Silvana Frota - (original) (raw)
Papers by Silvana Frota
Editora FIOCRUZ eBooks, Dec 31, 2022
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Oct 1, 2010
OBJETIVO: avaliar o processamento auditivo em idosos atraves do teste de ordenacao temporal (Padr... more OBJETIVO: avaliar o processamento auditivo em idosos atraves do teste de ordenacao temporal (Padrao de Duracao) e verificar se a presenca de perda auditiva influencia no desempenho deste teste. METODOS: 65 idosos foram avaliados (46 mulheres e 19 homens), entre 60 e 79 anos. Os participantes responderam a uma anamnese, realizaram mini-exame do estado mental e avaliacao audiologica basica. Os participantes foram alocados e estudados em um grupo unico e tambem divididos em tres grupos denominados G1, G2 e G3. De acordo com os resultados audiometricos, classificou-se o G1 (audicao normal para as medias de 0,5/1/2 kHz e de 3/4/6 kHz), o G2 (audicao normal ou perda auditiva de grau leve para a media de 0,5/1/2 kHz e grau leve para a media de3/4/6 kHz ) e o G3 (audicao normal ou perda auditiva de grau leve para a media de 0,5/1/2 kHz e grau moderado para a media de3/4/6 kHz). Foi realizado o teste Padrao de Duracao, que avalia a ordenacao temporal, a 50dBNS. Para a analise dos resultados foi utilizado o teste estatistico nao-parametrico de Kruskal-Wallis e o teste do qui-quadrado, sendo considerado como significante um p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: em toda a amostra a media de porcentagem de acertos foi de 63,1%. Nos grupos, as medias de acertos foram de 57,5%, 69% e 63,9% para o G1, G2 e G3, respectivamente. CONCLUSAO: a presenca de perda auditiva nao influenciou nos resultados do teste padrao de duracao.
Revista CEFAC, 2022
identificar os testes mais utilizados e as habilidades auditivas alteradas no processamento audit... more identificar os testes mais utilizados e as habilidades auditivas alteradas no processamento auditivo central, em indivíduos com perda auditiva neurossensorial. Métodos: revisão de literatura integrativa, realizada de março a agosto de 2021 nas bases de dados: PubMed/Medline, Lilacs, Scielo, IBECS e Index Psicologia Periódicos técnico-científicos. Foram incluídos estudos que realizaram a pesquisa das habilidades auditivas centrais, através do teste comportamental do processamento auditivo central, em sujeitos portadores de perda auditiva neurossensorial, de grau leve a moderado. A seleção, extração e síntese qualitativa foram realizadas por dois revisores independentes. A seleção teve como objetivo verificar se os estudos contemplavam a pergunta do estudo. Revisão da Literatura: foram encontrados 39 estudos para leitura do texto na íntegra e, ao aplicar os critérios de elegibilidade, foram incluídos 13 estudos. Observou-se que os participantes diagnosticados com perda auditiva neurossensorial apresentam predomínio de alteração auditiva em testes verbais quando comparados aos padrões de normalidade estabelecidos para indivíduos sem perda. Sendo assim, as habilidades mais alteradas são as que dependem da discriminação dos sons da fala. Conclusão: entre os testes comportamentais mais utilizados, predominou o teste SSW. Quanto as habilidades auditivas centrais mais pesquisadas foram integração binaural e separação binaural.
Journal of Clinical Medicine, Sep 7, 2022
Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, 2012
Revista CEFAC, 2022
Purpose: to identify the most used tests and the changed hearing skills in the central auditory p... more Purpose: to identify the most used tests and the changed hearing skills in the central auditory processing of individuals with sensorineural hearing loss. Methods: an integrative literature review conducted between March and August 2021 in PubMed/MEDLINE, LILACS, SciELO, IBECS, and Index Psi Scientific Journals. The review included studies addressing central hearing skills with central auditory processing behavioral tests in subjects with mild to moderate sensorineural hearing loss. Two independent reviewers made the study selection, data extraction, and qualitative synthesis. The selection aimed at verifying whether the studies answered the research question. Literature Review: 39 studies were found for full-text reading; after applying the eligibility criteria, 13 studies were included in the review. Participants diagnosed with sensorineural hearing loss predominantly had hearing changes in verbal tests, in comparison with normal standards for individuals without hearing loss. Thus, the most changed skills are the ones that depend on speech sound discrimination. Conclusion: the Staggered Spondaic Word Test predominated among the most used behavioral tests, while the most researched central auditory skills were binaural integration and binaural separation.
