Gabriel López - (original) (raw)

Papers by Gabriel López

Research paper thumbnail of Contenido De CD, PB y Pesticidas Organoclorados De Mytella Strigata (Pelecypoda:Mytilidae) De Seis Lagunas Costeras Del Noroeste De México

Bulletin of Marine and Coastal Research

Los contenidos de Cd y Pb de los tejidos blandos de los mejillones de mangle Mytella strigata col... more Los contenidos de Cd y Pb de los tejidos blandos de los mejillones de mangle Mytella strigata colectados en 1996, en seis lagunas costeras del noroeste de México variaron entre 0.73 y 1.9 μg g-1 y entre 8.3 y 17.1 μg g-1, respectivamente; los valores de DDD variaron entre 4.5 y 119 ng g-1, los de DDE desde menos del límite de detección (

Research paper thumbnail of Ocupaciones humanas holocénicas en abrigos rocosos de la Puna de Salta

Comechingonia. Revista de Arqueología

En este trabajo se resumen brevemente las investigaciones recientes desarrolladas en abrigos roco... more En este trabajo se resumen brevemente las investigaciones recientes desarrolladas en abrigos rocosos en distintas áreas de la Puna de Salta, Argentina. Al respecto, es relevante destacar la escasez de refugios bajo roca en las tierras altas puneñas, por lo cual la presencia de estos sitios es importante para analizar la diversidad arqueológica y el cambio cultural a lo largo del Holoceno en la región. En este sentido, se reconoce que en general la preservación arqueológica en capa es muy buena en estos contextos. La información principal proviene de tres sitios arqueológicos ubicados en tres áreas de la Puna de Salta: Pastos Grandes, Ratones y Pocitos (Figura 1). Estas áreas se ubican próximas entre sí, a una altura promedio de 4000 msnm. El poblado de Pastos Grandes se ubica a 60 km al suroeste de San Antonio de los Cobres, en el marco de una extensa vega conformada por las aguas de deshielo de los nevados de Pastos Grandes en dirección Norte. En las quebradas ubicadas en este sector se encuentra el sitio Alero Cuevas, detectado en la campaña del año 2004 dentro de una investigación de doctorado (López 2008). Este sitio registra una larga secuencia de ocupaciones humanas. Por su parte, el salar de Ratones se ubica a alrededor de 70 km del poblado de Pastos Grandes, en dirección Sur. Allí se registró el sitio Cueva Inca Viejo, el cual comenzó a ser investigado en el año 2009 (López 2010). Finalmente, el salar de Pocitos, se ubica hacia el Oeste de Pastos Grandes, a aproximadamente 60 km. En el borde del salar de Pocitos se registraron distintos abrigos rocosos, pero uno de ellos se destaca por tener una posible secuencia a lo largo del Holoceno. El sitio fue denominado Abrigo Pozo Cavado, por el lugar en el que se lo detectó en la campaña de marzo de 2010 (López 2010). Por lo tanto, la investigación en este sitio recién está comenzando, pero será importante para el estudio del cambio cultural a nivel regional en comparación con otros sitios. El sitio Alero Cuevas, Pastos Grandes Este sitio se ubica a una altura de 4400 msnm, en la quebrada de Las Cuevas, 10 km hacia el Norte del poblado de Pastos Grandes. Se trata de un alero de 19,3 m de extensión y 8,7 m de profundidad hasta la línea de goteo. La excavación de 7 cuadrículas de 1 x 1 m y 2 sondeos de 0,5 x 0,5 m, permitió registrar una larga secuencia de ocupaciones humanas, que comenzaron en el Holoceno temprano (López 2009). La quebrada en la que se ubica el alero, presenta agua permanente procedente de los nevados de Pastos Grandes y recursos asociados como pasturas y fauna (por ej. camélidos), lo que hace atractivo este sector para la ocupación humana. Sin embargo, en la actualidad, la quebrada de Las Cuevas no registra ocupaciones humanas, lo cual se debe a la ubicación del poblado de Pastos Grandes en torno a la vega

Research paper thumbnail of Familial 3-Way Balanced Translocation Causes 1q43→qter Loss and 10q25.2→qter Gain in a Severely Affected Male Toddler

