Gandoy Manuel - (original) (raw)
Papers by Gandoy Manuel
EAI endorsed transactions on creative technologies, Mar 19, 2024
INTRODUCTION: Life Story books are frequently employed to facilitate reminiscence interventions, ... more INTRODUCTION: Life Story books are frequently employed to facilitate reminiscence interventions, but their use in Music Therapy remains limited in the scientific literature. There is a paucity of research detailing the design processes involved in this context. OBJECTIVES: This paper aims to report on the adaptation of the Emobook Life Story Book App for a Reminiscence Music Therapy Program for people living with dementia. METHODS: An interdisciplinary team comprising an interaction designer, a software engineer, a music therapist, and a research assistant engaged in a Participatory Design process. The study comprised two distinct phases: "Adaptation Phase," aimed to identify features requiring adjustment to integrate Emobook into MT effectively and the "Implementation Phase," focused on evaluating the adequacy of these changes for Emobook's use within the Music Therapy Program RESULTS: By merging the requirements identified during each phase, additional improvements were generated, leading to the decision to evolve Emobook Post-Prototype towards a version tailored specifically for Music Therapy. CONCLUSION: Collaborative, interdisciplinary efforts are essential in advancing the incorporation of technology into music therapy practice. This study demonstrates the value of a Participatory Design approach in this regard.
Education can be a central tool for stimulating entrepreneurship, establishing positive links bet... more Education can be a central tool for stimulating entrepreneurship, establishing positive links between entrepreneurship education (EE), entrepreneurship performance and development of innovative ideas. Recognizing the pivotal role of doctoral programs within the education system, it becomes crucial for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to incorporate entrepreneurship education (EE) into these programs. Training for Innovation Driven Research program has been designed within the INVENTHEI project, and it is aimed to Ph.D. students in early stages of their research trajectories. The design thinking methodology underpins the practical approach of learning-by-doing. Each session focusses on a specific design thinking phase to train at least one of the six competences selected from the EntreComp framework: spotting opportunities, creativity, vision, mobilising others, planning and management, and learning through experience. In order to examinate how the training is functioning regardi...
INTED2023 Proceedings
To expand its role in science, technology and innovation, the European Union (EU) needs to get mo... more To expand its role in science, technology and innovation, the European Union (EU) needs to get more and better researchers and to optimize the use of these human resources. Innovation and entrepreneurial skills are key in the emergence of highly dynamic innovation districts, and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) must play a central role in training these capacities. Current trends in innovation driven research includes a strong move into social and sustainability-driven innovation; the more influential role of stakeholders such as innovation clusters, digital hubs, local and regional development agencies, and other support organisations; and the merge of products and services in different sectors, such as silver economy, into business model innovation. Innovation is not only a part of ecosystems collaboration, but it is also its concrete methods and models. The development of students as future entrepreneurs can play a critical role in stimulating levels of social and economic activities, with an especial focus in PhD students because the direct link between doctoral studies and knowledge generation in HEIs. At University of Santiago de Compostela, its International PhD School has developed a module in research, innovation, and transfer competences, including trainings about how to transfer a thesis to society within the framework of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG); sustainability, research, and international cooperation within the 2030 Agenda; and a gender perspective as a model of knowledge. The Senior Innovation Lab (SIL) has been recognized for doctoral students within this module. SIL is a specific training in innovation and entrepreneur skills in the context of longevity developed by the Masters Degrees in Psychogerontology and Gerontology within the INnoVation and ENTrepreneurship in HEIs (INVENTHEI) project. The experience of the PhD students within the second edition of the SIL is presented. Recommendation includes shorter programmes, blended methodologies, and a more knowledge-based approach, complementing a person-centred needs assessment. According to the needs detected in this and other initiatives for doctoral students within the INVENTHEI project, a curriculum for postgraduate entrepreneurship training is being designed centred on challenged-based multidisciplinary learning and innovation driven research.
INTED2023 Proceedings
Introduction: Increasing the capacity for innovation and entrepreneurship (I&E) is a chal... more Introduction: Increasing the capacity for innovation and entrepreneurship (I&E) is a challenge for gerontology and a global challenge for higher education institutions (HEIs). The Senior Innovation Lab (SIL) arises as an educational experience developed by the Master in Gerontology and Psychogerontology of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) as part of the European research project Innovation and Entrepreneurship in HEIs (INVENTHEI), founded by the EIT HEI Initiative. The project, now in its second phase, aims to enhance the role of HEIs in their regional innovation ecosystems and promote synergies between research and innovation activities. In particular, the SIL initiative consists of training in social innovation skills to face the challenges posed by longevity in society. In its second edition, it focuses on intergenerational co-design. Its objective is to promote the acquisition of knowledge, tools, and a space for collaboration to develop innovative solutions to the different challenges and opportunities presented by the gerontology sector. Methodology: In its first edition (November-December 2021), the learning approach was challenge-based, guided by Design Thinking and Lean Start-up methodologies. The second edition (November-December 2022) incorporated an intergenerational co-design approach. Indeed, participation was open to students at the University of Santiago de Compostela at all levels: bachelor's, master's, doctorate, and “IV Ciclo”, a program dedicated to senior students. It also involved the involvement of local entities from the beginning, including continuous contact with SIL participants during the development of innovative solutions. During face-to-face and online sessions lasting 50 hours (21 hours of face-to-face training, 6 hours of online training, and 23 hours of autonomous work), SIL participants were able to develop and present the solution to the challenge posed. Results: A total of 28 students divided into five groups participated in the SIL initiative during its second edition. At the end of the training action, each team presented an innovative solution for the challenge posed by the entity they worked with, the initial formulation of the Minimum Viable Product, and an Elevator Pitch. Conclusions: SIL developed activities based on challenges associated with longevity, also guided by intergenerational co-design approach. In this second edition, it was possible to transmit knowledge and tools on social innovation and favour collaboration between the participants and entities in formulating solutions to the proposed challenges, keeping older adults at the centre of the solution. Likewise, the SIL initiative highlights the training capacity in I&E skills of a HEI, in this case applied to the field of knowledge and practice of gerontology.
