Fusun Ozguner - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Fusun Ozguner

Research paper thumbnail of Enhancing Beaconing Efficiency via Grouping for Vehicular Communications

2019 2nd IEEE Middle East and North Africa COMMunications Conference (MENACOMM)

To enhance transportation systems’ safety, vehicles have to periodically broadcast authenticated ... more To enhance transportation systems’ safety, vehicles have to periodically broadcast authenticated beacons on a dedicated limited wireless medium; beacons include vehicles’ current status. To provide the required authentication, the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) security framework has been embraced; PKI has a significant authentication overhead that consumes the limited wireless medium. Besides, the adopted Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) scheme is highly inefficient when a large number of vehicles compete for the limited medium. These insights incentivized the development of a new cooperative beaconing strategy. The grouping strategy dynamically forms secure authenticated groups to offload the main Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) beaconing to group leaders. Two versions of the grouping scheme are introduced utilizing two levels of security overhead omissions. To investigate the gain of the presented cooperative group beaconing strategies, two Markovian analytical models are built; numerical evaluations show that both scheme versions outperform the classic individualized scenario in terms of the addressed performance metrics.

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Research paper thumbnail of LDBS: a duplication based scheduling algorithm for heterogeneous computing systems

Proceedings International Conference on Parallel Processing

Finding an optimal solution to the problem of scheduling an application modeled by a directed acy... more Finding an optimal solution to the problem of scheduling an application modeled by a directed acyclic graph (DAG) onto a set of heterogeneous machines is known to be an NP-hard problem. In this study, we present a duplication based scheduling algorithm, namely the levelized duplication based scheduling (LDBS) algorithm, which solves this problem efficiently. The primary goal of LDBS is

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Research paper thumbnail of MAC layer protocols for real-time traffic in ad-hoc wireless networks

Proceedings International Conference on Parallel Processing

... Abhishek Pal, Atakan Dogan, and Füsun ¨Ozgüner Department of Electrical Engineering The Ohio ... more ... Abhishek Pal, Atakan Dogan, and Füsun ¨Ozgüner Department of Electrical Engineering The Ohio State University 2015 Neil Avenue Columbus, OH 43210-1272 email: {pala, dogana, ozguner}@ee.eng.ohio-state.edu ... 802.11 (1999) (aka ISO/IEC 8802-11:1999(E)). [8] P. Karn. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of PWCET: Power-Aware Worst Case Execution Time Analysis

2014 43rd International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops, 2014

Worst case execution time (WCET) analysis is used to verify that real-time tasks on systems can b... more Worst case execution time (WCET) analysis is used to verify that real-time tasks on systems can be executed without violating any timing constraints. Power consumption is not considered in most of the WCET research work. However, real-time embedded systems have limited power resources and the leakage power cost by the cache could take up to 40% of the total power consumption. Because of the nature of data reuse in programs, not all of the cache may be needed during the execution. Traditional WCET analysis, which derives the WCET bound by assuming all cache is utilized, results in higher power dissipation. In this paper, we propose a Power-aware WCET analysis framework (PWCET) to improve energy efficiency by reducing cache size with no penalty on the WCET result. A compiler analysis based useful cache calculation algorithm is used to determine the non-useful cache size to be turned off to save power. Experiments on benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of the PWCET framework in obtaining considerable power savings without any effect on WCET bounds.

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Research paper thumbnail of Black-Burst-Based Multihop Broadcast Protocols for Vehicular Networks

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Compaction of Schedules and a Two-Stage Approach for Duplication-Based DAG Scheduling

IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Concurrent Scheduling: Efficient Heuristics for Online Large-Scale Data Transfers in Distributed Real-Time Environments

IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Design and Implementation of a Binocular-Vision System for Locating Footholds of a Multi-Legged Walking Robot

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 1985

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Research paper thumbnail of A Multimicroprocessor System for Fault Tolerant Control of an Articulated Mechanism

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 1984

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Research paper thumbnail of 9-V Algorithm for Test Pattern Generation of Combinational Digital Circuits

IEEE Transactions on Computers, 1978

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Research paper thumbnail of Deductive Fault Simulation of Internal Faults of Inverter-Free Circuits and Programmable Logic Arrays

IEEE Transactions on Computers, 1986

ABSTRACT A method for the deductive fault simulation of faults in inverter-free circuits is prese... more ABSTRACT A method for the deductive fault simulation of faults in inverter-free circuits is presented. It is shown that in an inverter-free circuit, fault lists on lines with complementary logic values are disjoint, and fault list calculations can be done by performing fewer set operations compared to conventional gate level deductive simulation. Applications of the method to programmable logic arrays (PLA's) and deductive fault simulation of PLA faults are discussed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Investigating the use of GPU-accelerated nodes for SAR image formation

