Galina Antonovskaya - (original) (raw)


Papers by Galina Antonovskaya

Research paper thumbnail of Two Decades of Seismicity in Storfjorden, Svalbard Archipelago, from Regional Data

Seismological Research Letters

About two decades of earthquake parametric data for the area of Storfjorden offer the best medium... more About two decades of earthquake parametric data for the area of Storfjorden offer the best medium-term image of seismicity yet for the arctic Svalbard Archipelago. Although seismic activity is dominated by the 2008 Mw 6.1 earthquake and its compound sequence and to a far lesser extent the 2016 Mw 5.1 event near Edgeøya and its aftershocks, as well as episodic earthquake occurrence at Heerland, background levels can be established for the first time, showing that earthquake occurrence in the region shows an episodic but stable character. A certain, minimum level of coverage by the regional seismic network is crucial for seismicity to be mapped accurately in space and time, whereas the efficiency of automatic data processing algorithms also plays a role. The evolution of the network and developments in data processing suggest that images of seismicity prior to mid-2000s and at more remote regions of the Archipelago are biased. Despite restrictions, some safe conclusions can be drawn a...

Research paper thumbnail of A 24-Yr-Long Seismic Bulletin for the European Arctic

Seismological Research Letters

To understand the seismic activity in the European Arctic, the seismic bulletins for the region s... more To understand the seismic activity in the European Arctic, the seismic bulletins for the region should be as complete as possible. We present the collection results of a new seismic event bulletin of the European Arctic (70° to 90° N, −15° to 75° E) for the 24-yr-long period 1990–2013. The contribution describes in detail the merging of the different sources taken in account for the compilation, the homogenization of the data, and the relocation of the seismic events. With respect to the International Seismological Centre bulletin, the new bulletin contains 5957 new seismic events and 58,242 new seismic onset readings from stations mostly located at regional distances. The gains are distributed over the entire study region, with the most significant contributions across the Svalbard archipelago, along the Knipovich and northern Mohns ridges, as well as northern Fennoscandia.

Research paper thumbnail of Spatiotemporal Relationship between Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge System and Intraplate Seismicity of the European Arctic

Seismological Research Letters

In this article, we investigate the influence of the Arctic mid-ocean ridge system (AMORS), inclu... more In this article, we investigate the influence of the Arctic mid-ocean ridge system (AMORS), including the Gakkel and Mohns ridges, and the Knipovich ridge–Lena trough (KL) segment, on seismicity of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago area (NZ) and the northernmost margin of the East-European Platform (EEP) for 1980–2019. For each individual area, the annual seismic energy was obtained by adding the energies of all earthquakes. To do this, we have converted various types of magnitude by different seismic networks into moment magnitude Mw. We compiled the updated catalog for the NZ, the northern EEP, and the northern part of the Ural fold belt (UFB). As a result, we constructed time distributions of annual seismic energy releases for each composing ridges of AMORS, NZ, and EEP combined with UFB. A model based on the Elsasser’s one describing the transfer of lithospheric stress disturbances in the horizontal direction was built, and quantitative calculations of the disturbance propagations f...

Research paper thumbnail of The broadband seismic equipment application in problems of roadbed railway smart monitoring

Transportation Systems and Technology

We present our experience of broadband seismic equipment application to detect changes of roadbed... more We present our experience of broadband seismic equipment application to detect changes of roadbed railway state in operation. Aim: to obtain experimental validation to expand the scientific basis of geophysical surveys in roadbed railway state monitoring and identifying hazardous processes at an early stage. Methods: seismic records were obtained by the authors on the Northern railway section. Seismic data were processed using a low-frequency filter of 0.5 Hz and analysis of points movement trajectories of the roadbed railway, we performed numerical modelling of the stress-strain state of the soil when specifying various physical parameters, the results were compared with the experiment. Results: We have shown experimentally and by numerical simulation that by conducting near the railway track vibrations registration formed by passing trains and analyzing the amplitudes change of these vibrations in the low-frequency band (periods of about 100 seconds), it is possible to identify po...