Conflict of interest: non-existent rigid in order to maintain their structure and flexible so as ... more Conflict of interest: non-existent rigid in order to maintain their structure and flexible so as to enable stretching and shortening in a rapid contraction. This contraction elicits wave amplification and a mechanical force towards the external auditory canal, where they may be captured in the form of OAE 2 which may be spontaneous or evoked. A study suggests that the outer hair cells (OHC) become capable of synapsing with the efferent system only after the 22 nd week of pregnancy. Thus, the authors believe that the cochlea has not yet reached its functional maturity before the 22 nd week and that, the end of this maturation process should probably occur during the pregnancy's last trimester 3 , or, from the 28 th week onwards. Another study found the presence of otoacoustic emissions beginning at 27 weeks gestational age 4. Evoked otoacoustic emissions (EOAE) are registered after sound stimulation that may be transient (TEOAE) produced by click signals, that are short lasting with a very wide frequency range and the ABSTRACT Purpose: to evaluate and compare the amplitude of transient evoked otoacoustic emissions, observing the variables gender and ear in preterm and term newborns with and without hearing impairment risk. Methods: the group studied consisted of 156 newborns of both genders, aged up to 54 postconceptional weeks, allocated into three groups according to their gestational age. Group G1 was composed of 83 term newborns and G2 of 73 preterm infants. The latter was subdivided into G2A, composed of 42 newborns without hearing loss risk and G2B of 31 newborns at risk. The transient evoked otoacoustic emissions were obtained by nonlinear click stimulus presented at 84 dB SPL with the Echocheck ILO OAE Screener, Otodynamics. For data analysis, the following statistical tests were used: Mann-Whitney, chi-square or Fisher exact test, Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA and Dunn multiple, post marked Wilcoxon with p< 0, 05 was considered significant. Results: the amplitude of the transient evoked otoacoustic emissions was greater in G1 (p= 0.017) than in G2 (p= 0.048) in the right and left ear and these difference was significant. Group G1 (p = 0,009) presented statistically greater amplitude in otoacoustic emissions than G2B in the right ear. Conclusion: the term group presented greater amplitude in otoacoustic emissions than the pre-term group. No difference in otoacoustic emissions was observed in the variables gender or ear.
2016 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2016
This study investigated the performance of Frequency Specific Auditory Steady-State Response (FS-... more This study investigated the performance of Frequency Specific Auditory Steady-State Response (FS-ASSR) detection elicited by the amplitude modulated tone with 2-order exponential envelope (AM2), using objective response detection (ORD) techniques of Spectral F-Test (SFT) and Magnitude Squared Coherence (MSC). ASSRs from 24 normal hearing adults were obtained during binaural multi-tone stimulation of amplitude-modulation (AM) and AM2 at intensities of 60, 45 and 30 dBSPL. The carrier frequencies were 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz, modulated between 77 and 105 Hz. AM2 achieve FS-ASSR amplitudes higher than AM by 16%, 18% and 12% at 60, 45 and 30 dBSPL, respectively, with a major increase at 500 Hz (22.5%). AMS2PL increased the Detection Rate (DR) up to 8.3% at 500 Hz for 30 dBSPL, which is particularly beneficial for FS-ASSR detection near the hearing threshold. In addition, responses in 1000 and 4000 Hz were consistently increased. The MSC and SFT presented no differences in Detection Rate (DR). False Detection Rate (FDR) was close to 5% for both techniques and tones. Detection times to reach DR over 90% were 3.5 and 4.9 min at 60 and 45 dBSPL, respectively. Further investigation concerning efficient multiple FS-ASSR is still necessary, such as testing subjects with hearing loss.
