Gabriel Roosmargo Lono Lastoro Simatupang (original) (raw)
Papers by Gabriel Roosmargo Lono Lastoro Simatupang
Jurnal Antropologi: Isu-Isu Sosial Budaya
This article aims to review how anthropology and art pay attention to art, especially to similar ... more This article aims to review how anthropology and art pay attention to art, especially to similar studies that have been carried out in Indonesia. Based on this, it is also to show the implicit meaning of some propositions and associations of ideas from an anthropological perspective that can be considered for the study of art. In this sense, it is not to solve the great questions of the anthropology of art or confine oneself to the virtues of anthropology for art but to broaden the horizons in which they must be considered.
Harmonia: Journal of Arts Research and Education
Marugame Udon is a Japanese fast-food restaurant chain with many branches in Indonesia. This stud... more Marugame Udon is a Japanese fast-food restaurant chain with many branches in Indonesia. This study examines the conveyance of the Japanese atmosphere to visitors as a performance. Interior research based on performance theory has not been widely conducted. This study aims to determine the performative influence of Marugame Udon’s interior on visitors by exploring Richard Schechner’s performance aspects (action, interaction, relationship). This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study method to deeply explore data from visitors and interior elements. The data collection techniques used are observation, in-depth interviews, literature study, and company profile reading. Data analysis is done by reduction, presentation, and drawing conclusions and recommendations. The findings of this study are: (1) the “action” exploration finds that the interior display is a manifestation of Marugame Udon’s identity as a Japanese restaurant chain and its commitment to introducing Japanese ...
Sorai: Jurnal Pengkajian dan Penciptaan Musik
String Quartet is the most popular form of Chamber Music. In a string quartet there are no conduc... more String Quartet is the most popular form of Chamber Music. In a string quartet there are no conductors as leaders, directors and music coordinators, no wonder many quartets end up disbanding due to problems. Marskanskey String Quartet is a group from Jogja that has been around for a long time and has more achievements, although based on initial observations this group looks the same as other groups. This research was appointed to find out what aspects of ensemble skills, how to apply ensemble skills in the Marskanskey group. To explore how the application of ensemble skills in the Marskanskey group, the author discusses the case with Keller's theory of ensemble skills. The author's theory considers that he is able to describe the discourse thoroughly, comprehensively and deeply, namely skills from the rehearsal process to performances. This research is a qualitative research with a case study approach. The results showed that Marskanskey had applied ensemble skills both in re...
Sorai: Jurnal Pengkajian dan Penciptaan Musik
Gondang Sitolupulutolu is a gondang ensemble that can only be found in the Toba Batak community. ... more Gondang Sitolupulutolu is a gondang ensemble that can only be found in the Toba Batak community. They are Silalahisabungan clan group. Gondang sitolupulutolu is very important in the Silahisabungan community because it can not be separeted from the traditional ceremonies. This study aims to determine how the use and function of the gondang sitolupulutolu in one of the traditional ceremonies of the Silahisabungan community, namely saur matua. This study use a qualitative method. Alan P. Meriam’s (1964) theory of use and function was chosen to see the use and function of the gondang sitolupulutolu. The results showed that the Gondang Sitolupulutolu was used at the opening ceremony during the manortor (ceremonial dance) and at the end of ceremony (closing ceremony). While the function of the gondang sitolupulutolu at the traditional ceremony of Saur Matua is as an expression of joy and sorrow, as entertainment, as a means of communication to convey prayers to God, as a symbol, and as a...
