Gaalen Erickson - (original) (raw)

Papers by Gaalen Erickson

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the landscape of scientific literacy

... notion of scientific literacy. Cedric Linder is Professor of Physics Education Research, Upps... more ... notion of scientific literacy. Cedric Linder is Professor of Physics Education Research, Uppsala University, Sweden, and Professor of Physics (Physics Education), University of the Western Cape, South Africa. Leif Östman is ...

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Research paper thumbnail of « Devis sociotechniques pour l'établissement de communautés d'apprentissage en réseau pour l'intégration pédagogique des TIC en formation des maîtres

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Research paper thumbnail of Prior experience and gender differences in science achievement

Alberta Journal of Educational Research

Examined the role of prior experiences as a possible factor in accounting for the observed gender... more Examined the role of prior experiences as a possible factor in accounting for the observed gender differences in science achievement tests. A set of 23 multiple-choice items that displayed significant gender differences on a previous Canadian science assessment test were administered to 238 Grade 12 students. Eight male and 7 female students were selected for a follow-up interview to identify any previous experiences they might have had that might have enabled them to respond to an item. Four categories were generated from their explanations. These were school-based experiences, informal experiences, common knowledge, and a final miscellaneous category. Results indicate that females consistently appealed to school-based experiences much more than did the males. Also, many of the items elicited spontaneous negative reactions from many of the females but virtually none from the males. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

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Research paper thumbnail of Teacher Inquiry: What's Old Is New Again

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Research paper thumbnail of Erickson, G., Farr Darling, L., Clarke, A. (2005) Constructing and Sustaining Communities of Inquiry in Teacher Education. In Garry Hoban (Ed.) The Missing Links in Teacher Education. Kluwer

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Research paper thumbnail of Development of low density single crystal superalloy CMSX-6

Limitations in turbine disc strength capability can, in certain design cases, mandate the use of ... more Limitations in turbine disc strength capability can, in certain design cases, mandate the use of low density single crystal superalloy turbine blade components. The development of CMSX-6 nickel-base superalloy (density 0.288 lbs/cu. in. (7.98 gms./cc)) to meet these design requirements is presented and discussed. Extensive solution treatment studies are shown and enable the high γ/γⲠeutectic content of the as-cast

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Research paper thumbnail of Complexity Science and The Cite Cohort

Collective Improvisation in a Teacher Education Community, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of The Nature of Teaching and Learning in Self-Study*

International Handbook of Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education Practices, 2004

Understanding the relationship between teaching and learning is essential to an appreciation of s... more Understanding the relationship between teaching and learning is essential to an appreciation of self-study as a field of inquiry in its own right. The individual research trajectories in the fields of teaching and learning, particularly in recent years, illustrate su3cient common ground to support the contention that enhanced teaching practice is dependent upon teachers problematizing the ways and contexts in

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Research paper thumbnail of “The Filter of Laws”: Teacher Education and the British Columbia College Of Teachers’ Teaching Standards

Collective Improvisation in a Teacher Education Community, 2007

... A. PHELAN ... British philosopher, Onora O'Neill (2002), worries that excessive focus on... more ... A. PHELAN ... British philosopher, Onora O'Neill (2002), worries that excessive focus on accountability and standards can easily distort what she calls the proper aims of professional practice, thus damaging professional pride and integrity, and leaving teachers (and we would ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Stepping Lightly, Thinking Boldly, Learning Constantly: Community and Inquiry in Teacher Education

Collective Improvisation in a Teacher Education Community, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Constructing and Sustaining Communities of Inquiry in Teacher Education

Self Study of Teaching and Teacher Education Practices, 2005

Thi sc hapter explores the notion of missing links in teacher education by examining concepts of ... more Thi sc hapter explores the notion of missing links in teacher education by examining concepts of community an di nquiry as they pertai nt o t he socia ld i mensions of ‘learning to teach.’ We know that whil et hese are popular notions i ne ducationa ld i scourse we believe their philosophica li mport has been undervalue di

