Gelengul Haktanır - (original) (raw)

Books by Gelengul Haktanır

Research paper thumbnail of Ç EVRE(Sİ) OCUK VE

Research paper thumbnail of Okul Öncesi Öğretmenliği Öğretmen Adaylarının Ekolojik Okuryazarlıkla İlgili Bilgi Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi

Research paper thumbnail of Çocuklar Aileleri ile Doğada: Katılımlarında Süreklilik Var mı?

Çocuklar serbest b rak n, ya mur ya nca d ar ko sunlar, bir su parças görünce ayakkab lar n ç kar... more Çocuklar serbest b rak n, ya mur ya nca d ar ko sunlar, bir su parças görünce ayakkab lar n ç karts nlar, çay r n çimeni çiyden slaksa b rak n onlar ç plak ayaklar yla çi nesinler, gölgesi onlar uyumaya ça ran bir a aç görünce dibinde dinlensinler" "Ku lar güzel güzel c v ldarken ve bir yaprak üzerinde kurt dola rken, sen ara t rmalar na ara ver. Bil ki ku ve kurt çocu a daha iyi ve daha çok ey ö retir. Sen sadece sus

Papers by Gelengul Haktanır

Research paper thumbnail of A Collaboration Project on EFS A Qualitative Evaluation.

International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 2024

This article is dedicated to examining a bilateral project established between South Korea and Tü... more This article is dedicated to examining a bilateral project established between South Korea and Türkiye with the
overarching objective of elevating awareness and endowing preschool teachers with the capacity to embed education
for sustainability within their classroom practices seamlessly. For this purpose, a professional development (PD)
program was developed regarding the three pillars of sustainability and the 7R themes. Fourteen preschool teachers
attended the PD program. Three teachers participated in this case study to reveal teachers' transformations regarding
sustainability and early childhood education for sustainability. The data were collected through pre- and post-followup interviews and classroom observations. Thematic content analyses were conducted. According to the results, the
PD program enhanced and deepened teachers’ sustainability knowledge. In addition, teachers could transfer the
knowledge from the PD program on education for sustainability into their practice not entirely but acceptably, and
they have a chance to reconsider their lifestyle habits regarding sustainability in many areas.

Research paper thumbnail of Ecological Literacy Measurement Tool for Adults: Validity and Reliability Study

Necatibey Eğitim Fakültesi Elektronik Fen ve Matematik Eğitimi Dergisi, Dec 31, 2023

The aim of this study is to develop a valid and reliable measurement tool for obtaining informati... more The aim of this study is to develop a valid and reliable measurement tool for obtaining information about the ecological literacy of adults. For this purpose, a 72-item and three-part measurement tool was created in accordance with information in the literature and presented to experts for their opinions. After finalizing the scale in accordance with the feedback received, the 25-item 5-point Likert-type Ecological Literacy Awareness Scale, the 17-item true/false-type Ecological Literacy Knowledge Test (1), and the 17-item multiple-choice Ecological Literacy Knowledge Test (2) were created. The exploratory factor analysis (EFA) group comprised 294 teacher candidates studying in the Ankara and Balıkesir provinces of Turkey. The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) group comprised 376 teacher candidates. The 59-item draft measurement tool was administered to two study groups. These study groups were selected by convenience sampling method, a non-probability sampling method. The data of the first group were used for exploratory factor analysis and the data of the second group were used for confirmatory factor analysis. It was determined that the finalized 37-item and three-part Ecological Literacy Measurement Tool for Adults (ELMT) was valid and reliable in determining the awareness and knowledge of teacher candidates about ecological literacy.

Research paper thumbnail of What should be learned in Kindergarten? A project approach example

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2010

Developmental characteristics of kindergarteners call for a curriculum that involves a variety an... more Developmental characteristics of kindergarteners call for a curriculum that involves a variety and balance of activities that can be provided in the context of project work (Katz and Chard, 1989). In the light of recent research, in this study, researchers developed a project for the purpose of giving an example of a well prepared project which can easily be applied to any class and representing how Project Approach can be integrated into Turkish Kindergarten Curriculum. After deciding the project topic as "buildings", in the first phase, the research questions were determined by exploring and sharing ideas. In the second phase, data was gathered through first-hand observations, expert interviews and other age-appropriate information gathering tasks. In the last phase, questioning what has been discovered and preparations of reports to share with families were developed. In conclusion, feedbacks from children, teachers, researchers and parents were taken.

