Grażyna Wyder - (original) (raw)
Papers by Grażyna Wyder
Studia z Historii Społeczno-Gospodarczej XIX i XX Wieku, Dec 31, 2009
Grażyna Wyder 136 skich. Prawnuczka Adama i Izabeli Czartoryskich z Puław. Po kądzieli odziedzicz... more Grażyna Wyder 136 skich. Prawnuczka Adama i Izabeli Czartoryskich z Puław. Po kądzieli odziedziczyła m. in. tradycje wielkich magnackich rodzin, popierających wszelką inicjatywę obrony polskości, postępu społecznego i kulturalnego. To bowiem Izabela stworzyła pierwsze polskie muzeum historyczne, a dom pradziadków Anny stanowił centrum życia patriotycznego i politycznego. Ze strony ojca, Tytusa Działyńskiego, Anna Potocka odziedziczyła nie tylko wielkie tradycje patriotyczne, ale i tradycje zupełnie niezwykłej ofiarności na cele narodowe. Jej dziadek Ksawery Działyński (1756-1819) za popieranie powstania kościuszkowskiego (wszedł w skład Rady Zastępczej Tymczasowej) został w roku 1794 aresztowany i uwięziony przez władze pruskie w Głogowie i w twierdzy Spandau 5. W kolejnych powstaniach brał udział ojciec Anny-Adam Tytus 6. Po upadku powstania listopadowego, w którym uczestniczył wraz z grupą Wielkopolskich ochotników 7 , przez wiele lat, nie mogąc wrócić do Poznania, wypełniał w Paryżu misję dyplomatyczną zleconą mu przez księcia Adama Jerzego Czartoryskiego 8. Na emigracji przebywał prawie 10 lat i, jak zapisała Anna w Pamiętniku: Rodzice moi byli w prawdziwej nędzy. Matka moja zarabiała szyciem i różnemi robotami ręcznymi [przebywali wówczas w Krakowie-G. W.], to samo w Paryżu siostra jej księżna Sapieżyna; bieda była taka, że kartofle bez soli jadły Siostry moje; a jeżeli kawa lub herbata była przypadkiem, to ją pito bez cukru 9. Po latach "banicji" i licznych procesach udało mu się w roku 1838 odzyskać obłożony sekwestrem przez rząd pruski majątek w Wielkopolsce 10. Powrócił do Kórnika w rok po werdykcie sądu (19 listopada 1839 r.) i praktycznie od samego początku włączył się w wir działalności narodowej i społecznej. Zainteresowanych działalnością Tytusa odsyłam do interesującej biografii ojca Anny; tu wspomnę jedynie, iż resztę życia poświecił na gromadzenie pamiątek narodonich. W celu zebrania środków na te cele urządzała w swym pałacu w Poznaniu koncerty, odczyty, wystawy obrazów i loterie. Zmarła 10 lipca 1883 r. w Poznaniu. 15 S. K. Potocki, B. Wysocka, Tytus Działyński..., s. 13. 16 Brał udział we wszystkich polskich powstaniach narodowych. 17 Po wybuchu powstania listopadowego Cecylia Działyńska podążyła za mężem do Warszawy i wzięła udział w powstaniu, wspierając działania siostry męża, Klaudyny Potockiej; zob.
The situation of Polish society, divided by occupants, pushed them to take steps that demanded sp... more The situation of Polish society, divided by occupants, pushed them to take steps that demanded special skills but also sacrifice and many victims. Educated people, besides all the reasonable worries about their wealth and heritage, felt morally obliged to be responsible for ethical and material values of Polish people. Anna Potocka from Działyński family, the successor of not only the wealth but also great patriotic tradition of her forefathers, is a perfect example of such an attitude. Anna and her husband Stanisław were truly engaged in charity and various educational ventures. Among many, the most interesting was establishing sculpture school for boys and lace school for girls, both created in Oleszyce. The separate passage in Anna’s life concerned acquiring of an estate in Rymanów and dis- covering a mineral water spring there. This period was a permanent struggle against the fate of her private and professional life. Unbroken character, stubbornness and strong belief in her ent...
Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe, 1998
z ielona GoraIGrunberg in Schlesien gehort zu den Stadten West-und Nordpolens, die nach dem Ende ... more z ielona GoraIGrunberg in Schlesien gehort zu den Stadten West-und Nordpolens, die nach dem Ende des li. Weltkrieges aufgrund der Vereinbarungen der Siegermachte wieder an Polen angeschlossen wurden. Dies hatte zur Folge, dafi die Stadtbevolkerung in kurzer Zeit vollig ausgetauscht wurde: Anstelle der Einwohner deutscher Herkunft, die von heute auf morgen und unter dramatischen Umstanden die Stadt verlassen mufiten, kamen die polnischen ijbersiedler. Einen WendepunM in der Geschichte Grunbergs, Polens und Europas bildete zweifellos das Jahr 1945. Der grausamste aller Kriege, der u.a. eine neue geopolitische Ordnung brachte, war zu Ende. Es begann ein neuer Abschnitt in den Beziehungen zwischen den europaischen Staaten, darunter auch der keineswegs leichte, aber notwendige und zukunftsorientierte ProzeO des Aufbaus einer friedlichen Koexistenz des deutschen und polnischen Volkes. Das vorliegende Buch stellt vierzig Lebensbilder angesehener Grunberger im Zeitraum von zwei Jahrhunderten dar, die durch ihr Leben und Werk die Geschichte der Stadt beeinflufiten, zu ihrer Entwicklung und ihrem Prestige wesentlich beitrugen und hochste Anerkennung verdienen. Dabei kann die vorliegende Bearbeitung in dreifacher Hinsicht genutzt werden. Es ist vor allem eine Art Chronik der Stadt, Aufzeichnung der Vergangenheit dieser eigenartigen ,,kleinen Heimat". In den einzelnen Biographien spiegeln sich Tatsachen und Ereignisse aus dem Leben der Stadt im Verlauf der vergangenen 200 Jahre wider. Zweitens wird mit dieser Publikation das Ziel verfolgt, die geschichtliche Kontinuitat der Stadt GrunbergIZielona Gora aufzuzeigen, indem namhafte Grijnberger deutscher und polnischer Herkunft vorgestellt werden. Damit D ie Geschichte einer Stadt machen weder nur niedergeschriebene und veroffentlichte politische oder wirtschaftliche Ereignisse aus, die fur die Entstehung der Stadt, ihre einzelnen Entwicklungsetappen und ihren Aufschwung oder Niedergang Zeugnis ablegen, noch sind es aus-schlieOlich Kukurinstitutionen und Baudenkmaler, die die Geschichte einer Stadt bilden, sondern auch Lebenslaufe ihrer Burger, die mit ihrem Leben und Werk ganz wesentlich zur Entwicklung dieser Stadt beigetragen haben. Dieser AspeM der Entwicklung von Lokalgemeinschaften wird in Monographien meist nur am Rande unter der ijberschrifl ,,Beruhmte Personlichkeiten" behandelt und beschrankt sich auf das Aufzahlen von einigen Namen, die fur den behandelten Zeitraum reprasentativ sind. Manchmal werden StraOen nach ihren Namen benannt, seltener stellt man ihnen Denkmaler auf. In solchen Monographien begegnet man am haufigsten Politikern, Burgermeistern, auch hervorragenden Militars, Schriftstellern oder Gelehrten. Aus der zweihundert Jahre alten Geschichte der Stadtnur diesen Zeitraum umfaOt die vorliegende Publikationist es sicherlich nicht einfach, die reprasentativsten und verdientesten Burger herauszusondern. Dies hangt mit einer Reihe von objektiven Schwierigkeiten zusammen, von denen zwei besonders beachtenswert sind. Erstens ist es die Tatsache, daO die Einwohner von Grunberg~Zielona Gora zwei verschiedenen Nationalitaten, der deutschen und der polnischen, und dazu noch drei Landern (PreuOen, Deutschland und Polen) entstammten. Zweitens ware an dieser Stelle der unterschiedliche Werdegang der Stadt zu berucksichtigen, die sich erst allmahlich und systematisch, nach 1945 dann sprunghaft entwickelt hat.
... Czyżniewski, Tomasz,; Duma, Ewa,; Gała, Leszek,; Grad, Roman,; Iwan, Stanisław,; Kuczer, Jaro... more ... Czyżniewski, Tomasz,; Duma, Ewa,; Gała, Leszek,; Grad, Roman,; Iwan, Stanisław,; Kuczer, Jarosław,; Leśniak, Władysław,; Lewczuk ... Rudiak, Robert,; Ruszczyński, Adam,; Schreiter, Paweł,; Siatecki, Alfred,; Stolarska, Małgorzata,; Szklarz, Grzegorz,; Toczewski, Andrzej (1947-) ...