Journal of Urban Society's Arts
Data shows that award-winning films are not always the best-selling films and vice versa. Therefo... more Data shows that award-winning films are not always the best-selling films and vice versa. Therefore, it is interesting to investigate whether the director employs different art techniques for commercial and art films. This qualitative textual study examines the artistic treatments of both films and compares the narrative aspects of the story and the cinematic elements related to the film presentation techniques. The narrative aspects include (a) plot, (b) premise, (c) characters, and (d) conflict. The cinematic elements include (a) cinematography, (b) editing, (c) sound, and (d) setting. The results show that the director applies different art techniques for different films. For films orientated to commercial movie theaters, the narrative is more complex but presented in a cinematic that is easier for the audience to understand. For films in festivals, the narrative is more simple, but the cinematic aspect are more complex. These findings support the results of the data control, a c...
Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Environment Management, 2021
This study aims to examine the contribution of Ananda Sukarlan as a composer who is serious about... more This study aims to examine the contribution of Ananda Sukarlan as a composer who is serious about building an Indonesian identity through the use of various Indonesian musical elements as material in composing piano and vocal works. How composers arrange various musical aspects that can work in a composition is the focus of this research. The study of musicology is used as an approach to dissect various aspects of the musical used, such as; melody, harmony, texture, tonality, scale, rhythm, timbre. Archipelago musical elements are a fundamental aspect in composing works that have 'new values' and 'different tastes' because they have uniqueness or characteristics. The complexity of the compositional techniques used in the preparation of the work shows a high level of creativity in producing vistuosic works. His works have become a repertoire for recitals, competitions, and music concerts for Indonesian and foreign pianists and soloist singers. Studying the works of An...
International journal for innovation education and research, 2014
Yogyakarta-Style Classical Dance plays an important role in the part of human-life values, both s... more Yogyakarta-Style Classical Dance plays an important role in the part of human-life values, both seen from the religious function and from the social function. From a comprehensive perspective, it is shown that the preservation related to the development of this type of dance occurs because each generation has its own soul of the era that encourages cultural creativity. Eventually, Yogyakarta-style classical dance transform both internally and externally. The interplay among different traditions may result in something new that constitutes an additional repertoire in addition to the existing traditions. This paper discusses how such transformational processes apply in Yogyakarta-Style Classical Dance and what happens to the dance that belongs to the Palace of Yogyakarta and how their current development is. The processes of cultural transformation that have occurred to Yogyakarta-Style Classical Dance (in conjunction with the performing arts) also lead to shifts in the functions of t...
Rekonseptualisasi dokumenter memiliki urgensi dalam kajian dokumenter untuk memberikan sudut pand... more Rekonseptualisasi dokumenter memiliki urgensi dalam kajian dokumenter untuk memberikan sudut pandang lain bagi klaim kebenaran filmis. Rekonseptualisasi ini berangkat dari persepektif film kognitif dengan melibatkan kegiatan menonton, di mana proses pemahaman dan pengalaman penonton menjadi dasar bagi rekonseptualisasi ini. Kajian literatur menjadi langkah awal dalam rekonsetualisasi dengan tujuan (1) mengkaji berbagai isu dan pemahaman dokumenter mutakhir: (2) memetakan dan mengulas teori-teori yang menjelaskan bagaimana dokumenter didefinisikan selama ini: dan (3) menentukan sudut pandang alternatif bagi kebenaran filmis bagi dokumenter. Rekonseptualisasi dilakukan bertahap melalui tiga jalur konseptual, yaitu: (a) penyelidikan terhadap penelitian terdahulu, (b) pemetaan problem dari penelitian terdahulu, dan (c) tawaran sudut pandang sebagai alternatif bagi penyelesaian problem terdahulu. Tiga jalur konseptualisasi tersebut dipilih dengan alasan bahwa sejak dokumenter didefinisik...
The map of Islamic healing is often interpreted based only on the values of Islamic teachings. So... more The map of Islamic healing is often interpreted based only on the values of Islamic teachings. Some cultural and religious concepts and practices concerning spiritual or supernatural relationships are often ignored because they are contrary to the concept of Islamic teachings. This article analyzes the Islamic healing practiced in the socio-cultural life inherently. The religious space practice in terms of identification, healing and restoration of illness illustrates that the interaction between religion and culture is not rigid in addressing health and humanitarian issues. This article is based on field research at alternative healing in Tuban East Java which elaborated by enrichment of literary texts. The results of this study discuss various types of Islamic-based healing as alternative medicine that spreading in Indonesian culture. This study map analyzes the characteristics of Islamic healing, both Normative Islam and Cultural Islam. Both cannot be ignored as variants of relig...