ICERI2022 Proceedings
Introduction: Innovation and Entrepreneurship in HEIs (INVENTHEI) is a research project founded b... more Introduction: Innovation and Entrepreneurship in HEIs (INVENTHEI) is a research project founded by the EIT’s HEI Initiative, that in March 2021 invited higher education institutions (HEIs) to design activities to improve their entrepreneurial and innovation capacities. INVENTHEI seeks to enhance the role of HEIs in their regional innovation ecosystems and to promote synergies between research and innovation activities. Methodology: In Phase 1 (July-December 2021), the minimum viable innovation vision was developed, and different learning and mentoring activities were conducted, allowing the consortium to learn and update its Innovation Vision Action Plans (IVAP). In Phase 2 (January 2022 – June 2023), the innovation vision is being scaled, implementing activities that will allow the consortium to transfer practices to other faculties and disseminate them to other HEIs. The project is based on a multidisciplinary approach, trying to involve and provide innovation & entrepreneur (I&E) background to academic staff. The target is to prepare them to influence students' I&E skills through a “learning by doing” approach, using lean start-up, design thinking, and challenge-based multidisciplinary learning as the primary methodologies. Results: In Phase 1, learning and mentoring activities included actions on clean mobility and sustainability (“Clean mobility day” and “Transport Tech Day” developed at the University of Pardubice; “Education for sustainability” at Valahia University of Targoviste; Problem-based learning project “EU Green Deal” at TTK University of Applied Sciences), lifespan (“Senior Innovation Lab” and “Senior Innovation Workshop” at University of Santiago de Compostela; “Implementation of a lifelong learning course” at University of Pardubice), introductory (“New Innovation & Economic Growth seminar” at University of Sheffield; “Entrepreneurship Inspiration Day” at TTK University of Applied Sciences) and advanced I&E skills (i.e. “Transferable Skills: SciTech - Transversal Challenges in Science and Engineering” and “Innovation Days” at University of Porto; “School of Startups for PhD Researchers” at UPTEC – Science and Technology Park of University of Porto). In this first phase, INVENTHEI trained 567 students, 108 academic staff, and 158 non-academic staff and mentored 67 students, 42 academic staff, and 24 non-academic staff members. In Phase 2, INVENTHEI is addressing the replicability of its results using a lighthouse approach, where the involved faculties from partner HEIs promote and provide project results to other faculties and HEIs. Conclusions: INVENTHEI has developed challenging-based learning and innovation-driven research programs, involving external organizations and students from different faculties, and courses for transferable and soft skills, particularly I&E skills, but also including other topics like academic collaboration with industry. The lighthouse/follower model for replicability and transferability is presented and discussed.
El síndrome post-caída podemos definirlo como el miedo a padecer una nueva caída, la pérdida de c... more El síndrome post-caída podemos definirlo como el miedo a padecer una nueva caída, la pérdida de confianza para desarrollar una determinada actividad sin caerse y una disminución de la movilidad y de la capacidad funcional. El objetivo del presente trabajo es plantear una propuesta de actuación que ayude a superar el miedo para, favorecer por un lado la recuperación del equilibrio y la marcha, y por el otro evitar que el temor a una nueva caida, acarree al anciano determinados problemas sociosanitarios. En primer lugar, para ayudar a superar el miedo, utilizaremos determinados conceptos basados en la Terapia Cognitiva de Beck, diversos estudios han mostrado, que una serie de éxitos graduales en la conducta pro b l e m á t i c a , que llevasen a la consecución de un objetivo claro, mitigaban la sintomatolo-1 Doctor en Psicología. Master en Gerontología Clínica y Social.
Fundaments: To introduce three items in a questionnaire of functional assessment in order to valo... more Fundaments: To introduce three items in a questionnaire of functional assessment in order to valorise more efficiently caregivers burden of patients with cognitive impairment. Methods: we designed a questionnaire based on the classic ones, to which we added three items, such as the communicative ability, the necessity of daily supervision and the necessity of supervision during the night. In order to give validity to the instrument, a prospective field work is carried out on a sample of 60 patients with Alzheimers Disease. Results: We obtained elevated correlation inter-items, reliability of 91% and concurrent validity of 95%.Elevated correlation inter-items, reliability: 91%; concurrent validity: 95%. Conclusion: It is at the same time an useful and reliable instrument for the aims of evaluation of the necessities of the elderly people which favors the planning of the services to offer.