Cytogenetic and Genome Research

Constitutional complex chromosomal rearrangements (CCRs) are rare events that typically involve 2... more Constitutional complex chromosomal rearrangements (CCRs) are rare events that typically involve 2 or more chromosomes with at least 3 breakpoints and can result in normal or abnormal phenotypes depending on whether they disturb the euchromatic neighborhood. Here, we report an unusual balanced CCR involving chromosomes 1, 9, and 10 that causes an unbalanced karyotype in a severely affected toddler. The CCR was initially reported as a maternal 2-way translocation but was reclassified as a 3-way translocation after a microarray analysis of the propositus revealed the involvement of another chromosome not identified by G-banding in his phenotypically normal mother. FISH assays on maternal metaphase cells confirmed that the 1qter region of der(1) was translocated to der(10), whereas the 10qter segment was translocated to der(9), which in turn donated a segment to der(1). Subsequently, this CCR was also identified in her phenotypically normal father (the patient's grandfather). Thus, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Estimation of visibility from spectral irradiance using artificial neural networks

Research paper thumbnail of Magnetically Responsive Negative Acoustic Contrast Microparticles for Bioanalytical Applications

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Translating Microfluidics: Cell Separation Technologies and their Barriers to Commercialization

Cytometry Part B: Clinical Cytometry, 2016

Advances in microfluidic cell sorting have revolutionized the ways in which cell-containing fluid... more Advances in microfluidic cell sorting have revolutionized the ways in which cell-containing fluids are processed, now providing performances comparable to, or exceeding, traditional systems, but in a vastly miniaturized format. These technologies exploit a wide variety of physical phenomena to manipulate cells and fluid flow, such as magnetic traps, sound waves and flow-altering micropatterns, and they can evaluate single cells by immobilizing them onto surfaces for chemotherapeutic assessment, encapsulate cells into picoliter droplets for toxicity screenings and examine the interactions between pairs of cells in response to new, experimental drugs. However, despite the massive surge of innovation in these high-performance lab-on-a-chip devices, few have undergone successful commercialization, and no device has been translated to a widely distributed clinical commodity to date. Persistent challenges such as an increasingly saturated patent landscape as well as complex user interfaces are among several factors that may contribute to their slowed progress. In this article, we identify several of the leading microfluidic technologies for sorting cells that are poised for clinical translation; we examine the principal barriers preventing their routine clinical use; finally, we provide a prospectus to elucidate the key criteria that must be met to overcome those barriers. Once established, these tools may soon transform how clinical labs study various ailments and diseases by separating cells for downstream sequencing and enabling other forms of advanced cellular or sub-cellular analysis. © 2016 International Clinical Cytometry Society.

Research paper thumbnail of Adverse Life Events and Suicide: A Case-Control Study of Psychological Autopsy in Medellin, Colombia

Revista Colombiana De Psiquiatria, Mar 1, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Modelación y optimización del proceso de extracción de aceite esencial de eucalipto (Eucalyptus globulus)

Scientia agropecuaria, 2010

Modelación y optimización del proceso de extracción de aceite esencial de eucalipto (Eucalyptus g... more Modelación y optimización del proceso de extracción de aceite esencial de eucalipto (Eucalyptus globulus) Modeling and optimization of extraction process of eucalyptus essential oil (Eucalyptus globulus

Research paper thumbnail of Metales pesados en el “ostión ahogado” Crassostrea corteziensis del sistema lagunar Ensenada del Pabellón, Sinaloa, México

Research paper thumbnail of Metales pesados en sedimentos superficiales del sistema Arroyo Jabalines-Estero del Infiernillo, Mazatlán, Sinaloa, México

Research paper thumbnail of Riesgos de la transmisión en corriente directa para la estabilidad de voltaje en sistemas de potencia


Contenido de Cd, Pb y pesticidas organoclorados de Mytella strigata (Pelecypoda: Mytilidae) de se... more Contenido de Cd, Pb y pesticidas organoclorados de Mytella strigata (Pelecypoda: Mytilidae) de seis lagunas costeras del noroeste de México. Los contenidos de Cd y Pb de los tejidos blandos de los mejillones de mangle Mytella strigata colectados en 1996, en seis lagunas costeras del

Research paper thumbnail of Integrating advanced web technologies in a social security portal

