Gaizka Gómez Escudero - (original) (raw)


Papers by Gaizka Gómez Escudero

Research paper thumbnail of Machining behaviour analysis of PBF-LB warped components with internal lattice microstructures

Journal of manufacturing processes, Jul 1, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Design, motion-planning, and manufacturing of custom-shaped tools for five-axis super abrasive machining of a turbomachinery blade type component

˜The œinternational journal of advanced manufacturing technology/International journal, advanced manufacturing technology, May 18, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Design, Motion-planning, and Manufacturing of Custom-shaped Tools for 5-axis Super Abrasive Machinig of a Turbomachinery Blade Type Component

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Broaching Tool Cutting Edges Polishing on Process Forces and Temperature

MM Science Journal, Nov 14, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Digital Testing of Hybrid Components Manufactured by L-DED and Forging

Key Engineering Materials, Sep 28, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Wear mechanisms and cutting performance of coated carbides in milling LPBF IN718 alloy under hybrid cryogenic conditions

Machining science and technology, Feb 10, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) for Cellular Structures Formed by a Heterogeneous Skeleton

Key Engineering Materials, Oct 4, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Near-circular EDM hole drilling for deterministic cellular lattice structures of LPBF IN718

Materials Letters, Jul 1, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Constant probe orientation for fast contact-based inspection of 3D free-form surfaces using (3+2)-axis inspection machines

Research paper thumbnail of Machining stability improvement in LPBF printed components through stiffening by crystallographic texture control

Research paper thumbnail of Free-Form Tools Design and Fabrication for Flank Super Abrasive Machining (Fsam) Non Developable Surfaces

MM Science Journal, 2019

Manufacturing improvements are becoming a real need in industry. In order to satisfy these indust... more Manufacturing improvements are becoming a real need in industry. In order to satisfy these industrial requirements, they should be targeted in two different directions: new manufacturing processes and surface optimization through algorithms. On the one hand, Super Abrasive Machining (SAM) is presented as a new manufacturing process combining benefits from milling and grinding technologies. On the other hand, there is a tendency to manufacture non developable surfaces by flank milling and to achieve final dimensional and roughness requirements, by calculating mathematically-optimized tool trajectories. This work presents a design and manufacturing of a free form tool to be used for the manufacturing of a complex surface through Flank SAM (FSAM). Based on the tool requirements, it will cover the following stages: tool geometry design, tool core manufacturing, and electroplating for final abrasive tool generation.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of the Subject Starting Point and Aspects for Improvement Based on the Results of the Student Surveys

ICERI proceedings, Nov 1, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Application of Active Methodologies in the Descriptive Subject of ‘Mechanical Technology’

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of the influence of the hydrostatic ball burnishing pressure in the surface hardness and roughness of medium carbon steels

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020

Standing sectors in the industry such as railroad or plastic injection moulds presents many chall... more Standing sectors in the industry such as railroad or plastic injection moulds presents many challenges for manufacturing complex components in terms of finishing requirements and mechanical properties. Because of that, hydrostatic ball burnishing is considered an optimal solution since it reduces surface roughness and generates hardened surfaces and compressive residual stresses, increasing the performance and lifespan of this parts in terms of resistance and mechanical fatigue. Additionally, this technology could be integrated directly into the machining centres, what reduces times and dimensional errors arising from mooring changes. Therefore, lead times and production costs can be drastically reduced in comparison with other finishing techniques. The aim of this project is to analyse the use of the ball burnishing process to improve the final quality of medium carbon steel surfaces, minimizing surface roughness and improving hardness. In order to achieve significant results, diff...