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Research paper thumbnail of To Obtain or not to Obtain CSI in the Presence of Hybrid Adversary

We consider the wiretap channel model under the presence of a hybrid, half duplex adversary that ... more We consider the wiretap channel model under the presence of a hybrid, half duplex adversary that is capable of either jamming or eavesdropping at a given time. We analyzed the achievable rates under a variety of scenarios involving different methods for obtaining transmitter CSI. Each method provides a different grade of information, not only to the transmitter on the main channel, but also to the adversary on all channels. Our analysis shows that main CSI is more valuable for the adversary than the jamming CSI in both delay-limited and ergodic scenarios. Similarly, in certain cases under the ergodic scenario, interestingly, no CSI may lead to higher achievable secrecy rates than with CSI.

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Research paper thumbnail of Real-time task mapping and scheduling for collaborative in-network processing in DVS-enabled wireless sensor networks

Proceedings 20th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium

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Research paper thumbnail of Dynamic Critical-Path Task Mapping and Scheduling for Collaborative In-Network Processing in Multi-Hop Wireless Sensor Networks

2006 International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops (ICPPW'06)

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Research paper thumbnail of Trading off execution time for reliability in scheduling precedence-constrained tasks in heterogeneous computing

Proceedings 15th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium. IPDPS 2001

This paper investigates the problem of matching and scheduling of an application, which is compos... more This paper investigates the problem of matching and scheduling of an application, which is composed of tasks with precedence constraints, to minimize both execution time and probability of failure of the application in a heterogeneous computing system. In general, however, it is impossible to satisfy both objectives at the same time because of conflicting requirements. The best one can do is to trade off execution time for reliability or vice versa, according to users' needs. Furthermore, there is a need for an algorithm which can assign tasks of an application to satisfy both of the objectives to some degree. Motivated from these facts, two different algorithms, which are capable of trading off execution time for reliability, are developed. To enable the proposed algorithms to account for the reliability of resources in the system, an expression which gives the reliability of the application under a given task assignment is derived. The simulation results are provided to validate the performance of the proposed algorithms

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Research paper thumbnail of Internet access protocol providing QoS in vehicular networks with infrastructure support

2006 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference

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Research paper thumbnail of Teaming up Authentications to Balance Anonymity and Efficiency of Vehicular Networks

2018 International Conference on Innovation and Intelligence for Informatics, Computing, and Technologies (3ICT)

The type of the utilized authentication framework in internet of vehicles/vehicular network reduc... more The type of the utilized authentication framework in internet of vehicles/vehicular network reduces the number of cars that can simultaneously seize the wireless channel. Some frameworks have less communication overhead while others have more anonymous traits; therefore, using a single authentication is a biased stance. In this work, we introduce an authentication interchange scheme that intermingles between three frameworks: Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), Group Signature (GS), and our Identity-based Cryptographic (IBC) authentication. Our scheme is context-aware, i.e., every certain time interval, the PKI vehicle checks its context; if the vehicle encounters a crowded neighborhood, it switches to a lower-overhead IBC authentication. If the car’s context is sparse, it alters to a more anonymous GS framework. We prove the scheme security by a valid argument using the strategies of attacker games and forking lemmas. To analyze the effectiveness of the scheme, we define several performance metrics as well as the communication scenario. The results prove that the interchanged scheme is more effective than the case of having one pure secure authentication throughout the network lifetime; our approach is computably fast and does not compromise the autos’ anonymity. Also, the scheme achieves less vehicle drop rate compared with the available pure frameworks.

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Research paper thumbnail of Reliable matching and scheduling of precedence-constrained tasks in heterogeneous distributed computing

Proceedings 2000 International Conference on Parallel Processing

... Consequently, complexity of computing Equation (12) is m [ i=l 1 ~ ~ ~ , ~ t ) = 1 - c{n A:,}... more ... Consequently, complexity of computing Equation (12) is m [ i=l 1 ~ ~ ~ , ~ t ) = 1 - c{n A:,} t. 2 &',lo = {m7, n7,8, m8, n8,11,mllt ~ 1 1 , l O ~ ml O ) ~ and n 4 8 t=l p2,15 i = {m2t m6, %,7, m7, mlo,ni0,13, m13, m15). @(lMI + IW. 311 Page 6. 5. Cost functions ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A navigation algorithm for an intelligent vehicle with a laser rangefinder

Proceedings. 1986 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation

This paper describes a navigation algorithm for a vehicle equipped with a laser rangefinder senso... more This paper describes a navigation algorithm for a vehicle equipped with a laser rangefinder sensor. The navigation algorithm is broken up into four parts, region classification, path planning, path smoothing, and path execution. Algorithms for region classification, path planning and path smoothing are presented. The navigation system was tested, and shown to produce fast, reliable results, in areas containing a