Research paper thumbnail of Gençlerin benlik saygısı düzeyleri ile anne baba tutumlarını algılamalarının incelenmesi

Çocuk ve gençlik ruh sağlığı dergisi, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of Okulöncesi Eğitim ve Ana -Babaların Bu Eğitimden Beklentileri

Research paper thumbnail of Okul Öncesi̇ Öğretmenleri̇ni̇n Çocuk İsti̇smari Ve İhmali̇ Davranişlarina İli̇şki̇n Anne Baba Görüşleri̇

DergiPark (Istanbul University), May 15, 2018

Çocuk istismarı ve ihmali; çocuğun aileden kötü muamele görmesi, ailesi veya başkaları tarafından... more Çocuk istismarı ve ihmali; çocuğun aileden kötü muamele görmesi, ailesi veya başkaları tarafından bilinçli ya da bilinçsiz çocuğun büyüme ve gelişmesini normal olarak tamamlayabileceği şekilde bakım ve ilgi görmeyerek iyilik durumu dışında olmasıdır. Bu araştırma ile okul öncesi eğitime devam eden çocuğu olan anne ve babaların okul öncesi öğretmenlerinin istismar ve ihmal davranışlarının neler olabileceğine ilişkin görüşlerini belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma nitel desende ve Tokat ilinde yürütülmüş olup çalışma grubu 21 ebeveynden oluşmaktadır. Veriler görüşme yöntemiyle elde edilmiş ve içerik analizi yöntemiyle çözümlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak ebeveynlerin okul öncesi öğretmenlerinin istismar davranışlarına ilişkin olarak genellikle cinsel ve fiziksel istismarı düşündükleri, öğretmenlerin ihmal davranışına ilişkin de çocukla yeterince ilgilenmeme ve çocuk ayrımı yapmayı vurguladıkları belirlenmiştir. Katılımcılar çocuk istismarı ve ihmalinin önlenmesine yönelik eğitimler verilmesi ve cezai yaptırımların arttırılması gerektiğini belirtmişlerdir.

Research paper thumbnail of A Collaboration Project on Education for Sustainability: Professional Development Needs of Turkish Preschool Teachers

Kuramsal eğitim bilim dergisi, Oct 19, 2021

The purpose of this study was to determine the preschool teacher's professional development (PD) ... more The purpose of this study was to determine the preschool teacher's professional development (PD) needs about education for sustainability (EfS) as the first stage of a PD project. The general knowledge of teachers on sustainable development (SD) and their experience in preparing and implementing EfS activities was investigated. The data were collected from 1126 participants via a survey to determine preschool teachers' knowledge level about SD and their practice to develop a PD program. Most preschool teachers acknowledge the term SD and revealed limited SD knowledge. Organizing learning centers and using outdoor learning environments on EfS were seen as challenging tasks for them. Few of them find themselves competent in family participation efforts for SD.

Research paper thumbnail of Education for Sustainable Development in Turkey

International perspectives on early childhood education and development, 2016

This chapter provides a review of the historical accomplishments and the current challenges for E... more This chapter provides a review of the historical accomplishments and the current challenges for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in early childhood in the Turkey. Specific references are made to progress being made with regard to environmental education, economic education and education for social equity. The chapter also reports on the research trials carried out using the Environmental Rating Scale for Sustainable Development in Early Childhood (ERS-SDEC) instrument that was developed by the authors in collaboration with international colleagues in the World Organisation for Early Childhood Education (OMEP).