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Research paper thumbnail of Re-conceptualizing the Teaching of Physics for Non-majors: Learning from Instructor-Driven Reform

The Professional Knowledge Base of Science Teaching, 2011

At the University of British Columbia, as in many universities, the physics department offers cou... more At the University of British Columbia, as in many universities, the physics department offers courses to a wide variety of students, many of whom are not pursuing Physics as a major but are required to take Physics for their program of choice. So-called “service” courses targeted to this non-major population have historically been taught using the same topics, instructional sequences,

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Research paper thumbnail of Teacher education in the networked classroom

The purpose of this paper is to delineate the role of teachers/educators in networked classrooms.... more The purpose of this paper is to delineate the role of teachers/educators in networked classrooms. Firstly, we present how the teachers’ primary workplace is changing, moving from the traditional isolated to the networked classroom. Secondly, we point to how teachers and learners’ roles are shifting: a networked classroom calls upon the teacher’s competence,to direct or facilitate learning through both

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Research paper thumbnail of Dealing with Classroom Distractions

The Elementary School Journal, 1980

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Research paper thumbnail of Additive and disruptive pedagogies: The use of slowmation as an example of digital technology implementation

Teaching and Teacher Education, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Collaborative teacher learning: Findings from two professional development projects

Teaching and Teacher Education, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Complexity Science and Cohorts in Teacher Education

Studying Teacher Education: a journal of self-study of teacher education practices, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Policy, Perceptions and Practice. New Directions for Science Education

Studies in Science Education, 1982

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Research paper thumbnail of Theories-in-Action: Some Theoretical and Empirical Issues in the Study of Students' Conceptual Frameworks in Science

Studies in Science Education, 1983

... studies utilizing this type of microgenetic, longitudinal design have been reported (eg, Bamb... more ... studies utilizing this type of microgenetic, longitudinal design have been reported (eg, Bamburger and Schon, 1980; Driver, 1973; and Tiberghien, 1979), most work on the assessment of conceptual ... By using instructional activities which require students to organise their ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Response to Rankin's comments

Science Education, 1997

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the landscape of scientific literacy

... notion of scientific literacy. Cedric Linder is Professor of Physics Education Research, Upps... more ... notion of scientific literacy. Cedric Linder is Professor of Physics Education Research, Uppsala University, Sweden, and Professor of Physics (Physics Education), University of the Western Cape, South Africa. Leif Östman is ...

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Research paper thumbnail of « Devis sociotechniques pour l'établissement de communautés d'apprentissage en réseau pour l'intégration pédagogique des TIC en formation des maîtres

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Research paper thumbnail of Prior experience and gender differences in science achievement

Alberta Journal of Educational Research

Examined the role of prior experiences as a possible factor in accounting for the observed gender... more Examined the role of prior experiences as a possible factor in accounting for the observed gender differences in science achievement tests. A set of 23 multiple-choice items that displayed significant gender differences on a previous Canadian science assessment test were administered to 238 Grade 12 students. Eight male and 7 female students were selected for a follow-up interview to identify any previous experiences they might have had that might have enabled them to respond to an item. Four categories were generated from their explanations. These were school-based experiences, informal experiences, common knowledge, and a final miscellaneous category. Results indicate that females consistently appealed to school-based experiences much more than did the males. Also, many of the items elicited spontaneous negative reactions from many of the females but virtually none from the males. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

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Research paper thumbnail of Teacher Inquiry: What's Old Is New Again

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Research paper thumbnail of Erickson, G., Farr Darling, L., Clarke, A. (2005) Constructing and Sustaining Communities of Inquiry in Teacher Education. In Garry Hoban (Ed.) The Missing Links in Teacher Education. Kluwer

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Research paper thumbnail of Development of low density single crystal superalloy CMSX-6

Limitations in turbine disc strength capability can, in certain design cases, mandate the use of ... more Limitations in turbine disc strength capability can, in certain design cases, mandate the use of low density single crystal superalloy turbine blade components. The development of CMSX-6 nickel-base superalloy (density 0.288 lbs/cu. in. (7.98 gms./cc)) to meet these design requirements is presented and discussed. Extensive solution treatment studies are shown and enable the high γ/γⲠeutectic content of the as-cast

