Gennaro Nicola Bifulco - (original) (raw)

Papers by Gennaro Nicola Bifulco

Research paper thumbnail of Feasibility of a learning-machine speed control approach for ACC applications. In: Optimisation and Logistics in Transportation and Communication Networks

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Research paper thumbnail of Dealing with Capacity Constraints Within Stochastic User Equilibrium Assignment Models

One of the challenges of traffic assignment models is to properly take into account capacity cons... more One of the challenges of traffic assignment models is to properly take into account capacity constraint problems in order to avoid traffic propagation through bottlenecks. This allows better evaluations of travel times between the origin and destination (O/D) couples of the study area, adequate computations of the performances of the traffic network and design and/or simulation of traffic schemes oriented to 'protect' city centers from excessive traffic flows. The analysts have made most of the modeling efforts related to capacity constrained assignment on dynamic network loading procedures or on static, but deterministic, assignment models. In this paper a static, stochastic and behaviorally consistent assignment model is presented, as well as its application to a real-size network.

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Research paper thumbnail of Simulation Experiments for an Approximate Definition of the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram

The paper presents some exploratory experiments for defining a Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram st... more The paper presents some exploratory experiments for defining a Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram starting from data collected in some specific sensor network layouts, that is by just monitoring the cordon of a study area. Variables defined in the original proposition of the MFD where here re-defined by just considering the number of vehicles estimated to be present in the study area (N) by means of this layout. We found that in some cases a strong correlation among defined variables can be found, and also similar patterns in the depicted MFD are evidenced.

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Research paper thumbnail of Intersection Crossing in Mixed Traffic Flow Environment leveraging V2X information

2019 IEEE International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE), 2019

The paper addresses the problem of safe crossing a non-signalized intersection in a mixed traffic... more The paper addresses the problem of safe crossing a non-signalized intersection in a mixed traffic scenario composed of both connected human-driven and autonomous vehicles. To solve this problem, we propose a control strategy that leverages information shared via V2X for extending the line-of-sight of the on-board ranging sensors. The control protocol augments the classical I-ADAS approach based on local measurements with an additional networked action that has the aim of preventing oncoming colliding situations. The control strategy is purposely designed for counteracting the unavoidable presence of communication impairments that turns into multiple time-varying delays affecting the information sent via the cyber-space. The numerical analysis, carried out leveraging the Matlab/Simulink platform, discloses the effectiveness of the approach for a challenging case where vehicles dynamic conditions are such that collisions would have occurred at the intersection if the vehicle would only be equipped with range sensors.

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Research paper thumbnail of Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory: a C-ITS to improve mobility and pollution

2019 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2019 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe), 2019

Intersections, and more traffic signals, introduce stops along trip increasing travel time, stres... more Intersections, and more traffic signals, introduce stops along trip increasing travel time, stress, fuel consumption and emissions. To confine the stop-and-go phenomenon due to traffic signals several researchers focused on the use of actuated traffic lights. In last years the digital transformation of cities give us lot of information could be used for several purposes, one of them is the implementation of cooperativeintelligent transportation systems (C-ITS). The paper introduces a specific C-ITS named Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory (GLOSA) that use V2I communication to calculate an optimal speed for the vehicle to pass the intersection avoiding idle time. Two simulations scenarios have been built to study the benefit of the service. The results demonstrate that even using a simple control algorithm with the aim to avoid the stop&go we observe a reduction of fuel consumption and emissions in the region of 5 to 12%

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Research paper thumbnail of Tracing day-zero and forecasting the COVID-19 outbreak in Lombardy, Italy: A compartmental modelling and numerical optimization approach

PLOS ONE, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Tracing DAY-ZERO and Forecasting the Fade out of the COVID-19 Outbreak in Lombardy, Italy: A Compartmental Modelling and Numerical Optimization Approach