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Research paper thumbnail of Enhancing Beaconing Efficiency via Grouping for Vehicular Communications

2019 2nd IEEE Middle East and North Africa COMMunications Conference (MENACOMM)

To enhance transportation systems’ safety, vehicles have to periodically broadcast authenticated ... more To enhance transportation systems’ safety, vehicles have to periodically broadcast authenticated beacons on a dedicated limited wireless medium; beacons include vehicles’ current status. To provide the required authentication, the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) security framework has been embraced; PKI has a significant authentication overhead that consumes the limited wireless medium. Besides, the adopted Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) scheme is highly inefficient when a large number of vehicles compete for the limited medium. These insights incentivized the development of a new cooperative beaconing strategy. The grouping strategy dynamically forms secure authenticated groups to offload the main Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) beaconing to group leaders. Two versions of the grouping scheme are introduced utilizing two levels of security overhead omissions. To investigate the gain of the presented cooperative group beaconing strategies, two Markovian analytical models are built; numerical evaluations show that both scheme versions outperform the classic individualized scenario in terms of the addressed performance metrics.

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Research paper thumbnail of LDBS: a duplication based scheduling algorithm for heterogeneous computing systems

Proceedings International Conference on Parallel Processing

Finding an optimal solution to the problem of scheduling an application modeled by a directed acy... more Finding an optimal solution to the problem of scheduling an application modeled by a directed acyclic graph (DAG) onto a set of heterogeneous machines is known to be an NP-hard problem. In this study, we present a duplication based scheduling algorithm, namely the levelized duplication based scheduling (LDBS) algorithm, which solves this problem efficiently. The primary goal of LDBS is

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Research paper thumbnail of MAC layer protocols for real-time traffic in ad-hoc wireless networks

Proceedings International Conference on Parallel Processing

... Abhishek Pal, Atakan Dogan, and Füsun ¨Ozgüner Department of Electrical Engineering The Ohio ... more ... Abhishek Pal, Atakan Dogan, and Füsun ¨Ozgüner Department of Electrical Engineering The Ohio State University 2015 Neil Avenue Columbus, OH 43210-1272 email: {pala, dogana, ozguner}@ee.eng.ohio-state.edu ... 802.11 (1999) (aka ISO/IEC 8802-11:1999(E)). [8] P. Karn. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of PWCET: Power-Aware Worst Case Execution Time Analysis

2014 43rd International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops, 2014

Worst case execution time (WCET) analysis is used to verify that real-time tasks on systems can b... more Worst case execution time (WCET) analysis is used to verify that real-time tasks on systems can be executed without violating any timing constraints. Power consumption is not considered in most of the WCET research work. However, real-time embedded systems have limited power resources and the leakage power cost by the cache could take up to 40% of the total power consumption. Because of the nature of data reuse in programs, not all of the cache may be needed during the execution. Traditional WCET analysis, which derives the WCET bound by assuming all cache is utilized, results in higher power dissipation. In this paper, we propose a Power-aware WCET analysis framework (PWCET) to improve energy efficiency by reducing cache size with no penalty on the WCET result. A compiler analysis based useful cache calculation algorithm is used to determine the non-useful cache size to be turned off to save power. Experiments on benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of the PWCET framework in obtaining considerable power savings without any effect on WCET bounds.

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Research paper thumbnail of Black-Burst-Based Multihop Broadcast Protocols for Vehicular Networks

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Compaction of Schedules and a Two-Stage Approach for Duplication-Based DAG Scheduling

IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Concurrent Scheduling: Efficient Heuristics for Online Large-Scale Data Transfers in Distributed Real-Time Environments

IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Design and Implementation of a Binocular-Vision System for Locating Footholds of a Multi-Legged Walking Robot

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 1985

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Research paper thumbnail of A Multimicroprocessor System for Fault Tolerant Control of an Articulated Mechanism

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 1984

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Research paper thumbnail of 9-V Algorithm for Test Pattern Generation of Combinational Digital Circuits

IEEE Transactions on Computers, 1978

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Research paper thumbnail of Deductive Fault Simulation of Internal Faults of Inverter-Free Circuits and Programmable Logic Arrays

IEEE Transactions on Computers, 1986

ABSTRACT A method for the deductive fault simulation of faults in inverter-free circuits is prese... more ABSTRACT A method for the deductive fault simulation of faults in inverter-free circuits is presented. It is shown that in an inverter-free circuit, fault lists on lines with complementary logic values are disjoint, and fault list calculations can be done by performing fewer set operations compared to conventional gate level deductive simulation. Applications of the method to programmable logic arrays (PLA's) and deductive fault simulation of PLA faults are discussed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Investigating the use of GPU-accelerated nodes for SAR image formation