Gerokomos, 2016
espanolObjetivos: Debido al envejecimiento de la poblacion, existe un incremento de personas mayo... more espanolObjetivos: Debido al envejecimiento de la poblacion, existe un incremento de personas mayores de 65 anos que necesitan cuidados paliativos. El personal de enfermeria esta en contacto continuo con este tipo de pacientes. La satisfaccion laboral y los distintos factores laborales pueden alterar la manera de llevar a cabo su trabajo, influyendo directamente sobre el paciente. El objetivo principal del estudio es observar si el grado de satisfaccion laboral influye en el grado de estres laboral del personal de enfermeria que trabaja en unidades de cuidados paliativos con pacientes gerontologicos terminales. Metodologia: Se autoadministro a 162 profesionales de enfermeria de las unidades de cuidados paliativos del Servicio Publico Gallego de Salud, del Servicio Canario de Salud y centros gerontologicos residenciales gallegos, un instrumento de evaluacion constituido por un cuestionario de datos sociodemograficos y el Maslach Burnout Inventory, formado por tres dimensiones (cansanc...
The American Journal of Family Therapy, 2015
Judicial Family Law proceedings are peculiar; a large number of cases are never closed, until the... more Judicial Family Law proceedings are peculiar; a large number of cases are never closed, until the children reach adulthood. We selected three variables to test whether they can explain the credibility of each party and agent in the proceedings: guiding principle that orients the court's decision, confirmation of maternal manipulation in the psycho-social report, and establishing credibility of the child's testimony. An incidental sample of 169 people was used. The three manipulated variables imply very different levels of credibility for each party to the proceedings. Finally, proposed modifications to court proceedings are suggested to ensure adequate protection of children.
Gerokomos, 2017
Determinación de la situación de dependencia funcional. Revisión sobre los instrumentos de evalua... more Determinación de la situación de dependencia funcional. Revisión sobre los instrumentos de evaluación más utilizados Determination upon functional dependence situation. Reviewing the most used evaluation tools RESUMEN Introducción: la medición de la situación de dependencia es un acto fundamental para las diferentes administraciones públicas con competencias en el campo de la salud y de los servicios sociales, para así poder planificar de forma idónea las políticas encaminadas a la atención e intervención en este ámbito. Objetivo: el objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar los instrumentos de valoración de la situación de dependencia más utilizados en España, informando de su contenido y sus campos de aplicación más relevantes. Del mismo modo, conocer en qué se diferencian estas escalas de medida, del baremo de valoración de dependencia utilizado como puerta de acceso al Sistema para la Autonomía y Atención a la Dependencia. Método: este estudio se lleva a cabo mediante una revisión bibliográfica en las siguientes bases de datos: Dialnet, Scopus, SciELO y Conclusiones: Tras la pertinente revisión de la literatura existente, los resultados apuntan a que, a causa de la variabilidad de contextos en los que se enmarcan las situaciones de dependencia, existen una gran variedad de instrumentos de medida.
Servicios Sociales Y Politica Social, 2012
American journal of health behavior, 2016
Our objective was to design an instrument to measure coping self-efficacy as manifested by patien... more Our objective was to design an instrument to measure coping self-efficacy as manifested by patients experiencing health problems. A total of 2784 individuals were interviewed while attending primary healthcare centers in the Autonomous Community of Galicia in Northwest Spain. Of these persons, 54% were women and 46% were men, with a minimum age of 18 years, and a mean age of 37.4 years. A questionnaire was administered comprised of sociodemographic variables, items related to the use of healthcare resources, and a coping self-efficacy scale of health problems (SEH), based on the self-efficacy test by Baessler and Schwarzer. Statistical analysis determined reliability, and whether the SEH scale was efficacious in detecting changes in the use of specific health resources. A parametric ANOVA was performed on 4 groups based on the quartiles of self-efficacy in health, as measured by the SEH scale. The reliability and validity of the 10-item coping self-efficacy scale of health problems ...
Sustainability, 2021
Research on personality variables and consumption of health services in actively employed people ... more Research on personality variables and consumption of health services in actively employed people or retirees has been extensive, but the group of pre-retirees has hardly been studied. This work attempts to determine the mental health and use of health resources of the three groups, hypothesizing that, as the group of pre-retirees does not receive the social stigma of work exclusion, it will present better mental health. A sample of 1332 Spanish participants aged between 51 and 69 years was randomly chosen, and various personality tests were applied, and consumption of healthcare resources was determined. Pairwise analysis of the three work situations using binary logistic regressions showed that pre-retirees present better mental health, although there were no differences in the consumption of healthcare resources. The implications of this study for the creation of health promotion policies targeting older people, depending specifically on their employment status, are discussed.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021
Expenditure on healthcare and services can be a serious problem for public health. Personality va... more Expenditure on healthcare and services can be a serious problem for public health. Personality variables should be included as indicators to be considered when studying the consumption of health resources and their planning. This study aims to identify the psychological and psychosocial variables that identify people who can be considered high consumers of health resources versus those who barely consume such resources. The sample was made up of a total of 1124 subjects; one half were men, and one half were women, all of legal age and residents in Spain. A battery of tests was created that included a questionnaire of sociodemographic variables and of healthcare consumption, as well as several psychological variables (Zimbardo Time Paradox Inventory, Multidimensional Locus of Control Scale, Psychological Reactance Scale, Coping Responses Inventory, self-efficacy scale applied to health, and the Symptom Checklist-90-R). The following variables of the model were significant predictors ...
