Rumyana Georgieva - (original) (raw)
Papers by Rumyana Georgieva
The present article offers analysis of the garments of women represented in the burial chambers o... more The present article offers analysis of the garments of women represented in the burial chambers of the Thracian tombs at Kazanlak (280-265 BC) and Sveshtari (the end of the first/beginning of the second quarter of the 3 rd c. BC). The accompanying accessories, makeup, hair dresses and shoes are also discussed. The women are dressed in a Greek fashion. Some of their garments have specific features and deliver complex, non-verbal messages, while manifesting a social status, identity, rank and personal qualities. Unquestionably, the depicted garments do not represent the usual, for that time in Thrace, clothing, but confirm the observations that the attire of the local elite follows completely the fashionable Hellenistic trends. The established diagnostic features of the garments point to the narratives of the discussed painted scenes: wedding motifs in Kazanlak tomb and a public event with religious and mythological connotations in Sveshtari.
Unusual graves near the village of Polski Gradets (southeastern Bulgaria), 2023
The article discusses unusual graves discovered in the immediate vicinity of a 1 st millennium BC... more The article discusses unusual graves discovered in the immediate vicinity of a 1 st millennium BC complex of pits near the village of Polski Gradets, municipality of Radnevo. The human remains found there were obviously disturbed: the skulls were detached, the spinal columns, the ribs and the pelvic bones were missing, the rest of the bones, however, imitated anatomic arrangement. In one of the pits of the above-mentioned complex the remains of at least six individuals of different age were discovered. The bones were disturbed, limbs and skulls prevailing. A great number of them bore secondary cut marks.
Всички права запазени. Никоя част от тази книга не може да бъде възпроизвеждана и съхранявана в и... more Всички права запазени. Никоя част от тази книга не може да бъде възпроизвеждана и съхранявана в информационна база данни, копирана или препечатвана с каквито и да е технически средства без предварителното писмено разрешение на издателя.
Кръговите ровове са строителен феномен, познат още от ранния неолит в Европа и в частност в днешн... more Кръговите ровове са строителен феномен, познат още от ранния неолит в Европа и в частност в днешните български земи, където, за разлика от тяхната интерпретация другаде, тези ровове или системи от ровове се свързват най-вече с ограждането на селища.
„Невидими“ занаяти в древна Тракия: дървообработка и изделия от дърво ( “Invisible” crafts in ancient Thrace: woodworking and manufacture of wooden objects), 2020
a Институт за балканистика с Център по тракология, Българска академия на науките, ул. Московска" ... more a Институт за балканистика с Център по тракология, Българска академия на науките, ул. Московска" 45, ABSTRACT This study of the widespread utilisation of timber in Thrace is based on a broad range of evidence such as ancient written testimonies, representations on pieces of art, palaeobotanical data, as well as carpenters' tools and worked wood remains discovered in various archaeological contexts. The majority of relevant sources dates to the second half of the 1 st millennium BC. A close examination of the available evidence indicates that the most popular wooden objects either were manufactured at home or were products of highly and less so qualified craftsmen. The cultural contacts of ancient Thrace with the Aegean, Anatolia and the Mediterranean world changed the consumption patterns of the local communities. Consequently, imported wooden commodities were introduced to the life of the Thracian elites, while highly skilled carpenters established themselves in regional workshops.
Le materiel archeologique retrouve en Macedoine orientale, les sites recemment recherches dans la... more Le materiel archeologique retrouve en Macedoine orientale, les sites recemment recherches dans la vallee de la riviere Struma en Bulgaria et les resultats des fouilles d'Assyros et de Castanas permcttunl d'etudier les relations culturelles dans 1'interfluve du Vardar et de la Struma par 1'analyse comparative de certains monuments, par les etudes des rites funeraires et des cites.