Italy currently constitutes the epicenter of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, h... more Italy currently constitutes the epicenter of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, having surpassed China’s death toll. The disease is sweeping through Lombardy, which remains in lockdown since the 8th of March. As of the same day, the isolation measures taken in Lombardy have been extended to the entire country. Here, we provide estimates for: (a) the DAY-ZERO of the outbreak in Lombardy, Italy; (b) the actual number of exposed/infected cases in the total population; (c) the basic reproduction number (R0); (d) the “effective” per-day disease transmission; and, importantly, (e) a forecast for the fade out of the outbreak, on the basis of the COVID-19 Community Mobility Reports released by Google on March 29.MethodsTo deal with the uncertainty in the number of actual exposed/ infected cases in the total population, we address a compartmental Susceptible/ Exposed/ Infectious/ Recovered/ Dead (SEIRD) model with two compartments of infectious persons: one modelling the tota...

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Research paper thumbnail of A Linear Model for the Estimation of Fuel Consumption and the Impact Evaluation of Advanced Driving Assistance Systems

Sustainability, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of The impact of the leading vehicle type on car-following behaviours

2015 International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS), 2015

Modelling car-following in an effective and accurate way is of great importance for several areas... more Modelling car-following in an effective and accurate way is of great importance for several areas of application, such as microscopic traffic simulation and ADAS (Advanced Driving Assistance Systems). Heterogeneity can be observed in driving behaviors if car-following data are analyzed. Part of this dispersion depends on the inherent heterogeneity across drivers, that could react in different ways to very similar stimuli. However, another source of dispersion could be related to a misleading identification of the stimuli or to an improper identification of the context in which the stimuli are evaluated. This work is oriented to analyze if a non-negligible part of the observed heterogeneity can be explained by considering the type of the leading vehicle. Observation of car-following trajectories has been carried out in a large experiment involving one hundred drivers, with different leading vehicles. These observation have been interpreted by means of behavioral models and the parameters of these models have been separately identified for different types of leading vehicles. Comparison of modelling parameters, as well as directly observed variables as speed and spacing, allows for testing if the type of leading vehicle actually influences the car-following behavior.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fuel consumption evaluation for the testing of Advanced Driving Assistance Systems: first issues and solutions

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Research paper thumbnail of A Linear Dynamic Model for Driving Behavior in Car Following

Transportation Science, 2016

In this paper a car-following model is formulated as a time-continuous dynamic process, depending... more In this paper a car-following model is formulated as a time-continuous dynamic process, depending on two parameters and two inputs. One of these inputs is the follower’s desired equilibrium spacing, assumed to exist and to be known. Another input is the speed of the lead vehicle. Given the formulation of the model, the contribution of these two inputs is separable from an analytical point of view. The proposed model is simple enough (whereas not being simplistic) to support real-time applications in the field of advanced driving assistance systems. Starting from the equilibrium spacing, it is possible to estimate the parameters of the model, allowing for a full identification procedure. The modeling framework was prevalidated against observed data from two different data sets, collected by means of two instrumented vehicles in independent experiments, carried out in Italy and the United Kingdom. The validation proved that the proposed car-following model gives good results not only ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Strategy learning of route choice with traffic information under uncertainty

ABSTRACT The paper aims to model the travelers' day-today route choice in case of Advance... more ABSTRACT The paper aims to model the travelers' day-today route choice in case of Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS). The main focus is related to modeling travelers' route choice learning process. The comparison among different approaches is proposed, in particular, the considered approaches are divided into two main groups: the reinforcement learning (RL) based, including extended RL (ERL), and the belief-learning based, such as Joint Strategy Fictitious Play (JSFP) and Bayesian learning (BL). All analyses have been carried out considering data collected by a web-based Stated Preference experiment, where the respondents are provided with information at different levels of accuracy in order to investigate the effect of information reliability. The result shows that in case of intermediate and high accurate levels, JSFP best predicts the respondents' route choice behavior under information provision, reflecting a best-reply strategy is used by the travelers for their route choice decisions. However, in case of low information accuracy, the result shows a no-learning behavior due to the payoff variability effect. The finding can provide useful insight for supporting effective ATIS design.