Research paper thumbnail of Okul öncesi öğretmenlerinin çocuk istismarı ve ihmali davranışları ile kurum personelinin konuya ilişkin görüşleri

Bu arastirma okul oncesi egitim kurumlari personelinin cocuk istismari ve ihmali hakkindaki gorus... more Bu arastirma okul oncesi egitim kurumlari personelinin cocuk istismari ve ihmali hakkindaki gorusleri ile okul oncesi ogretmenlerinin sinif icerisinde cocuga yonelik istismar ve ihmal davranislarini belirlemek amaciyla yapilmistir. Nitel arastirma desenlerinden olgubilim deseninin kullanildigi bu arastirmanin calisma grubunu Tokat il merkezinde bulunan 7 bagimsiz anaokulunda calismakta olan 11 yonetici, 31 okul oncesi ogretmeni, 13 destek egitim personeli, 8 memur, 5 asci, 2 hizmetli, 1 bahcivan ve 1 servis soforu olusturmaktadir. Arastirma verileri gozlem ve gorusme yontemleriyle elde edilmistir. Arastirma sonucunda okul oncesi egitim kurumlarinda calisan personelin cocuk istismari ve ihmali ile ilgili yeterli bilgiye sahip olmadiklari ve cocuk istismari denilince yoneticiler disindaki personelin cinsel istismari dusundukleri belirlenmistir. Yoneticilerin ise cocuk istismarini cocuga duygusal ve fiziksel olarak kotu davranma seklinde degerlendirdikleri bulunmustur. Cocuklarin en cok anne ve baba tarafindan istismar ve ihmal edilebilecegi, katilimcilarin tumunun cocuk istismari ve ihmaline yonelik ozel bir egitim almadiklari ve bazi katilimcilarin bildirim yapabilecekleri kurumlari bilmedikleri arastirma sonucu ortaya konmustur. Katilimcilarin cocuk istismari ve ihmalinin onlenmesine iliskin ilk olarak ailelere olmak uzere topluma egitimler verilmesi gerektigini dusundukleri bulunmustur. Arastirma kapsaminda gozlemlenen iki okul oncesi ogretmeninin siniflarinda cocuklara duygusal istismar ve ihmal davranisi gosterdikleri, bunun yani sira ogretmenlerden birinin fiziksel istismar davranisi da gosterdigi tespit edilmistir. Ayrica gozlemlenen ogretmenlerin cocuk istismari ve ihmali hakkindaki gorusleri ile cocuklara yonelik davranislarinin celistigi de belirlenmistir. AbstractThis research was conducted to determine comments about child abuse and neglect all personnel’s who work in the preschool institutions and preschool teachers’ abuse and neglect behaviors against children in the classroom. Phenomenology pattern of qualitative research design was used in this research. The study group is constited from adults (11 administrators, 31 preschool teachers, 13 educational support personel, 8 officers, 5 cooks, 2 retainers, 1 gardener and 1 bus driver) who work in 7 independent kindergarten which is located in the province of Tokat. Research data have been obtained through ,interview and observation methods. As a result all of the personnel do not have sufficient knowledge related to child abuse and neglect and except administrators they identified sexual abuse when child abuse talked about. Administrators consider on child abuse the child’s emotional and physical maltreatment. Children mostly abused by their parents, personnel have not get special training on child abuse and neglect and some of them do not know the institutions that they can make notification. As a result participants thought that to prevent child abuse and neglect family and comunity should be given training. Within the scope of observed preschool teachers’ behaviors, it was determined that there is emotional abuse and neglect to children of their classes, besides, there is physical abuse of one of the teachers. On the other hand the observed teachers’ opinions about child abuse and neglect are not consistent with their own behaviour.

Research paper thumbnail of Turkish Adaptation of the Berkeley Parenting Self-Efficacy Scale Revised (BPSE-R)


The purpose of this study is to adapt the Berkeley Parenting Self-Efficacy Scale Revised (BPSE-R)... more The purpose of this study is to adapt the Berkeley Parenting Self-Efficacy Scale Revised (BPSE-R) to Turkish. The scale is composed of two subscales, parental strategies and child outcomes, and includes 18 items. In the process of adapting the scale and examining its reliability and validity, 354 mothers of preschool children were selected through convenience sampling. After translation-and back translation procedures, the BPSE-R was evaluated by field experts, and the scale items were found to be consistent. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the scale has a two-factor structure similar to the original scale. The fit indices obtained for this two-factor structure were found to be at a good level. The total score Cronbach's alpha internal consistency coefficient was calculated as 0.91, and the test-retest reliability coefficient was calculated as 0.67. Findings demonstrated that the Turkish version of the BPSE-R has adequate psychometric characteristics and can be used in determining the self-efficacy of parents in Turkey with preschool-aged children. The short duration in which the BPSE-R can be applied and its high reliability make it convenient for use in research.

