Geraldine Lublin - (original) (raw)

Books by Geraldine Lublin

Research paper thumbnail of Memoir and Identity in Welsh Patagonia: Voices from a Settler Comunity in Argentina

University of Wales Press, 2017

This investigation of identity construction in twentieth-century Welsh Patagonia breaks new groun... more This investigation of identity construction in twentieth-century Welsh Patagonia breaks new ground by looking at the Welsh community in Chubut not as a quaint anomaly, but in its proper context as an integral part of contemporary Argentina. Addressing the implications of the settler colonialism of the foundational myth of Chubut and its place in the larger question of settler colonialism throughout Argentina, it draws on the literature of the under-studied period immediately preceding the turn-of-the-twentieth-century revitalization of the Welsh community in Patagonia. Ultimately, it presents a newly broad, much richer panorama of what it means to be Welsh in Argentina, free from old stereotypes and fully part of the contemporary nation.

Chapters by Geraldine Lublin

Research paper thumbnail of Para leer literatura galesa en Chubut: una exploración de cuestiones identitarias desde la perspectiva postcolonialista

Patagonia literaria, 2016

In Hammerschmidt, Claudia (Ed.), Patagonia literaria (Potsdam-London: INOLAS, 2016), pp. 97-124).

Research paper thumbnail of La batalla por la enseñanza: el idioma galés en las escuelas de la Patagonia

150 años de Y Wladfa: Ensayos sobre la historia de la colonización galesa en la Patagonia, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of "La conmemoración del 28 de Julio a lo largo de la historia chubutense"

Los Galeses en la Patagonia VI, 2014

'La conmemoración del 28 de Julio a lo largo de la historia chubutense'. In Gavirati, M. y F. Cor... more 'La conmemoración del 28 de Julio a lo largo de la historia chubutense'. In Gavirati, M. y F. Coronato (eds.), Los Galeses en la Patagonia VI. Puerto Madryn: CEHYS, 2014, pp. 141-175.

Articles by Geraldine Lublin

Research paper thumbnail of Y Wladfa: ¿una colonia sin colonialismo?


Mucho se ha dicho sobre la llamada "Colonia galesa" patagónica en su siglo y medio de existencia ... more Mucho se ha dicho sobre la llamada "Colonia galesa" patagónica en su siglo y medio de existencia pero pocos han sido los estudios que han abordado sus ambivalencias y problematizado su idealización. Tomando como punto de partida el Manual de la Colonia galesa publicado en 1862 con objeto de promover la emigración de galeses a la Patagonia, este artículo se sirve de ciertas herramientas del aparato teórico del postcolonialismo a fin de analizar la posición liminar de estos colonos en el contexto argentino. Derivada por una parte del estatus subalterno de Gales en la Gran Bretaña decimonónica y por otra de su situación de relativo privilegio en tanto colonos blancos y europeos en una Argentina estructurada por la dicotomía entre civilización y barbarie, esta doble conciencia resulta clave para comprender la tan mentada "amistad" entre los colonos y los pueblos originarios de la región, retomada oficialmente como relato fundacional de la Provincia del Chubut.

Much has been said about the so-called "Welsh settlement" in Patagonia in its century and a half of existence, but few studies have addressed its ambivalences and problematized its idealization. Taking as a starting point the handbook of the welsh settlement, published in 1862 with the aim of promoting the emigration of welsh people to Patagonia, this article uses certain tools of the theoretical apparatus of postcolonialism in order to analyze the liminal position of these settlers in the Argentine context. Derived on one side from the subaltern status of Wales in nineteenth-century Britain and on the other of its relatively privileged status as both white and European settlers in an Argentina structured by the dichotomy between civilization and barbarism, this dual consciousness is key to understanding the so much referred "friendship" between the settlers and the native peoples of the region, officially taken as a founding narrative of the Province of Chubut.

Research paper thumbnail of Gwalia Wen, Gwalia Draw?

Research paper thumbnail of La identidad en la encrucijada: la comunidad galesa del Chubut y las conmemoraciones del Centenario y Bicentenario de la Revolución de Mayo


El presente artículo se propone rastrear a grandes rasgos la relación-especial‖ entre el estado n... more El presente artículo se propone rastrear a grandes rasgos la relación-especial‖ entre el estado nacional argentino y, a partir de 1958, la provincia de Chubut por una parte y los colonos galeses que se establecieron en Chubut desde 1865 y sus descendientes por otra, a través del análisis de la posición de la colectividad galesa del Chubut en dos momentos históricos destacados: el Centenario y el Bicentenario de la Revolución de Mayo (1810). Al corresponderse el perfil de los galeses con la idea de poblaciones "civilizadas" que las autoridades pretendían impulsar en desmedro de los legítimos pobladores originales, estas políticas dieron lugar a una fuerte identificación histórica de la Provincia de Chubut con la llamada "gesta galesa". Se generó asimismo una peculiar dinámica triangular de las relaciones estatales, cuya evolución a través del tiempo ha desembocado en la actual promoción de la identidad chubutense como el resultado de la fusión de las culturas de los tehuelches originarios y los colonos galeses.