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Research paper thumbnail of An integrated systems of driving assistance tools for driving assistance application in extraurban roads

Advanced Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS) have been progressively introduced by car-makers with ... more Advanced Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS) have been progressively introduced by car-makers with increasingly ambitious road-safety goals. ADAS range from ISA (Intelligent Speed Adaptation) to ACC (Adaptive Cruise Control), from CWS (Collision Warning Systems) to AEB (Autonomous Emergency Braking). In this paper it is proposed one possible integration of these systems, where the transition from one to the other is actuated by surrogate measures of safety (headway and time-to-collision). The proposed integrated systems is aimed to be perceived the driver as human-like and consistent with his/her own behaviour, and thus instinctively understandable. This enables the driver to be always in-the-loop in the driving control process. The integrated systems has been simulated. Simulations have been supported by real-world driving behaviours, observed within the Italian research project DRIVE IN2 (DRIVEr Monitoring: Technologies, Methodologies, and IN-vehicle INnovative systems for a safe and eco-compatible driving).

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Research paper thumbnail of Human-like adaptive cruise control systems through a learning machine approach

Advances in Soft Computing, 2009

... In this work an Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) model, with human-like driving capabilities,bas... more ... In this work an Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) model, with human-like driving capabilities,based on a learning machine approach, is proposed. The system is based on a neural network approach and is intended to assist the drivers in safe car-following conditions. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Role of the Uncertainty in ATIS Applications

Applications of Soft Computing, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Modeling risk perception in ATIS context through Fuzzy Logic

State of the Art in the European Quantitative Oriented Transportation and Logistics Research, 2011, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis and modelling the effects of information accuracy on travellers' behaviour

2011 14th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2011

Abstract The investigation of the effects of information on travellers&am... more Abstract The investigation of the effects of information on travellers' behaviour at individual level is a pre-requisite for any analysis on the impacts of ATIS on traffic networks. It is widely expected that travellers' behaviour can be strongly influenced by the ability of the information system in making accurate estimations of the actual travel times they will experience on the network; however, relatively few experimental studies have been developed to this regard. In this paper such an analysis is carried out; in particular, the paper investigates the effect ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Endogenous Driver Compliance and Network Performances under ATIS

2007 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Driving behaviour models enabling the simulation of Advanced Driving Assistance Systems: revisiting the Action Point paradigm

Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2013

ABSTRACT In the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), one of the most promising sub-... more ABSTRACT In the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), one of the most promising sub-functions is that of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). Development of an effective ADAS, and one that is able to gain drivers' acceptance, hinges on the development of a human-like car-following model, and this is particularly important in order to ensure the driver is always 'in the (vehicle control) loop' and is able to recover control safely in any situation where the ADAS may release control. One of the most commonly used models of car-following is that of the Action Point (AP) (psychophysical) paradigm. However, while this is widely used in both micro-simulation models and behavioural research, the approach is not without its weaknesses. One of these, the potential redundancy of some of the identified APs, is examined in this paper and its basic structure validated using microscopic driving behaviour collected on thirteen subjects in Italy. Another weakness in practical application of the Action Point theory is the identification of appropriate thresholds, accounting for the perception, reaction and adjustment of relative speed (or spacing) from the leading vehicle. This article shows that this identification is problematic if the Action Point paradigm is analysed in a traditional way (car-following spirals), while it is easier if the phenomenon is analysed in terms of car-following 'waves', related to Time To Collision (TTC) or the inverse of TTC. Within this new interpretative framework, the observed action points can be observed to follow a characteristically linear pattern. The identification of the most significant variables to be taken into account, and their characterisation by means of a simple linear pattern, allows for the formulation of more efficient real-time applications, thereby contributing to the development and diffusion of emerging on-board technologies in the field of vehicle control and driver's assistance.

