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Papers by Alan Garnham

Research paper thumbnail of Book Review: Women, Fire and Dangerous Things: What Categories Reveal about the Mind

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1989

reflected in the organization of a wide selection of erstwhile non-spatial semantic fields: he cl... more reflected in the organization of a wide selection of erstwhile non-spatial semantic fields: he claims that fields differ only in terms of the sorts of entities that may appear as theme and reference objects, and in terms of the kind of relation that takes on the role played by location in the field of spatial expressions. The exact mechanism of this generalization from spatial to nonspatial fields is left unspecified, although Jackendoff does hint at some innate foundation. Jackendoff ends with some general principles of representation addressing the question of transparent and opaque contexts. His argument is that the reference of a term in a transparent context is an object in the projected world, whereas in an opaque context it is a “representation” of that object. The important point is that the two readings of the same term are formally identical at the level of conceptual structure; the reading will depend upon a REP operator, which performs the appropriate mapping. From this ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Postscript: Accounting for belief bias in a mental model framework--No problem for whom?

Psychological Review, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Gender Representation in Different Languages and Grammatical Marking on Pronouns: When Beauticians, Musicians, and Mechanics Remain Men

Discourse Processes, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Reference: Psycholinguistic Approach

Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics, 2006

Psycholinguists have tended to study reference to people and objects using definite noun phrases ... more Psycholinguists have tended to study reference to people and objects using definite noun phrases of various kinds, including pronouns. Formal semanticists take a broader and more general view of reference. Understanding and producing successful referring expressions is mediated by mental representations of situations. Psycholinguists have studied the coordination of referential expressions between speakers and the role of referential factors in syntactic processing. However, their principal concern has been with anaphoric reference. Many factors have been identified that affect the ease or difficulty of processing anaphoric references. More recently, attempts have been made to produce more principled accounts of this process.

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Research paper thumbnail of Psycholinguistic approaches to anaphora: Empirical studies

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Research paper thumbnail of BATTLE IN THE MIND FIELDSJohn A. Goldsmith & Bernard Laks (Eds.) Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press, 2019. p. 725 $45.00 (cloth). ISBN 978‐0‐226‐55080‐0

Journal of The History of The Behavioral Sciences, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Art for art's sake

Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Sep 1, 1994

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Research paper thumbnail of Artificial Intelligence

Routledge eBooks, Nov 1, 2017

An excellent introduction to artificial intelligence (AI) - the science of thinking machines.

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[Research paper thumbnail of [Review] P. A. M Seuren (2009) Language from within: Vol. 1. Language in cognition and P. A. M Seuren (2010) Language from within: Vol. 2. The logic of language](

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Research paper thumbnail of What Do True Gender Ratios and Stereotype Norms Really Tell Us?

Frontiers in psychology, 2016

We present a Focused Review on work that was conducted to compare perceived distributions of men ... more We present a Focused Review on work that was conducted to compare perceived distributions of men and women in occupations and other social roles with actual real world distributions. In previous work, we showed that means for the two sources were similar and the correlation between them was high. However, in the present paper, although we argue that comparing subjective gender stereotype norms and real world data about gender ratios is an interesting endeavor, we also discuss the limits to and difficulties in trying to determine the causal relationship between them. Most crucially, we argue that our data does not allow us to deduce with certainty that subjective gender norms are based directly on gender ratios.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2 What's in a mental model?

Advances in Psychology, 1999

2 Mental Models in Discourse Processing and Reasoning G. Rickheit and C. Habel (Editors) 1999 Els... more 2 Mental Models in Discourse Processing and Reasoning G. Rickheit and C. Habel (Editors) 1999 Elsevier Science BV All rights reserved. WHAT'S IN A MENTAL MODEL? Alan Garnham, University of Sussex, UK INTRODUCTION The idea that readers and listeners ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrating Information in Text Comprehension: The Interpretation of Anaphoric Noun Phrases

Studies in Theoretical Psycholinguistics, 1989

One of the central problems in psycholinguistics is to explain how people put together the inform... more One of the central problems in psycholinguistics is to explain how people put together the information from the separate parts of a discourse to form an integrated representation of its content.1 The content of a discourse is one aspect of its meaning — other aspects include its pragmatic and rhetorical significance. The problem, therefore, is one about the way the meaning of discourse is computed. A theory about the computation of meaning depends on an account of the meanings that discourses can have — an account psycholinguistics might have hoped to borrow from linguistics, but which they were never able to (see the Introduction to this volume for a discussion of why linguistic accounts of meaning have had little impact in psycholinguistics).