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of the e-mentoring-based education program on professional development of preschool teachers

Education and Information Technologies, Jul 3, 2021

The effect of the e-mentoring-based education program on professional development of preschool te... more The effect of the e-mentoring-based education program on professional development of preschool teachers Serap Erdoğan, et al. [full author details at the end of the article]

Research paper thumbnail of Okulöncesi Dönemdeki Çocukların Çevre Algıları

Research paper thumbnail of Okul Öncesi Öğretmenliği Öğretmen Adaylarının Ekolojik Okuryazarlıkla İlgili Bilgi Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi

Research paper thumbnail of An Investigation on the Relationship Between Self- Images and Career Maturity of the Students in Preschool Teacher Education Undergraduate Programmes

Introduction The concept of self-image is described as the indivi-dual's descriptions ab... more Introduction The concept of self-image is described as the indivi-dual's descriptions about himself or herself. Among the study of self-image description literature, it can be seen that there are numerous concepts about self-ima-ge, most of which are used in an interchanging man-ner. ...

Research paper thumbnail of 6 Yaş Çocuklarının Temel Kavram Bilgi Düzeylerini Desteklemeye Yönelik Öyküleştirme Yöntemine Dayalı Bir Eğitim Uygulaması

At the end of the study, a significant difference was found between the experimental group in whi... more At the end of the study, a significant difference was found between the experimental group in which the activities based on storyline method which were prepared in order to increase the concept knowledge of the children and the control group in which the activities taking place in their daily educational plans were implemented in terms of the sub dimensions of Bracken Basic Concept Scale and total test scores in favor of the experimental group.

Research paper thumbnail of Reliability of Indicators Measuring Early Childhood Education for Sustainability: A Study in Turkey Using Generalizability Theory

International Journal of Early Childhood, Jul 19, 2019

Integrating basic principles, values, and practices of education for sustainability in early chil... more Integrating basic principles, values, and practices of education for sustainability in early childhood education (ECE) is important for developing and developed countries. In this context, there is a need to identify and evaluate indicators that measure sustainable practices in ECE programs. This study was conducted in 18 preschools in Turkey to provide statistical analyses of the sustainability indicators. OMEP Environmental Rating Scale for Sustainable Development in Early Childhood with three subscales for sustainability (economic, environmental, and sociocultural) was utilized as the data collection tool. The reliability analyses are framed on generalizability theory, which identifies the sources of variation across schools, raters, and indicators on the three subscales. The study finds that the sustainability indicators can be redefined and adapted to be employed in the Turkish context as a way to ensure more reliable measurement of sustainability practices in early childhood education settings.

Research paper thumbnail of Topluma hizmet uygulamaları dersi ve MEB mobil anaokulu projesinin birlikte yürütülmesi ile çocukların gelişimlerinin desteklenmesi: Peçenek Köyü örneği

Kastamonu Üniversitesi Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Ç EVRE(Sİ) OCUK VE

Research paper thumbnail of Okul Öncesi Öğretmenliği Öğretmen Adaylarının Ekolojik Okuryazarlıkla İlgili Bilgi Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi

Research paper thumbnail of Çocuklar Aileleri ile Doğada: Katılımlarında Süreklilik Var mı?

Çocuklar serbest b rak n, ya mur ya nca d ar ko sunlar, bir su parças görünce ayakkab lar n ç kar... more Çocuklar serbest b rak n, ya mur ya nca d ar ko sunlar, bir su parças görünce ayakkab lar n ç karts nlar, çay r n çimeni çiyden slaksa b rak n onlar ç plak ayaklar yla çi nesinler, gölgesi onlar uyumaya ça ran bir a aç görünce dibinde dinlensinler" "Ku lar güzel güzel c v ldarken ve bir yaprak üzerinde kurt dola rken, sen ara t rmalar na ara ver. Bil ki ku ve kurt çocu a daha iyi ve daha çok ey ö retir. Sen sadece sus

Research paper thumbnail of A Collaboration Project on EFS A Qualitative Evaluation.

