Gabriel Ferreira - (original) (raw)

Papers by Gabriel Ferreira

Research paper thumbnail of Síndrome de apnéia obstrutiva do sono (SAOS) - O papel da cirurgia ortognática no aumento das vias aéreas superiores

Ortodontia, Mar 1, 2006

Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 542495 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [ref... more Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 542495 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [refinar]. Mostrando: 1 .. 1 no formato [Detalhado]. página 1 de 1, 1 / 1, LILACS, seleciona. para imprimir. Fotocópia. experimental, Documentos relacionados. Id: 542495. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Racionalidade Limitada e Oportunismo Na Cadeia Do Café: Impactos Nas Formas Contratuais Do Consórcio Agrícola De Fazendas Especializadas

Organizacoes Rurais Agroindustriais, Apr 18, 2011

O presente trabalho objetivou analisar os impactos do comportamento oportunista e da racionalidad... more O presente trabalho objetivou analisar os impactos do comportamento oportunista e da racionalidade limitada na forma contratual adotada pelo Consórcio Agrícola de Fazendas Especializadas (C.A.F.E). Para isso, realizou-se um estudo de caso, no intuito de abranger as características mais importantes do tema, bem como seu processo de desenvolvimento. O referencial teórico que sustentou a pesquisa foi a Economia dos Custos de Transação (ECT). Mediante a análise das variáveis abordadas pela ECT, mais especificamente os pressupostos comportamentais (racionalidade limitada, oportunismo) e formas contratuais, concluiu-se que, no caso estudado, a existência do oportunismo interfere de certo modo na confiança, aumentando os custos de transação. No mesmo sentido, a assimetria informacional reforça a limitação da racionalidade dos agentes e, portanto, aumenta os custos de transação. Isso deixa clara a importância destes elementos na definição da forma contratual. Verificou-se a necessidade de uma estrutura contratual formalizada mais especificada e detalhada para que se possam reduzir os custos de transação gerados pela possibilidade de ações oportunistas e pela racionalidade limitada dos agentes. De acordo com as características observadas no Consórcio, a forma contratual mais adequada é a relacional, em que o ponto de referência principal é a própria relação entre as partes, mantendo-se a autonomia entre elas. A confiança e a reputação são elementos relevantes.

Research paper thumbnail of Acessos cirúrgicos a articulação temporomandibular: revisão de literatura

A escolha do acesso cirúrgico para as afecções que atingem a região pré-auricular tem sido motivo... more A escolha do acesso cirúrgico para as afecções que atingem a região pré-auricular tem sido motivo de bastante discussão na literatura. Acessos pré-auriculares vêm sendo usados com a observância de alta taxa de sucesso e, durante a história da cirurgia, diversas modificações nesta abordagem foram realizadas com o objetivo de redução das sequelas irreversíveis, sobretudo em fraturas condilares como paralisias e cicatrizes faciais. As opiniões vão desde a indicação do tratamento cirúrgico a todas as fraturas, até a convicção de que nenhuma fratura desse segmento ósseo deva ser abordada cirurgicamente. Portanto, o presente estudo reveste-se de relevância, uma vez que propõe alertar os cirurgiões quanto aos cuidados diante das estruturas anatômicas envolvidas nestes acessos cirúrgicos além de descrever, buscando uma comparação entre eles, as vantagens dos mesmos por meio de uma revisão de literatura que abrangerá desde os extensos acessos de Bellinger (1940) e Al-Kayat (1979) que promovem uma ampla visualização do campo operatório até acessos modificados e cada vez menores como o Endaural (2001) que não só possibilita um campo satisfatório como manutenção da estética do paciente, sem qualquer sinal de cicatriz.

Research paper thumbnail of Racionalidade Limitada e Oportunismo Na Cadeia Do Cafã‰: Impactos Nas Formas Contratuais Do Consã“Rcio Agrãcola De Fazendas Especializadas

Organizacoes Rurais E Agroindustriais Rural and Agro Industrial Organizations, 2006

Downloadable! The present research aimed to analyze the impact of opportunistic behavior and boun... more Downloadable! The present research aimed to analyze the impact of opportunistic behavior and bounded rationality impacts in the forms of contract adopted by the Agricultural Consortium of Specialized Farms (CAFE). For that, a case study was accomplished with the objective to ...