Research paper thumbnail of Possibilities of seismic methods for the estimation of a railway roadbed state under the conditions of the far north

Transportation systems and technology

The article presents results of monitoring state of railway subgrade using seismic methods in the... more The article presents results of monitoring state of railway subgrade using seismic methods in the Far North area. Purpose: The purpose of the studies is to find out reasons of subgrade subsidence in turfed soils of Onezhsky District of Arkhangelsk Oblast. Methodology: Studying soils in foundations of subgrade, a complex of active and passive methods was used, including: seismic exploration of refracted waves, multi-channel analysis of ground waves, and engineering seismic analysis based upon spectrum analysis of seismic noises. This complex enabled considering and estimating the system “subgrade-soils of foundations”. Results: A relative high capacity of weak soils, probably containing turf, lying under subgrade. Sections of increased water saturation in subgrade soils were found out. Loads from passing trains and resonant effect in weak soils cause its compression resulting in emergence of subsidence. Resonant effects whereby are not that strong, whereas passing trains have a more ...

Research paper thumbnail of Seismicity of the Arctic in the Early Twentieth Century: Relocation of the 1904–1920 Earthquakes

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America

The parameters of earthquake hypocenters in the Arctic at the beginning of the twentieth century,... more The parameters of earthquake hypocenters in the Arctic at the beginning of the twentieth century, published by researchers in the first half of the twentieth century, are still used today for building maps of epicenters of instrumental earthquakes. However, they are based on bulletins that did not use data from all seismic stations operating during that period, and on approximate ideas about the propagation of seismic waves in the Earth. We relocated earthquakes recorded within the Arctic region beginning from the early twentieth century with a view to creating a relocated catalog. For the relocation, we collected all available seismic bulletins from the global network using data acquired for the International Seismological Centre–Global Earthquake Model (ISC‐GEM) catalog, the EuroSeismos project, the Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Russian State Library. The relocation was performed using a modified method of generalized beamforming and the ak135 velo...

Research paper thumbnail of Hydropower Dam State and Its Foundation Soil Survey Using Industrial Seismic Oscillations


In this article, we suggest a new type of seismic source for surveying both structure state and f... more In this article, we suggest a new type of seismic source for surveying both structure state and foundation soil conditions regardless of the level of seismic noise. In our opinion, powerful industrial equipment can be treated as seismic sources. We describe the results of a survey conducted on the Song Tranh-2 hydropower dam located in Central Vietnam. After a М = 4.7 earthquake, the dam visual inspection revealed zones of the excessive durability loss: cracks and areas with an elevated infiltration of water into the dam galleries. Powerful industrial equipment generates continuous quasi-harmonic mechanical oscillations (seismic waves) that travel through layers of rocks. These seismic oscillations are recorded by receivers in different measurement points such as the dam body, abutments, and the foundation soils. Anomalous amplitudes of these oscillations indicate the presence of weakened zones in the structure or in foundation soil. We coupled passive and active seismic methods to ...

Research paper thumbnail of Recent Geodynamics and Seismicity of the European Arctic

Arctic Studies - A Proxy for Climate Change [Working Title]

Research paper thumbnail of The 11 October 2010 Novaya Zemlya Earthquake: Implications for Velocity Models and Regional Event Location

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America

Research paper thumbnail of Specific features of seismic station installation in the Arctic Region of Russia

Research paper thumbnail of New seismic array solution for earthquake observations and hydropower plant health monitoring

Research paper thumbnail of New Seismic Methods for the Historical Constructions Diagnostics

At the article on an example of inspection of an architectural monuments possibility of use of se... more At the article on an example of inspection of an architectural monuments possibility of use of seismometric supervision for restoration problems is shown. The method of measurements is simple and economic. The conclusion about a condition of building object is given by comparison of values of own frequencies and forms of fluctuations on natural measurements and calculations. This allows you to build a real computational model of the object and estimate the parameters of concentration zones of pressure.

Research paper thumbnail of Seismic Engineering Investigation of Hydropower Station Dams

This paper presents new methods of seismic monitoring hydropower station's dams on two experi... more This paper presents new methods of seismic monitoring hydropower station's dams on two experimental examples. The first one is an observation of construction characteristic (eigenfrequency) oscillations induced by ever-present background microseisms and by wind pulses. The second one is a seismic scanning of a dam body performed with hydropower machinery vibrations.