Revista CEFAC, 2019
Purpose: to compare acoustic characteristics of stop consonants in speakers of Brazilian Portugue... more Purpose: to compare acoustic characteristics of stop consonants in speakers of Brazilian Portuguese with and without alterations in speech referring to voicing feature. Methods: out of 66 children assessed, 18 were selected for this study, aged from 9 to 12 years, distributed in Control Group, 8 without language alterations, and Deviation Group, 10 children with alterations in speech, regarding sonority features. Participants with hearing loss, with cognitive deficit, left-handed ones or using neurological medication, were excluded. The following tests were performed: tonal audiometry, ABFW speech test, and a PowerPoint interactive production test, which was developed by the author for this study, with the purpose of comparing the minimal pairs in words. At the end, the acoustic analysis was conducted, by using the PRAAT program. The acoustic characteristics of stops related to total and relative duration of voice onset time were compared in the two groups and analyzed by the Mann-W...
CoDAS, 2022
Este é um artigo publicado em acesso aberto (Open Access) sob a licença Creative Commons Attribut... more Este é um artigo publicado em acesso aberto (Open Access) sob a licença Creative Commons Attribution, que permite uso, distribuição e reprodução em qualquer meio, sem restrições desde que o trabalho original seja corretamente citado.
Revista Brasileira De Otorrinolaringologia, 2021
PALAVRAS-CHAVE Perda auditiva; Audiometria; Audição; Transtornos da audição; Síndrome de Turner R... more PALAVRAS-CHAVE Perda auditiva; Audiometria; Audição; Transtornos da audição; Síndrome de Turner Resumo Introdução: A síndrome de Turner é uma alteração frequente e genética que acomete indivíduos do sexo feminino e abrange grande variabilidade fenotípica. A literatura científica sugere uma relação entre perda auditiva e síndrome de Turner, porém ainda é um tema controverso. Objetivo: Relacionar a alteração citogenética com o perfil audiométrico de indivíduos com síndrome de Turner. Método: Estudo transversal, com amostra de conveniência, de base hospitalar. Foram incluídas pacientes com diagnóstico de síndrome de Turner e excluídas as com dificuldade para compreender a audiometria e/ou outras síndromes associadas. As participantes foram submetidas à audiometria tonal. Resultados: Das 65 pacientes incluídas, 36,9% apresentaram monossomia do cromossomo X e 63,0%, outras alterações. Com relação à audiometria, 64,6% apresentaram limiares dentro da normalidade e 35,3% alteração auditiva....
Revista CEFAC, 2013
OBJETIVO: pesquisar, entre um grupo de fonoaudiólogos, o grau de conhecimento e utilização das no... more OBJETIVO: pesquisar, entre um grupo de fonoaudiólogos, o grau de conhecimento e utilização das normas de biossegurança na rotina clínica. MÉTODO: foi realizada pesquisa por meio de um questionário respondido por cem profissionais de diferentes áreas de atuação (Audiologia Clínica, Audiologia Ocupacional, Voz, Neonatologia, Linguagem, Motricidade Orofacial e que atuam em mais de uma área). Cada item, respondido de forma positiva, correspondia a 1 ou 2 pontos, sendo a máxima pontuação (100%) correspondendo a 80 pontos. As respostas obtidas foram analisadas e as pontuações encontradas, padronizadas, ou seja, transformadas em índices percentuais indicando seu desempenho. O valor da percentagem de cada questionário poderia variar de 0 a 100%, sendo que quanto maior a percentagem obtida, maior o conhecimento e aplicabilidade das normas de biossegurança pelo profissional na rotina clínica. Foram adotadas as faixas de (0-25%), (26-50%), (51-75%) e (76-100%) para distinguir o nível de conhec...
CoDAS, 2022
RESUMO Objetivo Verificar a confiabilidade teste-reteste do Masking Level Difference em estudante... more RESUMO Objetivo Verificar a confiabilidade teste-reteste do Masking Level Difference em estudantes universitárias normo-ouvintes. Método Estudo prospectivo descritivo com 78 adultos jovens do gênero feminino sem queixas auditivas, submetidas à versão, em compact disc, do Masking Level Difference da Auditec of Saint Louis. O Masking Level Difference foi determinado por meio da diferença entre as relações sinal-ruído nos limiares auditivos encontrados nas condições antifásica e homofásica. O teste foi aplicado pelo mesmo examinador em dois momentos (teste e reteste) com intervalo de sete a 14 dias entre eles. A análise estatística inferencial incluiu comparação das situações teste e reteste por meio do teste t de Student para amostras pareadas, cálculo do coeficiente de correlação intraclasse e dos intervalos de confiança de 95% para as relações sinal/ruído nos limiares auditivos nas condições antifásica e homofásica e para o cálculo do Masking Level Difference. Resultados A média da ...