International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 2024

This article is dedicated to examining a bilateral project established between South Korea and Tü... more This article is dedicated to examining a bilateral project established between South Korea and Türkiye with the
overarching objective of elevating awareness and endowing preschool teachers with the capacity to embed education
for sustainability within their classroom practices seamlessly. For this purpose, a professional development (PD)
program was developed regarding the three pillars of sustainability and the 7R themes. Fourteen preschool teachers
attended the PD program. Three teachers participated in this case study to reveal teachers' transformations regarding
sustainability and early childhood education for sustainability. The data were collected through pre- and post-followup interviews and classroom observations. Thematic content analyses were conducted. According to the results, the
PD program enhanced and deepened teachers’ sustainability knowledge. In addition, teachers could transfer the
knowledge from the PD program on education for sustainability into their practice not entirely but acceptably, and
they have a chance to reconsider their lifestyle habits regarding sustainability in many areas.

Research paper thumbnail of Ecological Literacy Measurement Tool for Adults: Validity and Reliability Study

Necatibey Eğitim Fakültesi Elektronik Fen ve Matematik Eğitimi Dergisi, Dec 31, 2023

The aim of this study is to develop a valid and reliable measurement tool for obtaining informati... more The aim of this study is to develop a valid and reliable measurement tool for obtaining information about the ecological literacy of adults. For this purpose, a 72-item and three-part measurement tool was created in accordance with information in the literature and presented to experts for their opinions. After finalizing the scale in accordance with the feedback received, the 25-item 5-point Likert-type Ecological Literacy Awareness Scale, the 17-item true/false-type Ecological Literacy Knowledge Test (1), and the 17-item multiple-choice Ecological Literacy Knowledge Test (2) were created. The exploratory factor analysis (EFA) group comprised 294 teacher candidates studying in the Ankara and Balıkesir provinces of Turkey. The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) group comprised 376 teacher candidates. The 59-item draft measurement tool was administered to two study groups. These study groups were selected by convenience sampling method, a non-probability sampling method. The data of the first group were used for exploratory factor analysis and the data of the second group were used for confirmatory factor analysis. It was determined that the finalized 37-item and three-part Ecological Literacy Measurement Tool for Adults (ELMT) was valid and reliable in determining the awareness and knowledge of teacher candidates about ecological literacy.

Research paper thumbnail of What should be learned in Kindergarten? A project approach example

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2010

Developmental characteristics of kindergarteners call for a curriculum that involves a variety an... more Developmental characteristics of kindergarteners call for a curriculum that involves a variety and balance of activities that can be provided in the context of project work (Katz and Chard, 1989). In the light of recent research, in this study, researchers developed a project for the purpose of giving an example of a well prepared project which can easily be applied to any class and representing how Project Approach can be integrated into Turkish Kindergarten Curriculum. After deciding the project topic as "buildings", in the first phase, the research questions were determined by exploring and sharing ideas. In the second phase, data was gathered through first-hand observations, expert interviews and other age-appropriate information gathering tasks. In the last phase, questioning what has been discovered and preparations of reports to share with families were developed. In conclusion, feedbacks from children, teachers, researchers and parents were taken.

Research paper thumbnail of Gençlerin benlik saygısı düzeyleri ile anne baba tutumlarını algılamalarının incelenmesi

Çocuk ve gençlik ruh sağlığı dergisi, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of Okulöncesi Eğitim ve Ana -Babaların Bu Eğitimden Beklentileri

Research paper thumbnail of Okul Öncesi̇ Öğretmenleri̇ni̇n Çocuk İsti̇smari Ve İhmali̇ Davranişlarina İli̇şki̇n Anne Baba Görüşleri̇