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Research paper thumbnail of Real-time smoothing of car-following data through sensor-fusion techniques

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Feasibility of a learning-machine speed control approach for ACC applications. In: Optimisation and Logistics in Transportation and Communication Networks

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Research paper thumbnail of Dealing with Capacity Constraints Within Stochastic User Equilibrium Assignment Models

One of the challenges of traffic assignment models is to properly take into account capacity cons... more One of the challenges of traffic assignment models is to properly take into account capacity constraint problems in order to avoid traffic propagation through bottlenecks. This allows better evaluations of travel times between the origin and destination (O/D) couples of the study area, adequate computations of the performances of the traffic network and design and/or simulation of traffic schemes oriented to 'protect' city centers from excessive traffic flows. The analysts have made most of the modeling efforts related to capacity constrained assignment on dynamic network loading procedures or on static, but deterministic, assignment models. In this paper a static, stochastic and behaviorally consistent assignment model is presented, as well as its application to a real-size network.

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Research paper thumbnail of Simulation Experiments for an Approximate Definition of the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram

The paper presents some exploratory experiments for defining a Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram st... more The paper presents some exploratory experiments for defining a Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram starting from data collected in some specific sensor network layouts, that is by just monitoring the cordon of a study area. Variables defined in the original proposition of the MFD where here re-defined by just considering the number of vehicles estimated to be present in the study area (N) by means of this layout. We found that in some cases a strong correlation among defined variables can be found, and also similar patterns in the depicted MFD are evidenced.

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Research paper thumbnail of Intersection Crossing in Mixed Traffic Flow Environment leveraging V2X information

2019 IEEE International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE), 2019

The paper addresses the problem of safe crossing a non-signalized intersection in a mixed traffic... more The paper addresses the problem of safe crossing a non-signalized intersection in a mixed traffic scenario composed of both connected human-driven and autonomous vehicles. To solve this problem, we propose a control strategy that leverages information shared via V2X for extending the line-of-sight of the on-board ranging sensors. The control protocol augments the classical I-ADAS approach based on local measurements with an additional networked action that has the aim of preventing oncoming colliding situations. The control strategy is purposely designed for counteracting the unavoidable presence of communication impairments that turns into multiple time-varying delays affecting the information sent via the cyber-space. The numerical analysis, carried out leveraging the Matlab/Simulink platform, discloses the effectiveness of the approach for a challenging case where vehicles dynamic conditions are such that collisions would have occurred at the intersection if the vehicle would only be equipped with range sensors.

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Research paper thumbnail of Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory: a C-ITS to improve mobility and pollution

2019 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2019 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe), 2019

Intersections, and more traffic signals, introduce stops along trip increasing travel time, stres... more Intersections, and more traffic signals, introduce stops along trip increasing travel time, stress, fuel consumption and emissions. To confine the stop-and-go phenomenon due to traffic signals several researchers focused on the use of actuated traffic lights. In last years the digital transformation of cities give us lot of information could be used for several purposes, one of them is the implementation of cooperativeintelligent transportation systems (C-ITS). The paper introduces a specific C-ITS named Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory (GLOSA) that use V2I communication to calculate an optimal speed for the vehicle to pass the intersection avoiding idle time. Two simulations scenarios have been built to study the benefit of the service. The results demonstrate that even using a simple control algorithm with the aim to avoid the stop&go we observe a reduction of fuel consumption and emissions in the region of 5 to 12%

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Research paper thumbnail of Tracing day-zero and forecasting the COVID-19 outbreak in Lombardy, Italy: A compartmental modelling and numerical optimization approach

PLOS ONE, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Tracing DAY-ZERO and Forecasting the Fade out of the COVID-19 Outbreak in Lombardy, Italy: A Compartmental Modelling and Numerical Optimization Approach