Abstract This article aims to provide an overview of the development of the 'special' link between the national Argentine state and, since 1958, the Province of Chubut on the one hand, and the Welsh migrants who settled in Chubut from 1865 onwards and their descendants on the other. The standing of the Welsh community in Chubut are analysed at two high-profile moments in history: the Centenary and Bicentenary of the May Revolution (1810). Given that the Welsh settlers fitted in with government attempts to foster the settlement of 'civilised' immigrant communities to the detriment of the legitimate original populations, these policies resulted in a strong identification between the Province of Chubut and the so-called 'Welsh feat'. This also generated a distinctive three-way dynamics of state relations which has led to the current promoting of the Chubut identity as the result of the amalgamation of the culture of the original Tehuelche and that of the Welsh settlers.

Research paper thumbnail of “Lighting up in distant regions the sacred fire of the Nation” : the Centenary celebrations (1910) and the Welsh community in Patagonia

Nuevo Mundo Mundos Nuevos, 2012

Given the pride of place accorded to Welsh descendants in the recent Bicentennial of the May Revo... more Given the pride of place accorded to Welsh descendants in the recent Bicentennial of the May Revolution in Chubut, it may be assumed that Welsh settlers would have received similar recognition when the Centenary was marked in 1910. However, Welsh Patagonians were then regarded very differently by the central authorities, who used the 1910 festivities as part of a campaign to “Argentinise” Chubut populations. Though a crucial snapshot of the process of inclusion of what was perceived as a reticent ethnic group into the nation’s “imagined community”, the marking of the Argentine Centenary in Chubut remains mostly unexplored. Based on the view that key aspects of social memory are conveyed and sustained by ritual performance and commemoration, this article discusses how the invented tradition of the Fiestas Mayas was reenacted in the Centenario in Welsh-populated areas in Chubut according to reports by contemporary sources.

Research paper thumbnail of Y Wladfa: gwladychu heb drefedigaethu?

Gwerddon, 2009

Mae’r papur hwn yn cynnig dadansoddiad newydd o nifer o agweddau ar Y Wladfa ym Mhatagonia, drwy ... more Mae’r papur hwn yn cynnig dadansoddiad newydd o nifer o agweddau ar Y Wladfa ym Mhatagonia, drwy gyflwyno’r syniad o fod ‘ar y trothwy’ i’r drafodaeth, fel y’i dehonglwyd gan ddamcaniaeth ôl-wladychol. Ar ôl rhoi rhywfaint o gefndir hanesyddol y wladfa, sy’n rhoi ystyriaeth lawn i safbwynt yr Archentwyr, rydym yn mynd ati i archwilio nodwedd ddeuoliaeth amlwg yr arloeswyr o Gymru yn Chubut yn eu safle yn wladychwyr i bob pwrpas ac wedi’u gwladychu. Mae’r ymwybyddiaeth ddwbl y gellir ei holrhain yn ôl i ddechreuad y Fenter Fawr yn cael ei hastudio mewn cyd-destun cyffredinol a chan gyfeirio’n benodol at y berthynas gymhleth a ddatblygodd rhwng y mewnfudwyr o Gymru a phobl wreiddiol Patagonia.

Research paper thumbnail of The War of the Tea Houses, or How Welsh Heritage in Patagonia Became a Valuable Commodity

e-Keltoi: Journal of Interdisciplinary Celtic Studies, 2009

The present article will explore how globalization and its economic implications have resulted in... more The present article will explore how globalization and its economic implications have resulted in the commodification of Welsh heritage in Gaiman, a small town in the Argentine province of Chubut, with a special focus on the collectivity-defining custom of 'Welsh Tea' as offered by the local tea houses. After providing some background on the history of the Welsh community in Patagonia, the discussion will consider how the surge in heritage and culture tourism and tourism-related services has added new value to Welsh Patagonian culture and encouraged the positioning of Welsh cultural products and other aspects of heritage as marketable commodities, and how the struggle to control a particularly lucrative heritage experience unleashed the so-called 'War of the Tea Houses'.

