GEORGIOS CHRYSAFIS - (original) (raw)


Research paper thumbnail of Corruption in Greece: Empirical evidence and theoretical implications (pages 355-370)

Philosophy and crisis : responding to challenges to ways of life in the contemporary world / edited by Golfo Maggini, Vasiliki P. Solomou-Papanikolaou, Helen Karabatzaki, Konstantinos D. Koskeridis ; with a Foreword by João J. Vila-Chã., 2017

Based on empirical evidence of the major corruption cases in Greece during the last ten years, i ... more Based on empirical evidence of the major corruption cases in Greece during the last ten years, i trace the phenomenon not only as a cause but an effect as well of the crisis. I indicate two types of corruption: the formal and the informal, which indicate the material (=economic) and non material (=values) aspects of the crisis. Its emergence (from the part of the implicated persons and the public as something not only rational but as reasonable as well, drive the theoretical problematic to additional definitions in the fields of accountability, responsibility, legitimacy, and personal, political and professional ethics and morals. This pathology of the public life in total, fits well on the idea that there is an overriding concern in the satisfaction of the collective conscience at a level of publicity, where there are the proceedings of legitimacy, the guarantee of rule of order and the defuse of the public.
On the other hand, the activity and rhetoric from groups of interest indicate an aspect of particularism, that hits the arguments of public interest, legitimacy and rule of order in a liberal democracy. I suggest that, in most of the cases, it contributes to the construction of the informal conceptions of corruption, or a dormant aspect of it, since it arises on the threshold of corruption which may function as an “educational mean” or a “social example”.
I suggest that corruption in Greece stands as a peculiarity, due to its not only quantitative but many qualitative constituents as well. These preconditions drive us to the theoretical problematic that i indicate in my paper.

Research paper thumbnail of Όψεις της πολυεπίπεδης διακυβέρνησης και αποκέντρωσης στην Ελλάδα: Η περίπτωση της μεταβίβασης αρμοδιοτήτων στην τοπική αυτοδιοίκησηAspects of multilevel governance and decentralization in Greece: the case of competences'  devolution to local governance

ΔΕΕ: Ο ρόλος της τοπικής αυτοδιοίκησης στο σύστημα της πολυεπίπεδης διακυβέρνησης-Σύγχρονες προκλήσεις και προοπτικές, 25 Φεβρουαρίου 2022/Union of Administrative Scientists-Conference: The role of local government within the system of multilevel governance: New challenges and prospects,February ..., 2022

«Όταν δεν μπορεί κανείς να σταματήσει ρωτώντας για την αιτία ορισμένου αποτελέσματος (για την αιτ... more «Όταν δεν μπορεί κανείς να σταματήσει ρωτώντας για την αιτία ορισμένου αποτελέσματος (για την αιτία αυτής της αιτίας κ.ο.κ.), καταλήγει στο τέλος να κάνει το αποτέλεσμα αιτία του εαυτού του.» (Καντ-1971: «Απάνω στο κοινό απόφθεγμα: τούτο είναι ορθό στη θεωρία αλλά στην πράξη δεν ισχύει»)

Research paper thumbnail of Επιτελικό κράτος: ρητορική και πραγματικότητα/Strategic state: Rhetoric and reality

Συνέδριο: Το σύγχρονο επιτελικό Κράτος-Νέες τάσεις και προοπτικές, Παρασκευή 4 Δεκεμβρίου 2020/Conference of the Union of Greek Administrative Scientists¨The new strategic state-New trends and prospects, Friday December 4, 2020, 2020

Περίληψη: Η εργασία μου αποτελεί μία προσέγγιση του ζητήματος σχετικά με το επιτελικό κράτος όπως... more Περίληψη: Η εργασία μου αποτελεί μία προσέγγιση του ζητήματος σχετικά με το επιτελικό κράτος όπως παρουσιάζεται στο νόμο 4622/2019, και είναι οργανωμένη σε δύο ενότητες: τη ρητορική του νόμου αφενός και αφετέρου την πραγματικότητα που συναντάται κατά την περίοδο μετά τη θεσμοθέτησή του, σε δύο πεδία πολιτικών τα οποία θεωρώ ότι έχουν ιδιαίτερη σημασία. Διεξέρχομαι το ζήτημα υπό την οπτική διάγνωσης του τύπου επιτελικού κράτους που έχει συσταθεί και ως προς το κατά πόσον ανταποκρίνεται στη συνθετότητα που χαρακτηρίζει την επιτελικότητα. Επιζητέο της εργασίας μου είναι κατά πόσον το νέο επιτελικό κράτος τοποθετείται στα πλαίσια κριτηρίων που θέτω: διοικητική σκοπιμότητα, δημόσιο συμφέρον, δεοντολογία. Επίσης, ποια είναι η διαφαινόμενη πρακτική του, μέσω της εμπειρίας εφαρμογής.
Abstract: This paper is an approach of the subject about the strategic state, as it has been introduced by the provisions of the law 4622/2019 and it is structured in two sections: its’ rhetoric and the reality we face in the period that followed its publication in two fields of policy implementation that from my point of view I consider of particular importance. I explore the subject through the view about the form of established strategic state and whether in corresponds to the complexity of its characteristics. In my paper I question about the new strategic state on the basis of criteria I set: administrative necessity, public interest, deontology. Furthermore, what’s the apparent practice, after the experience of its implementation.