Italy currently constitutes the epicenter of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, h... more Italy currently constitutes the epicenter of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, having surpassed China’s death toll. The disease is sweeping through Lombardy, which remains in lockdown since the 8th of March. As of the same day, the isolation measures taken in Lombardy have been extended to the entire country. Here, we provide estimates for: (a) the DAY-ZERO of the outbreak in Lombardy, Italy; (b) the actual number of exposed/infected cases in the total population; (c) the basic reproduction number (R0); (d) the “effective” per-day disease transmission; and, importantly, (e) a forecast for the fade out of the outbreak, on the basis of the COVID-19 Community Mobility Reports released by Google on March 29.MethodsTo deal with the uncertainty in the number of actual exposed/ infected cases in the total population, we address a compartmental Susceptible/ Exposed/ Infectious/ Recovered/ Dead (SEIRD) model with two compartments of infectious persons: one modelling the tota...

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Research paper thumbnail of A Linear Model for the Estimation of Fuel Consumption and the Impact Evaluation of Advanced Driving Assistance Systems

Sustainability, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of The impact of the leading vehicle type on car-following behaviours

2015 International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS), 2015

Modelling car-following in an effective and accurate way is of great importance for several areas... more Modelling car-following in an effective and accurate way is of great importance for several areas of application, such as microscopic traffic simulation and ADAS (Advanced Driving Assistance Systems). Heterogeneity can be observed in driving behaviors if car-following data are analyzed. Part of this dispersion depends on the inherent heterogeneity across drivers, that could react in different ways to very similar stimuli. However, another source of dispersion could be related to a misleading identification of the stimuli or to an improper identification of the context in which the stimuli are evaluated. This work is oriented to analyze if a non-negligible part of the observed heterogeneity can be explained by considering the type of the leading vehicle. Observation of car-following trajectories has been carried out in a large experiment involving one hundred drivers, with different leading vehicles. These observation have been interpreted by means of behavioral models and the parameters of these models have been separately identified for different types of leading vehicles. Comparison of modelling parameters, as well as directly observed variables as speed and spacing, allows for testing if the type of leading vehicle actually influences the car-following behavior.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fuel consumption evaluation for the testing of Advanced Driving Assistance Systems: first issues and solutions

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Research paper thumbnail of A Linear Dynamic Model for Driving Behavior in Car Following

Transportation Science, 2016

In this paper a car-following model is formulated as a time-continuous dynamic process, depending... more In this paper a car-following model is formulated as a time-continuous dynamic process, depending on two parameters and two inputs. One of these inputs is the follower’s desired equilibrium spacing, assumed to exist and to be known. Another input is the speed of the lead vehicle. Given the formulation of the model, the contribution of these two inputs is separable from an analytical point of view. The proposed model is simple enough (whereas not being simplistic) to support real-time applications in the field of advanced driving assistance systems. Starting from the equilibrium spacing, it is possible to estimate the parameters of the model, allowing for a full identification procedure. The modeling framework was prevalidated against observed data from two different data sets, collected by means of two instrumented vehicles in independent experiments, carried out in Italy and the United Kingdom. The validation proved that the proposed car-following model gives good results not only ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Strategy learning of route choice with traffic information under uncertainty

ABSTRACT The paper aims to model the travelers' day-today route choice in case of Advance... more ABSTRACT The paper aims to model the travelers' day-today route choice in case of Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS). The main focus is related to modeling travelers' route choice learning process. The comparison among different approaches is proposed, in particular, the considered approaches are divided into two main groups: the reinforcement learning (RL) based, including extended RL (ERL), and the belief-learning based, such as Joint Strategy Fictitious Play (JSFP) and Bayesian learning (BL). All analyses have been carried out considering data collected by a web-based Stated Preference experiment, where the respondents are provided with information at different levels of accuracy in order to investigate the effect of information reliability. The result shows that in case of intermediate and high accurate levels, JSFP best predicts the respondents' route choice behavior under information provision, reflecting a best-reply strategy is used by the travelers for their route choice decisions. However, in case of low information accuracy, the result shows a no-learning behavior due to the payoff variability effect. The finding can provide useful insight for supporting effective ATIS design.