Research paper thumbnail of Fred Green a'r 'cyfeillgarwch parhaol' rhwng y Cymry a brodorion Patagonia

Research paper thumbnail of 'The Eisteddfod of Chubut, or how the reinvention of a tradition has contributed to the preservation of a language and culture'

Beyond Philology, 2007

BROOKS, Walter A. & Geraldine LUBLIN, 'The Eisteddfod of Chubut, or how the reinvention of a trad... more BROOKS, Walter A. & Geraldine LUBLIN, 'The Eisteddfod of Chubut, or how the reinvention of a tradition has contributed to the preservation of a language and culture', Beyond Philology, 4 (2007), 245-59.

Outreach Materials by Geraldine Lublin

Research paper thumbnail of 500 años de la Patagonia. Nada que festejar

The Conversation. Academic rigor, journalistic flair, 2020

En respuesta a la historia hegemónica y a los festejos oficiales en torno al aniversario de la ex... more En respuesta a la historia hegemónica y a los festejos oficiales en torno al aniversario de la expedición de 1520, las voces indígenas manifiestan la gran tristeza que les aflige. Tal como ocurrió con el quinto centenario del primer viaje de Colón, los derramamientos de sangre, los despojos a los que abrió paso la llegada de Magallanes y la continuidad de la colonialidad en estos quinientos años no son motivo de celebración.

Research paper thumbnail of 500 Years after Ferdinand Magellan Landed in Patagonia, There’s Nothing to Celebrate for its Indigenous Peoples

The Conversation. Academic rigor, journalistic flair, 2020

Reacting to the official celebrations of Magellan’s arrival in 1520 which are taking place around... more Reacting to the official celebrations of Magellan’s arrival in 1520 which are taking place around the world, indigenous people have expressed great sadness over these dark 500 years. Despite the persistence of European-centred versions of history, there is a growing awareness that – as with the Columbus anniversary – neither the bloodshed and plunder heralded by Magellan, nor the endurance of colonial legacies, are any cause for celebration.

Papers by Geraldine Lublin

Research paper thumbnail of Memoir and Identity in Welsh Patagonia

[Research paper thumbnail of Matthews [Mathews], Abraham (1832–1899), Congregational minister and settler in Patagonia](

Research paper thumbnail of Y Wladfa: ¿una colonia sin colonialismo?

Identidades, 2017

Resumen Mucho se ha dicho sobre la llamada "Colonia galesa" patagónica en su siglo y medio de exi... more Resumen Mucho se ha dicho sobre la llamada "Colonia galesa" patagónica en su siglo y medio de existencia pero pocos han sido los estudios que han abordado sus ambivalencias y problematizado su idealización. Tomando como punto de partida el Manual de la Colonia galesa publicado en 1862 con objeto de promover la emigración de galeses a la Patagonia, este artículo se sirve de ciertas herramientas del aparato teórico del postcolonialismo a fin de analizar la posición liminar de estos colonos en el contexto argentino. Derivada por una parte del estatus subalterno de Gales en la Gran Bretaña decimonónica y por otra de su situación de relativo privilegio en tanto colonos blancos y europeos en una Argentina estructurada por la dicotomía entre civilización y barbarie, esta doble conciencia resulta clave para comprender la tan mentada "amistad" entre los colonos y los pueblos originarios de la región, retomada oficialmente como relato fundacional de la Provincia del Chubut. Palabras claves Patagonia-Gales-colonialismo-postcolonialismo-pueblos originarios Y Wladfa: colonisation without colonialism? Abstract Much has been said about the so-called "Welsh settlement" in Patagonia in its century and a half of existence, but few studies have addressed its ambivalences and problematized its idealization. Taking as a starting point the handbook of the welsh settlement, published in 1862 with the aim of promoting the emigration of welsh people to Patagonia, this article uses certain tools of the theoretical apparatus of postcolonialism in order to analyze the liminal position of these settlers in the Argentine context. Derived on one side from the subaltern status of Wales in nineteenth-century Britain and on the other of its relatively privileged status as both white and European settlers in an Argentina structured by the dichotomy between civilization and barbarism, this dual consciousness is key to understanding the so much referred "friendship" between the settlers and the native peoples of the region, officially taken as a founding narrative of the Province of Chubut. Key words Patagonia-Wales-colonialism-postcolonialism-indigenous peoples 1 El presente trabajo retoma conceptos vertidos originalmente en un artículo publicado en la revista