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski23726
Views by dr Wiktor Skarżyński, a deputy to Parliament, a philosopher - a representative of the co... more Views by dr Wiktor Skarżyński, a deputy to Parliament, a philosopher - a representative of the conservative movement -on social and professional women's activity in Wielkopolska in the second half of the 19th century In the second half of the 19th century, as a result of complex social, legal and economic determinants, there grew the interest in the position of women in many spheres of life. Wielkopolska was not an exception although the Kulturkampf policy had assigned to women an important role of guards of the national identity and Polish tradition. Traditional and conservative views of that time did not prevent the undertaking of a current discussion. Many social and political authorities expressed their views on that subject. One of them was dr Wiktor Skarżyński - a politician, a philosopher, and an economist. Conservative as they were, his views underlined the enormous significance of women in the social life, their role in patriotic attitude's creation, preservation of...
Nutrients, 2022
Both higher protein (HP) and lower carbohydrate (LC) diets may promote satiety and enhance body w... more Both higher protein (HP) and lower carbohydrate (LC) diets may promote satiety and enhance body weight (BW) loss. This study investigated whether HP can promote these outcomes independent of carbohydrate (CHO) content. 121 women with obesity (BW: 95.1 ± 13.0 kg, BMI: 35.4 ± 3.9 kg/m2) were randomised to either HP (1.2 g/kg BW) or normal protein (NP, 0.8 g/kg BW) diets, in combination with either LC (28 en%) or normal CHO (NC, 40 en%) diets. A low-energy diet partial diet replacement (LEDpdr) regime was used for 8 weeks, where participants consumed fixed-energy meal replacements plus one ad libitum meal daily. Four-day dietary records showed that daily energy intake (EI) was similar between groups (p = 0.744), but the difference in protein and CHO between groups was lower than expected. Following multiple imputation (completion rate 77%), decrease in mean BW, fat mass (FM) and fat-free mass (FFM) at Week 8 in all was 7.5 ± 0.7 kg (p < 0.001), 5.7 ± 0.5 kg (p < 0.001), and 1.4 ±...
Appetite, 2022
This study aimed to identify biomarkers of appetite response, modelled using a dose-rising whey p... more This study aimed to identify biomarkers of appetite response, modelled using a dose-rising whey protein preload intervention. Female participants (n = 24) with body mass index (BMI) between 23 and 40 kg/m2 consumed preload beverages (0 g protein water control, WC; 12.5 g low-dose protein, LP; or 50.0 g high-dose protein, HP) after an overnight fast, in a randomised cross over design. Repeated venous blood samples were collected to measure plasma biomarkers of appetite response, including glucose, glucoregulatory peptides, gut peptides, and amino acids (AAs). Appetite was assessed using Visual Analogue Scales (VAS) and ad libitum energy intake (EI). Dose-rising protein beverage significantly changed the postprandial trajectory of almost all biomarkers (treatment*time, p < 0.05), but did not suppress postprandial appetite (treatment*time, p > 0.05) or EI (ANOVA, p = 0.799). Circulating glycine had the strongest association with appetite response. Higher area under the curve (AUC0-240) glycine was associated with lower EI (p = 0.026, trend). Furthermore, circulating glycine was associated with decreased Hunger in all treatment groups, whereas the associations of glucose, alanine and amylin with appetite were dependent on treatment groups. Multivariate models, incorporating multiple biomarkers, improved the estimation of appetite response (marginal R2, range: 0.13-0.43). In conclusion, whilst glycine, both alone and within a multivariate model, can estimate appetite response to both water and whey protein beverage consumption, a large proportion of variance in appetite response remains unexplained. Most biomarkers, when assessed in isolation, are poor predictors of appetite response, and likely of utility only in combination with VAS and EI.
Increasing global prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) has resulted in concerted efforts to improv... more Increasing global prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) has resulted in concerted efforts to improve predictors for development of this obesity-related disorder. Establishing markers that identify prediabetes, an intermediary state of glycaemia above that of healthy individuals but below frank T2D, is an important focus. International cut offs have long been based on the 2 h WHO-defined oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), but more recent use of the quicker and cheaper marker of glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) has become widespread in clinical practice and public health. The definition of people with prediabetes in turn has expanded from those with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) to include individuals with impaired fasting glucose (IFG) and/or raised HbA1c. Whilst HbA1c has been recommended since 2010 for both T2D and prediabetes screening, concerns have been raised over validity particularly for identifying those who will later develop T2D. Depending on criteria, HbA1c may identify onl...
