Géza Fischl - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Géza Fischl
Godkänd; 2002; 20061026 (biem)</p
Architectural engineering encompasses urban planning and architectural design exercises that are ... more Architectural engineering encompasses urban planning and architectural design exercises that are part of professional development. In contrast to the engineering discipline, the regularity of well-defined familiar tasks does not predominate in a design studio. However, to be able to work along with a larger pool of professionals and increase the potential for creative problem solving it is imperative to provide an engineering education that challenges the conventions of its framework. Consequently, students encountering design problems without prior experience need to assume responsibility for their interpretation of the problems in which they are being challenged. The aim of this pilot study was to survey, describe and analyze the problem-solving approach among undergraduate students in relation to their control strategies and successive learning. The study was completed in Jönköping, Sweden. In an online survey (N=32) using convenience sampling, students' locus of control (LOC) as the measure for control strategies over their learning situation was assessed in three school years within the undergraduate program. Additionally, three focus group interviews were performed to shed light on how individual learning modes manifested on different LOC levels and in respective school years. Descriptive statistics showed a trend that students' LOC is moving from external to be more internal by the advancement in their studies. Accordingly, they would over time develop a preference for group design exercises that are more problem-oriented, rather than assignment-based, thus matching a more internal LOC. Although the trend was clear, statistically significant differences were not found between the measured variables (LOC, gender, age, school year, subject major), possibly due to the low sample size. The focus group interviews supported the trend, where students' initial frustration over unclear instructions and dependence on external control gradually shifts toward a more reflective attitude and a greater feeling of internal control, individual competence and professional development.
Designers intentionally influence events and outcomes, making an internal locus of control (LOC) ... more Designers intentionally influence events and outcomes, making an internal locus of control (LOC) desirable for them to have. Recently, engineering programs have provided more opportunities for design in their undergraduate programs than in the past, but these do not attend to learners' LOC. Because undergraduate learners with a high external LOC can enter these programs, it makes sense to attempt instructional interventions that could help these learners to internalize their LOC. Here, an intervention for internalizing LOC was piloted using a design task in an undergraduate engineering design studio. This was an innovative application of educational psychology constructs to engineering design education, previously two mutually exclusive domains. Although the study was small in size, measures showed a consistent trend: subjects with an external LOC prior to the design task shifted toward an internal LOC, while subjects with an internal LOC prior to treatment retained an internal LOC.
This doctoral thesis was presented on an open seminar on the 21st of December 2006, 9:30 a.m. in ... more This doctoral thesis was presented on an open seminar on the 21st of December 2006, 9:30 a.m. in D770 auditorium within ABSTRACT . Psychosocially Supportive Design in the A built environment is psychosocially supportive, when its quality can strengthen or sustain the ability of an individual to perform his/her role, conduct him-/herself in society, and communicate or interact with others in accordance to his/her values, interest, and self-concept. The aim of this thesis was to investigate potential methods in design and re-design for identification, visualization, and evaluation of such environmental qualities. The thesis is divided into two main theoretical approaches of psychosocial supportiveness.
Phone +358 40 821 4242 publications@ulapland.fi / www.ulapland.fi/publications Lapin yliopistopai... more Phone +358 40 821 4242 publications@ulapland.fi / www.ulapland.fi/publications Lapin yliopistopaino, Rovaniemi 2010 University of Lapland Printing Centre, Rovaniemi 2010 Cover: Paula Niemelä ISBN (paperback) 978-952-484-396-6 ISSN (print) 1457-9553 ISBN (pdf ) 978-952-484-397-3 ISSN (online) 1795-0368 © 2010 Lapin yliopisto ja kirjoittajat Tämä julkaisu on tekijänoikeussäännösten alainen. Teosta voi lukea ja kopioida eri muodoissaan henkilökohtaista sekä ei-kaupallista tutkimus-. opetus-ja opiskelukäyttöä varten. Lähde on aina mainittava. Käyttö kaupallisiin tai muihin tarkoituksiin ilman nimenomaista lupaa on kielletty.