Clínica y Salud
Post fall syndrome can be summarised as a fear of suffering a further fall, loss of confidence in... more Post fall syndrome can be summarised as a fear of suffering a further fall, loss of confidence in developing a puruposeful activity without falling and a reduction in mobility and functional capacity. The aim of the present study is to establish a plan of action aimed at overcoming fear, in order to firstly, encourage the recovery of balance and prog ress, and secondly. to prevent the possibility that fear of a further fall will cause specific socio-health problems in the elderly person. Initially, specific concepts based on Beck¿s Cognitive Therapy were used, for which research has shown that a series of gradually achievable outcomes for problem behaviour, with a clear objective in mind, mitigate depressive symptomotolgy and modify the autoconcept of the subject and their negative expectations. In addition, we also believe in the importance of the simultaneous use of operant techniques to change behaviour.
Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología
OBJECTIVES: To investigate the attitudes, knowledge and practice on the use of physical restraint... more OBJECTIVES: To investigate the attitudes, knowledge and practice on the use of physical restraints by nursing staff working with the elderly, as well as the relationship existing between these variables. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A cross-sectional descriptive and correlational study was conducted among professionals from eight nursing homes. Three questionnaires asking about the mentioned variables were used. RESULTS: A total of 378 questionnaires were finally included (94 nurses and 284 auxiliary nurses). The professionals' attitude was generally against the use of restraints, although they were in favour of using them to avoid falls. With regard to knowledge, they obtained 66% of the correct answers; only 32% believed that there were alternatives to restraints, and 69.1% were unaware that these procedures could cause the death of patients. A total of 69.8% said that their training regarding restraint was limited. The practice could be considered acceptable, although the 61.9% thou...
Revista de Logopedia, Foniatría y Audiología, 2002
El aumento de población anciana en nuestra sociedad es un hecho que ha provocado la aparición de ... more El aumento de población anciana en nuestra sociedad es un hecho que ha provocado la aparición de nuevos recursos socio-sanitarios que cubran sus necesidades. El Centro Gerontológico de Estancias Diurnas es un servicio multidisciplinar diurno que se ocupa de la atención social y sanitaria, con actuación terapéutica y preventiva, de los mayores facilitando la vida laboral de las personas que se ocupan ordinariamente de su cuidado. Los centros de día deben proporcionar una atención integral debiendo, por tanto, estar constituidos por un equipo profesional multidisciplinar en el que la figura del logopeda esté presente desarrollando una labor específica. Parece, por tanto, interesante delimitar las funciones básicas a desempeñar, los trastornos más comunes susceptibles de intervención, así como, algunas directrices a tener en cuenta.
Gerokomos, 2014
La calidad de vida de los sujetos usuarios de un centro social de personas mayores The quality of... more La calidad de vida de los sujetos usuarios de un centro social de personas mayores The quality of life of the users of a community center for elderly RESUMEN En esta investigación hemos intentado comprobar si la asistencia a los centros sociales de personas mayores es un medio eficaz para la mejora de la calidad de vida de las personas mayores, es decir, si los usuarios de dichos centros tienen una mejor calidad de vida que aquellos que no acuden a ellos. Para ello, hemos contado con un grupo experimental y un grupo control. A continuación ambos grupos han pasado dos pruebas: una que valora la calidad de vida y otra, el deterioro cognitivo. Una vez pasadas las pruebas y obtenidas las puntuaciones, hemos concluido que los usuarios del centro social tienen una mayor calidad de vida que los sujetos que no acuden a él.
Gerokomos, 2013
Relación entre la obesidad visceral y el dolor crónico en ancianos institucionalizados sin deteri... more Relación entre la obesidad visceral y el dolor crónico en ancianos institucionalizados sin deterioro cognitivo Visceral obesity and chronic pain in the institutionalized elderly without cognitive impairment RESUMEN El papel químico-metabólico que ejerce la obesidad visceral en la intensidad del dolor abre un nuevo campo de actuación para el profesional enfermero, donde el manejo del dolor es posible más allá de las medidas farmacológicas. Mediante un estudio descriptivo y transversal, se establecen relaciones significativas entre la incidencia del dolor crónico en ancianos institucionalizados y la obesidad visceral. La obesidad visceral está presente en un amplio número de ancianos con dolor crónico, influyendo negativamente en la calidad de vida del sujeto, lo que abre un campo de intervención enfermera en la esfera no farmacológica.
EAI endorsed transactions on creative technologies, Mar 19, 2024
INTRODUCTION: Life Story books are frequently employed to facilitate reminiscence interventions, ... more INTRODUCTION: Life Story books are frequently employed to facilitate reminiscence interventions, but their use in Music Therapy remains limited in the scientific literature. There is a paucity of research detailing the design processes involved in this context. OBJECTIVES: This paper aims to report on the adaptation of the Emobook Life Story Book App for a Reminiscence Music Therapy Program for people living with dementia. METHODS: An interdisciplinary team comprising an interaction designer, a software engineer, a music therapist, and a research assistant engaged in a Participatory Design process. The study comprised two distinct phases: "Adaptation Phase," aimed to identify features requiring adjustment to integrate Emobook into MT effectively and the "Implementation Phase," focused on evaluating the adequacy of these changes for Emobook's use within the Music Therapy Program RESULTS: By merging the requirements identified during each phase, additional improvements were generated, leading to the decision to evolve Emobook Post-Prototype towards a version tailored specifically for Music Therapy. CONCLUSION: Collaborative, interdisciplinary efforts are essential in advancing the incorporation of technology into music therapy practice. This study demonstrates the value of a Participatory Design approach in this regard.