Research paper thumbnail of Diversification patterns based on the largest morphological phylogenetic analysis of Pleurodira

Most studies on pleurodiran turtles are about the behavior and/or feeding habits analyzes, descri... more Most studies on pleurodiran turtles are about the behavior and/or feeding habits analyzes, description of new taxa or specimens (both extinct and extant), or phylogenetic analyzes of one of its subclades with extant taxa: Chelidae, Pelomedusidae or Podocnemididae. With the exception of some molecular phylogenies, there are no phylogenetic analyses of extant and extinct representatives of Pleurodira including all of its lineages. A broader understanding of the evolutionary history of Pleurodira requires a phylogenetic hypothesis based on more extensive taxonomic and character samplings.

Research paper thumbnail of Tumor odontogênico queratocístico -relato de caso

Introdução: O Tumor Odontogênico Queratocístico (TOQ) deriva dos restos lâmina dentária com parti... more Introdução: O Tumor Odontogênico Queratocístico (TOQ) deriva dos restos lâmina dentária com particularidades e aspectos histológicos específicos, com alto índice de recidiva e comportamento clínico agressivo. Apresenta certa predileção para o sexo masculino, acometendo a mandíbula de 60% a 80% dos casos, podendo estar relacionado a dente incluso de 25 a 45% dos casos. objetivo: evidenciar as características clínicas, imaginológicas e histopatológicas do TOQ, bem como discutir sobre o tratamento desta lesão. Relato de Caso: Paciente de 10 anos de idade que ao procurar o ortodontista para correção de mordida aberta anterior, observou-se na ortopantomografia área radiolúcida, na região do corpo de mandíbula, associada à inclusão patológica do pré-molar inferior. Foi realizada biópsia incisional da lesão e o laudo histopatológico foi de tumor odontogênico queratocístico. Realizou-se uma tomografia computadorizada para avaliar a extensão da lesão e sua relação com as estruturas anatômicas. Como conduta, optou-se pela extração do molar inferior decíduo e enucleação da lesão, preservando o pré-molar incluso. O mesmo segue em controle clínico-radiográfico de 18 meses, após a remoção do TOQ obtendo-se a erupção do prémolar que estava envolvido na lesão. Comentários Finais: É preciso adotar protocolos de atenção odontológica que incluem o conhecimento de diagnóstico bucal, anamnese e avaliação clínica criteriosa sem esquecer a necessidade de confirmação histopatológica.

Research paper thumbnail of JARDIM TRATAMENTO CONSERVADOR DE FRATURA DE ARCO ZIGOMÁTIO: UMA VISÃO CONSERVADORA Conservative treatment of fracture of zigomátic arch: a conservative view

Research paper thumbnail of Racionalidade Limitada e Oportunismo Na Cadeia Do Cafã‰: Impactos Nas Formas Contratuais Do Consã“Rcio Agrãcola De Fazendas Especializadas

The present research aimed to analyze the impact of opportunistic behavior and bounded rationalit... more The present research aimed to analyze the impact of opportunistic behavior and bounded rationality impacts in the forms of contract adopted by the Agricultural Consortium of Specialized Farms (C.A.F.E.). For that, a case study was accomplished with the objective to embrace the most important characteristics of the theme as well as its process of development. The theoretical reference that gave

Research paper thumbnail of The last marine pelomedusoids (Testudines: Pleurodira): a new species of Bairdemys and the paleoecology of Stereogenyina

PeerJ, 2015

The extinct Stereogenyina turtles form a relatively diverse Podocnemididae lineage, with twelve d... more The extinct Stereogenyina turtles form a relatively diverse Podocnemididae lineage, with twelve described and phylogenetically positioned species. They are characterized by a wide geographic and temporal range, from the Eocene of Africa to the Pleistocene of Southeast Asia, and a peculiar palate morphology, with a secondary palate that is unique among side-necked turtles. Here, we describe a new Stereogenyina species, based on an almost complete skull from the middle Miocene Capadare Formation, of Venezuela. A new phylogenetic analysis supports the assignment of the new species to the genus Bairdemys. Based on geometric morphometrics analyses, we related the development of the stereogenyin secondary palate with the acquisition of a durophagous diet. Based on a review of the sedimentary environments where their fossils are found, we also propose that stereogenyins were a marine radiation of podocnemidid turtles, as corroborated by previous studies of fossil eggs and limb morphology. ...