Introduction: Although noise-induced hearing loss is the most significant occupational hazard aff... more Introduction: Although noise-induced hearing loss is the most significant occupational hazard affecting the auditory system, studies on hearing conservation have shown that frequent exposure to che...
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2020
Multiple auditory steady-state response (MASSR) is recommended to estimate hearing thresholds in ... more Multiple auditory steady-state response (MASSR) is recommended to estimate hearing thresholds in difficult-to-test individuals. The multiple stimuli that evoke MASSR may present an interstimulus interaction (ISI) that is able to distort the generation of responses. No consensus exists on the effects of the ISI in MASSR when dealing with high sound level stimuli or cases of sensorineural hearing loss. This study investigated the effects of ISI on the amplitude and detectability of auditory steady-state responses, with a focus at and above 65 dB sound pressure level (SPL). Normal hearing (NH) and sensorineural hearing impaired (SNHI) adults were tested with different stimulus types [amplitude modulation (AM) One octave chirp (OC), and a weighted OC (WOC)], stimulus levels, and modalities (single or multiple stimuli). ISI typically attenuated response amplitude of a control stimulus caused by an interference stimulus one octave above the control stimulus. At and above 80 dB SPL, attenuations of around 50% decreased the number of detectable responses near SNHI thresholds, especially for OC and WOC. AM stimuli obtained a higher detection rate than OC and WOC when presented 10 dB above the behavioral hearing threshold of SNHI participants. Using OC in MASSR when assessing elevated thresholds might diminish accuracy on threshold estimation, and extend test duration. V
Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, 2020
Introduction: Turner syndrome is a frequent genetic disorder that affects female individuals and ... more Introduction: Turner syndrome is a frequent genetic disorder that affects female individuals and covers a large phenotypic variability. Scientific literature suggests an association between hearing loss and Turner syndrome, but it remains a controversial topic. Objective: To associate the cytogenetic alteration with the audiometric profile of individuals with Turner syndrome. Methods: Cross-sectional study, with a hospital-based, convenience sample. Patients diagnosed with Turner syndrome were included and those with difficulty understanding the audiometry and/or other associated syndromes were excluded. The participants were studied with pure tone audiometry. Results: Of the 65 patients included, 36.9% had X chromosome monosomy and 63.0% had other alterations. Regarding the audiometry, 64.6% had normal thresholds and 35.3% had hearing impairment. Of these, 30.4% had hybrid hearing loss, 26.0% alteration at 6 and/or 8 kHz, 17.3% had conductive hearing loss, 13.0% sensorineural loss and 13.0% had mixed hearing loss. We observed that the mild degree was the most frequent one. There was no statistically significant association between the cytogenetic type of Turner syndrome and the presence or absence of hearing loss, or with the type and degree of hearing loss.
Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical
A total of 771 cases of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) were reported in Brazil in 2014... more A total of 771 cases of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) were reported in Brazil in 2014. Treatment of MDR-TB with aminoglycosides can produce serious side effects such as permanent and irreversible hearing loss, which occurs in 5-64% of cases, and severely compromise patient quality of life. The goal of this research was to evaluate auditory and vestibular side effects in patients treated for MDR-TB and to identify associations between these complaints and the type of aminoglycoside used. We performed a retrospective review of 599 medical records from patients with MDR-TB who were treated at the Hélio Fraga/Fiocruz Reference Center between 2006 and 2010. Cases without auditory or vestibular complaints and patients who were not treated with aminoglycoside drugs were excluded from the study. Of 164 eligible cases, 55 (33.5%) reported an auditory or vestibular complaint and medication was subsequently suspended, although hearing damage was not confirmed in all cases. Audiomet...