Many social security organizations have leveraged Web Portals to achieve an effective communicati... more Many social security organizations have leveraged Web Portals to achieve an effective communication with citizens. Social security portals usually provide up-to-date information regarding social security benefits and deliver different online services. One of the characteristics of social security portals is the need to interact with different kind of users which include, among others, workers, employees and retired people of different age and technical skills. This heterogeneity raises many challenges regarding the mechanism to customize and adapt the Web Portal in order to decide not only what information and services are delivered, but also how they are delivered. On the other side, during the last years many advanced Web technologies have emerged addressing different requirements. Some examples are portal frameworks and standards, social applications, which focus on information sharing and collaboration among users, rich internet applications, which provide users an interactive a...

Research paper thumbnail of Diffusion processes in diffusion-soldered interconnections

Archives of Metallurgy and Materials

Cited By (since 1996):1, Export Date: 18 June 2013, Source: Scopus The paper presents fundamental... more Cited By (since 1996):1, Export Date: 18 June 2013, Source: Scopus The paper presents fundamentals of the djffusjon processes occurrjng jn jnterconnectjons produced by means of djffusjon solderjng. The stages jnyolyed jn the formatjon of the interconnection are descrjbed for the Al-Ni system as an example. The growth of the formed jnterrnetalljc phases is the mostjmportant step from the kjnetic pojnt of yiew because jt determjnes the rate of the whole process. If the growth-controlling factor js bulk diffusjon, then the solutjon of the djffusion problem leads to Wagner's jntegral jnterdiffusion coefficient. To solye Wagner's equation jt js necessary to deterrnine the growth constant kp. The procedure leading to a proper determination of kp from a plot of the interrnetallic layer thjckness as function of time js described in details. Fjnally, examples of kinetic calculatjons for the intermetallic phase growth in the Al-Ni, Cu-Sn, Cu-In and Cu-In-Sn systems are presented. W.

Research paper thumbnail of Managing the lifecycle of XACML delegation policies in federated environments

IFIP – The International Federation for Information Processing, 2008

This paper presents an infrastructure that enables the use of administrative delegation in an eff... more This paper presents an infrastructure that enables the use of administrative delegation in an effective way, reducing the complexity in the policy management for some specific scenarios. This infrastructure is in charge of managing the policies of the system during its lifecycle, for example when they are created by the users or when they are collected to take an authorization decision. The proposal makes use of a robust and extensible language as XACML in order to express the authorization policies. However, as we will see, the management infrastructure has been designed in a way that facilitates the task of the different users involved, assuming that those users do not have to be security experts or XACML-aware.

Research paper thumbnail of Mapping Solar Radiation over Complex Topography Areas Combining Digital Elevation Models and Satellite Images

Research paper thumbnail of SG-SM - Smart Grid San Martin Red de Distribución y Generación de Energía Inteligente en Ciudad Gral San Martin – Mendoza

Diseño, implementación y análisis de resultados de un PROYECTO PILOTO de redes inteligentes y mej... more Diseño, implementación y análisis de resultados de un PROYECTO PILOTO de redes inteligentes y mejoramiento de la eficiencia de la redes de distribución en un área urbano - rural de la zona de concesión de EDESTE SA, en el departamento de Gral. San Martín - Mendoza, que abastece aproximadamente 5000 usuarios de tipo residencial, comercial e industrial, donde se desarrollarán los siguientes aspectos: telemedición y control (Smart Grid) de usuarios finales, telegestión de subestaciones transformadoras y punto de inyección, automatización de puntos de maniobra y protección, gestión eficiente de alumbrado público, desarrollo de sistema prepago de energía, incorporación de 500KW de generación distribuida fotovoltaica inyectada en Media Tensión y 4 módulos de autogeneración fotovoltaica de entre 5 y 15KW en edificios públicos interconectados a la red de distribución. El proyecto también contempla el desarrollo de procesos de recolección y gestión de la información, herramientas para la inc...