Research paper thumbnail of Settler colonial studies and Latin America

Settler colonial studies, Jul 3, 2021

ABSTRACT This introduction to the Special Issue of Settler Colonial Studies on Latin America loca... more ABSTRACT This introduction to the Special Issue of Settler Colonial Studies on Latin America locates the articles within the field of settler colonial theory and places it within the context of Latin American Studies. It reflects on the potential of settler colonial theory to provide fresh perspectives on the Latin American reality, and opens discussion about how Latin American experiences and critical analysis might complicate and enrich theorising about settler colonialism in Anglophone locations and beyond. These broad aims are explored in detail in the articles whose main topics and conclusions are also described in the text. Overall, this introduction sets the intellectual scene and identifies for the reader the central arguments developed by the contributing authors, thus providing a solid foundation from which readers – whether they are familiar with Latin America or not – can engage with the articles collected here.

Research paper thumbnail of Welsh Key Words: Gwladfa

Research paper thumbnail of ‘Ellos y nosotros: De roedores honestos y diamantes sin pulir’

Research paper thumbnail of Memoir and Identity in Welsh Patagonia: Voices from a Settler Comunity in Argentina

University of Wales Press, 2017

This investigation of identity construction in twentieth-century Welsh Patagonia breaks new groun... more This investigation of identity construction in twentieth-century Welsh Patagonia breaks new ground by looking at the Welsh community in Chubut not as a quaint anomaly, but in its proper context as an integral part of contemporary Argentina. Addressing the implications of the settler colonialism of the foundational myth of Chubut and its place in the larger question of settler colonialism throughout Argentina, it draws on the literature of the under-studied period immediately preceding the turn-of-the-twentieth-century revitalization of the Welsh community in Patagonia. Ultimately, it presents a newly broad, much richer panorama of what it means to be Welsh in Argentina, free from old stereotypes and fully part of the contemporary nation.

Research paper thumbnail of Para leer literatura galesa en Chubut: una exploración de cuestiones identitarias desde la perspectiva postcolonialista

Patagonia literaria, 2016

In Hammerschmidt, Claudia (Ed.), Patagonia literaria (Potsdam-London: INOLAS, 2016), pp. 97-124).

Research paper thumbnail of La batalla por la enseñanza: el idioma galés en las escuelas de la Patagonia

150 años de Y Wladfa: Ensayos sobre la historia de la colonización galesa en la Patagonia, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of "La conmemoración del 28 de Julio a lo largo de la historia chubutense"

Los Galeses en la Patagonia VI, 2014

'La conmemoración del 28 de Julio a lo largo de la historia chubutense'. In Gavirati, M. y F. Cor... more 'La conmemoración del 28 de Julio a lo largo de la historia chubutense'. In Gavirati, M. y F. Coronato (eds.), Los Galeses en la Patagonia VI. Puerto Madryn: CEHYS, 2014, pp. 141-175.

Research paper thumbnail of Y Wladfa: ¿una colonia sin colonialismo?


Mucho se ha dicho sobre la llamada "Colonia galesa" patagónica en su siglo y medio de existencia ... more Mucho se ha dicho sobre la llamada "Colonia galesa" patagónica en su siglo y medio de existencia pero pocos han sido los estudios que han abordado sus ambivalencias y problematizado su idealización. Tomando como punto de partida el Manual de la Colonia galesa publicado en 1862 con objeto de promover la emigración de galeses a la Patagonia, este artículo se sirve de ciertas herramientas del aparato teórico del postcolonialismo a fin de analizar la posición liminar de estos colonos en el contexto argentino. Derivada por una parte del estatus subalterno de Gales en la Gran Bretaña decimonónica y por otra de su situación de relativo privilegio en tanto colonos blancos y europeos en una Argentina estructurada por la dicotomía entre civilización y barbarie, esta doble conciencia resulta clave para comprender la tan mentada "amistad" entre los colonos y los pueblos originarios de la región, retomada oficialmente como relato fundacional de la Provincia del Chubut.

Much has been said about the so-called "Welsh settlement" in Patagonia in its century and a half of existence, but few studies have addressed its ambivalences and problematized its idealization. Taking as a starting point the handbook of the welsh settlement, published in 1862 with the aim of promoting the emigration of welsh people to Patagonia, this article uses certain tools of the theoretical apparatus of postcolonialism in order to analyze the liminal position of these settlers in the Argentine context. Derived on one side from the subaltern status of Wales in nineteenth-century Britain and on the other of its relatively privileged status as both white and European settlers in an Argentina structured by the dichotomy between civilization and barbarism, this dual consciousness is key to understanding the so much referred "friendship" between the settlers and the native peoples of the region, officially taken as a founding narrative of the Province of Chubut.