Education can be a central tool for stimulating entrepreneurship, establishing positive links bet... more Education can be a central tool for stimulating entrepreneurship, establishing positive links between entrepreneurship education (EE), entrepreneurship performance and development of innovative ideas. Recognizing the pivotal role of doctoral programs within the education system, it becomes crucial for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to incorporate entrepreneurship education (EE) into these programs. Training for Innovation Driven Research program has been designed within the INVENTHEI project, and it is aimed to Ph.D. students in early stages of their research trajectories. The design thinking methodology underpins the practical approach of learning-by-doing. Each session focusses on a specific design thinking phase to train at least one of the six competences selected from the EntreComp framework: spotting opportunities, creativity, vision, mobilising others, planning and management, and learning through experience. In order to examinate how the training is functioning regardi...
INTED2023 Proceedings
To expand its role in science, technology and innovation, the European Union (EU) needs to get mo... more To expand its role in science, technology and innovation, the European Union (EU) needs to get more and better researchers and to optimize the use of these human resources. Innovation and entrepreneurial skills are key in the emergence of highly dynamic innovation districts, and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) must play a central role in training these capacities. Current trends in innovation driven research includes a strong move into social and sustainability-driven innovation; the more influential role of stakeholders such as innovation clusters, digital hubs, local and regional development agencies, and other support organisations; and the merge of products and services in different sectors, such as silver economy, into business model innovation. Innovation is not only a part of ecosystems collaboration, but it is also its concrete methods and models. The development of students as future entrepreneurs can play a critical role in stimulating levels of social and economic activities, with an especial focus in PhD students because the direct link between doctoral studies and knowledge generation in HEIs. At University of Santiago de Compostela, its International PhD School has developed a module in research, innovation, and transfer competences, including trainings about how to transfer a thesis to society within the framework of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG); sustainability, research, and international cooperation within the 2030 Agenda; and a gender perspective as a model of knowledge. The Senior Innovation Lab (SIL) has been recognized for doctoral students within this module. SIL is a specific training in innovation and entrepreneur skills in the context of longevity developed by the Masters Degrees in Psychogerontology and Gerontology within the INnoVation and ENTrepreneurship in HEIs (INVENTHEI) project. The experience of the PhD students within the second edition of the SIL is presented. Recommendation includes shorter programmes, blended methodologies, and a more knowledge-based approach, complementing a person-centred needs assessment. According to the needs detected in this and other initiatives for doctoral students within the INVENTHEI project, a curriculum for postgraduate entrepreneurship training is being designed centred on challenged-based multidisciplinary learning and innovation driven research.
INTED2023 Proceedings
Introduction: Increasing the capacity for innovation and entrepreneurship (I&E) is a chal... more Introduction: Increasing the capacity for innovation and entrepreneurship (I&E) is a challenge for gerontology and a global challenge for higher education institutions (HEIs). The Senior Innovation Lab (SIL) arises as an educational experience developed by the Master in Gerontology and Psychogerontology of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) as part of the European research project Innovation and Entrepreneurship in HEIs (INVENTHEI), founded by the EIT HEI Initiative. The project, now in its second phase, aims to enhance the role of HEIs in their regional innovation ecosystems and promote synergies between research and innovation activities. In particular, the SIL initiative consists of training in social innovation skills to face the challenges posed by longevity in society. In its second edition, it focuses on intergenerational co-design. Its objective is to promote the acquisition of knowledge, tools, and a space for collaboration to develop innovative solutions to the different challenges and opportunities presented by the gerontology sector. Methodology: In its first edition (November-December 2021), the learning approach was challenge-based, guided by Design Thinking and Lean Start-up methodologies. The second edition (November-December 2022) incorporated an intergenerational co-design approach. Indeed, participation was open to students at the University of Santiago de Compostela at all levels: bachelor's, master's, doctorate, and “IV Ciclo”, a program dedicated to senior students. It also involved the involvement of local entities from the beginning, including continuous contact with SIL participants during the development of innovative solutions. During face-to-face and online sessions lasting 50 hours (21 hours of face-to-face training, 6 hours of online training, and 23 hours of autonomous work), SIL participants were able to develop and present the solution to the challenge posed. Results: A total of 28 students divided into five groups participated in the SIL initiative during its second edition. At the end of the training action, each team presented an innovative solution for the challenge posed by the entity they worked with, the initial formulation of the Minimum Viable Product, and an Elevator Pitch. Conclusions: SIL developed activities based on challenges associated with longevity, also guided by intergenerational co-design approach. In this second edition, it was possible to transmit knowledge and tools on social innovation and favour collaboration between the participants and entities in formulating solutions to the proposed challenges, keeping older adults at the centre of the solution. Likewise, the SIL initiative highlights the training capacity in I&E skills of a HEI, in this case applied to the field of knowledge and practice of gerontology.