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Research paper thumbnail of Mental Models and the Interpretation of Anaphora

First published 2001 by Psychology Press Ltd 27 Church Road, Hove, East Sussex, BN3 2FA www.psypr...[ more ](;)First published 2001 by Psychology Press Ltd 27 Church Road, Hove, East Sussex, BN3 2FA Simultaneously published in the USA and Canada by Taylor & Francis Inc. 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106 Psychology Press is part of ...

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Research paper thumbnail of These terrible dreams that shake us nightly


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Research paper thumbnail of Models of processing: discourse

Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Selective Retention of Information about the Superficial Form of Text: Ellipses W ith Antecedents in Main and Subordinate Clauses

The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology A, 1998

Elliptical verb phrases must be interpreted indirectly, using a representation of the surface for... more Elliptical verb phrases must be interpreted indirectly, using a representation of the surface form of nearby (usually preceding) text. We used this fact to demonstrate the different availability of superficial representations of the two clauses in main-subordinate pairs. The acceptability of a later ellipsis was reduced when it took its meaning from a main clause that was followed by a subordinate clause, as compared with other combinations. In addition, positive acceptability judgements were made more quickly (1) when the antecedent clause was subordinate, rather than main, suggesting that the superficial form of a subordinate clause is more important, and (2) when the antecedent was in the immediately preceding clause, rather than two clauses back. These results support the idea that the surface form of subordinate clauses is selectively retained until the corresponding main clause has been read, but the surface form of a main clause is not retained after it has been interpreted.

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Research paper thumbnail of Is Logicist Cognitive Science Possible?

Mind & Language, 1993

In a recent paper entitled 'Against Logicist Cognitive Science', Mike O... more In a recent paper entitled 'Against Logicist Cognitive Science', Mike Oaksford and Nick Chater (1991; henceforth 0 & C) have argued that cognitive science, as it is classically conceived, is not possible. More specifically they argue against a particular conception of cognitive ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Implicit causality, implicit consequentiality and semantic roles

Language and Cognitive Processes, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of The role of conversational hand gestures in a narrative task

Journal of Memory and Language, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Looking both ways: the JANUS model of noun phrase anaphor processing

Reference: Interdisciplinary perspectives, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Book Review: Women, Fire and Dangerous Things: What Categories Reveal about the Mind

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1989

reflected in the organization of a wide selection of erstwhile non-spatial semantic fields: he cl... more reflected in the organization of a wide selection of erstwhile non-spatial semantic fields: he claims that fields differ only in terms of the sorts of entities that may appear as theme and reference objects, and in terms of the kind of relation that takes on the role played by location in the field of spatial expressions. The exact mechanism of this generalization from spatial to nonspatial fields is left unspecified, although Jackendoff does hint at some innate foundation. Jackendoff ends with some general principles of representation addressing the question of transparent and opaque contexts. His argument is that the reference of a term in a transparent context is an object in the projected world, whereas in an opaque context it is a “representation” of that object. The important point is that the two readings of the same term are formally identical at the level of conceptual structure; the reading will depend upon a REP operator, which performs the appropriate mapping. From this ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Postscript: Accounting for belief bias in a mental model framework--No problem for whom?

Psychological Review, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Gender Representation in Different Languages and Grammatical Marking on Pronouns: When Beauticians, Musicians, and Mechanics Remain Men

Discourse Processes, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Reference: Psycholinguistic Approach

Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics, 2006

Psycholinguists have tended to study reference to people and objects using definite noun phrases ... more Psycholinguists have tended to study reference to people and objects using definite noun phrases of various kinds, including pronouns. Formal semanticists take a broader and more general view of reference. Understanding and producing successful referring expressions is mediated by mental representations of situations. Psycholinguists have studied the coordination of referential expressions between speakers and the role of referential factors in syntactic processing. However, their principal concern has been with anaphoric reference. Many factors have been identified that affect the ease or difficulty of processing anaphoric references. More recently, attempts have been made to produce more principled accounts of this process.

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Research paper thumbnail of Psycholinguistic approaches to anaphora: Empirical studies

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Research paper thumbnail of BATTLE IN THE MIND FIELDSJohn A. Goldsmith & Bernard Laks (Eds.) Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press, 2019. p. 725 $45.00 (cloth). ISBN 978‐0‐226‐55080‐0

Journal of The History of The Behavioral Sciences, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Art for art's sake

Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Sep 1, 1994

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Research paper thumbnail of Artificial Intelligence

Routledge eBooks, Nov 1, 2017

An excellent introduction to artificial intelligence (AI) - the science of thinking machines.