Research paper thumbnail of Ebaketa erradioaren eragina Inconel®718 fresatzeko erreminten bizitza erabilgarrian

EKAIA Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Zientzia eta Teknologia Aldizkaria, 2020

Sektore aeronautikoan erabiltzen diren super-aleazio termorresistenteak lantzea erronka zaila da,... more Sektore aeronautikoan erabiltzen diren super-aleazio termorresistenteak lantzea erronka zaila da, ebaketa erremintak azkar higatzen baititu. Horregatik, erreminta horien errendimendua hobetzeko, fabrikatzaileek, ebaketa geometriaren eragina ulertzea funtsezkoa dela uste dute. Hori dela eta, artikulu honetan erremintaren ebaketa sorbatzeko erradioak eta jaulkitze- zein azpijan-angeluek daukaten eragina aztertzen da. Abiapuntu gisa, diseinu esperimental (DOE) bat burutu da, non aurrean aipatutako hiru parametroen eragina kuantifikatzen den, Elementu Finituen Metodoaren (EF) bitartez. Ondoren, proba esperimentalekin ekin da, EF softwaretik lortutako emaitza teorikoak balioztatzeko. Emaitzek erakusten dute ebaketa sorbatzaren erradioak erremintaren higaduran eragin zuzena daukala eta balio egokia aukeratuz erremintaren bizitza erabilgarria areagotzeko gai dela.

Research paper thumbnail of Machining-induced characteristics of microstructure-supported LPBF-IN718 curved thin walls

Research paper thumbnail of Estudio de la influencia de la presión del bruñido hidrostático por bola en la rugosidad superficial del Inconel® 718 y del Ti6AL4V

Revista iberoamericana de ingeniería mecánica, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Validación de modelo matemático de aproximación a superficies no desarrollables

[ES]La utilización de materiales difíciles de mecanizar como las superaleaciones se ha extendido ... more [ES]La utilización de materiales difíciles de mecanizar como las superaleaciones se ha extendido en los últimos años en el sector aeronáutico. Esto se debe a sus excelentes propiedades mecánicas, no obstante su maquinabilidad es muy baja, y por tanto su productividad es reducida así como la vida de las herramientas al mecanizar. La investigación realizada en este trabajo está centrada en validar un modelo matemático calculado por el centro de investigación en matemáticas aplicadas BCAM mediante el cual se pretende mecanizar superficies no desarrollables usando la técnica de flank milling, esto es, fresar empleando todo el largo del diente. Para ello, el centro BCAM ha calculado un modelo matemático que permite transformar la superficie no desarrollable de un álabe en una superficie desarrollable en la que se puede aplicar la técnica mencionada anteriormente. Se pretende comprobar si la calidad de mecanizado de este tipo de piezas entraría dentro de los parámetros exigidos en el mercado aeronáutico. De esta manera se conseguiría mejorar notoriamente los tiempos de mecanizado y también aumentar la productividad a costa de reducir los tiempos de vida de las herramientas.[EU]Mekanizatzeko zailak diren materialen erabilera azken urteetan handitu egin da sektore aeronautikoan. Hau gertatu da oso propietate mekaniko onak dituztelako, hala ere, haien mekanizagarritasuna oso txikia da, horregatik produktibitate murriztua dute eta erreminten bizitza motza aurkezten dute. Lan honetan egindako ikerketaren bidez modelo matematiko bat baliozkotu nahi da, modelo hau BCAM zentroak kalkulatu egin du y haren bidez gainazal ez-garagarriak mekanizatu egin nahi dira flank milling deitzen den teknika erabilita, hau da, erremintaren luzera osoa erabiliz. Horretarako, BCAM zentroak kalkulatu egin du modelo matematiko bat non gainazal ez-garagarriak gainazal garagarrietan bihurtzen dituen, era honetan aurrean deskribatu dudan teknika erabili daiteke. Lan honen bidez ere konprobatu nahi da ea zer nolako kalitatea lortzen den mekanizazioaren ondoren eta merkatu aeronautikoaren parametroak betetzen dituen ala ez. Emaitza onak lortzen badira mekanizazio denbora asko murriztuko litzateke eta produktibitatea handituko litzateke, baina erreminten bizitzan murriztuko litzateke.[EN]The use of materials difficult to machine such as superalloys has been extended in recent years in the aeronautical sector. This is due to its excellent mechanical properties, however its machinability is very low, and therefore its productivity is reduced as well as the life of the tools when machining. The research carried out in this work is centred on validating a mathematical model calculated by the research centre in applied mathematics BCAM by means of which it is tried to mechanize non-developing surfaces using the technique of flank milling, that is to say, milling using all the length of the tooth. For this purpose, the BCAM center has calculated a mathematical model that allows transforming the non-developable surface of a blade into a developable surface in which the previously mentioned technique can be applied. It is tried to verify if the quality of machining of this type of pieces would enter within the parameters demanded in the aeronautical market. In this way, it would be possible to improve machining times and also increase productivity at the cost of reducing tool life times