Research paper thumbnail of Proceedings of XXIII World Congress of Philosophy

Research paper thumbnail of Ethics and Morals of Leadership in Aristotle’s Work

Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Ηθική φιλοσοφία και πολιτική οικονομία στον κλασικό βρετανικό φιλελευθερισμό

Research paper thumbnail of "Eudemonia and Virtue of the Individual and the Polis: The Aristotelian Approach" (pages 60-73)


In my paper, I trace the Aristotelian point of view and reflection about eudemonia, its relation ... more In my paper, I trace the Aristotelian point of view and reflection about eudemonia, its relation and connection to the complex of the virtuous condition and its implementation to political life, inasmuch it is not possible to understand a polis as eudemon without citizens under eudemonia and vice versa. The detection of the subject is in parallel to the importance of his moral and political theory. For Aristotle, eudemonia consists in the ultimate stage of individual and collective existence and it constitutes a situation of peculiar multiplicity, because it is the epitome of moral and existential fulfillment for the individual and the society.

Research paper thumbnail of Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 5  Georgios Chrysafis Ethics and Morals of Leadership in Aristotle’s Work

The objective of my paper, which stands as a very short introduction of a wider research work of ... more The objective of my paper, which stands as a very short introduction of a wider research work of mine, is to trace the ethical and moral preconditions for leadership as they may emerge through Aristotle’s works and his view on virtue ethics. I suggest the understanding of leadership not only under its conventional concepts, but as the power of an individual to wield control and management within its own administrative circumstances. The pursuit of the moral preconditions drives us to respective arguments about the individual who is under the management of leadership. My intention is not to reply to the question whether a form of leadership could or should be virtuous, moral or ethical, but to point down the complexity of morality in the case of leadership and in the sense that we accept for a degree of morality to exist in a milieu of leadership. Under this, emerges the question about the degree of morality in each circumstance of leadership. A person who plays the role of a leader either is virtuous or not and he should be ethical within his milieu of action: however, it is under question the feasibility of virtue in leadership or the degree of it (the kind of virtue desirable at any circumstance). The present work, traces the moral issues in an aspect of business ethics, without assuming that they were a major theoretical objective by Aristotle. However, I am of the opinion, that his work may offer us a wide spectrum of problematic for the field of the kind.

Research paper thumbnail of Η Δικαιολόγηση της Ανεκτικότητας στο Έργο του John Locke, Επετηρίδα Πανεπιστημίου Ιωαννίνων ΔΩΔΩΝΗ, Τόμος 36ος, σελ. 143-199, Ιωάννινα, 2011-2013. The Justification of Tolerance in John Locke's Work, Review DODONI, University of Ioannina, Vol. 36, pp. 143-199, Ioannina, 2011-2013

Η Δικαιολόγηση της Ανεκτικότητας στο Έργο του John Locke, Επετηρίδα Πανεπιστημίου Ιωαννίνων ΔΩΔΩΝΗ, Τόμος 36ος, σελ. 143-199, Ιωάννινα, 2011-2013. The Justification of Tolerance in John Locke's Work, Review DODONI, University of Ioannina, Vol. 36, pp. 143-199, Ioannina, 2011-2013