PYMXPIA rEOPFHEBA oyB B'bpxy o6jieKJioxo B flpeBHa TpaKHH HMax cpaBHHTenHO HCTopHfl. Pasrjieacfla... more PYMXPIA rEOPFHEBA oyB B'bpxy o6jieKJioxo B flpeBHa TpaKHH HMax cpaBHHTenHO HCTopHfl. PasrjieacflaHH ca flpexHTe na xpaKHxe, HsoGpasenn B'bpxy rpT>u,KH Ba3H H B'bpxy HaMeTHnu,H Ha pHMCKaxa MOHyMCHxajiHa cKyjinxypa ; npaseHH ca OHHXH 3a BtscxaHOBHEane na KocxioMa B"b3 ocnoBa na apxeojio-rHHecKHxe MaxepHanH3, na BOTHBHaxa4 H na naflrpoSnaxa iuiacTHKa5; cpefl naH-paHHHxe nscjieflBaHHJi no xasn xeivia e anajiHS'bT na CBCfleHHaxa Ha an-THMHHxe HHcaxejiH . B ciBpeMCHKH exHorpa(J)CKH paspaGoTKH ce x-bpcaT xpaKHHCKHxe ejieMeHTH B GijjirapCKOTo napoflHO oGjieKJio . BCHKO CJIHO ox T63H npoyHBaHHH floGaBfl HOBH HaGjirofleHHH ICBM peKOHCxpyKU,HflTa aa xpa-KHHCKOXO oGjieKJio. B^npcKH Tosa oGane H flo flnec jinncBa uanocxHa npeflsa BHfla na Hocennxe B flpeBHa TpaKHH npexn, KaKxo H sa MaxepHaJwre, npH nanpasaTa HM. HSB^H nornefla Ha HscjieflOBaTeJiHTe ca oc-8
CJICA pas6HBaHexo Ha ,,FHypCKaxa Mornjia" Kapno6ax B naxBtpjieHaxa ox HManapHxe nptcx 6nxa HaMepe... more CJICA pas6HBaHexo Ha ,,FHypCKaxa Mornjia" Kapno6ax B naxBtpjieHaxa ox HManapHxe nptcx 6nxa HaMepenn ACCCXKH 4>parMenxH ox iepHO(})HpHHCOBH CtAOBC. FlO BCHKa BCpOHX-HOCX xe npnHaflJie»cax na yHnmoacennH 6orax rpo6 ox V B. np.Xp., HO sapaAH HaMepennxe npH peAOBHHxe apxeoJiornHecKH pasKonra Ha Morajiaxa ome 7 rpo6a ox VI--V B. np.Xp. ne e H3KJHOTCHO HHKOH OX XflX J\& npOH3XO>KflaX OX Apyrn paspyraeHH rpoGnn cxpyKxypn (Feop-rneBa, HHKOB, MOMHHJIOB 2006)'. HHXO CAHH qepHO(J)HpHHCOB CX>A He 6effle naMepen in situ. OxKpnxHxe (JiparMCHXH ca Han-MajiKO ox 12 cx>Aa. Ox xflx Hsnajio HJIH HacxHHHO 6axa CCACM KHJiHKca, ^sa cx-Aa c H CAHa cojiHH^Ka. Ocxanajiuxe HHaAJiea<ax na sa3H c necHrypen 6pofi n npeAnojiaraeMa (Jiopivia. BCHHKH cx>-AOBC ca xpane3HH, npeAHasHaneHn rjiasno 3a Ha BHHO H B XOBa OXHOUICHHe JIOFKHHO HaMepeHHxe B HSXEtpjienaxa nptcx (cKH(J)oc c H3o6paaceHHe na KyicyMflBKa, xnn E ,,Glaux", FeopraeBa 2005a) H B paspymenHH rpo6 (Kana c nsoGpaaceHHa na xpaKHHCioi BO-HHH, BH3K FeoprHCBa 2005) ABB HepBCHO(})Hryp-HH aXHHCCKH Ba3H. Feopzueea KHH (EoacKOBa 2004, 56), HHKOH ejieMCHXH ox MOpc})o.norjisxa H yKpacaxa HM (o<j)opMJiHe na H Atnaxa) Aasax BX,3MO>i<Hocx xe3H A& 6-bAax cpaBHCHH c KHJIHKCH ox Axnn-CKaxa aropa, AaxnpanH KT>M Bxopaxa Hexstpx na V B. np.Xp. (Sparkes, Talcott 1970, 268, PI. 22, Fig. 5, 471). SapaAn xesn anajiorHH H pan-HHXC xapaKxepncxHKH na xnna, pasraeaanHxe KHJIHKCH c yAe6ejieHO oxatxpe ycxne 6nxa MOF-JIH Aa ce nocxasflx KX>M Kpan na sxopaxa -xpexaxa HexBtpx na V B. np.Xp.