Research paper thumbnail of Gwalia Wen, Gwalia Draw?

Research paper thumbnail of La identidad en la encrucijada: la comunidad galesa del Chubut y las conmemoraciones del Centenario y Bicentenario de la Revolución de Mayo


El presente artículo se propone rastrear a grandes rasgos la relación-especial‖ entre el estado n... more El presente artículo se propone rastrear a grandes rasgos la relación-especial‖ entre el estado nacional argentino y, a partir de 1958, la provincia de Chubut por una parte y los colonos galeses que se establecieron en Chubut desde 1865 y sus descendientes por otra, a través del análisis de la posición de la colectividad galesa del Chubut en dos momentos históricos destacados: el Centenario y el Bicentenario de la Revolución de Mayo (1810). Al corresponderse el perfil de los galeses con la idea de poblaciones "civilizadas" que las autoridades pretendían impulsar en desmedro de los legítimos pobladores originales, estas políticas dieron lugar a una fuerte identificación histórica de la Provincia de Chubut con la llamada "gesta galesa". Se generó asimismo una peculiar dinámica triangular de las relaciones estatales, cuya evolución a través del tiempo ha desembocado en la actual promoción de la identidad chubutense como el resultado de la fusión de las culturas de los tehuelches originarios y los colonos galeses.

Abstract This article aims to provide an overview of the development of the 'special' link between the national Argentine state and, since 1958, the Province of Chubut on the one hand, and the Welsh migrants who settled in Chubut from 1865 onwards and their descendants on the other. The standing of the Welsh community in Chubut are analysed at two high-profile moments in history: the Centenary and Bicentenary of the May Revolution (1810). Given that the Welsh settlers fitted in with government attempts to foster the settlement of 'civilised' immigrant communities to the detriment of the legitimate original populations, these policies resulted in a strong identification between the Province of Chubut and the so-called 'Welsh feat'. This also generated a distinctive three-way dynamics of state relations which has led to the current promoting of the Chubut identity as the result of the amalgamation of the culture of the original Tehuelche and that of the Welsh settlers.

Research paper thumbnail of “Lighting up in distant regions the sacred fire of the Nation” : the Centenary celebrations (1910) and the Welsh community in Patagonia

Nuevo Mundo Mundos Nuevos, 2012

Given the pride of place accorded to Welsh descendants in the recent Bicentennial of the May Revo... more Given the pride of place accorded to Welsh descendants in the recent Bicentennial of the May Revolution in Chubut, it may be assumed that Welsh settlers would have received similar recognition when the Centenary was marked in 1910. However, Welsh Patagonians were then regarded very differently by the central authorities, who used the 1910 festivities as part of a campaign to “Argentinise” Chubut populations. Though a crucial snapshot of the process of inclusion of what was perceived as a reticent ethnic group into the nation’s “imagined community”, the marking of the Argentine Centenary in Chubut remains mostly unexplored. Based on the view that key aspects of social memory are conveyed and sustained by ritual performance and commemoration, this article discusses how the invented tradition of the Fiestas Mayas was reenacted in the Centenario in Welsh-populated areas in Chubut according to reports by contemporary sources.

Research paper thumbnail of Y Wladfa: gwladychu heb drefedigaethu?

Gwerddon, 2009

Mae’r papur hwn yn cynnig dadansoddiad newydd o nifer o agweddau ar Y Wladfa ym Mhatagonia, drwy ... more Mae’r papur hwn yn cynnig dadansoddiad newydd o nifer o agweddau ar Y Wladfa ym Mhatagonia, drwy gyflwyno’r syniad o fod ‘ar y trothwy’ i’r drafodaeth, fel y’i dehonglwyd gan ddamcaniaeth ôl-wladychol. Ar ôl rhoi rhywfaint o gefndir hanesyddol y wladfa, sy’n rhoi ystyriaeth lawn i safbwynt yr Archentwyr, rydym yn mynd ati i archwilio nodwedd ddeuoliaeth amlwg yr arloeswyr o Gymru yn Chubut yn eu safle yn wladychwyr i bob pwrpas ac wedi’u gwladychu. Mae’r ymwybyddiaeth ddwbl y gellir ei holrhain yn ôl i ddechreuad y Fenter Fawr yn cael ei hastudio mewn cyd-destun cyffredinol a chan gyfeirio’n benodol at y berthynas gymhleth a ddatblygodd rhwng y mewnfudwyr o Gymru a phobl wreiddiol Patagonia.