Research paper thumbnail of Monitoring of high-rise buildings as an important asset for the construction design

New applications of seismometric monitoring of high-rise buildings are demonstrated by several ex... more New applications of seismometric monitoring of high-rise buildings are demonstrated by several experimental examples. The resulting data allows predict of construction behavior. In practice this method can be employed for the common task of impact estimation or in fundamental construction researches.

Research paper thumbnail of Enhanced Earthquake Monitoring in the European Arctic

Polar Science, 2015

ABSTRACT This paper presents preliminary results from a cooperative initiative between the Norweg... more ABSTRACT This paper presents preliminary results from a cooperative initiative between the Norwegian Seismic Array (NORSAR) institution in Norway and seismological institutions in NW Russia (Arkhangelsk and Apatity). We show that the joint processing of data from the combined seismic networks of all these institutions leads to a considerable increase in the number of located seismic events in the European Arctic compared to standard seismic bulletins such as the NORSAR reviewed regional seismic bulletin and the Reviewed Event Bulletin (REB) issued by the International Data Centre (IDC) of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) organization. The increase is particularly pronounced along the Gakkel Ridge to the north of the Svalbard and Franz-Josef Land archipelagos. We also note that the vast majority of the events along the Gakkel Ridge have been located slightly to the south of the ridge. We interpret this as an effect of the lack of recording stations closer to and north of the Gakkel Ridge, and the use of a one-dimensional velocity model which is not fully representative for travel-times along observed propagation paths. We conclude that while the characteristics of earthquake activity in the European Arctic is currently poorly known, the knowledge can be expected to be significantly improved by establishing the appropriate cooperative seismic recording infrastructures.

Research paper thumbnail of An Investigation of an External Impact Conversion into the Strained Rotation Inside Ancient Boulder Structures (Solovky Islands, White Sea)

Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Study of the transformation processes of external impacts by block media on field models

Doklady Earth Sciences, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Seismic Monitoring of Linear and Rotational Oscillations of the Multistory Buildings in Moscow

Seismic Behaviour and …, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Two Decades of Seismicity in Storfjorden, Svalbard Archipelago, from Regional Data

Seismological Research Letters

About two decades of earthquake parametric data for the area of Storfjorden offer the best medium... more About two decades of earthquake parametric data for the area of Storfjorden offer the best medium-term image of seismicity yet for the arctic Svalbard Archipelago. Although seismic activity is dominated by the 2008 Mw 6.1 earthquake and its compound sequence and to a far lesser extent the 2016 Mw 5.1 event near Edgeøya and its aftershocks, as well as episodic earthquake occurrence at Heerland, background levels can be established for the first time, showing that earthquake occurrence in the region shows an episodic but stable character. A certain, minimum level of coverage by the regional seismic network is crucial for seismicity to be mapped accurately in space and time, whereas the efficiency of automatic data processing algorithms also plays a role. The evolution of the network and developments in data processing suggest that images of seismicity prior to mid-2000s and at more remote regions of the Archipelago are biased. Despite restrictions, some safe conclusions can be drawn a...

Research paper thumbnail of A 24-Yr-Long Seismic Bulletin for the European Arctic

Seismological Research Letters

To understand the seismic activity in the European Arctic, the seismic bulletins for the region s... more To understand the seismic activity in the European Arctic, the seismic bulletins for the region should be as complete as possible. We present the collection results of a new seismic event bulletin of the European Arctic (70° to 90° N, −15° to 75° E) for the 24-yr-long period 1990–2013. The contribution describes in detail the merging of the different sources taken in account for the compilation, the homogenization of the data, and the relocation of the seismic events. With respect to the International Seismological Centre bulletin, the new bulletin contains 5957 new seismic events and 58,242 new seismic onset readings from stations mostly located at regional distances. The gains are distributed over the entire study region, with the most significant contributions across the Svalbard archipelago, along the Knipovich and northern Mohns ridges, as well as northern Fennoscandia.