In the world of digital video games, human players are present through surrogates. Surrogates in ... more In the world of digital video games, human players are present through surrogates. Surrogates in the video game is a character which also called by the term avatar which is a self-representation of real players. The presence of avatars in role playing games are formed through a process of creation by the gamer. The production of avatars cannot be separated from the unconscious mind of the players, the unconscious desire, ego and ideology. This avatar creation process continues ongoing, following the progress of the video game story. The decision, the path, and the act that the player take in completing the story are gradually reshaping the avatar. In the end, the avatar eventually became a manifestation and reflection of the unconscious minds of the video game players. This research conducted using ethnography and Jacques Lacan psychoanalysis theory.
International Journal of Visual and Performing Arts, 2019
Proceedings of the Social Sciences, Humanities and Education Conference (SoSHEC 2019), 2019
Indonesia is an archipelago consisting of various tribes, cultures, and rich in diverse musical t... more Indonesia is an archipelago consisting of various tribes, cultures, and rich in diverse musical traditions, spreading from Sabang to Merauke. This archipelago music wealth must be maintained and developed continuously through various creativity and education as part of building national identity. The creativity of Indonesian composers in composing piano compositions is realized through the concept of 'new' composition which reflects things related to 'keindonesiaan'. Their composition works later became a discourse to become an integral part of Indonesian piano music education. The archipelago idiom material works can be the basis for repositioning the music education system, especially in music analysis which includes; texture, form, scale, sound color; and music practice. This paper uses two approaches to discuss composition and education; (1) historical musicology, namely studies relating to history, notation, performance practices, and instrumentation; and (2) Rationalizing Indonesian piano music education, which is related to curriculum development.
Journal Communication Spectrum, 2018
Dalam bermain video game , pemain ( gamer ) tidak bisa dilepaskan dari terjadinya proses pewujuda... more Dalam bermain video game , pemain ( gamer ) tidak bisa dilepaskan dari terjadinya proses pewujudan ( embodiment) dan penyerapan ( immersion) . Pewujudan adalah proses pemain mewujudkan diri di dalam game melalui beragam ikon, di antaranya avatar dan karakter, sedangkan penyerapan adalah larutnya pemain ke dalam proses bermainnya baik di luar maupun di dalam video game . Proses ini berjalan secara otomatis dan tidak disadari oleh pemain . Intensitas dan lama bermain sangat berpengaruh pada proses pewujudan dan penyerapan, selain juga kondisi sosiokultural pemain. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode etnografi untuk menunjukkan bagaimana pemain berproses dalam bermain video game untuk memenuhi kebutuhan intrinsik mereka yakni kompetensi, otonomi dan keterhubungan melalui pewujudan dan penyerapan. In playing various video game, gamers unconsciously and automaticly embodied theirself inside the video game. The embodiment process are portrayed through icons, avatars and mostly their in-game characters, while the immersion happens during the process of playing, which can occur inside and outside of the video game. The playing intensity and the amount of time spend in playing video game determine the overall process of embodiment and immersion, beside the player sociocultural condition. This research uses ethnography to identify how gamers play the video game to fulfill their intrinsic needs such as competence, autonomy and relatedness.