PYMflHA rEOPFHEBA, AHNWO MOMHHJIOB (COOUJI, KAPHOBAT) Kypran 6jiH3 c. ITpHJien GWJI HCCJieAosaH B... more PYMflHA rEOPFHEBA, AHNWO MOMHHJIOB (COOUJI, KAPHOBAT) Kypran 6jiH3 c. ITpHJien GWJI HCCJieAosaH B 1998 r. OH naxoAHXca B 0,5 KM ox ueHxpa AepeBHH, B caMOM nanajie PHIUCKOFO nepesajia, c ero KOKHOH cxopOHbi. CoopyaceHHbift na HesbicoKOM BOSBbimemiH KypraH nojiynnji <|>opMy yceneHHoro KOHyca H3-3a o6pa6oxKH nonsbi BOKpyr nero, xpHCxnancKHx MOFHJI, BKonannbix B XVI B. B ero sepiUHHy H H3-sa noApaBHHBaHHS B Gojiee nosAnee BpeMa. J],Ha-MCTp OCHOBbI -3 1/29 M, BblCOTa -4,80 M.
The present article offers analysis of the garments of women represented in the burial chambers o... more The present article offers analysis of the garments of women represented in the burial chambers of the Thracian tombs at Kazanlak (280-265 BC) and Sveshtari (the end of the first/beginning of the second quarter of the 3 rd c. BC). The accompanying accessories, makeup, hair dresses and shoes are also discussed. The women are dressed in a Greek fashion. Some of their garments have specific features and deliver complex, non-verbal messages, while manifesting a social status, identity, rank and personal qualities. Unquestionably, the depicted garments do not represent the usual, for that time in Thrace, clothing, but confirm the observations that the attire of the local elite follows completely the fashionable Hellenistic trends. The established diagnostic features of the garments point to the narratives of the discussed painted scenes: wedding motifs in Kazanlak tomb and a public event with religious and mythological connotations in Sveshtari.
Unusual graves near the village of Polski Gradets (southeastern Bulgaria), 2023
The article discusses unusual graves discovered in the immediate vicinity of a 1 st millennium BC... more The article discusses unusual graves discovered in the immediate vicinity of a 1 st millennium BC complex of pits near the village of Polski Gradets, municipality of Radnevo. The human remains found there were obviously disturbed: the skulls were detached, the spinal columns, the ribs and the pelvic bones were missing, the rest of the bones, however, imitated anatomic arrangement. In one of the pits of the above-mentioned complex the remains of at least six individuals of different age were discovered. The bones were disturbed, limbs and skulls prevailing. A great number of them bore secondary cut marks.
Всички права запазени. Никоя част от тази книга не може да бъде възпроизвеждана и съхранявана в и... more Всички права запазени. Никоя част от тази книга не може да бъде възпроизвеждана и съхранявана в информационна база данни, копирана или препечатвана с каквито и да е технически средства без предварителното писмено разрешение на издателя.