Editora FIOCRUZ eBooks, Dec 31, 2022
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Oct 1, 2010
OBJETIVO: avaliar o processamento auditivo em idosos atraves do teste de ordenacao temporal (Padr... more OBJETIVO: avaliar o processamento auditivo em idosos atraves do teste de ordenacao temporal (Padrao de Duracao) e verificar se a presenca de perda auditiva influencia no desempenho deste teste. METODOS: 65 idosos foram avaliados (46 mulheres e 19 homens), entre 60 e 79 anos. Os participantes responderam a uma anamnese, realizaram mini-exame do estado mental e avaliacao audiologica basica. Os participantes foram alocados e estudados em um grupo unico e tambem divididos em tres grupos denominados G1, G2 e G3. De acordo com os resultados audiometricos, classificou-se o G1 (audicao normal para as medias de 0,5/1/2 kHz e de 3/4/6 kHz), o G2 (audicao normal ou perda auditiva de grau leve para a media de 0,5/1/2 kHz e grau leve para a media de3/4/6 kHz ) e o G3 (audicao normal ou perda auditiva de grau leve para a media de 0,5/1/2 kHz e grau moderado para a media de3/4/6 kHz). Foi realizado o teste Padrao de Duracao, que avalia a ordenacao temporal, a 50dBNS. Para a analise dos resultados foi utilizado o teste estatistico nao-parametrico de Kruskal-Wallis e o teste do qui-quadrado, sendo considerado como significante um p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: em toda a amostra a media de porcentagem de acertos foi de 63,1%. Nos grupos, as medias de acertos foram de 57,5%, 69% e 63,9% para o G1, G2 e G3, respectivamente. CONCLUSAO: a presenca de perda auditiva nao influenciou nos resultados do teste padrao de duracao.
Revista CEFAC, 2022
identificar os testes mais utilizados e as habilidades auditivas alteradas no processamento audit... more identificar os testes mais utilizados e as habilidades auditivas alteradas no processamento auditivo central, em indivíduos com perda auditiva neurossensorial. Métodos: revisão de literatura integrativa, realizada de março a agosto de 2021 nas bases de dados: PubMed/Medline, Lilacs, Scielo, IBECS e Index Psicologia Periódicos técnico-científicos. Foram incluídos estudos que realizaram a pesquisa das habilidades auditivas centrais, através do teste comportamental do processamento auditivo central, em sujeitos portadores de perda auditiva neurossensorial, de grau leve a moderado. A seleção, extração e síntese qualitativa foram realizadas por dois revisores independentes. A seleção teve como objetivo verificar se os estudos contemplavam a pergunta do estudo. Revisão da Literatura: foram encontrados 39 estudos para leitura do texto na íntegra e, ao aplicar os critérios de elegibilidade, foram incluídos 13 estudos. Observou-se que os participantes diagnosticados com perda auditiva neurossensorial apresentam predomínio de alteração auditiva em testes verbais quando comparados aos padrões de normalidade estabelecidos para indivíduos sem perda. Sendo assim, as habilidades mais alteradas são as que dependem da discriminação dos sons da fala. Conclusão: entre os testes comportamentais mais utilizados, predominou o teste SSW. Quanto as habilidades auditivas centrais mais pesquisadas foram integração binaural e separação binaural.
Journal of Clinical Medicine, Sep 7, 2022
Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, 2012
Revista CEFAC, 2022
Purpose: to identify the most used tests and the changed hearing skills in the central auditory p... more Purpose: to identify the most used tests and the changed hearing skills in the central auditory processing of individuals with sensorineural hearing loss. Methods: an integrative literature review conducted between March and August 2021 in PubMed/MEDLINE, LILACS, SciELO, IBECS, and Index Psi Scientific Journals. The review included studies addressing central hearing skills with central auditory processing behavioral tests in subjects with mild to moderate sensorineural hearing loss. Two independent reviewers made the study selection, data extraction, and qualitative synthesis. The selection aimed at verifying whether the studies answered the research question. Literature Review: 39 studies were found for full-text reading; after applying the eligibility criteria, 13 studies were included in the review. Participants diagnosed with sensorineural hearing loss predominantly had hearing changes in verbal tests, in comparison with normal standards for individuals without hearing loss. Thus, the most changed skills are the ones that depend on speech sound discrimination. Conclusion: the Staggered Spondaic Word Test predominated among the most used behavioral tests, while the most researched central auditory skills were binaural integration and binaural separation.