REKAM: Jurnal Fotografi, Televisi, dan Animasi, 2018
Klaim kebenaran filmis yang berlaku bagi dokumenter perlu diselidiki dengan pertimbangan bahwa no... more Klaim kebenaran filmis yang berlaku bagi dokumenter perlu diselidiki dengan pertimbangan bahwa notabene gagasan tentang kebenaran filmis diletakkan pada dua aspek, yaitu: realitas dan sineas. Penyelidikan dilakukan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana persoalan itu berkembang, serta mencari berbagai kemungkinan atau alternatif untuk menyelesaikan persoalan tersebut. Hasil penyelidikan tersebut menjadi dasar bagi konseptualisasi tentang kebenaran filmis dokumenter dengan cara mempertimbangkan peletakan kebenaran filmis pada aspek lain, di luar realitas dan sineas. Langkah awal penyelidikan fokus kepada literature review, di mana langkah ini menjadi cara yang efektif untuk menyarikan beberapa pemikiran penting dan mengkritisi pemikiran terkait klaim kebenaran filmis dokumenter. Hasil literature review menunjukkan adanya celah persoalan yang harus diselesaikan terkait klaim kebenaran filmis dokumenter. Persoalan itu muncul karena belum adanya satu gagasan yang secara signifikan menyebut pembac...
International Journal of Visual and Performing Arts
Pejaten pottery is one of the aesthetically unique potteries. The pottery has various ornaments s... more Pejaten pottery is one of the aesthetically unique potteries. The pottery has various ornaments such as god ornaments, god weapons, barong, and animals and plants. These ornaments are often found in Hindu worship ceremonies. This shows that, aesthetically, Pejaten pottery cannot be separated from Hindu aesthetics, so it is interesting to study. The problem is how the implementation of Hindu aesthetics in Pejaten pottery works and how Hindu aesthetics is used as a strategy for preserving Hindu aesthetics in Pejaten pottery. This study aims to determine the basis for applying Hindu aesthetics as a strategy for preserving Pejaten pottery. This qualitative research took the location of Pejaten Village, Kediri District, Tabanan Regency, Bali. Data were collected by direct observation, interviews, and also collecting literature data related to Hindu aesthetics. The aesthetic analysis process of Pejaten pottery is carried out using the concepts of Rwa bhineda (balance), satyam (truth), siv...
Jurnal Antropologi: Isu-Isu Sosial Budaya
This article aims to review how anthropology and art pay attention to art, especially to similar ... more This article aims to review how anthropology and art pay attention to art, especially to similar studies that have been carried out in Indonesia. Based on this, it is also to show the implicit meaning of some propositions and associations of ideas from an anthropological perspective that can be considered for the study of art. In this sense, it is not to solve the great questions of the anthropology of art or confine oneself to the virtues of anthropology for art but to broaden the horizons in which they must be considered.
Harmonia: Journal of Arts Research and Education
Marugame Udon is a Japanese fast-food restaurant chain with many branches in Indonesia. This stud... more Marugame Udon is a Japanese fast-food restaurant chain with many branches in Indonesia. This study examines the conveyance of the Japanese atmosphere to visitors as a performance. Interior research based on performance theory has not been widely conducted. This study aims to determine the performative influence of Marugame Udon’s interior on visitors by exploring Richard Schechner’s performance aspects (action, interaction, relationship). This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study method to deeply explore data from visitors and interior elements. The data collection techniques used are observation, in-depth interviews, literature study, and company profile reading. Data analysis is done by reduction, presentation, and drawing conclusions and recommendations. The findings of this study are: (1) the “action” exploration finds that the interior display is a manifestation of Marugame Udon’s identity as a Japanese restaurant chain and its commitment to introducing Japanese ...
Sorai: Jurnal Pengkajian dan Penciptaan Musik
String Quartet is the most popular form of Chamber Music. In a string quartet there are no conduc... more String Quartet is the most popular form of Chamber Music. In a string quartet there are no conductors as leaders, directors and music coordinators, no wonder many quartets end up disbanding due to problems. Marskanskey String Quartet is a group from Jogja that has been around for a long time and has more achievements, although based on initial observations this group looks the same as other groups. This research was appointed to find out what aspects of ensemble skills, how to apply ensemble skills in the Marskanskey group. To explore how the application of ensemble skills in the Marskanskey group, the author discusses the case with Keller's theory of ensemble skills. The author's theory considers that he is able to describe the discourse thoroughly, comprehensively and deeply, namely skills from the rehearsal process to performances. This research is a qualitative research with a case study approach. The results showed that Marskanskey had applied ensemble skills both in re...