Research paper thumbnail of BeWo trophoblasts are unable to control replication of Toxoplasma gondii, even in the presence of exogenous IFN-gamma


The ability of RH strain of Toxoplasma gondii to invade and grow into BeWo cells was investigated... more The ability of RH strain of Toxoplasma gondii to invade and grow into BeWo cells was investigated in the present study using IFN-gamma, l-tryptophan, or alpha-methyl-tryptophan treatments. HeLa cells were used in the same conditions for comparison purposes. It was demonstrated that BeWo cells are more permissive to T. gondii infection, making them more susceptible to this pathogen when compared to HeLa cells. Infection rates of BeWo cells do not show any significant alteration in different protocols using IFN-gamma. In addition, BeWo treated with l-tryptophan was unable to significantly increase parasite growth. In contrast, HeLa cells treated with IFN-gamma or IFN-gamma plus l-tryptophan are able to impair or increase, respectively, parasite replication, providing evidence that this indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase-dependent phenomenon is operant in these cells, whereas it is inactive in BeWo. Therefore, our data support the hypothesis that the immunological mechanisms controlling infec...

Research paper thumbnail of Estudo exploratório da utilização de saw palmetto no tratamento da hiperplasia benigna da próstata por urologistas de Porto Alegre

Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia, 2008

RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a utilização de fi toterápicos a base de saw palmet... more RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a utilização de fi toterápicos a base de saw palmetto na terapia sintomática da hiperplasia benigna da próstata (HBP) por médicos urologistas da cidade de Porto Alegre. Consistiu em um estudo transversal, exploratório, por meio de entrevista semi-estruturada aplicada a urologistas de Porto Alegre. A amostra foi obtida utilizando catálogo do plano de saúde UNIMED-Porto Alegre. A randomização foi realizada através de sistemática aleatória, sendo sorteados trinta e cinco médicos, dos quais 21 foram selecionados para realização da pesquisa através de questionário. Todos os urologistas entrevistados avaliam e tratam pacientes com hiperplasia benigna da próstata. O saw palmetto não foi citado como terapia medicamentosa de 1ª ou 2ª escolhas no tratamento da HBP. O grupo farmacológico mais freqüentemente utilizado para o tratamento da HBP foi ∝-bloqueadores. Mais da metade dos médicos entrevistados relata ter conhecimento sobre a utilização do saw palmetto, principalmente através de artigos científi cos. Os resultados indicam que o saw palmetto não é prescrito pelos urologistas em Porto Alegre, todavia a maior parte destes profi ssionais tem conhecimento sobre sua utilização.

Research paper thumbnail of Breeding sites of Aedes aegypti in metropolitan vacant lots in Greater Vitória, State of Espírito Santo, Brazil

Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical

This study aimed to evaluate the presence of Aedes aegypti in breeding sites located in vacant lo... more This study aimed to evaluate the presence of Aedes aegypti in breeding sites located in vacant lots (VLs) and determine the effectiveness of VL cleaning to reduce insect foci. Two types of VLs were sampled, the experimental VL, which was cleaned monthly, and the control VL, which was not cleaned. Monthly cleaning of VLs reduced the abundance of immature forms of A. aegypti. Strategies for combating this vector should include regular cleaning of VLs and educating the public regarding the risks of discarding waste in inappropriate areas.