Research paper thumbnail of Spatiotemporal Relationship between Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge System and Intraplate Seismicity of the European Arctic

Seismological Research Letters

In this article, we investigate the influence of the Arctic mid-ocean ridge system (AMORS), inclu... more In this article, we investigate the influence of the Arctic mid-ocean ridge system (AMORS), including the Gakkel and Mohns ridges, and the Knipovich ridge–Lena trough (KL) segment, on seismicity of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago area (NZ) and the northernmost margin of the East-European Platform (EEP) for 1980–2019. For each individual area, the annual seismic energy was obtained by adding the energies of all earthquakes. To do this, we have converted various types of magnitude by different seismic networks into moment magnitude Mw. We compiled the updated catalog for the NZ, the northern EEP, and the northern part of the Ural fold belt (UFB). As a result, we constructed time distributions of annual seismic energy releases for each composing ridges of AMORS, NZ, and EEP combined with UFB. A model based on the Elsasser’s one describing the transfer of lithospheric stress disturbances in the horizontal direction was built, and quantitative calculations of the disturbance propagations f...

Research paper thumbnail of The broadband seismic equipment application in problems of roadbed railway smart monitoring

Transportation Systems and Technology

We present our experience of broadband seismic equipment application to detect changes of roadbed... more We present our experience of broadband seismic equipment application to detect changes of roadbed railway state in operation. Aim: to obtain experimental validation to expand the scientific basis of geophysical surveys in roadbed railway state monitoring and identifying hazardous processes at an early stage. Methods: seismic records were obtained by the authors on the Northern railway section. Seismic data were processed using a low-frequency filter of 0.5 Hz and analysis of points movement trajectories of the roadbed railway, we performed numerical modelling of the stress-strain state of the soil when specifying various physical parameters, the results were compared with the experiment. Results: We have shown experimentally and by numerical simulation that by conducting near the railway track vibrations registration formed by passing trains and analyzing the amplitudes change of these vibrations in the low-frequency band (periods of about 100 seconds), it is possible to identify po...

Research paper thumbnail of Possibilities of seismic methods for the estimation of a railway roadbed state under the conditions of the far north

Transportation systems and technology

The article presents results of monitoring state of railway subgrade using seismic methods in the... more The article presents results of monitoring state of railway subgrade using seismic methods in the Far North area. Purpose: The purpose of the studies is to find out reasons of subgrade subsidence in turfed soils of Onezhsky District of Arkhangelsk Oblast. Methodology: Studying soils in foundations of subgrade, a complex of active and passive methods was used, including: seismic exploration of refracted waves, multi-channel analysis of ground waves, and engineering seismic analysis based upon spectrum analysis of seismic noises. This complex enabled considering and estimating the system “subgrade-soils of foundations”. Results: A relative high capacity of weak soils, probably containing turf, lying under subgrade. Sections of increased water saturation in subgrade soils were found out. Loads from passing trains and resonant effect in weak soils cause its compression resulting in emergence of subsidence. Resonant effects whereby are not that strong, whereas passing trains have a more ...

Research paper thumbnail of Seismicity of the Arctic in the Early Twentieth Century: Relocation of the 1904–1920 Earthquakes

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America

The parameters of earthquake hypocenters in the Arctic at the beginning of the twentieth century,... more The parameters of earthquake hypocenters in the Arctic at the beginning of the twentieth century, published by researchers in the first half of the twentieth century, are still used today for building maps of epicenters of instrumental earthquakes. However, they are based on bulletins that did not use data from all seismic stations operating during that period, and on approximate ideas about the propagation of seismic waves in the Earth. We relocated earthquakes recorded within the Arctic region beginning from the early twentieth century with a view to creating a relocated catalog. For the relocation, we collected all available seismic bulletins from the global network using data acquired for the International Seismological Centre–Global Earthquake Model (ISC‐GEM) catalog, the EuroSeismos project, the Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Russian State Library. The relocation was performed using a modified method of generalized beamforming and the ak135 velo...