Sorai: Jurnal Pengkajian dan Penciptaan Musik
Gondang Sitolupulutolu is a gondang ensemble that can only be found in the Toba Batak community. ... more Gondang Sitolupulutolu is a gondang ensemble that can only be found in the Toba Batak community. They are Silalahisabungan clan group. Gondang sitolupulutolu is very important in the Silahisabungan community because it can not be separeted from the traditional ceremonies. This study aims to determine how the use and function of the gondang sitolupulutolu in one of the traditional ceremonies of the Silahisabungan community, namely saur matua. This study use a qualitative method. Alan P. Meriam’s (1964) theory of use and function was chosen to see the use and function of the gondang sitolupulutolu. The results showed that the Gondang Sitolupulutolu was used at the opening ceremony during the manortor (ceremonial dance) and at the end of ceremony (closing ceremony). While the function of the gondang sitolupulutolu at the traditional ceremony of Saur Matua is as an expression of joy and sorrow, as entertainment, as a means of communication to convey prayers to God, as a symbol, and as a...
Journal of Urban Society's Arts
Data shows that award-winning films are not always the best-selling films and vice versa. Therefo... more Data shows that award-winning films are not always the best-selling films and vice versa. Therefore, it is interesting to investigate whether the director employs different art techniques for commercial and art films. This qualitative textual study examines the artistic treatments of both films and compares the narrative aspects of the story and the cinematic elements related to the film presentation techniques. The narrative aspects include (a) plot, (b) premise, (c) characters, and (d) conflict. The cinematic elements include (a) cinematography, (b) editing, (c) sound, and (d) setting. The results show that the director applies different art techniques for different films. For films orientated to commercial movie theaters, the narrative is more complex but presented in a cinematic that is easier for the audience to understand. For films in festivals, the narrative is more simple, but the cinematic aspect are more complex. These findings support the results of the data control, a c...
Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Environment Management, 2021
This study aims to examine the contribution of Ananda Sukarlan as a composer who is serious about... more This study aims to examine the contribution of Ananda Sukarlan as a composer who is serious about building an Indonesian identity through the use of various Indonesian musical elements as material in composing piano and vocal works. How composers arrange various musical aspects that can work in a composition is the focus of this research. The study of musicology is used as an approach to dissect various aspects of the musical used, such as; melody, harmony, texture, tonality, scale, rhythm, timbre. Archipelago musical elements are a fundamental aspect in composing works that have 'new values' and 'different tastes' because they have uniqueness or characteristics. The complexity of the compositional techniques used in the preparation of the work shows a high level of creativity in producing vistuosic works. His works have become a repertoire for recitals, competitions, and music concerts for Indonesian and foreign pianists and soloist singers. Studying the works of An...
International journal for innovation education and research, 2014
Yogyakarta-Style Classical Dance plays an important role in the part of human-life values, both s... more Yogyakarta-Style Classical Dance plays an important role in the part of human-life values, both seen from the religious function and from the social function. From a comprehensive perspective, it is shown that the preservation related to the development of this type of dance occurs because each generation has its own soul of the era that encourages cultural creativity. Eventually, Yogyakarta-style classical dance transform both internally and externally. The interplay among different traditions may result in something new that constitutes an additional repertoire in addition to the existing traditions. This paper discusses how such transformational processes apply in Yogyakarta-Style Classical Dance and what happens to the dance that belongs to the Palace of Yogyakarta and how their current development is. The processes of cultural transformation that have occurred to Yogyakarta-Style Classical Dance (in conjunction with the performing arts) also lead to shifts in the functions of t...
