Galina Monusova - (original) (raw)
Papers by Galina Monusova
Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation eBooks, 2022
Higher School of Economics Economic Journal, 2014
В данной статье мы анализируем отношение населения к неравенству на материале нескольких межстран... more В данной статье мы анализируем отношение населения к неравенству на материале нескольких межстрановых исследований. Представления о масштабе неравенства и его допустимости сильно варьируют как внутри стран, так и между странами. Мы пытаемся связать эту вариацию с тем, как люди оценивают существующие в обществе возможности и доступные им каналы вертикального социального продвижения. Вопрос, на который мы ищем ответ, звучит так: связано ли восприятие различий в благосостоянии (т.е. отношение к неравенству) с реализацией тех возможностей восходящей мобильности, которые имеются в распоряжении индивидов? Другими словами, является ли социально-мобильное общество более толерантным к данному уровню дифференциации, чем малоподвижное (и, возможно, сегментированное)? Интуитивно это кажется очевидным, но эмпирические свидетельства пока недостаточны. Наша ключевая гипотеза выглядит следующим образом: терпимость к неравенству положительно зависит от предыдущего опыта вертикальной социальной мобил...
Korean Business Association, Nov 1, 2017
This Discussion Paper is issued within the framework of IZA’s research area Labor Markets in Tran... more This Discussion Paper is issued within the framework of IZA’s research area Labor Markets in Transition. Any opinions expressed here are those of the author(s) and not those of the institute. Research disseminated by IZA may include views on policy, but the institute itself takes no institutional policy positions. The Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) in Bonn is a local and virtual international research center and a place of communication between science, politics and business. IZA is an independent, nonprofit limited liability company (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung) supported by the Deutsche Post AG. The center is associated with the University of Bonn and offers a stimulating research environment through its research networks, research support, and visitors and doctoral programs. IZA engages in (i) original and internationally competitive research in all fields of labor economics, (ii) development of policy concepts, and (iii) dissemination of research results and co...
The monitoring of public opinion economic&social changes, 2021
Данное исследование акцентирует внимание на отношении россиян к мигрантам, которое измеряется чер... more Данное исследование акцентирует внимание на отношении россиян к мигрантам, которое измеряется через согласие/несогласие индивида позволить людям разной этнической принадлежности переезжать жить в нашу страну. На базе данных Европейского социального обследования (ESS) за 2006—2018 гг. проведен анализ, результаты которого свидетельствуют о том, что толерантность к мигрантам тесно связана, с одной стороны, с уровнем образования индивидов, а с другой — с его системой взглядов на окружающий социальный мир, которая может строиться как на иррациональных предубеждениях и страхах, так и на рациональном мышлении, научном знании и вере в себя. Если индивид воспринимает мир настороженно, склонен к предубеждениям и страхам, никому не доверяет и считает, что его окружает несправедливость, то высока вероятность неприятия и отторжения мигрантов. В то же время самодостаточность и вера в собственные силы будут сопровождаться большей толерантностью ко всему малоизвестному, включая выходцев из других с...
Journal of Economic Sociology, 2017
лектронный журнал «Экономическая социология» издаётся с 2000 г. Учредителями являются Национальны... more лектронный журнал «Экономическая социология» издаётся с 2000 г. Учредителями являются Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики» (с 2007 г.) и Вадим Валерьевич Радаев (главный редактор). Цель журнала-утверждать международные стандарты экономико-социологических исследований в России, представлять современные работы российских и зарубежных авторов в области экономической социологии, информировать профессиональное сообщество о новых актуальных публикациях и исследовательских проектах, а также вовлекать в профессиональное сообщество молодых коллег. Журнал представляет собой специализированное академическое издание. В нём публикуются материалы, отражающие современное состояние экономической социологии и способствующие развитию данной области в её современном понимании. В числе приоритетных тем: теоретические направления экономической социологии, социологические исследования рынков и организаций, социально-экономические стратегии индивидов и домашних хозяйств, неформальная экономика. Также публикуются тексты из смежных дисциплин-неоинституциональной экономической теории, антропологии, экономической психологии и других областей, которые могут представлять интерес для экономсоциологов. Журнал публикует пять номеров в год: в январе, марте, мае, сентябре и ноябре. Доступ ко всем номерам журнала постоянный, свободный и бесплатный по адресу: http:// Каждый номер содержится в едином файле (10-12 п. л. в PDF). Журнал входит в список ВАК России, индексируется в Российском индексе научного цитирования (РИНЦ), Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) из Web of Science Core Collection и Scopus. Требования к авторам изложены по адресу: html В журнале применяется двойное анонимное рецензирование статей. Все материалы проходят через полный цикл редакторской обработки и корректуры. Плата с авторов журнала не взимается. Ускоренные сроки публикации статей не предусмотрены.