DergiPark (Istanbul University), May 15, 2018

Çocuk istismarı ve ihmali; çocuğun aileden kötü muamele görmesi, ailesi veya başkaları tarafından... more Çocuk istismarı ve ihmali; çocuğun aileden kötü muamele görmesi, ailesi veya başkaları tarafından bilinçli ya da bilinçsiz çocuğun büyüme ve gelişmesini normal olarak tamamlayabileceği şekilde bakım ve ilgi görmeyerek iyilik durumu dışında olmasıdır. Bu araştırma ile okul öncesi eğitime devam eden çocuğu olan anne ve babaların okul öncesi öğretmenlerinin istismar ve ihmal davranışlarının neler olabileceğine ilişkin görüşlerini belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma nitel desende ve Tokat ilinde yürütülmüş olup çalışma grubu 21 ebeveynden oluşmaktadır. Veriler görüşme yöntemiyle elde edilmiş ve içerik analizi yöntemiyle çözümlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak ebeveynlerin okul öncesi öğretmenlerinin istismar davranışlarına ilişkin olarak genellikle cinsel ve fiziksel istismarı düşündükleri, öğretmenlerin ihmal davranışına ilişkin de çocukla yeterince ilgilenmeme ve çocuk ayrımı yapmayı vurguladıkları belirlenmiştir. Katılımcılar çocuk istismarı ve ihmalinin önlenmesine yönelik eğitimler verilmesi ve cezai yaptırımların arttırılması gerektiğini belirtmişlerdir.

Research paper thumbnail of A Collaboration Project on Education for Sustainability: Professional Development Needs of Turkish Preschool Teachers

Kuramsal eğitim bilim dergisi, Oct 19, 2021

The purpose of this study was to determine the preschool teacher's professional development (PD) ... more The purpose of this study was to determine the preschool teacher's professional development (PD) needs about education for sustainability (EfS) as the first stage of a PD project. The general knowledge of teachers on sustainable development (SD) and their experience in preparing and implementing EfS activities was investigated. The data were collected from 1126 participants via a survey to determine preschool teachers' knowledge level about SD and their practice to develop a PD program. Most preschool teachers acknowledge the term SD and revealed limited SD knowledge. Organizing learning centers and using outdoor learning environments on EfS were seen as challenging tasks for them. Few of them find themselves competent in family participation efforts for SD.

Research paper thumbnail of Education for Sustainable Development in Turkey

International perspectives on early childhood education and development, 2016

This chapter provides a review of the historical accomplishments and the current challenges for E... more This chapter provides a review of the historical accomplishments and the current challenges for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in early childhood in the Turkey. Specific references are made to progress being made with regard to environmental education, economic education and education for social equity. The chapter also reports on the research trials carried out using the Environmental Rating Scale for Sustainable Development in Early Childhood (ERS-SDEC) instrument that was developed by the authors in collaboration with international colleagues in the World Organisation for Early Childhood Education (OMEP).

Research paper thumbnail of Okul öncesi öğretmenlerinin çocuk istismarı ve ihmali davranışları ile kurum personelinin konuya ilişkin görüşleri

Bu arastirma okul oncesi egitim kurumlari personelinin cocuk istismari ve ihmali hakkindaki gorus... more Bu arastirma okul oncesi egitim kurumlari personelinin cocuk istismari ve ihmali hakkindaki gorusleri ile okul oncesi ogretmenlerinin sinif icerisinde cocuga yonelik istismar ve ihmal davranislarini belirlemek amaciyla yapilmistir. Nitel arastirma desenlerinden olgubilim deseninin kullanildigi bu arastirmanin calisma grubunu Tokat il merkezinde bulunan 7 bagimsiz anaokulunda calismakta olan 11 yonetici, 31 okul oncesi ogretmeni, 13 destek egitim personeli, 8 memur, 5 asci, 2 hizmetli, 1 bahcivan ve 1 servis soforu olusturmaktadir. Arastirma verileri gozlem ve gorusme yontemleriyle elde edilmistir. Arastirma sonucunda okul oncesi egitim kurumlarinda calisan personelin cocuk istismari ve ihmali ile ilgili yeterli bilgiye sahip olmadiklari ve cocuk istismari denilince yoneticiler disindaki personelin cinsel istismari dusundukleri belirlenmistir. Yoneticilerin ise cocuk istismarini cocuga duygusal ve fiziksel olarak kotu davranma seklinde degerlendirdikleri bulunmustur. Cocuklarin en cok anne ve baba tarafindan istismar ve ihmal edilebilecegi, katilimcilarin tumunun cocuk istismari ve ihmaline yonelik ozel bir egitim almadiklari ve bazi katilimcilarin bildirim yapabilecekleri kurumlari bilmedikleri arastirma sonucu ortaya konmustur. Katilimcilarin cocuk istismari ve ihmalinin onlenmesine iliskin ilk olarak ailelere olmak uzere topluma egitimler verilmesi gerektigini dusundukleri bulunmustur. Arastirma kapsaminda gozlemlenen iki okul oncesi ogretmeninin siniflarinda cocuklara duygusal istismar ve ihmal davranisi gosterdikleri, bunun yani sira ogretmenlerden birinin fiziksel istismar davranisi da gosterdigi tespit edilmistir. Ayrica gozlemlenen ogretmenlerin cocuk istismari ve ihmali hakkindaki gorusleri ile cocuklara yonelik davranislarinin celistigi de belirlenmistir. AbstractThis research was conducted to determine comments about child abuse and neglect all personnel’s who work in the preschool institutions and preschool teachers’ abuse and neglect behaviors against children in the classroom. Phenomenology pattern of qualitative research design was used in this research. The study group is constited from adults (11 administrators, 31 preschool teachers, 13 educational support personel, 8 officers, 5 cooks, 2 retainers, 1 gardener and 1 bus driver) who work in 7 independent kindergarten which is located in the province of Tokat. Research data have been obtained through ,interview and observation methods. As a result all of the personnel do not have sufficient knowledge related to child abuse and neglect and except administrators they identified sexual abuse when child abuse talked about. Administrators consider on child abuse the child’s emotional and physical maltreatment. Children mostly abused by their parents, personnel have not get special training on child abuse and neglect and some of them do not know the institutions that they can make notification. As a result participants thought that to prevent child abuse and neglect family and comunity should be given training. Within the scope of observed preschool teachers’ behaviors, it was determined that there is emotional abuse and neglect to children of their classes, besides, there is physical abuse of one of the teachers. On the other hand the observed teachers’ opinions about child abuse and neglect are not consistent with their own behaviour.

Research paper thumbnail of Turkish Adaptation of the Berkeley Parenting Self-Efficacy Scale Revised (BPSE-R)


The purpose of this study is to adapt the Berkeley Parenting Self-Efficacy Scale Revised (BPSE-R)... more The purpose of this study is to adapt the Berkeley Parenting Self-Efficacy Scale Revised (BPSE-R) to Turkish. The scale is composed of two subscales, parental strategies and child outcomes, and includes 18 items. In the process of adapting the scale and examining its reliability and validity, 354 mothers of preschool children were selected through convenience sampling. After translation-and back translation procedures, the BPSE-R was evaluated by field experts, and the scale items were found to be consistent. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the scale has a two-factor structure similar to the original scale. The fit indices obtained for this two-factor structure were found to be at a good level. The total score Cronbach's alpha internal consistency coefficient was calculated as 0.91, and the test-retest reliability coefficient was calculated as 0.67. Findings demonstrated that the Turkish version of the BPSE-R has adequate psychometric characteristics and can be used in determining the self-efficacy of parents in Turkey with preschool-aged children. The short duration in which the BPSE-R can be applied and its high reliability make it convenient for use in research.

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of the e-mentoring-based education program on professional development of preschool teachers

Education and Information Technologies, Jul 3, 2021

The effect of the e-mentoring-based education program on professional development of preschool te... more The effect of the e-mentoring-based education program on professional development of preschool teachers Serap Erdoğan, et al. [full author details at the end of the article]

Research paper thumbnail of Okulöncesi Dönemdeki Çocukların Çevre Algıları

Research paper thumbnail of Okul Öncesi Öğretmenliği Öğretmen Adaylarının Ekolojik Okuryazarlıkla İlgili Bilgi Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi

Research paper thumbnail of An Investigation on the Relationship Between Self- Images and Career Maturity of the Students in Preschool Teacher Education Undergraduate Programmes

Introduction The concept of self-image is described as the indivi-dual's descriptions ab... more Introduction The concept of self-image is described as the indivi-dual's descriptions about himself or herself. Among the study of self-image description literature, it can be seen that there are numerous concepts about self-ima-ge, most of which are used in an interchanging man-ner. ...