In my paper, I attempt to trace the epistemological arguments in John Locke,from which we deduce ... more In my paper, I attempt to trace the epistemological arguments in John Locke,from which we deduce the principle of toleration not solely in religious matters, but in the whole field of social life. I do not focus only in the Four Letters, but in his total work, to search for the tolerance as an attitude that concerns the broader society, where we interpret in a fundamental way the reason for all the actions and beliefs
that should be tolerated and accepted, not only within the narrow limits of religion. It is an aspect emerging from John Locke’s theory of knowledge in the Essay, where it is developed the theory about individual self-determination, responsibility, personal identity, the difference between knowledge and opinion, moral limitations, the certainty of knowledge, about truth, the circumstances of assent and consent, the conditions for social prosperity, etc. All these matters raise the question about the nature and the conditions of a liberal society, where toleration is of primary
importance for Locke’s social and political philosophy, presented in his other works. Toleration comes within the framework of Locke’s moral limitations, the demands
for the individual moral rectitude, it is always under the control of the experience and it is associated with the individual freedom and free will. It is a part of the system
of values that constitute individual autonomy and freedom, as necessary conditions for the liberal society, the issue at stake of the early modernity.

Research paper thumbnail of Όροι και Κριτήρια για την Αποτελεσματικότητα της Προεδρίας στο Συμβούλιο της Ε.Ε.-Αναλυτική Προσέγγιση

Διπλωματική εργασία στο πλαίσιο του ΠΜΣ "Δημόσια Πολιτική και Διοίκηση" του Οικονομικού Πανεπιστη... more Διπλωματική εργασία στο πλαίσιο του ΠΜΣ "Δημόσια Πολιτική και Διοίκηση" του Οικονομικού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών. Επιβλέπων: Καθηγητής Δημήτρης Μπουραντώνης

Research paper thumbnail of Administrative Reform of Greek First Tier Local Government: A Critical Approach based on a Case of Epirus Region

Paper Sumbitted and presented for the 61st Annual International Conference of the Political Studi... more Paper Sumbitted and presented for the 61st Annual International Conference of the Political Studies Association, 18-21 April 2011, London, UK

Research paper thumbnail of Ηθική Φιλοσοφία και Πολιτική Οικονομία στον Κλασικό Βρετανικό Φιλελευθερισμό: John Locke, Bernard Mandeville, Adam Smith

Εκδόσεις ΝΗΣΟΣ, Δεκέμβριος 2010. Moral Philososphy and Political Economy in the Classical Britis... more Εκδόσεις ΝΗΣΟΣ, Δεκέμβριος 2010.
Moral Philososphy and Political Economy in the Classical British Liberalism: John Locke, Bernard Mandeville, Adam Smith.
Nisos Publications, Athens, December 2010.

Research paper thumbnail of First Tier Local Government in Greece Within the Administrative Reforrm and the Economic Crisis: Some Aspects of the Problem

Paper Submitted and Presented to the International Conference: "The Politics of Extreme Austerity... more Paper Submitted and Presented to the International Conference: "The Politics of Extreme Austerity: Greece Beyond the Crisis", GREEK POLITICS SPECIALIST GROUP, Strathclyde University, Glasgow, December 8-9, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Πολιτική Οικονομία και Θεωρία των Δικαιωμάτων στον Κλασικό Φιλελευθερισμό: Η παράδοση του John Locke

Δημοσιευμένο στα ΑΞΙΟΛΟΓΙΚΑ, Τχ 19, Μάιος 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Διοικητική μεταρρύθμιση και χάσματα εφαρμογής πολιτικών: Η Περίπτωση των Αρμοδιοτήτων Αγροτικής Ανάπτυξης για τους Ο.Τ.Α. Α΄ Βαθμού στο ν. 3852/2010

Κείμενο από την ανακοίνωση στο 4ο συνέδριο διοικητικών επιστημόνων (Θεσσαλονίκη, Δεκέμβριος 2011)... more Κείμενο από την ανακοίνωση στο 4ο συνέδριο διοικητικών επιστημόνων (Θεσσαλονίκη, Δεκέμβριος 2011). Από τον τόμο των πρακτικών, Εκδόσεις Σάκκουλας, Δεκέμβριος 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Πολιτικές Απασχόλησης στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση: Μηχανισμοί Αποδόμησης της Δημοκρατικής Κοινωνίας;

Βασισμένο σε ανακοίνωση που έγινε σε διεθνές συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Πολιτικής Επιστήμης... more Βασισμένο σε ανακοίνωση που έγινε σε διεθνές συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Πολιτικής Επιστήμης στο Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο το Μάιο του 2008. Περιελήφθη σε συλλογικό έργο που εκδόθηκε από τις Εκδόσεις ΝΗΣΟΣ το Δεκέμβριο του 2014.