Voprosy Ekonomiki, 2012
Using different cross-country data sets and simple econometric techniques we study public attitud... more Using different cross-country data sets and simple econometric techniques we study public attitudes towards the police. More positive attitudes are more likely to emerge in the countries that have better functioning democratic institutions, less prone to corruption but enjoy more transparent and accountable police activity. This has a stronger impact on the public opinion (trust and attitudes) than objective crime rates or density of policemen. Citizens tend to trust more in those (policemen) with whom they share common values and can have some control over. The latter is a function of democracy. In authoritarian countries — “police states” — this tendency may not work directly. When we move from semi-authoritarian countries to openly authoritarian ones the trust in the police measured by surveys can also rise. As a result, the trust appears to be U-shaped along the quality of government axis. This phenomenon can be explained with two simple facts. First, publicly spread information...
Journal of Economic Sociology, 2001
Public employment grew surprisingly fast in Russia during the 1990s, at a time when total employm... more Public employment grew surprisingly fast in Russia during the 1990s, at a time when total employment was falling. Most of this growth occurred in the country's 89 regions, and rates varied among them. This paper seeks to explain this variation. Using panel data for 78 regions over 1992-1998 we test several hypotheses. We show that the increase in the share of public employment in total employment has been greatest where unemployment was highest and growing the fastest, in ethnically defined territorial units, and in regions which received larger federal transfers and loans. Regional governors appear to use public employment for several purposes: as a kind of economic insurance to cushion the population against unemployment; as a way of buying votes before elections; and, possibly, as a way of redistributing to minority ethnic groups. Their willingness to use it for any of these is conditioned by the level of federal financial aid they can attract. The paradoxical growth of public employment in Russia appears less a result of ignorant or irresolute central management than a perverse outgrowth of the competitive game of federal politics, in which regional governors use public sector workers as "hostages" to extract transfers.
Sociological Research, 1999
Since the movement toward a market economy began in Russia in 1992, production has fallen and the... more Since the movement toward a market economy began in Russia in 1992, production has fallen and the number of employed has been reduced. The drop in the employment rate lagged considerably behind the decline in production, and, until 1995, unemployment was negligible [1]. Enterprises adapted to the changed conditions not with dismissals but through flexible employment [2]. Such flexibility caused a relative decline in real wages and sometimes took the form of reduced work time, forced leaves, delayed wages, and the abolition of indexing of inflation-related losses. Since the end of 1995, these processes have affected all groups employed in industry [3]. At the same time, despite growing unemployment and the steady shrinking of opportunities to arrange a job, the industrial workforce has retained a high mobility [4]. On the whole, however, the restructuring of employment has been more spontaneous than the result of deliberate policy [5].
Sociological Research, 1997
... Natal'ia Al'bertovna Gus'kova is a junior research fellow at the same center. ... more ... Natal'ia Al'bertovna Gus'kova is a junior research fellow at the same center. 44 Page 2. ... In fact, their functions were usurped by the group of highly skilled adjusters who had worked at the shop since production began. A foreman bore material responsibility for Page 5. ...
Russian Education & Society, 2009
The Formation of Teachers' Compensation in the General Education Schools An analysis of component... more The Formation of Teachers' Compensation in the General Education Schools An analysis of components of teachers' incomes, ranking of teachers income in labor force, and effects of increased government expenditure on education and salaries.