Research paper thumbnail of Metalloporphyrins Immobilized on Silica and Modified Silica as Catalysts in Heterogeneous Processes

Current Organic Synthesis, 2014

Metalloporphyrins effectively catalyze C-H bond functionalization, including C-O (hydroxylation),... more Metalloporphyrins effectively catalyze C-H bond functionalization, including C-O (hydroxylation), C-N (amination), and C-C bond formation (carbene insertion). Over the last 20 years, numerous papers have reported that these complexes display catalytic efficiency and selectivity (regioselectivity and enantioselectivity) in solution (homogeneous catalysis). Green chemistry advocates idealization and production of more efficient, selective, and preferably recyclable catalysts to develop technological processes that are increasingly aligned with the principles. This has encouraged investigations into processes that can heterogenize efficient metalloporphyrin (MP) catalysts. Indeed, scientists have more and more often used heterogeneous catalysis as a tool to design clean and green processes. In this context, silica and its many functionalized derivatives represent an excellent strategy to obtain inexpensive, inert, and often highly pure (depending on the preparation route) supports to immobilize catalytic species. In this review, we intend to address this issue.

Research paper thumbnail of Automatic image registration for arm radiographies

3rd European Workshop on Visual Information Processing, 2011

Abstract Medical image registration is a vital medical imaging application. It aligns one image t... more Abstract Medical image registration is a vital medical imaging application. It aligns one image to another to obtain a registered image that has the information content of both images. The main focus of this work is to use an automatic image registration of arm ...

Research paper thumbnail of Unilateral Condylar Hyperplasia

Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 2014

Condylar hyperplasia (CH) is a pathologic condition that causes overdevelopment of the condylar h... more Condylar hyperplasia (CH) is a pathologic condition that causes overdevelopment of the condylar head and neck as well as the mandible. Slowly progressive unilateral enlargement of the head and the neck of the condyle causes crossbite malocclusion, facial asymmetry, and shifting of the midpoint of the chin to the unaffected side. The etiology and the pathogenesis of CH remain uncertain. The diagnosis is made by clinical and radiologic examinations and bone scintigraph. A difference in uptake of 10% or more between condyles is regarded as indicative of CH, and the affected condyles had a relative uptake of 55% or more. When the diagnosis of active CH is established, the treatment consists of removal of the growth center by a partial condylectomy. The authors present the case of a 46-year-old male patient with right active type II CH or hemimandibular hyperplasia who underwent a high condylectomy.

Research paper thumbnail of Identification of clinical, epidemiological and laboratory risk factors for leprosy reactions during and after multidrug therapy

Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Phase Diagrams of Aqueous Two-Phase Systems with Organic Salts and F68 Triblock Copolymer at Different Temperatures

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2010

Phase diagrams of aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) composed of F68 triblock copolymer + salt + wa... more Phase diagrams of aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) composed of F68 triblock copolymer + salt + water were constructed at different temperatures. The ATPS composed of F68 + (NH 4 ) 3 C 6 H 5 O 7 + H 2 O was investigated at (278.15, 288.15, and 298.15) K, and the F68 ...

Research paper thumbnail of Phase Compositions of Aqueous Two-Phase Systems Formed by L35 and Salts at Different Temperatures

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2010

The phase compositions in liquid−liquid equilibria of aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) composed o... more The phase compositions in liquid−liquid equilibria of aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) composed of the poly(ethylene oxide)− poly(propylene oxide)−poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO−PPO−PEO) triblock copolymer L35 and various salt solutions (sodium carbonate, sodium succinate, sodium ...

Research paper thumbnail of Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate induces phenotypic reversion of activated hepatic stellate cell

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2013

Hepatic stellate cells (HSC) play a key role in liver fibrogenesis. Activation of PPARγ and inhib... more Hepatic stellate cells (HSC) play a key role in liver fibrogenesis. Activation of PPARγ and inhibition of fibrogenic molecules are potential strategies to block HSC activation and differentiation. Aware that the process of hepatic fibrosis involves inflammatory mediators, various anti-inflammatory substances have been studied in an attempt to revert fibrosis. The purpose of this study was to investigate the in vitro effects of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate (FBP) on HSC phenotype reversion. The results demonstrated that FBP induced quiescent phenotype in GRX cells via PPARγ activation. Significant decrease in type I collagen mRNA expression was observed in the first 24 h of treatment. These events preceded the reduction of TGF-β1 and total collagen secretion. Thus, FBP promoted downregulation of HSC activation by its antifibrotic action. These findings demonstrate that FBP may have potential as a novel therapeutic agent for the treatment of liver fibrosis.

