Göran Rosenberg - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Göran Rosenberg was born in Sweden 1948 to Polish-Jewish survivors of the Holocaust. He graduated in 1968 from University of Stockholm with a BA in mathematics, philosophy, political science, and from the University College for Journalism in Stockholm (Journalisthögskolan) in 1970. He holds a PhD (h.c.) at the University of Gothenburg.
Since 1970 Göran Rosenberg has been working as a reporter, foreign correspondent, filmmaker, TV-producer, program host, magazine editor and writer of books and essays. In 1990 he founded the Swedish monthly magazine of essays and opinions, Moderna Tider, of which he was the editor until October 1999. He is a regular columnist and essayist in major Swedish media and an occasional producer of film documentaries.
His essays and articles have been translated and published in, among others, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Lettre International, New York Times, Daedalus and New Perspectives Quarterly.

Awards and honours ( selection):
• PhD (h.c.) University of Gothenburg, 2000
• Stora Journalistpriset (Grand Journalism Prize), 1996
• The Swedish Association of Publicists: Grand Publicist Prize
• The Swedish Literary Society De Nio: Lotten von Kraemer’s Prize (1998).
• The Swedish Academy: The Gun och Olof Engqvist stipend (twice, 1997 and 2012.)
• The August Prize for best book of 2012.

Books (selection):
• Friare kan ingen vara, den amerikanska idén från Revolution till Reagan, (Free Man’s Burden. The American Idea From Revolution to Reagan, Norstedts 1991).
• Det förlorade landet (A Personal History of Zionism, Messianism and the State of Israel), Bonniers 1996, 2002, 2007, also in Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, German and French (Das verlorene Land, Suhrkamp 1998, L’utopie perdue, Denoël 2002). It was on the short list for the The August Prize of 1996.
• Plikten profiten och konsten att vara människa (Duty, Profit and the Art of Being Human), Bonniers 2003 (also in Norwegian and Danish).
• Ett kort uppehåll på vägen från Auschwitz (A Short Stop on the Road from Auschwitz) which was awarded the August Prize for literature in 2012. It has beeen translated into thirteen languages (UK and international edition, Granta 1914, American edition, The Other Press 2014)
• Rabbi Marcus Ehrenpreis obesvarade kärlek, Bonniers 2021, (Another Zionism, another Judaism, The Unrequited Love of Rabbi Marcus Ehrenpreis, forthcoming on Other Press, NY)
• Sweden: a Reluctant Nation, Counterpoint, UK, 2013 (uploaded on Academia).

Antologies (selection)
• The Heritage of a Century, in James Kaye & Bo Stråth (ed): Enlightenment and Genocide, Contradictions of Modernity, P.I.E. Peter Lang, Brussels 2000.
• The Crisis of Consensus in Postwar Sweden, in Nina Witoszek & Lars Trägårdh: Culture and Crisis, The Case of Germany and Sweden, Berghahn Books, 2000.
• The Warm Circles of Politics. Patterns of Belief and Belonging in the Wake of the Nation State, in Bernd Henningsen (ed): Politik, Religion und Gemeinschaft, Die Kulturelle Konstruktion von Sinn, Nomos Verlag, 2005.

Films (selection):
• The Black City with the White House, which was awarded the Golden Nymph for best news documentary at the 1990 International Television Festival in Monte Carlo, and Goethe and Ghetto which won the Czech Crystal at the International Film Festival in Prague 1996.

Language skills:
Swedish (native), English and Hebrew (fluent), Spanish, German and French (basic).

Research interests:
Religion and Politics, Jewish Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Jewish History, American History, History of Ideas.