Research paper thumbnail of Bioinspired Reversibly Cross-linked Hydrogels Comprising Polypeptide Micelles Exhibit Enhanced Mechanical Properties

Advanced Functional Materials, 2015

ABSTRACT Noncovalently cross-linked networks are attractive hydrogel platforms because of their f... more ABSTRACT Noncovalently cross-linked networks are attractive hydrogel platforms because of their facile fabrication, dynamic behavior, and biocompatibility. The majority of noncovalently cross-linked hydrogels, however, exhibits poor mechanical properties, which significantly limit their utility in load bearing applications. To address this limitation, hydrogels are presented composed of micelles created from genetically engineered, amphiphilic, elastin-like polypeptides that contain a relatively large hydrophobic block and a hydrophilic terminus that can be cross-linked through metal ion coordination. To create the hydrogels, heat is firstly used to trigger the self-assembly of the polypeptides into monodisperse micelles that display transition metal coordination motifs on their coronae, and subsequently cross-link the micelles by adding zinc ions. These hydrogels exhibit hierarchical structure, are stable over a large temperature range, and exhibit tunable stiffness, self-healing, and fatigue resistance. Gels with polypeptide concentration of 10%, w/v, and higher show storage moduli of ≈1 MPa from frequency sweep tests and exhibit self-healing within minutes. These reversibly cross-linked, hierarchical hydrogels with enhanced mechanical properties have potential utility in a variety of biomedical applications.

Research paper thumbnail of Anodization Patterned on Aluminum Surfaces

Dekker Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Second Edition - Six Volume Set (Print Version), 2004

Research paper thumbnail of Changes in metal contents in shrimp cultured in NW Mexico (2000-2010)

Environmental monitoring and assessment, 2015

This study shows the concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn in the muscle and hepatopancreas of Pac... more This study shows the concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn in the muscle and hepatopancreas of Pacific white shrimps, Litopenaeus vannamei, cultured during 2010 in 26 commercial farms of the three main producer states of the Mexican NW, Sonora, Sinaloa, and Nayarit and compares the results to those obtained in 2000 using samples collected in16 farms of the same states. No significant changes were detected in Cd concentrations, but the 2010 Zn levels were significantly higher in all states in the hepatopancreas and in Sinaloa in the case of the muscle. Cu showed a tendency to higher hepatopancreas values in 2010, but differences were significant only in Sonora and for the global mean value. In contrast, Pb was one order of magnitude lower in both organs in 2010, possibly because of the almost 15 years since leaded gasoline was discontinued in Mexico.

Research paper thumbnail of Contenido De CD, PB y Pesticidas Organoclorados De Mytella Strigata (Pelecypoda:Mytilidae) De Seis Lagunas Costeras Del Noroeste De México

Bulletin of Marine and Coastal Research

Los contenidos de Cd y Pb de los tejidos blandos de los mejillones de mangle Mytella strigata col... more Los contenidos de Cd y Pb de los tejidos blandos de los mejillones de mangle Mytella strigata colectados en 1996, en seis lagunas costeras del noroeste de México variaron entre 0.73 y 1.9 μg g-1 y entre 8.3 y 17.1 μg g-1, respectivamente; los valores de DDD variaron entre 4.5 y 119 ng g-1, los de DDE desde menos del límite de detección (

Research paper thumbnail of Ocupaciones humanas holocénicas en abrigos rocosos de la Puna de Salta