Denna publikation är utgiven som en del av slutrapporteringen i projektet Kompetenscentrum Byggna... more Denna publikation är utgiven som en del av slutrapporteringen i projektet Kompetenscentrum Byggnad -Luftkvalitet -Hälsa 2 (KLUCK 2). Syftet för detta treåriga projekt var att öka kompetensen inom inomhusmiljöfrågor i Kvarkenregionen. Layout: Mikael Paananen Tryck: Fram, Vasa 2012. En tryckt utgåva av denna bok publicerades i maj 2012. Novia publikation och produktion, serie R: Rapporter 2/2012 ISBN: 978-952-5839-36-4 ISSN: 1799-4179 ISBN (online): 978-952-5839-37-1 -nio delprojekt om miljökänslighet, luftkvalitet och sjuka hus ur ett tvärvetenskapligt perspektiv Byggnadsrelaterad ohälsa i Kvarkenregionen Slutrapport för projektet Kompetenscentrum Byggnad -Luftkvalitet -Hälsa 2 (KLUCK 2) KOMPETENSCENTRUM BYGGNAD -LUFTKVALITET -HÄLSA KOMPETENSCENTRUM BYGGNAD -LUFTKVALITET -HÄLSA Innehållsförteckning Varför ska man forska i inomhusluft? KOMIN -Kompetenscentrum för inomhusmiljö och hälsa Del 1: Inomhusluft ur ett hälsoperspektiv Hälsa -innemiljö i Österbotten SBS i relation till annan miljökänslighet Sjuka hus-syndromet och kroniska hälsobesvär Del 2: Metoder för mätning av luftkvalitet SBS och luftkemi Emissioner från fuktskadade konstruktioner Del 3: Byggnadstekniska lösningar för bättre luftkvalitet Reaktiv kemi och jonisering av luft Intelligent styrning och husautomation Arkitektur och hälsa 7 8 16 30 44 54 64 78 88 102 6 KOMPETENSCENTRUM BYGGNAD -LUFTKVALITET -HÄLSA 7 KOMIN -Kompetenscentrum för inomhusmiljö och hälsa Stina Lindström och Annika Glader En övergripande målsättning med vårt projekt KLUCK 2 har varit att arbeta för en ökad och samlad kompetens kring kopplingen mellan byggnader, luftkvalitet och hälsa. Därför har vi byggt upp ett svenskspråkigt kompetenscentrum som ska sprida information till olika målgrupper om den forskning och evidensbaserade kunskap som anknyter till våra temaområden. Att samla både praktisk och forskningsmässig kompetens under ett och samma tak är till stor fördel när man vill informera och utbilda olika målgrupper som arbetar med eller påverkas av inomhusmiljön.
Thesis Chapters by Géza Fischl
Drafts by Géza Fischl
The awareness in architectural sustainability is increasing worldwide. This pilot study aimed to ... more The awareness in architectural sustainability is increasing worldwide. This pilot study aimed to map and to evaluate the situation of sustainability performance of architecture offices in the Philippines by employing an online survey. In spite of sampling difficulties, the mapping of sustainability was successfully done for the collected sample and results showed that architects evaluate themselves as having less than intermediate level of knowledge/skill in sustainability issues. Furthermore, they have a general concept about natural (renewable), energy efficient and sustainable products and services. Difficulties with application of sustainability are due to a client's budget and will. It is widely accepted that the individual companies suffer from lack of resources and therefore perform weaker in sustainability than the profession would require. Introduction of the morphological analysis of sustainable development (morph-SD) tool indicated that architects are mainly familiar with environmental related principle-level sustainability-oriented terms, while the economic and social aspects of sustainable development are not significantly represented. Confirmation of findings and further development of the morph-SD tool would require a comprehensive geographic sampling.
Conference Presentations by Géza Fischl
Architectural engineering encompasses urban planning and architectural design exercises that are ... more Architectural engineering encompasses urban planning and architectural design exercises that are part of professional development. In contrast to the engineering discipline, the regularity of well-defined familiar tasks does not predominate in a design studio. However, to be able to work along with a larger pool of professionals and increase the potential for creative problem solving it is imperative to provide an engineering education that challenges the conventions of its framework. Consequently, students encountering design problems without prior experience need to assume responsibility for their interpretation of the problems in which they are being challenged. The aim of this pilot study was to survey, describe and analyze the problem-solving approach among undergraduate students in relation to their control strategies and successive learning. The study was completed in Jönköping, Sweden. In an online survey (N=32) using a convenient sampling, students' locus of control (LOC) were measured in three school years in the undergraduate program to assess the perceived control over their learning situation. Additionally, three focus group interviews were performed to shed light on how individual learning modes manifested on a different LOC level and in respective school years. Descriptive statistics showed a trend that students' LOC is moving from external to be more internal by the advancement in their studies. Accordingly, they would over time develop a preference for group design exercises that are more problem-oriented, rather than project-based, thus matching a more internal LOC. Although the trend was clear, statistically significant differences were not found between the measured variables (LOC, gender, age, school year, subject major), possibly due to the low sample size. The focus group interviews supported the trend, where students' initial frustration over unclear instructions and dependence on external control gradually shifts toward a more reflective attitude and a greater feeling of internal control, individual competence and professional development.
Godkänd; 2002; 20061026 (biem)</p
Architectural engineering encompasses urban planning and architectural design exercises that are ... more Architectural engineering encompasses urban planning and architectural design exercises that are part of professional development. In contrast to the engineering discipline, the regularity of well-defined familiar tasks does not predominate in a design studio. However, to be able to work along with a larger pool of professionals and increase the potential for creative problem solving it is imperative to provide an engineering education that challenges the conventions of its framework. Consequently, students encountering design problems without prior experience need to assume responsibility for their interpretation of the problems in which they are being challenged. The aim of this pilot study was to survey, describe and analyze the problem-solving approach among undergraduate students in relation to their control strategies and successive learning. The study was completed in Jönköping, Sweden. In an online survey (N=32) using convenience sampling, students' locus of control (LOC) as the measure for control strategies over their learning situation was assessed in three school years within the undergraduate program. Additionally, three focus group interviews were performed to shed light on how individual learning modes manifested on different LOC levels and in respective school years. Descriptive statistics showed a trend that students' LOC is moving from external to be more internal by the advancement in their studies. Accordingly, they would over time develop a preference for group design exercises that are more problem-oriented, rather than assignment-based, thus matching a more internal LOC. Although the trend was clear, statistically significant differences were not found between the measured variables (LOC, gender, age, school year, subject major), possibly due to the low sample size. The focus group interviews supported the trend, where students' initial frustration over unclear instructions and dependence on external control gradually shifts toward a more reflective attitude and a greater feeling of internal control, individual competence and professional development.
Designers intentionally influence events and outcomes, making an internal locus of control (LOC) ... more Designers intentionally influence events and outcomes, making an internal locus of control (LOC) desirable for them to have. Recently, engineering programs have provided more opportunities for design in their undergraduate programs than in the past, but these do not attend to learners' LOC. Because undergraduate learners with a high external LOC can enter these programs, it makes sense to attempt instructional interventions that could help these learners to internalize their LOC. Here, an intervention for internalizing LOC was piloted using a design task in an undergraduate engineering design studio. This was an innovative application of educational psychology constructs to engineering design education, previously two mutually exclusive domains. Although the study was small in size, measures showed a consistent trend: subjects with an external LOC prior to the design task shifted toward an internal LOC, while subjects with an internal LOC prior to treatment retained an internal LOC.
This doctoral thesis was presented on an open seminar on the 21st of December 2006, 9:30 a.m. in ... more This doctoral thesis was presented on an open seminar on the 21st of December 2006, 9:30 a.m. in D770 auditorium within ABSTRACT . Psychosocially Supportive Design in the A built environment is psychosocially supportive, when its quality can strengthen or sustain the ability of an individual to perform his/her role, conduct him-/herself in society, and communicate or interact with others in accordance to his/her values, interest, and self-concept. The aim of this thesis was to investigate potential methods in design and re-design for identification, visualization, and evaluation of such environmental qualities. The thesis is divided into two main theoretical approaches of psychosocial supportiveness.
Phone +358 40 821 4242 publications@ulapland.fi / www.ulapland.fi/publications Lapin yliopistopai... more Phone +358 40 821 4242 publications@ulapland.fi / www.ulapland.fi/publications Lapin yliopistopaino, Rovaniemi 2010 University of Lapland Printing Centre, Rovaniemi 2010 Cover: Paula Niemelä ISBN (paperback) 978-952-484-396-6 ISSN (print) 1457-9553 ISBN (pdf ) 978-952-484-397-3 ISSN (online) 1795-0368 © 2010 Lapin yliopisto ja kirjoittajat Tämä julkaisu on tekijänoikeussäännösten alainen. Teosta voi lukea ja kopioida eri muodoissaan henkilökohtaista sekä ei-kaupallista tutkimus-. opetus-ja opiskelukäyttöä varten. Lähde on aina mainittava. Käyttö kaupallisiin tai muihin tarkoituksiin ilman nimenomaista lupaa on kielletty.
Denna publikation är utgiven som en del av slutrapporteringen i projektet Kompetenscentrum Byggna... more Denna publikation är utgiven som en del av slutrapporteringen i projektet Kompetenscentrum Byggnad -Luftkvalitet -Hälsa 2 (KLUCK 2). Syftet för detta treåriga projekt var att öka kompetensen inom inomhusmiljöfrågor i Kvarkenregionen. Layout: Mikael Paananen Tryck: Fram, Vasa 2012. En tryckt utgåva av denna bok publicerades i maj 2012. Novia publikation och produktion, serie R: Rapporter 2/2012 ISBN: 978-952-5839-36-4 ISSN: 1799-4179 ISBN (online): 978-952-5839-37-1 -nio delprojekt om miljökänslighet, luftkvalitet och sjuka hus ur ett tvärvetenskapligt perspektiv Byggnadsrelaterad ohälsa i Kvarkenregionen Slutrapport för projektet Kompetenscentrum Byggnad -Luftkvalitet -Hälsa 2 (KLUCK 2) KOMPETENSCENTRUM BYGGNAD -LUFTKVALITET -HÄLSA KOMPETENSCENTRUM BYGGNAD -LUFTKVALITET -HÄLSA Innehållsförteckning Varför ska man forska i inomhusluft? KOMIN -Kompetenscentrum för inomhusmiljö och hälsa Del 1: Inomhusluft ur ett hälsoperspektiv Hälsa -innemiljö i Österbotten SBS i relation till annan miljökänslighet Sjuka hus-syndromet och kroniska hälsobesvär Del 2: Metoder för mätning av luftkvalitet SBS och luftkemi Emissioner från fuktskadade konstruktioner Del 3: Byggnadstekniska lösningar för bättre luftkvalitet Reaktiv kemi och jonisering av luft Intelligent styrning och husautomation Arkitektur och hälsa 7 8 16 30 44 54 64 78 88 102 6 KOMPETENSCENTRUM BYGGNAD -LUFTKVALITET -HÄLSA 7 KOMIN -Kompetenscentrum för inomhusmiljö och hälsa Stina Lindström och Annika Glader En övergripande målsättning med vårt projekt KLUCK 2 har varit att arbeta för en ökad och samlad kompetens kring kopplingen mellan byggnader, luftkvalitet och hälsa. Därför har vi byggt upp ett svenskspråkigt kompetenscentrum som ska sprida information till olika målgrupper om den forskning och evidensbaserade kunskap som anknyter till våra temaområden. Att samla både praktisk och forskningsmässig kompetens under ett och samma tak är till stor fördel när man vill informera och utbilda olika målgrupper som arbetar med eller påverkas av inomhusmiljön.
The awareness in architectural sustainability is increasing worldwide. This pilot study aimed to ... more The awareness in architectural sustainability is increasing worldwide. This pilot study aimed to map and to evaluate the situation of sustainability performance of architecture offices in the Philippines by employing an online survey. In spite of sampling difficulties, the mapping of sustainability was successfully done for the collected sample and results showed that architects evaluate themselves as having less than intermediate level of knowledge/skill in sustainability issues. Furthermore, they have a general concept about natural (renewable), energy efficient and sustainable products and services. Difficulties with application of sustainability are due to a client's budget and will. It is widely accepted that the individual companies suffer from lack of resources and therefore perform weaker in sustainability than the profession would require. Introduction of the morphological analysis of sustainable development (morph-SD) tool indicated that architects are mainly familiar with environmental related principle-level sustainability-oriented terms, while the economic and social aspects of sustainable development are not significantly represented. Confirmation of findings and further development of the morph-SD tool would require a comprehensive geographic sampling.
Architectural engineering encompasses urban planning and architectural design exercises that are ... more Architectural engineering encompasses urban planning and architectural design exercises that are part of professional development. In contrast to the engineering discipline, the regularity of well-defined familiar tasks does not predominate in a design studio. However, to be able to work along with a larger pool of professionals and increase the potential for creative problem solving it is imperative to provide an engineering education that challenges the conventions of its framework. Consequently, students encountering design problems without prior experience need to assume responsibility for their interpretation of the problems in which they are being challenged. The aim of this pilot study was to survey, describe and analyze the problem-solving approach among undergraduate students in relation to their control strategies and successive learning. The study was completed in Jönköping, Sweden. In an online survey (N=32) using a convenient sampling, students' locus of control (LOC) were measured in three school years in the undergraduate program to assess the perceived control over their learning situation. Additionally, three focus group interviews were performed to shed light on how individual learning modes manifested on a different LOC level and in respective school years. Descriptive statistics showed a trend that students' LOC is moving from external to be more internal by the advancement in their studies. Accordingly, they would over time develop a preference for group design exercises that are more problem-oriented, rather than project-based, thus matching a more internal LOC. Although the trend was clear, statistically significant differences were not found between the measured variables (LOC, gender, age, school year, subject major), possibly due to the low sample size. The focus group interviews supported the trend, where students' initial frustration over unclear instructions and dependence on external control gradually shifts toward a more reflective attitude and a greater feeling of internal control, individual competence and professional development.