Voprosy Ekonomiki, 2010
The paper is based on representative population surveys conducted in various countries of Europe,... more The paper is based on representative population surveys conducted in various countries of Europe, Asia and North America and discusses cross-country variation in populations subjective perceptions of risk of unemployment. This risk is measured by directly asking respondents whether they fear losing their job and to what degree. The paper shows that the strength of the fear varies significantly across countries in the sample as well as across various subgroups of population within the countries. Higher unemployment strengthens the fear but country-specific behavioral reactions induced by the fear may differ. Population in the "old" capitalist countries seems to react differently than in the transition countries while in the former case the Anglo-Saxon and the Scandinavian countries also demonstrate different patterns.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2014
This paper explores the perceptions of inequality and their associations with social mobility exp... more This paper explores the perceptions of inequality and their associations with social mobility exploiting the ISSP and LiTS crosscountry data sets. These perceptions vary across countries as well as across individuals within countries. We try to explain this variation by examining the diverse opportunities for vertical social mobility available to individuals. The main research question raised in the paper is whether our perception of income differentiation is driven by experience of past mobility and availability of the upward leading instruments. In other words, is a more socially mobile society more tolerant to income inequality than a less mobile and segmented one? The intuitive answer seems to be an obvious "yes", but empirical evidence is still scarce.
Sociological Journal
Transformation of the industrial relations in the European countries is often associated with the... more Transformation of the industrial relations in the European countries is often associated with the expansion of various non-standard forms of employment, among which is temporary or fixed-term employment. Fixed-term contracts are associated with erosion of the existing social model, and can affect objective (like earnings and working conditions) as well as subjective (like satisfaction or feelings of stress) workers’ well-being. The focus of this study is the subjective well-being of those who have fixed-term employment contract in comparison with holders of the open-ended contract. Sociological research literature sees often temporary employment as “precarious” and “socially deficient”, and associated with a very low level of social well-being. This study tries to show that the relationship between the type of employment contract and subjective well-being is not simple and causal, and reflects the impact of confounding factors like the quality of human capital and the composition of...
Voprosy Ekonomiki
Using the cross-country ESS (2008) data file, the author explores welfare attitudes of population... more Using the cross-country ESS (2008) data file, the author explores welfare attitudes of population of European countries, the demand for social policy, the willingness to participate in its financing, and the difference between these two parameters. The paper argues that expectations associated with social policy and willingness to accept higher taxation in order to receive more benefits as well as the gap between these two depend on institutional characteristics of the countries that constitute the factors of fiscal illusion. Poor institutions and the lack of transparency in fiscal and social policies feed corruption and fiscal illusion, therefore generating misperceptions and free rider behavior.
South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences
Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation eBooks, 2022
Higher School of Economics Economic Journal, 2014
В данной статье мы анализируем отношение населения к неравенству на материале нескольких межстран... more В данной статье мы анализируем отношение населения к неравенству на материале нескольких межстрановых исследований. Представления о масштабе неравенства и его допустимости сильно варьируют как внутри стран, так и между странами. Мы пытаемся связать эту вариацию с тем, как люди оценивают существующие в обществе возможности и доступные им каналы вертикального социального продвижения. Вопрос, на который мы ищем ответ, звучит так: связано ли восприятие различий в благосостоянии (т.е. отношение к неравенству) с реализацией тех возможностей восходящей мобильности, которые имеются в распоряжении индивидов? Другими словами, является ли социально-мобильное общество более толерантным к данному уровню дифференциации, чем малоподвижное (и, возможно, сегментированное)? Интуитивно это кажется очевидным, но эмпирические свидетельства пока недостаточны. Наша ключевая гипотеза выглядит следующим образом: терпимость к неравенству положительно зависит от предыдущего опыта вертикальной социальной мобил...
Korean Business Association, Nov 1, 2017
This Discussion Paper is issued within the framework of IZA’s research area Labor Markets in Tran... more This Discussion Paper is issued within the framework of IZA’s research area Labor Markets in Transition. Any opinions expressed here are those of the author(s) and not those of the institute. Research disseminated by IZA may include views on policy, but the institute itself takes no institutional policy positions. The Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) in Bonn is a local and virtual international research center and a place of communication between science, politics and business. IZA is an independent, nonprofit limited liability company (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung) supported by the Deutsche Post AG. The center is associated with the University of Bonn and offers a stimulating research environment through its research networks, research support, and visitors and doctoral programs. IZA engages in (i) original and internationally competitive research in all fields of labor economics, (ii) development of policy concepts, and (iii) dissemination of research results and co...