ICERI2022 Proceedings
Introduction: Innovation and Entrepreneurship in HEIs (INVENTHEI) is a research project founded b... more Introduction: Innovation and Entrepreneurship in HEIs (INVENTHEI) is a research project founded by the EIT’s HEI Initiative, that in March 2021 invited higher education institutions (HEIs) to design activities to improve their entrepreneurial and innovation capacities. INVENTHEI seeks to enhance the role of HEIs in their regional innovation ecosystems and to promote synergies between research and innovation activities. Methodology: In Phase 1 (July-December 2021), the minimum viable innovation vision was developed, and different learning and mentoring activities were conducted, allowing the consortium to learn and update its Innovation Vision Action Plans (IVAP). In Phase 2 (January 2022 – June 2023), the innovation vision is being scaled, implementing activities that will allow the consortium to transfer practices to other faculties and disseminate them to other HEIs. The project is based on a multidisciplinary approach, trying to involve and provide innovation & entrepreneur (I&E) background to academic staff. The target is to prepare them to influence students' I&E skills through a “learning by doing” approach, using lean start-up, design thinking, and challenge-based multidisciplinary learning as the primary methodologies. Results: In Phase 1, learning and mentoring activities included actions on clean mobility and sustainability (“Clean mobility day” and “Transport Tech Day” developed at the University of Pardubice; “Education for sustainability” at Valahia University of Targoviste; Problem-based learning project “EU Green Deal” at TTK University of Applied Sciences), lifespan (“Senior Innovation Lab” and “Senior Innovation Workshop” at University of Santiago de Compostela; “Implementation of a lifelong learning course” at University of Pardubice), introductory (“New Innovation & Economic Growth seminar” at University of Sheffield; “Entrepreneurship Inspiration Day” at TTK University of Applied Sciences) and advanced I&E skills (i.e. “Transferable Skills: SciTech - Transversal Challenges in Science and Engineering” and “Innovation Days” at University of Porto; “School of Startups for PhD Researchers” at UPTEC – Science and Technology Park of University of Porto). In this first phase, INVENTHEI trained 567 students, 108 academic staff, and 158 non-academic staff and mentored 67 students, 42 academic staff, and 24 non-academic staff members. In Phase 2, INVENTHEI is addressing the replicability of its results using a lighthouse approach, where the involved faculties from partner HEIs promote and provide project results to other faculties and HEIs. Conclusions: INVENTHEI has developed challenging-based learning and innovation-driven research programs, involving external organizations and students from different faculties, and courses for transferable and soft skills, particularly I&E skills, but also including other topics like academic collaboration with industry. The lighthouse/follower model for replicability and transferability is presented and discussed.
El síndrome post-caída podemos definirlo como el miedo a padecer una nueva caída, la pérdida de c... more El síndrome post-caída podemos definirlo como el miedo a padecer una nueva caída, la pérdida de confianza para desarrollar una determinada actividad sin caerse y una disminución de la movilidad y de la capacidad funcional. El objetivo del presente trabajo es plantear una propuesta de actuación que ayude a superar el miedo para, favorecer por un lado la recuperación del equilibrio y la marcha, y por el otro evitar que el temor a una nueva caida, acarree al anciano determinados problemas sociosanitarios. En primer lugar, para ayudar a superar el miedo, utilizaremos determinados conceptos basados en la Terapia Cognitiva de Beck, diversos estudios han mostrado, que una serie de éxitos graduales en la conducta pro b l e m á t i c a , que llevasen a la consecución de un objetivo claro, mitigaban la sintomatolo-1 Doctor en Psicología. Master en Gerontología Clínica y Social.
Fundaments: To introduce three items in a questionnaire of functional assessment in order to valo... more Fundaments: To introduce three items in a questionnaire of functional assessment in order to valorise more efficiently caregivers burden of patients with cognitive impairment. Methods: we designed a questionnaire based on the classic ones, to which we added three items, such as the communicative ability, the necessity of daily supervision and the necessity of supervision during the night. In order to give validity to the instrument, a prospective field work is carried out on a sample of 60 patients with Alzheimers Disease. Results: We obtained elevated correlation inter-items, reliability of 91% and concurrent validity of 95%.Elevated correlation inter-items, reliability: 91%; concurrent validity: 95%. Conclusion: It is at the same time an useful and reliable instrument for the aims of evaluation of the necessities of the elderly people which favors the planning of the services to offer.
Gerokomos, 2016
espanolObjetivos: Debido al envejecimiento de la poblacion, existe un incremento de personas mayo... more espanolObjetivos: Debido al envejecimiento de la poblacion, existe un incremento de personas mayores de 65 anos que necesitan cuidados paliativos. El personal de enfermeria esta en contacto continuo con este tipo de pacientes. La satisfaccion laboral y los distintos factores laborales pueden alterar la manera de llevar a cabo su trabajo, influyendo directamente sobre el paciente. El objetivo principal del estudio es observar si el grado de satisfaccion laboral influye en el grado de estres laboral del personal de enfermeria que trabaja en unidades de cuidados paliativos con pacientes gerontologicos terminales. Metodologia: Se autoadministro a 162 profesionales de enfermeria de las unidades de cuidados paliativos del Servicio Publico Gallego de Salud, del Servicio Canario de Salud y centros gerontologicos residenciales gallegos, un instrumento de evaluacion constituido por un cuestionario de datos sociodemograficos y el Maslach Burnout Inventory, formado por tres dimensiones (cansanc...
The American Journal of Family Therapy, 2015
Judicial Family Law proceedings are peculiar; a large number of cases are never closed, until the... more Judicial Family Law proceedings are peculiar; a large number of cases are never closed, until the children reach adulthood. We selected three variables to test whether they can explain the credibility of each party and agent in the proceedings: guiding principle that orients the court's decision, confirmation of maternal manipulation in the psycho-social report, and establishing credibility of the child's testimony. An incidental sample of 169 people was used. The three manipulated variables imply very different levels of credibility for each party to the proceedings. Finally, proposed modifications to court proceedings are suggested to ensure adequate protection of children.