Кръговите ровове са строителен феномен, познат още от ранния неолит в Европа и в частност в днешн... more Кръговите ровове са строителен феномен, познат още от ранния неолит в Европа и в частност в днешните български земи, където, за разлика от тяхната интерпретация другаде, тези ровове или системи от ровове се свързват най-вече с ограждането на селища.
„Невидими“ занаяти в древна Тракия: дървообработка и изделия от дърво ( “Invisible” crafts in ancient Thrace: woodworking and manufacture of wooden objects), 2020
a Институт за балканистика с Център по тракология, Българска академия на науките, ул. Московска" ... more a Институт за балканистика с Център по тракология, Българска академия на науките, ул. Московска" 45, ABSTRACT This study of the widespread utilisation of timber in Thrace is based on a broad range of evidence such as ancient written testimonies, representations on pieces of art, palaeobotanical data, as well as carpenters' tools and worked wood remains discovered in various archaeological contexts. The majority of relevant sources dates to the second half of the 1 st millennium BC. A close examination of the available evidence indicates that the most popular wooden objects either were manufactured at home or were products of highly and less so qualified craftsmen. The cultural contacts of ancient Thrace with the Aegean, Anatolia and the Mediterranean world changed the consumption patterns of the local communities. Consequently, imported wooden commodities were introduced to the life of the Thracian elites, while highly skilled carpenters established themselves in regional workshops.
Le materiel archeologique retrouve en Macedoine orientale, les sites recemment recherches dans la... more Le materiel archeologique retrouve en Macedoine orientale, les sites recemment recherches dans la vallee de la riviere Struma en Bulgaria et les resultats des fouilles d'Assyros et de Castanas permcttunl d'etudier les relations culturelles dans 1'interfluve du Vardar et de la Struma par 1'analyse comparative de certains monuments, par les etudes des rites funeraires et des cites.
PYMXPIA rEOPFHEBA oyB B'bpxy o6jieKJioxo B flpeBHa TpaKHH HMax cpaBHHTenHO HCTopHfl. Pasrjieacfla... more PYMXPIA rEOPFHEBA oyB B'bpxy o6jieKJioxo B flpeBHa TpaKHH HMax cpaBHHTenHO HCTopHfl. PasrjieacflaHH ca flpexHTe na xpaKHxe, HsoGpasenn B'bpxy rpT>u,KH Ba3H H B'bpxy HaMeTHnu,H Ha pHMCKaxa MOHyMCHxajiHa cKyjinxypa ; npaseHH ca OHHXH 3a BtscxaHOBHEane na KocxioMa B"b3 ocnoBa na apxeojio-rHHecKHxe MaxepHanH3, na BOTHBHaxa4 H na naflrpoSnaxa iuiacTHKa5; cpefl naH-paHHHxe nscjieflBaHHJi no xasn xeivia e anajiHS'bT na