Image-text matching is a vital cross-modality task in artificial intelligence and has attracted i... more Image-text matching is a vital cross-modality task in artificial intelligence and has attracted increasing attention in recent years. Existing works have shown that learning semantic concepts is useful to enhance image representation and can significantly improve the performance of both image-totext and text-to-image retrieval. However, existing models simply detect semantic concepts from a given image, which are less likely to deal with long-tail and occlusion concepts. Frequently cooccurred concepts in the same scene, e.g. bedroom and bed, can provide common-sense knowledge to discover other semantic-related concepts. In this paper, we develop a Scene Concept Graph (SCG) by aggregating image scene graphs and extracting frequently co-occurred concept pairs as scene common-sense knowledge. Moreover, we propose a novel model to incorporate this knowledge to improve image-text matching. Specifically, semantic concepts are detected from images and then expanded by the SCG. After learning to select relevant contextual concepts, we fuse their representations with the image embedding feature to feed into the matching module. Extensive experiments are conducted on Flickr30K and MSCOCO datasets, and prove that our model achieves state-of-the-art results due to the effectiveness of incorporating the external SCG. * This work was done during the first author's intership in MSR Asia † Corresponding Author Laptop Cat Query: Calico sitting on a laptop keyboard enjoying the sun.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, 2021
Mitochondrial-derived peptides (MDPs) are encoded by the mitochondrial genome and hypothesised to... more Mitochondrial-derived peptides (MDPs) are encoded by the mitochondrial genome and hypothesised to form part of a retrograde signalling network that modulates adaptive responses to metabolic stress. To understand how metabolic stress regulates MDPs in humans we assessed the association between circulating MOTS-c and SHLP2 and components of metabolic syndrome (MS), as well as depot-specific fat mass in participants without overt type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular disease. One-hundred and twenty-five Chinese participants (91 male, 34 female) had anthropometry, whole body dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry scans and fasted blood samples analysed. Chinese female participants and an additional 34 European Caucasian female participants also underwent magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy (MRI/S) for visceral, pancreatic and liver fat quantification. In Chinese participants (age = 41 ± 1 years, BMI = 27.8 ± 3.9 kg/m2), plasma MOTS-c (315 ± 27 pg/ml) and SHLP2 (1393 ± 82 pg/ml) were elevated in those with MS (n = 26). While multiple components of the MS sequelae positively associated with both MOTS-c and SHLP2, including blood pressure, fasting plasma glucose and triglycerides, the most significant of these was waist circumference (p < 0.0001). Android fat had a greater effect on increasing plasma MOTS-c (p < 0.004) and SHLP2 (p < 0.009) relative to whole body fat. Associations with MRI/S parameters corrected for total body fat mass revealed that liver fat positively associated with plasma MOTS-c and SHLP2 and visceral fat with SHLP2. Consistent with hepatic stress being a driver of circulating MDP concentrations, plasma MOTS-c and SHLP2 were higher in participants with elevated liver damage markers and in male C57Bl/6j mice fed a diet that induces hepatic lipid accumulation and damage. Our findings provide evidence that in the absence of overt type 2 diabetes, components of the MS positively associated with levels of MOTS-c and SHLP2 and that android fat, in particular liver fat, is a primary driver of these associations. MOTS-c and SHLP2 have previously been shown to have cyto- and metabolo-protective properties, therefore we suggest that liver stress may be a mitochondrial peptide signal, and mitochondrial peptides are part of a hepatic centric-hormetic response intended to restore metabolic balance.
Nutrition & Metabolism, 2020
Background Asian Chinese are more susceptible to deposition of visceral adipose tissue (VAT) and ... more Background Asian Chinese are more susceptible to deposition of visceral adipose tissue (VAT) and type 2 diabetes (T2D) development than European Caucasians when matched for gender, age and body mass index (BMI). Our aims were: (i) characterise the ethnicity-specific metabolomic signature of visceral adiposity measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and fasting plasma glucose (FPG), and (ii) identify individuals susceptible to worse metabolic health outcomes. Methods Fasting plasma samples from normoglycaemic (n = 274) and prediabetic (n = 83) participants were analysed with liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry using untargeted metabolomics. Multiple linear regression adjusting for age, gender and BMI was performed to identify metabolites associated with FPG and VAT calculated as percentage of total body fat (%VATTBF) in each ethnic group. Metabolic risk groups in each ethnicity were stratified based on the joint metabolomic signature for FPG and %VATTBF and clinically ...
Obesity, 2020
Ethnic differences in fat deposition contribute to type 2 diabetes (T2D). Identification of bioma... more Ethnic differences in fat deposition contribute to type 2 diabetes (T2D). Identification of biomarkers that underpin dysglycemia are needed for better‐targeted prevention and treatment.