Rekonseptualisasi dokumenter memiliki urgensi dalam kajian dokumenter untuk memberikan sudut pand... more Rekonseptualisasi dokumenter memiliki urgensi dalam kajian dokumenter untuk memberikan sudut pandang lain bagi klaim kebenaran filmis. Rekonseptualisasi ini berangkat dari persepektif film kognitif dengan melibatkan kegiatan menonton, di mana proses pemahaman dan pengalaman penonton menjadi dasar bagi rekonseptualisasi ini. Kajian literatur menjadi langkah awal dalam rekonsetualisasi dengan tujuan (1) mengkaji berbagai isu dan pemahaman dokumenter mutakhir: (2) memetakan dan mengulas teori-teori yang menjelaskan bagaimana dokumenter didefinisikan selama ini: dan (3) menentukan sudut pandang alternatif bagi kebenaran filmis bagi dokumenter. Rekonseptualisasi dilakukan bertahap melalui tiga jalur konseptual, yaitu: (a) penyelidikan terhadap penelitian terdahulu, (b) pemetaan problem dari penelitian terdahulu, dan (c) tawaran sudut pandang sebagai alternatif bagi penyelesaian problem terdahulu. Tiga jalur konseptualisasi tersebut dipilih dengan alasan bahwa sejak dokumenter didefinisik...
The map of Islamic healing is often interpreted based only on the values of Islamic teachings. So... more The map of Islamic healing is often interpreted based only on the values of Islamic teachings. Some cultural and religious concepts and practices concerning spiritual or supernatural relationships are often ignored because they are contrary to the concept of Islamic teachings. This article analyzes the Islamic healing practiced in the socio-cultural life inherently. The religious space practice in terms of identification, healing and restoration of illness illustrates that the interaction between religion and culture is not rigid in addressing health and humanitarian issues. This article is based on field research at alternative healing in Tuban East Java which elaborated by enrichment of literary texts. The results of this study discuss various types of Islamic-based healing as alternative medicine that spreading in Indonesian culture. This study map analyzes the characteristics of Islamic healing, both Normative Islam and Cultural Islam. Both cannot be ignored as variants of relig...
In the world of digital video games, human players are present through surrogates. Surrogates in ... more In the world of digital video games, human players are present through surrogates. Surrogates in the video game is a character which also called by the term avatar which is a self-representation of real players. The presence of avatars in role playing games are formed through a process of creation by the gamer. The production of avatars cannot be separated from the unconscious mind of the players, the unconscious desire, ego and ideology. This avatar creation process continues ongoing, following the progress of the video game story. The decision, the path, and the act that the player take in completing the story are gradually reshaping the avatar. In the end, the avatar eventually became a manifestation and reflection of the unconscious minds of the video game players. This research conducted using ethnography and Jacques Lacan psychoanalysis theory.
International Journal of Visual and Performing Arts, 2019
Proceedings of the Social Sciences, Humanities and Education Conference (SoSHEC 2019), 2019
Indonesia is an archipelago consisting of various tribes, cultures, and rich in diverse musical t... more Indonesia is an archipelago consisting of various tribes, cultures, and rich in diverse musical traditions, spreading from Sabang to Merauke. This archipelago music wealth must be maintained and developed continuously through various creativity and education as part of building national identity. The creativity of Indonesian composers in composing piano compositions is realized through the concept of 'new' composition which reflects things related to 'keindonesiaan'. Their composition works later became a discourse to become an integral part of Indonesian piano music education. The archipelago idiom material works can be the basis for repositioning the music education system, especially in music analysis which includes; texture, form, scale, sound color; and music practice. This paper uses two approaches to discuss composition and education; (1) historical musicology, namely studies relating to history, notation, performance practices, and instrumentation; and (2) Rationalizing Indonesian piano music education, which is related to curriculum development.