Comechingonia. Revista de Arqueología

En este trabajo se resumen brevemente las investigaciones recientes desarrolladas en abrigos roco... more En este trabajo se resumen brevemente las investigaciones recientes desarrolladas en abrigos rocosos en distintas áreas de la Puna de Salta, Argentina. Al respecto, es relevante destacar la escasez de refugios bajo roca en las tierras altas puneñas, por lo cual la presencia de estos sitios es importante para analizar la diversidad arqueológica y el cambio cultural a lo largo del Holoceno en la región. En este sentido, se reconoce que en general la preservación arqueológica en capa es muy buena en estos contextos. La información principal proviene de tres sitios arqueológicos ubicados en tres áreas de la Puna de Salta: Pastos Grandes, Ratones y Pocitos (Figura 1). Estas áreas se ubican próximas entre sí, a una altura promedio de 4000 msnm. El poblado de Pastos Grandes se ubica a 60 km al suroeste de San Antonio de los Cobres, en el marco de una extensa vega conformada por las aguas de deshielo de los nevados de Pastos Grandes en dirección Norte. En las quebradas ubicadas en este sector se encuentra el sitio Alero Cuevas, detectado en la campaña del año 2004 dentro de una investigación de doctorado (López 2008). Este sitio registra una larga secuencia de ocupaciones humanas. Por su parte, el salar de Ratones se ubica a alrededor de 70 km del poblado de Pastos Grandes, en dirección Sur. Allí se registró el sitio Cueva Inca Viejo, el cual comenzó a ser investigado en el año 2009 (López 2010). Finalmente, el salar de Pocitos, se ubica hacia el Oeste de Pastos Grandes, a aproximadamente 60 km. En el borde del salar de Pocitos se registraron distintos abrigos rocosos, pero uno de ellos se destaca por tener una posible secuencia a lo largo del Holoceno. El sitio fue denominado Abrigo Pozo Cavado, por el lugar en el que se lo detectó en la campaña de marzo de 2010 (López 2010). Por lo tanto, la investigación en este sitio recién está comenzando, pero será importante para el estudio del cambio cultural a nivel regional en comparación con otros sitios. El sitio Alero Cuevas, Pastos Grandes Este sitio se ubica a una altura de 4400 msnm, en la quebrada de Las Cuevas, 10 km hacia el Norte del poblado de Pastos Grandes. Se trata de un alero de 19,3 m de extensión y 8,7 m de profundidad hasta la línea de goteo. La excavación de 7 cuadrículas de 1 x 1 m y 2 sondeos de 0,5 x 0,5 m, permitió registrar una larga secuencia de ocupaciones humanas, que comenzaron en el Holoceno temprano (López 2009). La quebrada en la que se ubica el alero, presenta agua permanente procedente de los nevados de Pastos Grandes y recursos asociados como pasturas y fauna (por ej. camélidos), lo que hace atractivo este sector para la ocupación humana. Sin embargo, en la actualidad, la quebrada de Las Cuevas no registra ocupaciones humanas, lo cual se debe a la ubicación del poblado de Pastos Grandes en torno a la vega

Research paper thumbnail of Familial 3-Way Balanced Translocation Causes 1q43→qter Loss and 10q25.2→qter Gain in a Severely Affected Male Toddler

Cytogenetic and Genome Research

Constitutional complex chromosomal rearrangements (CCRs) are rare events that typically involve 2... more Constitutional complex chromosomal rearrangements (CCRs) are rare events that typically involve 2 or more chromosomes with at least 3 breakpoints and can result in normal or abnormal phenotypes depending on whether they disturb the euchromatic neighborhood. Here, we report an unusual balanced CCR involving chromosomes 1, 9, and 10 that causes an unbalanced karyotype in a severely affected toddler. The CCR was initially reported as a maternal 2-way translocation but was reclassified as a 3-way translocation after a microarray analysis of the propositus revealed the involvement of another chromosome not identified by G-banding in his phenotypically normal mother. FISH assays on maternal metaphase cells confirmed that the 1qter region of der(1) was translocated to der(10), whereas the 10qter segment was translocated to der(9), which in turn donated a segment to der(1). Subsequently, this CCR was also identified in her phenotypically normal father (the patient's grandfather). Thus, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Estimation of visibility from spectral irradiance using artificial neural networks

Research paper thumbnail of Magnetically Responsive Negative Acoustic Contrast Microparticles for Bioanalytical Applications

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Translating Microfluidics: Cell Separation Technologies and their Barriers to Commercialization

Cytometry Part B: Clinical Cytometry, 2016

Advances in microfluidic cell sorting have revolutionized the ways in which cell-containing fluid... more Advances in microfluidic cell sorting have revolutionized the ways in which cell-containing fluids are processed, now providing performances comparable to, or exceeding, traditional systems, but in a vastly miniaturized format. These technologies exploit a wide variety of physical phenomena to manipulate cells and fluid flow, such as magnetic traps, sound waves and flow-altering micropatterns, and they can evaluate single cells by immobilizing them onto surfaces for chemotherapeutic assessment, encapsulate cells into picoliter droplets for toxicity screenings and examine the interactions between pairs of cells in response to new, experimental drugs. However, despite the massive surge of innovation in these high-performance lab-on-a-chip devices, few have undergone successful commercialization, and no device has been translated to a widely distributed clinical commodity to date. Persistent challenges such as an increasingly saturated patent landscape as well as complex user interfaces are among several factors that may contribute to their slowed progress. In this article, we identify several of the leading microfluidic technologies for sorting cells that are poised for clinical translation; we examine the principal barriers preventing their routine clinical use; finally, we provide a prospectus to elucidate the key criteria that must be met to overcome those barriers. Once established, these tools may soon transform how clinical labs study various ailments and diseases by separating cells for downstream sequencing and enabling other forms of advanced cellular or sub-cellular analysis. © 2016 International Clinical Cytometry Society.