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[Research paper thumbnail of [Review] P. A. M Seuren (2009) Language from within: Vol. 1. Language in cognition and P. A. M Seuren (2010) Language from within: Vol. 2. The logic of language](

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Research paper thumbnail of What Do True Gender Ratios and Stereotype Norms Really Tell Us?

Frontiers in psychology, 2016

We present a Focused Review on work that was conducted to compare perceived distributions of men ... more We present a Focused Review on work that was conducted to compare perceived distributions of men and women in occupations and other social roles with actual real world distributions. In previous work, we showed that means for the two sources were similar and the correlation between them was high. However, in the present paper, although we argue that comparing subjective gender stereotype norms and real world data about gender ratios is an interesting endeavor, we also discuss the limits to and difficulties in trying to determine the causal relationship between them. Most crucially, we argue that our data does not allow us to deduce with certainty that subjective gender norms are based directly on gender ratios.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2 What's in a mental model?

Advances in Psychology, 1999

2 Mental Models in Discourse Processing and Reasoning G. Rickheit and C. Habel (Editors) 1999 Els... more 2 Mental Models in Discourse Processing and Reasoning G. Rickheit and C. Habel (Editors) 1999 Elsevier Science BV All rights reserved. WHAT'S IN A MENTAL MODEL? Alan Garnham, University of Sussex, UK INTRODUCTION The idea that readers and listeners ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrating Information in Text Comprehension: The Interpretation of Anaphoric Noun Phrases

Studies in Theoretical Psycholinguistics, 1989

One of the central problems in psycholinguistics is to explain how people put together the inform... more One of the central problems in psycholinguistics is to explain how people put together the information from the separate parts of a discourse to form an integrated representation of its content.1 The content of a discourse is one aspect of its meaning — other aspects include its pragmatic and rhetorical significance. The problem, therefore, is one about the way the meaning of discourse is computed. A theory about the computation of meaning depends on an account of the meanings that discourses can have — an account psycholinguistics might have hoped to borrow from linguistics, but which they were never able to (see the Introduction to this volume for a discussion of why linguistic accounts of meaning have had little impact in psycholinguistics).

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Research paper thumbnail of Mental Models and the Interpretation of Anaphora

First published 2001 by Psychology Press Ltd 27 Church Road, Hove, East Sussex, BN3 2FA www.psypr...[ more ](;)First published 2001 by Psychology Press Ltd 27 Church Road, Hove, East Sussex, BN3 2FA Simultaneously published in the USA and Canada by Taylor & Francis Inc. 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106 Psychology Press is part of ...

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Research paper thumbnail of These terrible dreams that shake us nightly


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Research paper thumbnail of Models of processing: discourse

Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Selective Retention of Information about the Superficial Form of Text: Ellipses W ith Antecedents in Main and Subordinate Clauses

The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology A, 1998

Elliptical verb phrases must be interpreted indirectly, using a representation of the surface for... more Elliptical verb phrases must be interpreted indirectly, using a representation of the surface form of nearby (usually preceding) text. We used this fact to demonstrate the different availability of superficial representations of the two clauses in main-subordinate pairs. The acceptability of a later ellipsis was reduced when it took its meaning from a main clause that was followed by a subordinate clause, as compared with other combinations. In addition, positive acceptability judgements were made more quickly (1) when the antecedent clause was subordinate, rather than main, suggesting that the superficial form of a subordinate clause is more important, and (2) when the antecedent was in the immediately preceding clause, rather than two clauses back. These results support the idea that the surface form of subordinate clauses is selectively retained until the corresponding main clause has been read, but the surface form of a main clause is not retained after it has been interpreted.

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Research paper thumbnail of Is Logicist Cognitive Science Possible?

Mind & Language, 1993

In a recent paper entitled 'Against Logicist Cognitive Science', Mike O... more In a recent paper entitled 'Against Logicist Cognitive Science', Mike Oaksford and Nick Chater (1991; henceforth 0 & C) have argued that cognitive science, as it is classically conceived, is not possible. More specifically they argue against a particular conception of cognitive ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Implicit causality, implicit consequentiality and semantic roles

Language and Cognitive Processes, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of The role of conversational hand gestures in a narrative task

Journal of Memory and Language, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Looking both ways: the JANUS model of noun phrase anaphor processing

Reference: Interdisciplinary perspectives, 2008

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