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Research paper thumbnail of To Obtain or not to Obtain CSI in the Presence of Hybrid Adversary

We consider the wiretap channel model under the presence of a hybrid, half duplex adversary that ... more We consider the wiretap channel model under the presence of a hybrid, half duplex adversary that is capable of either jamming or eavesdropping at a given time. We analyzed the achievable rates under a variety of scenarios involving different methods for obtaining transmitter CSI. Each method provides a different grade of information, not only to the transmitter on the main channel, but also to the adversary on all channels. Our analysis shows that main CSI is more valuable for the adversary than the jamming CSI in both delay-limited and ergodic scenarios. Similarly, in certain cases under the ergodic scenario, interestingly, no CSI may lead to higher achievable secrecy rates than with CSI.

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Research paper thumbnail of Real-time task mapping and scheduling for collaborative in-network processing in DVS-enabled wireless sensor networks

Proceedings 20th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium

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Research paper thumbnail of Dynamic Critical-Path Task Mapping and Scheduling for Collaborative In-Network Processing in Multi-Hop Wireless Sensor Networks

2006 International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops (ICPPW'06)

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Research paper thumbnail of Trading off execution time for reliability in scheduling precedence-constrained tasks in heterogeneous computing

Proceedings 15th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium. IPDPS 2001

This paper investigates the problem of matching and scheduling of an application, which is compos... more This paper investigates the problem of matching and scheduling of an application, which is composed of tasks with precedence constraints, to minimize both execution time and probability of failure of the application in a heterogeneous computing system. In general, however, it is impossible to satisfy both objectives at the same time because of conflicting requirements. The best one can do is to trade off execution time for reliability or vice versa, according to users' needs. Furthermore, there is a need for an algorithm which can assign tasks of an application to satisfy both of the objectives to some degree. Motivated from these facts, two different algorithms, which are capable of trading off execution time for reliability, are developed. To enable the proposed algorithms to account for the reliability of resources in the system, an expression which gives the reliability of the application under a given task assignment is derived. The simulation results are provided to validate the performance of the proposed algorithms

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Research paper thumbnail of Internet access protocol providing QoS in vehicular networks with infrastructure support

2006 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference

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Research paper thumbnail of Teaming up Authentications to Balance Anonymity and Efficiency of Vehicular Networks

2018 International Conference on Innovation and Intelligence for Informatics, Computing, and Technologies (3ICT)

The type of the utilized authentication framework in internet of vehicles/vehicular network reduc... more The type of the utilized authentication framework in internet of vehicles/vehicular network reduces the number of cars that can simultaneously seize the wireless channel. Some frameworks have less communication overhead while others have more anonymous traits; therefore, using a single authentication is a biased stance. In this work, we introduce an authentication interchange scheme that intermingles between three frameworks: Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), Group Signature (GS), and our Identity-based Cryptographic (IBC) authentication. Our scheme is context-aware, i.e., every certain time interval, the PKI vehicle checks its context; if the vehicle encounters a crowded neighborhood, it switches to a lower-overhead IBC authentication. If the car’s context is sparse, it alters to a more anonymous GS framework. We prove the scheme security by a valid argument using the strategies of attacker games and forking lemmas. To analyze the effectiveness of the scheme, we define several performance metrics as well as the communication scenario. The results prove that the interchanged scheme is more effective than the case of having one pure secure authentication throughout the network lifetime; our approach is computably fast and does not compromise the autos’ anonymity. Also, the scheme achieves less vehicle drop rate compared with the available pure frameworks.

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Research paper thumbnail of Reliable matching and scheduling of precedence-constrained tasks in heterogeneous distributed computing

Proceedings 2000 International Conference on Parallel Processing

... Consequently, complexity of computing Equation (12) is m [ i=l 1 ~ ~ ~ , ~ t ) = 1 - c{n A:,}... more ... Consequently, complexity of computing Equation (12) is m [ i=l 1 ~ ~ ~ , ~ t ) = 1 - c{n A:,} t. 2 &',lo = {m7, n7,8, m8, n8,11,mllt ~ 1 1 , l O ~ ml O ) ~ and n 4 8 t=l p2,15 i = {m2t m6, %,7, m7, mlo,ni0,13, m13, m15). @(lMI + IW. 311 Page 6. 5. Cost functions ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A navigation algorithm for an intelligent vehicle with a laser rangefinder

Proceedings. 1986 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation

This paper describes a navigation algorithm for a vehicle equipped with a laser rangefinder senso... more This paper describes a navigation algorithm for a vehicle equipped with a laser rangefinder sensor. The navigation algorithm is broken up into four parts, region classification, path planning, path smoothing, and path execution. Algorithms for region classification, path planning and path smoothing are presented. The navigation system was tested, and shown to produce fast, reliable results, in areas containing a

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