Conflict of interest: non-existent rigid in order to maintain their structure and flexible so as ... more Conflict of interest: non-existent rigid in order to maintain their structure and flexible so as to enable stretching and shortening in a rapid contraction. This contraction elicits wave amplification and a mechanical force towards the external auditory canal, where they may be captured in the form of OAE 2 which may be spontaneous or evoked. A study suggests that the outer hair cells (OHC) become capable of synapsing with the efferent system only after the 22 nd week of pregnancy. Thus, the authors believe that the cochlea has not yet reached its functional maturity before the 22 nd week and that, the end of this maturation process should probably occur during the pregnancy's last trimester 3 , or, from the 28 th week onwards. Another study found the presence of otoacoustic emissions beginning at 27 weeks gestational age 4. Evoked otoacoustic emissions (EOAE) are registered after sound stimulation that may be transient (TEOAE) produced by click signals, that are short lasting with a very wide frequency range and the ABSTRACT Purpose: to evaluate and compare the amplitude of transient evoked otoacoustic emissions, observing the variables gender and ear in preterm and term newborns with and without hearing impairment risk. Methods: the group studied consisted of 156 newborns of both genders, aged up to 54 postconceptional weeks, allocated into three groups according to their gestational age. Group G1 was composed of 83 term newborns and G2 of 73 preterm infants. The latter was subdivided into G2A, composed of 42 newborns without hearing loss risk and G2B of 31 newborns at risk. The transient evoked otoacoustic emissions were obtained by nonlinear click stimulus presented at 84 dB SPL with the Echocheck ILO OAE Screener, Otodynamics. For data analysis, the following statistical tests were used: Mann-Whitney, chi-square or Fisher exact test, Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA and Dunn multiple, post marked Wilcoxon with p< 0, 05 was considered significant. Results: the amplitude of the transient evoked otoacoustic emissions was greater in G1 (p= 0.017) than in G2 (p= 0.048) in the right and left ear and these difference was significant. Group G1 (p = 0,009) presented statistically greater amplitude in otoacoustic emissions than G2B in the right ear. Conclusion: the term group presented greater amplitude in otoacoustic emissions than the pre-term group. No difference in otoacoustic emissions was observed in the variables gender or ear.
2016 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2016
This study investigated the performance of Frequency Specific Auditory Steady-State Response (FS-... more This study investigated the performance of Frequency Specific Auditory Steady-State Response (FS-ASSR) detection elicited by the amplitude modulated tone with 2-order exponential envelope (AM2), using objective response detection (ORD) techniques of Spectral F-Test (SFT) and Magnitude Squared Coherence (MSC). ASSRs from 24 normal hearing adults were obtained during binaural multi-tone stimulation of amplitude-modulation (AM) and AM2 at intensities of 60, 45 and 30 dBSPL. The carrier frequencies were 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz, modulated between 77 and 105 Hz. AM2 achieve FS-ASSR amplitudes higher than AM by 16%, 18% and 12% at 60, 45 and 30 dBSPL, respectively, with a major increase at 500 Hz (22.5%). AMS2PL increased the Detection Rate (DR) up to 8.3% at 500 Hz for 30 dBSPL, which is particularly beneficial for FS-ASSR detection near the hearing threshold. In addition, responses in 1000 and 4000 Hz were consistently increased. The MSC and SFT presented no differences in Detection Rate (DR). False Detection Rate (FDR) was close to 5% for both techniques and tones. Detection times to reach DR over 90% were 3.5 and 4.9 min at 60 and 45 dBSPL, respectively. Further investigation concerning efficient multiple FS-ASSR is still necessary, such as testing subjects with hearing loss.