Research paper thumbnail of Ranurado de alto rendimiento: fresado trocoidal

Este articulo tecnico analiza las ventajas y desventajas que ofrece el fresado trocoidal a la hor... more Este articulo tecnico analiza las ventajas y desventajas que ofrece el fresado trocoidal a la hora de efectuar una operacion de ranurado.

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of cutting edge radius on tool life in milling inconel 718

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2019

Nowadays, cutting tools manufacturing companies must improve their processes in order to satisfy ... more Nowadays, cutting tools manufacturing companies must improve their processes in order to satisfy the growing competitiveness. In fact, a hot topic among cutting tool manufacturers is to increase quality and repeatability. However, the technology and know-how used have reached a limit which slightly differences can suppose a high advantage to achieve more robust and reliable tools. Then, a deep study between the different parameters which take part in cutting tools geometry is needed. In this paper, the influence between incidence and rake angles and cutting edge radius were studied with the aim of improving the current cutting tools. In particular, a design of experiments (DOE) was carried out in which these three parameters were analyzed by Finite Element Method (FEM). The results show that cutting edge radius is the parameter which presents the highest influence on the tool wear. Finally, based on this issue, a series of experimental tests were carried out with different cutting edge radius values in order to achieve a tool which improves its useful life in comparison with current ones. The results show that control cutting edge radius implies a significant improvement in cutting tools quality due to the tool life increase achieved.

Research paper thumbnail of Machining behaviour analysis of PBF-LB warped components with internal lattice microstructures

Journal of manufacturing processes, Jul 1, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Design, motion-planning, and manufacturing of custom-shaped tools for five-axis super abrasive machining of a turbomachinery blade type component

˜The œinternational journal of advanced manufacturing technology/International journal, advanced manufacturing technology, May 18, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Design, Motion-planning, and Manufacturing of Custom-shaped Tools for 5-axis Super Abrasive Machinig of a Turbomachinery Blade Type Component

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Broaching Tool Cutting Edges Polishing on Process Forces and Temperature

MM Science Journal, Nov 14, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Digital Testing of Hybrid Components Manufactured by L-DED and Forging

Key Engineering Materials, Sep 28, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Wear mechanisms and cutting performance of coated carbides in milling LPBF IN718 alloy under hybrid cryogenic conditions

Machining science and technology, Feb 10, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) for Cellular Structures Formed by a Heterogeneous Skeleton

Key Engineering Materials, Oct 4, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Near-circular EDM hole drilling for deterministic cellular lattice structures of LPBF IN718

Materials Letters, Jul 1, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Constant probe orientation for fast contact-based inspection of 3D free-form surfaces using (3+2)-axis inspection machines

Research paper thumbnail of Machining stability improvement in LPBF printed components through stiffening by crystallographic texture control

Research paper thumbnail of Free-Form Tools Design and Fabrication for Flank Super Abrasive Machining (Fsam) Non Developable Surfaces