The monitoring of public opinion economic&social changes, 2021
Данное исследование акцентирует внимание на отношении россиян к мигрантам, которое измеряется чер... more Данное исследование акцентирует внимание на отношении россиян к мигрантам, которое измеряется через согласие/несогласие индивида позволить людям разной этнической принадлежности переезжать жить в нашу страну. На базе данных Европейского социального обследования (ESS) за 2006—2018 гг. проведен анализ, результаты которого свидетельствуют о том, что толерантность к мигрантам тесно связана, с одной стороны, с уровнем образования индивидов, а с другой — с его системой взглядов на окружающий социальный мир, которая может строиться как на иррациональных предубеждениях и страхах, так и на рациональном мышлении, научном знании и вере в себя. Если индивид воспринимает мир настороженно, склонен к предубеждениям и страхам, никому не доверяет и считает, что его окружает несправедливость, то высока вероятность неприятия и отторжения мигрантов. В то же время самодостаточность и вера в собственные силы будут сопровождаться большей толерантностью ко всему малоизвестному, включая выходцев из других с...
Journal of Economic Sociology, 2017
лектронный журнал «Экономическая социология» издаётся с 2000 г. Учредителями являются Национальны... more лектронный журнал «Экономическая социология» издаётся с 2000 г. Учредителями являются Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики» (с 2007 г.) и Вадим Валерьевич Радаев (главный редактор). Цель журнала-утверждать международные стандарты экономико-социологических исследований в России, представлять современные работы российских и зарубежных авторов в области экономической социологии, информировать профессиональное сообщество о новых актуальных публикациях и исследовательских проектах, а также вовлекать в профессиональное сообщество молодых коллег. Журнал представляет собой специализированное академическое издание. В нём публикуются материалы, отражающие современное состояние экономической социологии и способствующие развитию данной области в её современном понимании. В числе приоритетных тем: теоретические направления экономической социологии, социологические исследования рынков и организаций, социально-экономические стратегии индивидов и домашних хозяйств, неформальная экономика. Также публикуются тексты из смежных дисциплин-неоинституциональной экономической теории, антропологии, экономической психологии и других областей, которые могут представлять интерес для экономсоциологов. Журнал публикует пять номеров в год: в январе, марте, мае, сентябре и ноябре. Доступ ко всем номерам журнала постоянный, свободный и бесплатный по адресу: http:// Каждый номер содержится в едином файле (10-12 п. л. в PDF). Журнал входит в список ВАК России, индексируется в Российском индексе научного цитирования (РИНЦ), Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) из Web of Science Core Collection и Scopus. Требования к авторам изложены по адресу: html В журнале применяется двойное анонимное рецензирование статей. Все материалы проходят через полный цикл редакторской обработки и корректуры. Плата с авторов журнала не взимается. Ускоренные сроки публикации статей не предусмотрены.
Voprosy Ekonomiki, 2012
Using different cross-country data sets and simple econometric techniques we study public attitud... more Using different cross-country data sets and simple econometric techniques we study public attitudes towards the police. More positive attitudes are more likely to emerge in the countries that have better functioning democratic institutions, less prone to corruption but enjoy more transparent and accountable police activity. This has a stronger impact on the public opinion (trust and attitudes) than objective crime rates or density of policemen. Citizens tend to trust more in those (policemen) with whom they share common values and can have some control over. The latter is a function of democracy. In authoritarian countries — “police states” — this tendency may not work directly. When we move from semi-authoritarian countries to openly authoritarian ones the trust in the police measured by surveys can also rise. As a result, the trust appears to be U-shaped along the quality of government axis. This phenomenon can be explained with two simple facts. First, publicly spread information...
Journal of Economic Sociology, 2001
Public employment grew surprisingly fast in Russia during the 1990s, at a time when total employm... more Public employment grew surprisingly fast in Russia during the 1990s, at a time when total employment was falling. Most of this growth occurred in the country's 89 regions, and rates varied among them. This paper seeks to explain this variation. Using panel data for 78 regions over 1992-1998 we test several hypotheses. We show that the increase in the share of public employment in total employment has been greatest where unemployment was highest and growing the fastest, in ethnically defined territorial units, and in regions which received larger federal transfers and loans. Regional governors appear to use public employment for several purposes: as a kind of economic insurance to cushion the population against unemployment; as a way of buying votes before elections; and, possibly, as a way of redistributing to minority ethnic groups. Their willingness to use it for any of these is conditioned by the level of federal financial aid they can attract. The paradoxical growth of public employment in Russia appears less a result of ignorant or irresolute central management than a perverse outgrowth of the competitive game of federal politics, in which regional governors use public sector workers as "hostages" to extract transfers.