Research paper thumbnail of A pelomedusoid (Testudines, Pleurodira) plastron from the Lower Cretaceous of Alagoas, Brazil

Cretaceous Research, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Síndrome de apnéia obstrutiva do sono (SAOS) - O papel da cirurgia ortognática no aumento das vias aéreas superiores

Ortodontia, Mar 1, 2006

Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 542495 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [ref... more Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 542495 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [refinar]. Mostrando: 1 .. 1 no formato [Detalhado]. página 1 de 1, 1 / 1, LILACS, seleciona. para imprimir. Fotocópia. experimental, Documentos relacionados. Id: 542495. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Racionalidade Limitada e Oportunismo Na Cadeia Do Café: Impactos Nas Formas Contratuais Do Consórcio Agrícola De Fazendas Especializadas

Organizacoes Rurais Agroindustriais, Apr 18, 2011

O presente trabalho objetivou analisar os impactos do comportamento oportunista e da racionalidad... more O presente trabalho objetivou analisar os impactos do comportamento oportunista e da racionalidade limitada na forma contratual adotada pelo Consórcio Agrícola de Fazendas Especializadas (C.A.F.E). Para isso, realizou-se um estudo de caso, no intuito de abranger as características mais importantes do tema, bem como seu processo de desenvolvimento. O referencial teórico que sustentou a pesquisa foi a Economia dos Custos de Transação (ECT). Mediante a análise das variáveis abordadas pela ECT, mais especificamente os pressupostos comportamentais (racionalidade limitada, oportunismo) e formas contratuais, concluiu-se que, no caso estudado, a existência do oportunismo interfere de certo modo na confiança, aumentando os custos de transação. No mesmo sentido, a assimetria informacional reforça a limitação da racionalidade dos agentes e, portanto, aumenta os custos de transação. Isso deixa clara a importância destes elementos na definição da forma contratual. Verificou-se a necessidade de uma estrutura contratual formalizada mais especificada e detalhada para que se possam reduzir os custos de transação gerados pela possibilidade de ações oportunistas e pela racionalidade limitada dos agentes. De acordo com as características observadas no Consórcio, a forma contratual mais adequada é a relacional, em que o ponto de referência principal é a própria relação entre as partes, mantendo-se a autonomia entre elas. A confiança e a reputação são elementos relevantes.

Research paper thumbnail of Acessos cirúrgicos a articulação temporomandibular: revisão de literatura

A escolha do acesso cirúrgico para as afecções que atingem a região pré-auricular tem sido motivo... more A escolha do acesso cirúrgico para as afecções que atingem a região pré-auricular tem sido motivo de bastante discussão na literatura. Acessos pré-auriculares vêm sendo usados com a observância de alta taxa de sucesso e, durante a história da cirurgia, diversas modificações nesta abordagem foram realizadas com o objetivo de redução das sequelas irreversíveis, sobretudo em fraturas condilares como paralisias e cicatrizes faciais. As opiniões vão desde a indicação do tratamento cirúrgico a todas as fraturas, até a convicção de que nenhuma fratura desse segmento ósseo deva ser abordada cirurgicamente. Portanto, o presente estudo reveste-se de relevância, uma vez que propõe alertar os cirurgiões quanto aos cuidados diante das estruturas anatômicas envolvidas nestes acessos cirúrgicos além de descrever, buscando uma comparação entre eles, as vantagens dos mesmos por meio de uma revisão de literatura que abrangerá desde os extensos acessos de Bellinger (1940) e Al-Kayat (1979) que promovem uma ampla visualização do campo operatório até acessos modificados e cada vez menores como o Endaural (2001) que não só possibilita um campo satisfatório como manutenção da estética do paciente, sem qualquer sinal de cicatriz.

Research paper thumbnail of Racionalidade Limitada e Oportunismo Na Cadeia Do Cafã‰: Impactos Nas Formas Contratuais Do Consã“Rcio Agrãcola De Fazendas Especializadas

Organizacoes Rurais E Agroindustriais Rural and Agro Industrial Organizations, 2006

Downloadable! The present research aimed to analyze the impact of opportunistic behavior and boun... more Downloadable! The present research aimed to analyze the impact of opportunistic behavior and bounded rationality impacts in the forms of contract adopted by the Agricultural Consortium of Specialized Farms (CAFE). For that, a case study was accomplished with the objective to ...

Research paper thumbnail of Diversification patterns based on the largest morphological phylogenetic analysis of Pleurodira

Most studies on pleurodiran turtles are about the behavior and/or feeding habits analyzes, descri... more Most studies on pleurodiran turtles are about the behavior and/or feeding habits analyzes, description of new taxa or specimens (both extinct and extant), or phylogenetic analyzes of one of its subclades with extant taxa: Chelidae, Pelomedusidae or Podocnemididae. With the exception of some molecular phylogenies, there are no phylogenetic analyses of extant and extinct representatives of Pleurodira including all of its lineages. A broader understanding of the evolutionary history of Pleurodira requires a phylogenetic hypothesis based on more extensive taxonomic and character samplings.

Research paper thumbnail of Tumor odontogênico queratocístico -relato de caso

Introdução: O Tumor Odontogênico Queratocístico (TOQ) deriva dos restos lâmina dentária com parti... more Introdução: O Tumor Odontogênico Queratocístico (TOQ) deriva dos restos lâmina dentária com particularidades e aspectos histológicos específicos, com alto índice de recidiva e comportamento clínico agressivo. Apresenta certa predileção para o sexo masculino, acometendo a mandíbula de 60% a 80% dos casos, podendo estar relacionado a dente incluso de 25 a 45% dos casos. objetivo: evidenciar as características clínicas, imaginológicas e histopatológicas do TOQ, bem como discutir sobre o tratamento desta lesão. Relato de Caso: Paciente de 10 anos de idade que ao procurar o ortodontista para correção de mordida aberta anterior, observou-se na ortopantomografia área radiolúcida, na região do corpo de mandíbula, associada à inclusão patológica do pré-molar inferior. Foi realizada biópsia incisional da lesão e o laudo histopatológico foi de tumor odontogênico queratocístico. Realizou-se uma tomografia computadorizada para avaliar a extensão da lesão e sua relação com as estruturas anatômicas. Como conduta, optou-se pela extração do molar inferior decíduo e enucleação da lesão, preservando o pré-molar incluso. O mesmo segue em controle clínico-radiográfico de 18 meses, após a remoção do TOQ obtendo-se a erupção do prémolar que estava envolvido na lesão. Comentários Finais: É preciso adotar protocolos de atenção odontológica que incluem o conhecimento de diagnóstico bucal, anamnese e avaliação clínica criteriosa sem esquecer a necessidade de confirmação histopatológica.

Research paper thumbnail of JARDIM TRATAMENTO CONSERVADOR DE FRATURA DE ARCO ZIGOMÁTIO: UMA VISÃO CONSERVADORA Conservative treatment of fracture of zigomátic arch: a conservative view

Research paper thumbnail of Racionalidade Limitada e Oportunismo Na Cadeia Do Cafã‰: Impactos Nas Formas Contratuais Do Consã“Rcio Agrãcola De Fazendas Especializadas

The present research aimed to analyze the impact of opportunistic behavior and bounded rationalit... more The present research aimed to analyze the impact of opportunistic behavior and bounded rationality impacts in the forms of contract adopted by the Agricultural Consortium of Specialized Farms (C.A.F.E.). For that, a case study was accomplished with the objective to embrace the most important characteristics of the theme as well as its process of development. The theoretical reference that gave

Research paper thumbnail of The last marine pelomedusoids (Testudines: Pleurodira): a new species of Bairdemys and the paleoecology of Stereogenyina

PeerJ, 2015

The extinct Stereogenyina turtles form a relatively diverse Podocnemididae lineage, with twelve d... more The extinct Stereogenyina turtles form a relatively diverse Podocnemididae lineage, with twelve described and phylogenetically positioned species. They are characterized by a wide geographic and temporal range, from the Eocene of Africa to the Pleistocene of Southeast Asia, and a peculiar palate morphology, with a secondary palate that is unique among side-necked turtles. Here, we describe a new Stereogenyina species, based on an almost complete skull from the middle Miocene Capadare Formation, of Venezuela. A new phylogenetic analysis supports the assignment of the new species to the genus Bairdemys. Based on geometric morphometrics analyses, we related the development of the stereogenyin secondary palate with the acquisition of a durophagous diet. Based on a review of the sedimentary environments where their fossils are found, we also propose that stereogenyins were a marine radiation of podocnemidid turtles, as corroborated by previous studies of fossil eggs and limb morphology. ...