Studia z Historii Społeczno-Gospodarczej XIX i XX Wieku, Dec 31, 2009
Grażyna Wyder 136 skich. Prawnuczka Adama i Izabeli Czartoryskich z Puław. Po kądzieli odziedzicz... more Grażyna Wyder 136 skich. Prawnuczka Adama i Izabeli Czartoryskich z Puław. Po kądzieli odziedziczyła m. in. tradycje wielkich magnackich rodzin, popierających wszelką inicjatywę obrony polskości, postępu społecznego i kulturalnego. To bowiem Izabela stworzyła pierwsze polskie muzeum historyczne, a dom pradziadków Anny stanowił centrum życia patriotycznego i politycznego. Ze strony ojca, Tytusa Działyńskiego, Anna Potocka odziedziczyła nie tylko wielkie tradycje patriotyczne, ale i tradycje zupełnie niezwykłej ofiarności na cele narodowe. Jej dziadek Ksawery Działyński (1756-1819) za popieranie powstania kościuszkowskiego (wszedł w skład Rady Zastępczej Tymczasowej) został w roku 1794 aresztowany i uwięziony przez władze pruskie w Głogowie i w twierdzy Spandau 5. W kolejnych powstaniach brał udział ojciec Anny-Adam Tytus 6. Po upadku powstania listopadowego, w którym uczestniczył wraz z grupą Wielkopolskich ochotników 7 , przez wiele lat, nie mogąc wrócić do Poznania, wypełniał w Paryżu misję dyplomatyczną zleconą mu przez księcia Adama Jerzego Czartoryskiego 8. Na emigracji przebywał prawie 10 lat i, jak zapisała Anna w Pamiętniku: Rodzice moi byli w prawdziwej nędzy. Matka moja zarabiała szyciem i różnemi robotami ręcznymi [przebywali wówczas w Krakowie-G. W.], to samo w Paryżu siostra jej księżna Sapieżyna; bieda była taka, że kartofle bez soli jadły Siostry moje; a jeżeli kawa lub herbata była przypadkiem, to ją pito bez cukru 9. Po latach "banicji" i licznych procesach udało mu się w roku 1838 odzyskać obłożony sekwestrem przez rząd pruski majątek w Wielkopolsce 10. Powrócił do Kórnika w rok po werdykcie sądu (19 listopada 1839 r.) i praktycznie od samego początku włączył się w wir działalności narodowej i społecznej. Zainteresowanych działalnością Tytusa odsyłam do interesującej biografii ojca Anny; tu wspomnę jedynie, iż resztę życia poświecił na gromadzenie pamiątek narodonich. W celu zebrania środków na te cele urządzała w swym pałacu w Poznaniu koncerty, odczyty, wystawy obrazów i loterie. Zmarła 10 lipca 1883 r. w Poznaniu. 15 S. K. Potocki, B. Wysocka, Tytus Działyński..., s. 13. 16 Brał udział we wszystkich polskich powstaniach narodowych. 17 Po wybuchu powstania listopadowego Cecylia Działyńska podążyła za mężem do Warszawy i wzięła udział w powstaniu, wspierając działania siostry męża, Klaudyny Potockiej; zob.
The situation of Polish society, divided by occupants, pushed them to take steps that demanded sp... more The situation of Polish society, divided by occupants, pushed them to take steps that demanded special skills but also sacrifice and many victims. Educated people, besides all the reasonable worries about their wealth and heritage, felt morally obliged to be responsible for ethical and material values of Polish people. Anna Potocka from Działyński family, the successor of not only the wealth but also great patriotic tradition of her forefathers, is a perfect example of such an attitude. Anna and her husband Stanisław were truly engaged in charity and various educational ventures. Among many, the most interesting was establishing sculpture school for boys and lace school for girls, both created in Oleszyce. The separate passage in Anna’s life concerned acquiring of an estate in Rymanów and dis- covering a mineral water spring there. This period was a permanent struggle against the fate of her private and professional life. Unbroken character, stubbornness and strong belief in her ent...
Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe, 1998
z ielona GoraIGrunberg in Schlesien gehort zu den Stadten West-und Nordpolens, die nach dem Ende ... more z ielona GoraIGrunberg in Schlesien gehort zu den Stadten West-und Nordpolens, die nach dem Ende des li. Weltkrieges aufgrund der Vereinbarungen der Siegermachte wieder an Polen angeschlossen wurden. Dies hatte zur Folge, dafi die Stadtbevolkerung in kurzer Zeit vollig ausgetauscht wurde: Anstelle der Einwohner deutscher Herkunft, die von heute auf morgen und unter dramatischen Umstanden die Stadt verlassen mufiten, kamen die polnischen ijbersiedler. Einen WendepunM in der Geschichte Grunbergs, Polens und Europas bildete zweifellos das Jahr 1945. Der grausamste aller Kriege, der u.a. eine neue geopolitische Ordnung brachte, war zu Ende. Es begann ein neuer Abschnitt in den Beziehungen zwischen den europaischen Staaten, darunter auch der keineswegs leichte, aber notwendige und zukunftsorientierte ProzeO des Aufbaus einer friedlichen Koexistenz des deutschen und polnischen Volkes. Das vorliegende Buch stellt vierzig Lebensbilder angesehener Grunberger im Zeitraum von zwei Jahrhunderten dar, die durch ihr Leben und Werk die Geschichte der Stadt beeinflufiten, zu ihrer Entwicklung und ihrem Prestige wesentlich beitrugen und hochste Anerkennung verdienen. Dabei kann die vorliegende Bearbeitung in dreifacher Hinsicht genutzt werden. Es ist vor allem eine Art Chronik der Stadt, Aufzeichnung der Vergangenheit dieser eigenartigen ,,kleinen Heimat". In den einzelnen Biographien spiegeln sich Tatsachen und Ereignisse aus dem Leben der Stadt im Verlauf der vergangenen 200 Jahre wider. Zweitens wird mit dieser Publikation das Ziel verfolgt, die geschichtliche Kontinuitat der Stadt GrunbergIZielona Gora aufzuzeigen, indem namhafte Grijnberger deutscher und polnischer Herkunft vorgestellt werden. Damit D ie Geschichte einer Stadt machen weder nur niedergeschriebene und veroffentlichte politische oder wirtschaftliche Ereignisse aus, die fur die Entstehung der Stadt, ihre einzelnen Entwicklungsetappen und ihren Aufschwung oder Niedergang Zeugnis ablegen, noch sind es aus-schlieOlich Kukurinstitutionen und Baudenkmaler, die die Geschichte einer Stadt bilden, sondern auch Lebenslaufe ihrer Burger, die mit ihrem Leben und Werk ganz wesentlich zur Entwicklung dieser Stadt beigetragen haben. Dieser AspeM der Entwicklung von Lokalgemeinschaften wird in Monographien meist nur am Rande unter der ijberschrifl ,,Beruhmte Personlichkeiten" behandelt und beschrankt sich auf das Aufzahlen von einigen Namen, die fur den behandelten Zeitraum reprasentativ sind. Manchmal werden StraOen nach ihren Namen benannt, seltener stellt man ihnen Denkmaler auf. In solchen Monographien begegnet man am haufigsten Politikern, Burgermeistern, auch hervorragenden Militars, Schriftstellern oder Gelehrten. Aus der zweihundert Jahre alten Geschichte der Stadtnur diesen Zeitraum umfaOt die vorliegende Publikationist es sicherlich nicht einfach, die reprasentativsten und verdientesten Burger herauszusondern. Dies hangt mit einer Reihe von objektiven Schwierigkeiten zusammen, von denen zwei besonders beachtenswert sind. Erstens ist es die Tatsache, daO die Einwohner von Grunberg~Zielona Gora zwei verschiedenen Nationalitaten, der deutschen und der polnischen, und dazu noch drei Landern (PreuOen, Deutschland und Polen) entstammten. Zweitens ware an dieser Stelle der unterschiedliche Werdegang der Stadt zu berucksichtigen, die sich erst allmahlich und systematisch, nach 1945 dann sprunghaft entwickelt hat.
... Czyżniewski, Tomasz,; Duma, Ewa,; Gała, Leszek,; Grad, Roman,; Iwan, Stanisław,; Kuczer, Jaro... more ... Czyżniewski, Tomasz,; Duma, Ewa,; Gała, Leszek,; Grad, Roman,; Iwan, Stanisław,; Kuczer, Jarosław,; Leśniak, Władysław,; Lewczuk ... Rudiak, Robert,; Ruszczyński, Adam,; Schreiter, Paweł,; Siatecki, Alfred,; Stolarska, Małgorzata,; Szklarz, Grzegorz,; Toczewski, Andrzej (1947-) ...