Research paper thumbnail of The War of the Tea Houses, or How Welsh Heritage in Patagonia Became a Valuable Commodity

e-Keltoi: Journal of Interdisciplinary Celtic Studies, 2009

The present article will explore how globalization and its economic implications have resulted in... more The present article will explore how globalization and its economic implications have resulted in the commodification of Welsh heritage in Gaiman, a small town in the Argentine province of Chubut, with a special focus on the collectivity-defining custom of 'Welsh Tea' as offered by the local tea houses. After providing some background on the history of the Welsh community in Patagonia, the discussion will consider how the surge in heritage and culture tourism and tourism-related services has added new value to Welsh Patagonian culture and encouraged the positioning of Welsh cultural products and other aspects of heritage as marketable commodities, and how the struggle to control a particularly lucrative heritage experience unleashed the so-called 'War of the Tea Houses'.

Research paper thumbnail of Fred Green a'r 'cyfeillgarwch parhaol' rhwng y Cymry a brodorion Patagonia

Research paper thumbnail of 'The Eisteddfod of Chubut, or how the reinvention of a tradition has contributed to the preservation of a language and culture'

Beyond Philology, 2007

BROOKS, Walter A. & Geraldine LUBLIN, 'The Eisteddfod of Chubut, or how the reinvention of a trad... more BROOKS, Walter A. & Geraldine LUBLIN, 'The Eisteddfod of Chubut, or how the reinvention of a tradition has contributed to the preservation of a language and culture', Beyond Philology, 4 (2007), 245-59.

Research paper thumbnail of 500 años de la Patagonia. Nada que festejar

The Conversation. Academic rigor, journalistic flair, 2020

En respuesta a la historia hegemónica y a los festejos oficiales en torno al aniversario de la ex... more En respuesta a la historia hegemónica y a los festejos oficiales en torno al aniversario de la expedición de 1520, las voces indígenas manifiestan la gran tristeza que les aflige. Tal como ocurrió con el quinto centenario del primer viaje de Colón, los derramamientos de sangre, los despojos a los que abrió paso la llegada de Magallanes y la continuidad de la colonialidad en estos quinientos años no son motivo de celebración.

Research paper thumbnail of 500 Years after Ferdinand Magellan Landed in Patagonia, There’s Nothing to Celebrate for its Indigenous Peoples

The Conversation. Academic rigor, journalistic flair, 2020

Reacting to the official celebrations of Magellan’s arrival in 1520 which are taking place around... more Reacting to the official celebrations of Magellan’s arrival in 1520 which are taking place around the world, indigenous people have expressed great sadness over these dark 500 years. Despite the persistence of European-centred versions of history, there is a growing awareness that – as with the Columbus anniversary – neither the bloodshed and plunder heralded by Magellan, nor the endurance of colonial legacies, are any cause for celebration.

Research paper thumbnail of Memoir and Identity in Welsh Patagonia

[Research paper thumbnail of Matthews [Mathews], Abraham (1832–1899), Congregational minister and settler in Patagonia](

Research paper thumbnail of Y Wladfa: ¿una colonia sin colonialismo?

Identidades, 2017

Resumen Mucho se ha dicho sobre la llamada "Colonia galesa" patagónica en su siglo y medio de exi... more Resumen Mucho se ha dicho sobre la llamada "Colonia galesa" patagónica en su siglo y medio de existencia pero pocos han sido los estudios que han abordado sus ambivalencias y problematizado su idealización. Tomando como punto de partida el Manual de la Colonia galesa publicado en 1862 con objeto de promover la emigración de galeses a la Patagonia, este artículo se sirve de ciertas herramientas del aparato teórico del postcolonialismo a fin de analizar la posición liminar de estos colonos en el contexto argentino. Derivada por una parte del estatus subalterno de Gales en la Gran Bretaña decimonónica y por otra de su situación de relativo privilegio en tanto colonos blancos y europeos en una Argentina estructurada por la dicotomía entre civilización y barbarie, esta doble conciencia resulta clave para comprender la tan mentada "amistad" entre los colonos y los pueblos originarios de la región, retomada oficialmente como relato fundacional de la Provincia del Chubut. Palabras claves Patagonia-Gales-colonialismo-postcolonialismo-pueblos originarios Y Wladfa: colonisation without colonialism? Abstract Much has been said about the so-called "Welsh settlement" in Patagonia in its century and a half of existence, but few studies have addressed its ambivalences and problematized its idealization. Taking as a starting point the handbook of the welsh settlement, published in 1862 with the aim of promoting the emigration of welsh people to Patagonia, this article uses certain tools of the theoretical apparatus of postcolonialism in order to analyze the liminal position of these settlers in the Argentine context. Derived on one side from the subaltern status of Wales in nineteenth-century Britain and on the other of its relatively privileged status as both white and European settlers in an Argentina structured by the dichotomy between civilization and barbarism, this dual consciousness is key to understanding the so much referred "friendship" between the settlers and the native peoples of the region, officially taken as a founding narrative of the Province of Chubut. Key words Patagonia-Wales-colonialism-postcolonialism-indigenous peoples 1 El presente trabajo retoma conceptos vertidos originalmente en un artículo publicado en la revista