Research paper thumbnail of BeWo trophoblasts are unable to control replication of Toxoplasma gondii, even in the presence of exogenous IFN-gamma


The ability of RH strain of Toxoplasma gondii to invade and grow into BeWo cells was investigated... more The ability of RH strain of Toxoplasma gondii to invade and grow into BeWo cells was investigated in the present study using IFN-gamma, l-tryptophan, or alpha-methyl-tryptophan treatments. HeLa cells were used in the same conditions for comparison purposes. It was demonstrated that BeWo cells are more permissive to T. gondii infection, making them more susceptible to this pathogen when compared to HeLa cells. Infection rates of BeWo cells do not show any significant alteration in different protocols using IFN-gamma. In addition, BeWo treated with l-tryptophan was unable to significantly increase parasite growth. In contrast, HeLa cells treated with IFN-gamma or IFN-gamma plus l-tryptophan are able to impair or increase, respectively, parasite replication, providing evidence that this indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase-dependent phenomenon is operant in these cells, whereas it is inactive in BeWo. Therefore, our data support the hypothesis that the immunological mechanisms controlling infec...

Research paper thumbnail of Estudo exploratório da utilização de saw palmetto no tratamento da hiperplasia benigna da próstata por urologistas de Porto Alegre

Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia, 2008

RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a utilização de fi toterápicos a base de saw palmet... more RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a utilização de fi toterápicos a base de saw palmetto na terapia sintomática da hiperplasia benigna da próstata (HBP) por médicos urologistas da cidade de Porto Alegre. Consistiu em um estudo transversal, exploratório, por meio de entrevista semi-estruturada aplicada a urologistas de Porto Alegre. A amostra foi obtida utilizando catálogo do plano de saúde UNIMED-Porto Alegre. A randomização foi realizada através de sistemática aleatória, sendo sorteados trinta e cinco médicos, dos quais 21 foram selecionados para realização da pesquisa através de questionário. Todos os urologistas entrevistados avaliam e tratam pacientes com hiperplasia benigna da próstata. O saw palmetto não foi citado como terapia medicamentosa de 1ª ou 2ª escolhas no tratamento da HBP. O grupo farmacológico mais freqüentemente utilizado para o tratamento da HBP foi ∝-bloqueadores. Mais da metade dos médicos entrevistados relata ter conhecimento sobre a utilização do saw palmetto, principalmente através de artigos científi cos. Os resultados indicam que o saw palmetto não é prescrito pelos urologistas em Porto Alegre, todavia a maior parte destes profi ssionais tem conhecimento sobre sua utilização.

Research paper thumbnail of Breeding sites of Aedes aegypti in metropolitan vacant lots in Greater Vitória, State of Espírito Santo, Brazil

Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical

This study aimed to evaluate the presence of Aedes aegypti in breeding sites located in vacant lo... more This study aimed to evaluate the presence of Aedes aegypti in breeding sites located in vacant lots (VLs) and determine the effectiveness of VL cleaning to reduce insect foci. Two types of VLs were sampled, the experimental VL, which was cleaned monthly, and the control VL, which was not cleaned. Monthly cleaning of VLs reduced the abundance of immature forms of A. aegypti. Strategies for combating this vector should include regular cleaning of VLs and educating the public regarding the risks of discarding waste in inappropriate areas.

Research paper thumbnail of Metalloporphyrins Immobilized on Silica and Modified Silica as Catalysts in Heterogeneous Processes

Current Organic Synthesis, 2014

Metalloporphyrins effectively catalyze C-H bond functionalization, including C-O (hydroxylation),... more Metalloporphyrins effectively catalyze C-H bond functionalization, including C-O (hydroxylation), C-N (amination), and C-C bond formation (carbene insertion). Over the last 20 years, numerous papers have reported that these complexes display catalytic efficiency and selectivity (regioselectivity and enantioselectivity) in solution (homogeneous catalysis). Green chemistry advocates idealization and production of more efficient, selective, and preferably recyclable catalysts to develop technological processes that are increasingly aligned with the principles. This has encouraged investigations into processes that can heterogenize efficient metalloporphyrin (MP) catalysts. Indeed, scientists have more and more often used heterogeneous catalysis as a tool to design clean and green processes. In this context, silica and its many functionalized derivatives represent an excellent strategy to obtain inexpensive, inert, and often highly pure (depending on the preparation route) supports to immobilize catalytic species. In this review, we intend to address this issue.