Revista CEFAC, 2019
Purpose: to compare acoustic characteristics of stop consonants in speakers of Brazilian Portugue... more Purpose: to compare acoustic characteristics of stop consonants in speakers of Brazilian Portuguese with and without alterations in speech referring to voicing feature. Methods: out of 66 children assessed, 18 were selected for this study, aged from 9 to 12 years, distributed in Control Group, 8 without language alterations, and Deviation Group, 10 children with alterations in speech, regarding sonority features. Participants with hearing loss, with cognitive deficit, left-handed ones or using neurological medication, were excluded. The following tests were performed: tonal audiometry, ABFW speech test, and a PowerPoint interactive production test, which was developed by the author for this study, with the purpose of comparing the minimal pairs in words. At the end, the acoustic analysis was conducted, by using the PRAAT program. The acoustic characteristics of stops related to total and relative duration of voice onset time were compared in the two groups and analyzed by the Mann-W...
CoDAS, 2022
Este é um artigo publicado em acesso aberto (Open Access) sob a licença Creative Commons Attribut... more Este é um artigo publicado em acesso aberto (Open Access) sob a licença Creative Commons Attribution, que permite uso, distribuição e reprodução em qualquer meio, sem restrições desde que o trabalho original seja corretamente citado.
Revista Brasileira De Otorrinolaringologia, 2021
PALAVRAS-CHAVE Perda auditiva; Audiometria; Audição; Transtornos da audição; Síndrome de Turner R... more PALAVRAS-CHAVE Perda auditiva; Audiometria; Audição; Transtornos da audição; Síndrome de Turner Resumo Introdução: A síndrome de Turner é uma alteração frequente e genética que acomete indivíduos do sexo feminino e abrange grande variabilidade fenotípica. A literatura científica sugere uma relação entre perda auditiva e síndrome de Turner, porém ainda é um tema controverso. Objetivo: Relacionar a alteração citogenética com o perfil audiométrico de indivíduos com síndrome de Turner. Método: Estudo transversal, com amostra de conveniência, de base hospitalar. Foram incluídas pacientes com diagnóstico de síndrome de Turner e excluídas as com dificuldade para compreender a audiometria e/ou outras síndromes associadas. As participantes foram submetidas à audiometria tonal. Resultados: Das 65 pacientes incluídas, 36,9% apresentaram monossomia do cromossomo X e 63,0%, outras alterações. Com relação à audiometria, 64,6% apresentaram limiares dentro da normalidade e 35,3% alteração auditiva....
Revista CEFAC, 2013
OBJETIVO: pesquisar, entre um grupo de fonoaudiólogos, o grau de conhecimento e utilização das no... more OBJETIVO: pesquisar, entre um grupo de fonoaudiólogos, o grau de conhecimento e utilização das normas de biossegurança na rotina clínica. MÉTODO: foi realizada pesquisa por meio de um questionário respondido por cem profissionais de diferentes áreas de atuação (Audiologia Clínica, Audiologia Ocupacional, Voz, Neonatologia, Linguagem, Motricidade Orofacial e que atuam em mais de uma área). Cada item, respondido de forma positiva, correspondia a 1 ou 2 pontos, sendo a máxima pontuação (100%) correspondendo a 80 pontos. As respostas obtidas foram analisadas e as pontuações encontradas, padronizadas, ou seja, transformadas em índices percentuais indicando seu desempenho. O valor da percentagem de cada questionário poderia variar de 0 a 100%, sendo que quanto maior a percentagem obtida, maior o conhecimento e aplicabilidade das normas de biossegurança pelo profissional na rotina clínica. Foram adotadas as faixas de (0-25%), (26-50%), (51-75%) e (76-100%) para distinguir o nível de conhec...
CoDAS, 2022
RESUMO Objetivo Verificar a confiabilidade teste-reteste do Masking Level Difference em estudante... more RESUMO Objetivo Verificar a confiabilidade teste-reteste do Masking Level Difference em estudantes universitárias normo-ouvintes. Método Estudo prospectivo descritivo com 78 adultos jovens do gênero feminino sem queixas auditivas, submetidas à versão, em compact disc, do Masking Level Difference da Auditec of Saint Louis. O Masking Level Difference foi determinado por meio da diferença entre as relações sinal-ruído nos limiares auditivos encontrados nas condições antifásica e homofásica. O teste foi aplicado pelo mesmo examinador em dois momentos (teste e reteste) com intervalo de sete a 14 dias entre eles. A análise estatística inferencial incluiu comparação das situações teste e reteste por meio do teste t de Student para amostras pareadas, cálculo do coeficiente de correlação intraclasse e dos intervalos de confiança de 95% para as relações sinal/ruído nos limiares auditivos nas condições antifásica e homofásica e para o cálculo do Masking Level Difference. Resultados A média da ...