Research paper thumbnail of Settler colonial studies and Latin America

Settler colonial studies, Jul 3, 2021

ABSTRACT This introduction to the Special Issue of Settler Colonial Studies on Latin America loca... more ABSTRACT This introduction to the Special Issue of Settler Colonial Studies on Latin America locates the articles within the field of settler colonial theory and places it within the context of Latin American Studies. It reflects on the potential of settler colonial theory to provide fresh perspectives on the Latin American reality, and opens discussion about how Latin American experiences and critical analysis might complicate and enrich theorising about settler colonialism in Anglophone locations and beyond. These broad aims are explored in detail in the articles whose main topics and conclusions are also described in the text. Overall, this introduction sets the intellectual scene and identifies for the reader the central arguments developed by the contributing authors, thus providing a solid foundation from which readers – whether they are familiar with Latin America or not – can engage with the articles collected here.

Research paper thumbnail of Welsh Key Words: Gwladfa

Research paper thumbnail of ‘Ellos y nosotros: De roedores honestos y diamantes sin pulir’

Research paper thumbnail of La identidad en la encrucijada: la comunidad galesa del Chubut y las conmemoraciones del Centenario y Bicentenario de la Revolución de Mayo

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Dec 1, 2013

Resumen El presente artículo se propone rastrear a grandes rasgos la relación-especial‖ entre el ... more Resumen El presente artículo se propone rastrear a grandes rasgos la relación-especial‖ entre el estado nacional argentino y, a partir de 1958, la provincia de Chubut por una parte y los colonos galeses que se establecieron en Chubut desde 1865 y sus descendientes por otra, a través del análisis de la posición de la colectividad galesa del Chubut en dos momentos históricos destacados: el Centenario y el Bicentenario de la Revolución de Mayo (1810). Al corresponderse el perfil de los galeses con la idea de poblaciones "civilizadas" que las autoridades pretendían impulsar en desmedro de los legítimos pobladores originales, estas políticas dieron lugar a una fuerte identificación histórica de la Provincia de Chubut con la llamada "gesta galesa". Se generó asimismo una peculiar dinámica triangular de las relaciones estatales, cuya evolución a través del tiempo ha desembocado en la actual promoción de la identidad chubutense como el resultado de la fusión de las culturas de los tehuelches originarios y los colonos galeses. Palabras claves galeses en la Patagonia-Chubut-Argentina-inmigración-identidad Identity at the crossroads: The Centenary and Bicentenary celebrations of Argentine Independence (1810) and the Welsh community in Chubut Abstract This article aims to provide an overview of the development of the 'special' link between the national Argentine state and, since 1958, the Province of Chubut on the one hand, and the Welsh migrants who settled in Chubut from 1865 onwards and their descendants on the other. The standing of the Welsh community in Chubut are analysed at two high-profile moments in history: the Centenary and Bicentenary of the May Revolution (1810). Given that the Welsh settlers fitted in with government attempts to foster the settlement of 'civilised' immigrant communities to the detriment of the legitimate original populations, these policies resulted in a strong identification between the Province of Chubut and the so-called 'Welsh feat'. This also generated a distinctive three-way dynamics of state relations which has led to the current promoting of the Chubut identity as the result of the amalgamation of the culture of the original Tehuelche and that of the Welsh settlers.

Research paper thumbnail of Gwalia Wen, Gwalia Draw?