MM Science Journal, 2019

Manufacturing improvements are becoming a real need in industry. In order to satisfy these indust... more Manufacturing improvements are becoming a real need in industry. In order to satisfy these industrial requirements, they should be targeted in two different directions: new manufacturing processes and surface optimization through algorithms. On the one hand, Super Abrasive Machining (SAM) is presented as a new manufacturing process combining benefits from milling and grinding technologies. On the other hand, there is a tendency to manufacture non developable surfaces by flank milling and to achieve final dimensional and roughness requirements, by calculating mathematically-optimized tool trajectories. This work presents a design and manufacturing of a free form tool to be used for the manufacturing of a complex surface through Flank SAM (FSAM). Based on the tool requirements, it will cover the following stages: tool geometry design, tool core manufacturing, and electroplating for final abrasive tool generation.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of the Subject Starting Point and Aspects for Improvement Based on the Results of the Student Surveys

ICERI proceedings, Nov 1, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Application of Active Methodologies in the Descriptive Subject of ‘Mechanical Technology’

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of the influence of the hydrostatic ball burnishing pressure in the surface hardness and roughness of medium carbon steels

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020

Standing sectors in the industry such as railroad or plastic injection moulds presents many chall... more Standing sectors in the industry such as railroad or plastic injection moulds presents many challenges for manufacturing complex components in terms of finishing requirements and mechanical properties. Because of that, hydrostatic ball burnishing is considered an optimal solution since it reduces surface roughness and generates hardened surfaces and compressive residual stresses, increasing the performance and lifespan of this parts in terms of resistance and mechanical fatigue. Additionally, this technology could be integrated directly into the machining centres, what reduces times and dimensional errors arising from mooring changes. Therefore, lead times and production costs can be drastically reduced in comparison with other finishing techniques. The aim of this project is to analyse the use of the ball burnishing process to improve the final quality of medium carbon steel surfaces, minimizing surface roughness and improving hardness. In order to achieve significant results, diff...

Research paper thumbnail of Ebaketa erradioaren eragina Inconel®718 fresatzeko erreminten bizitza erabilgarrian

EKAIA Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Zientzia eta Teknologia Aldizkaria, 2020

Sektore aeronautikoan erabiltzen diren super-aleazio termorresistenteak lantzea erronka zaila da,... more Sektore aeronautikoan erabiltzen diren super-aleazio termorresistenteak lantzea erronka zaila da, ebaketa erremintak azkar higatzen baititu. Horregatik, erreminta horien errendimendua hobetzeko, fabrikatzaileek, ebaketa geometriaren eragina ulertzea funtsezkoa dela uste dute. Hori dela eta, artikulu honetan erremintaren ebaketa sorbatzeko erradioak eta jaulkitze- zein azpijan-angeluek daukaten eragina aztertzen da. Abiapuntu gisa, diseinu esperimental (DOE) bat burutu da, non aurrean aipatutako hiru parametroen eragina kuantifikatzen den, Elementu Finituen Metodoaren (EF) bitartez. Ondoren, proba esperimentalekin ekin da, EF softwaretik lortutako emaitza teorikoak balioztatzeko. Emaitzek erakusten dute ebaketa sorbatzaren erradioak erremintaren higaduran eragin zuzena daukala eta balio egokia aukeratuz erremintaren bizitza erabilgarria areagotzeko gai dela.

Research paper thumbnail of Machining-induced characteristics of microstructure-supported LPBF-IN718 curved thin walls

Research paper thumbnail of Estudio de la influencia de la presión del bruñido hidrostático por bola en la rugosidad superficial del Inconel® 718 y del Ti6AL4V

Revista iberoamericana de ingeniería mecánica, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Validación de modelo matemático de aproximación a superficies no desarrollables