Research paper thumbnail of Νέες Δημόσιες Πολιτικές: Κριτική Δεοντική Προσέγγιση

Research paper thumbnail of Corruption in Greece: Empirical evidence and theoretical implications (pages 355-370)

Philosophy and crisis : responding to challenges to ways of life in the contemporary world / edited by Golfo Maggini, Vasiliki P. Solomou-Papanikolaou, Helen Karabatzaki, Konstantinos D. Koskeridis ; with a Foreword by João J. Vila-Chã., 2017

Based on empirical evidence of the major corruption cases in Greece during the last ten years, i ... more Based on empirical evidence of the major corruption cases in Greece during the last ten years, i trace the phenomenon not only as a cause but an effect as well of the crisis. I indicate two types of corruption: the formal and the informal, which indicate the material (=economic) and non material (=values) aspects of the crisis. Its emergence (from the part of the implicated persons and the public as something not only rational but as reasonable as well, drive the theoretical problematic to additional definitions in the fields of accountability, responsibility, legitimacy, and personal, political and professional ethics and morals. This pathology of the public life in total, fits well on the idea that there is an overriding concern in the satisfaction of the collective conscience at a level of publicity, where there are the proceedings of legitimacy, the guarantee of rule of order and the defuse of the public.
On the other hand, the activity and rhetoric from groups of interest indicate an aspect of particularism, that hits the arguments of public interest, legitimacy and rule of order in a liberal democracy. I suggest that, in most of the cases, it contributes to the construction of the informal conceptions of corruption, or a dormant aspect of it, since it arises on the threshold of corruption which may function as an “educational mean” or a “social example”.
I suggest that corruption in Greece stands as a peculiarity, due to its not only quantitative but many qualitative constituents as well. These preconditions drive us to the theoretical problematic that i indicate in my paper.

Research paper thumbnail of Όψεις της πολυεπίπεδης διακυβέρνησης και αποκέντρωσης στην Ελλάδα: Η περίπτωση της μεταβίβασης αρμοδιοτήτων στην τοπική αυτοδιοίκησηAspects of multilevel governance and decentralization in Greece: the case of competences'  devolution to local governance

ΔΕΕ: Ο ρόλος της τοπικής αυτοδιοίκησης στο σύστημα της πολυεπίπεδης διακυβέρνησης-Σύγχρονες προκλήσεις και προοπτικές, 25 Φεβρουαρίου 2022/Union of Administrative Scientists-Conference: The role of local government within the system of multilevel governance: New challenges and prospects,February ..., 2022

«Όταν δεν μπορεί κανείς να σταματήσει ρωτώντας για την αιτία ορισμένου αποτελέσματος (για την αιτ... more «Όταν δεν μπορεί κανείς να σταματήσει ρωτώντας για την αιτία ορισμένου αποτελέσματος (για την αιτία αυτής της αιτίας κ.ο.κ.), καταλήγει στο τέλος να κάνει το αποτέλεσμα αιτία του εαυτού του.» (Καντ-1971: «Απάνω στο κοινό απόφθεγμα: τούτο είναι ορθό στη θεωρία αλλά στην πράξη δεν ισχύει»)

Research paper thumbnail of Επιτελικό κράτος: ρητορική και πραγματικότητα/Strategic state: Rhetoric and reality

Συνέδριο: Το σύγχρονο επιτελικό Κράτος-Νέες τάσεις και προοπτικές, Παρασκευή 4 Δεκεμβρίου 2020/Conference of the Union of Greek Administrative Scientists¨The new strategic state-New trends and prospects, Friday December 4, 2020, 2020

Περίληψη: Η εργασία μου αποτελεί μία προσέγγιση του ζητήματος σχετικά με το επιτελικό κράτος όπως... more Περίληψη: Η εργασία μου αποτελεί μία προσέγγιση του ζητήματος σχετικά με το επιτελικό κράτος όπως παρουσιάζεται στο νόμο 4622/2019, και είναι οργανωμένη σε δύο ενότητες: τη ρητορική του νόμου αφενός και αφετέρου την πραγματικότητα που συναντάται κατά την περίοδο μετά τη θεσμοθέτησή του, σε δύο πεδία πολιτικών τα οποία θεωρώ ότι έχουν ιδιαίτερη σημασία. Διεξέρχομαι το ζήτημα υπό την οπτική διάγνωσης του τύπου επιτελικού κράτους που έχει συσταθεί και ως προς το κατά πόσον ανταποκρίνεται στη συνθετότητα που χαρακτηρίζει την επιτελικότητα. Επιζητέο της εργασίας μου είναι κατά πόσον το νέο επιτελικό κράτος τοποθετείται στα πλαίσια κριτηρίων που θέτω: διοικητική σκοπιμότητα, δημόσιο συμφέρον, δεοντολογία. Επίσης, ποια είναι η διαφαινόμενη πρακτική του, μέσω της εμπειρίας εφαρμογής.
Abstract: This paper is an approach of the subject about the strategic state, as it has been introduced by the provisions of the law 4622/2019 and it is structured in two sections: its’ rhetoric and the reality we face in the period that followed its publication in two fields of policy implementation that from my point of view I consider of particular importance. I explore the subject through the view about the form of established strategic state and whether in corresponds to the complexity of its characteristics. In my paper I question about the new strategic state on the basis of criteria I set: administrative necessity, public interest, deontology. Furthermore, what’s the apparent practice, after the experience of its implementation.