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Research paper thumbnail of Complexity Science and The Cite Cohort

Collective Improvisation in a Teacher Education Community, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of The Nature of Teaching and Learning in Self-Study*

International Handbook of Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education Practices, 2004

Understanding the relationship between teaching and learning is essential to an appreciation of s... more Understanding the relationship between teaching and learning is essential to an appreciation of self-study as a field of inquiry in its own right. The individual research trajectories in the fields of teaching and learning, particularly in recent years, illustrate su3cient common ground to support the contention that enhanced teaching practice is dependent upon teachers problematizing the ways and contexts in

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Research paper thumbnail of “The Filter of Laws”: Teacher Education and the British Columbia College Of Teachers’ Teaching Standards

Collective Improvisation in a Teacher Education Community, 2007

... A. PHELAN ... British philosopher, Onora O'Neill (2002), worries that excessive focus on... more ... A. PHELAN ... British philosopher, Onora O'Neill (2002), worries that excessive focus on accountability and standards can easily distort what she calls the proper aims of professional practice, thus damaging professional pride and integrity, and leaving teachers (and we would ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Stepping Lightly, Thinking Boldly, Learning Constantly: Community and Inquiry in Teacher Education

Collective Improvisation in a Teacher Education Community, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Constructing and Sustaining Communities of Inquiry in Teacher Education

Self Study of Teaching and Teacher Education Practices, 2005

Thi sc hapter explores the notion of missing links in teacher education by examining concepts of ... more Thi sc hapter explores the notion of missing links in teacher education by examining concepts of community an di nquiry as they pertai nt o t he socia ld i mensions of ‘learning to teach.’ We know that whil et hese are popular notions i ne ducationa ld i scourse we believe their philosophica li mport has been undervalue di

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Research paper thumbnail of Re-conceptualizing the Teaching of Physics for Non-majors: Learning from Instructor-Driven Reform

The Professional Knowledge Base of Science Teaching, 2011

At the University of British Columbia, as in many universities, the physics department offers cou... more At the University of British Columbia, as in many universities, the physics department offers courses to a wide variety of students, many of whom are not pursuing Physics as a major but are required to take Physics for their program of choice. So-called “service” courses targeted to this non-major population have historically been taught using the same topics, instructional sequences,

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Research paper thumbnail of Teacher education in the networked classroom

The purpose of this paper is to delineate the role of teachers/educators in networked classrooms.... more The purpose of this paper is to delineate the role of teachers/educators in networked classrooms. Firstly, we present how the teachers’ primary workplace is changing, moving from the traditional isolated to the networked classroom. Secondly, we point to how teachers and learners’ roles are shifting: a networked classroom calls upon the teacher’s competence,to direct or facilitate learning through both

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Research paper thumbnail of Dealing with Classroom Distractions

The Elementary School Journal, 1980

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Research paper thumbnail of Additive and disruptive pedagogies: The use of slowmation as an example of digital technology implementation

Teaching and Teacher Education, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Collaborative teacher learning: Findings from two professional development projects

Teaching and Teacher Education, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Complexity Science and Cohorts in Teacher Education

Studying Teacher Education: a journal of self-study of teacher education practices, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Policy, Perceptions and Practice. New Directions for Science Education

Studies in Science Education, 1982

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Research paper thumbnail of Theories-in-Action: Some Theoretical and Empirical Issues in the Study of Students' Conceptual Frameworks in Science

Studies in Science Education, 1983

... studies utilizing this type of microgenetic, longitudinal design have been reported (eg, Bamb... more ... studies utilizing this type of microgenetic, longitudinal design have been reported (eg, Bamburger and Schon, 1980; Driver, 1973; and Tiberghien, 1979), most work on the assessment of conceptual ... By using instructional activities which require students to organise their ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Response to Rankin's comments

Science Education, 1997

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