Research paper thumbnail of 6 Yaş Çocuklarının Temel Kavram Bilgi Düzeylerini Desteklemeye Yönelik Öyküleştirme Yöntemine Dayalı Bir Eğitim Uygulaması

At the end of the study, a significant difference was found between the experimental group in whi... more At the end of the study, a significant difference was found between the experimental group in which the activities based on storyline method which were prepared in order to increase the concept knowledge of the children and the control group in which the activities taking place in their daily educational plans were implemented in terms of the sub dimensions of Bracken Basic Concept Scale and total test scores in favor of the experimental group.

Research paper thumbnail of Reliability of Indicators Measuring Early Childhood Education for Sustainability: A Study in Turkey Using Generalizability Theory

International Journal of Early Childhood, Jul 19, 2019

Integrating basic principles, values, and practices of education for sustainability in early chil... more Integrating basic principles, values, and practices of education for sustainability in early childhood education (ECE) is important for developing and developed countries. In this context, there is a need to identify and evaluate indicators that measure sustainable practices in ECE programs. This study was conducted in 18 preschools in Turkey to provide statistical analyses of the sustainability indicators. OMEP Environmental Rating Scale for Sustainable Development in Early Childhood with three subscales for sustainability (economic, environmental, and sociocultural) was utilized as the data collection tool. The reliability analyses are framed on generalizability theory, which identifies the sources of variation across schools, raters, and indicators on the three subscales. The study finds that the sustainability indicators can be redefined and adapted to be employed in the Turkish context as a way to ensure more reliable measurement of sustainability practices in early childhood education settings.

Research paper thumbnail of Topluma hizmet uygulamaları dersi ve MEB mobil anaokulu projesinin birlikte yürütülmesi ile çocukların gelişimlerinin desteklenmesi: Peçenek Köyü örneği

Kastamonu Üniversitesi Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Çalışan Annelerin Çocuk Yetiştirme Tutumları

The attitudes of working women at different educational levels to child rearing and the influence... more The attitudes of working women at different educational levels to child rearing and the influences of the mothers’ age and educational level and of the children’s age and sex on these attitudes were examined. 288 mothers with children between 3 and 17 years old and working at all faculties of Ankara University as academics and officials were studied. Information was obtained by using the “Personel Information Form” and the “Parental Attitudes Research Instrument (PARI)”. The results showed that there are significant differences about “over motherhood”, “democratic attitudes and equity” and “rejection of being a house wife” between the faculties. While the sex and age o f children did not significantly effect family life and maternal attitudes alone, the age and sex interaction had a significant effect on the “rejection of being a housewife" and “over discipline” dimensions. Having a higher level of education caused a tendency towards less protective, less disciplined and author...

Research paper thumbnail of Okulöncesi Dönem Çocuklarının Çevre ile ilgili Farkındalık Düzeyleri

Research paper thumbnail of Turkish Adaptation of the Berkeley Parenting Self-Efficacy Scale Revised (BPSE-R)

Journal of Education and Future, 2021

The purpose of this study is to adapt the Berkeley Parenting Self-Efficacy Scale Revised (BPSE-R)... more The purpose of this study is to adapt the Berkeley Parenting Self-Efficacy Scale Revised (BPSE-R) to Turkish. The scale is composed of two subscales, parental strategies and child outcomes, and includes 18 items. In the process of adapting the scale and examining its reliability and validity, 354 mothers of preschool children were selected through convenience sampling. After translation-and back translation procedures, the BPSE-R was evaluated by field experts, and the scale items were found to be consistent. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the scale has a two-factor structure similar to the original scale. The fit indices obtained for this two-factor structure were found to be at a good level. The total score Cronbach’s alpha internal consistency coefficient was calculated as 0.91, and the test-retest reliability coefficient was calculated as 0.67. Findings demonstrated that the Turkish version of the BPSE-R has adequate psychometric characteristics and can be used in dete...