Research paper thumbnail of Memoir and Identity in Welsh Patagonia: Voices from a Settler Community in Argentina

Research paper thumbnail of ‘La comunidad galesa del Chubut y el “magnífico y grandioso concierto nacional” de los festejos del Centenario de la Revolución de Mayo’

Research paper thumbnail of ‘Memoria(s) de la comunidad galesa en la Patagonia, entre la conciencia diaspórica y la argentinidad’

Research paper thumbnail of Fred Green a'r "cyfeillgarwch parhaol" rhwng y Cymry a brodorion Patagonia

Research paper thumbnail of The War of the Tea Houses, or How Welsh Heritage in Patagonia Became a Valuable Commodity

The present article will explore how globalization and its economic implications have resulted in... more The present article will explore how globalization and its economic implications have resulted in the commodification of Welsh heritage in Gaiman, a small town in the Argentine province of Chubut, with a special focus on the collectivity-defining custom of 'Welsh Tea' as offered by the local tea houses. After providing some background on the history of the Welsh community in Patagonia, the discussion will consider how the surge in heritage and culture tourism and tourism-related services has added new value to Welsh Patagonian culture and encouraged the positioning of Welsh cultural products and other aspects of heritage as marketable commodities, and how the struggle to control a particularly lucrative heritage experience unleashed the socalled 'War of the Tea Houses'.

Research paper thumbnail of Adjusting the focus: looking at Patagonia and the wider Argentine state through the lens of settler colonial theory

Settler colonial studies, Nov 13, 2021

ABSTRACT Notwithstanding predictions about the exhaustion of the so-called Myth of White Argentin... more ABSTRACT Notwithstanding predictions about the exhaustion of the so-called Myth of White Argentina, recent developments signal the continuing vitality of Argentina’s European creation myth. How can it be that, despite the victories secured by more than three decades of Indigenous and Afrodescendant activism, it may prove so hard to topple? This article borrows insights from settler colonial theory to address the endurance of the Myth of Whiteness in Argentina not only as a discursive construction of racial domination but also as a fundamental structure that obscures the shady claims of the Argentine state to the land it occupies. As well as investigating the explanatory power of the analytical framework for the particular case, the article unpicks the layers contained in the narrative of White Argentina, drawing attention to the crucial role the European creation myth has played not only in Argentine history but most importantly in the current cycle of ‘progressive neoextractivism’. Contextualising Argentina within settler colonial studies also contributes to debunking accounts of Argentinean exceptionalism by locating Argentina within global logics of settler colonial domination and providing a wider framework which may help identify illuminating commonalities in the international context.

Research paper thumbnail of Para leer literatura galesa en Chubut: una exploración de cuestiones identitarias desde la perspectiva postcolonialista

In Hammerschmidt, Claudia (Ed.), Patagonia literaria (Potsdam-London: INOLAS, 2016), pp. 97-124).

Research paper thumbnail of ‘Y Wladfa: gwladychu heb drefedigaethu?’

Mae’r papur hwn yn cynnig dadansoddiad newydd o nifer o agweddau ar Y Wladfa ym Mhatagonia, drwy ... more Mae’r papur hwn yn cynnig dadansoddiad newydd o nifer o agweddau ar Y Wladfa ym Mhatagonia, drwy gyflwyno’r syniad o fod ‘ar y trothwy’ i’r drafodaeth, fel y’i dehonglwyd gan ddamcaniaeth ôl-wladychol. Ar ôl rhoi rhywfaint o gefndir hanesyddol y wladfa, sy’n rhoi ystyriaeth lawn i safbwynt yr Archentwyr, rydym yn mynd ati i archwilio nodwedd ddeuoliaeth amlwg yr arloeswyr o Gymru yn Chubut yn eu safle yn wladychwyr i bob pwrpas ac wedi’u gwladychu. Mae’r ymwybyddiaeth ddwbl y gellir ei holrhain yn ôl i ddechreuad y Fenter Fawr yn cael ei hastudio mewn cyd-destun cyffredinol a chan gyfeirio’n benodol at y berthynas gymhleth a ddatblygodd rhwng y mewnfudwyr o Gymru a phobl wreiddiol Patagonia.

Research paper thumbnail of La conmemoración del 28 de Julio a lo largo de la historia chubutense

'La conmemoración del 28 de Julio a lo largo de la historia chubutense'. In Gavir... more 'La conmemoración del 28 de Julio a lo largo de la historia chubutense'. In Gavirati, M. y F. Coronato (eds.), Los Galeses en la Patagonia VI. Puerto Madryn: CEHYS, 2014, pp. 141-175.

Research paper thumbnail of ‘Con la espada, con la pluma y la palabra: la política del estado argentino a través de la visión del maestro Eduardo Thames Alderete’

Research paper thumbnail of Welsh Key Words: Gwladfa

Research paper thumbnail of Gwalia Wen, Gwalia Draw?