Research paper thumbnail of Automatic image registration for arm radiographies

3rd European Workshop on Visual Information Processing, 2011

Abstract Medical image registration is a vital medical imaging application. It aligns one image t... more Abstract Medical image registration is a vital medical imaging application. It aligns one image to another to obtain a registered image that has the information content of both images. The main focus of this work is to use an automatic image registration of arm ...

Research paper thumbnail of Unilateral Condylar Hyperplasia

Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 2014

Condylar hyperplasia (CH) is a pathologic condition that causes overdevelopment of the condylar h... more Condylar hyperplasia (CH) is a pathologic condition that causes overdevelopment of the condylar head and neck as well as the mandible. Slowly progressive unilateral enlargement of the head and the neck of the condyle causes crossbite malocclusion, facial asymmetry, and shifting of the midpoint of the chin to the unaffected side. The etiology and the pathogenesis of CH remain uncertain. The diagnosis is made by clinical and radiologic examinations and bone scintigraph. A difference in uptake of 10% or more between condyles is regarded as indicative of CH, and the affected condyles had a relative uptake of 55% or more. When the diagnosis of active CH is established, the treatment consists of removal of the growth center by a partial condylectomy. The authors present the case of a 46-year-old male patient with right active type II CH or hemimandibular hyperplasia who underwent a high condylectomy.

Research paper thumbnail of Identification of clinical, epidemiological and laboratory risk factors for leprosy reactions during and after multidrug therapy

Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Phase Diagrams of Aqueous Two-Phase Systems with Organic Salts and F68 Triblock Copolymer at Different Temperatures

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2010

Phase diagrams of aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) composed of F68 triblock copolymer + salt + wa... more Phase diagrams of aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) composed of F68 triblock copolymer + salt + water were constructed at different temperatures. The ATPS composed of F68 + (NH 4 ) 3 C 6 H 5 O 7 + H 2 O was investigated at (278.15, 288.15, and 298.15) K, and the F68 ...

Research paper thumbnail of Phase Compositions of Aqueous Two-Phase Systems Formed by L35 and Salts at Different Temperatures

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2010

The phase compositions in liquid−liquid equilibria of aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) composed o... more The phase compositions in liquid−liquid equilibria of aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) composed of the poly(ethylene oxide)− poly(propylene oxide)−poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO−PPO−PEO) triblock copolymer L35 and various salt solutions (sodium carbonate, sodium succinate, sodium ...

Research paper thumbnail of Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate induces phenotypic reversion of activated hepatic stellate cell

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2013

Hepatic stellate cells (HSC) play a key role in liver fibrogenesis. Activation of PPARγ and inhib... more Hepatic stellate cells (HSC) play a key role in liver fibrogenesis. Activation of PPARγ and inhibition of fibrogenic molecules are potential strategies to block HSC activation and differentiation. Aware that the process of hepatic fibrosis involves inflammatory mediators, various anti-inflammatory substances have been studied in an attempt to revert fibrosis. The purpose of this study was to investigate the in vitro effects of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate (FBP) on HSC phenotype reversion. The results demonstrated that FBP induced quiescent phenotype in GRX cells via PPARγ activation. Significant decrease in type I collagen mRNA expression was observed in the first 24 h of treatment. These events preceded the reduction of TGF-β1 and total collagen secretion. Thus, FBP promoted downregulation of HSC activation by its antifibrotic action. These findings demonstrate that FBP may have potential as a novel therapeutic agent for the treatment of liver fibrosis.

Research paper thumbnail of A pelomedusoid (Testudines, Pleurodira) plastron from the Lower Cretaceous of Alagoas, Brazil

Cretaceous Research, 2013