Research paper thumbnail of Adverse Life Events and Suicide: A Case-Control Study of Psychological Autopsy in Medellin, Colombia

Revista Colombiana De Psiquiatria, Mar 1, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Modelación y optimización del proceso de extracción de aceite esencial de eucalipto (Eucalyptus globulus)

Scientia agropecuaria, 2010

Modelación y optimización del proceso de extracción de aceite esencial de eucalipto (Eucalyptus g... more Modelación y optimización del proceso de extracción de aceite esencial de eucalipto (Eucalyptus globulus) Modeling and optimization of extraction process of eucalyptus essential oil (Eucalyptus globulus

Research paper thumbnail of Metales pesados en el “ostión ahogado” Crassostrea corteziensis del sistema lagunar Ensenada del Pabellón, Sinaloa, México

Research paper thumbnail of Metales pesados en sedimentos superficiales del sistema Arroyo Jabalines-Estero del Infiernillo, Mazatlán, Sinaloa, México

Research paper thumbnail of Riesgos de la transmisión en corriente directa para la estabilidad de voltaje en sistemas de potencia


Contenido de Cd, Pb y pesticidas organoclorados de Mytella strigata (Pelecypoda: Mytilidae) de se... more Contenido de Cd, Pb y pesticidas organoclorados de Mytella strigata (Pelecypoda: Mytilidae) de seis lagunas costeras del noroeste de México. Los contenidos de Cd y Pb de los tejidos blandos de los mejillones de mangle Mytella strigata colectados en 1996, en seis lagunas costeras del

Research paper thumbnail of Integrating advanced web technologies in a social security portal

Many social security organizations have leveraged Web Portals to achieve an effective communicati... more Many social security organizations have leveraged Web Portals to achieve an effective communication with citizens. Social security portals usually provide up-to-date information regarding social security benefits and deliver different online services. One of the characteristics of social security portals is the need to interact with different kind of users which include, among others, workers, employees and retired people of different age and technical skills. This heterogeneity raises many challenges regarding the mechanism to customize and adapt the Web Portal in order to decide not only what information and services are delivered, but also how they are delivered. On the other side, during the last years many advanced Web technologies have emerged addressing different requirements. Some examples are portal frameworks and standards, social applications, which focus on information sharing and collaboration among users, rich internet applications, which provide users an interactive a...

Research paper thumbnail of Diffusion processes in diffusion-soldered interconnections

Archives of Metallurgy and Materials

Cited By (since 1996):1, Export Date: 18 June 2013, Source: Scopus The paper presents fundamental... more Cited By (since 1996):1, Export Date: 18 June 2013, Source: Scopus The paper presents fundamentals of the djffusjon processes occurrjng jn jnterconnectjons produced by means of djffusjon solderjng. The stages jnyolyed jn the formatjon of the interconnection are descrjbed for the Al-Ni system as an example. The growth of the formed jnterrnetalljc phases is the mostjmportant step from the kjnetic pojnt of yiew because jt determjnes the rate of the whole process. If the growth-controlling factor js bulk diffusjon, then the solutjon of the djffusion problem leads to Wagner's jntegral jnterdiffusion coefficient. To solye Wagner's equation jt js necessary to deterrnine the growth constant kp. The procedure leading to a proper determination of kp from a plot of the interrnetallic layer thjckness as function of time js described in details. Fjnally, examples of kinetic calculatjons for the intermetallic phase growth in the Al-Ni, Cu-Sn, Cu-In and Cu-In-Sn systems are presented. W.