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski23726
Views by dr Wiktor Skarżyński, a deputy to Parliament, a philosopher - a representative of the co... more Views by dr Wiktor Skarżyński, a deputy to Parliament, a philosopher - a representative of the conservative movement -on social and professional women's activity in Wielkopolska in the second half of the 19th century In the second half of the 19th century, as a result of complex social, legal and economic determinants, there grew the interest in the position of women in many spheres of life. Wielkopolska was not an exception although the Kulturkampf policy had assigned to women an important role of guards of the national identity and Polish tradition. Traditional and conservative views of that time did not prevent the undertaking of a current discussion. Many social and political authorities expressed their views on that subject. One of them was dr Wiktor Skarżyński - a politician, a philosopher, and an economist. Conservative as they were, his views underlined the enormous significance of women in the social life, their role in patriotic attitude's creation, preservation of...
Nutrients, 2022
Both higher protein (HP) and lower carbohydrate (LC) diets may promote satiety and enhance body w... more Both higher protein (HP) and lower carbohydrate (LC) diets may promote satiety and enhance body weight (BW) loss. This study investigated whether HP can promote these outcomes independent of carbohydrate (CHO) content. 121 women with obesity (BW: 95.1 ± 13.0 kg, BMI: 35.4 ± 3.9 kg/m2) were randomised to either HP (1.2 g/kg BW) or normal protein (NP, 0.8 g/kg BW) diets, in combination with either LC (28 en%) or normal CHO (NC, 40 en%) diets. A low-energy diet partial diet replacement (LEDpdr) regime was used for 8 weeks, where participants consumed fixed-energy meal replacements plus one ad libitum meal daily. Four-day dietary records showed that daily energy intake (EI) was similar between groups (p = 0.744), but the difference in protein and CHO between groups was lower than expected. Following multiple imputation (completion rate 77%), decrease in mean BW, fat mass (FM) and fat-free mass (FFM) at Week 8 in all was 7.5 ± 0.7 kg (p < 0.001), 5.7 ± 0.5 kg (p < 0.001), and 1.4 ±...
Appetite, 2022
This study aimed to identify biomarkers of appetite response, modelled using a dose-rising whey p... more This study aimed to identify biomarkers of appetite response, modelled using a dose-rising whey protein preload intervention. Female participants (n = 24) with body mass index (BMI) between 23 and 40 kg/m2 consumed preload beverages (0 g protein water control, WC; 12.5 g low-dose protein, LP; or 50.0 g high-dose protein, HP) after an overnight fast, in a randomised cross over design. Repeated venous blood samples were collected to measure plasma biomarkers of appetite response, including glucose, glucoregulatory peptides, gut peptides, and amino acids (AAs). Appetite was assessed using Visual Analogue Scales (VAS) and ad libitum energy intake (EI). Dose-rising protein beverage significantly changed the postprandial trajectory of almost all biomarkers (treatment*time, p < 0.05), but did not suppress postprandial appetite (treatment*time, p > 0.05) or EI (ANOVA, p = 0.799). Circulating glycine had the strongest association with appetite response. Higher area under the curve (AUC0-240) glycine was associated with lower EI (p = 0.026, trend). Furthermore, circulating glycine was associated with decreased Hunger in all treatment groups, whereas the associations of glucose, alanine and amylin with appetite were dependent on treatment groups. Multivariate models, incorporating multiple biomarkers, improved the estimation of appetite response (marginal R2, range: 0.13-0.43). In conclusion, whilst glycine, both alone and within a multivariate model, can estimate appetite response to both water and whey protein beverage consumption, a large proportion of variance in appetite response remains unexplained. Most biomarkers, when assessed in isolation, are poor predictors of appetite response, and likely of utility only in combination with VAS and EI.
Increasing global prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) has resulted in concerted efforts to improv... more Increasing global prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) has resulted in concerted efforts to improve predictors for development of this obesity-related disorder. Establishing markers that identify prediabetes, an intermediary state of glycaemia above that of healthy individuals but below frank T2D, is an important focus. International cut offs have long been based on the 2 h WHO-defined oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), but more recent use of the quicker and cheaper marker of glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) has become widespread in clinical practice and public health. The definition of people with prediabetes in turn has expanded from those with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) to include individuals with impaired fasting glucose (IFG) and/or raised HbA1c. Whilst HbA1c has been recommended since 2010 for both T2D and prediabetes screening, concerns have been raised over validity particularly for identifying those who will later develop T2D. Depending on criteria, HbA1c may identify onl...
