastics in general and more specific for Polyurethane (PU). The quotas are very demanding and extremely ambitious with respect to the mile stones at 2006 and 2015. In addition landfill phase out regulations put additional pressure on the owners of PU waste to find a home. There is a great lack of energy recovery capacities due to a phase out of landfill in most central European countries by the 2005 to 2007 time frame. Total capacity of WtE facilities in Europe is about 47 Million t in 2002. This is only 20 % of total municipal solid and other similar waste. The solution to bridge the gap between waste supply and waste treatment capacity is linked to the low cost approach building mechanical sorting plants and mechanical biological...

Research paper thumbnail of Kraftstoffeinsparungen und Altfahrzeugverordnung — Konflikt


Mit der Erfullung der in der Deutsche Altautoverordnung und der End of Life (ELV) EU-Direktive /1... more Mit der Erfullung der in der Deutsche Altautoverordnung und der End of Life (ELV) EU-Direktive /1/ festgelegte Quoten wird bis zum Jahr 2006 beziehu gsweise 2015 angestrebt, das Altauto effizient zu nutzen. Auserdem wird bis zum Jahr 2008 die Reduktion des Treibstoff-bedarfs auf 140 g CO2/km fur de Flotte verbrauch gefordert /2/. Auf welche Weise beei flussen nun Klebstoffe die zuku ftige grostech technischen Verfahren zum stoffliche Recycling? Die Ergebnisse einer kurzlich durchgefuhrten Studie geben Aufschluss.

Research paper thumbnail of Process for stabilizing chlorinated polyethylene against degradation

Research paper thumbnail of Recovery of used plastics from E+E: The impact and consequences of the New European WEEE Directive

Kunststoffe Plast Europe, 2002

The upcoming European WEEE Directive (Waste of Electrical and Electronics Equipment Directive) an... more The upcoming European WEEE Directive (Waste of Electrical and Electronics Equipment Directive) and its transposal to national laws will entail new technical requirements for plastics manufacturers and processing plants and establish new yardsticks. In the future economical recycling principles will be guidelines for research, development, design, production and recovery of products in the E+E sector.

Research paper thumbnail of Synergies in Co-combustion of Biomass and Plastics-rich Solid Recovered Fuels

Vgb Powertech, 2008

The interest in using biomass as fuel has strongly increased. The available resources of wood fue... more The interest in using biomass as fuel has strongly increased. The available resources of wood fuels in Europe are not sufficient to meet the demand, and this pushes the market prices of wood even higher. The availability of biomass is often locally limited. At these conditions, the co-combustion of low priced plastic rich solid recovered fuel (SRF) and biomass is an attractive option to improve the economy of energy conversion in boilers that can technically use SRF and meet the environmental requirements without large investments.

Research paper thumbnail of Method for preparing organic esters from halocarbons and alkali metal carboxylates

Research paper thumbnail of Removal of residual acid from chlorinated polymers

Research paper thumbnail of Drying and removing residual acid from halogenated polymer resins

Research paper thumbnail of Energy Recovery from Automotive Shredder Residue through Co-combustion with Municipal Solid Waste

Research paper thumbnail of Energy and Material Recovery by Co-Combustion of Weee and MSW

Co-combustion tests of high Br WEEE polymers showed that 60 - 80 % of Br enter the gas phase. At ... more Co-combustion tests of high Br WEEE polymers showed that 60 - 80 % of Br enter the gas phase. At high Br loads Br2 was formed and a reducing agent had to be added to the alkaline scrubber for good removal efficiency. From the effluents of the wet scrubbers up to > 99 % of the Br in the raw gas can be recovered. Br promoted the volatilisation of heavy metals during fuel bed burnout. The halogen in- ventory did not influence the PXDD/F level in the raw gas. The share of Br containing congeners in- creased with increasing Br/Cl ratio.

Research paper thumbnail of Optimization of Instrument Panels to Assist Recycling Quota - Dismantling/Mechanical Recycling vs. ASR Treatment/Chemical Recycling

SAE Technical Paper Series, 2001

Research paper thumbnail of Vehicle Weight Reduction through Bonding Materials – An External Cost Analysis – Cost Efficiency of Bonding Materials in Light Weight Construction

SAE Technical Paper Series, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Energy recovery in the sustainable recycling of plastics from end-of-life electrical and electronic products

Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, 2005., 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Environmentally Sound Energy Recovery from Automotive Shredder Residue: European Overview of Co-Combustion Using Modern Mass Burn Facilities

SAE Technical Paper Series, 1999

Research paper thumbnail of Recycling amp; Recovery Options for PU Seating Material: A Joint Study of ISOPA /Euro-Moulders

SAE Technical Paper Series, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of End-of-life Vehicles Recovery and Recycling Polyurethane Seat Cushion Recycling Options Analysis

SAE Technical Paper Series, 2004

Research paper thumbnail of Destruction of the flame retardant hexabromocyclododecane in a full-scale municipal solid waste incinerator

Waste management & research : the journal of the International Solid Wastes and Public Cleansing Association, ISWA, 2015

Hexabromocyclododecane containing polystyrene foam obtained from the building and construction ma... more Hexabromocyclododecane containing polystyrene foam obtained from the building and construction market has been co-incinerated in a full-scale waste incineration plant. The co-feeding of 1 and 2 wt% of polystyrene foam had no influence on the operation of the plant. The bromine content increased the raw gas hydrogen bromide concentration slightly. The air emission, including that of dioxins and bromine, was not altered and so was the quality of the solid residues. The hexabromocyclododecane concentrations in the solid residues were almost identical, regardless of whether or not and how much polystyrene foam was added. The obtained destruction efficiency was >99.999% independent of the amount of added polystyrene foam. This finding indicates a virtually total destruction of hexabromocyclododecane.

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Plastics in Automotive Shredder Residue (ASR): Characterization and Environmental Assessment

SAE Technical Paper Series, 1999

Research paper thumbnail of Thermal treatment of electrical and electronic waste plastics

Waste Management and Research, 2000

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