Research paper thumbnail of Managing the lifecycle of XACML delegation policies in federated environments

IFIP – The International Federation for Information Processing, 2008

This paper presents an infrastructure that enables the use of administrative delegation in an eff... more This paper presents an infrastructure that enables the use of administrative delegation in an effective way, reducing the complexity in the policy management for some specific scenarios. This infrastructure is in charge of managing the policies of the system during its lifecycle, for example when they are created by the users or when they are collected to take an authorization decision. The proposal makes use of a robust and extensible language as XACML in order to express the authorization policies. However, as we will see, the management infrastructure has been designed in a way that facilitates the task of the different users involved, assuming that those users do not have to be security experts or XACML-aware.

Research paper thumbnail of Mapping Solar Radiation over Complex Topography Areas Combining Digital Elevation Models and Satellite Images

Research paper thumbnail of SG-SM - Smart Grid San Martin Red de Distribución y Generación de Energía Inteligente en Ciudad Gral San Martin – Mendoza

Diseño, implementación y análisis de resultados de un PROYECTO PILOTO de redes inteligentes y mej... more Diseño, implementación y análisis de resultados de un PROYECTO PILOTO de redes inteligentes y mejoramiento de la eficiencia de la redes de distribución en un área urbano - rural de la zona de concesión de EDESTE SA, en el departamento de Gral. San Martín - Mendoza, que abastece aproximadamente 5000 usuarios de tipo residencial, comercial e industrial, donde se desarrollarán los siguientes aspectos: telemedición y control (Smart Grid) de usuarios finales, telegestión de subestaciones transformadoras y punto de inyección, automatización de puntos de maniobra y protección, gestión eficiente de alumbrado público, desarrollo de sistema prepago de energía, incorporación de 500KW de generación distribuida fotovoltaica inyectada en Media Tensión y 4 módulos de autogeneración fotovoltaica de entre 5 y 15KW en edificios públicos interconectados a la red de distribución. El proyecto también contempla el desarrollo de procesos de recolección y gestión de la información, herramientas para la inc...

Research paper thumbnail of Bioinspired Reversibly Cross-linked Hydrogels Comprising Polypeptide Micelles Exhibit Enhanced Mechanical Properties

Advanced Functional Materials, 2015

ABSTRACT Noncovalently cross-linked networks are attractive hydrogel platforms because of their f... more ABSTRACT Noncovalently cross-linked networks are attractive hydrogel platforms because of their facile fabrication, dynamic behavior, and biocompatibility. The majority of noncovalently cross-linked hydrogels, however, exhibits poor mechanical properties, which significantly limit their utility in load bearing applications. To address this limitation, hydrogels are presented composed of micelles created from genetically engineered, amphiphilic, elastin-like polypeptides that contain a relatively large hydrophobic block and a hydrophilic terminus that can be cross-linked through metal ion coordination. To create the hydrogels, heat is firstly used to trigger the self-assembly of the polypeptides into monodisperse micelles that display transition metal coordination motifs on their coronae, and subsequently cross-link the micelles by adding zinc ions. These hydrogels exhibit hierarchical structure, are stable over a large temperature range, and exhibit tunable stiffness, self-healing, and fatigue resistance. Gels with polypeptide concentration of 10%, w/v, and higher show storage moduli of ≈1 MPa from frequency sweep tests and exhibit self-healing within minutes. These reversibly cross-linked, hierarchical hydrogels with enhanced mechanical properties have potential utility in a variety of biomedical applications.

Research paper thumbnail of Anodization Patterned on Aluminum Surfaces

Dekker Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Second Edition - Six Volume Set (Print Version), 2004

Research paper thumbnail of Changes in metal contents in shrimp cultured in NW Mexico (2000-2010)

Environmental monitoring and assessment, 2015

This study shows the concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn in the muscle and hepatopancreas of Pac... more This study shows the concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn in the muscle and hepatopancreas of Pacific white shrimps, Litopenaeus vannamei, cultured during 2010 in 26 commercial farms of the three main producer states of the Mexican NW, Sonora, Sinaloa, and Nayarit and compares the results to those obtained in 2000 using samples collected in16 farms of the same states. No significant changes were detected in Cd concentrations, but the 2010 Zn levels were significantly higher in all states in the hepatopancreas and in Sinaloa in the case of the muscle. Cu showed a tendency to higher hepatopancreas values in 2010, but differences were significant only in Sonora and for the global mean value. In contrast, Pb was one order of magnitude lower in both organs in 2010, possibly because of the almost 15 years since leaded gasoline was discontinued in Mexico.