[ES]La utilización de materiales difíciles de mecanizar como las superaleaciones se ha extendido ... more [ES]La utilización de materiales difíciles de mecanizar como las superaleaciones se ha extendido en los últimos años en el sector aeronáutico. Esto se debe a sus excelentes propiedades mecánicas, no obstante su maquinabilidad es muy baja, y por tanto su productividad es reducida así como la vida de las herramientas al mecanizar. La investigación realizada en este trabajo está centrada en validar un modelo matemático calculado por el centro de investigación en matemáticas aplicadas BCAM mediante el cual se pretende mecanizar superficies no desarrollables usando la técnica de flank milling, esto es, fresar empleando todo el largo del diente. Para ello, el centro BCAM ha calculado un modelo matemático que permite transformar la superficie no desarrollable de un álabe en una superficie desarrollable en la que se puede aplicar la técnica mencionada anteriormente. Se pretende comprobar si la calidad de mecanizado de este tipo de piezas entraría dentro de los parámetros exigidos en el mercado aeronáutico. De esta manera se conseguiría mejorar notoriamente los tiempos de mecanizado y también aumentar la productividad a costa de reducir los tiempos de vida de las herramientas.[EU]Mekanizatzeko zailak diren materialen erabilera azken urteetan handitu egin da sektore aeronautikoan. Hau gertatu da oso propietate mekaniko onak dituztelako, hala ere, haien mekanizagarritasuna oso txikia da, horregatik produktibitate murriztua dute eta erreminten bizitza motza aurkezten dute. Lan honetan egindako ikerketaren bidez modelo matematiko bat baliozkotu nahi da, modelo hau BCAM zentroak kalkulatu egin du y haren bidez gainazal ez-garagarriak mekanizatu egin nahi dira flank milling deitzen den teknika erabilita, hau da, erremintaren luzera osoa erabiliz. Horretarako, BCAM zentroak kalkulatu egin du modelo matematiko bat non gainazal ez-garagarriak gainazal garagarrietan bihurtzen dituen, era honetan aurrean deskribatu dudan teknika erabili daiteke. Lan honen bidez ere konprobatu nahi da ea zer nolako kalitatea lortzen den mekanizazioaren ondoren eta merkatu aeronautikoaren parametroak betetzen dituen ala ez. Emaitza onak lortzen badira mekanizazio denbora asko murriztuko litzateke eta produktibitatea handituko litzateke, baina erreminten bizitzan murriztuko litzateke.[EN]The use of materials difficult to machine such as superalloys has been extended in recent years in the aeronautical sector. This is due to its excellent mechanical properties, however its machinability is very low, and therefore its productivity is reduced as well as the life of the tools when machining. The research carried out in this work is centred on validating a mathematical model calculated by the research centre in applied mathematics BCAM by means of which it is tried to mechanize non-developing surfaces using the technique of flank milling, that is to say, milling using all the length of the tooth. For this purpose, the BCAM center has calculated a mathematical model that allows transforming the non-developable surface of a blade into a developable surface in which the previously mentioned technique can be applied. It is tried to verify if the quality of machining of this type of pieces would enter within the parameters demanded in the aeronautical market. In this way, it would be possible to improve machining times and also increase productivity at the cost of reducing tool life times

Research paper thumbnail of Ranurado de alto rendimiento: fresado trocoidal

Este articulo tecnico analiza las ventajas y desventajas que ofrece el fresado trocoidal a la hor... more Este articulo tecnico analiza las ventajas y desventajas que ofrece el fresado trocoidal a la hora de efectuar una operacion de ranurado.

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of cutting edge radius on tool life in milling inconel 718

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2019

Nowadays, cutting tools manufacturing companies must improve their processes in order to satisfy ... more Nowadays, cutting tools manufacturing companies must improve their processes in order to satisfy the growing competitiveness. In fact, a hot topic among cutting tool manufacturers is to increase quality and repeatability. However, the technology and know-how used have reached a limit which slightly differences can suppose a high advantage to achieve more robust and reliable tools. Then, a deep study between the different parameters which take part in cutting tools geometry is needed. In this paper, the influence between incidence and rake angles and cutting edge radius were studied with the aim of improving the current cutting tools. In particular, a design of experiments (DOE) was carried out in which these three parameters were analyzed by Finite Element Method (FEM). The results show that cutting edge radius is the parameter which presents the highest influence on the tool wear. Finally, based on this issue, a series of experimental tests were carried out with different cutting edge radius values in order to achieve a tool which improves its useful life in comparison with current ones. The results show that control cutting edge radius implies a significant improvement in cutting tools quality due to the tool life increase achieved.