Research paper thumbnail of Proceedings of XXIII World Congress of Philosophy

Research paper thumbnail of Ethics and Morals of Leadership in Aristotle’s Work

Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Ηθική φιλοσοφία και πολιτική οικονομία στον κλασικό βρετανικό φιλελευθερισμό

Research paper thumbnail of "Eudemonia and Virtue of the Individual and the Polis: The Aristotelian Approach" (pages 60-73)


In my paper, I trace the Aristotelian point of view and reflection about eudemonia, its relation ... more In my paper, I trace the Aristotelian point of view and reflection about eudemonia, its relation and connection to the complex of the virtuous condition and its implementation to political life, inasmuch it is not possible to understand a polis as eudemon without citizens under eudemonia and vice versa. The detection of the subject is in parallel to the importance of his moral and political theory. For Aristotle, eudemonia consists in the ultimate stage of individual and collective existence and it constitutes a situation of peculiar multiplicity, because it is the epitome of moral and existential fulfillment for the individual and the society.

Research paper thumbnail of Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 5  Georgios Chrysafis Ethics and Morals of Leadership in Aristotle’s Work

The objective of my paper, which stands as a very short introduction of a wider research work of ... more The objective of my paper, which stands as a very short introduction of a wider research work of mine, is to trace the ethical and moral preconditions for leadership as they may emerge through Aristotle’s works and his view on virtue ethics. I suggest the understanding of leadership not only under its conventional concepts, but as the power of an individual to wield control and management within its own administrative circumstances. The pursuit of the moral preconditions drives us to respective arguments about the individual who is under the management of leadership. My intention is not to reply to the question whether a form of leadership could or should be virtuous, moral or ethical, but to point down the complexity of morality in the case of leadership and in the sense that we accept for a degree of morality to exist in a milieu of leadership. Under this, emerges the question about the degree of morality in each circumstance of leadership. A person who plays the role of a leader either is virtuous or not and he should be ethical within his milieu of action: however, it is under question the feasibility of virtue in leadership or the degree of it (the kind of virtue desirable at any circumstance). The present work, traces the moral issues in an aspect of business ethics, without assuming that they were a major theoretical objective by Aristotle. However, I am of the opinion, that his work may offer us a wide spectrum of problematic for the field of the kind.

Research paper thumbnail of Η Δικαιολόγηση της Ανεκτικότητας στο Έργο του John Locke, Επετηρίδα Πανεπιστημίου Ιωαννίνων ΔΩΔΩΝΗ, Τόμος 36ος, σελ. 143-199, Ιωάννινα, 2011-2013. The Justification of Tolerance in John Locke's Work, Review DODONI, University of Ioannina, Vol. 36, pp. 143-199, Ioannina, 2011-2013

Η Δικαιολόγηση της Ανεκτικότητας στο Έργο του John Locke, Επετηρίδα Πανεπιστημίου Ιωαννίνων ΔΩΔΩΝΗ, Τόμος 36ος, σελ. 143-199, Ιωάννινα, 2011-2013. The Justification of Tolerance in John Locke's Work, Review DODONI, University of Ioannina, Vol. 36, pp. 143-199, Ioannina, 2011-2013