Gerokomos, 2017
Determinación de la situación de dependencia funcional. Revisión sobre los instrumentos de evalua... more Determinación de la situación de dependencia funcional. Revisión sobre los instrumentos de evaluación más utilizados Determination upon functional dependence situation. Reviewing the most used evaluation tools RESUMEN Introducción: la medición de la situación de dependencia es un acto fundamental para las diferentes administraciones públicas con competencias en el campo de la salud y de los servicios sociales, para así poder planificar de forma idónea las políticas encaminadas a la atención e intervención en este ámbito. Objetivo: el objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar los instrumentos de valoración de la situación de dependencia más utilizados en España, informando de su contenido y sus campos de aplicación más relevantes. Del mismo modo, conocer en qué se diferencian estas escalas de medida, del baremo de valoración de dependencia utilizado como puerta de acceso al Sistema para la Autonomía y Atención a la Dependencia. Método: este estudio se lleva a cabo mediante una revisión bibliográfica en las siguientes bases de datos: Dialnet, Scopus, SciELO y Conclusiones: Tras la pertinente revisión de la literatura existente, los resultados apuntan a que, a causa de la variabilidad de contextos en los que se enmarcan las situaciones de dependencia, existen una gran variedad de instrumentos de medida.
Servicios Sociales Y Politica Social, 2012
American journal of health behavior, 2016
Our objective was to design an instrument to measure coping self-efficacy as manifested by patien... more Our objective was to design an instrument to measure coping self-efficacy as manifested by patients experiencing health problems. A total of 2784 individuals were interviewed while attending primary healthcare centers in the Autonomous Community of Galicia in Northwest Spain. Of these persons, 54% were women and 46% were men, with a minimum age of 18 years, and a mean age of 37.4 years. A questionnaire was administered comprised of sociodemographic variables, items related to the use of healthcare resources, and a coping self-efficacy scale of health problems (SEH), based on the self-efficacy test by Baessler and Schwarzer. Statistical analysis determined reliability, and whether the SEH scale was efficacious in detecting changes in the use of specific health resources. A parametric ANOVA was performed on 4 groups based on the quartiles of self-efficacy in health, as measured by the SEH scale. The reliability and validity of the 10-item coping self-efficacy scale of health problems ...
Sustainability, 2021
Research on personality variables and consumption of health services in actively employed people ... more Research on personality variables and consumption of health services in actively employed people or retirees has been extensive, but the group of pre-retirees has hardly been studied. This work attempts to determine the mental health and use of health resources of the three groups, hypothesizing that, as the group of pre-retirees does not receive the social stigma of work exclusion, it will present better mental health. A sample of 1332 Spanish participants aged between 51 and 69 years was randomly chosen, and various personality tests were applied, and consumption of healthcare resources was determined. Pairwise analysis of the three work situations using binary logistic regressions showed that pre-retirees present better mental health, although there were no differences in the consumption of healthcare resources. The implications of this study for the creation of health promotion policies targeting older people, depending specifically on their employment status, are discussed.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021
Expenditure on healthcare and services can be a serious problem for public health. Personality va... more Expenditure on healthcare and services can be a serious problem for public health. Personality variables should be included as indicators to be considered when studying the consumption of health resources and their planning. This study aims to identify the psychological and psychosocial variables that identify people who can be considered high consumers of health resources versus those who barely consume such resources. The sample was made up of a total of 1124 subjects; one half were men, and one half were women, all of legal age and residents in Spain. A battery of tests was created that included a questionnaire of sociodemographic variables and of healthcare consumption, as well as several psychological variables (Zimbardo Time Paradox Inventory, Multidimensional Locus of Control Scale, Psychological Reactance Scale, Coping Responses Inventory, self-efficacy scale applied to health, and the Symptom Checklist-90-R). The following variables of the model were significant predictors ...
Clínica y Salud
Post fall syndrome can be summarised as a fear of suffering a further fall, loss of confidence in... more Post fall syndrome can be summarised as a fear of suffering a further fall, loss of confidence in developing a puruposeful activity without falling and a reduction in mobility and functional capacity. The aim of the present study is to establish a plan of action aimed at overcoming fear, in order to firstly, encourage the recovery of balance and prog ress, and secondly. to prevent the possibility that fear of a further fall will cause specific socio-health problems in the elderly person. Initially, specific concepts based on Beck¿s Cognitive Therapy were used, for which research has shown that a series of gradually achievable outcomes for problem behaviour, with a clear objective in mind, mitigate depressive symptomotolgy and modify the autoconcept of the subject and their negative expectations. In addition, we also believe in the importance of the simultaneous use of operant techniques to change behaviour.
Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología
OBJECTIVES: To investigate the attitudes, knowledge and practice on the use of physical restraint... more OBJECTIVES: To investigate the attitudes, knowledge and practice on the use of physical restraints by nursing staff working with the elderly, as well as the relationship existing between these variables. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A cross-sectional descriptive and correlational study was conducted among professionals from eight nursing homes. Three questionnaires asking about the mentioned variables were used. RESULTS: A total of 378 questionnaires were finally included (94 nurses and 284 auxiliary nurses). The professionals' attitude was generally against the use of restraints, although they were in favour of using them to avoid falls. With regard to knowledge, they obtained 66% of the correct answers; only 32% believed that there were alternatives to restraints, and 69.1% were unaware that these procedures could cause the death of patients. A total of 69.8% said that their training regarding restraint was limited. The practice could be considered acceptable, although the 61.9% thou...