CBCfleHHaxa Ha an-THMHHxe HHcaxejiH . B ciBpeMCHKH exHorpa(J)CKH paspaGoTKH ce x-bpcaT xpaKHHCKHxe ejieMeHTH B GijjirapCKOTo napoflHO oGjieKJio . BCHKO CJIHO ox T63H npoyHBaHHH floGaBfl HOBH HaGjirofleHHH ICBM peKOHCxpyKU,HflTa aa xpa-KHHCKOXO oGjieKJio. B^npcKH Tosa oGane H flo flnec jinncBa uanocxHa npeflsa BHfla na Hocennxe B flpeBHa TpaKHH npexn, KaKxo H sa MaxepHaJwre, npH nanpasaTa HM. HSB^H nornefla Ha HscjieflOBaTeJiHTe ca oc-8
CJICA pas6HBaHexo Ha ,,FHypCKaxa Mornjia" Kapno6ax B naxBtpjieHaxa ox HManapHxe nptcx 6nxa HaMepe... more CJICA pas6HBaHexo Ha ,,FHypCKaxa Mornjia" Kapno6ax B naxBtpjieHaxa ox HManapHxe nptcx 6nxa HaMepenn ACCCXKH 4>parMenxH ox iepHO(})HpHHCOBH CtAOBC. FlO BCHKa BCpOHX-HOCX xe npnHaflJie»cax na yHnmoacennH 6orax rpo6 ox V B. np.Xp., HO sapaAH HaMepennxe npH peAOBHHxe apxeoJiornHecKH pasKonra Ha Morajiaxa ome 7 rpo6a ox VI--V B. np.Xp. ne e H3KJHOTCHO HHKOH OX XflX J\& npOH3XO>KflaX OX Apyrn paspyraeHH rpoGnn cxpyKxypn (Feop-rneBa, HHKOB, MOMHHJIOB 2006)'. HHXO CAHH qepHO(J)HpHHCOB CX>A He 6effle naMepen in situ. OxKpnxHxe (JiparMCHXH ca Han-MajiKO ox 12 cx>Aa. Ox xflx Hsnajio HJIH HacxHHHO 6axa CCACM KHJiHKca, ^sa cx-Aa c H CAHa cojiHH^Ka. Ocxanajiuxe HHaAJiea<ax na sa3H c necHrypen 6pofi n npeAnojiaraeMa (Jiopivia. BCHHKH cx>-AOBC ca xpane3HH, npeAHasHaneHn rjiasno 3a Ha BHHO H B XOBa OXHOUICHHe JIOFKHHO HaMepeHHxe B HSXEtpjienaxa nptcx (cKH(J)oc c H3o6paaceHHe na KyicyMflBKa, xnn E ,,Glaux", FeopraeBa 2005a) H B paspymenHH rpo6 (Kana c nsoGpaaceHHa na xpaKHHCioi BO-HHH, BH3K FeoprHCBa 2005) ABB HepBCHO(})Hryp-HH aXHHCCKH Ba3H. Feopzueea KHH (EoacKOBa 2004, 56), HHKOH ejieMCHXH ox MOpc})o.norjisxa H yKpacaxa HM (o<j)opMJiHe na H Atnaxa) Aasax BX,3MO>i<Hocx xe3H A& 6-bAax cpaBHCHH c KHJIHKCH ox Axnn-CKaxa aropa, AaxnpanH KT>M Bxopaxa Hexstpx na V B. np.Xp. (Sparkes, Talcott 1970, 268, PI. 22, Fig. 5, 471). SapaAn xesn anajiorHH H pan-HHXC xapaKxepncxHKH na xnna, pasraeaanHxe KHJIHKCH c yAe6ejieHO oxatxpe ycxne 6nxa MOF-JIH Aa ce nocxasflx KX>M Kpan na sxopaxa -xpexaxa HexBtpx na V B. np.Xp.
PYMflHA rEOPFHEBA, AHNWO MOMHHJIOB (COOUJI, KAPHOBAT) Kypran 6jiH3 c. ITpHJien GWJI HCCJieAosaH B... more PYMflHA rEOPFHEBA, AHNWO MOMHHJIOB (COOUJI, KAPHOBAT) Kypran 6jiH3 c. ITpHJien GWJI HCCJieAosaH B 1998 r. OH naxoAHXca B 0,5 KM ox ueHxpa AepeBHH, B caMOM nanajie PHIUCKOFO nepesajia, c ero KOKHOH cxopOHbi. CoopyaceHHbift na HesbicoKOM BOSBbimemiH KypraH nojiynnji <|>opMy yceneHHoro KOHyca H3-3a o6pa6oxKH nonsbi BOKpyr nero, xpHCxnancKHx MOFHJI, BKonannbix B XVI B. B ero sepiUHHy H H3-sa noApaBHHBaHHS B Gojiee nosAnee BpeMa. J],Ha-MCTp OCHOBbI -3 1/29 M, BblCOTa -4,80 M.