Image-text matching is a vital cross-modality task in artificial intelligence and has attracted i... more Image-text matching is a vital cross-modality task in artificial intelligence and has attracted increasing attention in recent years. Existing works have shown that learning semantic concepts is useful to enhance image representation and can significantly improve the performance of both image-totext and text-to-image retrieval. However, existing models simply detect semantic concepts from a given image, which are less likely to deal with long-tail and occlusion concepts. Frequently cooccurred concepts in the same scene, e.g. bedroom and bed, can provide common-sense knowledge to discover other semantic-related concepts. In this paper, we develop a Scene Concept Graph (SCG) by aggregating image scene graphs and extracting frequently co-occurred concept pairs as scene common-sense knowledge. Moreover, we propose a novel model to incorporate this knowledge to improve image-text matching. Specifically, semantic concepts are detected from images and then expanded by the SCG. After learning to select relevant contextual concepts, we fuse their representations with the image embedding feature to feed into the matching module. Extensive experiments are conducted on Flickr30K and MSCOCO datasets, and prove that our model achieves state-of-the-art results due to the effectiveness of incorporating the external SCG. * This work was done during the first author's intership in MSR Asia † Corresponding Author Laptop Cat Query: Calico sitting on a laptop keyboard enjoying the sun.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, 2021
Mitochondrial-derived peptides (MDPs) are encoded by the mitochondrial genome and hypothesised to... more Mitochondrial-derived peptides (MDPs) are encoded by the mitochondrial genome and hypothesised to form part of a retrograde signalling network that modulates adaptive responses to metabolic stress. To understand how metabolic stress regulates MDPs in humans we assessed the association between circulating MOTS-c and SHLP2 and components of metabolic syndrome (MS), as well as depot-specific fat mass in participants without overt type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular disease. One-hundred and twenty-five Chinese participants (91 male, 34 female) had anthropometry, whole body dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry scans and fasted blood samples analysed. Chinese female participants and an additional 34 European Caucasian female participants also underwent magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy (MRI/S) for visceral, pancreatic and liver fat quantification. In Chinese participants (age = 41 ± 1 years, BMI = 27.8 ± 3.9 kg/m2), plasma MOTS-c (315 ± 27 pg/ml) and SHLP2 (1393 ± 82 pg/ml) were elevated in those with MS (n = 26). While multiple components of the MS sequelae positively associated with both MOTS-c and SHLP2, including blood pressure, fasting plasma glucose and triglycerides, the most significant of these was waist circumference (p < 0.0001). Android fat had a greater effect on increasing plasma MOTS-c (p < 0.004) and SHLP2 (p < 0.009) relative to whole body fat. Associations with MRI/S parameters corrected for total body fat mass revealed that liver fat positively associated with plasma MOTS-c and SHLP2 and visceral fat with SHLP2. Consistent with hepatic stress being a driver of circulating MDP concentrations, plasma MOTS-c and SHLP2 were higher in participants with elevated liver damage markers and in male C57Bl/6j mice fed a diet that induces hepatic lipid accumulation and damage. Our findings provide evidence that in the absence of overt type 2 diabetes, components of the MS positively associated with levels of MOTS-c and SHLP2 and that android fat, in particular liver fat, is a primary driver of these associations. MOTS-c and SHLP2 have previously been shown to have cyto- and metabolo-protective properties, therefore we suggest that liver stress may be a mitochondrial peptide signal, and mitochondrial peptides are part of a hepatic centric-hormetic response intended to restore metabolic balance.
Nutrition & Metabolism, 2020
Background Asian Chinese are more susceptible to deposition of visceral adipose tissue (VAT) and ... more Background Asian Chinese are more susceptible to deposition of visceral adipose tissue (VAT) and type 2 diabetes (T2D) development than European Caucasians when matched for gender, age and body mass index (BMI). Our aims were: (i) characterise the ethnicity-specific metabolomic signature of visceral adiposity measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and fasting plasma glucose (FPG), and (ii) identify individuals susceptible to worse metabolic health outcomes. Methods Fasting plasma samples from normoglycaemic (n = 274) and prediabetic (n = 83) participants were analysed with liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry using untargeted metabolomics. Multiple linear regression adjusting for age, gender and BMI was performed to identify metabolites associated with FPG and VAT calculated as percentage of total body fat (%VATTBF) in each ethnic group. Metabolic risk groups in each ethnicity were stratified based on the joint metabolomic signature for FPG and %VATTBF and clinically ...
Obesity, 2020
Ethnic differences in fat deposition contribute to type 2 diabetes (T2D). Identification of bioma... more Ethnic differences in fat deposition contribute to type 2 diabetes (T2D). Identification of biomarkers that underpin dysglycemia are needed for better‐targeted prevention and treatment.