Revista de Logopedia, Foniatría y Audiología, 2002
El aumento de población anciana en nuestra sociedad es un hecho que ha provocado la aparición de ... more El aumento de población anciana en nuestra sociedad es un hecho que ha provocado la aparición de nuevos recursos socio-sanitarios que cubran sus necesidades. El Centro Gerontológico de Estancias Diurnas es un servicio multidisciplinar diurno que se ocupa de la atención social y sanitaria, con actuación terapéutica y preventiva, de los mayores facilitando la vida laboral de las personas que se ocupan ordinariamente de su cuidado. Los centros de día deben proporcionar una atención integral debiendo, por tanto, estar constituidos por un equipo profesional multidisciplinar en el que la figura del logopeda esté presente desarrollando una labor específica. Parece, por tanto, interesante delimitar las funciones básicas a desempeñar, los trastornos más comunes susceptibles de intervención, así como, algunas directrices a tener en cuenta.
Gerokomos, 2014
La calidad de vida de los sujetos usuarios de un centro social de personas mayores The quality of... more La calidad de vida de los sujetos usuarios de un centro social de personas mayores The quality of life of the users of a community center for elderly RESUMEN En esta investigación hemos intentado comprobar si la asistencia a los centros sociales de personas mayores es un medio eficaz para la mejora de la calidad de vida de las personas mayores, es decir, si los usuarios de dichos centros tienen una mejor calidad de vida que aquellos que no acuden a ellos. Para ello, hemos contado con un grupo experimental y un grupo control. A continuación ambos grupos han pasado dos pruebas: una que valora la calidad de vida y otra, el deterioro cognitivo. Una vez pasadas las pruebas y obtenidas las puntuaciones, hemos concluido que los usuarios del centro social tienen una mayor calidad de vida que los sujetos que no acuden a él.
Gerokomos, 2013
Relación entre la obesidad visceral y el dolor crónico en ancianos institucionalizados sin deteri... more Relación entre la obesidad visceral y el dolor crónico en ancianos institucionalizados sin deterioro cognitivo Visceral obesity and chronic pain in the institutionalized elderly without cognitive impairment RESUMEN El papel químico-metabólico que ejerce la obesidad visceral en la intensidad del dolor abre un nuevo campo de actuación para el profesional enfermero, donde el manejo del dolor es posible más allá de las medidas farmacológicas. Mediante un estudio descriptivo y transversal, se establecen relaciones significativas entre la incidencia del dolor crónico en ancianos institucionalizados y la obesidad visceral. La obesidad visceral está presente en un amplio número de ancianos con dolor crónico, influyendo negativamente en la calidad de vida del sujeto, lo que abre un campo de intervención enfermera en la esfera no farmacológica.
ICERI2022 Proceedings, 2022
Introduction: Innovation and Entrepreneurship in HEIs (INVENTHEI) is a research project founded b... more Introduction:
Innovation and Entrepreneurship in HEIs (INVENTHEI) is a research project founded by the EIT’s HEI Initiative, that in March 2021 invited higher education institutions (HEIs) to design activities to improve their entrepreneurial and innovation capacities. INVENTHEI seeks to enhance the role of HEIs in their regional innovation ecosystems and to promote synergies between research and innovation activities.
In Phase 1 (July-December 2021), the minimum viable innovation vision was developed, and different learning and mentoring activities were conducted, allowing the consortium to learn and update its Innovation Vision Action Plans (IVAP). In Phase 2 (January 2022 – June 2023), the innovation vision is being scaled, implementing activities that will allow the consortium to transfer practices to other faculties and disseminate them to other HEIs.
The project is based on a multidisciplinary approach, trying to involve and provide innovation & entrepreneur (I&E) background to academic staff. The target is to prepare them to influence students' I&E skills through a “learning by doing” approach, using lean start-up, design thinking, and challenge-based multidisciplinary learning as the primary methodologies.
In Phase 1, learning and mentoring activities included actions on clean mobility and sustainability (“Clean mobility day” and “Transport Tech Day” developed at the University of Pardubice; “Education for sustainability” at Valahia University of Targoviste; Problem-based learning project “EU Green Deal” at TTK University of Applied Sciences), lifespan (“Senior Innovation Lab” and “Senior Innovation Workshop” at University of Santiago de Compostela; “Implementation of a lifelong learning course” at University of Pardubice), introductory (“New Innovation & Economic Growth seminar” at University of Sheffield; “Entrepreneurship Inspiration Day” at TTK University of Applied Sciences) and advanced I&E skills (i.e. “Transferable Skills: SciTech - Transversal Challenges in Science and Engineering” and “Innovation Days” at University of Porto; “School of Startups for PhD Researchers” at UPTEC – Science and Technology Park of University of Porto). In this first phase, INVENTHEI trained 567 students, 108 academic staff, and 158 non-academic staff and mentored 67 students, 42 academic staff, and 24 non-academic staff members. In Phase 2, INVENTHEI is addressing the replicability of its results using a lighthouse approach, where the involved faculties from partner HEIs promote and provide project results to other faculties and HEIs.
INVENTHEI has developed challenging-based learning and innovation-driven research programs, involving external organizations and students from different faculties, and courses for transferable and soft skills, particularly I&E skills, but also including other topics like academic collaboration with industry. The lighthouse/follower model for replicability and transferability is presented and discussed.