In my paper, I attempt to trace the epistemological arguments in John Locke,from which we deduce ... more In my paper, I attempt to trace the epistemological arguments in John Locke,from which we deduce the principle of toleration not solely in religious matters, but in the whole field of social life. I do not focus only in the Four Letters, but in his total work, to search for the tolerance as an attitude that concerns the broader society, where we interpret in a fundamental way the reason for all the actions and beliefs
that should be tolerated and accepted, not only within the narrow limits of religion. It is an aspect emerging from John Locke’s theory of knowledge in the Essay, where it is developed the theory about individual self-determination, responsibility, personal identity, the difference between knowledge and opinion, moral limitations, the certainty of knowledge, about truth, the circumstances of assent and consent, the conditions for social prosperity, etc. All these matters raise the question about the nature and the conditions of a liberal society, where toleration is of primary
importance for Locke’s social and political philosophy, presented in his other works. Toleration comes within the framework of Locke’s moral limitations, the demands
for the individual moral rectitude, it is always under the control of the experience and it is associated with the individual freedom and free will. It is a part of the system
of values that constitute individual autonomy and freedom, as necessary conditions for the liberal society, the issue at stake of the early modernity.

Research paper thumbnail of Όροι και Κριτήρια για την Αποτελεσματικότητα της Προεδρίας στο Συμβούλιο της Ε.Ε.-Αναλυτική Προσέγγιση

Διπλωματική εργασία στο πλαίσιο του ΠΜΣ "Δημόσια Πολιτική και Διοίκηση" του Οικονομικού Πανεπιστη... more Διπλωματική εργασία στο πλαίσιο του ΠΜΣ "Δημόσια Πολιτική και Διοίκηση" του Οικονομικού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών. Επιβλέπων: Καθηγητής Δημήτρης Μπουραντώνης

Research paper thumbnail of Administrative Reform of Greek First Tier Local Government: A Critical Approach based on a Case of Epirus Region

Paper Sumbitted and presented for the 61st Annual International Conference of the Political Studi... more Paper Sumbitted and presented for the 61st Annual International Conference of the Political Studies Association, 18-21 April 2011, London, UK

Research paper thumbnail of Ηθική Φιλοσοφία και Πολιτική Οικονομία στον Κλασικό Βρετανικό Φιλελευθερισμό: John Locke, Bernard Mandeville, Adam Smith

Εκδόσεις ΝΗΣΟΣ, Δεκέμβριος 2010. Moral Philososphy and Political Economy in the Classical Britis... more Εκδόσεις ΝΗΣΟΣ, Δεκέμβριος 2010.
Moral Philososphy and Political Economy in the Classical British Liberalism: John Locke, Bernard Mandeville, Adam Smith.
Nisos Publications, Athens, December 2010.

Research paper thumbnail of First Tier Local Government in Greece Within the Administrative Reforrm and the Economic Crisis: Some Aspects of the Problem

Paper Submitted and Presented to the International Conference: "The Politics of Extreme Austerity... more Paper Submitted and Presented to the International Conference: "The Politics of Extreme Austerity: Greece Beyond the Crisis", GREEK POLITICS SPECIALIST GROUP, Strathclyde University, Glasgow, December 8-9, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Πολιτική Οικονομία και Θεωρία των Δικαιωμάτων στον Κλασικό Φιλελευθερισμό: Η παράδοση του John Locke

Δημοσιευμένο στα ΑΞΙΟΛΟΓΙΚΑ, Τχ 19, Μάιος 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Διοικητική μεταρρύθμιση και χάσματα εφαρμογής πολιτικών: Η Περίπτωση των Αρμοδιοτήτων Αγροτικής Ανάπτυξης για τους Ο.Τ.Α. Α΄ Βαθμού στο ν. 3852/2010

Κείμενο από την ανακοίνωση στο 4ο συνέδριο διοικητικών επιστημόνων (Θεσσαλονίκη, Δεκέμβριος 2011)... more Κείμενο από την ανακοίνωση στο 4ο συνέδριο διοικητικών επιστημόνων (Θεσσαλονίκη, Δεκέμβριος 2011). Από τον τόμο των πρακτικών, Εκδόσεις Σάκκουλας, Δεκέμβριος 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Πολιτικές Απασχόλησης στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση: Μηχανισμοί Αποδόμησης της Δημοκρατικής Κοινωνίας;

Βασισμένο σε ανακοίνωση που έγινε σε διεθνές συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Πολιτικής Επιστήμης... more Βασισμένο σε ανακοίνωση που έγινε σε διεθνές συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Πολιτικής Επιστήμης στο Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο το Μάιο του 2008. Περιελήφθη σε συλλογικό έργο που εκδόθηκε από τις Εκδόσεις ΝΗΣΟΣ το Δεκέμβριο του 2014.

Research paper thumbnail of Νέες Δημόσιες Πολιτικές: Κριτική Δεοντική Προσέγγιση