Research paper thumbnail of Hydropower Dam State and Its Foundation Soil Survey Using Industrial Seismic Oscillations


In this article, we suggest a new type of seismic source for surveying both structure state and f... more In this article, we suggest a new type of seismic source for surveying both structure state and foundation soil conditions regardless of the level of seismic noise. In our opinion, powerful industrial equipment can be treated as seismic sources. We describe the results of a survey conducted on the Song Tranh-2 hydropower dam located in Central Vietnam. After a М = 4.7 earthquake, the dam visual inspection revealed zones of the excessive durability loss: cracks and areas with an elevated infiltration of water into the dam galleries. Powerful industrial equipment generates continuous quasi-harmonic mechanical oscillations (seismic waves) that travel through layers of rocks. These seismic oscillations are recorded by receivers in different measurement points such as the dam body, abutments, and the foundation soils. Anomalous amplitudes of these oscillations indicate the presence of weakened zones in the structure or in foundation soil. We coupled passive and active seismic methods to ...

Research paper thumbnail of Recent Geodynamics and Seismicity of the European Arctic

Arctic Studies - A Proxy for Climate Change [Working Title]

Research paper thumbnail of The 11 October 2010 Novaya Zemlya Earthquake: Implications for Velocity Models and Regional Event Location

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America

Research paper thumbnail of Specific features of seismic station installation in the Arctic Region of Russia

Research paper thumbnail of New seismic array solution for earthquake observations and hydropower plant health monitoring

Research paper thumbnail of New Seismic Methods for the Historical Constructions Diagnostics

At the article on an example of inspection of an architectural monuments possibility of use of se... more At the article on an example of inspection of an architectural monuments possibility of use of seismometric supervision for restoration problems is shown. The method of measurements is simple and economic. The conclusion about a condition of building object is given by comparison of values of own frequencies and forms of fluctuations on natural measurements and calculations. This allows you to build a real computational model of the object and estimate the parameters of concentration zones of pressure.

Research paper thumbnail of Seismic Engineering Investigation of Hydropower Station Dams

This paper presents new methods of seismic monitoring hydropower station's dams on two experi... more This paper presents new methods of seismic monitoring hydropower station's dams on two experimental examples. The first one is an observation of construction characteristic (eigenfrequency) oscillations induced by ever-present background microseisms and by wind pulses. The second one is a seismic scanning of a dam body performed with hydropower machinery vibrations.

Research paper thumbnail of Monitoring of high-rise buildings as an important asset for the construction design

New applications of seismometric monitoring of high-rise buildings are demonstrated by several ex... more New applications of seismometric monitoring of high-rise buildings are demonstrated by several experimental examples. The resulting data allows predict of construction behavior. In practice this method can be employed for the common task of impact estimation or in fundamental construction researches.

Research paper thumbnail of Enhanced Earthquake Monitoring in the European Arctic

Polar Science, 2015

ABSTRACT This paper presents preliminary results from a cooperative initiative between the Norweg... more ABSTRACT This paper presents preliminary results from a cooperative initiative between the Norwegian Seismic Array (NORSAR) institution in Norway and seismological institutions in NW Russia (Arkhangelsk and Apatity). We show that the joint processing of data from the combined seismic networks of all these institutions leads to a considerable increase in the number of located seismic events in the European Arctic compared to standard seismic bulletins such as the NORSAR reviewed regional seismic bulletin and the Reviewed Event Bulletin (REB) issued by the International Data Centre (IDC) of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) organization. The increase is particularly pronounced along the Gakkel Ridge to the north of the Svalbard and Franz-Josef Land archipelagos. We also note that the vast majority of the events along the Gakkel Ridge have been located slightly to the south of the ridge. We interpret this as an effect of the lack of recording stations closer to and north of the Gakkel Ridge, and the use of a one-dimensional velocity model which is not fully representative for travel-times along observed propagation paths. We conclude that while the characteristics of earthquake activity in the European Arctic is currently poorly known, the knowledge can be expected to be significantly improved by establishing the appropriate cooperative seismic recording infrastructures.

Research paper thumbnail of An Investigation of an External Impact Conversion into the Strained Rotation Inside Ancient Boulder Structures (Solovky Islands, White Sea)

Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Study of the transformation processes of external impacts by block media on field models

Doklady Earth Sciences, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Seismic Monitoring of Linear and Rotational Oscillations of the Multistory Buildings in Moscow

Seismic Behaviour and …, 2013