Introduction: Although noise-induced hearing loss is the most significant occupational hazard aff... more Introduction: Although noise-induced hearing loss is the most significant occupational hazard affecting the auditory system, studies on hearing conservation have shown that frequent exposure to che...
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2020
Multiple auditory steady-state response (MASSR) is recommended to estimate hearing thresholds in ... more Multiple auditory steady-state response (MASSR) is recommended to estimate hearing thresholds in difficult-to-test individuals. The multiple stimuli that evoke MASSR may present an interstimulus interaction (ISI) that is able to distort the generation of responses. No consensus exists on the effects of the ISI in MASSR when dealing with high sound level stimuli or cases of sensorineural hearing loss. This study investigated the effects of ISI on the amplitude and detectability of auditory steady-state responses, with a focus at and above 65 dB sound pressure level (SPL). Normal hearing (NH) and sensorineural hearing impaired (SNHI) adults were tested with different stimulus types [amplitude modulation (AM) One octave chirp (OC), and a weighted OC (WOC)], stimulus levels, and modalities (single or multiple stimuli). ISI typically attenuated response amplitude of a control stimulus caused by an interference stimulus one octave above the control stimulus. At and above 80 dB SPL, attenuations of around 50% decreased the number of detectable responses near SNHI thresholds, especially for OC and WOC. AM stimuli obtained a higher detection rate than OC and WOC when presented 10 dB above the behavioral hearing threshold of SNHI participants. Using OC in MASSR when assessing elevated thresholds might diminish accuracy on threshold estimation, and extend test duration. V
Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, 2020
Introduction: Turner syndrome is a frequent genetic disorder that affects female individuals and ... more Introduction: Turner syndrome is a frequent genetic disorder that affects female individuals and covers a large phenotypic variability. Scientific literature suggests an association between hearing loss and Turner syndrome, but it remains a controversial topic. Objective: To associate the cytogenetic alteration with the audiometric profile of individuals with Turner syndrome. Methods: Cross-sectional study, with a hospital-based, convenience sample. Patients diagnosed with Turner syndrome were included and those with difficulty understanding the audiometry and/or other associated syndromes were excluded. The participants were studied with pure tone audiometry. Results: Of the 65 patients included, 36.9% had X chromosome monosomy and 63.0% had other alterations. Regarding the audiometry, 64.6% had normal thresholds and 35.3% had hearing impairment. Of these, 30.4% had hybrid hearing loss, 26.0% alteration at 6 and/or 8 kHz, 17.3% had conductive hearing loss, 13.0% sensorineural loss and 13.0% had mixed hearing loss. We observed that the mild degree was the most frequent one. There was no statistically significant association between the cytogenetic type of Turner syndrome and the presence or absence of hearing loss, or with the type and degree of hearing loss.
Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical
A total of 771 cases of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) were reported in Brazil in 2014... more A total of 771 cases of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) were reported in Brazil in 2014. Treatment of MDR-TB with aminoglycosides can produce serious side effects such as permanent and irreversible hearing loss, which occurs in 5-64% of cases, and severely compromise patient quality of life. The goal of this research was to evaluate auditory and vestibular side effects in patients treated for MDR-TB and to identify associations between these complaints and the type of aminoglycoside used. We performed a retrospective review of 599 medical records from patients with MDR-TB who were treated at the Hélio Fraga/Fiocruz Reference Center between 2006 and 2010. Cases without auditory or vestibular complaints and patients who were not treated with aminoglycoside drugs were excluded from the study. Of 164 eligible cases, 55 (33.5%) reported an auditory or vestibular complaint and medication was subsequently suspended, although hearing damage was not confirmed in all cases. Audiomet...