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Research paper thumbnail of An integrated systems of driving assistance tools for driving assistance application in extraurban roads

Advanced Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS) have been progressively introduced by car-makers with ... more Advanced Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS) have been progressively introduced by car-makers with increasingly ambitious road-safety goals. ADAS range from ISA (Intelligent Speed Adaptation) to ACC (Adaptive Cruise Control), from CWS (Collision Warning Systems) to AEB (Autonomous Emergency Braking). In this paper it is proposed one possible integration of these systems, where the transition from one to the other is actuated by surrogate measures of safety (headway and time-to-collision). The proposed integrated systems is aimed to be perceived the driver as human-like and consistent with his/her own behaviour, and thus instinctively understandable. This enables the driver to be always in-the-loop in the driving control process. The integrated systems has been simulated. Simulations have been supported by real-world driving behaviours, observed within the Italian research project DRIVE IN2 (DRIVEr Monitoring: Technologies, Methodologies, and IN-vehicle INnovative systems for a safe and eco-compatible driving).

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Research paper thumbnail of Human-like adaptive cruise control systems through a learning machine approach

Advances in Soft Computing, 2009

... In this work an Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) model, with human-like driving capabilities,bas... more ... In this work an Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) model, with human-like driving capabilities,based on a learning machine approach, is proposed. The system is based on a neural network approach and is intended to assist the drivers in safe car-following conditions. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Role of the Uncertainty in ATIS Applications

Applications of Soft Computing, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Modeling risk perception in ATIS context through Fuzzy Logic

State of the Art in the European Quantitative Oriented Transportation and Logistics Research, 2011, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis and modelling the effects of information accuracy on travellers' behaviour

2011 14th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2011

Abstract The investigation of the effects of information on travellers&am... more Abstract The investigation of the effects of information on travellers' behaviour at individual level is a pre-requisite for any analysis on the impacts of ATIS on traffic networks. It is widely expected that travellers' behaviour can be strongly influenced by the ability of the information system in making accurate estimations of the actual travel times they will experience on the network; however, relatively few experimental studies have been developed to this regard. In this paper such an analysis is carried out; in particular, the paper investigates the effect ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Endogenous Driver Compliance and Network Performances under ATIS

2007 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Driving behaviour models enabling the simulation of Advanced Driving Assistance Systems: revisiting the Action Point paradigm

Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2013

ABSTRACT In the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), one of the most promising sub-... more ABSTRACT In the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), one of the most promising sub-functions is that of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). Development of an effective ADAS, and one that is able to gain drivers' acceptance, hinges on the development of a human-like car-following model, and this is particularly important in order to ensure the driver is always 'in the (vehicle control) loop' and is able to recover control safely in any situation where the ADAS may release control. One of the most commonly used models of car-following is that of the Action Point (AP) (psychophysical) paradigm. However, while this is widely used in both micro-simulation models and behavioural research, the approach is not without its weaknesses. One of these, the potential redundancy of some of the identified APs, is examined in this paper and its basic structure validated using microscopic driving behaviour collected on thirteen subjects in Italy. Another weakness in practical application of the Action Point theory is the identification of appropriate thresholds, accounting for the perception, reaction and adjustment of relative speed (or spacing) from the leading vehicle. This article shows that this identification is problematic if the Action Point paradigm is analysed in a traditional way (car-following spirals), while it is easier if the phenomenon is analysed in terms of car-following 'waves', related to Time To Collision (TTC) or the inverse of TTC. Within this new interpretative framework, the observed action points can be observed to follow a characteristically linear pattern. The identification of the most significant variables to be taken into account, and their characterisation by means of a simple linear pattern, allows for the formulation of more efficient real-time applications, thereby contributing to the development and diffusion of emerging on-board technologies in the field of vehicle control and driver's assistance.

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Research paper thumbnail of Real-time smoothing of car-following data through sensor-fusion techniques

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2011

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