Journal Communication Spectrum, 2018
Dalam bermain video game , pemain ( gamer ) tidak bisa dilepaskan dari terjadinya proses pewujuda... more Dalam bermain video game , pemain ( gamer ) tidak bisa dilepaskan dari terjadinya proses pewujudan ( embodiment) dan penyerapan ( immersion) . Pewujudan adalah proses pemain mewujudkan diri di dalam game melalui beragam ikon, di antaranya avatar dan karakter, sedangkan penyerapan adalah larutnya pemain ke dalam proses bermainnya baik di luar maupun di dalam video game . Proses ini berjalan secara otomatis dan tidak disadari oleh pemain . Intensitas dan lama bermain sangat berpengaruh pada proses pewujudan dan penyerapan, selain juga kondisi sosiokultural pemain. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode etnografi untuk menunjukkan bagaimana pemain berproses dalam bermain video game untuk memenuhi kebutuhan intrinsik mereka yakni kompetensi, otonomi dan keterhubungan melalui pewujudan dan penyerapan. In playing various video game, gamers unconsciously and automaticly embodied theirself inside the video game. The embodiment process are portrayed through icons, avatars and mostly their in-game characters, while the immersion happens during the process of playing, which can occur inside and outside of the video game. The playing intensity and the amount of time spend in playing video game determine the overall process of embodiment and immersion, beside the player sociocultural condition. This research uses ethnography to identify how gamers play the video game to fulfill their intrinsic needs such as competence, autonomy and relatedness.
REKAM: Jurnal Fotografi, Televisi, dan Animasi, 2018
Klaim kebenaran filmis yang berlaku bagi dokumenter perlu diselidiki dengan pertimbangan bahwa no... more Klaim kebenaran filmis yang berlaku bagi dokumenter perlu diselidiki dengan pertimbangan bahwa notabene gagasan tentang kebenaran filmis diletakkan pada dua aspek, yaitu: realitas dan sineas. Penyelidikan dilakukan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana persoalan itu berkembang, serta mencari berbagai kemungkinan atau alternatif untuk menyelesaikan persoalan tersebut. Hasil penyelidikan tersebut menjadi dasar bagi konseptualisasi tentang kebenaran filmis dokumenter dengan cara mempertimbangkan peletakan kebenaran filmis pada aspek lain, di luar realitas dan sineas. Langkah awal penyelidikan fokus kepada literature review, di mana langkah ini menjadi cara yang efektif untuk menyarikan beberapa pemikiran penting dan mengkritisi pemikiran terkait klaim kebenaran filmis dokumenter. Hasil literature review menunjukkan adanya celah persoalan yang harus diselesaikan terkait klaim kebenaran filmis dokumenter. Persoalan itu muncul karena belum adanya satu gagasan yang secara signifikan menyebut pembac...
International Journal of Visual and Performing Arts
Pejaten pottery is one of the aesthetically unique potteries. The pottery has various ornaments s... more Pejaten pottery is one of the aesthetically unique potteries. The pottery has various ornaments such as god ornaments, god weapons, barong, and animals and plants. These ornaments are often found in Hindu worship ceremonies. This shows that, aesthetically, Pejaten pottery cannot be separated from Hindu aesthetics, so it is interesting to study. The problem is how the implementation of Hindu aesthetics in Pejaten pottery works and how Hindu aesthetics is used as a strategy for preserving Hindu aesthetics in Pejaten pottery. This study aims to determine the basis for applying Hindu aesthetics as a strategy for preserving Pejaten pottery. This qualitative research took the location of Pejaten Village, Kediri District, Tabanan Regency, Bali. Data were collected by direct observation, interviews, and also collecting literature data related to Hindu aesthetics. The aesthetic analysis process of Pejaten pottery is carried out using the concepts of Rwa bhineda (balance), satyam (truth), siv...