Sociological Research, 1999
Since the movement toward a market economy began in Russia in 1992, production has fallen and the... more Since the movement toward a market economy began in Russia in 1992, production has fallen and the number of employed has been reduced. The drop in the employment rate lagged considerably behind the decline in production, and, until 1995, unemployment was negligible [1]. Enterprises adapted to the changed conditions not with dismissals but through flexible employment [2]. Such flexibility caused a relative decline in real wages and sometimes took the form of reduced work time, forced leaves, delayed wages, and the abolition of indexing of inflation-related losses. Since the end of 1995, these processes have affected all groups employed in industry [3]. At the same time, despite growing unemployment and the steady shrinking of opportunities to arrange a job, the industrial workforce has retained a high mobility [4]. On the whole, however, the restructuring of employment has been more spontaneous than the result of deliberate policy [5].
Sociological Research, 1997
... Natal'ia Al'bertovna Gus'kova is a junior research fellow at the same center. ... more ... Natal'ia Al'bertovna Gus'kova is a junior research fellow at the same center. 44 Page 2. ... In fact, their functions were usurped by the group of highly skilled adjusters who had worked at the shop since production began. A foreman bore material responsibility for Page 5. ...
Russian Education & Society, 2009
The Formation of Teachers' Compensation in the General Education Schools An analysis of component... more The Formation of Teachers' Compensation in the General Education Schools An analysis of components of teachers' incomes, ranking of teachers income in labor force, and effects of increased government expenditure on education and salaries.
Voprosy Ekonomiki, 2010
The paper is based on representative population surveys conducted in various countries of Europe,... more The paper is based on representative population surveys conducted in various countries of Europe, Asia and North America and discusses cross-country variation in populations subjective perceptions of risk of unemployment. This risk is measured by directly asking respondents whether they fear losing their job and to what degree. The paper shows that the strength of the fear varies significantly across countries in the sample as well as across various subgroups of population within the countries. Higher unemployment strengthens the fear but country-specific behavioral reactions induced by the fear may differ. Population in the "old" capitalist countries seems to react differently than in the transition countries while in the former case the Anglo-Saxon and the Scandinavian countries also demonstrate different patterns.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2014
This paper explores the perceptions of inequality and their associations with social mobility exp... more This paper explores the perceptions of inequality and their associations with social mobility exploiting the ISSP and LiTS crosscountry data sets. These perceptions vary across countries as well as across individuals within countries. We try to explain this variation by examining the diverse opportunities for vertical social mobility available to individuals. The main research question raised in the paper is whether our perception of income differentiation is driven by experience of past mobility and availability of the upward leading instruments. In other words, is a more socially mobile society more tolerant to income inequality than a less mobile and segmented one? The intuitive answer seems to be an obvious "yes", but empirical evidence is still scarce.
Sociological Journal
Transformation of the industrial relations in the European countries is often associated with the... more Transformation of the industrial relations in the European countries is often associated with the expansion of various non-standard forms of employment, among which is temporary or fixed-term employment. Fixed-term contracts are associated with erosion of the existing social model, and can affect objective (like earnings and working conditions) as well as subjective (like satisfaction or feelings of stress) workers’ well-being. The focus of this study is the subjective well-being of those who have fixed-term employment contract in comparison with holders of the open-ended contract. Sociological research literature sees often temporary employment as “precarious” and “socially deficient”, and associated with a very low level of social well-being. This study tries to show that the relationship between the type of employment contract and subjective well-being is not simple and causal, and reflects the impact of confounding factors like the quality of human capital and the composition of...
Voprosy Ekonomiki
Using the cross-country ESS (2008) data file, the author explores welfare attitudes of population... more Using the cross-country ESS (2008) data file, the author explores welfare attitudes of population of European countries, the demand for social policy, the willingness to participate in its financing, and the difference between these two parameters. The paper argues that expectations associated with social policy and willingness to accept higher taxation in order to receive more benefits as well as the gap between these two depend on institutional characteristics of the countries that constitute the factors of fiscal illusion. Poor institutions and the lack of transparency in fiscal and social policies feed corruption and fiscal illusion, therefore generating misperceptions and free rider behavior.
South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences